(Discussion/Planning) Power Rangers: Mythic Knights (A Sentai Story)

On our uniforms, from last I remember it's black jumpsuits with colored armor, yes? That.... seems awfully dark for Sentai. I like the armor, but the primary color should be, well, our primary color. Also, with the armor, we'd all look different, majorly different, since it was 'and then you have armor you pick out' or something to that effect, while typically it's a cookie cutter appearance with a pallet swap and a few minor detail changed, usually on the helmet.

Since we're going Knight, then, let's go full Knight: colored suits of armor (that don't restrict our movements and don't weight shit) with helms based on our creatures.

On our uniforms, from last I remember it's black jumpsuits with colored armor, yes? That.... seems awfully dark for Sentai. I like the armor, but the primary color should be, well, our primary color. Also, with the armor, we'd all look different, majorly different, since it was 'and then you have armor you pick out' or something to that effect, while typically it's a cookie cutter appearance with a pallet swap and a few minor detail changed, usually on the helmet.

Since we're going Knight, then, let's go full Knight: colored suits of armor (that don't restrict our movements and don't weight shit) with helms based on our creatures.

If we're going armour, we're going Garo Style: AKA There is technically a jumpsuit down there, but theres so many actual pieces of armour that it doesn't seem dark.

Of course, none of us are Gold Wolf mask wearing people, but the idea stands.
On our uniforms, from last I remember it's black jumpsuits with colored armor, yes? That.... seems awfully dark for Sentai. I like the armor, but the primary color should be, well, our primary color. Also, with the armor, we'd all look different, majorly different, since it was 'and then you have armor you pick out' or something to that effect, while typically it's a cookie cutter appearance with a pallet swap and a few minor detail changed, usually on the helmet.

Since we're going Knight, then, let's go full Knight: colored suits of armor (that don't restrict our movements and don't weight shit) with helms based on our creatures.

I think we were trying to retain some of that Sentai Spandex Feel™ with the jumpsuits. I wanted to do something like the new Power Rangers movie which was basically really form-fitting body armor, but people wanted actual spandex.

Also they're black because black goes with everything.
Also, another source of inspiriation for the Armour was Kuuga

I honestly feel like this would work well (In our own styles, of course, and maybe some leg armour). Easily Identifiable colourwise, but still obviously Tokatsu.

Edit: Also, I honestly see the Garo Level of Armour as being a powerup form for all of us at some point in series. This would work, though, for a starting level, lightly armoured point.
But we're Sentei. Unless you're a Black Ranger, black is for bad guys and edgy new guys.
Again, tell that to Kuuga.

Main protag is literally one of the nicest guys on the planet.
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Also, another source of inspiriation for the Armour was Kuuga

I honestly feel like this would work well (In our own styles, of course, and maybe some leg armour). Easily Identifiable colourwise, but still obviously Tokatsu.

Edit: Also, I honestly see the Garo Level of Armour as being a powerup form for all of us at some point in series. This would work, though, for a starting level, lightly armoured point.

Again, tell that to Kuuga.

Main protag is literally one of the nicest guys on the planet.
Hmm... that looks better than I thought, largely because there's a lot more of the armor (color) than I thought.
Sorry, I'm plotting.

The current plan I have will involve PMs, getting your powers and then the initial post of the thread.

Also need to look more for a co-gm.

Again, I'm working off a phone/tablet and only limited Internet access. (My data ran out yesterday too... :()

Please wait warmly.
I've gotta say, I like that all the character posts are indexed. This makes it a lot easier to look at things, and update my bio as I think of things. Plus, the improved names are cool (I'm Veridian!)
Okay. So Zero, is this going to be a 6 ranger team, or 5 rangers and 1 extra who's still pretty cool?
6 rangers, because if I did 5 +1 someone would be waiting a significant amount of time before getting to do anything.

It's the same issue of having 6 people and trying to decide who to cut.