Contingency plans (Starcraft Zerg Quest)

That's spoilers but I will say that a major risk to trying to go for it it would be increased attention from Amon and Kerrigan.

Should we assume that none of the options provides benefits in tapping into human psionic potential except raw presence of fitting individual in the case of friendly UED , or you leave this undisclosed on purpose?
That's spoilers but I will say that a major risk to trying to go for it it would be increased attention from Amon and Kerrigan.

Wait, we can get Amon after us for empowering psychics? I never knew the Equalists were so dedicated. He must really hate Benders for him to establish spacefaring technology for this purpose.

Or maybe I'm thinking of a different Amon. Yeah, that might be the case.
This is Amon the fallen xel'naga, not Amon the Equalist.:V
Considering the options.

You are a life form designed to work with Terran essence, created back when the Overmind had tried to assimilate the Terran's and re-purposed for a new calling afterwords.
Pros: You have a starting base, ability to mix technology and biology.
Cons: You units are initially weak due being basic infested terrans, expect Kerrigan to take interest in you once you hit the upper tiers and either try to force you into the main swarm or kill you and take the blueprints for your work from your rotting corpse.
Your infested Terrans
You where created to do what the Zerg do best, swarm and overflow the enemy with sheer numbers, none shall stand in your way.
Pros: You get Zergling's for free, bonus to research that lets relates to swarming the enemy with superior numbers.
Cons: Ultralisks cannot be taken as a starting unit, massive penalty to creating giant fighters.
Zerg rush classic
You where made to overwealm the enemy with sheer strengh, you may not be the most elaborate of the Zerg but you know to hit the enemy were it hurts.
Pros. Start with Ultralisks, bonus to researching giant fighters.
Cons: Penalty to working with smaller units.
Big bulky endgame
The planet your on is cold and harsh........perfect!
Pros: Tougher units.
Cons: Less units.
For the Roach/Hydra types. Bit of a dull description.

You are adapted to a strange planet full of stranger chemicals and bacteria.
Pros: Lots of fun debuff capible units.
Cons: Much weaker in direct combat otherwise.
Good ol' defilers and the like
Like one of your fellows you are working with a Terran faction, unlike said fellow these Terrans aren't infested.
Pros: You get the UED as allies, not as dependent on hunting for existing essence to get designs.
Cons: The local factions aside from UED remnants really really don't like you thank goodness Kerrigan and the Dominion are around to draw the heat away.
Politics and infiltration
You are hidden away on an ocean planet, adapted to taking advantage of the life found within.
Pros: High chance of encounters strange life, near monopoly in your home environment.
Cons: Tend to favor other water planets.
The Swarm at its weirdest, but a bit overspecialized

Ice world suits my army style best, but is also a bit dull, so:

[x] You are hidden away on an ocean planet, adapted to taking advantage of the life found within.

The Swarm adapts. The weirdest, toughest things of the deep can be assimilated and repurposed for use on land and especially in space.
Alright I'm going to work on the first post but the before that you guys have some advantages to choose from

You have 12 points to spend. If an option has multiple steps you must purchase an earlier one before taking a later one, and the prices stack.

Infested Terran Creation:
[x] Level One: You can create more infested terrans at a moderately fast rate, although they tend to be extremely stupid. (1 point)
[x] Level Two: You can either create infested terrans the fast way or you can take the slow route which will allow an infested terran to develop about as much as it's regular peers. (2 points)
[x] Level three: Intelligence focused infested terrans developed faster, although still relatively slow compared to most Zerg units. (3 points)

Infested Terran Equipment
[x] Shields: Infested marines come with physical shields to increase durability. (1 point)
[x] Stimpacks: Infested Marines have stimpacks built in to increase potency in combat. (1 point)
[x] Infested Missile Turret: Your starting base is defended by Terran missile turrets. (1 point)
[x] Bunker: Your starting base is defended by Terran Bunkers.

Persona' traits:
[x] Acid attack: You can spit a powerful acid to defend yourself if need be. (4 points)
[x] Burrow: You can burrow to escape threatening situations. (4 points)
[x] Detector: You can detect stealthed units. (4 points)
[x] Armour: You are exceedingly durable for a creature of your size. (4 points)
[x] Level One: You can create more infested terrans at a moderately fast rate, although they tend to be extremely stupid. (1 point)
[x] Level Two: You can either create infested terrans the fast way or you can take the slow route which will allow an infested terran to develop about as much as it's regular peers. (2 points)
[x] Level three: Intelligence focused infested terrans developed faster, although still relatively slow compared to most Zerg units. (3 points)
[x] Detector: You can detect stealthed units. (4 points)
[x] Infested Missile Turret: Your starting base is defended by Terran missile turrets. (1 point)
[x] Bunker: Your starting base is defended by Terran Bunkers.
[x] Level One: You can create more infested terrans at a moderately fast rate, although they tend to be extremely stupid. (1 point)
[x] Level Two: You can either create infested terrans the fast way or you can take the slow route which will allow an infested terran to develop about as much as it's regular peers. (2 points)
[x] Level three: Intelligence focused infested terrans developed faster, although still relatively slow compared to most Zerg units. (3 points)
[x] Armour: You are exceedingly durable for a creature of your size. (4 points)
[x] Infested Missile Turret: Your starting base is defended by Terran missile turrets. (1 point)
[x] Bunker: Your starting base is defended by Terran Bunkers.
[x] Level One: You can create more infested terrans at a moderately fast rate, although they tend to be extremely stupid. (1 point)
[x] Level Two: You can either create infested terrans the fast way or you can take the slow route which will allow an infested terran to develop about as much as it's regular peers. (2 points)
[x] Level three: Intelligence focused infested terrans developed faster, although still relatively slow compared to most Zerg units. (3 points)
[x] Detector: You can detect stealthed units. (4 points)
[x] Infested Missile Turret: Your starting base is defended by Terran missile turrets. (1 point)
[x] Bunker: Your starting base is defended by Terran Bunkers.
The start
[x] Infestation specialist

