Civilization Beyond Dimensions (Civilization Beyond Earth/Multicross)

Ok looking at the votes its a tie between Everyone on Strings and Run of the mill evil government program.

The next vote takes it.
Starting dimension

Realms of the upper planes: Closest to the realms of Stars, Dreams, Light, Harmony, and Order the upper planes are generally seen as a safer area to colonize then most, but like all realms they have they're own problems and plenty of creatures would see these verdant areas dispoiled to please the forces of evil.
Common Factions: Toads, Angels, Ponies, Dreamlands.
Common threats: Hostile Dreamlanders, Goombas, The Koopa Troop, Changelings, Angels of Jubileus, Dark Matter
Faction Notes: Vampires have a weakness to 'holy' abilities, things that are very common in these realms.

Wallagart: An upper realm closest to the land of dreams Wallagart is a water filled dimension with several island chains and a low number of native inhabitants.
Benefits: High access to aquatic resources, easy access to the dream realm.
Flaws: Massively increased chance of encountering dark matter forces.
Faction Notes: Succubi/Incubi have strong ties to the realm of dreams.

Kallerake: Closest to the realm of stars Kallerake is effectively one giant grasslands, and plays host to several outposts from a peaceful kingdom known as the 'Mushroom Kingdoms' as well as an aggressive kingdom of turtle like beings.
Befits: High access to realm of stars resources, possible early ally.
Flaws: Extremely aggressive and power neighbor.

Rallath: The lowest of the upper realms Rallath is more often then not the first realm attacked by the lower factions, and is also the sight of a great deal of infighting between upper realm armies. Still several natural formations make for great defensive positions and the entire place is great for research. Outside of the easily defended oasis's Rallath's terrain is desert like and desolate due to the constant fighting.
Benefits: Defensible starting areas with a great deal of resources.
Flaws: You'll need those defensible positions.

Vellanus: An upper realm close to both the realms of light and order Vellanus is mostly peaceful aside from fighting between angelic factions. Vellanus's terrain is strange and marble like, an indicator of its proximity to the upper realms above.
Benefits: Bonus to light based research.
Flaws: Increased encounters with the Angels of Jubileus.

Palara: Closest to the realm of Harmony Palara is ironically a large and chaotic jungle. This plane of reality is great for research but inhabitanted by countless monsters both of it's own making and from the realm of dreams.
Benefits: Plenty of unique resources and creature.
Flaws: Large number of monsters, chance of encounter with the Forces of Nature.

The Elemental Realms: Strange realms inhabited by mystical beings the Elemental Realms are the closest to the Elemental Planes, and each of these planes usually posses very large differences from one another.
Common Factions: Elementals, neutral/benevolent nature spirits, benevolent estorics.
Common Threats: Hostile Elements, Orcs, Space Pirates (Kid Icarus), Ing, Murlocs, Undead, Goombas, Darklings, The Forces of Nature, Dragons, Microniods.

Pyros: Closest to the realm of fire Pyros is a planet infested with fire elementals and other flame based creatures, any civilization setting up hear had better be ready for a fight because fire elementals love nothing more then to burn.
Benefits: Rich in mineral resources.
Flaws: High chance of running into fire elementals.

Toxicas: A realm covered in swamps populated venomous wildlife, Toxicas's oceans are composed of poison from the elemental realm of the same name and as such are very hostile to organic swimmers.
Benefits: Bonus to chemical research.
Flaws: Organic units take heavy damage in the water when not in port.
Faction Notes: Once unlocked Hydras (Likely through gaining Casterwill support) and creature with sufficient Hydra DNA are immune to the toxicity of the realm, and may even get a bonus to regeneration within it.
Other: Faction here start out with purification technology and can convert the poisons into fresh drinking water with the resulting structures.

Glacius: Closest to the realm of ice Glacius is a hostile environment with a sparse population and harsh weather.
Benefits: Few rivals.
Flaws: The rivals that do exist are pretty scary.
Faction Notes: If Snow Maidens are unlocked as a backer you basically get a gain to general growth in this realm.

Sallaw: A realm close to the realm of shadows Sallaw is a strange environment that is commonly warred over by the forces of darkness.
Benefits: Unique research options.
Flaws: Increased chance of Dark Matter, Microniod and Ing encounters.

Kzyer: Closest to the realms of the Winds of Magic Kzyer is dominated by several unique environments and fought over by a variety of strange creatures.
Benefits: Several unique resources.
Falws Several unique enemies.
Faction Notes: Your human population has a strange affinity for the winds of magic.

