Benevolence and Profiteering (Worm CYOA 1 Endbringer SI) + (Mysterious Shopkeeper CYOA)

Wait just a funny thought will the PRT or Cauldron think when they find the shopbringer that they plan to destabilize or manipulate the economy? Cause someone gonna ask why do Endbringers need money?
... the person maybe a bomb disposal technician got caught in the explosion point blank but survive and unhurt except for some reason only wearing what they call his "lucky super undies"

Perhaps something inspired by this situation. I'll see what I can do for you!


What vampire girl broke the internet?

Lady Alcina Dimitrescu, the Tall Vampire Lady/Poster Villain of Resident Evil 8: Village.

Seems interesting. Looking forward to some shop, and "normal", shenanigans of the sexy vampire milf, who is dummy thicc, on Earth Bet.

Thank you. I'm glad you are looking forward to the shopping and 'normal' shenanigans. Performed by the sexy vampire milf, who is dummy thicc, on Earth Bet.

Wait just a funny thought will the PRT or Cauldron think when they find the shopbringer that they plan to destabilize or manipulate the economy? Cause someone gonna ask why do Endbringers need money?

Should the PRT and/or Cauldron find out about the true nature of the Shopbringer, they would indeed surmise something along the lines of economic destavilization. Of course, once news gets out, people will question what Endbringers even do with Money. There would be a lot of tin foil hatting going on at that point.
Grand Opening 1.01
Disclaimer: Worm is owned by Wildbow. This fanfiction is a creative outlet and is completely non-profit.

Notes: Thank you all for the wonderful reception. I was utterly floored by all your wonderful comments. As always, please feel free to point out any grammatical errors!

[Earth Bet - Brockton Bay - 04/09/2011]

As I got up from bed, yawning and stretching as I heard the sounds of muffled tunes coming from the bathroom radio. Dad was already up and getting ready for work. I sat upright and turned the alarm clock on my bedside table. It was 6:25 AM, a bit earlier than what the alarm was set for but that was alright. Dad needed to get to work to keep a roof over our heads and I had bigger issues in my life.

For a shitshow starter, I had triggered three months ago after being shoved into my locker. The locker was filled with used toilet paper, bloody tampons, garbage, and other crap that made me scream and vomit! I was trapped, choking on my bile as I cried. I could feel needles and broken shards of glass digging into my skin as I struggled, banging on the door and begging people to let me out.

The three bitches who shoved me into the prison that had once been my locker were laughing at me. Madison Clements, the petite attention whore who played constantly got away with her childish schemes because of her cutesy look at attitude. Sophia Hess, the athletic track star who got violent with me and never got punished because the school needed their star athlete. Emma Barnes, my former best friend, and ringleader of the trio... She fucking betrayed me! After all the things she and I had been through. She used all my secrets against me, broke my Mom's flute, and got boys to trip and bully me. She was the worst of them all, and yet I couldn't bring myself to hurt her and her new friends.

I didn't want to become a monster like them, that and because I wanted to be a hero. However, my origin story was as ugly as it could be. Mom dying, Dad dying on the inside, Emma betraying me, trapped in a locker, spending a fucking week in a coma, and then-!

"Taylor, are you alright?" My Dad's voice broke me out of my hateful thoughts. He was tall, taller than me, and lanky too. His dark, balding hair only served to make him look weary as his large tired eyes looked at me with worry. The look on his face was concerned and it made me feel bad for making him worry about me.

"I'm fine Dad." I lied to him as I let go of the alarm clock, a look of surprise on my face as I did so. I didn't realize that I had the clock in a death grip until now. The indents of the clock left marks on my palm as I felt an aching sting on my hand.

"Are you sure? Maybe you can take a rest day, skip your morning run." He said this before taking a sip of his coffee. The title 'World's Okayest Dad' was written on it. If only he knew how true that was, though I'd loved him too much to tell him that.

"Yeah, I'm sure. I'll go freshen up and get ready. I still need to pass by the mall to get some art supplies, it's on the way back home." I smile while saying this to him reassuringly. As much as I hated lying to my Dad, it was for the best. He already has enough on his plate as it is.

"Alright, but please don't forget your pepper spray. Aside from the Empire, the other gangs aren't picky about their victims." He says this with a semi-stern look on his face. The tone was more pleading though, so it gave the sense that he was begging rather than pleading.

"I won't forget Dad, I never do." I give him a nod as I get up from my bedside seat. One of the perks of my power was that I had a better time memorizing and multitasking, it was one of the silver linings to the trauma I experienced.

He gives one final look of concern before nodding and leaving my humble room. The sound of his old leather shoes creaking the floorboards as he made his way downstairs. We were poor, but we weren't struggling. Although with how my Dad and I have been lately, we might as well have been surviving off of each other's false reassurances.

I changed into my grey sweatshirt and black jogging pants. Then, I put on my rubbers shoes and glasses before making my way downstairs. I moved from the living room where the coal chute was and made my way to the kitchen. The smell of food wafting strongly from there. My Dad was making breakfast. Ham, scrambled eggs, and toast. It was one of the staples in this house.

"Are you working overtime again Dad?" I say this as I walk past the dining table and chairs on my way to the fridge. Opening the cold storage to grab some orange juice before closing it and getting a good look at what my Dad was wearing.

The man was dressed in grey slacks, a white button-up, and a loosely tied tie. His worn coat hangs behind his usual at the dining table. It was his usual attire for work.

"Yes, I won't be home till 10 Kiddo. I'm working overtime because Gerry and a couple of others called in sick." My Dad was the head of the Dockworkers Association. He was in charge of hiring and acting as a spokesperson for his fellow employees. It also seemed that he wouldn't be home till late tonight, which gave me a chance to work on my secret project later.

