Freelancer: Terminus (Freelancer/MassEffect)

11+28+61+55 = Average roll of 38.75 for the turn

Okay, fess up, is there where someone's stealing the luck for Sage Dice?

Well, even with those, things still succeeded, even if not at thresholds we would have perhaps preferred. Should be interesting to see what's on the slate next. Almost tempting to Focus a Sirius Eezo followup if nothing else is pressing.

The 61 is actually a 41 with a +20 for the Hood deployment....
Anyways folks. Despite the abysmal rolls this turn we did accomplish our objectives. Next turn we need to take the disclosure action definitely.

We should also look to strengthem our fleet and our independence.
11+28+61+55 = Average roll of 38.75 for the turn

Okay, fess up, is there where someone's stealing the luck for Sage Dice?

Well, even with those, things still succeeded, even if not at thresholds we would have perhaps preferred. Should be interesting to see what's on the slate next. Almost tempting to Focus a Sirius Eezo followup if nothing else is pressing.

I think it went to The One Ring over on SB, that quest keeps seeing critical successes.
Hm... anyway, I think we should probably reveal our first contact now. We've stabilised and the longer we keep this secret the more the houses will be pissed off. The Corsair military is weakened, which is a good thing since they'll likely look into trade for profits. The Rheinwehr loss is annoying, but they should be able to recover thanks to the increased stability.

Basically organised criminality should now be just that and not a state within the state. Still a problem, but not the Mexico situation they had before.
Turn 13: Recovery
Turn 13: Recovery
Date: 01/817 AS

You have 6 Action Points that you can spend anyway you wish at 1 point per action. You can also add 1 Focus Point (giving a + 20 Bonus) to a chosen action, representing DSX focusing on that action.
(Survey actions, especially in the Terminus sector will also have a chance of unveiling new Jumphole connections/unlocking new systems)

Sirius Sector:
You may be hundreds of light-years removed from the Sirius sector with the goal of exploring a completely new part of space but that doesn't mean you can ignore what happens in the Sirius sector.

Currently your four main allies, BAF, Daumann, Zoner and IMG, provide most of your supplies in exchange for a promise of prefered treatment in regards to whatever is found in the Terminus sector. Not only does this give them a significant influence over your decisions but the "debt" is also increasing with every new shipment you get from them. And while this system has worked well so far the unexpected success of the artifact trade has created the possibility of you partially replacing their support with the capital gained through this trade, meaning your backers would be less influential. If you decide to go that route there are several possible options to choose from.
(Thanks to the success of the artifact option you can currently support up to 4 high cost Actions (and get a number special options) - if you pick this one that reduced back to 2-3. YOu will however remain partners and continue to cooperate with each other )

[] Option 1: Partial
You will strive to keep a balance between your various allies while reducing the overall support they give you.
Cost: Extreme, Result: General support dependency lowered

[] Option 2: IMG
Or you could focus your efforts on replacing a singular ally like for example the IMG.
Cost: Extreme, Result: Independency from IMG supply gained

[] Option 3: Zoner
… or the Zoners
Cost: Extreme, Result: Independency from Zoner supply gained

[] Share the loot:
Initially you planned to keep your operation in the Omicron systems a secret but your recent discoveries make that a highly unlikely prospect which means that it might be time to repay some of your supporters for their contributions. The IMG has provided you with significant knowhow and manpower which has led to some of your advisors suggesting that you transfer some of your claims in the Omicron Kappa system over to them and allow them to start their own operation there. While there is some risk of information about your activities there leaking the IMG is used to operating under a cover of secrecy.
Result: IMG starts operation in Omicron Kappa, part of your debt to them repaid

[] The aliens of Omicron Lambda:

The alien organisms found in the Omicron Lambda system might not be anything special but with Cryer, who is always interested in such stuff, operating a major base only a few jumps away it might still be worth setting up a small harvesting operation.
Result: Small income increase and small reputation boost with Cryer

Gateway to Heaven:

