E.L.F, Extraterrestrial Lifeform

None of that can be good
We've got 40k spaceships from all four Ruinous Powers moments away from reaching planetary orbit via a hole in reality, literally the only way this situation could be worse is if there was a pointy-looking Blackstone Fortress bearing the Eight Pointed Star of Chaos Undivided leading the charge, with a big ole angry bloke wearing implausibly large and spiky armor standing on top of it and screaming something incoherent about conquest, crusading and murder.
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We've got 40k spaceships from all four Ruinous Powers moments away from reaching planetary orbit via a hole in reality, l
Floating in an ugly, twisting void was a graveyard of what looked like ships, space ships, like the ones from Star Wars, and yet nothing like them. They weren't round, like Han Solo's or triangular like the evil Empire's, but blocky, bulky behemoths with ports shaped like the front end of bulldozers, covered in towers and spires and sharp square shapes venting debris. They were covered in skull and eagle motifs, shining with gold. They were sweeping, majestic crafts like space birds or fish with flaring fins and bone wings shattered in the sky. They were smooth, round, organic shapes of bone white and crystal beauty, caved in and empty. They were organic, massive rotting whale and insect corpses in pieces, spindly legs and limp tentacles bleeding ichor into the void.

Farsight could feel the slight pinch in her eyes as her power dilated her pupils further, so she saw farther. Far in the distance, they were jagged, twisted vessels resembling bloody rib cages with skulls and large, bloodshot eyes still looking, still searching and razor edges.

These ships were wrong.

They were a giant twisted hulk like a dark sun, a Frankenstein corpse of all of it. Great and strong, elegant and fragile, flesh and exoskeleton, corrupted together.
You might be wrong there, that looks like a Space Hulk, made up from Imperial, Eldar and Tyranid parts.
Not that that's much better, but we can't tell anything about the allegiance besides propably Chaos.
Blocky behemoths of towers and spires with skulls and eagles are Imperial ships, could be any Chaotic force there. The rotting whale and insect corpses probably were Tyranids originally, but given the situation are likely to be Nurglites by now, the bloody rib cages and skulls are definitely Khornites, space birds\fish would be Tzeentchians and the organic shapes of bone white and crystal sound like Eldar ships, which under the circumstances would probably mean Slaneeshi.

It's definitely a Hulk of Imperial, Eldar and Tyranid bits, but it's also definitely a Chaos Hulk and appears to be displaying distinct signs of at least three of the four Ruinous Powers, and I can't imagine Slaanesh wouldn't have joined the party as well.
The Khornites are there in force, and barring sheer blind luck this isn't the sort of plan that Khorne would implement, which means that at least one of the other Ruinous Powers is involved. This is the sort of plan that Tzeentch would pull, and Khorne and Tzeentch very rarely get along without one of the other two Powers serving as a buffer (in the case of Nurgle) or distraction (in the case of Slaanesh), so if those two are here as it appears then the other two are likely present as well.
The description of the poor bastards in that 747 also sounded a lot like Nurgle's doing, so the only one of The Four that isn't immediately obvious is Slaanesh, and again I just don't see Khorne, Tzeentch and Nurgle putting together an alternate reality invasion force without Slaanesh joining in too. Especially since the latest lore explicitly states that the Ruinous Powers of Chaos are multidimensional and exist across infinite realities, meaning that launching an invasion of alternate realities is pretty much business as usual for them.

e: Also, being a Hulk means it has plenty of room inside for functional spaceships to dock, being a Chaos Hulk that just so happened to be perfectly positioned to exploit the completely random and unexpected hole in reality (I see what you did there Tzeentch) means it is likely packed to the brim with everything the Ruinous Powers could fit inside it, and then a little more just because. And now that the hole has opened it's probably going to start disgorging fleets of Chaos spaceships all over the place.

