C&C Generals: The Liberation is At Hand [Quest]

I strenuously disagree with this northern strategy being proposed. Attacking from the west would render the majority of their static defenses non-factors, and also force the defensive line at the northeast to redeploy to engage you. The corner of the wall blocks their line of sight, and thus should draw them into a predictable killzone, something which artillery or captured stingers can exploit.
I strenuously disagree with this northern strategy being proposed. Attacking from the west would render the majority of their static defenses non-factors, and also force the defensive line at the northeast to redeploy to engage you. The corner of the wall blocks their line of sight, and thus should draw them into a predictable killzone, something which artillery or captured stingers can exploit.
Should we try to get in through the supply gate?
What would you call a set plan, then? Assuming Veekie's plan doesn't count?
I'd like a plan that isn't bandwagoned and effectively catered to one guy doing all the work.
(Does Veekie's plan count?)
It counts, but honestly, it could be better. I left plenty of hints and plenty of room for improvements.

Look, I'm doing this for both everyone and my own enjoyment. Being forced to listen over and over to the bandwagon without anyone using their brainmeats or generally unwilling to actually participate beyond voting for the one person who is actually participating... doesn't really let me enjoy writing these things.

Surprise me. Think outside (or even within the negative space inside) of the box. Pull plans that are risky or downright brilliant that even I didn't expect.

I want to write something suitably epic. So give me some goddamn material to work with or this is just a waste of my time.
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Yeah. Just...at work. Can't dedicate to updating a plan for hours. Sorry.
That's not your fault veekie. I'm more blaming everyone else for their lack of participation. Namely all the lurkers who prefer to read rather than actively participate and all the folks who immediately default to [x] veekie.
Jarmond Kell: "The Snipers we have on hand aren't as good as me. But then again, not everyone can shoot pilots out of a jet or kill the crew of a tank. They should be able to at least take out the gunners on the quad cannons and stinger sites. I can take care of the gunships if need be."

Mahmud "Tactician" Abdul-Muhsi: "Our artillery outranges their tanks and their defenses. A good salvo could easily devastate their ranks. Moreover, their tanks aren't fast enough to stop our artillery from taking them apart and then the rest of the defenses. The only things fast enough to reach them are those gunships. They'll make a beeline for our artillery; we can catch them in the air with a prepared ambush."

Rakshasa Chawla: "I find it more than likely that the mountain range has a cave system that General Danko is no doubt making use of. There will be hidden stinger sites and light artillery positions there connected to the tunnel entrances in the middle of that base. It'll be a hassle to flush them out."

Kallen Qatar: "General Danko is one of the more cruel GLA Generals. The workers are a under appreciated people and will gladly rise up against the GLA for you, surely."
hmm have infantry (+Kell) (presumably with heavy weapons) set up an ambush for their aircraft while the artillery and the rest of the sniper team deal with tanks and defenses.

another thing that comes up to me if we take out their internal defenses we can probably get the workers at the nearby powerplants and silos to rebel.
[X] Armored Vehicles
- [X] IFVs

We don't have the west's quality of troops, but if we can make them mechanized, that would surely make up the difference quite nicely.

[X] Repair the abandoned Chinese Gatling turrets (+2 to Ground and Air Defenses) Costs: $4 Million, 1 Turn. Needs 1 Power Slots to function.

[X] Advanced Infantry Training (Rebels promoted to Veteran, does not apply to new recruits) Cost: $500,000, 4 Turns

[X] Launch an attack on General Danko's supply base. (2 Turns remaining on this opportunity)

Now or never. Let's give General Danko the ride of his life (which promptly ends with either his death or capture).
Military Forces

Sons of Anatolia
2x Infantry Regiments^^
1x SpecOp Regiment*

Not Spetnaz
1x Combat Engineer Company*

Infantry Forces: Satisfied(7) / Very Loyal (7)
6x Infantry Regiments^ (Rebels & Insurgents with Technical & Buggy Support, Experienced)

Vehicle Forces: Satisfied(7) / Very Loyal (7)
1x Armor Regiment^^ (Crusader, KV Heavy Tanks with Technical & Buggy Support, Veteran)
2x Armor Regiments^ (Scorpion IIIs with Technical & Buggy Support, Experienced)

Artillery Forces: Satisfied(7) / Very Loyal (7)
10x MRLS Trucks
2x SCUD Launcher Trucks

Deployment Plan
-Arty to the north

-Stinger sites between arty and base as an ambush for the helis
-Snipers to set up spread out around the base. Stealth is paramount.
--primary targets are stinger sites and quad cannons. Clearing the north is a higher priority then the south as the Quad cannons are the highest level threat they can take out. other stinger sites are not a major threat to infantry.
-Tanks to the north. goal is to overwhelm the tanks and quads.
-Al regular Infantry to deploy from the east. goal to capture command center and then rest of base
-Sons infantry to deploy behind the tanks. their goal is to either round up the prisoners or push to the tunnel entrances and secure them if no surrender occurs.
-Not Spetnaz come from the south. Stingers should be taken out and most attention should be elsewhere due to the greater force concentrations. power plants are their goal

