[X] Son named Adam Richard Caldwell sadly Linda died in a tragic accident when Adam was very young.
[X] You choose to recruit Extremely capable but possibly Disloyal subordinates for your faction?
[X] Detroit Michigan Selfridge AFB.
[X] Release them you did just make them homeless after all.
[X] 50 - T51b Suits of Power armor
Also, a quick question. When your talking about 'disloyal', is there only one reason for disloyalty (ex: Treat wastelanders better) or several reasons (ex: treat wastelanders better, more iron fisted/tyranical, has more loyalty to another faction, etc.)?
it's not 100% certain that they won't be loyal as well, Mainly the idea is that you were making deals with the other faction members to get the best people and that most likely means taking people who do not agree with you or wished to go with another faction making them unintentionally disloyal to your cause.
[X] Son named Adam Richard Caldwell sadly Linda died in a tragic accident when Adam was very young.
[X] You choose to recruit Extremely capable but possibly Disloyal subordinates for your faction?
[X] Detroit Michigan Selfridge AFB.
[X] Release them you did just make them homeless after all.
[X] 50 - T51b Suits of Power armor
You lean back in the old rusty iron chair listening to Major Harris go through the sequence of events. all from the battle for the airfield which went swimmingly, you took them completely by surprise. Harris proudly explains how the 10 squads made up of 5 Enclave troopers each jumped out of the hoovering vertibirds crushing the poor bastards. It gives you a smirk hearing your soldiers performing a textbook lightning assault on a fortified enemy position flawlessly.
The heaviest resistance was a dozen grenade launchers that could have been dangerous if they weren't loaded with frag grenades that only managed to scratch the paint on your X01 Power armor.
Major harris moves on to the sparing of the wasteland POW. Which was hardly done out of the kindness of your heart rather it seemed unwise to make unnecessary enemies out of any new neighbors. You interrupt the Major with a question that you've been curious about. "Major Harris have you heard of any discontent with the order to sparing the prisoners?"
The Major never missing a beat replied straightforwardly "No sir, they would have executed the squatters without question but the general opinion as I understand it is that women and children are and I quote Lieutenant Torrel "These Muties ain't worth the microfusion cell putting em down" but I also suspect that many soldiers didn't want the faces of wastelander children coming to haunt them in their dreams. They may be tainted but many still look like us sir"
You contemplate your answer carefully...
[ ] We need to be careful in maintaining our trooper's mental health perhaps we should look into creating some sort of special unit for mopping up duties. Perhaps this Lieutenant Torrel might be the perfect candidate to lead such a unit?
[ ] Every soldier needs to be able to do what needs to be done we are fighting for the very survival of our species. The citizens of the Enclave must be able to rely on every one of our soldiers to shield them from the dirty work that we do on a daily basis.
Major Harris and his staff listened to you and many even nodding along. agreeing with your words after making sure you were finished Major Harris resumed "Yes sir I couldn't agree I'll have my staff make the first draft of preliminary countermeasure you might consider. with your permission, I shall continue my presentation. After your go-ahead Major Harris explained that the underground facility you now sat in was cleared successfully and there had been a delivery of 50 T51b suits of power armor delivered to this base for further transport to Toronto's Military police garrison, stationed there as per the annexation of Canada in 2075.
They clearly didn't make it before the nuclear assault, unfortunately, it seems the weapons were not able to make it either and is according to the records of the base the weapons are still in the place of manufacturing the "Rock Island Arsenal Army Base Illinois" 25 Minguns, 5 Rocket Launchers and 20 Heavy flamethrowers things were clearly bad in Toronto before the bombs fell."
You raise an eyebrow at the mention of the base it had been on your list of potential bases but I wouldn't have been able to support the air fleet and as such was cut from the list. Once you got settled here an expedition there was sure to be profitable. "I want a list of military installations in our vicinity it is paramount that we seize all military hardware from the natives."
Once again Major Harris shows why he is your second in command and nobody else "I have already compiled a list sir and I will present it to you at your first council meeting. But that concludes my presentation. But please Colonel save your questions until after I introduce you to your cabinet please follow me.
You once again followed Major Harris lead as you walked further into the facility and came to the officer's quarters it was clear that this was an area designated as a high priority for repair by Major Harris. Clearly, he didn't want you to work sleep and live in a rundown room as your room was spacious and recently renovated...
