Changing vote since sadist looks like it's going to lose.

[X] Empty Doll
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Calling it. (Less this drags on forever in quest limbo)

Its been bit. I believe 'Broken Doll' won by two votes. Unless, I fucked up somewhere.

@Rossum, thank you, for the tally.

Update begins laterish today when I'm free free and not bustin' my ass at work.
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Did you know?

Just as humans rot; so do their dreams. . .


Is it the vessel that has rotten its fruits? Or is it the tainted fruit, itself, that has corrupted the vessel? In any case; the dream is now a worthless, cruel lie. Such is the sorry fate of Nao Nishikawa.

Cursed with the misfortune of having an unhealthy body; Nao was a frail, delicate little thing bound to a wheelchair and depending on severity of her fluctuating health, a hospital bed.

It was hell to say the least.


Every night.

She felt sicker, and sicker, worse, was the medicine she had to take to make her 'feel' better. What good is medicine, anyway, if it makes you feel worse, and not better?

But, even then, Nao had dreams, even then. . .

[X] Nao wished to sing. Being stuck in a hospital all day gives you plenty of time to practice.
[X] Nao loved to doodle. It didn't matter, what, exactly. For one day, Nao, would be a great artist.
[X] Nao hated her medication, but, if it made her well, then. . .
[X] Write-in.

[Shit. I provably should've fleshed out this concept more, but, fuckit!]
Did you know?

Just as humans rot; so do their dreams. . .


Is it the vessel that has rotten its fruits? Or is it the tainted fruit, itself, that has corrupted the vessel? In any case; the dream is now a worthless, cruel lie. Such is the sorry fate of Nao Nishikawa.

Cursed with the misfortune of having an unhealthy body; Nao was a frail, delicate little thing bound to a wheelchair and depending on severity of her fluctuating health, a hospital bed.

It was hell to say the least.


Every night.

She felt sicker, and sicker, worse, was the medicine she had to take to make her 'feel' better. What good is medicine, anyway, if it makes you feel worse, and not better?

But, even then, Nao had dreams, even then. . .

[X] Nao wished to sing. Being stuck in a hospital all day gives you plenty of time to practice.
[X] Nao loved to doodle. It didn't matter, what, exactly. For one day, Nao, would be a great artist.
[X] Nao hated her medication, but, if it made her well, then. . .
[X] Write-in.

[Shit. I provably should've fleshed out this concept more, but, fuckit!]
Wait, is the third option her wanting to be a doctor or a drug addict?

In any case:

[X] Nao wanted to be a magician, like the man who came and performed for the hospital children once a week. Those brief respites from her misery made her wish she could help others be happy too...
[X] Nao hated her medication, but, if it made her well, then. . .
[x] Nao enjoyed reading, it took her mind off the pain as she was brought into the world of the books, entertaining her and giving her some hope that she will have a happy ending.

This good murder hobo?
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You do know my personal hobby is writing fucked up tragedies, right?

There is no light, here.

Only the endlessly hungry void.
Well, yes, but I thought that the point of this quest was to grind down the sparkly protagonist's soul until she's as empty as we are? We kind of need to not have the medicine work if our dream is to get better...
I think the point is to make her rely on the meds, making her think there making her better until she finds that no...there not making her better just making sure she die's with no pain. that is when her hope of living and hope of a normal life dies.
[X] Nao wished to sing. Being stuck in a hospital all day gives you plenty of time to practice.
Broken bird+ill girl+sing/draw?...This is the best quest ever ~

Too bad must choose between draw and sing..