Arraca: Close to the realm of the Arcane the realm of Arraca is a common place of conflict between multidimensional forces. Arraca's terrain is desert like and many strange creatures wander the realm.
Benefits: Bonus to magical research.
Flaws: Increased chance of multi-dimensional invasion, increased chance of encounters with the burning legion.

Luscia: A realm filled with many different forms of life the realm of Lusica is naught but an endless jungel.
Benefits: Bonus to population growth.
Flaws: Your settling on prime real estate and everyone knows it, even foes uncommon to your real have a high chance of making an appearance.

Gravica: A realm of graves and death, in Gravica the dead are restless and the living are slothful. This realm takes the form of a dead forest, desolate and devoid of most life.
Benefits: Surprisingly small amount of hostile factions.
Flaws: Lower population growth.

The Stable Realms: The realms closest to earth the Stable Realms also host some of the greatest wars between 'normal' species.
Common Factions: Reticulans, Crawlers (Normal beyond earth aliens), The Protoss (weaker then cannon) , Eldar (See Protoss), The Covenant, Toads, Ponies, Nerubians.
Common Threats: The Scrin, The Chitauri, Gnolls, The Fallen, Dragons, the Cabal, The Heirarchy, Microniods, Giant Ants(Don't ask how they got off earth), Giant Wasps (Same as the ants), Wargot, The Chimera, The Ethereal Empire, Goombas, Orks, Gobilins, Homeworld Gems (Weaker then Cannon), Trolls, Murlocs, Skaven (Again don't ask how they got off earth), Biomass, Space Pirates (Metroid).

Fungeal: Populated almost entirly by Fungus based life Fungeal is a planet locked in war between two of the most common species in the multiverse.
Benefits: Bonus to health and population growth.
Flaws: Orcs and Goombas everywhere!

Crazack: A realm caught between two alien plagues an enhanced version of Tiberium created by the Scrin and Phazon compete for domination over this planet.
Benefits: Easy acess to potent resources.
Flaws: Your caught in a war between Phazon and Super tiberium do I need to say more?

Qualth: Qualth is a planet covered in stranger organisms with some of the prominent being single celled organisms that have grown far larger then should be natural.
Benefits: Unique research.
Flaws: Heavy Micronoid presence.

Misasu: Covered almost entirly in a strange Miasma Misasu has an extemly heavy Crawl populated and an incredibly alien environment.
Benefits: Bonus to base Harmony Path
Flaws: If you tick off the crawlers expect to be swarmed.

Swath: Covered with biomass on one side and Miasma on the other Swath is a plenty fought over by Biomass life forms and Crawlers in a struggle for domination.
Benefits: Threats to focused on earth other.
Flaws: Most of the inhabitable areas are stuck in between said threads.

Grow: One of the first areas discovered by earth Grow is a rocky planted filled with underground tunnels. When the Giant Ants and Skaven first broke off from earth this was one of the first places infested, and the two war over control of the planet with Night Goblins and Nerubians to this day.
Befits: Heavy access to mineral resources.
Flaws: A heavy Skaven presence with all that entails.

Radac: Another realm discovered early by Earth Radac was the sight of a war between early human colonists and the Hierachy. The resulting conflict left the surface of the planet choked with radiation of both types and deserted settlements around.
Benefits: Not widely sought after, infrastructure that only needs a bit of radiation scrubbing.
Flaws: Hierarchy Remnants are present in force.

Mieral: A resource rich and rocky realm Mieral is fought over by Home world Gens, Skaven, and the Heirarchy all of whom seek to claim it's bountiful resources for itself.
Benefits: Resource rich.
Flaws: Large number of warring factions present,

Culuk: An artificial realm created by the NOVA builders Culuk is a world of endless machinery, and opportunity.
Benefits: Plenty of ruins to explore.
Flaws: Infested with Protoss and Covinant fanatics.

Alat: An earth like planet Alat is a relatively peaceful and out of the way location.
Benefits: No outstanding flaws.
Flaws: No outstanding benefits.

Eleden: An extremely lush realm Eleden is a realm that is sought over by many rising empires.
Benefits: Extreme bonus to population growth.
Flaws: Extreme competition.

