Fallout Quest

(X) go to rivet city their closest to Project purity

Aw hell no, the Enclave is most definitely NOT going to get their hands on it. THIS MEANS WAR!
star spangled banner
(X) go to rivet city their closest to Project purity

The three of you run to rivet city and see a mass of enclave power armor fighting against Rivet cities robots. There are force fields around the place and you are forced to remain in place and shoot at the feilds nothing seems to work until a giant robot shows up. You see Sarah lions and she waves to you.

"Glad to see you wizard."

"You should be they figured out how to activate project purity."

"Well fuck any good news?"

"We kind of sort of blew up their head quarters."


"Right, well your welcome to come along."

"Comunism is a lie."


"You have no room to talk wizard."

"I wasn't going to say anything, um the supermutants friendly so yeah don't kill him."

Fawks waves.

"Well every else has gone crazy so what ever."

You fight along side the brother hood of steel the giant robot does the vast majorty of the killing until you get into an radiation filled tomb the remaining enclave members fight you. You get to the core and see a dead body on the floor.

"Ok we need to activate the pumps and clean the water..."

(X) You will do it

(X) Sara lions will do it

(X) Elsa will do it.

(X) Fawks you have one job.....
That was... kinda skipped over. Is it me or are the updates getting less detailed? If it was just action then I could understand, but so little descriptions over all of that makes it seems like that all we're getting is a summary.

(X) Fawks you have one job.....
Welp, here is an irradiated room, and we have a friendly radiation-immune super-mutant, hmm...
That was... kinda skipped over. Is it me or are the updates getting less detailed? If it was just action then I could understand, but so little descriptions over all of that makes it seems like that all we're getting is a summary.

(X) Fawks you have one job.....
Welp, here is an irradiated room, and we have a friendly radiation-immune super-mutant, hmm...

The kid Im tutoring put laxiatives in my Tea....

how good a writer would you be in the same situation.
(X) Cast Dread Zombie on the body and have the zombie activate the pumps.

(X) Fawks you have one job.....
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The end
(X) Fawks you have one job.....

You look over at Fawks.

"Every one here who is immune to radiation rase your hand."

One hand goes up.

"We have a volunteer."

Fawks looks confused.

"But I would be stealing your destiny."

You stare at him.

"Excuse me?"

"Well isnt this Elsa's fathers life work?"

The three of you stare at him.

"Your the only one here who is immune to radiation, my pip boy says that room is filled with it, there is a dead guy in a trench coat in the middle of the room."

You sigh.

"Seriously its like being tall and being asked to get some thing off the top shelf."


"Yeah really now go in there and get us some cookies."

That earns a chuckle.

"You make a good point."

He goes inside and the door closes, Fawks enters a code and every thing goes white.


You wake up to the face of your father in law.

"You have been asleep for awhile."


You hear a groaning sound.


He sighs.

"There was a complication not radiation more like well a very powerful flash and sonic gernade going off. You two were out for a few days."

"The Enclave."

A man walks in stately and proud.

"Will be handled by us."

"I can still fight."

The man sits on you bed.

"You wont, your skills are simply too valuable to be used in combat."

You stare at the ceiling.

"Can you teach other people how to use magic?"


"Your the only one who can, you will be flown over to Megaton, both you and your wife are heroes and will be treated as such but we cant allow you two to fight anymore."

You remember the seekers words.

"A warrior must become a lord, a lord a profit and a profit is claimed by the seas of time."

The man nods.

"Speaking as a Profit, life as a lord is perhaps not so bad?"

A hand grasps yours.

"Hey, its ok."

Elsa smiles at you.

"I love you."
Wow, I guess this means we're going to be playing the game in a different way then? My body is ready!
The fat lady sings
The epilogue

The supermutants- With their breeding grounds exposed the supermutant threat was cut off from the knees. They would continue to threaten the waste land for decades to come but year by year their numbers would dwindle until nothing remained.

Paradise falls- The growth of civiliazation as harsh as it was convinced eulogy jones to move to greener pastures. He and his slavers tilted their hats and left the capital wastes they would look elsewhere for easier pickings.

The Brotherhood of Steel- The war with the NCR continued to get worse and worse with their numbers dwindling the elders were forced to bend their knees to the people they had kicked out of california for being too radical. The traditionalists would head to the midwest where the Brother hood was still strong, the most hawkish would head to texas, but the dreamers the idealists headed to washington. Those that stubornly remained in the west would die destroyed like waves by a changing era.

