Police. Little is clear from her, from the confrontation with a moderately (well, at least he didn't even try to shoot the psycho who was obviously insane and tried to take away the weapon) brutal policeman, and a completely inadequate drug addict
The information we learned is it seems to have no real effect on the wasteland due to Baton Rouge being evaporated.
2075 Q2 Planning
A new quarter, new headaches. The good news Edgar is that you finished your mandates in the nick of time. The bad news is we have new orders coming in. You aren't going to like this. The NOAA have a project for you, and orders from DARPA.

They've given us 3 fully functional nuclear warheads. This upcoming spring, they want us to use these warheads to test the possibility of using nuclear weapons to break apart hurricanes.

…I'll go ahead and increase your wrath- about how much should I… Twenty? Yes, that sounds roughly correct. Anyways, they're calling this Operation Titan-killer. Obviously it's going to have disastrous results for us, but we don't have the luxury of refusing: a big name is pulling strings here.

That isn't our only mandate, unfortunately. We have two others: the FBI want us to help them hunt down NEXT. We need to collect a dossier on them, the deadline being this fall. While we're doing that, the Department of Education wants us to start work on our portion of the Better Think initiative: they want us to invest in at least one communities educational infrastructure by this winter, so that the start of next years first quarter students can start benefiting from the improvements. Side note- I'd suggest not putting it in Baton Rouge. We've invested a lot into that city at this point: we need to spread the infrastructure around lest we be accused of favoritism.

A lot is on your plate, Edgar, but last thing: I'd suggest having our current major project finished before this years national convention.

Now, let's go over the national news.

On the Airwaves:
The DoP's media division is finally complete, and producing a variety of educational and ideological content. Television, radio, newspapers, magazines. The branch was also funding various regional directors attempts at outreach, subsidizing the construction of broadcast infrastructure among other things. Community Broadcast Towers upgraded, first phase loses funding cost.

DoP Textbooks:
Calling all Team America members, calling all Team America members! The DoP is officially getting into the textbook manufacturing game! The first generation had already been rolled out- and then unfortunately recalled due to manufacturing errors. Once they were sorted out, schools across the DoP would begin receiving new books.
0/1 until DoP Publishing House and subsequent projects gain the [Education] tag.

West Coast Laser Grid:
The array of laser towers in the west coast were complete: starting in Hawaii and stretching up and down california and oregon, these structures are, on their own, only a modest improvement to national nuclear protection. But many citizens are already admitting sleeping easier at night, especially thanks to media severely overestating the effectiveness of the towers: many ill informed pundits were claiming that laser tower technology invalidated MAD. West Coast Missile Defence increased.

Radiation Poisoning in DC:
People had begun to move out of DC. The reason? Radiation poisoning. Those who could afford to leave were starting to flee the city, driven out by the medical costs caused by radiation poisoning. People in Arlington had reported more zombie attacks, as well: every day, more crawled their way out of the Pentagon, or turned in their homes after drinking a lethal dose of sink-water. The older, more irradiated ones were proving more vicious. Many in the city reportedly also wanted to leave, but lacked the means or oppurtunity.

Vault Tec Ultrapolymer: The Florida vault tec research facility had gone online, and you knew what it was developing, now: a brand new form of highly durable inorganic ceramic polymer that could be used to create more durable tools and items, like their bobbleheads, bowls and other containers, and casings for technology. Vault Tec has gained Ultrapolymer technology, increasing their Product Reliability(+).

Hunting NEXT:
More NEXT attacks: in Oregon, an entire town has been abducted over-night, taken in their sleep for nefarious purposes. In New York, a Bee-Bomb was set off, unleashing millions of angry insects on the downtown region. Numerous cash transports have been robbed. The FBI has mobilized and is on the hunt. Hunting NEXT has been upgraded. It has gained the following tags: [Crime, Investigation, Weird, NEXT]. Suspicion rating reduced. See project for additional changes. More specific investigations unlocked.

Australia Approaches:
The DoP had reiterated: it intended to launch the Australia expedition this year. Clancy had sent you a message: she wanted you on the project. Apparently, your scientific acumen combined with your relative expendability made you the perfect option to lead it. If you agreed, then this August, for three weeks, you would be stuck on what might be one of the most uninhabitable continents on earth.

Duracrete Shortage Continues!: The DoP still hadn't brought its duracrete factories back online yet. This was quickly looking to become a problem- and just as importantly, an oppurtunity. You knew your sister: she was going to over-correct to keep this from happening again. DoP Quarries were likely getting expanded nation-wide, and she was likely going to expand manufacturing as much as she could get away with. If you built a few factories, you could earn yourself some brownie points with the department- and help contribute to cratering the cost of DuraCrete. DoP Factories project upgraded: see project for details. Build a DoP Factory to end shortage immediately. Shortage upgraded to -3.

Can Openers of Appalachia:
The riots in Appalachia show no sign of subsiding: in fact, Strikers have begun escalating, using their P-9's as makeshift energy weaponry, using the mining lasers to ambush and peel open strike-breaker power armor. Controversially, Senator Blackwell, the only even semi-honest politician in office, has chosen to speak out in favor of the strikers, claiming that this is the result of Pinkertons heavy handed tactics, earning the virginian senator a censure.

Chinese Submarine Destroyed: Off the coast of Baja, a Chinese spy submarine was caught and destroyed. You're having trouble finding information about it, but supposedly it wasn't nuclear equipped: thus you doubt it's part of the ghost fleet.

Cry Wolf: News from wall street, years of nuclear threats that haven't manifested combined with the laser towers and other DoP investments have caused Vault Tec's value to stagnate this quarter. Customers and investors both are starting to believe that nuclear war isn't as urgent a threat as they thought, so less people are buying tickets and investing in Vault Tec products and subsidiaries. You'd call it a bubble popping, but it hasn't actually popped yet and unlike actual bubbles Vault Tec isn't actually over-estimated: the DoP is.

And here's the regional news this quarter.

The Knights of Capitalism:
The factory managers finally escalated to the point of bringing in the Pinkertons in New Orleans. The knights of capitalism haven't brought in their power armor division yet: it's still wrapped up in Appalachia. However, you don't need power armor to crack heads, and already there have been several assaults on protestors, both in public and, in several cases, in the protestors own homes after the Pinkertons forced their way inside, a move that has received condemnation from Mayor Stripe, who stated that "A mans home is his dominion, and not to be violated". Pinkerton faction penetration increased in New Orleans. 2/3rds until Baton Rouge.

Gamma Strike:
There have been a series of disasters in Lousiana: financial sabotage, committed by NEXT. Fraud, robbery, bombing IRS offices, erasing and destroying debt records, destabilizing propaganda. Companies were attempting to increase security in the region, but confidence was shaken, and already people were feeling the effects. Baton Rouge in particular was suffering, with several corporations having to perform layoffs and divest assets. Regional Financial Unrest increases. -2 to all [Finance] Projects.

The Man From RobCo: It appears that King Tut took offense: he's sent down one of his hatchet-men, Ron Dripper, to oversee operations. Heightening security, managing investment, and finding out who hit RobCo. The man is apparently a veteran fixer: you're going to need to be careful here. RobCo has gained a Hero Unit. Hero Units are enemy characters that will, every turn, generate progress in special negative projects or sabotage ongoing projects: the amount of progress varies. Specifically, every turn hero units will roll a number of D100's equal to their BRAIN Rank: To defeat a hero unit, you have to lower their BRAIN Rank via completing NEMESIS Quests: each completed NEMESIS Quest lowers a heroes BRAIN Rank by 1.

Ron Dripper



Archetype: [Hatchet Man] -
Ron Dripper is one of Houses fingers: a former advertising executive who was poached by King Tut, he's responsible for RobCo landing a number of contracts, has helped hush up countless scandals, and has busted his share of unions.

Mad Man -
Dripper got his start in advertising, and it's still his bread and butter. Now though, he doesn't just advertise products, he also advertsizes ideas. This hero has +2 to [Media] projects.

Current Ongoing Project:

Hunting RADICAL:
NEXT was taking credit, but King Tut didn't believe them. Right now, House wanted answers, and Dripper was trying to sus them out. 5/100

NEMESIS Quest: Complete Chaos Science Mayhem Lecture in a city with RobCo faction penetration.