You could also use the profits from the artifact trade to start a Jumpgate project of your own. While it is unlikely that you could shoulder the complete financing of such an project on your own, your new fame and the Rheinland eastern expansion should allow you to attract enough other investors to make it possible. Connecting the Omicron Theta system to the rest of Sirius would not only dramatically simplify your logistics and strengthen the economic viable of any other project in the area but would also be a step on the way to connecting the Hypergate to the rest of Sirius. It would however also upset many of the more traditional Corsairs and mean that you would need to intensify your efforts on the front while operating on a very tight schedule.
(Like the Buyout option this would put you back to your previous level of supply)

[] Option 1: Sigma 17
Building a Jumpgate covering the distance between Sigma 17 and Omicron Theta would normally be impossible or at least prohibitively expensive and complicated, but you, or to be precise DSE, may be able to utilize the already existing jumphole to allow you to bridge that extreme distance. This connection is preferred by the more independent minded people of your organization and less likely to cause issues with the Corsairs since it still means that there is a serious distance between Omicron Theta and the actual House regions.
Cost: Extreme: Result: Start constructing a jumpgate to Sigma 17 (5 years =10 ten turns)

[] Option 2: Saarland
The other possibility is to build the jumpgate to Saarland, the system Rheinland is currently building a jumpgate to. Since that option would give the Rheinland military a nearly direct path to Corsair core territory opposition from them would likely be considerable. On the other hand it also means a very quick access to Sirius proper which could have enormous economic and military benefits which could save the DSX if the alien prove hostile and more numerous/powerful than expected, .
Cost: Extreme: Result: Start constructing a jumpgate to Saarland (7 years =14 turns)

[] Expand Northern Route:
Most of your "trade" is transported a southern route to your contacts in Bretonia and Rheinland but it might be time to look into branching out and looking to expand into the northern part of your neighbourhood, especially since the recently build Freeport 17 is a perfect base for such an endeavour. From it you could start selling some of your mined resources to the GMG and Kusari companies like Kishiro and Samura. And while such a move is certain to raise awareness of DSX it could also serve as a misdirection that leads to people think of it as a simply another mining conglomerate like the IMG. However some of your supporters in the IMG and Daumann might be less than thrilled to see you cooperate with their competitors.
Cost: Medium, Chance of success: 75%, Result: Northern trade route established

[] Corsair Mining:

While your help allows the Corsair to make significant progress on the modernization and expansion of their mining operations Davis still thinks that you should get the IMG involved. The timing couldn't be better since the recent losses in the Sigma and Omega campaigns have significantly reduced the raiding capability of the Corsairs, making them very interested in alternative ways of generating wealth with the cooperation with IMG being a perfect of example of your argument of the advantages of peaceful cooperation. And with the massive scale of the alien civilization humanity will need every advantage it can get to be able to compete.
Chance of success: 80%, Result: IMG starts to cooperate with the Corsairs

Synth Food

The recent preparations for the Asari visit have once again brought the limited availability of high quality food to your attention. While the DSX is in no danger of running out of food you have to admit that the raion bars and nutrition paste are not the most fulfilling food. You try combat this with your own gardens and imports from the Freepor as best as you can but it might be time to invest in one or two Synth Food biodomes yourself. Those biodomes make use of proprietary technology to produce massive amounts of food with a wide range of possible flavours. On the hand with the talks with the Asari going so well and looking to give you access to the food market of a whole garden planet this might not be needed after all.

[] Option 1: Fortitude
Buying a biodome is neither cheap nor easy but with some help of the Zoner's as well as some of your old friends in Liberty you should be able to convince Synth Food to sell them to you. This leaves the question of where you want to build the thing. Davis and Müller have presented three possible locations. Number one would be to add the bio-domes to your base in Omicron Kappa, Fortitude. Kappa is already becoming a logistical hub for your organisation and with the Terminus system slowly opening up you are confident that the system and its hypergate will remain highly relevant in the future. And while building it on this side on the gate makes it a potential (if highly unlikely) target for the Corsairs, Outcasts or other groups with a grudge against DSX the Asari of Larissa have also made it clear that the Terminus system don't lack in criminals either.
Cost: Extreme, Result: Expand Fortitude with Synth Food biodome