"Be safe," I say this after finishing the Orange Juice. I take a seat on one end of the table as my Dad sets my meal in front of me. He then takes a seat opposite to mine and digs before. Occasionally reading the newspaper while the living room radio played.

It was a steady and silent meal between me and my Dad, however, something caught my attention. Specifically something on the radio.

"Come to The Midnight Zone. A new and amazing shopping experience awaits you just behind our doors. To celebrate our grand opening, we're giving a special discount to the first 10 customers to grace our halls! Come and join us at 13th street by Jason avenue today~!" The ad was spoken by an old-timey narrator who accentuated his tones like in those black and white films. It was so out of place and mysterious. A new store putting out a radio ad and calling itself 'The Midnight Zone' made me wonder what kinds of things the place had on sale. On that matter, who even used the phrase 'grace our halls' anymore? It sounded so out of date.

I looked to my Dad to see if he reacted to the spiel the radio had just given. He was still deep into his newspaper, something that didn't surprise me as I finished my meal. I then walked to kiss him on the cheek before saying goodbye.

"I'll see you later Dad, I'll leave dinner in the Microwave for you," I tell him this as I make my way to the door.

"Be safe!" I hear him shout this as I make my way past the chain-link gate at the side of my house.

I tied my curly, shoulder-length brown hair into a ponytail with a scrunchie I had been keeping in my pockets. I also had pepper spray and my wallet in there, as well as a key to the house. Then I did a few stretches, reaching my toes and twisting my torso.

'At least gym class is useful for some things.' I think this to myself with a wistful look as I started my run.

It was a cold and semi-gloomy day out in the city of Brockton Bay. The sun had recently risen and the clouds in the sky blocked most of its rays. It was a perfect day to train while jogging.

I extended my reach as I let the chittering noises fill my mind. I had the power to control insects you see. From the flies buzzing about Mrs. Myers' garbage to the black widows nesting behind Mr. Krueger's roses. It was a power that I gained from the locker incident, and though I am proud of my progress, I still had it in my mind to train.

I selected groups to control as I ran, making them perform simple commands like hide and chase. Then I made the bugs create shapes and I rounded a corner, saying hi to old man Kramer who was working on a jigsaw at his porch table. It was amusing and freeing to make wasps create hoops while having roaches jump through them. I wasn't disgusted by pests anymore. They seemed like my only friends these days.

My thoughts then went to the Gangs as I picked up the pace, pushing my stamina as I made the swarm follow from the shadows. The Empire 88 was a bunch of Neo Nazis and had the most capes to enforce their own brand of hate. The Azn Bad Boys were Asians who could do a lot of damage with just two capes, they usually resorted to intimidation and murder. Last and certainly the least were the Merchants, they had three capes and made money off of drugs. There were some other groups but the three I hastily described are the most prominent.

Life was hard in the bay as it was. The economy was crashing because of the Boat Graveyard. Brockton used to deal in a lot of ship trade, but after the rise of the second Endbringer, Leviathan, all forms of sea trade were killed.

No seaside business could survive the Endbringer of the seas. It was one of three monstrosities that caused the deaths of millions. The most notable of its achievements was the sinking of Kyushu after it was pushed back by Lung.

Lung was the leader of the ABB, a cape who was known for regeneration, draconic transformation, and pyrokinesis. He managed to change with enough time to fight Leviathan, and he nearly won too. I wouldn't want to face someone like him, I wasn't strong enough yet. Even then, what could my swarm of insects, who were currently swarming just out of view, do against a giant flaming dragon? It would be a losing battle at most.

I moved thoughts away from Lung as I slowed down slightly, pacing myself so I wouldn't need to gasp for air later. I then sent out signals to my swarm to disperse as I passed by the last of the residential housing and entered a busier street in the city.

This detour wasn't part of my usual routine, but I really wanted to pass by the new store the radio mentioned. The Midnight Zone, it was called. Strange name for a shop that could afford a radio ad. I was generally curious and I had time to burn as I didn't have any plans today.

The city grew brighter as the clouds shifted slightly. The sun was rising higher, it was probably breaking past 7:30 AM by now. I wiped what little sweat there was on my forehead, partly because it was cold out and the other due to my improved stamina. I took a deep breath as I made my way to Jason Avenue. It was a smaller shopping district in between Empire and ABB territory. Most of the people were always careful in case a cape fight broke out, but for the most part, this place was safe. The avenue was a neutral gap after all.

I paid less attention to the random stores, but one of them caught my eye. It was a clothing store that had a photograph of Emma modeling a few of the store's clothes. Jealousy and anger welled up inside of me. A redhead like her had all the right curves in all the right places. She was the type that boys went gaga over and I was stuck with a flat chest and ass. It wasn't fair.

'At least I had better legs.' I thought this to myself as I turned away from the large ad as if it had offended me. Former best friend or not, Emma was undeniably prettier than me.

I then began to jog, hoping to get to 13th street soon. The clouds were getting darker and it looked like it was about to rain. My thoughts then wandered to my dreams. I wanted to be a hero, someone that people looked up to like Armsmaster or Alexandria. Nobody would look down on me if I worked hard enough to become like them. I liked to dream big, it was one of the only reprieves I could afford.

I would make Mom proud. She died three years ago after a car crash. She had thin expressive lips like me and was tall and beautiful. Dad and I loved her very much and she felt the same way but…then she was gone. An accident caused by a cellphone, calling while driving, the police said. It's probably why I never got my hands on a cellphone. They reminded Dad of the day Mom passed away.

She used to call me her Little Owl, I'm not sure why but I enjoyed the nickname. I remember receiving her flute after she died, one of my only mementos of her. I also remember Emma taking it from me, Sophia holding me back as Madison laughed. They broke Mom's flute, the only thing I had left from her. It was the day I truly considered Emma my enemy, the day I lost all semblance of care for her.