New Alexandrian Protests: Bob Watkins has been arrested for tax evasion: the man has apparently been committing very big boy finance crimes, and was thus headed for big boy prison. His followers were calling it politically motivated persecution, and Pastor Watkins himself has in several papers that have interviewed him accused the judge of being corrupt, claiming that the man is railroading him.

Who is Stripe?: Wilbur has gotten back to you with the dossier on who Stripe is, and things are getting more and more confusing. Apparently, Dr. Albany Stripe was born in New Orleans: most of his adult life was spent as a door to door encyclopedia salesman, up until about five years ago, when records show some unknown series of events found him in New Orleans General Hospital, having violent seizures. A still as of yet unknown chemical had been found in his body, he had numerous heat and sulfur burns over his body, and had numerous injuries, including significant cranial trauma. Afterwards, he spent over a year as what appeared to be a completely brain dead vegetable, until one black friday where he suddenly made a miraculous recovery…but with significant personality changes, including severe memory loss, mood swings, and bouts of megalomania. Where once Stripe had been not particularly religious, he was now convinced that he was the devil possessing the corpse of Albany Stripe. Since then, his history is a giant patchwork, with more holes than swiss cheese: earned a doctorate in law, apparently became a master fiddler player, has probably committed at least one instance of murder, and somehow has access to an as of yet unknown source of wealth.

As far as family goes, you find yourself disturbed to learn that Stripe is married: his wife, Zoetrope Stripe, apparently prefers to stay out of the public eye.

The particularly alarming part however is that everyone who Wilbur interviews seems to have an abnormally well regard for the man: even when describing an incident during his recovery period where the man went on a fifteen minute rant full of insults, his nurse for instance describes him in glowing terms, as does a security guard he punched, a child he yelled at, and an old woman who saw him kick a man across a lobby. There is a grand total of one person you find who speaks negatively of Stripe, a secretary who worked with him for several months who describes him as deeply erratic and possessed of a near rancidly negative opinion about the worth of his fellow man.

Alright Edgar, now let's review your stats.

WRATH: 363

And here are your tasks.

  1. Complete Project Titan Killer in order to deploy a nuclear warhead against a superhurricane (DC 150) either this or next storm season.
  2. Gather at least 1 NEXT Faction Card by the end of the upcoming Q3 2075. Additional Faction Cards grant increased influence.
  3. By the end of Q4 2075, complete two different [Education] tagged projects in a Community that isn't Baton Rouge.

Let's go over your community and faction cards...

New Orleans: The Big Easy! Protected by a series of super-levy's known as the Great Floodwalls, the continued misfortune of the rest of the country has marginally improved the cities safety. Home of the DoP regional headquarters, where Team America works to help protect EVERYONE'S future! Major industries include aerospace technology manufacture, ship-building, and government contract research.
Community Stats:
Domestic Security: +
Institutional Knowledge: +
Mans Best Friend: +
DoP Regional Headquarters Phase Two [DoP, Administration, Facility]
DoP Canine Unit [DoP, Security, Personnel]:
A division of highly skilled K-9 Handlers trained in search and rescue, perimeter security, non-lethal and lethal take-downs, and tracking, each paired with Rottweiler hybrids bred and raised for both temperament and health.
Weather Monitoring Station [NOAA, Research, Facility]: Situated on the city flood-walls, this facility was designed to monitor oncoming hurricanes up close and personal as well as increase the amount of warning more inland facilities should have. It also possesses a small research facility that will operate under the jurisdiction of the NOAA.

New Alexandria: A more northern city in the state, New Alexandria was a fairly quiet city located in a swamp located above the underwater ruins of the old Alexandria. It was home to several fisheries, as well as the DoP's main power peanut farm in the state. It was also highly religious, and the seat of the Moral Majority movement in the state as well as the heart of its deeply unpopular catholic contingent. In the aftermath of the flooding of Old Alexandria, a number of public schools were shut down and replaced with privately ran ones, several of which were intended to be used to help 're-educate' unruly youth.
Community Stats:

Renewable Energy: ++
Peanut Science: +
Youth Mobilization: ++
Power Peanut Plantation Phase One [DoP, GWCFAAAT, Agriculture, Facility]
CERES [DoP, Agriculture, Personnel]
Lil Patriots Orphanage Phase One [Patriots, Population, Facility]:
A well ran-ish facility in the cities Bricktown that had made sure it possessed all major amenities before opening. If it wasn't for the fact that it forced all the children it had to attend one of the worst reform schools in the greater Lousiana region.

Baton Rouge: The capital of Louisiana, a bustling port city that found itself the center of Liberty Party interests in the state thanks to its port, industrial district, and the experimental mega-reactor that provided the city with almost unlimited free power. Team America had limited investment into the community compared to organizations like Poseidon, who owned the reactor that powered the city, or ACME, who owned considerable real estate in the city. The city had, prior to the Dracula robbery, been enjoying a small economic revival, though the crime had significantly shaken confidence in many in the city.
Community Stats:
Youth Mobilization: +++
Teenage Wasteland: +
Financial Unrest: ++++
Police Mobilization: +
Lil Patriots Orphanage Phase Two [Patriots, Population, Facility]:
A small orphanage constructed by the Department of Preservation and operated by the Lil Patriots foundation in the Brookshaven neighborhood of the city. It currently consisted of a main hall, chapel, dormintories, and an underground complex to serve as a bunker.

Community Broadcast Tower Phase Two [DoP, Media, Facility]: A pair of broadcast towers, the radio host was Cliff Racer, who curated a consumer oriented series of survivalist edutainment shows and corporate focused investment advice shows. The television channel mostly aired reruns of nationally syndicated DoP shows, educational television, and childrens cartoons.

Hypnotic Broadcast Reels Phase One [Villain, Media, Scheme]: They say that on late nights, one can find peculiar programming. They say that children who watch this programming become addicted to it, watching it more and more and misbehaving more and more. They say it's especially bad at the Lil Patriots, where some of the children have conspired to brutally assault their caretakers, slowly becoming a hive of delinquency.

Police Surplus Phase One [Liberty Party, Security, Program]: The Baton Rouge Police Force had been equipped with a variety of military surplus, including obsolete laser rifles, body armor, old generation force field generators, and eyebots, all donated by the wealthiest members of the city.

Gecko: A town poisoned by ACME. Population 481, this small cajun village was located in the Northern Atchafalaya Bayou. It's primary industry was crawfish farming, it was named for the highly abundant population of wild geckos in the region, and roughly 104 people in it had been diagnosed with leukemia. Currently, the town was the site of the only DoP operated clinic in the state, meaning that it was getting a small boom in "tourism" from DoP agents getting medical care.
Community Stats:
DoP Goodwill: +
Community Health: +
DoP Clinic Phase One [DoP, Medicine, Facility]:
A clinic built in the heart of Gecko staffed with the absolute best equipment and staff your budget could allow. It's major specialty was cancer treatment and pediatrics.
Weather Monitoring Station [NOAA, Research, Facility]: The Gecko facility seemed to be experimenting with cloud-seeding technology via a chem lab. They also ran a 24/7 automated weather broadcast channel and helped monitor atmospheric patterns in most of the state via their doppler tower.

Cambridge Lousiana: Welcome to Cambridge University of Lousiana, a subsidiary of the Cambridge Institute of Technology! Founded in 2074, it exists to help accelerate the development of one of America's greatest assets, our scientific acumen!

Pinkerton National Detective Agency [Corporate, Security] An organization you loathed, the Pinkertons are the Knights of Capitalism. Hired thugs whose history stretches back to the 1800's, they work for the lowest bidder busting up unions, hunting down bounties on socialists or famous dissidents at large, putting down unruly workers, and acting as cops for hire.

Power Armor Proliferation: +

Daisy Technological Enterprises [Education, Science, Prototype]:
A research firm based in Daisy, Oklahoma, founded as a subsidiary of Big MT and eventually nationalized by the Department of Preservation, who eventually allowed the former owner, Nancy Steinbeck, to buy back the name and rights to produce the technology she had helped develop in the first place. Focus is on novel technological solutions, currently a partner with Team America of Lousiana.

