Curious, you claim you're approval voting for wright robotics over the syndicate and yet your post has a syndicate vote :V

Anyhoo, everyone voting, just doing my regularly scheduled QnA session. As always, no spoilerery questions.
I have edited out Wright robotics to keep balance between Enferr, Sofia and Feelgood options.
Would building a CERES for a phase 2 Power Peanut Plantation give +1 Renewable Energy, or +2? And just to make sure, but can the requirements for Electric City! do double-duty by meeting the requirements for the DaisyTech Hoverboats Sponsorship (assuming we tak it)?

Just +1 if I remember my notes correctly: CERES are kind of meant to be a wide upgrade rather than a tall one in that they provide a small bonus to all agri-infrastructure in a community. You're meant to pop one down once you have three or four different projects in a community (Co-op gardens, burgertorium, etc) to turn it into a regional breadbasket: I honestly didn't expect you to build one so quickly or put it into the community that only had a power peanut facility.

Edit: like, to clarify, the idea behind Electric City is that you'll need to invest in actually developing energy infrastructure that ISN'T peanuts, you'll need to either buy an energy generating sponsor, unlock ACME energy, or so forth. You can get part of the way with peanuts but uh. Keep in mind that the whole concept of the project is "science compound that uses extremely large amounts of energy for whacky technology development" and power peanuts in the canon of Eve are terrible power sources saved only by the fact that they're renewable.

Just like there are ways to produce elevated effects from schemes there are also very suboptimal ways to complete them.

I have edited out Wright robotics to keep balance between Enferr, Sofia and Feelgood options.

hehe fair. Gonna be some fun synergies regardless.
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Right now, the leading votes are the Cloning Division, Syndicate Troopers, and a tie between the Electric City! and Tortuga. Since I'm personally really invested in the idea of trying to get the Yukon Five in reality, I went and put this plan together to hopefully enable that. This plan gets us halfway to the 1st phase of Harlem's Power Peanut Plantation (we can't get it all the way with just power peanut, but we can get 3/5 there), starts a CERES and the Power Peanut Genome Sequencing, and finishes the Private Lab so that we can upgrade those power peanuts faster, while also letting us get two more Sponsorships (Human Cloning for the Cloning Division, and hopefully DaisyTech Hoverboats which can piggyback off the work we're doing for the Electric City!).

(I'll probably take a turn or two off from planning after this though, since I've noticed that not a lot of other people have been making plans. I just like the idea of making the Yukon Five too much to let the idea go.)
[] Plan: Rise of the Yukon Five
-[] SECURITY (1 dice; +0)
--[] Floodwall Expansion (Baton Rouge)
---[] 1 die: (45/400 --> 98/400)
-[] AGENT (1 dice; +0)
--[] Hunting NEXT
---[] 1 die + 1 Skulder + 2 Sophia: (203)
--[] AlviCorp Drug Trials (New Alexandria)
---[] 1 Chems: (0/150 --> 50/150)
-[] FACILITIES (0 dice; +1)
--[] Power Peanut Plantation (Harlem)
---[] 2 Benoit + 1 Free: (0/275 --> 161/275)
--[] AutoMenagerie Complex
---[] 1 Ecology (377/500 --> 428/500)
-[] SCIENCE (0 dice; +5)
--[] Private Lab (Compound Pluto, Hubbology)
---[] 4 Edgar: (0/200 --> 264/200)
--[] Power Peanut Genome Sequencing
---[] 1 Edgar + 1 Genetics: (0/250 --> 118/250)
--[] Construct CERES Unit (Harlem)
---[] 1 Arcadian Agent: (0/150 --> 59/225)
--[] Laser Balloon Testing
---[] 1 Prototype (186/250 --> 241/250)
-[] OUTREACH (0 dice; +5)
--[] Sponsorship Hunting
---[] 2 Wilbur + 1 Government: (0/50 --> 181/150)
--[] Community Scholarship Program (New Alexandria)
---[] 1 Wilbur + 2 Education: (0/50 --> 173/150)
--[] Co-Op Garden (Cambridge Louisiana)
---[] 1 Cambridge Louisiana: (42/100 --> 97/100)
--[] Community Restoration Program (New Orleans)
---[] 1 Ecology + 1 Disaster: (34/50 --> 144/50)
--[] Community Restoration Program (Baton Rouge)
---[] 1 Baton Rouge: (0/50 --> 55/50)
-[] MISCHIEF (8 dice; +2)
--[] Chaos Science Mayhem Lecture (Baton Rouge)
---[] 6 dice: (332)
--[] RobCo A-No No!
---[] 2 dice: (0/100 --> 114/100)
Right now, the leading votes are the Cloning Division, Syndicate Troopers, and a tie between the Electric City! and Tortuga. Since I'm personally really invested in the idea of trying to get the Yukon Five in reality, I went and put this plan together to hopefully enable that. This plan gets us halfway to the 1st phase of Harlem's Power Peanut Plantation (we can't get it all the way with just power peanut, but we can get 3/5 there), starts a CERES and the Power Peanut Genome Sequencing, and finishes the Private Lab so that we can upgrade those power peanuts faster, while also letting us get two more Sponsorships (Human Cloning for the Cloning Division, and hopefully DaisyTech Hoverboats which can piggyback off the work we're doing for the Electric City!).