The Grey chain is a series of planets attacked by the Zerg during first contact, most of the planets within have been infested, the inhabitants turned into a twisted mixture of Terran and Zerg.

It is on one of these forsaken planets that you first awaken, taking in the world with your senses for the first time.

Your body is strange, much like a being your instincts identify as a larva yet larger, stronger, and more intelligent.

Then you feel it.

Thousands of small presences at the edge of your sense each a member of your brood, and each with its own voice.

……………………..they are all wailing out in agony.

How do you feel about this?
[x] Concern why must your brood be harmed so?
[x] Apathy the Zerg do nothing if not endure and so should they?

After you address your thoughts regarding the presence of the voices you bring your attention to another matter.

Your normal infested terrans are weak and the infested marines cannot be reliably replicated at the moment, if you do not figure out how to improve this situation you will surely be overrun when the Hybrid armies begin their assault.

But how should you start?
[x] The terrans main strength comes from their ability to utilize technology look to see if you can get your infested civilians to regain their tool use.
[x] While your area of control is great you are still but one mind. You should see if you can do something to fix that and ease your own mental load.
[x] The terrans have domesticated many animals perhaps one could be of use.
[x] Look to the nearby infested cities hopefully they will have something useful.
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[x] Apathy the Zero do nothing if not endure and so should they?

[x] The terrans main strength comes from their ability to utilize technology look to see if you can get your infested civilians to regain their tool use.
[x] Concern why must your brood be harmed so?

[x] The terrans main strength comes from their ability to utilize technology look to see if you can get your infested civilians to regain their tool use.
[x] Concern why must your brood be harmed so?

[x] The terrans main strength comes from their ability to utilize technology look to see if you can get your infested civilians to regain their tool use.
[x] Concern why must your brood be harmed so?

[x] The terrans main strength comes from their ability to utilize technology look to see if you can get your infested civilians to regain their tool use.
[x] Concern why must your brood be harmed so?

[x] The terrans main strength comes from their ability to utilize technology look to see if you can get your infested civilians to regain their tool use.
[x] Concern why must your brood be harmed so?

[x] The terrans main strength comes from their ability to utilize technology look to see if you can get your infested civilians to regain their tool use.
[x] Concern why must your brood be harmed so?

[x] The terrans main strength comes from their ability to utilize technology look to see if you can get your infested civilians to regain their tool use.
This is Amon the fallen xel'naga, not Amon the Equalist.:V

Speaking of Amon don't expect him to automatically trump every other villain possible Kerrigan in this is at least as threatening and he isn't going be ale to just highjack the protoss like he did in Legacy of the Void.

If you guys end up doing the UED route in another quest after this one they wold have the highest potential take up a spot among the major villains alongside Kerrigan and Amon as well. It's also possible to be a contender for big bad here too but that's dependent on a number of factors and less likely.
[x] While your area of control is great you are still but one mind. You shouldsee if you can do something to fix thatand ease your own mental load.
Infested barracks
[x] Concern

You feel concern for the pained voices of your broad.

This agony it is not something that should be allowed amongst your charges.

You will find a way to stop it.

Reward: ???, ???, New options unlocked.


You have your infested terrans scour the city for anything of use.

Thankfully it does not take them long to come find results. Apparently the town still had a barracks alongside a few other buildings, and the barracks in question has the ability to manufacture marine armor and weaponry. Now you shouldn't need to worry as much about finding replacements for lost infested marines.

Reward: Infested barracks, can train infested marines from now on.

What do you do next? (Choose 2)
[x] While your area of control is great you are still but one mind. You should see if you can do something to fix that and ease your own mental load.
[x] The terrans have domesticated many animals perhaps one could be of use?
[x] Look to the nearby infested cities hopefully they will have something useful.
[x] While the barracks in a good thing you still need the means to repair or replace it, look for such an item.
[x] A good swarm needs a good foundation to base itself in look into possibility for such a foundation.
[x] Continue searching the ruins of the Terran city, there should be something of use.
[x] Start up patrols of infested marines and man the infested bunkers, just because you specialize in infested terrans doesn't mean that they are automatically on your side.
[x] Start up patrols of infested marines and man the infested bunkers, just because you specialize in infested terrans doesn't mean that they are automatically on your side.
[x] While your area of control is great you are still but one mind. You should see if you can do something to fix that and ease your own mental load.
[x] Start up patrols of infested marines and man the infested bunkers, just because you specialize in infested terrans doesn't mean that they are automatically on your side.
[x] While your area of control is great you are still but one mind. You should see if you can do something to fix that and ease your own mental load.