AlviCorp [Education, Corporate, Robotics]: A robotics and software company that did a great deal of contract work for the DoP, largely relating to the Departments computerization initiatives. Products included a handful of proprietary robots, some terminal and super-computer models, a large amount of programs, blank floppy discs, and digital assistants like ENFERR, along with a variety of accessories, like PolyGel Rubber, a sealant used to water-proof electronics.
Water-Proof Electronics:+

Team America [Government, Charity]:
Your organization, a joint project between various government agencies headed by the DoP designed to "help enrich all parts of America". An incredibly vague mission statement that belied a number of more concrete goals for the organization, namely working to help prepare write-off regions for a potentially catastrophic societal breakdown caused by nuclear forces randomizing the atoms that form the government. NOTE: This faction card will not record stat changes, it only exists if for some reason you want to target your own people for whatever reason.
Stormwatch: +
Mans Best Friend: +

RADICAL [Crime, Mischief, Weird]:
A four man team consisting of you, Dr. Feelgood, ENFERR, and Wilbur Ashton. Your goals- oppose the US Government. Your means- supercrime. You were RADICAL: Rabblerousers Against Dictatorial Institution of Callous American Lackeys.
Buddytraps [Ecology, Genetics]:
Highly trainable modified flytraps, children in the region could order Buddytraps in order to help protect themselves against adults.

Boom Bulbs [Industry, Genetics]: A modified pitcher plant designed to feed off off the incredibly abundant quantities of garbage in the environment in order to produce large amounts of organic fast hardening liquid polygel adhesive. In response to motion, the organ which contains the polygel will detonate, covering its surroundings in a thick layer of glue, making them useful as mines.
Teenage Wasteland:+
Renewable Commodities: +
Reznikov Outfit [Crime, Mischief, Logistics]:
An old remnant of the mafiya that had survived the resource wars, the Reznikov outfit, named for its founder, were primarily smugglers, specializing in contraband.

RobCo [Corporate, Robotics]: Ran by King Tut himself, Robert House, an old college friend of yours you were now estranged from. RobCo specialized in advanced robotics, hardware, software, and technology stocks.




1 Dice, +0 to rolls

Financial Security [Finance, Investigation]: It wasn't your department, but it might be prudent to help make sure the economy was still vaguely functional for now. The good news was, you had the perfect solution: create a financial crime investigation unit you could aim at the wealthy to make sure they actually paid their taxes and then some. It would be unpopular, sure, but lots of useful things were unpopular. 0/200, SELECT COMMUNITY. decreases Financial Insecurity and increases Public Order. Costs 1 Funding. High Suspicion cost.

Project Titan Killer [Ecology, Energy, NOAA]:
You had been ordered to conduct special high energy tests using nuclear warheads to research the viability of destroying hurricanes with atom bombs. This was an insane idea. Even testing it would be disastrous. God, what the hell? DC 150, can only be performed Q2. Increases Atmospheric Irradiation. Increases influence by 10. Massively increases wrath. Repeatable three times.


Hire Security Guards [Combat, Personnel]: The solution to a terrorist with a gun was a security guard with a gun: by hiring security guards to man a facility. With the worries about NEXT, it'd probably be covered by the department. 0/100. Increases Facility Security. +WRATH

Scouts of America [Combat, Charity]: The scouts were one of the great American institutions, teaching young patriots life skills such as identifying potential communists, national self-defense, and how to pledge allegiance to the Flag! By supporting a communities local chapter, that community would become not only safer, but a higher quality source of future soldiers, should the war drag on long enough.
0/100/200, SELECT COMMUNITY. Gain Patriot Scouts in area, increasing Youth Mobilization Stat. Second phase costs 1 Funding to complete. +++WRATH

Police Surplus [Combat, Charity]:
Local PD was less militarized than those in New York or Washington DC: that needed to be fixed immediately by assisting them in purchasing used military equipment, which would be costly. 0/200/400/600, SELECT COMMUNITY. Police Militarization stat increases. Each phase costs 1 Funding to complete. ++WRATH

Identifying Communists (For Kids!) [Education, Government]:
By helping children identify communists, our children became safer! By having schools include weekly seminars on the subject taught by senior TAPP analysts you'd almost certainly help protect our kids! 0/200, increases Ideological Security. ++++WRATH

Self Defense Courses [Combat, Education]:
Not everyone could afford a gun, and the DoP lacked any firing ranges at the moment: the solution? Hand to hand defense courses to help every red blooded american survive attack by communists! 0/100 SELECT COMMUNITY, increases Self Defence.

Project Turtle Arms Depot [Military, Combat]: The military was willing to help finance DoP operations if they helped contribute to Project Turtles: by creating a secure arms depot that army officials could access after a hypothetical apocalypse, Team America would get a little more grant money. 0/75/150/250/500, SELECT COMMUNITY, increases Military Storage in community. Increases Funding by 1 for each phase. +WRATH

DoP Gun Club [Charity, Combat]:
An idea to help improve a community's level of general access and competency to firearms, these DoP operated Gun Clubs would host training and safety seminars, hold shooting games to hone marksmanship, and would serve as an arsenal for the community. 0/250, SELECT COMMUNITY. Increases Firearms Expertise in community. Cost 1 Funding.

Floodwall Expansion [Construction, Ecology]:
The New Orleans floodwall was one of the largest pieces of infrastructure in the state. It was expected to fail in 50 years: and unfortunately, it wasn't the only community that had that problem. 0/400, SELECT COMMUNITY. Increase Floodproofing.

Local DoP K-9 Unit [Combat, Personnel, Ecology]: A K-9 unit placed in a community primed to survive would likely be useful for a multitude of reasons post-bomb drop. It was, comparatively, one of the less harmful ways you could improve general security, but less isn't none, and it was very likely they'd wind up being used to assist local security forces in the community. 0/150/250, SELECT COMMUNITY. Increase Police Militarization and Wrath on second phase. Increase Mans Best Friend on first phase. Cost 1 Funding.

AlviCorp Robot Factory [Robotics, Construction, AlviCorp]: AlviCorp was looking to expand their overall presence in the robot market. To do that, however, they needed manufacturing facilities: this would allow them to increase the proliferation of their machines in the region. Of course, the DoP would benefit: each factory you build will be rewarded with a portion of the output of the factories to help staff your own robotic security division. 0/200/500, SELECT COMMUNITY. Increases AlviCorp Robotics Proliferation stat. Every two points of ARP in the region increases [Robotics] dice by 1.

DaisyTech Arsenal Printer [Prototype, Industry, Military, Daisy]: DaisyTech was working on a military contract: they wanted to create a 'build an arsenal' device that utilized an AI assistant and advanced manufacturing technology in order to allow users to create their own custom, highly advanced weapons.
0/250, unlock Daisy Tech Arsenal and Rogue Arsenal projects, increases Influence by 10.



1 Agent Dice, +0 to rolls.


Hunting NEXT [Investigation, NEXT, Weird, Crime]: You should probably work on collecting a dossier on NEXT: the more you knew, the more you could do to disrupt their plans. Of course, finding them would likely require turning up a few rocks. DC ???, on success gain a NEXT Faction Card. Medium Suspicion DC. Increases Influence by 5. This Case is considered Cold on any turn where NEXT doesn't attack, increasing its DC.


Kisatchie National Forest Logging Operations [Investigation, EPA]: There have been signs of illegal logging in Kisatchie National Forest. This needed to end: Americas forests were national treasures! 0/100, gain Kisatchie National Forest Community Card. +WRATH

ACME Investigation [ACME, Investigation]: ACME are up to something, according to Agent Skulder. He wanted to look into their medical department to try and figure out what their plans were. 0/100/200/300, gain assorted ACME Community Cards. +WRATH

Digging Up Dirt [Investigation, Crime]: Every small town had its crooks. Investigating them was sure to bring some heat, but it'd give Team America ammo in the war on crime. 0/100, SELECT COMMUNITY. Gain Underside Intel. Increases Influence. +Wrath.

