Contingency plans (Starcraft Zerg Quest)

[x] You know that their where terrans armed with flamethrowers running around in this place at some point, perhaps you should see if the armor they used is still around.
[x] Terran Marines are decent additions to your arsenal, but you'll need something better if you want to get anything done try and make a stronger combat strain.
[x] Infested SCV.
[x] Terran/Overlord hybrid
[x] You know that their where terrans armed with flamethrowers running around in this place at some point, perhaps you should see if the armor they used is still around.
[x] Terran Marines are decent additions to your arsenal, but you'll need something better if you want to get anything done try and make a stronger combat strain.
[x] Infested SCV
[x] Natural Born infested Terrans
[x] The infested barracks is proving effective you should look to see if there are any other buildings worth infesting.
[x] Infesters were not the only Zerg bio forms send down to this planet, you should good see if any of these other Zerg strains remained intact.
[x] Infested SCV.
[x] Terran/Overlord hybrid
[x] Infesters were not the only Zerg bio forms send down to this planet, you should good see if any of these other Zerg strains remained intact.
[x] The terrans have domesticated many animals perhaps one could be of use.
[x] Infested SCV.
[x] Terran/Overlord hybrid
[x] Infesters were not the only Zerg bio forms send down to this planet, you should good see if any of these other Zerg strains remained intact.
[x] The terrans have domesticated many animals perhaps one could be of use.
[x] Infested SCV.
[x] Infested Computer
[x] You know that their where terrans armed with flamethrowers running around in this place at some point, perhaps you should see if the armor they used is still around.
[x] The infested barracks is proving effective you should look to see if there are any other buildings worth infesting.
[x] Infested SCV.
[x] Overlord
[x] The infested barracks is proving effective you should look to see if there are any other buildings worth infesting.
[x] Terran Marines are decent additions to your arsenal, but you'll need something better if you want to get anything done try and make a stronger combat strain.

[x] Infested worker mob.
Zerg == Numbers

[x] Natural Born infested Terrans
What could possibly go wrong?
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[x] You know that their where terrans armed with flamethrowers running around in this place at some point, perhaps you should see if the armor they used is still around.
[x] Terran Marines are decent additions to your arsenal, but you'll need something better if you want to get anything done try and make a stronger combat strain.
[x] Infested SCV.
[x] Natural Born infested Terrans
[x] Commanding

For construction you decide it best if your infested terrans makes use of the SCV's normally terrans have put them to good use so what would keep your SCV's from doing the same.

Reward: Infested SCV, slightly slower than the normal version the Infested SCV allows for the construction of infested terran buidlings.

You also combine overlord and infested terran DNA in an attempt to create a new type of command strain. The results so far are actually fairly decent for a first attempt. The resulting creature is a great deal larger than a normal terran, and has a an insectoid lower body to support its extra weight, but retains more of its terran intelligence then most infested terrans. Naturally as a command strain it possess the mental power needed to command other Zerg strains, a blessing for a brood that so far has bene reliant on just you to keep control. It may have the capacity to add on other abilities, but it may take some experimentation to integrate them.

Reward: Forman class command strain. Ground based overlord like commanders with a decent combat capability in emergencies.

The terran flamethrower units where easy enough to find, and their weapons seem to remain just as potent as ever. You can deploy these units with standard flamethrowers, or if you wish you can instead choose to equip them with the ability to shoot streams of Zerg acid, possibly less destructive then raw flame, but it won't detonate and kill the infested terran piloting the suit at the drop of a hat.

Reward: New unit choice.

Finally you put some effort into improving the infested terran forces you already have access too. The terran body does not naturally have much in the way of personal combat, but that does not mean that it is totally useless for your needs. So far you've come up with two possible strains to improve upon the base infested terran.

The first is the spitter strain. This unit is an infested tarran that has had its stomach modified to launch a variety of different acide types, each with a different debilitating effect on its opponents. Currently it can slow an enemy down or cause other acid based attacks to do increased manage.

The second is the ogre strain, a powerful close ranged combatant with above average regeneration capabilities. This unit may not be the pinnacle of enhancing infested terrans for strength, but it's a good step on the road.

What do you do (Choose 2)

[x] The terrans have domesticated many animals perhaps one could be of use.
[x] Look to the nearby infested cities hopefully they will have something useful.
[x] The infested barracks is proving effective you should look to see if there are any other buildings worth infesting.
[x] While you didn't choose them for a command strain, infested terrans with natural grown patterns are intriguing, you should create on.
[x] Infested SCV's are a good edition to your arsenal, but they seem to have trouble operating the machinery with their somewhat twitchy bodies, perhaps a more direct connection to the machine is needed?
[x] Infesters were not the only Zerg bio forms send down to this planet, you should good see if any of these other Zerg strains remained intact.

Do you modify the infested Terrans suits to use acid?
[x] Yes gain Acid bat as a unit.
[x] No gain Infested Fire Bat as a unit.