You didn't say anything for now but what was your first reaction to you being prioritized by Major Harris?
[ ] Major Harris was wise to make sure his commanding officer had a decent place to live and work. Afterall without a leader, an organization is doomed to fail.
[ ] Major Harris was vain to waste our Engineers' valuable time and resources in refurnishing my room. That kind of thing could have been done at a later date!
You give the room a quick inspection before motioning for Harris to continue, He does so without showing any pleasure or disappointment towards you. Finally, you arrive at the doors to the council chambers you straighten your uniform and nod for Harris to open the door.
The doors swing open and you are presented with a sizeable room with a long conference table in the middle 13 seats in all with yours being at the head of the table to the far wall. Behind your seat was a screen that was currently offline for now.
The cabinet was already assembled but before you address them you glance at each one. You know all their faces these people have worked for you or with you and could be relied upon to respect your command without complaint.
[ ] (cut to the chase) Welcome you already know who I am and I trust you have made introductions with each other before my arrival so let's get down to business.
[ ] (Valiant Speech) I trust you are all rested and ready to get to work. I hope we can complete our mission with the meager resources we have and that with time we can see the Enclave rise again from the ashes of the Oil rigs destruction. I know that many of you have lost family and friends in the calamity and let me sympathize and promise they will be avenged, thank you now bring me up to speed.
Liaison officer Daniel Edwards: (Focus Diplomacy) Stat: 40
Responsibility: In charge of all diplomatic actions undertaken by the administration both foreign and domestic.
History: Serving as campaign organizers for several prominent congressman Daniel Edwards has become quite proficient with his silver tongue and can make anyone in the room feel comfortable and ready to make a deal. He does a reputation as a womanizer however which can both help and hurt him in negotiations.
Captain Thomas Ward: (Focus Martial) Stat: 40
Responsibility: In Charge of planning all military expeditions beyond the walls of the base. You command and he must carry them out.
History: A reliable and cautious officer that has been described as timid but the man always has a cool head in stressful situations. You see can a hunter within Ward and a hunter is patient he knows eventually your prey will make a mistake and he will find Thomas ward waiting for him.
Responsibility: All Engineers fall under his jurisdiction and he is the final say on any construction projects that involve his Engineers.
History: You worked closely with Nathaniel and his team while with the ECE. You can trust him he is resourceful and from what you know excited to get work improving the base.
Responsibility: It is Gareth thorns job to keep you informed of what happens when it's happening and how it's happening.
History: Has worked undercover on the east coast and you have had the liberty of having him as your inside man on many missions and he has never let you down so far.
Director of R&D Alexander Strauss: (Focus Learning) Stat: 40
Responsibility: Head of your research department he will be handling all your scientific needs.
History: Head of Research & Development Struss is by far one of the smartest people alive mostly because anyone who could go toe to toe with Strauss is now ash along with the oil rig.
It took a lot of pull to get him to join you but you wanted Strauss he might be a dick sometimes but the man's brain more then makes up for it.
This became a rather long chapter so expect part 2 tomorrow and after that the first turn and how they will operate
you are free to vote for the choices listed and i'll incorporate them in part 2
[x] Plan efficiency
[X] We need to be careful in maintaining our trooper's mental health perhaps we should look into creating some sort of special unit for mopping up duties. Perhaps this Lieutenant Torrel might be the perfect candidate to lead such a unit?
[X] Major Harris was vain to waste our Engineers' valuable time and resources in refurnishing my room. That kind of thing could have been done at a later date!
[X] (cut to the chase) Welcome you already know who I am and I trust you have made introductions with each other before my arrival so let's get down to business.
[x] Plan efficiency
[x] We need to be careful in maintaining our trooper's mental health perhaps we should look into creating some sort of special unit for mopping up duties. Perhaps this Lieutenant Torrel might be the perfect candidate to lead such a unit?
[x] Major Harris was vain to waste our Engineers' valuable time and resources in refurnishing my room. That kind of thing could have been done at a later date!
[x] (cut to the chase) Welcome you already know who I am and I trust you have made introductions with each other before my arrival so let's get down to business.
I'm glad with who we got personnel wise. True Edwards is a womanizer and Struss may be a dick, but the rest at the moment check out and all of them are of great quality. Also glad that we've had interactions before with Stone and Thorn, what with the former being a fellow soldier that we've worked with and the latter being a loyal man that we've had been in other missions, showing that he may be more loyal to us then the other factions. Granted I'm waiting for some complication or another to arise from the remainder of our cabinet, but overall a good starting crew.