Of course, this is Chaos, so there's a non-zero chance that the entire situation is about to backfire spectacularly in their faces. That's how Chaos rolls after all; chaotically. Sometimes Chaos shoots you in the face, sometimes it shoots itself in the foot, and no-one has the faintest clue which one it is going to be until it happens.
Except Tzeentch, but he can't tell anyone, even himself, about that sort of thing due to his nature. Or because he thinks surprises are entertaining, could go either way. Trying to figure out what's going on in Tzeentch's head(s) is a good way to acquire all the insanity.
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For a moment there I thought we were going to see a bunch of Enslavers.
Not enough Psykers in the galaxy for them to have any interest in it right now. It took a literal War in Heaven to pump enough energy into the Warp to create an Enslaver swarm, as things are right now there just isn't enough food to attract any real quantity of Enslavers. Might run into one or two by accident, but the odds are low.
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The massive warp storm vomiting a chaos space hulk overshadowed it just a tiny little bit.. But no one's reacting to Leviathan getting yeeted?

Gotta ask how though. I think the brown-haired boy was the kinetic manipulator/amplifier Mjolnir, but I gotta ask how he didn't pop like a water balloon when Levi's secret kill-field was active. And what's with the glowing pillar at the stadium that supposedly killed/knocked out the overgrown lizard?
The massive warp storm vomiting a chaos space hulk overshadowed it just a tiny little bit.. But no one's reacting to Leviathan getting yeeted?

Gotta ask how though. I think the brown-haired boy was the kinetic manipulator/amplifier Mjolnir, but I gotta ask how he didn't pop like a water balloon when Levi's secret kill-field was active. And what's with the glowing pillar at the stadium that supposedly killed/knocked out the overgrown lizard?
Wasn't much of a secret then, but he resorted to simply going through people at the end there. The light was a Chekhov from an earlier chapter. It was a wormhole.
They were a giant twisted hulk like a dark sun, a Frankenstein corpse of all of it. Great and strong, elegant and fragile, flesh and exoskeleton, corrupted together.

In a way, the Boeing 747 passenger airplane with a bent tail and one wing missing was its own kind of surreal. The Simurgh rose up to meet it, white wings flared out in an unspoken expression among falling detritus, pieces of the carcasses trickling down from the sky over the city. It watched the plane glide down out of the maw.

One of the emergency hatches popped open. A man stumbled out. He was pale. Black hair and grey eyes in a dirty, creased business suit covered in holes. Trails of old dried blood streaked from his nose.

'Oh please,' Avni saw him beg. She could read the way his lips puckered over and over again. 'Please. Please. Please. Please.'

A undulating worm was protruding out of his neck forcing his head to tilt to the left to accommodate its size. A bulbous sack of a fleshy membrane was on his back. As one, everyone recoiled from him as he shuffled forward. Others in similar states, or even weirder conditions, crowded the emergency hatches, fighting to get off the plane. Some snarled with extended jaws, or multiple faces, some whimpered and spoke without mouths, seeing without eyes.
That's a Genestealer infestation. Not mutually incompatible with Chaos corruption, given they're surprisingly immune from TSITW. But one wonders when a 747 got dragged into that hulk.
The man drifted closer. He raised a hand, begging, and someone stepped forward. Alexandria hauled them back.

The plane and the man vanished under golden light.

Scion had arrived.
Aaaaaand The Golden Idiot is having none of Simurgh's shit.
Wasn't much of a secret then, but he resorted to simply going through people at the end there. The light was a Chekhov from an earlier chapter. It was a wormhole.
As an avid tabletop spectator, I find it humorous that Levi got beat by an Eldar D-Cannon.
February 7th, 2011

"Alright," Tattletale said after an obnoxiously loud slurp of her Big Gulp that did nothing to alleviate her annoyance. The heavyweight of 'precautionary' cuffs were still pissing her off even though they weren't there anymore and it still didn't surprise her that the Number Man knew how to pick PRT handcuffs with a pin. Alright, so whatever, unknown Thinker involving herself with Elf bigshot, big whoop.

She was saving her goddamn life, for Christ's sake.

It was amazing what a week and a half will do for changing opinions about how fucking petty the PRT really were. Knowing the pettiness was institutional did not make it any better. Knowing the person who made the PRT institutionally petty made it worse. "Hit me."

The TV screen in the unofficial official break room lit up with golden light.

And she was gone.

When she came back, the video was frozen at what she knew was the exact millisecond she stopped paying attention thanks to Contessa controlling the remote - '[Button was pressed without conscious input]' - The Number Man was crunching on popcorn on the other side of the table as Doctor Mother calmly, fastidiously finished up her neat, tidy headings on her notebook paper in blue pen.