The Sunken Parish [Investigation, Weird]: The super hurricanes had caused significant portions of the state to sink in the past five decades or so. Recently, fishermen looking to catch their dinner in the shallow, watery plains that rested on formerly dry land had reported their boat being attacked by figures in what appeared to be diving suits. 188/250, gain the Sunken Parish Community Card.

The Wreck of the USS Hartley [Investigation, Weird]: The Hartley had been a cargo ship created in the waning days of the late 1990's, used by the US Navy to transport goods and cargo, only to be destroyed less than a handful of decades later, during Superhurricane Joshua, sinking the ship below the waves off the coast of Baton Rouge, where it still slept, haunted by ghosts of its former crew according to urban legends. 68/150, gain 3 Influence.

Missing Casework [Investigation, Crime]:
Every community had them. Ghosts on the wind, those who had disappeared into the night, whether by choice or by malfeasance. While law enforcement technically wasn't the Departments bailiwick, there were a number of cases where normal police were unsuited to investigation, primarily due to disinterest, that the department could pick up the slack for. 0/150, SELECT COMMUNITY. Increases Public Order.

Psychic Identification Program [Weird, Education]:
Natural psychics were difficult to locate, but if Team America was expanded to include a dedicated team to help identify potential psychics, it would likely increase the number caught in the net. 33/100, increase Psychic Identification Rate, increasing Influence by 2. Cost 1 Funding.

AlviCorp Drug Trials [Chems, Weird, AlviCorp]: AlviCorp wanted to get into medicine. If the DoP would assist them in conducting drug trials, it would go a good way to helping the company get it's first product out into the world. 0/150, SELECT COMMUNITY. Increase random stat. Raise Influence by 5, increases funding by 1.

DaisyTech Super-Intern Program [Personel, Education, Daisy]:
DaisyTech was always looking to expand. If you would be willing to lend them your Agents to help them find qualified candidates- preferably before their competitors- it would let them begin opening facilities in the state. 0/350, grants +1 Science Dice and increases Regional Faction Penetration. Repeatable.


0 Dice, +0 to Rolls

DoP Extracurricular Program [Education]: The Better Think initiative was pushing for increased extracurricular programs: on paper, to improve educational quality and prepare for future crises. In reality, it was mostly a cynical excuse to let them remodel schools to include hardened construction and bunkers. 0/200, raises Duck and Cover. Repeatable: cost 1 Funding. Gain +1 [Education] dice.

DaisyTech Bio-Lab [Genetics, Prototype, Daisy]:
DaisyTech wanted to create a small biotech research lab somewhere. They couldn't afford more than one lab at this time, so if you build this, you'll need to think carefully about where. 0/500, SELECT COMMUNITY. Community gains +3 to its Research Value stat increasing the odds it will develop advanced technology post-apocalypse, and you gain +2 to [Genetics] projects. Can only be built once.

ENFERR Mainframe [Programming, Construction]:
AlviCorp was experimenting with a assistant AI- ENFERR. You forget what the acronym meant- anyways, they were still working on it. At the moment, it was only running on a supercomputer up in Denver. AlviCorp wanted to expand the AI's coverage by creating a second mainframe in Lousiana connected via underground cabling. This would expand ENFERR's processing abilities considerably. 0/300. We should, uh, probably keep this one quiet from the Director, Edgar. Anyways, if you do this, I'll owe you one, buddy: 10 influence and a permanent +2 to [Robotics] projects! Plus, it'll unlock a project to upgrade communities with local nodes on the ENFERR-Net in your Agent category!

ACME Construction Catelogue [Construction, Personel, Robotics]:
Sigh. ACME. As much as you detested them, they were the only real option for advanced construction technology, including the ALL-N1, Labourtron, and various useful Pip-Peripherals and architecture software. If you were willing to shell out money, you might be able to upgrade your construction division's efficiency considerably. 0/200, gain +2 to [Construction] projects. Cost 1 Funding.

Supply Depot Warehouse [Logistics, Construction]: The bread and butter of the department: these warehouses stored massive quantities of material shipped from various DoP factories for use in case of nuclear armageddon. 0/100/200/300, SELECT COMMUNITY. Increase General Supply stat: third rank increases additional community specific stat.

Department Motor Pool [Logistics, Administration]:
By purchasing vehicles department employees could use, the team could greatly simplify transportation and shipping for various department assets. 107/200/400, increase Departmental Mobilization. Required for further vehicular development such as DoP Garages. Cost 1 Funding to complete each rank.

Fortified House of Worship [Population, Construction]:
For once, the justification for this one isn't wholly propaganda: analysis indicated that when the bombs drop, churches and other holy houses were likely to be the first place civilians without any substantive options are likely to flee. By reinforcing one of these sites to be bomb-proof, it would significantly raise the odds of survivors in the community. 0/200/600, SELECT COMMUNITY. Increases Divine Sanctuary stat.

Power Peanut Plantation [GWCFAAAT, Agriculture]:
Power Peanuts were a very experimental development by the George Washington Carver foundation (with Department assistance): they were a 100% renewable source of electrical energy, albeit one that was somewhat inefficient compared to nuclear or even fossil fuels: thankfully, the market was always looking for more sources of energy. 0/200/400, SELECT COMMUNITY. Increases Renewable Energy Stat. Each phase increases funding by 1.

AutoMenagerie Complex [Ecology, Genetics]:
The department was planning to construct one in the next few years: why not get a head start? Having a functional AutoMenagerie would be vital for restoring life to the wetlands. 201/500. Gain Louisiana AutoMenagerie Community Card.

Department of Preservation Factory [Construction, DoP]:
The Department was always looking to expand production. If you could build a few of these factories, put them to producing various goods the Department was looking to stockpile, you could kill several birds with one stone, employing large amounts of that community, producing material for the DoP, and earning yourself a few brownie points. Problem was, it would be PRICEY. 0/150/300. SELECT COMMUNITY. Community gains DoP Employment. Second phase grants additional DoP Goodwill. Gain 10 Influence and increase [Construction]'s bonus by +1. Cost 3 Funding per phase.

Weather Monitoring Station [Ecology, Government]:
The NOAA's creation: these facilities would monitor weather and oncoming storms and were networked in order to help predict storms and perform meteorology based research. 0/200. SELECT COMMUNITY. Each Community contributes to regional Stormwatch stat.

DoP Clinic [Chems, DoP]:
It would be very expensive, but equipping a community with a fully staffed and stocked clinic and hiring doctors to man it would be a good way to improve health both in that community, but also the wider region should the community survive. 0/150/300. SELECT COMMUNITY. Increases DoP Goodwill and Community Health. Second phase gains [Genetics] tag and Novel Gene Therapies stat. Each phase costs 2 Funding.

Landgrab [Real Estate, Economy, Population]:
The state was only just pulling out of its economic slump thanks to corporate investment, and currently there were a large amount of open properties just looking to be snatched up and developed. 0/150, SELECT COMMUNITY. Unlock additional projects.

Advanced Cererium [Robotics, Agriculture]: You had a CERES to help manage agricultural facilities in a community: however, that CERES had limited facilities of its own to work with. By installing an underground bunker filled with backup-mainframes and whatever the CERES unit requested, the AI's productivity could be fully harnessed. 0/400, Select Community Card with CERES. Upgrade CERES by increasing it's primary stat bonus to all agricultural tagged infrastructure.


0 Dice, +5 to rolls

NEXT Tec [Investigation, Prototype, NEXT]: NEXT's attacks had one benefit: their technology was easier to acquire. You'd have to step on some toes, but you should be able to requisition captured examples of the organizations gear and weaponry and reverse engineer them for your own use. DC 150, gain access to random NEXT Technology. Increases Influence by 5. High suspicion.

Power Peanut Genome Sequencing [Power, Genetics, GWCFAAAT]:
Power Peanuts were fascinating: while the design had been refined by department labs, the George Carver foundation were no slouches either when it came to genetics. It might behoove you to try analyzing their genome: at the very least, you could send the science division and the foundation your notes. 0/250, unlock Power Peanut Genetic Template, speeding up national Power Nut research and increasing influence by 2.

