Hmm okay so I'm thinking that we need to get in contact with our squad as soon as possible along with Nashina....the trick is getting contact with them... @Redshirt Army it's not too late to get Umeko's help right?
You haven't left yet, so trying to get Umeko's help is possible. Time's a ticking, though.
True....hmm okay I have a plan.

@Drac so I think the best course of action is to try and get Umeko's help, she can then contact the members of our squad and set up a meeting point while we get what we can from evidence and then escape.

From there we could potentially go AWOL with our team or have them investigate while we go into hiding. Although I personally really like the idea of a squad of Bunny Commando's running around on earth.

If we manage to find enough evidence we can probably get in contact with Nashina for some help clearing our name or something.
Takara - 'treasure' (feminine)
Tomi - 'rich' (unisex?)
Shioko - '?' (feminine)

Umeko 'plum - child' (feminine)
Takauji 'the leaping man(intentional???)' (masculine)
Kyouko 'respectful child/child of the capital(nice)' (feminine)
Shizu 'quiet' (feminine)

I'm at a loss for figuring out any meaning behind family names, but here's a quick rundown.
A squad complicates matters of stealth considerably. I need a moment to think about it.

edit... I think we should stick with our initial plan for the time being. We can include them afterwords if we need to.
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A squad complicates matters of stealth considerably. I need a moment to think about it.

edit... I think we should stick with our initial plan for the time being. We can include them afterwords if we need to.
Alright then, hopefully they will decide to stick with us once we've contacted them.
[x] 17 - Records. If you're going to run to Earth, this is where you'll find out which Frigate is currently on the surface, and where you can grab an Earth atlas and start considering hidey-holes.
[x] As yourself. Easiest, but your ID is very much on a timer.
2.0 - Showtime
You calmly exit the comms room and head for the elevator, swiping your own ID card for probably the last time. Your destination: The property rooms on the third floor, and one of the most secure areas in the building. The elevator reaches it's destination without delay - even in a supposedly 24 hour operation like the LDC, few people are roaming around at one in the morning. You don't recognize the stern faced Lunarian at the security desk, but it doesn't matter, as your security credentials to view the items you're looking for are accepted without an issue - you were the agent who brought them in, after all. You, of course, won't be allowed to remove any of them.

Stepping through to the other side of the reinforced metal door, as it closes behind you, you begin searching for bins 307A through F, eventually locating them on the furthest set of shelves from the door. Of course. You begin sifting through it, but nothing immediately stands out as out of place. The vast majority is useless junk, though you are surprised that the flag can fold up to be so small - Earthlings really have progressed a lot in the past few decades.

Frustrated, you have a look at the log to see who signed this out over the past few days. You submit it for processing, Asanuma Miyazaki from Forensics signs out Bin C, Lord Nagata from Special Operations requests to examine Bin D and F, Asanuma returns Bin C, Lady Mitsuwa from Purity requests to examine Bin C, Agent Reisen from Special Operations requests to examine Bins A-F. You take a photograph of the log for posterity, then try to figure out what criteria each bin is separated by.

Bin A, with a biological hazard warning sticker, has a large number of bags containing human fecal matter, discarded food wrappers and toiletries, and general human byproducts.
Bin B contains discarded tools, including a set of wrenches and a hammer. Bin C, marked with an impurity warning sticker, contains the American flag, a gold looking branch of some sort, and a strange, small silicon disk. Bin D contains a series of metal samples and pieces from the crashed ascent stage of their rocket, while Bin E contains the same from the landing stage. Bin F contains a set of film canisters and discarded recording equipment.

It's as you're wondering what to do with this information when you feel a sharp flare of heat from your pocket, and just manage to toss your ID card to the floor and conceal it before it's magnesium-bright light, shrill shrieking, and constantly emitted radio signal bring everybody running. Examining the ambient radio waves, you notice a large number of telepathic pings seeking your location. With a flare of frustration, you send an invisible high intensity maser blast at it and burn it out of existence. It shouldn't have looked too odd on camera, as if you suddenly flinched and glared at a spot on the floor.

You used your own ID to enter the property room, which means the second they query your last known location this will pop up. You are being monitored on video. If you leave this exact second, you might be able to get out before the comms team reorients itself from your programming and sounds the building-wide alarm.

