

Faux/Rupere Saeculi

This is the Holy Grail, an artifact of immense power that can grant you a single wish, if you successfully earn it.

How do you earn this wish? Well, if you're here, you should already know that. In fact, I'll even be nice and remind you.

You have to kill, or be killed. Yes, kill. You know, end their lives? Stab them in the heart? Of course, it won't be that easy for all of them.
Oh, stop dry heaving and get over it already.
You'll have experienced worse by the time this is over.

You've heard of this competition before? The Holy Grail War you say? That's interesting, but I can't say anything other than the concept is the same in this world. It's not as barbaric as a 'war' of all things. That's why we call it the Competition.
Don't listen. Don't watch. Don't believe.
I'm sure you'll figure it all out as you go on. Hurry now. Don't keep the other Summoners waiting. Go and claim your Hero.

Welcome to Faux/Rupere Saeculi, another contribution to the Fate Singularity.

To join this, we will require a number of Summoners and Heroes. You can either register as a Summoner or as a Hero. The system being used is essentially a modified Fate system, but the world is... much more different.
Registrations Details Here.
Please read the Player List for a list of active players and open classes.

We are currently undergoing a reboot. Now accepting new players.

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A dice roll is made by rolling four D6. These dice are used to obtain one of 3 scores, a -1 (roll 1 or 2), a 0 (roll 3 or 4), or a +1 (roll a 5 or 6). Then, you add the four scores together. You add the value of an appropriate stat, either a skill score or an attribute, and and bonuses to get your result, which determines what happens.​

If you're not satisfied with your roll, you can spend Luck Points. Luck points are one of the defining features of the world, allowing warping of reality to push events toward favoring the user. They are gained by playing up aspects (by being compelled by the gm or in other ways) and can be spent to either ignore a compel at a critical moment, invoke a aspect for a +2 bonus to a roll, or reroll a dice roll. A character's starting luck is based on their refresh points left after character creation.


Credit to @BlackHadou for creating the original basis of the character creation system.
AVAILABLE SLOTS: (If there are open slots when all of a type are filled, NPC's will be generated.)
Summoner: 8
Hero: 7

Creating a Hero

Making a Hero involves picking a class, picking your skills, and creating your Noble Phantasms.

Below is the list of available classes in this Grail War.

Class Strength Agility Endurance Mana Luck
Saber A B B C D
Lancer B A C D E
Archer C C C E E
Rider D B D C E
Caster E C E A B
Assassin D B D E B
Berserker C D D E E
Champion A C A D B
The above table represents the base attributes of a Servant in a class. You may can take out a point from a stat, lowering its letter grade by 1, and increase a different stat by 1, but only four times at most. To actually increase your stats above the baseline, you must purchase ranks with Refresh Points. A Hero cannot have a lower attribute level then E.

You will note the default classes and one other have been represented here. All other class choices will have to go through GM approval, and thus your default stats will be given elsewhere.

These letter grades translate into the following for the purposes of dice rolls:
  • A = +9
  • B = +8
  • C = +7
  • D = +6
  • E = +5
It is possible to gain a higher then A-rank level in a stat. These bonuses beyond A-rank are donated by +'s. Normally under Nasu rules, these are Rank-ups, but we will not be utilising Rank-up rules in this system under normal circumstances, as it's difficult to account for and balance.

There is a hard cap on a stat of A+++, or +12. This donates a rank in a stat higher then the rank of Excalibur, but below a unrankable quantity like EX. You are not permitted to have a higher level then this in a attribute.

Mana translates into active mana pool, which does not represent Independent Action, which relies on Passive Mana, decided by Independent Action Rank. Active mana is used for spells and abilities. E=25, D=50, C=80, B=180, A=400, and each + is an extra 50.

Likewise, a Hero is also given 15 Skill Points to put into skills. Unlike points bought with refresh, these points must be put into skills. Skills are divided into two categories, Public Skills and Private Skills. Public Skills can be found here. These are skills that show up under your Servants name on the Book of Summoners, and confer special benefits as per their descriptions.

Hero skills are abilities of a sort that grant Heroes benefits.

Private Skills refer to skills that, while they see use, often in combat, they are not viewable on the Book of Masters. Skills in this category are things like Swordsmanship, Spearmanship, Medical skills, Science skills, etc. Generally, a Servants only Private Skills will be the ones relating to their fighting style, as they will be well known enough for their greater talents that they will be considered Public Skills.

