C&C Generals: The Liberation is At Hand [Quest]

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Traits & Dice Rolls

You fought in wars...
The Liberation Is At Hand


Expert Jissou Abuser

Loyalty & Morale
Traits & Dice Rolls

Mahmud "Tactician" Abdul-Muhsi: Known colloquially as 'the traitor' amongst the Western aligned armed forces of the Arab Peninsula, Mahmud Abdul-Muhsi dedicated his twenty year military career to driving the specter of terrorism from his South Yemen homeland... and the following ten years to bolstering what he had once resisted. Incidentally, he also happens to be the father of the infamous Revolutionary, a daughter born from an illicit affair before his military years in Yemen. (+15 to Combat Rolls)

Jarmond Kell: Youngest brother of the late Jarmen Kell, the most famous sniper the GLA had to offer to the Commandos of the Superpowers in the first GLA War. (+15 to Infantry-related Combat Rolls)

Rakshasa Chawla: An extraordinarily thinly built indian man with a lithe grace that seemed inhuman. He was perhaps the calmest person you know, he almost always maintained a cool and seemingly carefree attitude no matter what the situation and is never seen without his trademark tobacco pipe. He is on quite good terms with Juni and several of her colleagues in the Cell. Despite his efficiency, Rakshasa was very laid back and easy going, usually seen laying on a couch when not actively working (and sometimes even when he is actively working). There's even has one installed on the bridge of their MCV.

Born in India, Rakshasa made a name for himself in the scientific community by researching alternative fuels and technologies to make the world a better place. But on the cusp of success, his prototypes were sabotaged and the resulting demonstration killed quite a lot of people. His good name slandered and his reputation drug through the mud by his former colleagues and friends, Chawla cursed them all and left India. The two of them met at a bar, to tell the truth. They hit it off and he bragged to her about his skills and within no time; he was recruited and given a post as the Research & Development Chief of her cell.

Thanks to him, the guns kept working, the engines didn't explode, and missiles hit on target. Unfortunately, his expertise was needed at the very bottom.

Kallen Qatar:

You fought in wars and battle before the formation of the Global Liberation Army. You served your time of repentance for sins long lost to history. The blood of thousands stain your hands, but to what end? The fight never ends. So long as there was oppression of the weak, innocent, and defenseless, you would lead them. So long as there was injustice, you would be judge, jury, and executioner.

As long there was a crying child, you would mother it with kisses and sweet whispers and milk. Maybe when you were done, there would be no more crying children.

During the First GLA War, you served as the focal point for the GLA. You won victories the GLA had no right to win. You gave them your loyalty and your skill. You gave them victory.

Perhaps you were blinded by hope. False promises from the lips of liars and murderers. No more. You will do it yourself now. You will no longer work for others. This time, you lead and the others will follow.

Perhaps this time, you can find redemption at long last.

You are: 'Juna' Abdul-Muhsi, the 'Revolutionary', the 'Legendary Insurgent'

Gender: [X] Female

Nationality: French

Origin: [X] The Revolutionary

Most of the records on this General are highly classified and only available to the highest ranking GLA officers. However, a few details have surfaced about her service prior to the First GLA War. [REDACTED]

Unlike many GLA officers, who were loyal to the cause in word but not deed, this commander fought hard for a clear set of ideals that many within the GLA stood for while her brothers strayed from the true path. In this respect, she was similar to an earlier military geniuses that led the disparate groups before the unification like [DATA EXPUNGED]. The Commander became known as a legendary Insurgent for her roles in routing both American and Chinese forces worldwide, including incidents in the Honduras, Vladivostok, Jericho, Rio de Janeiro, and [REDACTED].

+1 Logistics Option
Rise Up!
- With a cry of revolution on your lips, you lead the masses to rebel against their oppressors. GLA, American, Russian, Chinese, it matters not. Oppression is here and you will lead those who would fight for freedom against a culture of evil. With your experience and Recruits will flock to your banner every turn, depending on rolls. Manpower is not an issue.

Brotherhood. Unity. Peace. - With your charisma and your skills, you have many supporters all over the world. Even your enemies cannot help but feel awed and inspired. Donations and defectors will come to your army every turn, bringing unique skills and technologies if you are especially lucky.

Cons - GLA will serve as an additional Enemy.

[] The Soldier General
You began your career in the GLA as a soldier of fortune, moving from cell to cell as the fighting intensified. Your credentials started out as a child soldier, then moving on to an insurgent. From the lowest of cannonfodder, you survived and clawed your way up to the very top. Soon you were leading men and women in the fight for freedom, for a united nation of tribes and warlords. For money, for glory, for revenge. For ideals, for hate, for the hell of it. You've seen it all and you've practically bathed in it. From a ragged band of rebels, insurgents, and freedom fighters from both genders and nationalities, you've forged a professional unit of soldiers who are by far the best the GLA can call upon.

And the GLA calls upon you and your Cell once more to fight.

You've known war and peace alike; but by far you know war the longest. Some peace and quiet would be nice, but first the ones making all the noise need to die.