Tattletale took a breath. Then she took another slurp. "You knew that would happen."

"Suspected," Contessa corrected with her eyes still forward.

"Suspected, my ass," she shot back. "That's as good as knowing."

She would have figured it out eventually, Tattletale told herself. Eventually, the pattern of simply not being able to think or even see information would have driven her up the wall. She'd gnaw through her wrists before she just laid down and accepted restrictions like that kind of bullshit. She knew she would. That was the only reason why she wasn't giving Contessa holy hell for not telling her that was going to happen.

She thought Scion had been just…blank.


"Get anything?" The Number Man paused munching just long enough to play peacemaker.

She got her mind in gear.

"Farseer is super fucking hard core." Scion? She fucked people up so bad, Scion came to clean up her shit? Tattletale licked her lips. She had to know. "Did this fall anywhere in your calculations? Anywhere? At all?" She waved a hand. "I don't mean standard deviation shit - " and she caught the indulgent smile the Number Man was thinking of smothering - "but like, way out there at least?"

And if it did she was calling bullshit.

'[Can't have predicted this. Only Simurgh knew. And Farseer.]'

She held up a finger, blinking. "Simurgh knew something."

"Of course she did," Doctor Mother said simply. "We've found it best to assume she always knows something. But if she knew this -"

'[Didn't know everything. Suspected. Predicted. Adequate measures taken, sure of conclusion. Sure of self. Scion would react to Farseer. Both used it.]'

"Okay," she said. So this was the kind of rodeo where no one knew what was actually going to happen, but being pretty okay with hitting that big red nuke button anyway on the off chance the grenade they were throwing around would hate the other guy just a bit more than you knew it hated you. "Okay, I'm good."

Jesus H. Christ Hebert.

You are why we can't have nice things.

Last time she checked, Calvert was still sleeping off the disconnect from Clairvoyant. So that meant next time, it was her turn in the fun chair.

Contessa pressed play again. The golden light faded revealing that the entire Boeing 747 had just vanished into thin air leaving only a large patch of molten slag. Less than a second later, smaller, thinner beams randomly struck other places and people. No, not random.

'[Never random.]'

Contessa paused the video again. "Four hundred and twelve passengers, nine parahumans on site, twenty two hundred and thirteen civilians were eliminated in this purge."

"Quarantining a city of this size was always going to be a challenge. It would have tested the very limits of the typical construction," Doctor Mother said. She made a note. "We considered ourselves lucky, I suppose, that the Simurgh's targets were….small."

"Would?" Tattletale found herself asking.

"India opted not to quarantine New Delhi."

'[Twenty one point seven five million people. Damage to economy substantial, to national pride incalculable. Logistics would be strained beyond sustainable measures for India. Nation would likely collapse within a decade or two were a full quarantine to be attempted.]'

"Three minutes past the deadline," Tattletale said anyway.

"And Scion...pruned the populace." A look was exchanged between the older members at the table. Pruned. Tattletale would never like Doctor Mother. She wasn't the type to like anyone holding the proverbial gun to her head, but this person in particular liked to remind her that not all was sunshine and rainbows upstairs. She could understand greed. Ambition. Just plain evil. Doctor Mother had nothing to explain it. "Farseer told Alexandria that Farsight's second trigger wouldn't need to worry about a quarantine."

Oh, she thought. You are a smug bitch, aren't you, Hebert?

She held up a finger. "Who - "



The video continued to play.

She was sure she was supposed to be paying attention to Scion and some part of her was, but it was coming back in drip feedings of nonsensical. The storm wasn't much better in that regard, but that was something she could see with her eyes. She read the report. The real Top Secret one, not the one sitting in Piggot's file cabinet. Give her two days, and the girl could swallow a good chunk of a continent.

That was done at the seat of her pants, thousands of miles away, while Hebert had still been physically in Brockton Bay. There was something about the words between 'bury the eastern seaboard' and 'anywhere' that really put things into perspective.

'[More.]' Her power whispered. '[Farther. Bigger...]'

The shit show right on the other side of the rift was the cherry on top of the shit sundae, and there was a whole lot of shit. Literal proof of aliens. Footage that had somehow spread despite the blanket info bans put in place with most Endbringer battles. Info still spread despite that though.