Construct CERES Unit [Construction, Robotics]: The general term for the DoP's standardized model of AI manager, intended for inclusion in agricultural facilities. By upgrading a facility with one, its overall output would increase by a fair amount. 0/150, SELECT COMMUNITY WITH AGRICULTURAL INFRASTRUCTURE. Agriculture tagged infrastructure gains primary stat increase, along with an infrastructure-dependent secondary stat.

Community Data Cache [Construction, Education]:
The Data Cache model of knowledge retention infrastructure had been selected by top DoP analysts as the optimal means by which institutional knowledge could be preserved in the region. 0/150/300/600, SELECT COMMUNITY. Increases Buried Knowledge stat.

TAPP Analysis [Government, Education]:
One of the worst things your sister had ever done: countless people had been thrown into jail. The actual criteria it worked to determine who was a 'true american patriot' and who was a 'godless red in waiting' was a black box: if you could figure out how the algorithm worked, however, you might be able to game it to help people avoid falling afoul of it. 0/300, gain TAPP Manipulation projects. Massively increases Wrath.

Garden of Eden Sanctuary [Ecology, Charity]:
If you could scrape together the funding, you might be able to help support one of the various communities in the state while also preserving endangered wildlife from around the globe via financing a sanctuary. 0/200/400. SELECT COMMUNITY. Increase Biodiversity Preservation stat and a community dependent secondary stat. Cost 1 Funding to complete each phase.

Community Seed Vault [Ecology, Agriculture, Construction]:
After the bombs dropped, it was likely numerous species of plant would go extinct: by establishing a series of seed vaults, this could be prevented. Obviously the priority would go to more human useful cultivars, but some wild flora would be preserved if conditions permitted. 0/400/800. SELECT COMMUNITY. Increase AgriPreservation stat. Second phase also increases Biodiversity Preservation stat.

Off The Shelf Bio-Optimizer [Genetics, Research]:
The good news was, you had free access to the science behind the Optimizer, to the point you could easily manufacture it yourself if you had the facilities. That wasn't remotely likely, unfortunately: that would cost an incredible exorbitant amount. You might, however, be able to settle for a home manufactured version. 0/150, Edgar begins producing and distributing in secret Bio-Optimizer. Costs 1 Funding. Medium Suspicion.

Clone Lab [Genetics, Ecology]: It would have to be on your own dime, and it would be very off the books, but a clone lab would let you reproduce any animal whose genetic template you had access to, including but not limited to gorillas. 0/500/1000, SELECT COMMUNITY. Community gains +1 BioDiversity.

Elephant DNA Library [Genetics, Ecology]:
Another large animal, whereas there were a few other labs working on bringing back gorillas, there were no such initiatives for elephants. This would likely be a difficult task. 0/500, gain Elephant DNA Library, increasing Clone Lab BioDiversity via the Elephant Genetic Template.

Misc Ape DNA Library [Genetics, Ecology]:
…Well, there were a few more species of extinct ape you could bring back. Orangutans, for instance. And the ones that weren't extinct were unlikely to survive the bombs or were already endangered to begin with. 0/250, Repeatable, Select Community with cloning lab. Each iteration of this project increases the communities Planet of the Apes.

Mothman DNA Library [Weird, Genetics]:
Apparently Mothman was real. Clancy had managed to obtain a corpse and had a few live specimens: she wanted you to look into their biology. This would also, unbeknownst to her, the opportunity to see if you can clone a cryptid… 0/250, grants Mothman Genetic Template and increases Clone Lab Tales of the Uncanny stat and raises influence by 2.

Aquatic Atomiplants [Genetics, Ecology]:
Atomicrops was a good idea, but it was limited: there were multiple factors to consider, like the environment. Waterways would be choked and consumed by pollution and radiation. However, you believed you had a solution: you were fairly certain you could use the notes you took studying the program to apply the same modifications to various species throughout the bayou, primarily those that showed promise for helping reduce the amount of toxins in the water or metabolizing the radiation more efficiently to speed up recovery. 168/250, upgrades Atomicrops template, increasing regional Water Purity.

Toxitato Atomiplant [Genetics, Agriculture]:
There had been a little research into radiotrophic plants, and while no one was there yet, it did give you an idea: with a little modification, you might be able to engineer a species of potato designed to help reduce the severity of toxic chemicals and other pollutants in the soil. 0/250, upgrades Atomicrops template, increasing the Seed Vaults Soil Purity stat.

Atomibugs [Genetics, Ecology]:
Now, the atomipollinators idea, that was a good idea. If you took the time to apply the same modification to local species such as millipedes, moths, mosquitos, and local pollinators, you'd increase their odds of survival considerably and significantly reduce the impact of insect death in the region! 0/75, unlocks Atomibugs Template, increasing insect survival in the region and unlocking Advanced Entomology projects in all categories.

Laser Balloon Testing [Prototype, Ecology, Energy, Daisy]: Daisy was experimenting with a new technology: extremely light-weight and cheap lasers that could be added to swarms of remotely piloted weather balloons. It was, to be frank, a highly dubiously effective technology: the idea was that the balloons would serve as yet another method by which nukes could be shot down. Still, if the technology was successful, it would be trivially easy to modify existing and future weather facilities with, and even a little more coverage could be the difference between total or merely partial annihilation. 22/250, upgrades Weather Monitoring Stations with Laser Balloon Technology, increasing Community Clear Skies.

Hover-Brain Insurance [Personel, Robotics, Augmentation, AlviCorp]:
Hover-Brains were a model of cyborg AlviCorp had developed- civilian, unlike the model the military was working on, and intended to be used on those suffering from terminal illnesses or hideously lethal injuries looking to survive. They were partially based on Eyebot designs, opting for a spherical shape. A brief perusal of the schematics didn't show anything untoward: AlviCorp had a perfectly workable, non-evil (at least in abstract) design, they just didn't have anyone who wanted to buy them. It would be expensive, but it'd be a pretty useful upgrade to the insurance package to have emergency Hover-Brain installation added to your employees healthcare coverage. 0/150, Department gains Hover-Brain insurance, giving +4 to [Personnel] projects. Cost 2 Funding.

GLOO-Bots [Robotics, Prototype]:
AlviCorp was working on getting their PolyGel manufacturing set up- for now, they were interested in looking for alternate applications. A combat robot designed for non-lethal disabling of hostiles wouldn't sell all that well, but your security would no doubt appreciate it. 0/150, AlviCorp Robot Factories upgraded to increase Facility Security in community.

Deep Sea Atomiplants [Ecology, Genetics]:
It was admittedly a bit of a gambit and unlikely to benefit anyone directly for a very, VERY long time, but with some effort you might be able to begin modifying various deep sea plant life in the gulf to benefit from the atomiplant modifications.
0/500, increases Deep Gulf Biodiversity.


0 Dice, +0 to Rolls
DoP Investment [Finance, Liberty Party, Faction]:
A funding injection when paired with a firm expectation of results and extensive oversight would allow organizations to expand operations. Potentially less efficient than doing it yourself, but at the same time it would be fairly marginal effort. DC 50, SELECT FACTION. Must use at least 1 dice associated with the faction. Increases random faction stat. Costs 1 Funding.

Community Broadcast Tower [Education, Media]: Radio, then television. These facilities would play on loop various Department created materials, largely a mix of patriotic reaffirmations and edutainment material aimed at both adults and children. 0/200/400, SELECT COMMUNITY, increase Public Preparedness stat. Costs 1 Funding to complete per phase.

Local Philanthropy [Charity, Government]:
Firefighters, hospitals, public transportation and other services were generally deeply underfunded. By contributing to their finances, it would both help that community develop important infrastructure to help weather disaster, as well as buy some local good-will for the department in that community. 0/100/200, SELECT COMMUNITY. Increases Team America Goodwill and Responder Preparedness stat. Cost 1 Funding to complete each phase. +Wrath. TAX WRITE OFF APPLIED, FIRST IS FREE.

DoP Disaster Training and Response Facility [Education, Personel]:
The civilian disaster preparedness program was a new initiative by the DoP: they wanted to start training populations in various methods that can be used in case of disaster to survive. 0/200, SELECT COMMUNITY. Increases Responder Preparedness. Cost 1 Funding per phase.