I'm looking forward to this quest every time played a fallout game I have always gotten the urge to fix things. Most of the time fallout shows people living in the crumbling ruins but I always wondered why don't these people fix the walls clean up the rubble fix the roads.
[x] We need to be careful in maintaining our trooper's mental health perhaps we should look into creating some sort of special unit for mopping up duties. Perhaps this Lieutenant Torrel might be the perfect candidate to lead such a unit?
[X] Major Harris was wise to make sure his commanding officer had a decent place to live and work. Afterall without a leader, an organization is doomed to fail.
[X] (Valiant Speech) I trust you are all rested and ready to get to work. I hope we can complete our mission with the meager resources we have and that with time we can see the Enclave rise again from the ashes of the Oil rigs destruction. I know that many of you have lost family and friends in the calamity and let me sympathize and promise they will be avenged, thank you now bring me up to speed.
[X] We need to be careful in maintaining our trooper's mental health perhaps we should look into creating some sort of special unit for mopping up duties. Perhaps this Lieutenant Torrel might be the perfect candidate to lead such a unit?
[X] Major Harris was wise to make sure his commanding officer had a decent place to live and work. Afterall without a leader, an organization is doomed to fail.
[X] (Valiant Speech) I trust you are all rested and ready to get to work. I hope we can complete our mission with the meager resources we have and that with time we can see the Enclave rise again from the ashes of the Oil rigs destruction. I know that many of you have lost family and friends in the calamity and let me sympathize and promise they will be avenged, thank you now bring me up to speed.
[X] We need to be careful in maintaining our trooper's mental health perhaps we should look into creating some sort of special unit for mopping up duties. Perhaps this Lieutenant Torrel might be the perfect candidate to lead such a unit?
[X] Major Harris was wise to make sure his commanding officer had a decent place to live and work. Afterall without a leader, an organization is doomed to fail.
[X] (cut to the chase) Welcome you already know who I am and I trust you have made introductions with each other before my arrival so let's get down to business.
[X] We need to be careful in maintaining our trooper's mental health perhaps we should look into creating some sort of special unit for mopping up duties. Perhaps this Lieutenant Torrel might be the perfect candidate to lead such a unit?
[X] Major Harris was wise to make sure his commanding officer had a decent place to live and work. Afterall without a leader, an organization is doomed to fail.
[X] (cut to the chase) Welcome you already know who I am and I trust you have made introductions with each other before my arrival so let's get down to business.
Rank: Colonel
Name Richard Thomas Caldwell
Born 2191 (Age 51)
Father: Thomas Caldwell (Deceased)
Mother: Sofia Caldwell (Deceased)
Wife: Linda Caldwell (Deceased)
Son: Adam Richard Caldwell (Alive Age 23)
Military Record:
Graduated War College (top 1%)
Served with distinction with Enclave Corps of Engineers Reclamation Service.
131 Combat missions
The Silver Star
The Purple Heart
The Enclave Cross Silver
The Enclave Cross Gold
Along with various other less noteworthy medals.
Base +30
Base +30
Base +30
Base +30
Base +30
Colonel +2
Colonel +2
Colonel +2
Colonel +2
Colonel +2
Harris +10
Mil Upbringing +10
Mil Upbringing +5
Caldwell +5
Corp Engineer +10
Harris +10
Harris +10
Harris +10
Harris +10
Total: 42
Total: 52
Total: 47
Total: 47
Total: 52
Iron Crown:
The best and Brightest:
It's a Trap!:
As the head of the Caldwell you are an intimidating presence in any room you can make the most hardened veteran sweat under your ice-cold stare +10 to Intimidating Humans and Ghouls
Your father was a harsh man with harsh rules and a fierce temper. He expected the best from you and you tried your very best to deliver and most of the time you did but when you did not he beat you senseless.
You have inherited his expectation for results but you never have to use physical violence. Instead, your mere disapproval is enough to make any of your subordinates try twice as hard to repair their mistakes.
If your subordinates fail a test they feel forced to redouble their efforts in order to succeed.
If a cabinet member fails their assigned task for the turn they gain a +10 to the same action the next turn. If critfail they gain a +20 if the task is still available.
The best and Brightest, When you hear that all throughout your life you can't blame the Enclave scientists for developing an ego the size of Jupiter and somehow you have actually earned the self-centered bastards respect well done.