It was those ones right there. With the swooping, bird of prey designs or organic bone ships. '[There.]' Wraithbone, no doubt about it. '[Simurgh knew what was in storm. Knew about these ships. Knew Farseer. Scion knew. Farseer didn't. Was shown.]'

The fuck?

'[Device was made for Farseer. Would do something to Farseer. Device triggered storm Farseer could already make, why? To show. Wanted a response. Wanted a certain response.]'

From Farseer?

'[From us.]'

"Simurgh wasn't fighting," Tattletale breathed out. "Well, she was, but it was for show?" '[Farseer, low self esteem. Bullied teenage girl.]' "She wanted to hurt Hebert." '[Wraithbone ships. Empty. Alone. Dead.]' She rubbed the bridge of her nose, then her temples. That didn't mean anything unless Simurgh was trying to guilt trip the elf about...something something loneliness?

Did the Simurgh just lose her mind?


It was never the first answer. "How much goodwill would Farseer have, right now, if Leviathan hadn't died?"

"None," The Number Man said. "She'd be deep in the negatives."

"As it is, she's barely pulling through right? Her storm over New Delhi, all three Endbringers on a target, all of them make it out, people die, nothing to show for it except Scion, who pops up to kill more people." She grabbed her drink then put it down. She didn't feel thirsty anymore. "And he had to, at least those people in that plane."

'[Never random.]'

"Or thought he had to."

'[Never random.]'

Unless you tell me what that means, fuck off already, she thought. "What a mess."

She watched the gaping hole in the sky close, slammed together like a surgeon with a golden suture. She watched the golden man lunge for the Simurgh. There was no real body language there to read. Just aggression on one side. And nothing on the other. It was like Simurgh was frozen. '[Waiting.]' She twisted away from the searing blows, angling them away from certain spots on her body. '[Bases of her wings.]'

Then it was as if the video flickered. One moment there was a white haired angel, then there was something large, devoid of humanity. A second flicker showed a silver woman. And Scion faltered.

The video paused.

"The fuck was that?" Her power was silent. "The fuck was that?" she asked again to her companions.

Cauldron exchanged looks over her head.

Doctor Mother tapped her pen on the table.

"She called herself Eden," Contessa answered quietly.

'[There had been two.]'

"Then that's how we get him." She leaned back in her chair. She knew they were looking at her for an answer, but for once she felt pretty good about her place here. If there was one thing her power was great at doing, at the expense of ruining her personal life, it was digging up dirty laundry. She knew everything she never wanted to know about relationships.

That? That had been a human reaction to the death or departure of a significant other that still hurt.

That meant everything.

'[There had been two.]'

"Alright, so I have a few ideas, but first?" Tattletale grinned. "I'm going to need a bit more information about this whole Cauldron shindig you got going on here than what you've decided to hand out. Fair?"

Contessa didn't make the decision. That told her more.

"Fair," Doctor Mother replied. "Welcome to Cauldron, Tattletale."

February 8th, 2011

Other viewers of the video were focusing on different things.

The PRT Los Angeles conference room was relatively empty today. Some new personnel returning from sabbaticals, leave, holidays needed to be caught up, and others were still running the details on the ground. The large table shaped vaguely like a painters palette with its arrowhead shape and rounded edges was cluttered with paper. It was late, again, a hundred and one priorities taking up precious day time in a city that refused to sleep.

Her job was the actionable. Not the hypothetical. What could be done, now. What can be capitalized on, now.

What the fuck do we do now?

Leviathan was dead.

"Do we have the information requested about the killing blow?" Rebecca Costa-Brown asked, hand already held out to receive the thin manila folder. She frowned at it, and glanced over the first page. Parahumans weren't quite as focused on hiding identities in non-Western countries, which made some things easier. She almost snorted at the typical Indian show name, but swallowed it back.

Kill an Endbringer and she will call you whatever you fucking want.

"Status of secondary?"

"Deceased," someone in the room reported.

"Shame," but kinetic force was of little use against Behemoth or the Simurgh anyway. "Wormhole creation and destruction, first name Behar. Aryan descent - " she flicked through the rest of it. Team member of Farsight. She could use that. From observation, there was some reluctant affection there. "Forward the standard offer, double reward, add reconciliation bonus with Avni Singh. With any luck, she'll just show up in New York."