I thought about taking my revenge after I triggered. It would be so easy to go on a jog before sunrise and pass by Emma's house. Have her drown in all sorts of vermin as I made the insects eat her alive. It was a thought that sprung from anger. How else was I supposed to feel after what she did? The amount of restraint I practiced made me look weak, but at least I didn't let myself become a monster.

My thoughts on revenge ceased as I rounded the corner to 13th street. Normally this place had been empty of shops as it was filled with painted lines, and parking space, however on the far end was a large building made of grey stone blocks. It looked more like a castle than a store as it had vines growing over its walls. That was weird. How did a new building have vines growing all over it as if it had been there for ages? Did they have a cape that could control plants? Were the vines fake? It was curious and strange.

An arching wooden sign was placed about a smaller castle gate, it had the words I had been looking for. The Midnight Zone was ornately carved over wood that had been painted blue and black with small silver stars. So, this was the new place, surrounded by a bunch of parking lots. As I made my way over, I noticed a hanging plaque on the side of the gate that said the word Open.

'Well, I might as well go in. I made it all the way here after all.' I thought this to myself as I pushed the doors open and walked inside.

I found myself standing on a bridge, with an endless expanse of water on either side. In front of me was a gorgeous yet misty street filled with colorful shops made of brick, wood, and glass. There were gothic and ornate lanterns floating in the air, with little propellers holding them up. They shined warm colors of lights over the land and seascape. Soft classical music played in the air with no apparent source. There were animals too. Dolphins diving up and down in the distance of the water. Cats and birds were flitting about. There were decorations, like candles, signs, plants, etc. It was beautiful.


Something like this shouldn't be possible unless…

Cape! I thought this to myself realize that I had ignored the tall woman who was walking toward me. I hurriedly turned around to find that the exit was gone. I wanted to reach out to my swarm but I couldn't. I didn't know why but the urge to use my power was gone.

'Am I being mastered?' I thought this to myself as I turned to face the growing shadow behind me. My jaw dropped at the sight of her.

The tall woman was more than double my height, she wore a beige sun hat over her dark wavy hair that was braided midway. She had a loose bang that framed the right side of her gorgeous face. If Emma was youthful and pretty, this woman was an incomparable cool beauty. She had regal features, the kind both girls and boys dreamed about. Her makeup consisted of black eyeliner, faint red eyeshadow, and blood-red lipstick. Her skin and an alluring shade of grey and she had sharp ears, like the elves Greg liked to talk about. She had amazing jewels decked on her ears and neck. Her dress was sheer, lined with pale greenish-gold leaves and flowing silk.

Then I looked down and I saw them…

I couldn't help but gasp at the sight of her boobs! THEY. WERE. HUGE! How were they bigger than my head? How did they stay up like that? How were they bouncing so much? Just how?!

I don't know how long I spent staring at the tall woman's chest, and I didn't want to find out. I had no idea whether she was a hero or a villain, and I couldn't bring myself to use my power for some reason.

'Did she have some kind of master power centered around her boobs?!' I thought this to myself in a panic as I gulped. I didn't have any options, I couldn't use my powers, and I was trapped in a tinker or shaker dimension with a big booby vampire lady with a big hat and a pretty dress.

I see her stretch her arms out and I close my eyes.

'So this is how it ends…' I think this to myself as I bite my lip, I couldn't even bring myself to cry. I didn't want to seem weak in my final moments.


[Earth Bet - The Midnight Zone - 04/09/2011]

As the underwater confetti cannons exploded with sparkles and streamers, I grinned with glee! My first customer had just arrived, and what a customer she was! The girl before me was none other than Taylor Hebert, the heroine of the original tale of Worm!

The feeling transmitting through me via my core was an acceptable mix of excitement, admiration, and glee. It was not every day you got to meet the heroine of a tale in real life. Unless you count meeting actors in movies, which I do not. However, I do not know how, and I do not know when, but I will get her autograph!

"Welcome," I say this with loud, excited sass as I continue to speak with my British accent, "to The Midnight Zone~!" I finished with a flourish of my hat as I bowed towards Taylor. The rain of streamers, confetti, and glitter disappeared as I did so. The girl was gawking with her adorable features. She must have been awed by my creations and showmanship. A pleasant feeling rises within me as I get a better look at her.

Large eyes, thin expressive lips, and gawky features, just like Wildbow had described! Her curly brown hair was tied into a makeshift bun and she was wearing grey and black jogging pants. She had old running shoes on, and she was sweating. She most likely jogged all the way here.

"S-So you're not trying to kill me?" Taylor says this with a sigh of relief as I look aghast. Did I give off a threatening demeanor? Was it the dress? Was it my hooters? I felt a pang of guilt shoot through me, the girl must have been so confused. No matter, because I needed to reassure the poor girl.

"Good heavens no! My Dear child, I am a shopkeeper. I promise that I mean you no harm." I say this with a reassuring tone as Taylor's posture becomes less tense. She believed me, and I internally sighed in my own alien way. It seems First Impressions finally activated.

"I believe you," Taylor says this as she gives me a half-smile and nods. Thank goodness for First Impressions. Otherwise, the girl might have run away screaming. Taylor Hebert had already been through so much, what with her mother's passing, her neglectful father, and the abuse she endured in Winslow. I did not want to disrespect her struggles by giving her a look of pity, so I refrained from pouting. She has not even begun her journey and she has already been through so much. I would treat her with the respect she deserved.

"I thank you for accepting my apology. Now, what brings you to my humble establishment Miss?" I motion for her to introduce herself as I speak with curiosity in my voice, tilting my head slightly after waving my hand. A welcoming smile on my lips as my eyes gave a look of delight. I could tell she was still feeling a bit confused, perhaps the confetti cannons made me come on too strong.