The Lower Realms: Extremely close to the infernal Realm the Lower Realms are about as hostile as an environment can get while still being inhabitable by normal life, and us infested with a wide variety of malevolent life forms from the lower reams to boot.
Common Factions: Non hostile Goombas, Some Mutant Minion Tribes.
Common Threats: The Forces of the Chaos Gods, The Burning Legion, The Forces of the Abysse, Dark Matter, The Underworld Army, The Darkness, The Legions of hell (DOOM), The Nine Hells, Skaven, Gnolls, Goombas, Minions, Darklings, Ing.
Faction Notes: Youkai are stronger in these realms, youkai are resistant to corruption.

Velen: A realm equally distant from all of the infernal realms Velen is a frequent sight for battles between a variety of infernal forces.
Benefits: No infernal forces will focus on you.
Flaws: You'll be besieged by a much wider variety of infernal forces.

Muka: A planet crawling with mutants the most common 'normal;' inhabitants of this place are followers of the chaos god of change.
Benefits: Plenty of research options.
Flaws: Lots of angry mutants.

Plcas: A plain infested by plague Plcas is a prime place of worship for the Chaos God of disease, as well as the Skaven who thankfully hate the Chaos God in question.
Benefits: Bonus to research about disease.
Flaws: Penalty to population growth.

Warrac: A realm covered in the powerful fellstones Warrac is fought over by the Skaven and burning legion, both of whom want the valuable resource for themselves.
Benefits: Easy access to a valuable resource.
Flaws: Said resource is incredibly dangerous.

Bloodwell: A realm close to the domain of the blood god and Hell itself this place is often besieged by both factions, who care not for any resources within, but for the simple act of carnage itself.
Benefits: Easy combat experience.
Flaws: Almost no chance at peace.

Grula: A somber realm Grula is covered in wayward souls from the the realms above and as such is heavily contested by the Underworld Army, The Abyss and the Nine Hells all of whom want a cut of the soul profit. Dark Matter, the Ing, and the Darklings are also known to be more common then average here.
Benefits: Bonus to soul research.
Flaws: Like most realms expect a lot of combat.

Xellex: A realm of oil and metal Xellex is research rich and out of the way a good combination for 'normal' settlers of the lower realms.
Benefits: Massive resources, lower amounts of demons,
Flaws: High chance of Skaven and the Hierarchy.
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If we concentrate on Unity then, I guess, my bet would be:

[X] Velen: A realm equally distant from all of the infernal realms Velen is a frequent sight for battles between a variety of infernal forces.
Benefits: No infernal forces will focus on you.
Flaws: You'll be besieged by a much wider variety of infernal forces.

\Why? Multiple infernal forces– multiple biological, magical, soul based research (though some infernal forces have good tech we could "borrow" and "improve"). Here it is possible to understand how internal-conflicts can be resolved. It will be possible to find some useful resources to expand to other realms. . So what do you think?
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[X] Grula: A somber realm Grula is covered in wayward souls from the the realms above and as such is heavily contested by the Underworld Army, The Abyss and the Nine Hells all of whom want a cut of the soul profit. Dark Matter, the Ing, and the Darklings are also known to be more common then average here.
Benefits: Bonus to soul research.
Flaws: Like most realms expect a lot of combat.
Personally I'm interested in what soul research will unlock for our faction.
[X] Arraca: Close to the realm of the Arcane the realm of Arraca is a common place of conflict between multidimensional forces. Arraca's terrain is desert like and many strange creatures wander the realm.
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Arraca: Close to the realm of the Arcane the realm of Arraca is a common place of conflict between multidimensional forces. Arraca's terrain is desert like and many strange creatures wander the realm.
Benefits: Bonus to magical research.
Flaws: Increased chance of multi-dimensional invasion, increased chance of encounters with the burning legion.
[X] Kzyer: Closest to the realms of the Winds of Magic Kzyer is dominated by several unique environments and fought over by a variety of strange creatures.
Benefits: Several unique resources.
Flaws: Several unique enemies.
Faction Notes: Your human population has a strange affinity for the winds of magic.
[X] Kzyer: Closest to the realms of the Winds of Magic Kzyer is dominated by several unique environments and fought over by a variety of strange creatures.
[X] Arraca: Close to the realm of the Arcane the realm of Arraca is a common place of conflict between multidimensional forces. Arraca's terrain is desert like and many strange creatures wander the realm.

The Spice Must Flow.
[X] Kzyer: Closest to the realms of the Winds of Magic Kzyer is dominated by several unique environments and fought over by a variety of strange creatures.
Character Sheet
OOC: The character sheet, I'll be closing the votes sometime later today unless a sudden rash of voting happens.