Co-Op Garden [Agriculture, Population]: Anyone who seriously thought co-ops were the herald of socialism were idiots. Despite the stigma, however, they did serve a purpose: the most obvious was reducing food insecurity and self sufficiency for a community, but more important was helping that community start building the institutional knowledge required for rebuilding agriculture should civilization collapse and supply lines disintegrate. 0/100/200, SELECT COMMUNITY. Increases AgriPreservation stat. Modest Suspicion.

Luxury Bunkers [Population, Construction, Liberty Party]: Funding was hard to come by, but one way it could be obtained? Earning Donors by constructing various Liberty Party officials and other wealthy individuals their own private, DoP maintained bunkers. Sure, it would be helping some of the worst people avoid the fate they have so richly earned, but the funding would be worth it. 0/150/300, increase funding by 2 per phase. ++Wrath Gain.

Targeted ACME Loans [Population, ACME, Finance]:
This wouldn't save anyone. Not on its own: the infrastructure developed might help someone at some point, but the effect would be marginal compared to other, more efficient tactics. The only benefit this gave was money.
0/100/200/???, SELECT COMMUNITY. Infinite phases, every phase increases a random stat. Every two phases, gain +1 Funding. +Wrath.

Lil Patriots Orphanage [Construction, Education]
The orphans of today were the patriots of tomorrow! The Patriot Party wanted to help preserve the future of America by constructing a military orphanage for the children of veterans who had perished in the line of duty, and help prepare these sons and daughters of heroes to follow in their parents footsteps, no doubt as they would have wanted, teaching them patriotism, honor, god, and american values as well as useful skills such as marksmanship, wilderness survival, community reaffirmation of principles, and discipline while providing them food, shelter, and other basic needs. 0/100/200/300. SELECT COMMUNITY. Each rank increases Youth Mobilization by 2. Unfathomable Wrath gain.

Community Subsidized School Meals [Charity, Education]: Oh Edgar. Why am I not surprised? The good news is, this project is incredibly doable if you're willing to settle for power pills, whose effects on a growing body haven't been measured yet. Real food is a little harder, but if you're willing to pay for it, go right ahead! This isn't likely to help anyone though, Edgar, not in the long term. 0/150/300, Select Community. Increases DoP Goodwill. Second phase increases Nutrition stat.

Community Restoration Program [Charity, Ecology]: Occasionally, communities were likely to be damaged by fires, storms, etc. It was technically FEMA's job to help these places repair themselves, but frankly if the DoP didn't step in it was very likely these communities would never actually recover. 0/50, select Community Card with a natural disaster triggered negative status condition. Gain progress to erasing status condition. Repeatable. Sufficient overflow will be reassigned to a different community project.

DoP Publishing [Media]:
It might be prudent to follow Wilbur's advice and start looking into expanding propaganda. You wouldn't be able to do anything too risque, but you could at least begin priming people through monthly magazines and weekly newspapers to be more susceptible to your more intense programming. 0/200, create Team America Publishing House, increasing DoP Goodwill nationwide and unlocking additional Publishing [Media] projects for both the DoP and Wright Entertainment, both region-wide and community specific. Increases influence by 5.

Sky-Watch Club [Programming, Education, Prototype]:
Unfortunately, there just wasn't much you could do to fulfil Wilbur's request right now: there was no way the DoP would let you build a laser tower without a great deal of work. Your only idea other than the laser balloons was using DoP outreach assets to start cultivating clubs of civilian 'sky-watchers' who could help track potential missiles and other objects using advanced software. 0/250, Team America upgraded to increase regional Clear Skies. Cost 2 Funding.

Community Scholarship Program [Education, Charity]: If you wanted to help stimulate a town, one way to do so would be setting up a program to help get them a free ride to attend secondary education: ACME U, to begin with, though with further investment you might be able to get any gifted students into CUL. 0/150/300, SELECT COMMUNITY. Grants Academics. First phase free, second phase costs 1 Funding. Increases Influence by 7 per Phase.

Sponsorship Hunting [Corporate, Government]:
You'd need more sponsorships, and soon. Unfortunately, this means going out and networking: you didn't have the same star-power the DoP had. 0/50, gain 1 Sponsorship. Repeatable: every incomplete sponsorship doubles required progress. Overflow between repeats does not carry over.

AlviCorp Community Development Program [Charity, Education, AlviCorp]:
AlviCorp was a proud partner of the US Government, and would be perfectly happy working alongside the DoP to use their wealth to help enrich the public. 0/150, SELECT COMMUNITY. AlviCorp invests in chosen community, raising a random stat. Repeatable. Every two phases, gain +1 [AlviCorp] Dice.



Raiding the Warchest [Crime, Finance]:
If you need funding, why not target a rival organizations financing? Via fraud or robbery, targetting another organizations coffers specifically would be less profitable than just going after banks, but there was something to be said for precision. DC 150, SELECT FACTION. Reduces factions Funding, lowering a finance related stat. If the organization has no finance related stats, increases financial unstability.

Reznikov Safehouse [Crime, Security]:
The Reznikov's had extensive territory in Baton Rouge. Other cities, not so much: if you could establish some safehouses they could use, they could start conducting operations in other cities, allowing you to begin expanding their presence. 0/100, SELECT COMMUNITY. Increases Reznikov faction penetration.

Reznikov Surplus [Crime, Security, Personnel]:
The Reznikov's were smugglers. Illicit chems, banned literature, exotic animals, and military surplus. Their products were dangerous, highly suspicious, and also extremely useful. Now that they worked with you, you could theoretically spend a little extra money integrating them into your day jobs logistics, helping supply the organization with all sorts of useful (if less than legal) resources.
0/150, increases Team America's Black Market Connections and Departmental Mobilization and raises Reznikov's DoP Goodwill. Cost 1 Funding.

Under the Table Dealings [Crime, Logistics, Faction]:
Of course, the idea of supplying an organization via smugglers was a fairly multi-purpose one. There were a variety of groups that could benefit from having access to Reznikov goods: you might even be able to make a profit, depending. 0/200, SELECT FACTION. Faction gains Black Market Connections and Wright Technologies Goodwill. Chance to gain Funding depending on factions financial status.

The Louisiana Axe-Slasher [Combat, Multifaction]: Vigilante action was perhaps a little beneath you, and so was axe-murder, but nonetheless there were plenty of people in the state who deserved thirty thwacks, and once you did it enough it WOULD send a message. 0/200, increase Faction Regional Terror. Must complete using a Faction Dice: can target specific factions.

RobCo A-No No! [Robotics, RobCo]:
RobCo could eat a dick. House and his company were going to stay FAR, FAR away from this state, and you knew just how to accomplish it: a series of well timed violent product failures against regional representatives of the company. 94/100, repeatable. Somewhat decreases RobCo faction penetration: sufficiently lower it to force the faction out of the region. Complete once to unlock RobCo faction card. FIRST PHASE AUTOCOMPLETES THIS TURN.

Wright Technology Toy Factory [Prototype, Industry, Construction]: Another way to make mischief would be to make toys: on the surface, they'd be normal little gewgaws for children to play with, but in reality these toys would contain a variety of devices to help them raise mischief and trouble. 28/250, gain Toy Factory, unlocking Wright Toy Store outlets, which raise Teenage Wasteland.

Criminal Finance [Charity, Crime]:
Crime wasn't a growing industry, but it could be! You'd need to investigate into a town first, but once you did, you could use the information to begin financing the operations of various ne'erdowells of note. 0/150, SELECT COMMUNITY. Must have Underside Intel: spend it to generate Villainous Unrest. Cost 2 Funding.

Atomiplants Attack! [Genetics, Prototype]:
Venus fly-traps. Grass stickers. Stinging nettles, poison ivy. Some species of witch nettle. There were all sorts of ways one could manipulate floral genetics: with the information that the Atomicrops program had discovered, and your own notes, you could go one step further. You could create weapons. Ones capable of helping you achieve your still nebulously defined goals while simultaneously surviving to repopulate various niches once the bombs dropped, assuming conditions were right. 0/150, Repeatable. Every repetition of this unlocks an additional technology [Gear, Personnel, or Prototype] that raises regional Biodiversity and a random secondary stat.