"Oh um, my name's Taylor and I just wanted to get some art supplies." She says this in a shy voice, her posture at ease. She looked like she wanted to continue, so I raised my brow slightly and let her. The sounds of the sea, rain, and wildlife in the background as she spoke once more.

"Sorry for assuming you were a villain," Taylor says this while looking me straight in the eye. One of the rules of The Midnight Zone dictated that any form of lying was not allowed, so I knew the girl was being sincere. There was an unmistakable hint of bravery in her eyes, it was a look that told me she wasn't going to run or back down.

"Apology accepted. Now, before we begin gathering the art supplies you mentioned, do you have any questions for me?" I motion for her to take a seat as I speak, an ornate bench appearing from the stone beside us. It was simple enough to change the reality inside The Midnight Zone with the Distorted Space perk. The aforementioned bench was made of teak wood, upholstered with soft, olive green cloth and memory foam.

Taylor had to perform a quick double, giving me a look that said 'Your powers are bullshit.' I gave her a look of feigned innocence as we both took a seat. Taylor then took a deep breath as if to ready herself for the things she wanted to ask me.

"Who are you? Are you a new cape in town? And, what is this place?" Taylor spoke a bit rapidly, partially from excitement and the other from her fascination with capes. She adjusted herself on the bench, her 'cape geek' persona appearing at that moment. Her posture made it seem like she enjoyed the feeling and reprieve of being able to sit after her run.

"In order then?" I ask her while raising my eyebrow, giving her an amused smile as I did so. She nods, her eyes brimming with curiosity.

"Hm well, today I would like to be called Scarletta, but tomorrow I will most likely go by a different name." I poke my cheek ever so slightly and I lean into the bench more, a coy look on my features as I do so.

"As for whether I'm a cape or not," I say this I turn to the windy seas within my realm, "I am not what you could call a Parahuman. I do not have a Corona Pollentia." My voice took on a pensive tone as I looked at the rain falling onto the crashing waves ahead of me and Taylor. The entrance bridge, unlike the rest of my realm, was completely devoid of any rain. Partially because I didn't want the confetti, streamers, and glitter and the other part was because I wanted the bridge to look dry and safe.

"But if you're not a Cape then…" Taylor trailed off in wonder as she followed my gaze, the silhouette of a whale breaking the surface of the waves off in the distance. There was a twinkle of awe in her eyes, one that made me huff internally with pride. I toot my own horn when I say that I truly outdid myself with the design I set and imagined for The Midnight Zone.

"Then, what am I if not a cape?" An amused yet inquisitive look appears on my face as I motion towards myself elegantly. Turning towards Taylor, I see her adjust her glasses and purse her lips, nodding as she did so. Her gaze was still mesmerized by the procession of sea life beyond the bridge. Sadly, I had to burst her bubble ever so slightly.

"The answer is simple and yet the complications that would arise from speaking the truth are quite numerous. I'm sorry but I can not tell you what I am yet. Perhaps someday but not today my Dear." My tone was giving off a hint of sadness.

'Besides, you wouldn't believe me if I told you,' I think this to myself as I give the girl an apologetic pout after speaking, clasping my hands above my chest and nodding towards her as if to ask for forgiveness. I truly felt bad for not being able to answer her questions but, it would be best if she did not know my true nature as the 4th Endbringer.

"That's fine but," Taylor says this as she brushes some of her curls that had been caught by the sea breeze away from her face, "what about the last question I asked you?" Her glasses obscured my view of her gaze as tilted her head in a way that caught the lantern light just right. However, Ever-Present Awareness allowed me to know that her eyes had narrowed slightly. A pout was threatening to break out from my lips as she tried to hide her disappointment because I could not give her an answer.

"Well," I say I get up, brushing the non-existent dust off my skirt as I did so, "This place is my home, my store, and my realm. Though it would serve you better for me to show and tell." I say this as I turn my back to the girl who was destined to save the world, my hand motions for her to follow in a lady-like manner. It only took a moment for Taylor to ready herself, all the apprehension she held was now gone. I was glad that she was ready for our little impromptu tour.

As Taylor and I walked over the bridge that served as one of the three entrances to The Midnight Zone, the neverending rain in my realm continued to pour. However, much to Taylor's surprise the rain and the water on the concrete bent at impossible angles as both avoided us at all costs.

"The careful rain is one of the many mysteries that exist within The Midnight Zone. It is a never-ending tide that floods the seas, and yet each drop and puddle avoids you and me." I say this with a tone of grandeur as we pass by the average workers created by the Assistants perk. They looked like people whose faces you would miss in a crowd. Average looks, bland personalities, and without full autonomy, they served as semi-robotic helpers, although they looked very much human. They all bowed towards me and Taylor extended welcome greetings and good morning wishes.

"It's weird but,'' Taylor says this as she extends her hand out in curiosity, only for the rain to avoid her outstretched arm, "not in a bad way." A tone of curious wonder was what she produced as she looked at the Assistants who bowed as they greeted us. I could only hope that this was a positive turn of events.

"The Assistants here are projections dear Taylor, you need not worry. They are an extension of my power, existing only when the store is open." I told her reassuringly as we walked through the rainy lantern-lit streets. Arriving at the Clever Crafts building. It was a building made out of deep blue bricks, steel frames, and reflective windows. The sign that dictated its name was placed above the door. A steel plaque that had the title 'Clever Crafts' engraved into it with a silvery finish. The door was made of steel and glass, allowing for a touch of modernity to the otherwise archaic design.

