[x] 51 - #3 Armory - You have your preferred kit, but maybe something specialized?
[x] As Rika. Doesn't have the clearance for a number of things.
Update coming soon: Lack of obscurity edition.
Redshirt Army threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Getting to the roof. Total: 15
15 15
Redshirt Army threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Quality of vehicle. Total: 9
9 9
Redshirt Army threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Acquiring vehicle. Total: 2
2 2
Redshirt Army threw 4 20-faced dice. Reason: Fighting competent people. Total: 44
5 5 16 16 7 7 16 16
Redshirt Army threw 2 20-faced dice. Reason: Two opponents remain. Total: 18
8 8 10 10
Redshirt Army threw 2 20-faced dice. Reason: Ninja showdown. Total: 8
3 3 5 5
You head to the roof. It's isolated, making it one of the last moves they'd expect from you, and if you're patient, you can just wait until the next transport comes and make a perfectly stealthy exit while they all scramble to secure the third floor.

Rika, fortuitously enough, does have access to the rooftop observation point, meaning you won't have to sneak past your old barracks. It's not directly linked to the landing pad, but once you're on the roof, it's just a few easily jumped guard rails away. You hide yourself from view and make your way there. It looks like you're in luck, too - a transport is making it's way over - hardly a gunship, but probably easier to hitch a ride on.

And then, as the first disembarking Lunarian steps off, you can feel the moment everything turns to shit. Shizu, with her squad, coming back from a mission. High level thermokinetic, her ability doesn't rely on infrared rays to sense temperatures - you can't hide from her.

You immediately fling a flashbang, shielding yourself from its effects as you open fire with your twin pistols, getting solid hits with tranq darts on Shizu, Haruka (squad sniper), and Fumio (squad medic/magician).

Shizu simply yanks the dart out while cauterizing the region, as the other two slump unconscious. Her second, Isao, unslings his rifle and lays down a hail of suppressive plasma bursts, which you barely evade, ducking behind the edge of the landing pad - Just as Shizu yanks the kinetic energy of the area out and upward, making your shield generator squeal against the sudden cold, as she gathers a massive fireball.

You send an illusion up and to the side, while popping up yourself and linking up with the brainwaves you can sense around you.

Who the fuck is - an illusion - no way - is that fucking Reisen?

Fuck, fuck, Haruka was already in rough shape, and of course Fumio goes down when you really need him.

Shizu barks, "Left! It's an 'R' illusion! Mental discipline!" As you spin to avoid a particularly nasty glob of plasma, you reflect that she's really intent on making this hard for you. And that's just about when the fireball condenses into a point and streaks towards you.

You anchor yourself to the ground, sextupling your weight, crossing your arms over your face and focusing everything you can on propping up your energy shield, as a threefold layer of swirling light surrounds you. It's just barely enough, the flames piercing through one barrier, then another, then another, before finally pushing your shield into full overload and making it wink out of existence just as the pyroclasm ends. This leaves you and a small hemisphere around you untouched in a field of concrete turned to molten slag - an inferno, you note with consternation, that has not spared your getaway ride. You have no idea what happened to the pilot, and you've lost sight of Isao, which is never good with someone as loose with grenades as he is.

Location: Rooftop Landing Pad, Lunar Army HQ, Lunar Capital, Far Side of the Moon
Time: 01:38 LST (Lunar Standard Time), July 28th 1969
Emotions: Fuck Fuck Fuck Shit
Telepathy: Suppressed

Health: 95%
Shield: 0% (Destroyed)

Stamina: 88%
Magic: 27%

• Standard combat outfit (Suit, Tie, Dress Skirt, Dress Flats)
TS-200 Concealable Shield Generator (Destroyed)
• RMS30 Concealed Carry Subsonic Railgun
• 2x TM-ZX Variable Munition Pistols
• KF-L Collapsible Sniper Rifle
• Standard Issue Combat Knife
• A10 Telepathic Suppression Neural Clips
• Chronometer (cannot stop time)
• Backpack:
• 1x Flashbang Grenade
• 2x Plasma Charges
• Narrative-Dependant Supply of Ammunition
• Standard
• Sleeper Darts
• Explosive​
• Camera
• Audio Recorder
• Toiletries
• MREs
• Change of Clothes
• Carrot-pattern Pajamas
• 55323¥
• 'Rika' Military ID (with codes and biometrics)
• 'Rika' Class 2 Vehicle License (with biometrics)
• 'Rika' Bank Card (with codes, assets unknown)
• Folded American Flag
• Golden Branch
• Silicon Disk
• Earth Reference Guide
• Translator Pad
Magic Used So Far:
• Reading Surface Thoughts
• Hold Person
• Memory Modification
• Skimming Account Codes
• Reproducing Biometric Sensor Data
• Visual Suppression
• Auditory Suppression
• Radio Suppression
• Radio Monitoring
• Maser Blast
• Sonar
• Silent Image
• Invisibility
• Shield