+1 Military Option
To Hell And Back
- This motley group of insurgents, rebels, and freedom fighters have fought with you during the First War, they know you can lead them and that they can trust you. Through thick and thin, even to the deepest Hells, you can count on them. All initial forces start out as Veterans with High Loyalty. Infantry are more expensive, but start out as Experienced.
Beg, Steal, Borrow - You're GLA. You started out with a pistol and then got your hands on an automatic when the guy next to you died. You know how hard it is to get good guns, so you've some experience with getting them by any means necessary. Better deals from Black Market, +10 to Salvage Rolls, Infantry and their upgrades are cheaper and easier to research.
Cons - Vehicles and Aircraft are more expensive and harder to research.

[] The Armor General

Even as a young child, you've been capable of doing incredible things with pieces of electronics and other hardware. This was not lost on the family, who offered you as tribute to a local Warlord. Under the patronage of this warlord, you saw him as a father figure and learned how to build tanks and modify vehicles. Armed with your imagination and funding of your warlord patron. In time, his Technicals were the best made in the region and the man was quick to boast of that. However, this drew the attention of other warlords, who grew jealous. They sent assassins and wounded your warlord father. In his dying breath, he charged you with the deaths of his killers. Taking up his banner, you commanded your own modified Marauder Tank and engaged in a running battle across the region, running down the Warlords who killed your patron and taking control of what remained. These feats were enough to garner the attention of the GLA that employed your adoptive father and you were made General in his stead.

+1 Military Option
Tank Commander
- Your armored vehicle crew is among one of the best in existence. They've all gotten experience in combat, large and small. From the nimble Technicals to the Tankers, they are loyal to you to a fault. All initial forces start out as Veterans with High Loyalty. All ground Vehicles start out as Experienced.
Armored Doctrine - You're a tanker by experience and a capable one at that. You've modified your brand of vehicles to be tougher and harder hitting than the norm. You know how to get the parts and you know how to put them together in ways not imagined by the producers. Better deals from Arms Dealer, +10 to Ground Vehicle research. Ground Vehicles and their upgrades are cheaper and easier to research.
Cons - Economy and Defenses are more expensive and harder to research.

[] The Junker General
As an orphaned child in the wastelands of the post-GLA-uprising Afghanistan, you learned to survive using only your wits and the battlefield debris that littered your homeland. A naturally skilled mechanic, by an early age you were jury-rigging wrecked and abandoned Chinese LRVs into makeshift but workable transport vehicles - a feat that quickly drew the attention of local warlords. Pressed into indentured servitude, you chafed under the demands of these new masters, eventually engineering an escape within a functional hybrid of a Marauder-Overlord tank fitted with their entire stock of rockets. You destroyed a great deal of their forces in this jury-rigged tank, gaining the attention of a GLA commander who was going to force these warlords back into the fold. After a great deal of fighting, your tank was disabled and your former masters were preparing to kill you when this Commander arrived just in time to save you.

Your actions greatly impressed this Commander and with his help, you were given a small army of your own with likeminded people to command.

+1 Salvage Roll
Salvage & Scavenger
- Picking through the debris and wrecks, your experienced hands can tell what's good and what's not. And very little cannot be salvaged with the proper motivation and just a little luck. Salvage is easier to come by, +20 to Salvage Rolls after a battle. All units gain the 'Scavenger' Trait and may find additional Salvage in the battlefield after every turn.
Scrap is Money - Good junk can be melted down, taken apart, processed into something else. Bad junk is just scrap, melted down and used for ball bearings or something. But junk is always valuable, so don't waste anything! You never know when it'll be a treasure. Unique Structure 'Junkyard' can be constructed. Successful Salvage Rolls can bring in additional cash and random units or upgrades.
Cons - All Vehicles and Upgrades are more expensive and harder to research.

[] The Engineering General
Born in Italy, you were a bright child with a great future ahead of you. However, your parents were neglectful of you, caring only for accomplishments and accolades, rewarding you with little affection. This left you a shy, deeply insecure person. Your aptitude for building design and construction won you a scholarship to a prestigious university in Zurich. It was there that you met a mysterious figure known only as 'The Operative'. Naive and eager for affection, you were quickly seduced by the charisma, praise and seemingly compelling arguments of this newfound associate. Within the year, you dropped out of university, faked your own death and went off to a GLA training camp in North Africa. Now, as a significantly more confident person, you apply your unique skillset to GLA efforts, building stronger structures with the materials at hand, with defenses that were stronger than thought possible. Hundreds of tanks and helicopters have attacked your strongholds, believing them fragile under their firepower. You proved them wrong and you've got the burning hulls to prove it.

+1 Construction Option
Stronger and Better Too!
- With enough funds, your base is on par, if not outright better than any GLA equivalent! Even the Reds and the Americans would be in awe! All Structures are cheaper, faster to build, and can be upgraded to gain the 'Fortified' trait.
I Build Where I Want! - Your experience in construction allows you to construct buildings where you would normally not be able to. Into mountains, on or under the ocean, underground. Hell, if theres enough of those USA hover tech pods lying around, you could even build a base in the air! Structures can be built in any terrain. If built into mountains, underground, or underwater, all structures gain the 'Hidden' Trait.
Cons - All structures are more expensive to build.