That still got her.

Farseer let the woman walk away because all along, she knew that Behar would answer when called.

And never bothered to say a single fucking thing.

She nodded at the screen and obligingly it began to play. This had been the seventeenth time she'd seen this from start to finish over the last twelve hours. The first time for this particular team up, but it would be the second night they would have with less than three hours of sleep. It was only the thought that Richards was probably watching this compulsively, even in his sleep, that was keeping her from feeling overworked.

No good deed went unpunished, as the saying goes.

The room hushed like it was a movie theatre. The click-clacking of pens and pencils on desks and low murmurs were the only sounds.

"Ex - excuse me," the lights brightened as her deputy director squinted. "Is Farseer...an alien? You have to admit those ships - "

"She has all the memories and mannerisms of Taylor Hebert," Rebecca said. "Let's …" She sighed, loosening her blouse's tie. "Let's not speculate on that, just yet."

Oh, if only you knew.

The reveal that Scion had a partner, even if they poorly understood what she'd known for decades caused a slight stir. After watching him single out and murder thousands of people, some affected with something, and some not, it was just one more mark on the column of 'What We Wish We Knew About Scion.'

"Kid's dangerous, even Scion responds," Ramahi said deceptively lightly. That was the cutoff point. If you did something, and Scion showed up, it was automatically the Biggest Thing. Scion never seemed to have a rhyme or reason to why he did what he did. The only standard was that it had to be a disaster.

This counted.

"We don't know why yet," she replied. "You are free to ask her when she wakes up."

"If she wakes up," someone else muttered and she didn't turn around to see who. She knew who it was.

"Don't ruin this for anyone, Jacobs," she hissed.

The ending was coming up. Job done, whatever it was, Scion hovered alone in the sky above New Delhi. He looked around, taking a second glance, from someone whom most things didn't warrant a first glance.


"Focus the big one first,"
Farseer had said.

"But if [Scion]'s agitated? Give him space?" she had murmured nervously, right before.

There was something wrong with the girl's power, and she knew it. There were ships in the sky made of the same material around her locker, and Farseer didn't show any surprise. But they were empty. Just as lifeless as the rest.

Not the plane.

The plane had been full of lives that were now all gone.

Where exactly did the creature in ENE PHQ come from that day?

Where did Farseer come from?

A natural trigger.

Ships in the sky.

She was going in circles.

For all she knew, she just got a glimpse of what made up Farseer's shard. And it was one no one should have had.

Like us.

Scion floated over to the MCD building's roof, where a girl with sight powers stood alone in terror. She felt a twinge of guilt at how easy it had been to abandon her. Even knowing that she had her orders. Even with the mistaken belief that she would be safe.

Scion reached out a hand.

By habit, Rebecca found the file in the repository of her mind.

Emergence of power-induced extra sensory orb on brow, i.e. third eye. Gemma activity stabilized. Granted honorary United States citizenship due to events in New Delhi, in medical containment, LA.

Documented Induced Third Trigger.

February 8th 2011

Rebecca Costa-Brown's day didn't end when her work hours did. There were a few phone numbers she knew to hang up everything for, no matter how seldom she was called like this. The President. The Secretaries of Defense and State. The Attorney General.

"This is an absolute shit show," Jeremy Matthews, current Secretary of State barked at her. He waved a hand at the screen in front of him, where she knew that video would be playing. She was beginning to hate it.

"We have it under control - "

"You call this control?" The stubble on his jaw seemed to rise like bristles on a riled boar. "This on the web, one dead and two in medical containment - "

"With all due respect, sir, yes. As well as could be expected." Better than expected. This was an Endbringer fight with all three of them present you jackass, she thought.

"With all due respect - " his mouth worked. His wide, white mustache twitched. He laughed mirthlessly. "With all due respect, Becca, we both know you mean kiss my ass."

"Kiss my ass, sir." She stared him down. "What do you want from me?"

"What do I want?" Behind his glasses, watery blue eyes were wide with fear. "I want - I've got - we've got a teenage Simurgh on our hands with an American citizenship! And you ask me what I want?" He leaned forward over his desk. "Answers! Solutions, damnit!"