What do you choose for the enhanced infested terran strain?
[x] Spitter
[x] Ogre
[x] The infested barracks is proving effective you should look to see if there are any other buildings worth infesting.
[x] Infesters were not the only Zerg bio forms send down to this planet, you should good see if any of these other Zerg strains remained intact.
[x] No gain Infested Fire Bat as a unit.
[x] Ogre
[x] Infested SCV's are a good edition to your arsenal, but they seem to have trouble operating the machinery with their somewhat twitchy bodies, perhaps a more direct connection to the machine is needed?
[x] Infesters were not the only Zerg bio forms send down to this planet, you should good see if any of these other Zerg strains remained intact.
[x] Yes gain Acid bat as a unit.
[x] Ogre
[x] Infested SCV's are a good edition to your arsenal, but they seem to have trouble operating the machinery with their somewhat twitchy bodies, perhaps a more direct connection to the machine is needed?
[x] Infesters were not the only Zerg bio forms send down to this planet, you should good see if any of these other Zerg strains remained intact.
[x] Yes gain Acid bat as a unit.
[x] Ogre
[x] Look to the nearby infested cities hopefully they will have something useful.
[x] Infested SCV's are a good edition to your arsenal, but they seem to have trouble operating the machinery with their somewhat twitchy bodies, perhaps a more direct connection to the machine is needed?
[x] No gain Infested Fire Bat as a unit.
[x] Ogre

I think we should start probing outside before others grab all the goodies.
And we have plenty of acid units. Firebats have GREAT uses
[x] The infested barracks is proving effective you should look to see if there are any other buildings worth infesting.
[x] Infesters were not the only Zerg bio forms send down to this planet, you should good see if any of these other Zerg strains remained intact.
[x] No gain Infested Fire Bat as a unit.
[x] Ogre
[x]Infested SCV's are a good edition to your arsenal, but they seem to have trouble operating the machinery with their somewhat twitchy bodies, perhaps a more direct connection to the machine is needed?
[x] Infesters were not the only Zerg bio forms send down to this planet, you should good see if any of these other Zerg strains remained intact.
[x] Yes gain Acid bat as a unit.
[x] Ogre
[x] Infested SCV's are a good edition to your arsenal, but they seem to have trouble operating the machinery with their somewhat twitchy bodies, perhaps a more direct connection to the machine is needed?
[x] Infesters were not the only Zerg bio forms send down to this planet, you should good see if any of these other Zerg strains remained intact.
[x] Yes gain Acid bat as a unit.
[x] Ogre
[x] Look to the nearby infested cities hopefully they will have something useful.
[x] Infested SCV's are a good edition to your arsenal, but they seem to have trouble operating the machinery with their somewhat twitchy bodies, perhaps a more direct connection to the machine is needed?
[x] No gain Infested Fire Bat as a unit.
[x] Ogre
[x]Infested SCV's are a good edition to your arsenal, but they seem to have trouble operating the machinery with their somewhat twitchy bodies, perhaps a more direct connection to the machine is needed?
[x] Infesters were not the only Zerg bio forms send down to this planet, you should good see if any of these other Zerg strains remained intact.
[x] No gain Infested Fire Bat as a unit.
[x] Ogre
[x] The infested barracks is proving effective you should look to see if there are any other buildings worth infesting.
[x] Infesters were not the only Zerg bio forms send down to this planet, you should good see if any of these other Zerg strains remained intact.

Let's see what we can get by infesting some more buildings, and look for more Zerg strains.

[x] No gain Infested Fire Bat as a unit.

Fire is worth the explosion risk.

[x] Ogre

Having a heavy unit to act as our front line, which we can improve further on, sounds excellent.
New strains
You put some effort into the creation of the Ogre strand.

The results are frankly beyond what you could ever hope to get. The current Ogre strand has a potent regeration, second only to the lost Torrasque strain of old and even then it's mostly because it's less durable overall then the Torrasque's base strain and cannot self-resurrect. In addition it has the ability to regurgitate a strange bacteria filled substance over fellow Zerg, temporarily making them more durable then they would be normally.

Reward: Ogres a powerful front line fight with the power to increase the durability of allied units.

The flaming nature of the Fire Bats will almost certainly come in handy, if you have need of acid you can make another unit for it.

Reward: Infested Fire Bat

While for the most part your search of the local area did not find much in the area of traditional strains, you do manage to find an old scourge nest along with accompanying scourge. From what you can tell the scourge doesn't live long functioning more like and organic missile then anything else.

Reward: Scourge nest and Scourge.

You put some energy into figuring out how to help the terran pilots integrate into their SCV's but are not able to think of anything at the moment.

What do you do (Choose2)
[x] The terrans have domesticated many animals perhaps one could be of use.
[x] Look to the nearby infested cities hopefully they will have something useful.
[x] The infested barracks is proving effective you should look to see if there are any other buildings worth infesting.
[x] You know that their where terrans armed with flamethrowers running around in this place at some point, perhaps you should see if the armor they used is still around.
[x] The Ogre strain is a great improvement on what you have, but you feel that you can do more.
[x] Ogres are great but difficult to mutate at the moment, you should create a dedicated structure to streamline production.
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[x] The infested barracks is proving effective you should look to see if there are any other buildings worth infesting.
[x] Ogres are great but difficult to mutate at the moment, you should create a dedicated structure to streamline production.

Let's see what other buildings are available, and let's make our new units easier to produce.
[x] Look to the nearby infested cities hopefully they will have something useful.
[x] The infested barracks is proving effective you should look to see if there are any other buildings worth infesting.
[x] The infested barracks is proving effective you should look to see if there are any other buildings worth infesting.
[x] Ogres are great but difficult to mutate at the moment, you should create a dedicated structure to streamline production.
[x] The Ogre strain is a great improvement, but you feel that you can do more.
[x] Ogres are great but difficult to mutate at the moment, you should create a dedicated structure to streamline production.
[x] The infested barracks is proving effective you should look to see if there are any other buildings worth infesting.
[x] Ogres are great but difficult to mutate at the moment, you should create a dedicated structure to streamline production.