(I'll probably take a turn or two off from planning after this though, since I've noticed that not a lot of other people have been making plans. I just like the idea of making the Yukon Five too much to let the idea go.)
[] Plan: Rise of the Yukon Five
-[] SECURITY (1 dice; +0)
--[] Floodwall Expansion (Baton Rouge)
---[] 1 die: (45/400 --> 98/400)
-[] AGENT (1 dice; +0)
--[] Hunting NEXT
---[] 1 die + 1 Skulder + 2 Sophia: (203)
--[] AlviCorp Drug Trials (New Alexandria)
---[] 1 Chems: (0/150 --> 50/150)
-[] FACILITIES (0 dice; +1)
--[] Power Peanut Plantation (Harlem)
---[] 2 Benoit + 1 Free: (0/275 --> 161/275)
--[] AutoMenagerie Complex
---[] 1 Ecology (377/500 --> 428/500)
-[] SCIENCE (0 dice; +5)
--[] Private Lab (Compound Pluto, Hubbology)
---[] 4 Edgar: (0/200 --> 264/200)
--[] Power Peanut Genome Sequencing
---[] 1 Edgar + 1 Genetics: (0/250 --> 118/250)
--[] Construct CERES Unit (Harlem)
---[] 1 Arcadian Agent: (0/150 --> 59/225)
--[] Laser Balloon Testing
---[] 1 Prototype (186/250 --> 241/250)
-[] OUTREACH (0 dice; +5)
--[] Sponsorship Hunting
---[] 2 Wilbur + 1 Government: (0/50 --> 181/150)
--[] Community Scholarship Program (New Alexandria)
---[] 1 Wilbur + 2 Education: (0/50 --> 173/150)
--[] Co-Op Garden (Cambridge Louisiana)
---[] 1 Cambridge Louisiana: (42/100 --> 97/100)
--[] Community Restoration Program (New Orleans)
---[] 1 Ecology + 1 Disaster: (34/50 --> 144/50)
--[] Community Restoration Program (Baton Rouge)
---[] 1 Baton Rouge: (0/50 --> 55/50)
-[] MISCHIEF (8 dice; +2)
--[] Chaos Science Mayhem Lecture (Baton Rouge)
---[] 6 dice: (332)
--[] RobCo A-No No!
---[] 2 dice: (0/100 --> 114/100)
I can't help but feel that using Electric City for the sole purpose of recreating the Yukon 5 is a bit of a waste of the concept.

The whole idea behind it is that Feelgood is going to use the large electrical surplus we build up to start creating some real weird 50s pulp technology. Those technologies aren't necessarily going to be related to robotics and there's a vast plethora of other interesting applications we could use for Electric City. Besides a big appeal for the project from my perspective was for us to get some motivation to finally electrify Louisiana, if we want to make the region self-sufficient then electricity is a big necessity.

A broader focus should be kept in mind for special communities I don't think we should go into them expecting a specific result especially with something as experimental as Electric City.
I can't help but feel that using Electric City for the sole purpose of recreating the Yukon 5 is a bit of a waste of the concept.
What? This isn't replacing the concept, it's adding onto it. It would be impossible to not generate energy and power projects from the Community because... that's an inherent part of it. I want to take the mad science it creates and then add robots to it.