Elder Lions chapter would hold the most power, their victory over the enclave would give them the remnants of raven rock, and the treasure trove of addams airbase, the new alien technology ensured that of the chapters of the brother hood lions chapter would shine brightest and be the first amongst equals.

In time the brotherhood would conqure the capital wasteland. With their water, their food, technology and the hard earned faith of the people they became a growing power. In time the whole of virginia would be under their sway.

Talon Company- Kicked out of the richest part of the capital waste land by the brother hood, regulators and rivet city they foolishly decided to war against the outcasts. None survived.

The outcasts- Their dream of a traditional brother hood was crushed by reality, success earns acceptance and lions was the most successful elder of them all. The outcasts were gathered up and forced to bend their knees to elder lions. Elder Lions however did not punish or humilate them. Instead they were welcomed back, his greatest detractors would in time become his most stringent allies.

Rivet City- Home to an alien space craft Rivet city became the center of science in the capital wastes, the alien worm food at first detested would grow to become a delicacy.

Ten penny towers- Ruled by ghouls the only man allowed to leave alive was an elderly adventurer.

Vault 112- The former residents of big town reached out to the children of little lamp light telling them of their new safe haven. They were told to go fuck themselves by the mayor, but in time vault 112 became a true haven for the grown up children of little lamp light, when the mayor of little lamp light grew up he too was forced to ask for sanctuary. After a noogie it was given to him.

Little Lamplight- Children would still come and live their lives here, the old faces would grow up and new children would appear, some suspect that a vault experement was at play. No one really knows.

Megaton- Became the location of the first magic college in the world. Mages and magic would spread across the west, the expanding food and water helped but in time those feets would live in the shadow of the college. People from all over the waste land as far away as mexico would make the journey to learn the secrets of magic from the place where it all started.

Big town- remained empty in time it was torn down to create better roads, no one morned its passing.

Elan Bond- The first Archmage would go down in history as a quirky but lovable figure in history. If Elder Lions was the new washington then Elan Bond was Benjamin Franklin reborn... With a lot less womanizing. He would sadly die at the age of 80, when this happened the entire city of megaton, came out to morn him.

Elder Sarah lions weeped in front of her men, his wife would soon follow him they are still buried next to each other. Students of magic at the near by college still put sweet rolls on their graves for good luck.

Elsa bond- Became one of the best techs in megaton, mother of four children she was a loving if stern mother there would be fights but in the end she came to love her husband, when he died she stopped eating and silently wasted away.

Butch Deloria- Would study the arts of magic and in time set up a rival school of magic in boston. The sporting events between the two magic colleges would often devolve into riots. With the boston students screaming "tunnel snakes rule."

Moria Brown- would later go on to write the waste land survivial guide after some help from Butch Deloria even in old age he still shuddered at the memory.

Elder lions- As all men do would grow old and died, he left behind him a growing nation.

Doctor Li- After years of sceeming and plotting finally asked James out on a date, after further sceeming she got him to say I do. James never quite knew what hit him.

James- Would watch his dreams come to life and his grandchildren grow up. When he remarried he felt guilty, 'what would she think once I go up to meet her?' and exausted Li responded 'bitch is going to have to learn how to share.' thankfully it was said under her breath and their relationship was not affected.
Damn... so this is the end... thus ends the tale of the very first Archmage of the fallout world.

Paradise falls- The growth of civilization as harsh as it was convinced Eulogy Jones to move to greener pastures. He and his slavers tilted their hats and left the capital wastes they would look elsewhere for easier pickings.
It's a darn shame that we didn't get to kill him and every other slaver in the Capital wasteland, I guess we were just too busy to care.
Little Lamplight- Children would still come and live their lives here, the old faces would grow up and new children would appear, some suspect that a vault experiment was at play. No one really knows.
WTF?... how the hell are there still children there? If they all eventually grow up, they'd go to vault 112, but exactly where do the new children even come from?...

Hey wait a minute, we never even did anything with the new 1337 vaults?! Really?! Aw man...
Hm... love Hina is a more confined setting, with also less characters than Ramma 1/2. Man, it's been quite a long time since I've read the manga for them. Still, both stories are totally populated by violent females with the tendency to hit first, hit second, and maybe question later... Oh god, I'm not sure which one I'm scared more of...

More seriously though, I'm not sure how much of a quest Love hina could last, since it didn't really have all that much going on. Ramma 1/2 on the other hand is almost perfect for a quest setting due to all the shenanigans and adventures that happens all the time.

With that, I'm going to have to choose Ramma 1/2 for the new quest. It simply seems to be more fitting and suitable than Love Hina.