[] Option 2: Nirn
Another possibility would be to build it in Nirn itself. Since the biodomes are nearly impossible to keep hidden it would mean constructing a small additional base since but this might not be the worst idea since it would serve as a perfect distraction from you actual, hidden, headquarters in the system.
Cost: Extreme, Result: Build small station with Synth Food biodome in Nirn system

[] Option 3: Hylia
Last but not least there is the possibility of expanding Hylia Base in the Hyrule system. While you and Henry worry about the possible security risks due to the system being the most likely entry point of (possibly hostile aliens) Müller argues that this is more than made up by it closeness to Larissa (and with it the rest of the Terminus systems) which means that the system will likely become a major logistical hub in the future and thus the logical location to place your food supply. Plus the Larissans might be interested in trying some of the food themselves.
Cost: Extreme, Result: Expand Hylia Base with Synth Food biodome

Military Recovery and Expansion:

You suffered significant losses in the anti-Red Hessian operation and replacing those ships and pilots will take time even if the BAF has stepped up its support to assist you in this endeavour. Time that both Dalton and Henry feel you might not have considering the possibility of an alien attack or another problem on the Terminus front. In their opinion you should do your best to make sure you forces at back at full strength as soon as possible.
(You can pick multiple actions if you want though every single option costs one action)

[] Option 1: Expedite repairs
While your technicians are already doing what they can to get your ships repaired and your contacts have promised you several shipments of new ships if you were willing to spend some of your money you might speed up the process significantly.
Cost: Medium, Result: recovery time halfed

[] Option 2: Replace
The quickest way to replenish your forces would be to hire new ones and either from the BAF (which thanks the reduction in Corsair activity is actually looking to retire some of its pilots anyway) or from the open market (after a thorough screening of course). After the repairs and retraining of your damaged forces you would even end up with a significant increase of your military which could be useful. However good pilots like that are expensive to hire and keep and need to paid even if there is nobody to fight (which might be well be the case since you just defeated the last big known threat to your organization)
Cost: High, Result: Hire additional pilots (~half a group)

[] Option 3: Ground Pounders
While not directly connected to the losses of your recent losses Dalton nethertheless would like to expand your "marine" force, ideally doubling its numbers. In the moment most of them are spread over your various stations, assisting your security forces, leaving your precious little for any actual combat operation.
Cost: High, Result: Double your marine forces

[] Disclosure:

While it might be possible to delay the disclosure for a few more months you are slowly the limit of what you will be able to justify. Nobody likes to be kept in the dark and the Houses deserve to know that they galaxy has become a very crowded place. Sure you would likely some of your autonom but you are almost certain that the Houses would in turn focus a significant amount of resources to secure (their access to) the eastern region of the Sirius sector.
Result: Brief the House government's on your discoveries

[] Hunt for Element Zero - Sirius Version:

You research into possible eezo deposits in Sirius has so far been relatively unproductive with the best you can find being mentions of trace amounts that may possible be eezo. You have contacted you contacts in the Houses to have them look into the matter but if you want quick results your best is probably to look for the stuff yourself, starting in the territory claimed by you. Your first attempt at locating the stuff didn't really go very well but you haven't given up hope yet.
Result: Look for eezo deposits - you will almost certainly find enough for initial research but more substantial deposits depend on the roll (but even then a good roll might simply tell you that there is not much to be found - the stuff is rare)

Omicron Kappa Jumpholes:

A closer survey of the Omicron Kappa system unveiled the existence of two additional viable jumpholes. Satellites and rudimentary defensive system have been placed on each and probes have been send through each for a preliminary report.

[] Option 1: Omicron Iota
Located north of your current area of operation in area nominally claimed by the Outcasts and near several known Nomad sightings.
Chance of success: 80%, Result: Explore Omicron Iota

[] Option 2: Omicron Phi
Located on the southern part of the Edge Nebula near or perhaps even in Corsair territory this system is where the tablet found on Omicron Kappa suggest another Dom'Kavash ruin might be found.
Chance of success: 80%, Result: Explore Omicron Iota

Terminus Sector:

The new frontier, full of aliens to get to know and resources to exploit.