Like, all I really need to put in the Electric City! for this concept is the Robotics factory; nothing's stopping future plans from adding more after that (for instance, I also want to put a Clone Lab in it since there's no AutoMenagerie anywhere near New York).

The bit about finally electrifying Louisiana also makes me think you're misunderstanding what the Electric City! does; it's meant to create technology that we can then use other places. (Also, if we aren't willing to do work on Harlem for an objectively cool concept that also benefits Louisiana by proxy, then when will we ever?)
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I think Waith's point is that they want electric city because it provides a great excuse to start developing Louisiana's energy infrastructure in order to progress the scheme and that doing it in Harlem runs counter to that goal.
I think Waith's point is that they want electric city because it provides a great excuse to start developing Louisiana's energy infrastructure in order to progress the scheme and that doing it in Harlem runs counter to that goal.
I guess I can understand that, though I still disagree since the point of the Electric City! is to make technology to use in other places. It's benefits aren't going to be contained to just a single place.
The vote's tied between Electric City! and Tortuga, so let me give a pitch for the former: in addition to the Yukon Five schemes I want to do that it will enable, the Electric City! will let us develop teleportation tech and ray guns, which massively improve our supervillain capabilities.
If it's not spoilers, was there a particular reason you went with having the MC make his own faction rather than his own franchise of NEXT?
If it's not spoilers, was there a particular reason you went with having the MC make his own faction rather than his own franchise of NEXT?

At least partly it's because I kind of wanted to explore NEXT as antagonists and enemies. It's also a tonal thing: I wanted to aim for a more moral- if less composed and more willing to resort to casual violence personally- character, and I figured giving them their own organization to run that wasn't NEXT would help provide opportunities to emphasize the difference between their morality and Clancy's- the debut alone provided a number of ways I got to highlight this, like Edgar stopping a man who he considers his ideological ally from being murdered when Clancy and NEXT put into the same position in the past and present tried to make equivalent figures a martyr, or his preparing the battlefield ahead of time with forcefields to help minimize casualties when NEXT only puts the bare minimum of effort into preventing collateral damage- when they aren't causing it deliberately.

Beyond that, I also wanted to explore a different modus of villainy: even ignoring the moral differences, NEXT is once you strip away all the supervillainy a terrorist organization whose primary goal is sabotaging FUSA and acting as Clancy's shadow-hand (and like even beyond that at the end of the day politically Clancy's ideology is kind of just nebulous hatred for america, her understanding or belief in any leftist principles were always kind of shallow and brainworm ridden), it's not designed nor interested in a program more complex than 'fuck the machine' or coalition-building and it's program and modus operandi reflects that. With part two, I wanted to swap gears and explore a more revolutionary flavor of supervillain organization, one ran by someone with actual ideological coherency, actual political literacy, and (even if it's still kind of inchoate beyond 'COMMUNISM NOW' and steeped in supervillain brain) actual concrete goals for society and interest in mass organization to achieve those goals and ideals.
Honestly, once I got over the instinctive disappointment of 'We never really got to play with NEXT supervillains' I got excited, because this means we might eventually get The dramatic showdown between siblings as they duke it out on the ashes of the FUSA.
I enjoy the character of Edgar even if I will never agree with his political beliefs and I think that if he ever got his revolution it would end the same way as other communist horror stories like the USSR and CCP.

But still he his interesting to read about in his actions and I am very much enjoying this quest.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by The Bird on Jul 4, 2024 at 5:32 PM, finished with 65 posts and 34 votes.