If in doubt, ask if a skill would be Public or Private. In general, if there is a Public Skill that does what you are seeking to do, then you should select the Public Skill. Private Skills include skills involving weapons.

A skill can be purchased for 1 Skill Point, and is added to the character sheet at Rank E. By spending another Skill Point, a skills rank can be increased by a single rank, up to a maximum of a A-Rank. While skills can go above A-Rank, doing so with Skill Points may only be done with the GM's permission.

A Hero must purchase their Class Skills as Public Skills. These skills are noted below:
  • Saber: Magic Resistance and Riding
  • Lancer: Magic Resistance
  • Archer: Magic Resistance and Independent Action
  • Rider: Riding and Magic Resistance
  • Caster: Territory Creation and Item Construction
  • Assassin: Presence Concealment
  • Berserker: Mad Enhancement
  • Champion: Riding and Independent Action
Finally, a Hero gains up to 2 Noble Phantasms for free. As Noble Phantasms are very free-form, speak to the GM about them if you have questions. A Noble Phantasm is based off a Hero's legend, and as a result their effects vary wildly. Just remember, Noble Phantasm's start at B-rank, and you can lower ranks in one to buff the other, but to go above rank A, you must spend Refresh.

You start with 5 Refresh Point, and those that remain at the end of Character Creation, are converted to Luck Points at a 1 for 1 ratio. However, before doing this, you may spend Refresh Points for additional bonuses in Character Creation. A Refresh Point can be exchanged for either 1 Noble Phantasm, or 4 Skill Points. Unlike the original 12 Skill Points gained in character creation, these 4 Skill Points bought through Refresh Points can be exchanged for an additional point in a Attribute for 3 Skill Points (to summarise, 1 Refresh Point is worth either 1 Noble Phantasm, or 1 Attribute Point and 1 Skill Point, or 4 Skill Points). A Hero cannot have more then 4 Private Skills, 6 Public Skills, or 5 Noble Phantasms (and 5 Noble Phantasms will be scrutinized).

Additionally, a Hero has 5 Aspects. Aspects are words or short phrases that describe some aspect of the Hero, including its alignment.

Special Ruling
Berserkers, possessing Mad Enhancement, gain 1 Attribute Point per rank of Mad Enhancement for the first two ranks of Mad Enhancement, to be applied as they see fit. At C-Rank through A-Rank, they gain 2 Attribute Points instead. However, this Attribute Bonus only applies whilst Mad Enhancement is active. This does not apply to other Classes that gain Mad Enhancement. Remember that these bonuses are on top of the B-Rank Mad Enhancement bonus of +1 to all Attributes whilst mad.
Creating a Summoner
You can also play as a Summoner, AKA a Master.

A Summoner starts with a score of 1 in each of the five attributes listed above, being Strength, Agility, Endurance, Mana and Luck. Additionally, they are given a total of 10 Attribute Points to distribute into these five stats as they choose. A Summoner cannot have a number greater then 6 in a stat under normal circumstances (the equivalent of a Servant with a D-rank in that attribute). This represents the absolute pinnacle a modern human can reach.

At the base, Mana ranks are converted to Mana points non linearly. 1=5, 2=10, 3=20, 4=35, 5=55, 6=80. There are some ways to augment Mana capacity, but this is the basis.

This is where things veer off of the rails of normal Fate. Magic works differently from the usual Nasuverse.

First, like every other Grail Competiton, every Summoner has a special Skill called Command Spell. This is a skill with no Rank under Private Skills that donates they are a Summoner. This skill grants the Master three commands that can be used on the Servant bound to them as absolute orders that must be obeyed. Once all three commands are used, the master loses this skill, and is no longer a Summoner. This skill cannot be removed through normal means, as it is granted by the Holy Grail.

Additionally, every Summoner is a Practitioner of some type of magic. There are several different magic types. In this world, magic is separated and compartmentalized into different, often contradictory, fields.

Most magically attuned people follow normal magic and become a Mage, a typical practitioner capable of using a variety of spells by enforcing their will to open pathways to Akasha. However, this magic is largely limited to existing spells, despite their variety, and have few stationary and large spells. Mana use refers to personal willpower, and when a Mage runs out, they can no longer cast active spells.

Others become Ritualists, skilled enchanters and capable of large and powerful spells, at the cost of time and resources. Mana is also based of will, but also focused through catalysts, that can be imbued with magic to allow effects without active power from Akasha.

Som become Sanguine Magi, using the power within most living animals to power their personal charms and large-scale rituals. Dangerous and often insane, these practitioners risk their own lives for power.