Location: Property Room, Lunar Army HQ, Lunar Capital, Far Side of the Moon
Time: 00:55 LST (Lunar Standard Time), July 28th 1969
Emotions: Showtime
Telepathy: Suppressed, Constant Ping Attempts

Health: 100%
Shield: 100%

Stamina: 100%
Magic: 75%

• Standard combat outfit (Suit, Tie, Dress Skirt, Dress Flats)
• TS-200 Concealable Shield Generator
• RMS30 Concealed Carry Subsonic Railgun
• 2x TM-ZX Variable Munition Pistols
• KF-L Collapsible Sniper Rifle
• Standard Issue Combat Knife
• A10 Telepathic Suppression Neural Clips
• Chronometer (cannot stop time)
• Backpack:
• 2x Flashbang Grenades
• 2x Plasma Charges
• Narrative-Dependant Supply of Ammunition
• Standard
• Sleeper Darts
• Explosive​
• Camera
• Audio Recorder
• Toiletries
• MREs
• Change of Clothes
• Carrot-pattern Pajamas
• 55323¥
• 'Rika' Military ID (with codes and biometrics)
• 'Rika' Class 2 Vehicle License (with biometrics)
• 'Rika' Bank Card (with codes, assets unknown)​
Magic Used So Far:
• Reading Surface Thoughts
• Hold Person
• Memory Modification
• Skimming Account Codes
• Reproducing Biometric Sensor Data
• Visual Suppression
• Auditory Suppression
• Radio Suppression
• Radio Monitoring
• Maser Blast

• Clear your name. (You'll need to find iron-clad proof that you've been set up, then find someone willing to hear you out to present it to, being hunted all the way.)
• Figure out if the evidence you recovered was tampered with, and if it was, by whom.​
• Escape the moon. (You'll need to find and steal a Lunarian Navy ship, then head to Earth, then find somewhere to lay low, being hunted all the way.)

[x] Leave this deathtrap immediately and hope you get out of sight before the alert comes.

[x] You need more time to go through this! Dump the contents of one or more bins into your backpack before getting out somehow.
-[ ] Bin A - Haha no.
-[x] Bin B - There might be something among the tools...
-[x] Bin C - It had the most activity. Only three items, though.
-[x] Bin D - Rocket wreckage?
-[x] Bin E - Lander components.
-[x] Bin F - Recording equipment.

Get out through:
[x] Stealth - Invisibility, Illusions, and Hacking. It should be just be possible to sneak out, even with everyone on the lookout.
[x] Brute Force - That's, what, 4 inches of steel with a twin-layer dispersive energy barrier? You've melted tougher things. Not many, though, and it'll cut a lot into your reserves. Get away in the chaos.
[x] Trickery - Orders will be to capture, not kill, and to do that they'll have to open the door up eventually. Of course, that's still a lot of people with guns to get past, and some might have orders to have you killed 'resisting arrest'.

[x] Something clever. (Write-in)
Ok, something tells me that Bin C is important, so we'll probably want that. The real trick is how do we get out with it? Right now, I think stealth is the key if we want any chance of getting anything else out of the compound before leaving. Thoughts?
[x] You need more time to go through this! Dump the contents of one or more bins into your backpack before getting out somehow.
-[x] Bin C - It had the most activity. Only three items, though.
[x] Stealth - Invisibility, Illusions, and Hacking. It should be just be possible to sneak out, even with everyone on the lookout.
-[X] Switch to Rika identity once out of the room.
I like it.

[x] You need more time to go through this! Dump the contents of one or more bins into your backpack before getting out somehow.
-[x] Bin C - It had the most activity. Only three items, though.
[x] Stealth - Invisibility, Illusions, and Hacking. It should be just be possible to sneak out, even with everyone on the lookout.
-[X] Switch to Rika identity once out of the room.
[x] You need more time to go through this! Dump the contents of one or more bins into your backpack before getting out somehow.
-[x] Bin C - It had the most activity. Only three items, though.
[x] Stealth - Invisibility, Illusions, and Hacking. It should be just be possible to sneak out, even with everyone on the lookout.
-[X] Switch to Rika identity once out of the room.
It's time to go. You black out the walls and ceiling of the room, making certain that the cameras won't be able to record your actions, then grab Bin C and stride purposefully towards the exit. Slinging your backpack to the side, you unlatch the bin cover and dump the contents inside, then toss the bin to the side and draw your preferred pistol.