[] Another ruin:

While not exactly the most pressing matter you could extend Sinclair's operations to the ruins found on the supermassive planet in Alpha01/Nirn.
Result: Research alien ruins, more artefacts

[] Vega exploitation:

The survey of the Vega system, formerly called Alpha04, has revealed it to be rich in resources making it an ideal candidate for further development.

[] Option 1: C-mining:
Even in space Californium remains a relatively rare resource meaning that it would be worth setting up a mining operation in Vega despite its distant location (since your own industry is as of yet not up to the task of utilizing it themselves to any significant degree).
Cost: Medium, Result: small mining operation set up

[] Option 2: Silicates:
The outermost planet of the Vega system is an ice giant with several deposits of useful and rare silicates as for example used by the Kishiro in the production of their optical chips. Setting up a mining operation would be doable though most of the profit would likely be eaten be the effort of shipping them into Kusari space alongside the currently only sparsely used northern route.
Cost: Medium, Result: small mining operation set up

[] Observation Post:

As expected your scientist are hotly debating on how to proceed with the aliens of the Cimmeria system, formerly known as Alpha 07. Some argue that you should study them only passively and let them develop on their own, both for ethical reason and because this is a perfect opportunity to study the technological development of another species. Others disagree and say that humanity can't afford to be squeamish and that every measure needs to be taken to make sure those aliens are no threat to you. Complicating the issue is that the planet is potentially inhabitable by humans which raises even more questions of how to proceed. As always the decision is up to you and your fellow Directorate members.

[] Option 1: Passive Observation
Humanity shouldn't interfere with the the planet in any way and only passively observe the developments. You will build a small station from which your scientist can study the planet and its inhabitants but otherwise follow an hands off approach.
Cost: Medium, Result: Passive study of the planet, no immediate benefits, small observation post

[] Option 2: Compromise
You agree that the aliens should be let in peace, at least for now, but that doesn't mean you have to ignore the rest of the planet. It should be relatively easy to avoid the alien inhabitants and still conduct research on the actual planet. This actions would be a bit more expensive due to the additional equipment and manpower needed to study the planet while leaving no signs of your doing so.
Cost: High, Result: Study alien planet but avoid aliens, more information, small observation post

[] Option 3: Aggressive Observation
It may be distasteful but you agree that you need as much information as possible as quickly as possible, even if that means dissecting some aliens. You will still build a small observation pos but give your scientist free reign over how they want to proceed.
Cost: Medium, Result: Study alien planet and aliens, detailed information, possible morale loss due to unethical behaviour

[] Hunt for Element Zero - Terminus Version:

Your research into possible eezo deposits in Sirius has so far been relatively unproductive with the best you can find being mentions of trace amounts that may possible be eezo. You have contacted your contacts in the Houses to have them look into the matter but if you want quick results your best is probably to look for the stuff yourself, starting in the territory claimed by you. You last attempt in the Terminus region had a bit of a mixed result in that you uncovered a useful deposit of element zero but that it was in a most unsuitable location. Maybe you will have a bit more luck if you try again.

[] Hostile Environment:
The good news is that you have found eezo, that bad one is that it is located in a place nearly impossible to access via normal methods. Both Talia and Davis have some ideas of how to still get to the stuff extensive and expensive testing will likely be required.
(This will automatically finish some time in the future if not chosen)
Cost:High, Result: Possibility of mining on Nirn 2 is explored

[] Alien Trade:

During your last talks with the Asari you established the basis for some limited trade and all that is left is to get some of your guys working on it. At the start most of your trade volume will likely be raw resources like gold and silver while both you and the Larissans go over just what actual commercial interest there is for other goods but you expect that trade will soon expand beyond that.
(Free Action)
Result: Start trading with Larissa

Optional Choice (Cost: 1 Action):
[] Tit for tat

The recent visit of the Larissan made it clear that they were very interested in your direct energy weapon technology and shortly before the delegation left you were offered a very interesting deal. If you give the Asari the knowledge to build (basic) direct energy weapons they would be willing to give you the knowledge of how to actually build and utilise a mass effect generator. You initially disagreed since you didn't want to give up a possible technological edge but after some thought you came to the conclusion that the risk of trading away the basics of the technology and some hopelessly outdated (200+ years ) examples is probably worth securing a functional Mass Effect generator. After all even if they manage to reproduce the things you have several hundred years of experience and improvement over them (though the same would likely be true of the mass effect generator)