You have protected your fair share of scientists on your expeditions with the reclamation force. You have earned the respect of Enclave scientists for saving their sorry asses.
If you are assigned to assist in combat actions you will gain a reroll to uncovering a trap or ambush before it is sprung.
Welcome you already know who I am and I trust you have made introductions with each other before my arrival so let's get down to business. You take your seat at the head of the table and read the room. Strauss seems impatient his fingers are tapping away at the oak conference table clearly he wants to get back to working on his own projects. Your Chief of Engineers Stone has a huge stack of papers next to him, it seems he came prepared. Captain Ward shows no outward emotions but if you know him right he's already sized everyone up and has a plan on how he will take out anyone in this room if the need arises. Thorn and Edwards are sitting upright readying themselves for the meeting at hand. Major Harris is also in the room but is staying out of the way for now until you need him.
The first one to speak is your Chief Intelligence officer Gareth Thorn "Sir Let me enlighten you on our current strategic situati…" but before he can finish Chief Engineer Stone stands up and raises his hand towards Thorn to hold.
Stone looks towards you "With all due respect to my colleague Mr.Thorn. That is all well and good but our Strategic situation won't matter for diddly squat unless I and my Engineers get an approved work order on what our commanding officer would like us to focus on repairing first because believe me when I say this place is a fucking shithole compared to Navarro.
What do you think is the more pressing issue?
[ ] I will let Gareth Thorn continue (+5 to Intrigue Actions this turn +relations with Officer Thorn -relations with Chief Engineer Stone)
[ ] I will let Chief Engineer Stone continue (+5 to stewardship Actions this turn +relations with Chief Engineer Stone -relations with Officer Thorn)
With these lightning votes, I'll wait 60min or until the one option gains 5 Votes
is that good with everyone?
[ ] Yes that is fine
[ ] No, here's the problem and this would be my solution: (Write-In)
You decide to take some control over the situation "Thank you, Thorn, but I'm afraid Stone makes a very convincing argument. You will have your time to be heard I assure you but please Stone you may continue" you wave for Chief Engineer stone to explain the situation at hand.
Officer Thorn tries to protest but quickly realizes that it is of no use and sits down maintaining a neutral attitude throughout the whole experience. But you are good at reading people and Thorn did not enjoy being overruled. But you quickly put it out of your mind for now and refocus on Stone instead.
"As you can see sir" Stone pats the thick stack of papers to emphasizes his point "We are up shits creek without a paddle. The conditions of the base are deplorable but I can't fucking do anything without the main generator online. Without it, everything else is a waste of time. I've jury-rigged two of the backup generators but they can provide only enough power for necessities and not for long.
You had not realized your dire straights but your expectations hadn't been that high, to begin with not that you let that show to any of your subordinates. "Well, then what do you need to get the generator up and running?"
The Chief of Engineers runs his hand through his thin hair "What we are dealing with here is Second Generation Fusion Power plant. Nothing compared to the fifth Generation one we had on the Rig but I've looked this one over and it's in good condition we won't have to worry about fuel or Spare parts for years barring some magnificent bad luck. What I need is Reactor Coolant without it I can't start the damn thing without a causing a total Reactor Meltdown.
You muse over the new information in your head "Is it possible to make more Reactor Coolant? Or barring that where can we find some more?"
Now it was Director Strauss turn to answer the questions, he leaned forward over the table seemingly doing some quick calculations in his head before simply saying "Impossible."
Before you can respond Chief Engineer Stone does so for you "Care to fuckin Elaborate?!"
Strauss gives out an exasperated sigh "one month to get the Ingredients, Two to perfect the recipe and Four to build the proper Distilleries" leaning back into his chair having made his point.
After a minute of silence, only the voice of Stone rings out in the small conference room "FUCK!!" while sitting back down with a defeated expression on his face.
You looked to your cabinet "anyone knows how we can acquire the required Reactor Coolant?"
"Perhaps I can be of assistance in this matter" The voice that just spoke out came from your Chief Intelligence officer Thorn. And you gestured to him with your hand "You have the floor"
Thorn reached for something next to his seat, You saw in the corner of your eyes as Captain Ward put his hand lightly on his sidearm. Clearly, Ward hadn't lost his edge and was still on guard but he soon relaxed as Thorn's hand came up from his side with a rolled-up map. He stood up and with the assistance of Major Harris they rolled out a map that covered Detroit and it's surrounding counties including the Canadian side of the Detroit River.