Due to safety regulations, closed rooms like this automatically unlock in the case of fire. Of course, that particular behavior has an override, in case of an intruder - like you. Speaking of, there go the alarms. Damn that's loud - you can hear the ones in the hallway from here. But an override signal is useless if it can't reach it's destination. You fire the shot towards the ground, then catch the reverberating sound waves, using a makeshift sonar to locate the required bit of wiring.

No time to waste setting charges - you focus and melt a pinprick hole in the required spot. Now, you just need to trigger the system and...

The look on that Lunarian's face as you blithely stride out a supposedly locked door, slamming an illusion over the camera, is one that you'll cherish almost as long as the look when you make him shut up and sit down. You wipe his memory, slam the door behind you and relock it, then fade out of sight and head for the stairwell, releasing your illusions over the cameras.

Location: Third Floor Stairwell, Lunar Army HQ, Lunar Capital, Far Side of the Moon
Time: 01:03 LST (Lunar Standard Time), July 28th 1969
Emotions: Mission Mode
Telepathy: Suppressed

Health: 100%
Shield: 100%

Stamina: 95%
Magic: 60%

• Standard combat outfit (Suit, Tie, Dress Skirt, Dress Flats)
• TS-200 Concealable Shield Generator
• RMS30 Concealed Carry Subsonic Railgun
• 2x TM-ZX Variable Munition Pistols
• KF-L Collapsible Sniper Rifle
• Standard Issue Combat Knife
• A10 Telepathic Suppression Neural Clips
• Chronometer (cannot stop time)
• Backpack:
• 2x Flashbang Grenades
• 2x Plasma Charges
• Narrative-Dependant Supply of Ammunition
• Standard
• Sleeper Darts
• Explosive​
• Camera
• Audio Recorder
• Toiletries
• MREs
• Change of Clothes
• Carrot-pattern Pajamas
• 55323¥
• 'Rika' Military ID (with codes and biometrics)
• 'Rika' Class 2 Vehicle License (with biometrics)
• 'Rika' Bank Card (with codes, assets unknown)
• Folded American Flag
• Golden Branch
• Silicon Disk​
Magic Used So Far:
• Reading Surface Thoughts
• Hold Person
• Memory Modification
• Skimming Account Codes
• Reproducing Biometric Sensor Data
• Visual Suppression
• Auditory Suppression
• Radio Suppression
• Radio Monitoring
• Maser Blast
• Sonar
• Silent Image
• Invisibility

• Clear your name. (You'll need to find iron-clad proof that you've been set up, then find someone willing to hear you out to present it to, being hunted all the way.)
• Figure out if the evidence you recovered was tampered with, and if it was, by whom.​
• Escape the moon. (You'll need to find and steal a Lunarian Navy ship, then head to Earth, then find somewhere to lay low, being hunted all the way.)

The entire facility is in full alert. They know your last known location was on the third floor. You probably shouldn't use the elevators at the moment, either. Where are you headed?

[x] B2 - Garage - Gotta go fast.
- [x] What kind of vehicle?
[x] G - Ground Floor - They're on the lookout now, but if you run you might beat the security squads there.
[x] 2 - Infirmary - You don't have any medical supplies on you, and stocking up on chemicals can be handy in general.
[x] 17 - Records - If you're running, you need to get to Earth somehow. Not the only place you can get this type of information, but one of the most complete sets of records.
[x] 108 - The Roof - They'll never expect it!

How are you going there?
[ ] As yourself. Mmnope.
[x] As Rika. The more you use this ID, the sooner they'll realize you have it.
[x] Invisibly. Eats up magic.

[x] Something clever. (Write-in)
[x] 17 - Records - If you're running, you need to get to Earth somehow. Not the only place you can get this type of information, but one of the most complete sets of records.
[x] As Rika. The more you use this ID, the sooner they'll realize you have it.
[x] 17 - Records - If you're running, you need to get to Earth somehow. Not the only place you can get this type of information, but one of the most complete sets of records.
[x] As Rika. The more you use this ID, the sooner they'll realize you have it.
[x] 17 - Records - If you're running, you need to get to Earth somehow. Not the only place you can get this type of information, but one of the most complete sets of records.
[x] As Rika. The more you use this ID, the sooner they'll realize you have it.
You approach the records room, matching the appearance of Rika as best you can. Nobody is there to stop your approach, so you simply swipe her keycard and punch in the code. Inside are stacks upon stacks of documents, as well as a few workstations to help locate materials. You're disgruntled to find that Rika's permissions don't extend to the locations of currently undeployed Lunar Navy vessels - which is unfortunate, as all the deployed ones are currently in Lunar Orbit and well beyond your reach. You had those permissions, but as it is now, you'd have to search this endless mess of documents to find what you're looking for.