Action Plan
-Snipers hit all targets of opportunity. stingers and quads priority
-Stingers be ready for helis. shoot down all targets of opportunity
--2 Volley at the tanks and quads
--Then the tunnel entrances
-Bring a number of loudspeakers on trucks. have the Revolutionary broadcast a message for the troops in the base to surrender, the workers to turn off the power plants, and everyone to out of the defensive emplacements and buildings without weapons, and lay on the ground while waiting for our troops to secure them.
--If this works Yay, we have won the battle. clean up what resistance remains. focus for our troops is on caution and minimizing casualties during the round up.
--Block the tunnels, steal everything not nailed down, and then vamoose
-Else, begin the push
--Tanks attack the enemy tanks. speed and safety are key
--Infantry push in, go for stated goals in deployment plans
--Arty hit the power plants then the tunnels
---once our men are in the base, cease fire. Friendly fire is unacceptable
--Still be on the lookout for the helis
--Once tunnels are reached, block them
--Don't kill the civilians. if they did not surrender to the opening message, shut down the power and leave their buildings, then they stay behind
Right, @DarknessSmiles seems to be the only one with his head on straight, being the most detailed plan in here.

Which is honestly kind of disappointing.

Hopefully the next battles have be more active. Voting ended and update is being worked on.
Wait, did we check for mines?! This is a GLA-general, there are always mines!
That seems like it would be SOP as we are GLA as well, but we cant check for mines if we are trying to rush the base, and they wouldn't mine their primary routes of entrance so the tanks should be safe. Overall, it is something that a quick smash and grab needs to hope is not there.
That seems like it would be SOP as we are GLA as well, but we cant check for mines if we are trying to rush the base, and they wouldn't mine their primary routes of entrance so the tanks should be safe. Overall, it is something that a quick smash and grab needs to hope is not there.
not necessarily they could have manual demo traps.
The entrances, no. The shrubbery where your infantry are rushing into? Certainly!
Military Forces

Sons of Anatolia
2x Infantry Regiments^^
1x SpecOp Regiment*

Not Spetnaz
1x Combat Engineer Company*

Infantry Forces: Satisfied(7) / Very Loyal (7)
6x Infantry Regiments^ (Rebels & Insurgents with Technical & Buggy Support, Experienced)

Vehicle Forces: Satisfied(7) / Very Loyal (7)
1x Armor Regiment^^ (Crusader, KV Heavy Tanks with Technical & Buggy Support, Veteran)
2x Armor Regiments^ (Scorpion IIIs with Technical & Buggy Support, Experienced)

Artillery Forces: Satisfied(7) / Very Loyal (7)
10x MRLS Trucks
2x SCUD Launcher Trucks

Deployment Plan
-Arty to the north

-Stinger sites between arty and base as an ambush for the helis
-Snipers to set up spread out around the base. Stealth is paramount.
--primary targets are stinger sites and quad cannons. Clearing the north is a higher priority then the south as the Quad cannons are the highest level threat they can take out. other stinger sites are not a major threat to infantry.
-Tanks to the north. goal is to overwhelm the tanks and quads.
-Al regular Infantry to deploy from the east. goal to capture command center and then rest of base
-Sons infantry to deploy behind the tanks. their goal is to either round up the prisoners or push to the tunnel entrances and secure them if no surrender occurs.
-Not Spetnaz come from the south. Stingers should be taken out and most attention should be elsewhere due to the greater force concentrations. power plants are their goal

Action Plan
-Snipers hit all targets of opportunity. stingers and quads priority
-Stingers be ready for helis. shoot down all targets of opportunity
--2 Volley at the tanks and quads
--Then the tunnel entrances
-Bring a number of loudspeakers on trucks. have the Revolutionary broadcast a message for the troops in the base to surrender, the workers to turn off the power plants, and everyone to out of the defensive emplacements and buildings without weapons, and lay on the ground while waiting for our troops to secure them.
--If this works Yay, we have won the battle. clean up what resistance remains. focus for our troops is on caution and minimizing casualties during the round up.
--Block the tunnels, steal everything not nailed down, and then vamoose
-Else, begin the push
--Tanks attack the enemy tanks. speed and safety are key
--Infantry push in, go for stated goals in deployment plans
--Arty hit the power plants then the tunnels
---once our men are in the base, cease fire. Friendly fire is unacceptable
--Still be on the lookout for the helis
--Once tunnels are reached, block them
--Don't kill the civilians. if they did not surrender to the opening message, shut down the power and leave their buildings, then they stay behind

"Snipers. Take out enemy stingers on my mark... Mark!"

Snipers positions near the sides of the mountains or hidden in the bushes and trees fire. The stinger sites go silent, their gunners dead or dying without a sound.