You and Henry recently oversaw and in depth search for additional jumpholes in the newly discovered systems and you have found several new system to explore, as well as some interesting interconnections between existing systems.
(Only useful connections shown, systems like Alpha 06 are ignored for now)

[] Option 1: Explore Alpha 8
Chance of success: 70%, Result: System explored

[] Option 2: Explore Alpha 9
Chance of success: 70%, Result: System explored

[] Option 3: Explore Alpha 10
Chance of success: 70%, Result: System explored
Name: Deep Space Exploration (DSX)

CEO - Edison Trent
Directorate of Security: Henry de Bohun (previously BAF)
  • Vice Director: Dalton Mortimer (previously BAF Marines)
Directorate of Administration: Mark Davis (previously Zoners)
Directorate of Logistics: Gerd Müller (previously Daumann)
Directorate of Industry: Talia Drake (previously IMG)
Directorate of Intelligence: Alexandra (previously the Order)
Directorate for Xenobiology and Xenorelations: Jessica Harper (Independent/DSX)

Reputation: Powerful Minor Power
People are starting to treat you like a proper, if rather small, mega-company and as always success begets envy. Competitors start to take you seriously and criminals start to take note of your ships and their contents. Your recent involvement in the Red Hessian conflict especially has brought you to the attention of several groups active in area. Rheinland companies and organizations generally view your action positive but many also start to wonder just where a company as new as yours gets all its firepower from. Oh and the Red Hessians really dislike you.

Ethos: Pragmatic Lawful
The large presence of highly trained military and industrial personnel means that your people tend to follow the rules and avoid ethically questionable actions. Your recent activities however have started to encourage a more open minded and practical position when it comes to criminals.

Supply: Extremely well supplied
Your supply network not only finally catched up to your increased demand but the recent influx of capital and resources from the artifact trade have allowed Müller and Davis to seriously "future" proof your logistics network and you now have to resources for a number of serious investments. The defeat of the Red Hessians in the Omegas has secured the majority of your souther supply lines which has made Müller and Davis very happy.

Manpower: 13.500
You are reasonably well staffed with many experienced people in non-combat roles, especially space exploration and mining. Your organisation has expanded significantly to deal with the increased need for manpower but your security has been up to the task so far. However some of fellow directors have started to complain about lacking personnel skilled enough for upper/middle management positions, especially since your recent additions to DSX have increased the need for those immensely.

Level of equipment: Standard
Your military is well equipped and can maintain several ongoing operations

Average experience:
Veteran: Nearly all your pilots and soldiers have proven their mettle on various battlefields and skirmishes.

Size (compared to other factions in Sirius): small to average
- You command a military force roughly equivalent to three aircraft Groups
- Capital ships: 1 corvette (Valiant)

Force composition:
The large majority of you military force consists of (former() BAF pilots who mostly field heavy and medium fighters. You also employ a double strength squadron of heavy fighters from the Order while the rest of your forces flies a wide spread of semi-"civilian" ships.

Expected time till full replenishment 2 years (12/818)

Current deployments:
Short ranged patrols - minimal decrease of ready military forces
Long range escorts for artifact trade - notable decrease of ready military forces
Clean-up operations Omega 41 - notable detachment

"Ground" Forces:
A battalion of Royal Marines (BAF)

Solitude/Alpha Base: The main base of DSX is located in one of the bigger asteroids, circa ten kilometers in diameter, of the outer asteroid field in the Alpha01 system. The metal heavy composition of the asteroid paired with advanced stealth systems mean that the base is hard to detect for any known sensors.

The base is still undergoing construction but can already house more than five thousand people as well as their associated ships and equipment with the current goal to create enough room to comfortably house ten thousand people. Recently a small industrial complex has been added to it, allowing it to produce a small amount of basic materials.