Name: Joey
Gender: Male
Age: Older then he looks
Brief Description: Born during humanities early forays into other dimensions Joey was born with an unusual talent in already strange times. While most of his early past is unknown to this day it is known that Joey was a participant in the UN's early psychic research, during which he proved to be more then adept with his powers, even if he was behind the likes of the famed Yuriko Omega or Alma. He would eventually come to be a part of humanities earliest attempts at colonization, and even fought in the first war with the Hierarchy developing a deep seated hatred of the alien policy in the process. It was this war that would come to a defining moment in Joey's life, as the over use of his psychic powers in such an environment strained his mind and lead to him developing a wrathful disposition that remains a prominent part of his personality to this day. Still his incredibly powers, experience in other dimensions, and surprising amount of charisma meant that he would not remain in retirement for long. He first came into contact with youkai beach as the result a failed assassinated attempt by an organization known as Fairy Tale, and attempt the ended with his breaking on of the would assailants in half and utterly destroying the mind of another. This performance in battle brought him to the attention of Youkai Beach, who where looking for someone with the right mindset to lead a mixed human/youkai colony. Eventually after a long screening process it was decided that Joey was fit for the job, and the war weary psychic soon found himself at as one of the many colonial leaders in a new age of exploration.

Personal Combat: 7
Intrigue: 5
Charisma: 6
Learning: 4
Command: 8

Charismatic: When you speak others listen.
Wrathful: People do not want to get on your bad side.
Hatred of the Hierarchy: You hate the genocidal and imperialistic Hierarchy with a passion. All units get a bonus to combat against their Hierarchy counterparts.
Experienced: You've sen more then your fair share of combat over the years.
Experienced Explorer: You know the ins and outs of exploring a new planet. (Can re-roll for starting position, higher chance of spotting useful resources).
Psychic: You are a powerful psychic and an absolut terror in personal combat.
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Wow, this will definitely help:

- Know how to defend himself and organise his colony
- If 'psychic' allow for mind-seeing (very, very surface thoughts, like Tosh from 'Starcraft') then we can quickly 'Unity' youkai and humans
- Know how to explore and exploit new territory.. need to say more?
- Hating imperialistic (alien) regime, OK. Hate other aliens, very bad.

All in all – a stabil built with realistic problems. Very good start.
Our colony consists of:
-Enchanters and Golems
-Witches (.......are there wizards? Because I doubt Ruby's father was a mere human)
-Humans (cannot forget this)

??– We ARE going for mainly 'Unity', right? . . . Guys? Gals?
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While playing a Human-Youkai faction gives some interesting exotic capabilities from the start, there seems to be a lack if the usual transhuman options Beyond Earth normally has. Though I suppose more philosophies and options would likely open up based on where exactly we settle.
I would go for a primary ideology of Combination, with Unity and Supremacy as secondary ideologies.
Yeah, I also am tempted by this, but it would be .... beneficial to concentrate on 'Unity' with a dash of 'Combination' and something else (3rd option could be anything).

undead frog said:
it is the choice that Youkai Branch itself most supports and has plent of other unspecified benefits
not to mention it is relatively "loose" interpretation that veers in other territories (a lot of options)

+ can start with rectifying tension between humans and youkai themselves WITHOUT destroying everything (too extreme policy and all thing go "caput")

+ our choice of world (Kzyer ..I think?) also blurs the difference between humans and youkai, teaching to look past some of our flawed traits

Do anyone wants to add their own thoughts?
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While playing a Human-Youkai faction gives some interesting exotic capabilities from the start, there seems to be a lack if the usual transhuman options Beyond Earth normally has. Though I suppose more philosophies and options would likely open up based on where exactly we settle.
Pretty much, it actually is possible to augment parts of your human population beyond what Purity would normally go for but you'll never be able to do it the extent that Harmony/Supremacy would unless you go combination.

Anyay on the next prat.

*Rolls for starting position*

Oh boy.

*Uses the Re-roll*

Uuuuh definitely better then the first one at least.
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Pretty much, it actually is possible to augment parts of your human population beyond what Purity would normally go for but you'll never be able to do it the extent that Harmony/Supremacy would unless you go combination.
Personally I don't think we have to go 100% overbore. And as mentioned before 'Unity' is quite flexible, and can be connected with some other options. Not to mention that magic creates a lot of changes. Youkai and humans on Kzyer are more similar than we want to admit.