"Artillery, fire for effect. SCUDs lock input coordinates for enemy tunnel positions. Thirty seconds until launch."

"Acknowledged, Revolutionary."

Artillery trucks open up with a salvo of missiles from their MRLS launchers. A few moments later, the roar echoes across the plains, crashing against the mountain range. The GLA tankers looked up in alarm...moments before the missiles arced and landed right on target. Marauder tanks exploded under the assault, dozens flipping over from the barrage of explosions that littered the main entrance to the base.

"We're under attack!" Yells the GLA commander on the radio. "All units to the defenses! We need reinforcements-!"

Two power plants exploded as a barrage of missiles landed on top of the smoke stacks, it's cracked windows exploding as fire billows out.

A moment later, a pair of SCUD missiles landed on top the tunnel entrances, just as the first of the reinforcements were running out. However, while the artillery barrage successfully destroyed the tunnel entrances and trapping the reinforcements within the collapsing tunnels, many missiles struck off the the mark, setting multiple supply dumps on fire.

Four helicopter gunships took off with a roar of rotors. They turned on a dime and began making an immediate beeline for the artillery trucks.

"Enemy helicopters on approach! They are headed to our artillery!"

"Stingers, make ready. Fire when in range."

The helicopters coasted over the ridge and half a dozen rockets shot out. All were evaded when the gunship deployed countermeasures. Moments later, the second stinger squad open up with two dozen rockets, most of them destroy three of the machines outright. One however, manages to evade the trio of missiles meant for it.

"Enemy helicopter evaded our missiles! Forty seconds!"

"Technicals and Rocket Buggies, defend the artillery!"

Dozens of Technicals in camo-netting open fire. From .50 caliber machine guns to recoilless anti-tank rifles, the helicopter gunship is pelted with a stream of bullets that soon make their way into sensitive and fragile parts of the machine. It's chin-mounted heavy machine gun opens fire, shredding the light armor of two MRLS trucks as they attempt to scatter. A salvo of rockets from the gunship's wing mounted weapon pods impacts both trucks and annihilates them.

Moments later, a recoilless rifle manages to strike something important and the gunship explodes in the air.

"Two MRLS trucks lost, Revolutionary."

"Their sacrifice will not be in vain. Continue escorting the remaining artillery to the rendezvous point."

"Yes, Revolutionary."

"All tank regiments, push forwards, engage surviving armor. Infantry, capture the palace and capture any officers still alive. Propaganda trucks begin broadcast."

"We are the vanguard of a new age! We are the heralds of the great Revolutionary! The greatest commander of this age, cast off and feared by the ignorant Generals who claim to lead the GLA! We come to break the chains of your oppressors! We come to enlighten your spirit! Lay down your arms and surrender to the light!"

The mixed regiment of heavy tanks and MBTs surge forwards, drowning surviving tankers with overwhelming fire as they pushed past the burning wrecks. Infantry however find themselves in dire straits. General Danko proves that he isn't stupid and littered the shrubbery with anti infantry mines.

Fortunately, your people are nimble runners and only take moderate losses.

The enemy base is in full panic. Workers are throwing themselves bodily at the rabble of GLA soldiers, spurred on by the promise of freedom. The base commander was dragged out by his loincloth and thrown at the feet of Jarmond Kell. Gibbering in terror, the commander voided all waste and begged for his miserable life.

Pulled up to his feet, shit staining his ankles, the commander was forced to speak into the speaker towers.

"V-victory for the Revolutionary!"

What remained of the defenders could not resist. Most were put to the sword. The rest cooperated, revealing tidbits of critical information.

The mostly undamaged supplies would be an excellent source of resources, and the Not Spetnaz were busy at work seeing what could be salvaged.

All in all, it would take about a week to properly get everything out, assuming you wanted literally everything not nailed down and the rest on fire and useless to Danko. He is at least two weeks away, assuming he decides to leave all his heavy tanks behind and take only his helicopters and light vehicles.

1x Infantry Regiment (Experienced, 50% capacity)
2x MRLS Artillery Trucks

Choose one:

[] Just take the supplies and the workers. Burn the rest. +$80 Million, +2000 Civilians, 1d100 Salvage Rolls.

[] Be thorough, take everything not nailed down. 1 Turn. Extra rewards, +3d100 Salvage Rolls. Fend off forward elements of Danko's reinforcements.

[] Forget just the supplies. Take this base! It's your's dammit! Danko can break his fucking teeth on it by the time you're done putting in your defenses! 3 Turns, Extra Rewards, +5d100 Salvage rolls. Fend off Danko's reinforcements.
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Hmm are any of the workers willing to die to get vengeance on Danko? did the base manage to get off a warning? Because if the answers are favorable we could turn this base into a trap.
Hmm are any of the workers willing to die to get vengeance on Danko? did the base manage to get off a warning? Because if the answers are favorable we could turn this base into a trap.
A few yes, but most would rather live. The base definitely did; since the radar dome never got knocked out; hence the reinforcements.