• Clear your name. (You'll need to find iron-clad proof that you've been set up, then find someone willing to hear you out to present it to, being hunted all the way.)
• Figure out if the evidence you recovered was tampered with, and if it was, by whom.​
• Escape the moon. (You'll need to find and steal a Lunarian Navy ship, then head to Earth, then find somewhere to lay low, being hunted all the way.)
• Find a ship that you can hijack, potentially by breaking into a Lunar Navy facility.​

You have no shield. Your getaway vehicle just melted. You're on the roof of one of the tallest buildings in the Capital, which just had a lightshow that will bring everyone running. You're facing Shizu, someone you have trouble with in spars even on your best days, and the odds are 2:1 in her favor.

[x] Run.
-[x] How bad could a chase through the stairwell really be?
-[x] You could go down the elevator shaft?
-[x] Dive off the edge of the building. You'll have plenty of time to finally figure out flight.

[x] Talk. Shizu isn't entirely unreasonable.
-[x] Say what?

[x] Fight.
-[x] Do what?

[x] Something clever. (Write-in)
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Wait a minute, she has the power to affect gravity? Can't she just reduce her weight as she falls, thus slowing her descent?

edit... Ok, weight was a poor choice of words, but the point stands.
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Wait a minute, she has the power to affect gravity? Can't she just reduce her weight as she falls, thus slowing her descent?

edit... Ok, weight was a poor choice of words, but the point stands.

She can indeed reduce the effects of gravity upon herself. That is not, itself, sufficient to survive a fall of that height, though it will both buy her time and simplify whatever else she chooses to do.
Something tells me this is more of a Die Hard moment rather than Bond. The elevator shaft option seems a bit oddly specific. It makes me think attempting to reach an access point or vent within the shaft might be viable, if risky. But, if we can break LOS while we do it, we might avoid hax detection powers.

I'd like to hear thoughts on that.
Explaining things to Shizu might be a possibility seeing as she's not averse to having a lunar rabbit as a rival. Still, can Reisen briefly explain to her with enough information to have Shizu either fall back or work with Reisen before reinforcements arrive? If she can't, some manner of escape might be a better idea. Falling off the roof might seem good, but it could make Reisen a big target if she learns how to fly. If she doesn't learn to fly, well, I suppose her problems might get solved in a more sub-optimal way.
I would have more confidence in talking to Shizu if we didn't just have a firefight and take out two subordinates. Sure, they were non-lethal take-downs, but the attack appeared unprovoked. It really doesn't seem like a much better option to me than "I believe I can fly".
Stairwell doesn't have the threat of death by long fall should Reisen make an error, but stairwell will be harder to lose Shizu. It's a tough call.
[x] Run.
-[x] Dive off the edge of the building. You'll have plenty of time to finally figure out flight.
[x] Run.
-[x] You could go down the elevator shaft?

Ehh. Bad situation. Not much to work with.
Your illusory duplicates lack internal heat, making them easily spotted by Shizu - she'd spot the difference as easily as someone else would notice if the clones were greyscale instead of colour. They would distract Isao.
[x] Run.
-[x] You could go down the elevator shaft?
-[x] Use your eyes to make a couple illusionary duplicates of yourself running in the other possible routes, it won't fool them for long but it should buy you some time.
If you're doing that, it'd only fool one of them, which means the escape routes is a waste of time.

Have your illusions charge Isao from Shizu's angle, Isao can then get in Shizu's way in the process in her first reflex.
There's no way you can survive if you stay up here - time to cut your losses. You roll off to the edge, spending magic to increase your speed and strength to its limits in an attempt to get to the elevator shaft. You dip to the right, letting a streak of plasma slam into the ground at your feet, and melt a hole in the elevator door, opening your path. For a second you think you've made it.