"It's not even - " He tried to say something, but she just spoke over him. "It hasn't even been a week. Jeremy, we're trying, but if you tell me to work faster, I swear to God - "

His eyes darted around the camera. "Richards have anything?"

"Did he give you anything?" She just barely managed to reply without the vitriol threatening to break loose. She knew the man hadn't, but as always she was the one being asked as if her hands weren't tied behind her back. "You want solutions? Give me some breathing room. Reign in Basler."

"What," he croaked. That was never his solution. To give his attack dog of an Attorney General the order to stand down.

"If you don't want to shit out a Presidential Pardon, you get him to stand down and work with us. I need it." She let him see how serious her request was by subtle changes of her body language. Slumping shoulders, drawn expression, minor tick in her right eyelid behind her glasses. "We need the good will, the PR, the illusion of control or we are reaping the whirlwind."

"The President - look, the phone is ringing off the damn hook. We've got India, we've got Germany, England, we've got fucking Russia on the Red Phone and kid's asleep." He spun in his chair, hands up. "With no fucking eyes!"

Yes, that. Rebecca was this close to obtaining a court order requiring Panacea heal Farseer.

"This has the characteristic look and feel of a complete fiasco," Goffin commented from across the other screen, calmly sipping hot chocolate. The bastard was probably wearing slippers under his desk as well.

"We've - "

"Covered that, I know," Vincent Goffin, Secretary of Defense nodded. "I have fewer concerns here. Any risk of sedition so far?" Rebecca nearly sighed in relief as she shook her head. Farseer was a Thinker however. The possibility was guaranteed to cross her mind eventually. "And we managed a score from India, offers look interesting, especially concerning the CUI. Keep me up to date, would you?"

His screen went dark.

Now much calmer, Matthews drummed his fingers on his desk. "Update me first."

Then he too was gone.

Thanks, Goffin, Rebecca thought and wearily began to wind down her night at the PRT Headquarters in Los Angeles.

February 8th, 2011

In PRT ENE in Brockton Bay, Piggot's night was just beginning.


It was always going to be so fucking inconvenient with the Hebert's wasn't it?

"You've got a visitor."

Danny looked up from the bed of one of the more comfy cells they held fresh triggers and people they didn't want to offend while still keeping them contained and watched. Probably the very same his daughter had been in not too long ago. His eyes were bloodshot and she knew he hadn't slept at all in almost a week. He was rhythmically opening and closing his right fist and managed a weak smile.

Piggot didn't know what she would have done if he had also turned into an elf.

Keeled over and died from a heart attack, probably.

"Annabelle?" His voice sounded as tired as he looked.

His daughter's handler closed her eyes. "Oh, hun."

"Guess it runs in the family."

Piggot muted the mike. "What do you think?"

The woman didn't hesitate, to her credit. "I'll take the new case on, it's fine."

Still, Emily Piggot searched the blonde's face for any sign of uncertainty. "It's likely Taylor will be given other solutions, but we have no problems keeping a familiar, friendly face near."

"Thanks, Director."

You put more of my men in M/S containment, she thought. Don't thank me.


And don't even get her started about where the unknown teenage Thinker had disappeared off to!

"You're welcome," she said and felt she could be forgiven the stiffness. On her way out, she grabbed the papers from Renick, pulling another all nighter. "Sitrep?"

"Nothing's on fire, no current monster attacks, and the coffee is ok, so the situation is better than it was before," Renick answered. "More seriously though, while testing is still going to take a while, results so far seem to show we aren't going to be dealing with any negative side-effects from Danny Hebert's power. So some good news at least."

Some good news, she thought to herself incredulously.

Some good news.
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It's funny watching everyone panic about how bad things are while completely and totally oblivious to the fact that they just narrowly dodged something infinitely worse than Zion and Endbringers. If people had even the faintest clue about what was on the other side of that rift, they'd be prostrating themselves in praise and worship of Zion for shutting that shit down before the Ruinous Powers could really sink their claws in.

Of course, this is Chaos, and the thing about Chaos is that while you can slam the door shut if you're quick and decisive, it can always open again, and each successive opening becomes progressively easier than the last.
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It's funny watching everyone panic about how bad things are while completely and totally oblivious to the fact that they just narrowly dodged something infinitely worse than Zion and Endbringers. If people had even the faintest clue about what was on the other side of that rift, they'd be prostrating themselves in praise and worship of Zion for shutting that shit down before the Ruinous Powers could really sink their claws in.