You have a little more luck with the Earth based portion of your search, signing out a translation pad on Rika's account, which will allow you text based translation of nearly all Earth languages, as well as a reference guide on Earth cultures apparently used to give the kids in communications some context for what intercepted messages actually mean. Given that the two page primer on the 'United States of America' you read before your last disastrous mission is the most you've read about Earth cultures in decades, you're sure this will come in handy. How much could have changed since 1933, anyway?

You consider wandering the stacks a bit, but the organization scheme seems to be impossibly complex and labyrinthine. No, if you want to find a ship, you'll just have to break into a Lunar Navy facility. If you're lucky, they'll have one, and even if you aren't, they should have the relevant records. As you step outside, identity as 'Rika' still secure, you consider your next move. No doubt there's a security cordon surrounding the third floor at the moment - to get to the lower levels you'd have to get past it.

Location: Property Room, Lunar Army HQ, Lunar Capital, Far Side of the Moon
Time: 01:24 LST (Lunar Standard Time), July 28th 1969
Emotions: Tired
Telepathy: Suppressed

Health: 100%
Shield: 100%

Stamina: 95%
Magic: 62%

• Standard combat outfit (Suit, Tie, Dress Skirt, Dress Flats)
• TS-200 Concealable Shield Generator
• RMS30 Concealed Carry Subsonic Railgun
• 2x TM-ZX Variable Munition Pistols
• KF-L Collapsible Sniper Rifle
• Standard Issue Combat Knife
• A10 Telepathic Suppression Neural Clips
• Chronometer (cannot stop time)
• Backpack:
• 2x Flashbang Grenades
• 2x Plasma Charges
• Narrative-Dependant Supply of Ammunition
• Standard
• Sleeper Darts
• Explosive​
• Camera
• Audio Recorder
• Toiletries
• MREs
• Change of Clothes
• Carrot-pattern Pajamas
• 55323¥
• 'Rika' Military ID (with codes and biometrics)
• 'Rika' Class 2 Vehicle License (with biometrics)
• 'Rika' Bank Card (with codes, assets unknown)
• Folded American Flag
• Golden Branch
• Silicon Disk
• Earth Reference Guide
• Translator Pad
Magic Used So Far:
• Reading Surface Thoughts
• Hold Person
• Memory Modification
• Skimming Account Codes
• Reproducing Biometric Sensor Data
• Visual Suppression
• Auditory Suppression
• Radio Suppression
• Radio Monitoring
• Maser Blast
• Sonar
• Silent Image
• Invisibility

• Clear your name. (You'll need to find iron-clad proof that you've been set up, then find someone willing to hear you out to present it to, being hunted all the way.)
• Figure out if the evidence you recovered was tampered with, and if it was, by whom.​
• Escape the moon. (You'll need to find and steal a Lunarian Navy ship, then head to Earth, then find somewhere to lay low, being hunted all the way.)
• Find a ship that you can hijack, potentially by breaking into a Lunar Navy facility.​

[x] Go past the security cordon. Certainly not impossible for an agent of your caliber.
-[x] B2 - Garage - Gotta go fast.
-- [x] What kind of vehicle?
-[x] G - Ground Floor - They're on the lookout now, but if you run you might beat the security squads there.
-[x] 2 - Infirmary - You don't have any medical supplies on you, and stocking up on chemicals can be handy in general.
-[x] 3 - Evidence - ... what, sneak up on them or something? Maaaybe...

[x] The window beckons.

[x] 31 - Communications - Check in on these guys?
[x] 44 - Your Barracks - Yeah, breaking into the Spec Ops barracks is a great idea.
[x] 51 - #3 Armory - You have your preferred kit, but maybe something specialized?
[x] 108 - The Roof - They'll never expect it!
-[x] There is a landing pad on the roof...

How are you going there?
[x] As Rika. Doesn't have the clearance for a number of things.
[x] Invisibly. Eats up magic.

[x] Something clever. (Write-in)
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[x] 108 - The Roof - They'll never expect it!
-[x] There is a landing pad on the roof...

[x] As Rika. Doesn't have the clearance for a number of things.
[x] 108 - The Roof - They'll never expect it!
-[x] There is a landing pad on the roof...

[x] As Rika. Doesn't have the clearance for a number of things.