"Found this map in the officer's mess and until we can get the holographic table repaired in the C&C this will have to do. Edwards made a snarky comment that made Thorn and Stone Grin "A map oh how the mighty have fallen!"
Thorn with the help of Harris placed out various markers showing locations of strategic importance. Thorn caught your attention "We have not sent out patrols since we arrived and we didn't take the scenic route on the way in so I can only place down what I know for certain was there before the war but what state any of these locations are in the present day is anyone's guess. Captain Ward adding "From what I saw from the Vertibird Downtown Detroit is nothing more than a ruin but it's hardly worse than any city on the east coast."
Stone looks to Thorn "So you said you could help where can we find Reactor Coolant?"
Thorn points to the southernmost marker "The map doesn't show it but not far from this map's edge is a Nuclear Power plant one of ours, in fact, Poseidon Energy Nuclear Power Plant I've looked up the specs in our databanks the reactor was made to safely deactivate if it was ever left unattended such as in the situation of a Thermo Nuclear War.
Edwards whistles impressed "Sneaky bastards our ancestors were they must have known we might need it in the future" Strauss replied, "Yes most things built by Poseidon Energy were built with the secret reason of being used by the Enclave in reclaiming a lost America. My Great Grandfather worked on the Helios Project shame I'll not get to see it in my lifetime"
You looked to Captain ward "We'll see about that Dr.Strauss. Captain, how fast can we get a team together to Investigate the power plant?"
"I can have a team on the way within the hour, I request to send 5 squads as a backup just in case Sir" (1 Enclave trooper squad is made up of 5 members 1 team leader,1 heavy weapons specialist and 3 Grunts all equipped with X01 Advanced Power armor"
Officer Thorn Interjects "Might I suggest a more stealthy approach? If the powerplant is intact it could be inhabited and such a large group of soldiers will certainly cause a violent response. Send in a scouting force and have them come back with a report"
Ward Counters "All the more reason to send overwhelming forces. If it comes down to a fight I want to be sure our boys have every advantage they can get. If they are caught we won't be able to aid them in time.
Liaisons officer Edwards joins "I think Thorn is right if the Power plant is inhabited the last thing we want is them sabotaging it when we inevitably kick them out."
Chief of Engineers Answers Edwards "Ward is right and we need that coolant the sooner the better let's send the cavalry who cares about recon. When we have to take the place no matter the cost, at worst it's some raider sons of bitches high on psycho. No way there is any Brotherhood of scrap metal this far west."
Everyone looks at you for a decision:
[ ] Ward is correct better to go in ready for battle then being caught with your pants down. Send in 25 Troopers (5 Squads) with Vertibird support. If the officer in charge decides that resistance is too thick he has enough firepower to withdraw safely anyways. (+5 Martial to this turn's action + relations with Ward and Stone - relations with Thorn and Edward)
[ ] Thorn is right so let's send a team to investigate and report back before we decide on a frontal assault. A sneak assault might be your best bet anyway in case the power plant is inhabited and they might not part with it in one piece. (+5 Intrigue to this turn's action + relations with Thorn and Edward - relations with Ward and Stone )
Map of the Greater Detroit Area:
(If we have any Detroit Natives that thinks this current map is missing something obvious I'd love the feedback)
I was writing the stewardship actions for repairing the base etc. When I realized that without power anything you repair will be completely useless. But this gives me a perfect opportunity to test out my Roll system I'll go into further depth once I get all the Turn options written down.
But for now, here's an example:
You want to spy on person X - That falls under your Chief intelligence officer Thorn's jurisdiction and as such you will be rolling against his Intrigue skill of 40+Difficulty modifiers+Cirumstancial Modifiers so let's say another +10 because you had previously established a spy network where the target currently lives. That means that you have to roll under a score of 50 but what you can do as the commanding officer you can assist one cabinet member per turn and almost always grant an auto success.
[X] Thorn is right so let's send a team to investigate and report back before we decide on a frontal assault. A sneak assault might be your best bet anyway in case the power plant is inhabited and they might not part with it in one piece. (+5 Intrigue to this turn's action + relations with Thorn and Edward - relations with Ward and Stone )
As much as I love overwhelming firepower and air assaults we need to be a scalpel more than we need to be a hammer