Dissolve the Police [Crime, Combat, Chems]:
A very simple, very immediate way to handle the increasing militarization of police was to abolish them from life via chemical weaponry. DC 150, Select Community. If DC is successfully passed reduce a communities police militarization by 1.

Breaking the Bank [Crime, Economics]:
You needed money. The bank has money. The bank has a lot of money. Money you could take and use to fund things without having to resort to things like Lil Patriots. DC 100, select community. If successful, generate 3 points of Financial Unrest and 3 points of Funding.

Chaos Science Mayhem Lecture [Education]:
If you laid the ground-work first, and put the effort in, you could use the centers of Education to help formulate chaos: a few well planned lectures at the locations of learning, some small revisions to their course-work, a few minor changes to policy to encourage a certain sort of misbehavior, and their students could be convinced to use their educations a little more…creatively. DC 250, select community with [Education] tagged infrastructure. One random piece of appropriate infrastructure will be upgraded on success, granting it an infrastructure dependent [Mischief] associated bonus stat. I'd suggest getting yourself as pissed off as possible before trying this one, Edgar. The good news is, it'll give you the ability to prepare for it for it and make it spectacular.

HYPNO!¡! [Chems, Weird]: Feelgood didn't entirely groove with the mind control, but he saw the uses. A somewhat more subtle way to increase the utility: branch out to adults with a drug that could be distributed to the populace- knowingly or unknowingly- that would give its users a fantastic pep and unknowingly make them far more susceptible to your propaganda. 0/150, SELECT COMMUNITY. Spread HYPNO, increasing funding, DoP Goodwill, and Wright Technologies Goodwill by 1 and influence by 3.

Hypnotic Broadcast Reels [Education, Media]:
Your way of fighting back against indoctrination: a series of animations you had created that could be utilized alongside very special hypnotic technology to spread values and encourage action. You'd need to arrange for timeslots on local channels, your own or otherwise, and each episode needed to be very carefully designed. 0/250, SELECT COMMUNITY, must have Youth Mobilization: airing HBR's will reduce Youth Mobilization to increase Teenage Wasteland.

Hiring Muscle [Combat, Personnel, Crime]:
Wilbur wanted to start looking to expanding your organizations hired muscles: there was a gang. Russians, a remnant of the Mafiya that ran a contraband smuggling operation out of Baton Rouge. Ashton wanted to arrange a sit down between you and their leader, Papa Georgios, to discuss their outfit transferring ownership to you. DC 150, gain subordinate 'The Heir', a rank 2 [Smuggler] specializing in [crime, logistics, personnel, and mischief] tags.

The Arcadian Agent [Media, Programming, Educational]: ENFERR believed your organization needed expansion as well: his solution, instead of hiring a bunch of russians, consisted of using the hypnotic technology you had pioneered and adapting it to a digital interface, creating and distributing floppy discs containing programs to indoctrinate users into sleeper agents you could call on to accomplish various tasks.
0/100, gain The Arcadian Agent, a collective of brainwashed sleeper agents that act as a rank 1 subordinate specializing in [programming, robotics, and AlviCorp] tags.

Wright Botany GigaGardener Kits [Chems, Prototype, Agriculture]:
It took months for a Buddytrap to grow large enough to collectively threaten a grown adult: even then, monitoring indicated the human would usually kill a fair amount before succumbing to their injuries. Your bulbs had the same general problem: they took too long to cultivate to adequacy. Thankfully, the Department had access to the holy grail of agriculture: GigaGro. You'd requisition the formula, start developing a few tweaks, and then you'd add it to Wright Botanys catelogue. 0/250, +2 to [Agriculture] projects, +1 to [Mischief] bonus. Increases AtomiPlant Attacks secondary stat by 1.

Advanced Fraud [Finance, Crime]:
With the audit coming in, you needed to very quickly fudge up paperwork- at least if you didn't want to wind up DEEP in the red. Tax law had never been one of your specialties, but the good news was, it WAS Wilbur's specialty! DC 100, if successful reduce Audit damage to 1D3-1 funding. Can potentially gain funding: doing so increases New Orleans Financial Unrest. Repeatable until audit is complete to retry funding roll: best outcome rolled is used.


Moratorium. My mouse hasn't been cooperating so please forgive any copy paste errors this time around.
Not sure if I want to drop Local Philanthropy for starting something [Education] in New Alexandria z but this is a basic idea for this turn.

[] Plan: Twice the Knightfall
-[] SECURITY (1 dice; +0)
--[] Local DoP K-9 Unit (New Orleans)
---[] 1 die: (211/250 --> 263/250)
-[] AGENT (1 dice; +0)
--[] The Sunken Parish
---[] 1 die + 1 Skulder: (188/250 --> 289/250)
-[] FACILITIES (0 dice; +0)
--[] Fortified House of Worship (Baton Rouge)
---[] 1 Benoit: (167/200 --> 215/200)
--[] DoP Clinic (Gecko)
---[] 1 Chems + 1 Genetics: (74/150 --> 174/150)
--[] Department Motor Pool
---[] 2 Sophia: (107/200 --> 209/200)
--[] ACME Construction Catelogue
---[] 1 Free + 1 Arcadian Agent: (0/200 --> 97/200)
--[] Department of Preservation Factory (Gecko)
---[] 3 Edgar (0/150 --> 129/150)
--[] AutoMenagerie Complex
---[] 1 Edgar + 2 Ecology (201/500 --> 352/500)
-[] SCIENCE (0 dice; +5)
--[] Laser Balloon Testing
---[] 1 Prototype (22/250 --> 77/250)
-[] OUTREACH (0 dice; +5)
--[] DoP Disaster Training and Response Facility (Baton Rouge)
---[] 1 Education + 1 Wilbur: (77/200 --> 190/200)
--[] Local Philanthropy (Cambridge Louisiana)
---[] 1 Wilbur + 1 Government (0/100 --> 113/100)
-[] MISCHIEF (7 dice; +2)
--[] Breaking the Bank (Baton Rouge)
---[] 2 dice + 1 Baton Rouge
--[] Breaking the Bank (New Orleans)
---[] 2 die + 1 Wilbur
--[] Advanced Fraud
---[] 3 dice
With the coming audit I really think we should avoid finishing the clinic this turn since -2 funding seems like it could be pragmatic if we fail the audit DC. That said we might want to put in a dice for bio-optimizer. Not only does it give a ton of benefits but gates a ton of useful bio projects. Might also help with the orphans if we can use it to boost them.
[] Plan: I Am (Not) A Crook
-[] SECURITY (1 dice; +0)
--[] Local DoP K-9 Unit (New Orleans)
---[] 1 die: (211/250 --> 261/250)
-[] AGENT (1 dice; +0)
--[] Hunting NEXT
---[] 1 die + 1 Skulder+ 1 Edgar
-[] FACILITIES (0 dice; +0)
--[] Fortified House of Worship (Baton Rouge)
---[] 1 Benoit: (167/200 --> 218/200)
--[] DoP Clinic (Gecko)
---[] 1 Chems + 1 Genetics: (74/150 --> 174/150)
--[] Department Motor Pool
---[] 2 The Heir: (107/200 --> 209/200)
--[] ACME Construction Catelogue
---[] 1 Free + 1 Arcadian Agent: (0/200 --> 97/200)
--[] AutoMenagerie Complex
---[] 2 Ecology (201/500 --> 301/500)
-[] SCIENCE (0 dice; +5)
--[] Atomibugs
---[] 2 Edgar (0/75 --> 115/75)
--[] Laser Balloon Testing
---[] 1 Prototype + 1 Edgar (22/250 --> 144/250)
-[] OUTREACH (0 dice; +5)
--[] DoP Disaster Training and Response Facility (Baton Rouge)
---[] 1 Education + 2 Wilbur: (77/200 --> 227/200)
--[] Local Philanthropy (Baton Rouge)
---[] 1 Baton Rouge + 1 Government (0/100 --> 102/100)
--[] Sponsorship Hunting
---[] 1 Wilbur (0/50 --> 58/50)
-[] MISCHIEF (6 dice; +2)
--[] Breaking the Bank (Baton Rouge)
---[] 3 dice
--[] Advanced Fraud
---[] 4 dice

My own spin on the plan, it's got a few main aims:
1) Complete every community related project we can this turn. Next quarter we're gonna be hit by an ecological disaster which has the potential to reduce our progress substantially. We finish these projects now and it means we won't have to be picking up the slack next turn.

