[X] Empty Doll
Curios how this one will go? Kinda one to spread despair to other magical girl too~
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[X] Shrinking Violet

Could someone reveal the invisitext? Normally I'd do it my self but I don't have a computer ATM and phones make invisitext an annoying bitch to deal with.
[] Smiling Sadist:
You are a girl, who, delighted in another's pain. It is a funny, yet euphoric, feeling. The feeling you get once you thoroughly degraded a pathetic, bawling weakling. Why should you be miserable while everyone else is so sickeningly happy and carefree. . .
[] Shrinking Violet:
You are girl, who, would rather hide from world then live it in. Everything's scary; and you don't like scary things. You would rather hide in your own little world; away from others. This world. . . you're so sick of it. You wish everything can just go away. . . permanently.
[] Little Empress:
You are girl, who, desired control in all things. To have power over her own life and to have freedom to do as she pleased; no matter what others say or do. You can't control everything and that thought alone feels you with terrible dread.
[] Empty Doll:
You are girl, who, gave up and complied. You do as expected of you; and nothing more and nothing less. And why should anyone, let alone, you, strive for anything better? Hopes are lies and dreams exist only to become withering nightmares. This is the truth of life.

Invisitext in green.




[X] Shrinking Violet
[X] Shrinking Violet
[X] Shrinking Violet
[X] Shrinking Violet
[X] Shrinking Violet
[X] Shrinking Violet


What makes you guys think 'Little Empress' has social fu?

Edit: Let me know if I forgotten anyone. . .
[X] Little Empress:

I don't care if we'd do social jutsu or whatever, I just think this would be the most fun to play.
I kinda want to Little Empress, because that reminds me of a certain someone, haha, but I've gotten tired of her.

[X] Shrinking Violet