It is also home to a well equipped pilot training school where the next generation of DSX is getting trained as well as a officer's school/internal university capable of providing top tier education and training.

In regards for active defenses it features numerous military grade point defense turrets as well as a lesser number of anti fighter guns.

Omicron Lambda:
Cintra: Located near the Omicron Theta jumphole in Omicron Lambda this small asteroidbase primarily monitors said jumphole and to oversee the local patrols.

VossKa: Located near the Mass Relay in the Voss system this small station is currently home to a detachment of scientist trying to research said Relay.

Padirac Station: A small space station whose primary duty is to serve as an logistical and command hub for any DSX activities in the Vega system,

Hylia Base: A well armed base located in the Hyrule system it serves the dual purpose of a military staging ground as well as a launching pad for further projects of the system.

Border post Goron: Designed to monitor to the Larissa Jumphole and any ships travelling through it it has also extensive facilities specially designed to deal with aliens.

Omicron Kappa:
Fortitude: A well armed base located in the Hyrule system it serves the dual purpose of a military staging ground as well as a launching pad for further projects of the system. It also the main logistical centre of your artifact trade and from it your ships transport the artifacts to the rest of Sirius.

Hood: The Hood is a refurbished battleship that now serves as a civilian carrier. It can carry up to four wings of fighters and operate independently from any base for long amounts of time. It may lack most of its offensive weaponry but even its current state it packs a nasty punch when going up against smaller spacecraft.

Mining operations:
Mining operation (rare metals) in Omicron Kappa
Small mining operation (diamonds) in Omicron Kappa
Mining operation (Ice) in Omicron Kappa

Small mining operation (diamonds) Nirn

Other Operations:
Artifact Trade: Active in all of Sirius

After initially using the terms, group, squad, wing etc. intermingled I have decided to now follow the the UK naming conventions to hopefully make things a bit clearer.

Group: 3-4 Wings
Wing: 2-3 Squadrons
Squadron: 18-24 fighters

GM: I initially planned to include some more industry action but the list was already quite full so you have to wait a bit longer for that
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[x] Corsair Mining
[x] Military Recovery and Expansion:
-[x] Option 1: Expedite repairs
-[x] Option 2: Replace
-[x] Option 3: Ground Pounders
[x] Hunt for Element Zero - Sirius Version
[x] Another ruin
[x] Alien Trade (free action)

We capitalize on the Corsair issue with both mining and Replace option, further increase and recover our military and then go for Eezo in Sirius and Mass Effect artifacts in the ruin.

Next turn we should go for Disclosure plus the Gateway to Heaven(a fun dream is starting both of them) and the Northern Trade route plus Biodome.
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[x] Disclosure
[x] The aliens of Omicron Lambda
[x] Corsair Mining
[x] Military Recovery and Expansion:

[x] Option 2: Replace
[x] Option 3: Ground Pounders
[x] Observation Post:
[x] Option 1: Passive Observation
[x] Alien Trade (free action)

Seems to be the time for disclosure.

Before I make a plan, what do people think of [] Tit for tat? I am tentatively in favor of it, as it will boost our eezo research substantially, at the cost of trading away some obsolete DEW-tech. The thing is, I think we're going to lose exclusivity to it eventually anyway; now that people know we have high-end DEWs, we're going to get pirates (and privateers) looking for us to try to capture samples of the tech. I'm thinking we should try to get what we can out of it while we can.
[x] Buyout:
-[X] Option 2: IMG
[x] The aliens of Omicron Lambda:
[x] Corsair Mining:
Synth Food
[x] Option 1: Fortitude
[x] Disclosure:
Military Recovery and Expansion:
You suffered significant losses in the anti-Red Hessian operation and replacing those ships and pilots will take time even if the BAF has stepped up its support to assist you in this endeavour. Time that both Dalton and Henry feel you might not have considering the possibility of an alien attack or another problem on the Terminus front. In their opinion you should do your best to make sure you forces at back at full strength as soon as possible.
(You can pick multiple actions if you want though every single option costs one action)
[x] Option 2: Replace
[x] Alien Trade (free action)
Last edited:
[x] Buyout:
[x] The aliens of Omicron Lambda:
[x] Corsair Mining:
Synth Food
[x] Option 1: Fortitude
[x] Disclosure:
Military Recovery and Expansion:
You suffered significant losses in the anti-Red Hessian operation and replacing those ships and pilots will take time even if the BAF has stepped up its support to assist you in this endeavour. Time that both Dalton and Henry feel you might not have considering the possibility of an alien attack or another problem on the Terminus front. In their opinion you should do your best to make sure you forces at back at full strength as soon as possible.
(You can pick multiple actions if you want though every single option costs one action)
[x] Option 2: Replace
[x] Alien Trade (free action)

