Ah, Glorious Solar Doombot, my old nemesis. What are it's prerequisite charms? Is it in a robot making tree, a retroactive equipment tree, a giving artifacts all the powers of a Solar Exalt tree, or what?

Mins: Craft 5, Occult 5, Essence 5;
Charms:Solar Circle Sorcery, Wonder-Forging Genius.

It's at the very end of the Sorc chain and the Craft Efficiency tree.
Ah, Glorious Solar Doombot, my old nemesis. What are it's prerequisite charms? Is it in a robot making tree, a retroactive equipment tree, a giving artifacts all the powers of a Solar Exalt tree, or what?

It's actually on the end of the sex toy crafting tree, because obviously as a Solar you are so sexy that the only person sexy enough to sleep with... is yourself.

Handsome Jack the Solar is totally the best concept y/y?
That is the air-breathing mermaid problem; it's implicit that it's not established that mermaids can't breathe air normally. If the core book had actually said that mermaids can't breathe air, there'd be no problem when a latter book includes the spell of air-breathing for mermaids.

Unless the corebook handles mermaids and gives them stats that makes no sense at all. And the Exalted 2nd Edition core did not note artillery except for three places; geomantic artillery (no stats except for 'roll this well to know how to use this weapon) and twice during the travel rules section which notes that artillery can't get through difficult terrain and that artillery moves at half the speed of the team pulling it.

Actually, the same prohibition exists there, just without an associated keyword.

Then there is no issue with the lack of the keyword if that's the first time mechanics were put to artillery in Exalted 2e.

It doesn't, because it can't produce ammunition with a resource cost, which artillery ammunition has.

'Pile of rocks.' Okay, so you generally lose anything other than scattershot, but the point stands.
I'm going to reask my question about what options a Sorcerer might have if he wanted to carry out an abduction, especially in terms of demon-summoning.

(Misdirection as to who is responsible would be nice but not essential)
I'm going to reask my question about what options a Sorcerer might have if he wanted to carry out an abduction, especially in terms of demon-summoning.

(Misdirection as to who is responsible would be nice but not essential)

Like, have a demon kindnap someone?

Uhm.. Well decanthropes will kinda kill the person, IIRC, so that's out.

Didn't one of ES/Aleph/Revlid's homebrew demons basically function as a living, walking, full body armor? Have it envelop someone and carry them off inside, Impossible Astronaut Style?
Am I the only one whose trying to convert characters from 2e to 3e just to see whats lost?

I'm going to reask my question about what options a Sorcerer might have if he wanted to carry out an abduction, especially in terms of demon-summoning.

(Misdirection as to who is responsible would be nice but not essential)

Naturally the obvious is to have a bunch of blood apes undertake a smash and grab, but naturally thats about as subtle as the Sword of Creation. Could always use a Perronele who has custom charms based around possessing someone via armouring up around them and having the target 'walk' into your hands. A gilmyne could use its dancers to ensnare them into the right position for a similar effect. If you want to frame someone, you could have a Decanthrope take hosts from amongst her retainers or soldiers, and have a very 'visible' kidnapping attempt where they grab the target and 'van' them in front of everyone. Agaete could do an aerial smash and grab, etc etc.

Then you come to ghosts and possession, but that generally can be more annoying then anything else.
Could always use a Perronele who has custom charms based around possessing someone via armouring up around them and having the target 'walk' into your hands.

Heh, ninja'd you. Though given the low mass and STR of a perry, that would only work with baby-sized people, if that. Fortunately, as noted above, we have a Rigid-Armor Demon from homebrew.
I'm going to reask my question about what options a Sorcerer might have if he wanted to carry out an abduction, especially in terms of demon-summoning.

(Misdirection as to who is responsible would be nice but not essential)

Shadow Eater has high Dex and Stealth, has a charm that mimic Loom-Snarling Deception (appear as a non-specific person/animal), can track their prey and reduce their prey's dice pools if they flee, but they're kinda stupid though.

Demon Spider also has high dice pool for stealthy activities, can capture their target with web and walk on wall/ceiling.

Dancer at Saigoth Gate is a giant column of fire but has Stealth 5 for some reason.

The Harvester of Rarity can charm people with their moe eyes, and give people short-term Arcane Fate.
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I think the main reason I'm not reading the leak myself is a) I'm too busy writing TAW Charms and b) fucked if I'm gonna go through that many pages.
...I find myself wondering if there are any canonical demons who would be particularly suited to the purposes of kidnapping individuals, and if not, which Yozi might be best suited for something like that.

Well, what options in particular a Sorcerer might have in that area in general, basically.

I imagine Onyx Path's going to be pretty dammed angry about that one. Hopefully, the existence of it doesn't cut into profits/cause delays.
Demon Spiders are often pretty good, since they're pretty good at stealth and the can make webbing to silence their victims.
You're writing more TAW charms? Where are you planning on posting them?
A googledoc and RPnation, where I'll also be setting up a quasi-hub thread of Revlid's revised TAW doc, for people who don't want to go through a googledoc for everything. Kinda like old times, but without separate pages for every individual Charm.