[] The Stealth General
You were born into darkness and trained by the best to act unseen and unknown. Back then, you had no name. You had a number. That number was 5 and you were an infiltrator. You walked away with classified files, slit throats of traitors, and spied on allies. Your organization was clouded in secrecy, but they could not act openly. They fought with knives and the odd handgun. Information was the key. Then the GLA rose and burned a path through the Chinese, the Americans, and through Europe.

It was beautiful.

Your Masters sent you on missions and you served faithfully. But one by one, your peers were killed when you realized a disturbing pattern. None of those missions meant for the survival of your fellow spies and agents. Your Masters were going to rid themselves of their pawns and you were next. You could not disobey and you had no choice. Your mission ended in fire, bullets, and flame.

When you woke up, however, your mind was clear and your hate bright. Your former enemies welcomed you and you took their best to become something like yourself. Those Masters that washed their hands of you would soon find themselves wishing they hadn't.

+1 Intrigue Option
Silent & Deadly
- Ambushes, espionage, infiltrations, assassinations... Your forces were capable of feats imagined only in dramatic novels and video games. Highly trained and well armed, your army is fast and deadly. All units have the 'Hidden' Trait. All infantry have the 'Assassinate' Trait by default. All structures have the 'Hidden' and 'Unpack' Trait.
I Am Going Tom Clancy On Your Ass - Out in the wild, surviving formidable trials. I stand in the rain, scanning the plains. Dissent is my name, lamenting my claim. The whip of my bow, perfecting my aim. Revolution is the game. A brother to lead. The blood of the creed. Unique Unit 'Shadow Agent' can be trained. Only one Shadow Agent may be trained per turn and can act as an additional Intrigue or Military Option. Additional units can be sent to increase success.
Cons - All units and structures are more expensive and harder to research. Tanks and Artillery are unavailable until appropriate research is done or appropriate technology is acquired.
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[X] Male
[X] The Engineering General

I really like the ability to build structures anywhere.
[X] Female
[X] The Stealth General

I remember this. Stealth units. Stealth base. Stealth everything as invisible rocket bikers hit and fade.

Invisible tunnel networks moving invisible troops.
[X] Female

[X] The Revolutionary

C&C Generals was awesome and a female Kane would make it even more awesomer. Viva la Revolucion!
The GLA believe that it is their divine duty to unite humanity under their banner of so called freedom which is more oppressive than the harshest dictators.

They are not alone in their belief that mankind should be united.

The United States fights to spread their ideals of democracy regardless of whoever wants it or not, foisting their ideals on whoever they like with their technology.

China fights to unite humanity their banner of communism, a lofty and optimistic view, but ultimately naive nonetheless.

They believe that all of humanity should be of one mind and purpose.

I believe differently.

I believe that if humanity has any divine purpose at all, it is to be an agent of chaos and conflict.

This is not a bad thing.

Greed is destructive but destruction is not a negative force in the universe.

The old and the rusty must be torn down to make way for the new and vibrant.

Without destruction, there would be no need for creation.

The world would have no purpose except to endure.




Do you disagree with me?


Let us pit our wills against each other then, and may the conflict strengthen us both.

Because I would rather die a thousand times in this dystopian heaven than to live for one minute in your "utopia."

Fortunately for me

I can do that.

Come, and let's have the most amazing party the world has ever seen.
Trying to convince people to chose the Revolutionary general.
Well, it certainly didn't convince me! XD

Voting ends within the hour.

Vote tally:
##### 3.19
[X] Female
No. of votes: 7
Ramble, Malbutorius, Troglodyte, veekie, Yzarc, taovkool, useofstrike32
[X] The Revolutionary
No. of votes: 6
Ramble, Malbutorius, Troglodyte, Yzarc, taovkool, useofstrike32
[x] Male
No. of votes: 3
butchock, Derek58, Maragas
[x] The Junker General
No. of votes: 1
[X] The Engineering General
No. of votes: 2
Derek58, Maragas
[X] The Stealth General
No. of votes: 1
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Voting has ended.

Vote tally:
##### 3.19
[X] Female
No. of votes: 7
Ramble, Malbutorius, Troglodyte, Yzarc, taovkool, useofstrike32, veekie
[X] The Revolutionary
No. of votes: 7
Ramble, Malbutorius, Troglodyte, Yzarc, taovkool, useofstrike32, Iandude0
[x] Male
No. of votes: 7
butchock, Derek58, Maragas, Iandude0, wingstrike96, Vanestus, Faceless Goon
[x] The Junker General
No. of votes: 1
[X] The Engineering General
No. of votes: 4
Derek58, Maragas, wingstrike96, veekie
[X] The Soldier General
No. of votes: 2
Vanestus, Faceless Goon