Abyay on the next prat.
*Rolls for starting position*
Oh boy.
*Uses the Re-roll*
Uuuuh definitely better then the first one at least.
This will be intense.
Personally I don't think we have to go 100% overbore. And as mentioned before 'Unity' is quite flexible, and can be connected with some other options. Not to mention that magic creates a lot of changes. Youkai and humans on Kzyer are more similar than we want to admit.
True, especially since the Winds of Magic (Ie warhammer fanasy style magic) tends to change it users.

Good thing youkai (The energy) users like Witches can't use use the winds and the humans of tihs earth and literally incabile of using other winds once they touch one so they couldn't create Dhar if they wanted too.

Other species are less lucky and some human derived mutants (Like the Skaven) can use Dhar so you might want to watch out.
Turn 1
[x] A fiery continent

You look over your volcanic surroundings with no small amount of unease. The original intent had been to land on one of the more habitable continents such as the golden one or the life one, but always it seems that lady luck had other plans.

Soon after exiting the dimension shift your landing craft ran afoul of one of the many hostile species that propel the dimensional plane, in this case a band of Cosmic Space pirates, a species rarely seen out of the Galactic Sea and one just as tough as the other species to bear the Space Pirate name.

Thankfully the ship was no able to continue pursuit for long as it was a simple raider, not meant to leave the Galactic Sea for extended periods of time.

Still the navigation was damaged in the fighting and you where forced to make an emergency landing. It was only with great effort that you managed to land avoid landing anywhere worse than this let alone end up somewhere better.

"Well everyone made it through the landing ok." You are interrupted from your thoughts when Tyran Ironsides walks up beside you. "I don't think we have enough fuel to change positions though."

"Well make due." You sigh thus was inconvenient, but things where far from impossible. "I've been in worse positions over the years."

"I can believe that." Tyran shrugs as he looks around. "Although if someone told me that I'd be representing the Enchanters on an interdimensional expedition two years ago I wouldn't have believed a word of it."

"If someone told me sixty years ago that I'd see the first Enchanter married to a Witch I'd have laughed myself to death." You smirk. "But here you and Emerald are happily married as I've ever two people."

"Point." Tyran chuckle "I can't say we liked each other much when we first me though, that woman sure loves her Tarantula Hawks if nothing else."

You wince at the mention of Tarantual Hawks and try to repress your memories of those radiative wastelands born from the war with the Hierarchy. "How did you two ever start bonding anyway, you hated each other around a decade ago."

"To be frank sir we were both terrified of you." Tyran rubs the back of his head. "Our first introduction was during one of your 'episodes' remember."

"Right." You think back to that day. "I suppose I can be a little…intimidating to those who have yet to get to know me."

"The fact that you can shred a room full of A class youkai like a blender shreds fruit doesn't help." Tyran looks at the sky as a crow made entirely of ash flies by.

"True." He does have a point even if you are loath to admit it your powers have always put those around you at edge. "Well we aren't going to get this colony set up by just standing around." You say walking back towards the ship. "Come on with had some work to do."

Tyran nods before following close behind you.

It's time to get to work.


State of the Colony

Name: (Colony has not been named yet) Improvements: None
Colony Health: 5
Colony Culture: 2
Colony Education: 4
Colony Food: 7
Defense 4
Colony Population: 4
Colony Happiness: 5
Public Order: 4
Production 5

Colony Tiles
4 Ashland (No gain, cannot be improved currently)
1 Grassland (1 food can be improved with a farm for added food income)
1 Aqshy Crystals (Unknown effects)
2 Ocean (1 Food)

Current Units
1 Worker (Can construct improvements)
1 Basic Army (Basic soldiers with some scouting rover support)
1 Explorer (Extremely fast and able scout)

Possible Improvements
Fortress: A defensive fortification located outside of cities that will attack nearby enemy units.
Farm: Increased the food production in a nearby city.