I'll be putting links up here, SB and, okay I guess the OPP boards as well. Maybe RPG.net too? Iunno. That'll probably cover my bases, although feel free to let me know any other good places.
question: Do plasma tongue repeaters get magic material bonuses?

Also, since 2.5 shields are now weapons, does that make them valid for Integrated Arsenal System? or heck, for exceptional weapon bonuses?
...I find myself wondering if there are any canonical demons who would be particularly suited to the purposes of kidnapping individuals, and if not, which Yozi might be best suited for something like that.

Well, what options in particular a Sorcerer might have in that area in general, basically.
Wrong methodology. First Circles have very little to do with the Yozis they ultimately descend from. Angyalkae, the living harpists, are from Adorjan; the Silent Wind. Neomah, the demon courtesan flesh-crafters, are from Malfeas; green fire and burning rage and kingship. Agatae, the beautiful wasp-steeds, are from Cecelyne, the bitter Lawgiver desert-goddess. None of these have obvious relationships to their Yozis; this is because Yozis do not make First Circles, as a rule.

If you want a First Circle to do a specific job, think about what Second or Third Circle would make a living tool - which is what First Circles are - to do that specific job. If there aren't any obvious ones that jump out at you; invent one.
Wrong methodology. First Circles have very little to do with the Yozis they ultimately descend from. Angyalkae, the living harpists, are from Adorjan; the Silent Wind. Neomah, the demon courtesan flesh-crafters, are from Malfeas; green fire and burning rage and kingship. Agatae, the beautiful wasp-steeds, are from Cecelyne, the bitter Lawgiver desert-goddess. None of these have obvious relationships to their Yozis; this is because Yozis do not make First Circles, as a rule.

If you want a First Circle to do a specific job, think about what Second or Third Circle would make a living tool - which is what First Circles are - to do that specific job. If there aren't any obvious ones that jump out at you; invent one.

Gah. That's all true enough, and I should have thought of that. Honestly, though, the suggestions of 'Demon Spiders' are fair ones, although a dedicated Kidnap Demon would probably have some ability to escape through non-mortal means, while I'm not sure most Demon Spiders do.

I don't think there are any canonical Second Circles who'd really design something like that, though.

...On a side note (I may be on a Hell-related ideas train right now) I'm wondering what Favored Yozi would be most useful to a Slayer who wants to call out the Gods for the shitty state that Creation's in right now. The Yozi might not be much better- none of the alternatives seem any better- but in her view, the gods need a dammed wake-up call, and if she's the one who has to deliver it, then she'll do it!

*coughs* Anyway, I was considering Kimbery (have her be from the West, with a specific beef against the Storm Mothers- one of which maaaay have been involved in how she ended up Exalting), but I'm not sure she'd entirely fit in terms of mental stuff (although Hate Springs Eternal might work...)

Basically, although I'm moving beyond that, she's partially inspired by Asura's Wrath in terms of "There are things wrong with the world, and I am furious about that"
...On a side note (I may be on a Hell-related ideas train right now) I'm wondering what Favored Yozi would be most useful to a Slayer who wants to call out the Gods for the shitty state that Creation's in right now. The Yozi might not be much better- none of the alternatives seem any better- but in her view, the gods need a dammed wake-up call, and if she's the one who has to deliver it, then she'll do it!


If they won't do their bloody jobs, then you will MAKE THEM do their jobs. And if they don't like you enforcing the laws of creation, then you'll murder your way through the hierarchy until you get some that will.

(Seriously though, she is very good at forcing spirits to know their place and do their jobs. Not the best combat fighter, but it helps you go immaterial and enter their sanctums).
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Bah, combat'll be what Devil-Tyrant Avatar Shintai's for!

This is absolutely a character that'll go Devil-Tiger, mind you- apart from anything else, while the Malfean Excellency suits her direct approach in some ways, she does act with concern for collateral, just not for who opposes her.
Bah, combat'll be what Devil-Tyrant Avatar Shintai's for!

This is absolutely a character that'll go Devil-Tiger, mind you- apart from anything else, while the Malfean Excellency suits her direct approach in some ways, she does act with concern for collateral, just not for who opposes her.

Please, clearly the collateral was intending to conspire against her and she rightly suppressed that before it could become annoying...
Bah, combat'll be what Devil-Tyrant Avatar Shintai's for!

This is absolutely a character that'll go Devil-Tiger, mind you- apart from anything else, while the Malfean Excellency suits her direct approach in some ways, she does act with concern for collateral, just not for who opposes her.

Ignore Devil Tiger. Its an XP sink and at this point I'm beginning to think its massively overrated (as someone who is in love with the very principles etc etc). If you want to act in other ways, pick up another excellency for those times, it costs less time and XP then rushing to Essence 6 and gives you access to extra charms that you might actually use.
Keeping in mind that this is a mental exercise as much as anything else (I don't actually expect to get to play her before 3e Infernals are out, by which time she'll be done radically differently)...

I said nothing about 'rushing'. That said, Devil-Tigerhood is absolutely a thing that fits her. It doesn't fit with all the Infernal concepts I've had, but it absolutely fits this one.