"Here we are my Dear, the Clever Crafts building of The Midnight Zone! It has everything you need from high-tech equipment to dragon hides. We also have an endless variety for knitting, sewing, carpentry, sculpture, basket-weaving, taxidermy, and many many more!" I placed my hands on either side of my waist as I beam at Taylor with pride. I had worked hard to salvage the mess that this place used to be.

"It looks a little cramped inside," Taylor says this with a doubtful tone that made me smirk coyly at her.

"Do not let appearances fool you, my Dear," I say this as I open the door, a bell sound ringing even though there was no bell to be found. I hold the door open while motioning for her to get inside. She raises her eyebrow at me with an expression of doubt as she enters Clever Crafts.

"...Woah...." Taylor, who was not sure at first, was now staring in awe of the inventory and sheer size of Clever Crafts. Aisles and columns were dictating different materials and items with seemingly no end. The Clever Crafts store was divided into four massic corners farther than the eye could see, large lanes divvying up space for the four themes I had chosen. Mystical and Technical were located at the front, while Eldritch and Whimsical could be found further back. Clever Crafts had rotating displays, alien containers, and portraits depicting memes from my world in a Rembrandt style of painting. I may be formal, but I am also cultured.

"Indeed my Dear, 'whoa' is the appropriate reaction to the sheer depth and breadth of Clever Crafts. Please have your way with my wares, I shall be here waiting for you." I say as I step to the side, motioning for her to take a walk through the surely stacked shelves. My face gave her a serene smile as I bowed slightly. A pleased feeling welled up inside of me as it seemed Tayler had been awed yet again.

"Are you sure? I don't want to get lost here." Taylor looked unsure as she spoke with a slightly dejected tone when I suggested she go on her own. I would guess that the girl was afraid of my not being here when she got back. A fear of abandonment after what Emma had done to her…

The thought made my nonexistent blood boil. That cankerous redheaded sow had the gall to mistreat the pure cinnamon roll before me. Revenge would be had one day, but not today. Today was the day I showed Taylor that kindness did exist in this world.

"If my presence makes you more comfortable, then I shall endeavor to chaperone you, my Dear. That is if you want me to?" I reply to her with a question spoken in a reassuring tone while giving her a motherly smile. She was so young and yet she would soon be faced with all the horrors this world had to offer. I wanted to do what I could to protect her, however, now was not the time for protective plotting.

"Yeah, I'd like that." For the first time since she arrived, Taylor smiled at me. My intangible heart melted at the sight of it as I gave her a nod. Then, we made our way into the maze of shelves, Assistant number 9 waving and wishing us good luck as we did so.

[30 minutes later]

I had to admit, I was not expecting Taylor to be so inquisitive. She asked me questions ranging from the authenticity of my wares, to the level of technology that was for sale, and even the history of my shop. I told her everything she needed and wanted to know, although I had to give her a heavily edited version of my history.

We shared a few laughs whenever we came across some of the meme portraits. I told her vague descriptions of my younger siblings, mentioning that they looked nothing like me, but they were family nonetheless. Taylor then shared some details about her family, though she did not mention anything about the trio. Our rapport was quite nice, and I knew she and I were warming up to each other. Somehow she and I could tell each other's sincerity, and I even managed to convince her to follow me into Fresh Food to pick out some items for a special dinner tonight. The resulting list of items was interesting, to say the least.

Taylor had chosen a set of vivid paints made from crushed mandrake flowers, a set of alien art tools complete with an instruction manual, wood from a tree that grew only in the dreamlands, and cleaning spray from Clever Crafts. The last item was the only one that could be counted as special as it had the mysterious ability to clean anything it was sprayed on. She found the common item without any help from me, mind you. Although I did steer her clear from the more dangerous materials and tools found in the Eldritch section. Her mind was not yet ready for such twisted horror.

Once we arrived at Fresh Food, Taylor picked out vegetables that grew in complete darkness, beef with fat that had positive side effects, two packets of rice farmed in a time dilated greenhouse and a dozen duck eggs. I threw in a Japanese cookbook and some soy sauce for free. She had two items of a common rarity now, the cleaning spray and the meat with healthy, non-fattening fat. I wonder what she was going to do with all the stuff she gathered.

"Did you need anything else, Taylor? Perhaps a refreshment from the Delightful Drinks stand?" I ask this as we made our way to the checkout. She seemed to have a troubled look on her face, a look that I hadn't noticed until now.

"I'm alright Miss Scarletta, I just wonder how I'm going to pay for all of this. I only brought 20 dollars and 2 quarters." She admits this with a tone of resignation. It seems Taylor fully expected me to clear some items off of her cart.

"Trust me, my Dear, it's more than enough. You forget that you are the first of 10 to receive a special discount in celebration of my soft opening." My words seemed to take effect immediately as she gave me a hopeful smile.

Taylor and I then shared a comfortable silence as Assistant number 4, a dark-skinned woman with short, curly hair, worked the register and scanned invisible barcodes on the items. The projected worker was dressed in the same uniform as her brothers and sisters. A white short-sleeved button-up, black aprons, gray rubber gloves, dark grey slacks, and black boat shoes with white soles. A monochromatic look I know, but it looked comfortable and fashion-forward at the same time.

"Your total bill is 13 dollars and 35 cents." Assistant number 4 says this with a small smile and she motions for Taylor to hand her the payment. Taylor gave me and my clerk minion an incredulous. The price was very low with regards to the items she had taken, I had gauged more than 50% off of her bill.

"Really?" Taylor says this with a doubtful tone, it seems she was not expecting the price to be that low.

"Yes," I say this with an honest tone, my right hand leaning against the counter and the other on my waist.

"Thank you. I meant it." Taylor says this as she hands the 20 dollar bill to Assistant number 4. My smile never wavered as the exchange happened.