2) Turbo boost responder prep in Baton Rouge. With a facility from which first responders are able to survive a nuclear strike on the city, and with them having been provided the necessary tools, we should see some action being taken on the reactor meltdown. Even if they're not able to stop it from going haywire then they can certainly try and evacuate the city, they might even be able to bust the kids out of the Baton Rouge Lil' Patriot.

3) Keep Financial Unrest to a minimum while still aiming for max Knightfall. Essentially the entirety of FUSA is running on borrowed time, if we increase unrest stats then the breakdown is gonna happen sooner. Of course I'm not opposed to raising unrest, but I'd like to minimise it where we can, hence the overinvestment on Advanced Fraud which should see Financial Unrest increase in New Orleans by a small margin but not enough to cause too much harm to the local populace.
Last edited:
Also for the love of all that is good can we please up our security to blunt any attacks by NEXT? Because at this point it just seems incredibly stupid not to considering all the damage they are doing and how they are already affecting us. I'd rather we not wait until they actually attack our facilities before actually upping our defenses.
@Waith moratorium means there is not voting or a pause .
Ah shoot, had some problems with the copy and paste.

Also for the love of all that is good can we please up our security to blunt any attacks by NEXT? Because at this point it just seems incredibly stupid not to considering all the damage they are doing and how they are already affecting us. I'd rather we not wait until they actually attack our facilities before actually upping our defenses.
The plan is currently doing so, we're upping K-9 defences in New Orleans which have proven to be effective at deterring K-9 attacks in the past.
@chellewalker i am begging you can we put 1 dice just one on building a wall. It is soul crushing depressing to keep reading about kids dying and the region keep being a place where only ghouls and a handful of humans live.
@chellewalker i am begging you can we put 1 dice just one on building a wall. It is soul crushing depressing to keep reading about kids dying and the region keep being a place where only ghouls and a handful of humans live.
I mean, at least right now, the Floodwall won't actually change anything for the children? I do want to do Floodwall Expansions in the future, but the children right now die because their food is tainted by the caretakers.
Is there any real reason to actually get the clinic done right away? Because I find it really weird that people keep insisting on finishing it despite our money issues including the fact that we may fail our heist and/or fraud actions. Think it would make more sense to move those dice to other places for a turn until we have the audit issue resolved.
The plan is currently doing so, we're upping K-9 defences in New Orleans which have proven to be effective at deterring K-9 attacks in the past.
Problem is that it does nothing for our headquarters which seems like it getting attacked could be a serious problem.
I mean, at least right now, the Floodwall won't actually change anything for the children? I do want to do Floodwall Expansions in the future, but the children right now die because their food is tainted by the caretakers.
The auto menagerie also does nothing but it is a long term project we need to do. We keep putting off doing things to help people or that what it seems to me.
I've read through both quests, and have no idea how any of this works... but! We seem to be improving things, and I love the "flash-forward" scenes where the author/QM shows us the direct results of the playerbase's actions! ^.^
Raiding the Warchest [Crime, Finance]: If you need funding, why not target a rival organizations financing? Via fraud or robbery, targetting another organizations coffers specifically would be less profitable than just going after banks, but there was something to be said for precision. DC 150, SELECT FACTION. Reduces factions Funding, lowering a finance related stat. If the organization has no finance related stats, increases financial unstability.
Very excited to use this, either RobCo or the Pinkertons seem to be tempting first targets.
@chellewalker i am begging you can we put 1 dice just one on building a wall. It is soul crushing depressing to keep reading about kids dying and the region keep being a place where only ghouls and a handful of humans live.
I'd suggest putting a die into bio-optimizer. Because it gives a ton of benefits and Edgar could give them out in secret. Imagine that he would be able to give them to the Orphans or even unlock a project that could also boost them.
Aquatic Atomiplants [Genetics, Ecology]: Atomicrops was a good idea, but it was limited: there were multiple factors to consider, like the environment. Waterways would be choked and consumed by pollution and radiation. However, you believed you had a solution: you were fairly certain you could use the notes you took studying the program to apply the same modifications to various species throughout the bayou, primarily those that showed promise for helping reduce the amount of toxins in the water or metabolizing the radiation more efficiently to speed up recovery. 168/250, upgrades Atomicrops template, increasing regional Water Purity.

This snuck back in again.

Community Subsidized School Meals [Charity, Education]: Oh Edgar. Why am I not surprised? The good news is, this project is incredibly doable if you're willing to settle for power pills, whose effects on a growing body haven't been measured yet. Real food is a little harder, but if you're willing to pay for it, go right ahead! This isn't likely to help anyone though, Edgar, not in the long term. 0/150/300, Select Community. Increases DoP Goodwill. Second phase increases Nutrition stat.

Hmm this might help the orphanage kids who were starving? Not sure it's worthwhile
--[] Sponsorship Hunting
---[] 1 Wilbur (0/50 --> 58/50)

I overall like this plan but we should leave the sponsorship alone this turn and put that Wilbur dice in the place of Edgar in Advanced Fraud since the guy has a bonus in mischief actions, so it could go +4 in total, also if get a high enough roll we can earn funding instead of losing.

[] Plan: Taxes man, what can you do?
-[] SECURITY (1 dice; +0)
--[] Local DoP K-9 Unit (New Orleans)
---[] 1 die: (211/250 --> 263/250)
-[] AGENT (1 dice; +0)
--[] The Sunken Parish
---[] 1 die + 1 Skulder: (188/250 --> 289/250)
-[] FACILITIES (0 dice; +0)
--[] Fortified House of Worship (Baton Rouge)
---[] 1 Benoit: (167/200 --> 218/200)
--[] DoP Clinic (Gecko)
---[] 1 Chems + 1 Genetics: (74/150 --> 174/150)
--[] Department Motor Pool
---[] 2 The Heir: (107/200 --> 209/200)
--[] ACME Construction Catelogue
---[] 1 Free + 1 Arcadian Agent: (0/200 --> 97/200)
-[] SCIENCE (0 dice; +5)
--[] Aquatic Atomiplants
---[] 2 Ecology (168/250 --> 268/250)
--[] Atomibugs
---[] 2 Edgar (0/75 --> 98/75)
--[] Laser Balloon Testing
---[] 1 Prototype + 2 Edgar (22/250 --> 187/250)
-[] OUTREACH (0 dice; +5)
--[] DoP Disaster Training and Response Facility (Baton Rouge)
---[] 1 Education + 1 Wilbur: (77/200 --> 227/200)
--[] Local Philanthropy (Baton Rouge)
---[] 1 Baton Rouge + 1 Government (0/100 --> 102/100)
-[] MISCHIEF (6 dice; +2)
--[] Breaking the Bank (Baton Rouge)
---[] 3 dice
--[] Advanced Fraud
---[] 3 dice + 1 Wilbur

This is my plan put the ecology dice in Aquatic Atomiplants to finish the project since is halfway done and some of Edgar's dice in atomibugs since the government, or more accurately the Enclave because this reeks of one of they plans, is so intent in irradiate this region for future generations we going to prove them wrong.

Edit: since the atomiplants is a copy past error I decided to cross my plan.
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Aquatic Atomiplants has already been completed thats a copy paste error.
Was going to make a plan, but Wraith's hits most of the points I'm concerned with (focus on ecological research, really cranking out Advanced Fraud), so that'll do me.
This might be worth doing, its not gonna effect things much as those bunkers are gonna be flooded, even if they stay ok, the enclave wont be able to do much post war here as the whole region seems fucked

The first phase of Project Turtle is just a warehouse of military supplies and is doubtful if will ever go beyond that since the region is considerate write off by the government.

The Enclave will turn they attention in Louisiana if progress enough times to consider a investment worthy to infiltrate and twist for they own ends.
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