  • [X] Cloning Division
    [X] Electric City!
    [X] Tortuga
    [X] Syndicate Troops
    [X] Psychic Broadcasts
    [X] Wright Robotics [Robotics]
    [X] Attack of the Mascots
    [X] Attack of the Mascots [Weird]: Feelgood had an idea. He wanted to figure out how the Strange Divers work- and adapt the method to work with mascot suits, like those worn at NukaWorld, in order to create minions that could be used to menace an organization. Document Cryptid 005. Then construct C-Files Private Lab at Sunken Parish to phase two. Unlock Cryptid 00X - Strange Mascot [Radical, ???,???]. Private Labs upgraded to grant community/faction Tales of the Uncanny and +1 Dice for the faction. Must target faction with private lab using Louisiana Axe Slasher.
    [X] Tortuga: Sophy wanted- simply put, to invest in the black market trade: if a factory was built to manufacture surplus DoP items, perhaps a plantation built, along with some docks for transportation- Well, what was it communists always talked about? Mutual aid? Complete DoP Factory, Docks, and Power Peanut Plantation at Doomsday Retreat. Under the Table Dealings and Reznikov Surplus gain additional phase: each phase also grants another point of Black Market Connections and potential funding.
    [X] Psychic Broadcasts: ENFERR's other suggestion, they wanted to accelerate psychic development in the region in order to sow discontent. You'd need a lot of data, but they believed they might be able to modify the broadcast towers to- very subtly- stimulate the brainwaves of the public. Complete three phase one Broadcast Towers and the Psychic Identification Program. Then, complete AlviCorp Drug Trial in a community. Broadcast Towers upgraded, gaining the [Weird] and [Mischief] tags- and increasing Tales of the Uncanny.
    [X] Supreme Dankage
    [X] Cloning Division: ENFERR's suggestion was to establish a cloning division: one that could be used to simplify genetics projects. Once the basic infrastructure was in place, expanding it would be trivial, making it far easier for RADICAL to pursue cloning labs across the region- useful for practical and ethical reasons. Complete AlviCorp Cloning Sponsor, Hover-Brain Insurance, and complete a clone lab at the doomsday retreat: unlock Evil Brain Template and Cryptid ([Genetics, Radical, Mischief]), halving Clone Lab progress cost and upgrading them to give +1 to genetics.
    [X] Syndicate Troopers [Crime]: Sophy's suggestion: building a coalition with the criminals of Louisiana, working with them to develop the Doomsday Retreat into a training camp to help create a new generation of criminal soldier. You'd need to supply them with sufficient gear, and you could turn a bunch of rag tag criminals into an army capable of taking on the toughest foes. Complete the Bootlegger Brigade and complete a Phase One Garage and Safehouse and a Phase Two Reznivok Private Lab. Reznikov Safe-Houses upgraded to gain additional phase that grants [Combat] dice. Must target faction using [Combat] project.
    [X] Supreme Dankage: Dr. Feelgood believed that RADICAL must expand! A full science division! And to help supplement that science division, he also wanted to develop something special: the ultimate weed. It was an ambitious plan, but he wanted to try and engineer a strain of super-cannabis that could mimic the intellect stimulating properties of numerous other chems without the side effect- not only would it benefit the scientists at RADICAL, it could be distributed to communities to help encourage them to first liberate their minds- and then help them advance the cause! Construct Private Research Lab for RADICAL and a Co-Op Garden at the Doomsday Retreat, complete GigaGro Gardener Kit. Co-Op Gardens are upgraded with the SUPREME DANK technology, increasing Villainous Unrest by 2 and Research Value by 1 on phase one and Hippie Faction Penetration and [Chems] dice on Rank Two. Finishing this scheme also gives Co-Op Gardens the [Chems] and [Mischief] tags.
    [X] Syndicate Troopers [Crime]
Well good news with our recent choices is that due to cloning and Tortuga winning we are going to be building quite a few things in our lair. Which is good since the more things we build the more influence we are able to get. Tortuga is also a positive in that we may be able to get funding more consistently.

Also @The Bird Does the 1+ to genetics from the cloning labs mean it's a one time thing or that we get 1+ for each clone lab built?
I enjoy the character of Edgar even if I will never agree with his political beliefs and I think that if he ever got his revolution it would end the same way as other communist horror stories like the USSR and CCP.

But still he his interesting to read about in his actions and I am very much enjoying this quest.
To be fair a lot of political systems tend to have issues because people are involved. On paper a lot of systems seem great and if they worked as intended they would usually benefit the citizens living under them. The issue comes when human nature is thrown in and you have a bunch of assholes cheating and abusing the system for personal gain at the expense of everyone else.

For example the idea of the United States does have a lot of good ideas behind it like equality for all but as shown in this quest a bunch of assholes like the Enclave ruined it for their own personal gains/motives.
Give me an hour to google what those are and come up with a plausible awnser but assuming they're an ecological feature and not like a monument or something the awnser is probably not great.
I belive there's a large amount of them in Louisiana and Texas.