Then the plasma charge detonates.

Pain. Intense pain. You're sprawled on your front, and it feels like your whole left side has been roasted. The only reason it wasn't your back as well is because your backpack acted as ablative shielding - but now it's ruined, your supplies spilled all over the ground. You're only alive because of the degree of reinforcement you were under.

There's no time. You kip up, kick the silicon disk - the most suspicious of the items - into your right hand, and dive down the elevator shaft. Just in time, too, as you see another intense blast of fire illuminate the area above you.

As you enter freefall, you give fervent thanks to whatever gods will listen for the architectural design of Lunar Army HQ. Because the elevators... are electromagnetic. You focus, and with your mastery of elecromagnetic waves form a powerful magnetic field, controlling your fall. With just a bit of focus, combined with your gravity control spell, you should be able to levitate yourself.

Location: Rapidly Accelerating Down The Elevator Shaft, Lunar Army HQ, Lunar Capital, Far Side of the Moon
Time: 01:40 LST (Lunar Standard Time), July 28th 1969
Emotions: Hysterical Laughter
Telepathy: Suppressed

Health: 60%
Shield: 0% (Destroyed)

Stamina: 71%
Magic: 16%

• Standard Combat Outfit (Damaged, Burn Marks)
TS-200 Concealable Shield Generator (Destroyed)
• RMS30 Concealed Carry Subsonic Railgun (3 Sleeper Darts)
• 2x TM-ZX Variable Munition Pistols (7 Bullets Each)
• KF-L Collapsible Sniper Rifle (1 AP Round)
• Standard Issue Combat Knife
• A10 Telepathic Suppression Neural Clips
• Chronometer (cannot stop time)
• 'Rika' Military ID
• Silicon Disk
Magic Used So Far:
• Reading Surface Thoughts
• Hold Person
• Memory Modification
• Skimming Account Codes
• Reproducing Biometric Sensor Data
• Visual Suppression
• Auditory Suppression
• Radio Suppression
• Radio Monitoring
• Maser Blast
• Sonar
• Silent Image
• Invisibility
• Shield
• Laser Blast
• Electromagnet

• Clear your name. (You'll need to find iron-clad proof that you've been set up, then find someone willing to hear you out to present it to, being hunted all the way.)
• Figure out if the evidence you recovered was tampered with, and if it was, by whom.​
• Escape the moon. (You'll need to find and steal a Lunarian Navy ship, then head to Earth, then find somewhere to lay low, being hunted all the way.)
• Find a ship that you can hijack, potentially by breaking into a Lunar Navy facility.​

You're in freefall in an elevator shaft. Your left arm is injured. Your magic reserves are running low. The elevator is undoubtedly somewhere beneath you. There's probably still a security team on the third floor.

[x] Land on the elevator and...
-[x] Hide out on the roof. You need a breather.
-[x] Break in through the ceiling. This way you can choose where it's headed - hopefully there isn't anyone inside.

[x] Pull up before the elevator. They'll undoubtedly be watching it as soon as Shizu radios in your position.

[x] Blast past the elevator. Now's your chance to put as much distance between yourself and Shizu's team as you can. This will be lethal to most people who might be in the elevator.

Your destination:
[x] 51 - #3 Armory - More ammunition and a shield replacement sound good right about now.
[x] 2 - Infirmary - You're injured, and a fresh magic infusion would really help right about now.
[x] G - Main Floor - You aren't in ideal sneaking condition or inconspicuous right now.
[x] B2 - Garage - Yeah, no, time to book it.
-[x] Type of vehicle.

[x] Something clever. (Write-in)
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[x] Pull up before the elevator. They'll undoubtedly be watching it as soon as Shizu radios in your position.
[x] B2 - Garage - Yeah, no, time to book it.
-[x] motorcycle.

I think we need to get out now!!
Aw, we cannot be 'murica bunny now. Also, that flag is probably going to be touted as 'evidence' of Reisan's betrayal.

[x] Pull up before the elevator. They'll undoubtedly be watching it as soon as Shizu radios in your position.
[x] B2 - Garage - Yeah, no, time to book it.
-[x] motorcycle.

could we bust though one of the upper floors and freefall the rest of the floors from the stairs?