You need to specify what Buyout option you want ^^.
[x] Buyout:
[x] The aliens of Omicron Lambda:
[x] Corsair Mining:
Synth Food
[x] Option 1: Fortitude
[x] Disclosure:
Military Recovery and Expansion:
You suffered significant losses in the anti-Red Hessian operation and replacing those ships and pilots will take time even if the BAF has stepped up its support to assist you in this endeavour. Time that both Dalton and Henry feel you might not have considering the possibility of an alien attack or another problem on the Terminus front. In their opinion you should do your best to make sure you forces at back at full strength as soon as possible.
(You can pick multiple actions if you want though every single option costs one action)
[x] Option 2: Replace
[x] Alien Trade (free action)
I don't think we can do two extreme cost actions.

[X] Corsair Mining:
[X]Military Recovery and Expansion:
-[X] Option 2: Replace
[X] Hunt for Element Zero - Sirius Version:
[X] Hunt for Element Zero - Terminus Version:
[X] Disclosure:
[X] Buyout
-[X] Option 2: IMG

So I decided to focus on searching for eezo while a also rebuilding our forces and dealing with disclosure now before people with armies feel left out.
[x] Buyout
-[x] Option 1: Partial
[x] Corsair Mining:
[x] Disclosure:
[x] Hunt for Element Zero - Sirius Version: + Focus Point
[x] Hunt for Element Zero - Terminus Version:
[x] Vega exploitation:

-[x] Option 1: C-mining:
[x] Alien Trade:
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Frankly, I don't want to give them energy weapons. Since they will leak to the Council and given that the Council has massively large population to get scientists from and a massive RnD base it wouldn't take too long for the Council to catch up imo.
[x] Buyout
-[x] Option 1: Partial
[x] Corsair Mining:
[x] Disclosure:
[x] Hunt for Element Zero - Sirius Version:
[x] Hunt for Element Zero - Terminus Version:
[x] Vega exploitation:

-[x] Option 1: C-mining:
[X] Alien Trade

Tech trade can wait. Though I'm kinda weary about starting trade since pirates are a constant problem.
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[x] Buyout
-[x] Option 1: Partial
[x] Corsair Mining: + Focus Point
[x] Disclosure:
[x] Hunt for Element Zero - Sirius Version:
[x] Hunt for Element Zero - Terminus Version:
[x] Vega exploitation:

-[x] Option 1: C-mining:
[X] Alien Trade
Last edited:
[x] Buyout
-[x] Option 1: Partial
[x] Corsair Mining: + Focus Point
[x] Disclosure:
[x] Hunt for Element Zero - Sirius Version:
[x] Hunt for Element Zero - Terminus Version:
[x] Vega exploitation:

-[x] Option 1: C-mining:
[X] Alien Trade
[x] Buyout
-[x] Option 1: Partial
[x] Corsair Mining:
[x] Disclosure:
[x] Hunt for Element Zero - Sirius Version:
[x] Hunt for Element Zero - Terminus Version:
[x] Vega exploitation:

-[x] Option 1: C-mining:
[x] Alien Trade:
Blargh, always hate when the post goes up and lots of votes come in while I'm at work or asleep.