"This is a Paper Bag of Holding," The clerk with rich skin tone colors says with a neutral, need-to-know voice, "It will hold all your purchases and keep them safe for the next 2 hours. After the time limit is passed, the paper bag will lose all efficacy and expel all your purchases neatly on the floor. Your total charge is 6 dollars and 65 cents, thank you for shopping at The Midnight Zone. Would you like to apply for a membership card at no added cost?" Assistant number 4 offers the option as she hands Taylor a black paper bag with The Midnight Zone logo painted on it, complete with metallic stars motifs that shifted between gold, purple, and blue.

"Um…" Taylor trails off as she turns to me for an explanation. I exhale a breath of amusement as I motioned for Assistant number 4 to stand by.

"The membership card will give you one roll from the daily lottery with every first purchase of the day. You can also use the card to accumulate points to redeem discounts and special prizes." I say this with a formal, educating tone as I look to her for a reply.

"Sure," Taylor turns to Assistant number 4 as she speaks, "I'll take a membership card." As soon as the girl finishes speaking, the clerk brings out various pieces of alien and magical technology.

"Stand here please," Assistant number 4 asks Taylor to stand on the soul analyzer as the clerk points a device that looks like a piece of medical equipment at the girl.

"Eyes wide open please," Assistant number 4 takes a retinal scan with the device in her hand before setting it down and typing a few entries into the advanced computer register.

"Place your dominant hand here please," Assistant number 4 then takes a handprint scan of Taylor before having the girl sign her full name, age, gender, birth date, address, and signature on a holographic pad.

"Alright, everything is in order," Assistant number 4 says this as the machine register prints out a sleek and stylish card reminiscent of the American Express Centurion. Of course, instead of American Express, it had The Midnight Zone on it, and instead of a Centurion, it was a 20 pointed star. Then the clerk hands the card to Taylor and smiles.

"Have a great day." Assistant number 4 says this as she returns to standby mode.

Taylor pockets the card and looks to me for answers as to what in the world just happened. I did not mind explaining as I motioned for her to follow me while I gave her the answers she wanted.

"I have to take extra precautions when it comes to membership cards if one is stolen. Fraudulent acts and thievery are things that I frown upon greatly. Should your card ever be taken from you, the person who steals and attempts to use it will be in for a very rude awakening." I say this as I turn my head to nod at her.

"Thanks…" Taylor is looking off into the distance with a hopeful look on her. The reassurance that the trio would get punished if they tried anything with her card was feeling almost like a dream to her.

Before Taylor and I reached the bridge, I turned to her and surprised her with a hug. Needless to say, she blushed, probably because she was shy.

"It was lovely having you here my Dear. Be safe and please come back again soon!" The exit to Brockton Bay opens up as I let Taylor go without any resistance.

"B-Bye Miss Scarletta," Taylor says this with a hurried tone as she adjusts her glasses and leaves. The sound of the dimension door closing echoed as I turned to Assistant number 13. He was an average Hispanic man of moderate height with a clean shave and neat haircut.

"That went well. What did you think number 13?" I speak with an expecting smile as the clerk bows to me before speaking.

"Yes Mistress," Assistant number 13 says this as he rises from his bow, "that went very well." He finishes with a small smile, his tone sincere when talking to me.

"Indeed," I say this as I turned around to walk to one of the shops for a snack, only to be interrupted by the three different entrances opening to reveal curious shoppers.

"It seems my day is only just beginning," I whisper this to myself as I smile, walking towards the bridge with outstretched arms. The confetti cannons were ready for me again, and it was time for more satisfied customers.

[15 hours later]

I sat down in front of a lavish dining table, decked with a french course made by the Chef Assistant. They were a lovely, rotund man with average Italian features. I had him brush up on all the culinary techniques with one of the mysterious cookbooks in the Fresh Food shop before having him cook this large spread for me. I uncorked the bottle of Faerûnian wine and poured some into a crystal wine glass. Swirling it and taking a sip as I remembered the eventful day I had.

The second and third customers were a pair from Paraguay, as it seems one of my multiple entrances spread around the world had landed in the South American country. They were a wealthy couple of neurosurgeons, a tall tan-skinned man, and his pale, petite, and pretty wife. They spoke a lovely mix of Spanish and Guaraní. At first, I feared that I would not understand them, however, it seems that my powers allowed me to process any form of communication. Most likely due to the Mysterious Shopkeeper CYOA.

The couple mentioned how a Parahuman villain by the name of Los Demonio had destroyed their home with a blast of red flames. The villain was not even aiming for them as they were having a fight with a local hero by the name of Dorado.

The story made me empathize with the couple greatly, no one should have to lose their home because of a Parahuman fight. However, I was glad to sell them a hammer that could repair anything it hit and I even managed to convince them to buy a robotic bodyguard.

I told them, "It's dangerous to go alone! Take this.", which lead to an amusing conversation about whether or not they needed a license to own a mechanized mercenary, and I told them no.

The robot itself could garner a brute rating as it adapted and gained resistance to any attack directed at it. It could also repair itself very quickly and could fire an array of pacifying gadgets. It helped that it also looked very sleek and stylish. Unfortunately, it was nothing compared to Crawler's level of adaptation and defenses, however, the guard was not insane and lacked lethal instincts.

The Husband was hesitant at first, but then his Wife gave him a pleading look. In the end, the happy and satisfied couple left with their new hammer and their new robotic bodyguard. I even threw in a butler's suit for free.

The total bill was 2 million dollars in American currency. Mind you since they were the second and third customers, their discount combined to reduce the price by more than 75% of the original value.

I had finished half of the contents of the glass in my hand by this point. I then waved my hand and the Hors d'oeuvre plate began to float toward me. The serving dish was floating and presenting itself in front of me. Provençal Vegetable Tart, a dish created by Julianne Jones. Before she opened Vergennes Laundry, the woman sold savory tarts at the local farmers' market. The dish itself was made with vegetables that are often used when cooking ratatouille.