There was in RL a case of drilling accidently causing water to reach a salt dome resulting in the flow of a canal reversing. Both turning a fresh water lake into a salt water one and a image for the incident is a chimney poking out of the water. The location was Lake Peigneur just to mention it.

Actually thinking on it, it was caused due to Oil drilling and they are considered good sources for oil, so I guess they would be in a bad condition. There's also Avery Island and a image I was looking at showing Louisiana with a good amount of salt dome basins.

There's also a different sinkhole in Louisiana that keeps expanding, it's nicknamed the sinkhole that's eating Louisiana and it basically swallowed a swamp. It's actual name is Bayou Corne sinkhole and has the added danger of releasing natural gas and will basicly eject debris and oil which then makes room for it to swallow more stuff.

Their also utilized to store crude oil, the Salt Domes.

So yeah, Lake Peigneur and Bayou Corne sinkhole are both in Louisiana and cases of what can happen with Salt domes.

Still a good ideal to do your own research on them, but their certainly prevalent in the state.
Wait what actually won?

Syndicate Troopers with 13 votes is obviously the winner in the Scheme part of the vote, but while Cloning Division is an obvious winner of the expansion vote with 20 votes the second place winner is contested between Electric City (17 votes) and Tortuga (18 votes) because we are supposed to take an action from each of our henchpeople and Tortuga doubled up Sophie's action count.

So how is this going to play out? Do we still get Electric City? Or is Sophie removed from having voting options next time like how Wilbur is this time?
Wait what actually won?

Syndicate Troopers with 13 votes is obviously the winner in the Scheme part of the vote, but while Cloning Division is an obvious winner of the expansion vote with 20 votes the second place winner is contested between Electric City (17 votes) and Tortuga (18 votes) because we are supposed to take an action from each of our henchpeople and Tortuga doubled up Sophie's action count.

So how is this going to play out? Do we still get Electric City? Or is Sophie removed from having voting options next time like how Wilbur is this time?
I think the expansion vote is separate from the hench people action since if I'm not remembering wrong that was only mentioned for the hench section.
Rule 3: Be Civil - Respect the participation of others.
I think the expansion vote is separate from the hench people action since if I'm not remembering wrong that was only mentioned for the hench section.

You can just quote the relevant parts you know:

This also means going forward, every time you hit back against the cops, people are gonna take more and more notice. Expect the difficulty on that one to jump up, but it's getting a few upgrades too now.

Now, let's cut to the chase. You chose to throw down the gauntlet. And for the record? I approve: we need to hit NEXT loud and we need to hit them proud, and help distinguish ourselves as principled god damned communists, better and more principled than those assholes.

If we're going to pull this off we're gonna need to show them we mean business. We're a team of equals, so I'm using my say in RADICAL to say we NEED to attack NEXT by the end of Q3 next year. Mark that down as a VILLAINOUS MANDATE my man! And hey, to sweeten the deal: unlike normal mandates, this one has a reward.

Dr. Feelgoods Villainous Mandate:
Before next national convention, gain a NEXT faction card and perform at least 1 hostile action. Reward: All successful hostile actions targeting NEXT before time limit grant bonus 1D6 influence.

In the meantime, we need to keep expanding and fighting the good fight. Here are the new schemes: we're escalating here, Edgar, so these are gonna be pretty tricky. They all conclude upon taking a hostile action against the organization whose requirements you fulfill.

And we also need to expand in other ways: we all have ideas for how to expand the organization. Keep in mind that you can- and should- invest in the place outside these plans: this is just our major organizational focus. Go ahead and pick two: but, uh, small thing, don't double up on both of the same persons proposals: you'll wanna try and keep things balanced.

You are correct @Red Bovine we shouldn't double up only in the organizational expansion vote. Why was it so hard to quote those parts? Are you on your phone or something?

If you are on your phone could you please wait next time until you are on a machine that can support proper quotes when you reply to these sort of questions from me?

I literally gave a funny rating to this post of yours at first because I found your reply of remembering the newest main post for which the voting just ended to utterly silly and hilarious. Removed the funny rating after I stopped smiling from this post I'm replying to.