Producible City Buildings:
Enchanters Guild: The older meeting place of Enchanters an Enchanters Guild allows the enigmatic border beings to trade their secrets in peace and boosts a cities production by 1.
Barracks: A dedicated facility meant for the training of soldiers as well as the production of military equipment, allows a city to train Basic Armies and other infantry heavy forces.
War factory: A military facility for the production of vehicle this structure allows a city to produce armored armies and other vehicle heavy forces.
Airport: A military facility meant for the production of aircraft and airport allows a city to produce areal squadrons.
Port: A production facility meant for the production of ships a Port allows a city to create seafaring vessels.
Witches Hut: A massive hut that matches the durability of other building through strange magic's the Witches Hut is the perfect place for brewing concoctions, increases a city's health by 1.
Church: A place of faith for many the church works to preserve peace between peace and youkai as the alternative is a war that would end with both species in trouble, improves public order and happiness by 1.
Great Ritual Site: Something formerly thought impossible the Great Ritual site is a wonder that combines Witch Magic with Enchanter expertise to allow for a great deal of strange and powerful things to occur. Wonder with a variety of possible beneficial effects.
May Group Theater: A place where many of the more social monsters gather the May Group Theater improves a cities happiness by 2 and provides progress towards the Unity affinity.
Defensive Turrets: All colonial cities come equipped with walls and a protective militia these turrets serve to enhance those traits and fend off attackers, increases a cities defense by 1.
University: A building that takes information from a variety of sources the universality increases education by 1.
Psychic Academy: A facility for the development of young psychic and an important part in ensuring they're stability.

Research (Choose 1 research action)
[x] Ash Resistance: If we are to thrive we will need to find some way to construct improvements upon the barren fields of ash.
[x] Ash Farms: Emerald believes that with some help from your geneticists she might be able to turn the Ash fields into something useful.
[x] Sanctic Weapons: One of the biggest advantages the Knights Templar bring to a battle are sanctic enchantments that provide incredible effectiveness against otherworldly or infernal enemies. The enchantments themselves are rather simple to make, and would greatly increase your forces effectiveness against a number of opponents.
[x] Youkai Genetics: A study into how Youkai work could prove to be a great stepping stone for far more complex subjects of research.
[x] Aqshy Crystals : This crystals are as powerful as they are strange it would be best to do some research into they're nature.
[x] Witch Integration: A study of how best to integrate Witches into our military.
[x] Enchanter Combat Engineers: Enchanters are as good with human technology as youkai users can get, we should see if they have any potential for further integration with our forces.

[x] Send a unit to scout (Can use any available units but some are better then others.)
[x] Set your colony to produce either a unit or a building.
[x] Add an improvement to one of your tiles. (Requires an available worker for each tile you plan to improve.)
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[x] Ash Farms: Emerald believes that with some help from your geneticists she might be able to turn the Ash fields into something useful.
[x] Send a unit to scout (Can use any available units but some are better then others.)
-[X] Explorer
[x] Set your colony to produce either a unit or a building.
-[X] Enchanters Guild
[x] Add an improvement to one of your tiles. (Requires an available worker for each tile you plan to improve.)
-[X] Farm
All right!!! and for (and our representatives are: Tyran Ironside, Emerald Greyeye, Gertrude Kurono)

[x] Ash Farms: Emerald believes that with some help from your geneticists she might be able to turn the Ash fields into something useful.
[x] Send a unit to scout (Can use any available units but some are better then others.)
-[X] Explorer
[x] Set your colony to produce either a unit or a building.
-[X] Enchanters Guild
[x] Add an improvement to one of your tiles. (Requires an available worker for each tile you plan to improve.)
-[X] Farm

I really wanted to start either with Aqshy Crystals (If we can get additional energy and some insight in magic/youkai/tech advancements, why yes please) or Ash Resistance (the more lands we can use, the better our chances of survival).
BUT unless we have a steady food supply (and partly to acclimatise to the new surroundings, partly to initiate co-working relationship) colony won't be able to grow, advance and unite.

Edit: • Is it possible to gain some additional youkai species in the future? Multiculturality is always interesting.
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[x] Ash Farms: Emerald believes that with some help from your geneticists she might be able to turn the Ash fields into something useful.
[x] Send a unit to scout (Can use any available units but some are better then others.)
-[X] Explorer
[x] Set your colony to produce either a unit or a building.
-[X] Enchanters Guild
[x] Add an improvement to one of your tiles. (Requires an available worker for each tile you plan to improve.)
-[X] Farm
[x] Ash Farms: Emerald believes that with some help from your geneticists she might be able to turn the Ash fields into something useful.
[x] Send a unit to scout (Can use any available units but some are better then others.)
-[X] Explorer
[x] Set your colony to produce either a unit or a building.
-[X] Enchanters Guild
[x] Add an improvement to one of your tiles. (Requires an available worker for each tile you plan to improve.)
-[X] Farm