I then began to dig in with the appetizer, my thoughts reminiscing about the next person that had entered The Midnight Zone.

The fourth customer was absolutely hilarious, they were a wide-eyed insane-looking man from Sweden. They sounded like they smoked too many cigarettes and went on about the most amusing things.

"Världen tar slut! Det är Apokalypsen! Ge mig dina mest underbara dubbla bazookor!" Which roughly translated into: "The world is ending! It's the Apocalypse! Give me your wonderful double bazookas!"

At first, I thought he was talking about my breasts, which I clarified with him. To which he then proceeded to turn red-faced and start running around and screaming how 'That was not what I meant!'. His Swedish accent was the most amusing thing I'd heard all day.

The strange interactions ended as quickly as they arrived after he purchased two plasma bazookas, five crates of ammo, and a fruit basket that replenishes its supply every hour. With his address set, membership card gained, and a receipt of 10,000 dollars, he then left with his Paper Bag of Holding while screaming unintelligible notions about the apocalypse.

He was not wrong though. The apocalypse could happen soon, but then again, I was meddling with things now. Whether the end would come sooner rather than later had yet to be surmised.

I was finished with the 1st course and now I was serving myself the Potage and Oeuf dishes. The French terms translated into the Soup and Egg courses respectively. I wanted to serve them both at the same time, so I set the French Vegetable Soup and Baked Eggs in front of me.

I then take a chaste spoonful of the soup and bring it to my lips. The savory and mature flavors cause me to moan slightly. I was alone within the safety of my realm, nobody was here to laugh at the lewd noise I had made.

My thoughts then returned to reminiscing about my first 10 customers. The fifth customer was a handsome, Irish man who was part of Brockton Bay's bomb defusal squad. He spent an inordinate amount of time sorting through racks, shelves, and displays.

The bomb defuser wanted to find the perfect pair of boxers, he didn't care about the price as money was meaningless when his life was on the line every time he got to work. The cheeky lad even had the gall to ask me what I thought after tried on a rare item. A pair of clover green boxers briefs with the words 'pot o' gold' written on the crotch area. He had surprised me with his state of undress and I was completely unprepared. It was not fair!

I am not sure whether it was the look of my face, the blush on my cheeks, or if he was just a cheeky cunt, but he laughed at me and told me he would take them. The rare item had the mysterious ability to give the wearer incredible amounts of luck at very random intervals. The luck of the Irish indeed.

He laughed at the 100 dollar price I had put on it and even left me a calling card after paying. My thoughts move away from the ginger man and focus on the new dish I had set before me. It was the Farinaceous course, which meant that the dish was starchy and used pasta or rice. The dish before me was known as Parisian Gnocchi, it was made of bread flour, parmesan, butter, milk, and eggs. The sauced was a mix of grated parmesan, butter, basil, black pepper, salt, and a pinch of nutmeg. All in all, the dish was lovely. A pasta dish that was not too heavy on the tongue.

I ate the dish with a serene look on my face as I remembered that the sixth and seventh buyers were not as memorable as those before them. They were awed by The Midnight Zone, they gawked at me, and they even bought 700 dollars worth of various alcohols. Some that were previously unavailable in this dimension. It was a passé interaction at best.

The eighth, ninth, and tenth shoppers were a different story altogether. I paused from my dish as I wiped my lips. The last trio was a group of flunky, disrespectful, empire 88 brats. They pointed guns at me as soon as they entered and things only devolved from there.

I goaded them into trying to shoot me. Then they realized that I was a cape and they tried to do just that. They tried to pull the trigger.

Unfortunately for them, the rule: No violence of any kind, was in full effect. The three were unable to shoot me because reality itself forbade them from doing so. When they gave up on their guns, the three wannabe goons tried a different tactic. They cursed and threw derogatory slurs at me and my workers. I of course reacted accordingly.

I laughed at them in a way that reminded me of the Duke from Resident Evil 8. These bumbling buffoons thought they could threaten me, in my realm no less.

I focused my sheer hatred for racists into my core and the world suddenly shifted. In an instant, the nagging neo-nazis found themselves hanging by their legs over a tank filled with cyborg laser sharks.

The first few seconds were filled with confused cussing and threats, then came the screaming, and after that came the begging. I do not know how long I left them at the edge of near-death over the tank, but I certainly took my time in educating them on the value of respect.

Needless to say, the trio was let down after an impromptu attitude adjustment. They even bought some Booster Cola, and side-effect-free energy drinks from the Delightful Drinks stand before leaving in a hurry. Nobody was going to believe what happened to them, at least, not yet.

I then thought about the items I sold them, specifically the Booster Cole. It was a drink with the mysterious ability to boost the physical capabilities of the drinker for 1 to 2 hours. The cola itself had the glow and taste of Nuka Cola Quantum, while the lovely packaging was a self-recycling can. I was very keen on helping the environment in any way I could.

'I wonder what those three stooges are going to do with Cola that can give them a Brute and Mover rating.' I thought this to myself as I continued the rest of my 17-course French meal. There were still other sales that I wanted to remember.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading the first chapter! I hope you enjoyed the interactions and conversations I wrote!

Please feel free to ask me any questions. Also, if there are any grammatical errors, please point them out!
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Scarletta is too awesome to comprehend. Also I expect her to rejuvenerate the economy of Brockton Bay in a very short period of time.
Thank you for this wonderful chapter!

The fifth customer, the Irishman, sounds like a fun lad to be around. Also, of course there was a group of E88 flunkies wanting to rob the store. Can't wait to see how they will use their temporary powers from the Booster Cola. The reaction of the PRT will be very funny and imagine the headache Cauldron is going to get as, I assume, Scarletta is a blindspot of the thinker powers.