[X] Alien Trade
[X] Disclosure
[X] Hostile Environment
[X] Hunt for Element Zero - Sirius Version
[X] Vega exploitation:

-[X] Option 1: C-mining:
[X] Corsair Mining + Focus
[X] Military Recovery and Expansion

-[X] Option 3: Ground Pounders

Okay, let's break this down. The first four options are our core job. Alien Trade is free and what was agreed upon last turn, that's a no brainer.
Disclosure is also now the appropriate time now that we have a follow-up to a successful first contact. It's not yet time for Tit for Tat because taking the 'initiative' to tech trade our unique leverage is probably going a bit too far and potentially likely to annoy the governments when we tell them.
Hostile Environment because it's a known deposit and the expertise gained there in extracting the stuff isn't going to be wasted. I understand the attraction to letting it complete for free at some point in the future, but the future is nebulous and getting eezo in hand now is crucial. We don't know if we'll keep rolling fumbles on Hunt for Element Zero, we need to do something about it now.

Vega exploitation is an econ action that's been sitting around and will help contribute to making it more economical to buyout when such a time is actually needed. Afterwards we can move towards exploring more jumpholes on the Sirius side.
Corsair Mining is contributing to cleaning up our back yard some more. Focus it to get to 100% to prevent shenanigans.
Ground Pounders is a quietly important one because we're going to be moving towards having more things that may need to be defended along with potential even small offensive operations against any of the Terminus powers.

I don't see any benefit from Buyout at this juncture, we still have lots of High cost actions we'll want to pay for in the future. Synth Food is a little more tempting but runs into the same issues of punting our econ back down a step.

[] Option 2: Silicates:
The outermost planet of the Vega system is an ice giant with several deposits of useful and rare silicates as for example used by the Kishiro in the production of their optical chips. Setting up a mining operation would be doable though most of the profit would likely be eaten be the effort of shipping them into Kusari space alongside the currently only sparsely used northern route.
Medium: High, Result: small mining operation set up
@Erandil Presumably this should be Cost: High

@remulian @fasquardon @Thule @aja318 @Kelenas @aceraptor @Beyogi None of you have selected an action to Focus in your votes.
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Frankly, I don't want to give them energy weapons. Since they will leak to the Council and given that the Council has massively large population to get scientists from and a massive RnD base it wouldn't take too long for the Council to catch up imo.
I agree. The advantages we would gain would be short-lived. Besides, mass effect tech isn't that difficult to understand. At least compared to Freelancer tech. In canon, humanity only had mass effect tech for a few decades and they still managed to drive off the Turians who had over a millennia of it. So reaching the soft-limit(Council-level) of mass effect isn't particularly difficult.
I agree. The advantages we would gain would be short-lived. Besides, mass effect tech isn't that difficult to understand. At least compared to Freelancer tech. In canon, humanity only had mass effect tech for a few decades and they still managed to drive off the Turians who had over a millennia of it. So reaching the soft-limit(Council-level) of mass effect isn't particularly difficult.
Uhhh, no, that isn't correct. Humans with the incredibly valuable Mars Prothean archive for kickstarted on Mass Effect tech.

Without something like that it's going to take quite a bit of time and effort to even start to approach parity in those fields.
@Erandil Presumably this should be Cost: High

Actually it is also medium due you taking the base option a few turns ago but it still needed to be cleared up so thanks.

I agree. The advantages we would gain would be short-lived. Besides, mass effect tech isn't that difficult to understand. At least compared to Freelancer tech. In canon, humanity only had mass effect tech for a few decades and they still managed to drive off the Turians who had over a millennia of it. So reaching the soft-limit(Council-level) of mass effect isn't particularly difficult.

Uhhh, no, that isn't correct. Humans with the incredibly valuable Mars Prothean archive for kickstarted on Mass Effect tech.

Without something like that it's going to take quite a bit of time and effort to even start to approach parity in those fields.

Yeah, reaching Citadel-level capability without something like a (remarkably intact) prothean archive (and most likely a lot of highly advanced examples) is neither easy nor quick. In fact reaching any level of understanding will be quite a challenge, even with the help already provided by the Larissans.
Actually it is also medium due you taking the base option a few turns ago but it still needed to be cleared up so thanks.
Oh neat.

Actually, speaking of which, will the value of that option (and potentially the Californium option) go up once Alien trade starts? At least for that one could Larissa be a much closer market for that resource to cut down on the expense of carting it north?