Finally, a very small group people that have discovered Tomes of Knowledge become Thaumaturges, practitioners largely incapable of using their own will on the world, but using research and a science to tap into natural holes in reality, direct paths to Akasha, or at least something resembling Akasha. However, as all practitioners should know, anything with a direct connection to Akasha is guaranteed to be dangerous.

You start with one spell free, and pay Refresh at a 1:1 for each additional starting spell. Also, you may start with a magical item if justified by paying a Refresh Point.

Like a Servant, a Master starts with 5 Refresh Points, and can spend them in the same ways (substituting gaining a Noble Phantasm with gaining an extra spell). A Summoner may spend a Refresh Point to start with a Sorcery Trait.

As for skills, a summoner has skills in several categories. Where as Hero skills allow them to do special things with their skills (public and private), humans have to deal with more mundane skills, like how well they can run or use their strength. There is a general skills list below, but PM for special skills. These skills points are used the same way as Hero skill points, but for characteristics of the summoner.
Your skills form a pyramid, with a single skill rated at Great (+4)—which is referred to as the peak skill—and more skills at each lower rating on the ladder going down to Average (+1):

  • One Great (+4) skill
  • Two Good (+3) skills
  • Three Fair (+2) skills
  • Four Average (+1) skills
A Summoner may only have one Sorcery Trait, and anything could technically qualify as a Sorcery Trait. This rule is the only way a Summoner can exceed normal human limitations with an ability. A purchased Sorcery Trait starts at Rank 5. Simply possessing it is already at the limit of normal human ability. Activating a Sorcery Trait in game for use requires a Luck Point every time it is used in a capacity beyond as a +5 skill. You may activate a Sorcery Trait as a +5 skill (even if the rank is really higher) for free. Of course, if the Sorcery Trait is not at a rank higher then +5, it never requires a Fate Point to activate. Basically, this is your 'uber' skill.

Summoners can spend Refresh Points to gain stunts. Stunts provide a flat +2 to challenges of some type. These should tie in with your summoner.

Additionally, like a Hero, a Summoner has 5 Aspects. Unlike a Hero, a Summoner only has three general Aspects, whilst also having a High Concept and a Trouble. A High Concept is a short phrase that describes the idea behind your character (for example, Shirou would have "Hero of Justice" and Rin would have "Magus Heiress" and Ilya would possess "Homunculus"). A Trouble is a short phrase that describes some sort of issue or crisis for your character. Consult the FATE SRD for more information, or simply ask.
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Spells and Magic
Everyone starts with one spell at least. This is from your type's 'Basic Spells' Section. Additional spells and special spells and gained as you progress through the RP, usually by completing Objectives.

Magical Terms
Mana - One of the forms of magical energy, mana is used to create most forms of magic. Mana is naturally gathered within living things, but only magically attuned people can utilize it.

Catalyst - Some kind of object or material used for certain linked rituals. Catalysts lower the strain on Ritualists' willpower, and if imbued with an enchantment, can be used without an active connection to Akasha. Purer catalysts are better to use.

Tomes - Books of knowledge that are bound to the first person to read its pages near a node. Containing ancient magic that reveals knowledge from Akasha itself, Tomes provide fragments of research for the reader to learn to shape magic.

Node - A natural rip in the fabric of reality, these spots are barely noticeable even by most practitioners, and completely invisible to mundanes. Most people feel uneasy near one.