Of course, this is Chaos, and the thing about Chaos is that while you can slam the door shut if you're quick and decisive, it can always open again, and each successive opening becomes progressively easier than the last.

Chaos spawned from the attitudes, behaviors, thoughts, feelings, fantasies, temptations, dreams, and nightmares, of organisms not much different from humanity.

Nevertheless, the Entities are totally confined to those limits Chaos eschews but not to limits the organisms that inadvertently created Chaos are. Chaos is limited by only being capable of anything and everything we could envision in fevered nightmares and wild delusions - the Entities are beyond our comprehension and have thoughts/capabilities beyond those limits.

My point is that I can't help but wonder what entities like the Warrior or Thinker would think about Chaos. Chaos is a reflection of beings that are so far beneath them it's pretty absurd.

How would you feel about confronting the embodiment of the most fantastical and horrifying thoughts that had ever been conceived of...

...by an ant.
The Entities are actually pretty similar to the C'tan if you think about it, though physically extremely different with one being a conglomerate hive mind composed of some kind of crystalline flesh and the other not really having a mind at all (until robots) and made out of coherent plasma. Still, both are inherently alien beings that have little in common with humans in mind or body, and both have an effectively magical capacity to control and manipulate physics.

So it's also possible that Chaos is just as incompatible to them as they are to it, and if nothing else the Ruinous Powers themselves are 'mentally' comprised of a near-infinite number of lesser daemonic entities all forming a kind of conglomerate hive mind not dissimilar in form to the Entities.

*Glances up*
"HOLY SHIT is that a Giant foot"
Alternately; an infinite swarm of giant hungry termites.
Simurgh chapter has been edited and retitled Angel, take a look to see if it reads better now. Should answer some of these recent questions.
My point is that I can't help but wonder what entities like the Warrior or Thinker would think about Chaos. Chaos is a reflection of beings that are so far beneath them it's pretty absurd.

How would you feel about confronting the embodiment of the most fantastical and horrifying thoughts that had ever been conceived of...

...by an ant.

I mean chaos i a reflection of everything with a soul that inculeds some pretty hard core things like the Old ones or the GEOM so I am not so sure about that.
I don't know. Scion seems like Nurgle bait to me. Nurgle just needs to offer to resurrect a twisted mockery of Eden with just enough of her left in it such that his suffering from her loss is forever torn into his heart like a wound that never closes and he can spend eternity rotting both inside and out trying to spend just one more moment with his literal other half, his twisted and decayed avatar literally clinging to her zombie legs as she walks the world serving Papa Nurgle.
Ah, that is much clearer. So the Simurgh, pre-Earth, got a hit of that sweet,sweet Warp bong and is now desperate for another fix.
I would say that this surprises me, but the Warp is basically super-ultra-magic-Meth to the unprepared and requires literal fanaticism to protect oneself against its corruptive addiction, so I am not in fact surprised at all.

I don't know. Scion seems like Nurgle bait to me. Nurgle just needs to offer to resurrect a twisted mockery of Eden with just enough of her left in it such that his suffering from her loss is forever torn into his heart like a wound that never closes and he can spend eternity rotting both inside and out trying to spend just one more moment with his literal other half, his twisted and decayed avatar literally clinging to her zombie legs as she walks the world serving Papa Nurgle.
Eden is only brain-dead, so any of the Ruinous Powers could 'revive' her (yes, even Khorne, he would never actually do it, but he could), and Scion is stupid enough to think that Daemon-Eden is actually an improvement over absent-Eden, so he would probably go for it even if he knew that he would get screwed over in the long run. (And the short run, and the middle run, in fact just general indiscriminate screwing over all across the board.)

I mean chaos i a reflection of everything with a soul that inculeds some pretty hard core things like the Old ones or the GEOM so I am not so sure about that.
No Old Ones or Emprah here though, of course Chaos is multidimensional and exists across all realities, but putting that aside it would depend entirely on whether Entities have souls or not.

And as we know from the C'tan, just because it can think does not mean it has a soul.
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