「 」 - ???
Basic Spells:
Sparks (2 Mana per use,1 use per turn)
Mana into lightning. Pierces most mundane armors.
Flame (1 Mana per use, 2 uses per turn)
Channeling forth energy from Akasha to heat air in a path, Flame deals fire damage even after the stream of fire disappears.
Regeneration (4 Mana per use, 1 use per turn)
Costly to use, Regenration refines raw energy into a more friendly form that mends flesh, but it can't do much for internal injuries.
Accelerate (2 Mana per use, 1 use per turn)
Acceleration grants +1 rank to Agility for 1 turn, capped at 6
Harden (2 Mana per use, 2 uses per turn)
Harden grants a rank to Endurance and protection equal to thin hardened leather on the user's skin.
Frost (2 Mana per use, 2 uses per turn)
A fast, dangerous spell, Frost materializes ice shades from nearby moisture that are launched via mana burst. 1 Mana used per shard, 1 to launch, and 2 can be made per turn. Experience allows more shards to be active at once, but general limit is 6.
Basic Spells:
Enchant Charm (X Mana per use, 1 use per catalyst)
The simplest of simple spells for a Ritualist, enchanting a catalyst into a charm uses mana depending on the quality and difficulty of the effect. Similarly, the effect will be linked to the catalyst enchanted. Overuse enchanted items can cause Mana poisoning, and triggering the item requires a brief flare or mana. Size usually = # of uses.
Known Basic Catalysts:
Iron: Shunts a portion of damage dealt to the user away into the iron itself. Size cannot exceed 16 cubic centimeters, and extended use can cause Mana poisoning very easily.
Feathers: Lower the effective weight of the user temporarily. The item degrades with use.
Granite: Raises effective mass of limbs, making you punch/kick harder without requiring more strength.
Copper: Shunts away minor negative ailments, including poisons, diseases, etc. Strong ailments require purer copper, but it only works to a point (C rank). Anything else burns out the charm near instantly, regardless of size.
Imbue Weapon (X Mana per use, 1 use per catalyst)
A different approach to enchanting, imbuing tools can give them effects depending on the catalyst. Stronger enchantments require more mana and purer catalysts. A decent amount of catalyst is needed to imbue the tool, but there is a limit to the amount that can be added. Mana is needed to 'charge' the tool for use, but the item can continue to be used with remaining charge.
Known Basic Catalysts:
Sulfur: Lined across the edge of a blade and imbued with a Ritualist's magic, sulfur Enchanted items will burn anything they cut, preventing bleeding but causing immense pain by cauterizing the wound.
Steel: Placed correctly at weak points in an item's structure, mana infused steel strengthens and bonds the area, making the tool far more durable.
Silver Dust: Sprinkled over the edge of a blade and bonded with magic, silver makes the blade slightly more damaging to everything, but extremely damaging to Werewolves and undead beings.
Copper: Covering a blade with copper and imbuing it results in a electrical weapon that uses Mana to shock enemies that it strikes. Easy to add but expensive to use.
Sanguine Magi
Basic Spells:
Bloodstained Blade (2 Mana to cast, 1 Mana per turn to maintain)
The Sanguine Magus creates a Blade from their own life force, harder than most conventional materials. In its base form, the blade is simply a slightly stronger weapon than most, but it has untapped potential yet to be seen...
Life Tap (3 Mana to cast)
A spell that taps into the energy of the foe, and rips life force out to cast one of your spells without harming yourself. However, with sufficient Will, the opponent may try to break the spell, causing magical backlash to damage you.
Sigil of Containment (2 Mana to cast, 2 Mana per turn to maintain effect)
Forged from life essence and mana, the simple Containment Sigil locks an opponent within a cage of energy as long as the user can support it. However, a sufficiently Strong enemy can resist, requiring more Mana from the caster, and Strong enough enemies can completely shatter the spell, causing magical backlash on the caster.
Basic Spells:
Spell of Divination (3 Mana per use)
Using mana from around them, the Thaumaturge casts a spell to see their surroundings. Best used for defense and situation analysis.
Mana Focus: Force (1 Mana to cast, 1 Mana per turn to maintain)
Using raw mana and a special mana focus to shape it, the Thaumaturge pushes blunt force in an nearly invisible beam, pushing foes back.
Mana Focus: Barrier (2 Mana to cast, 1 Mana per turn to maintain, 1 Mana per minor repair)
A spherical barrier about 2 meters in radius is formed around the caster, protecting them from most physical and magical attacks. However, sufficiently powerful attacks that can defeat the caster's Will cause the barrier to break and Magical backlash to occur on the caster. Additionally, repairing the barrier takes an additional toll on the normal cost of maintaining a barrier.
(PM to ask about custom skills.)
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Each team consists of one Summoner and one Hero. Prearranged Teams are allowed, given approval.

If not teamed when queue fills, Players will be paired off.
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Well to be fair, not like a whole slew of alternative options are popping up that can take in quite as many potential players, and that aren't "canon protagonist with way more meta-knowledge than they should really need to cause a divergence" quests. :V

Hum. Invisitext abounds.

Are the registration details in invisitext too? :3
Can the Heroes be from fictional works or must be from myths and history?
That is actually an important thing for certain... encounters.

Fictional works are allowed if sufficiently well known. Don't go picking Russian Fairytale characters or something...
Say if I wanted to make a Hero from Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter would that be possible?
So, what's this Champion class? It seems to be an addition specific to this game, and I'm not seeing anything specific related to it... .