'At least gym class is useless for some things.' I think this to myself with a wistful look as I started my run.
I think you meant "At least gym class is useful for some things." Otherwise, I fail to see the logic in the sentence.
Thank you for this wonderful chapter!

The fifth customer, the Irishman, sounds like a fun lad to be around. Also, of course there was a group of E88 flunkies wanting to rob the store. Can't wait to see how they will use their temporary powers from the Booster Cola. The reaction of the PRT will be very funny and imagine the headache Cauldron is going to get as, I assume, Scarletta is a blindspot of the thinker powers.

I think you meant "At least gym class is useful for some things." Otherwise, I fail to see the logic in the sentence.

Thank you for taking the time to read the fic! I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter! <3

The fifth customer was my own take on the suggestions made by @Arbitbit39 . He'll pop up here and there. As for the E88 flunkies well, they'll certainly appear next chapter and during the PHO interlude. The PRT will certainly be amusing to write. As for Cauldron well, they're in for a rollercoaster of a ride.

Edit: Also, I fixed the typo you mentioned! Thank you for saving me!

very much enjoying this so far can't wait for more :D

Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed the story so far!
Thank you for taking the time to read the fic! I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter! <3

The fifth customer was my own take on the suggestions made by @Arbitbit39 . He'll pop up here and there. As for the E88 flunkies well, they'll certainly appear next chapter and during the PHO interlude. The PRT will certainly be amusing to write. As for Cauldron well, they're in for a rollercoaster of a ride.

Edit: Also, I fixed the typo you mentioned! Thank you for saving me!
No problem :)

It is nice to see that the MC has emotions and isn't an emotionless husk/unflappable, even though she is an Endbringer, being reinforced in the chapter through the blush during the meeting with the Irishman, for example.

And how will she do that, because for all intent and purpose she's taking money out of the economy. I doubt she pays taxes
Who knows 🤔, maybe she does. Haven't you seen an Endbringer paying taxes?
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No problem :)

It is nice to see that the MC has emotions and isn't an emotionless husk/unflappable, even though she is an Endbringer, being reinforced in the chapter through the blush during the meeting with the Irishman, for example.

Who knows 🤔, maybe she does. Haven't you seen an Endbringer paying taxes?

You saved me the trouble of having to find it myself, so thank you. Also yes, The MC is still human under all those alien layers. I wanted to bring out her personality after all the setup I performed during the Prologue.

As for whether Endbringers pay taxes well... I believe that The Simurgh certainly does, though for more nefarious purposes.

Scarletta is actually the IRS' secret weapon. She pays taxes and she definitely make you pay your taxes.

The level of logic in this statement is one I cannot argue with! Scarletta, the Taxbringer!
Omake - Scarletta, the Taxbringer
The level of logic in this statement is one I cannot argue with! Scarletta, the Taxbringer!
That would make an excellent omake not going to lie. I would pay heh to see one. Edit: I couldn't resist the urge to make an omake so here is a sub-par omake about Scarletta, the Taxbringer!:

Scarletta, the Taxbringer
Coil, known as Thomas Calvert to those within the upper strata of society, was relaxing in his absolutelynotaBondvillainbase headquarters after a satisying day of manipulation and skimming minimal amounts of the PRT's annual budget when suddenly he heard a knock on his door.

"Enter", Coil answered feeling puzzled as he was the only one within this sector of the base today.

In came the most bodacious woman he had seen in his life. He also did not miss that she was a tall bodacious woman with two huge orbs of flesh nor the inhuman, vampire-esque features.

"Thomas Calvert", the woman called out, "you have been charged with tax evasion, fraud, and being a knock-off Bond villain."

Thomas sputtered, "I am certainly NOT a knock-off villain and who gave you the authority to arrest me for the crimes I definately did not commit?"

The woman responded with two words which brought immense dread to his very being, "the IRA."

"NOOooooooooo", he shouted while being dragged out from his base.
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That would make an excellent omake not going to lie. I would pay heh to see one. Edit: I couldn't resist the urge to make an omake so here is a sub-par omake about Scarletta, the Taxbringer!:

Scarletta, the Taxbringer
Coil, known as Thomas Calvert to those within the upper strata of society, was relaxing in his absolutelynotaBondvillainbase headquarters after a satisying day of manipulation and skimming minimal amounts of the PRT's annual budget when suddenly he heard a knock on his door.

"Enter", Coil answered feeling puzzled as he was the only one within this sector of the base today.

In came the most bodacious woman he had seen in his life. He also did not miss that she was a tall bodacious woman with two huge orbs of flesh nor the inhuman, vampire-esque features.

"Thomas Calvert", the woman called out, "you have been charged with tax evasion, fraud, and being a knock-off Bond villain."

Thomas sputtered, "I am certainly NOT a knock-off villain and who gave you the authority to arrest me for the crimes I definately did not commit?"

The woman responded with two words which brought enormous amounts of dread to his being, "the IRA."

"NOoooooooooo", he shouted while being dragged out from his base.

Thank you for making my night good Sir. I thoroughly enjoyed this little omake. I'm flattered and very happy to see another omake made!
Thank you for making my night good Sir. I thoroughly enjoyed this little omake. I'm flattered and very happy to see another omake made!
No problem. I was debating whether to make one or to wait for someone else to make one, but I felt that the time was ripe for me, the one who needs sleep, to make one. Short, sweet, and hopefully funny :)

I hope your day night will continue to be amazing!

Also, do you not threadmark omakes? Just a question, not aiming to be scathing critique or anything, just curiosity.
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No problem. I was debating whether to make one or to wait for someone else to make one, but I felt that the time was ripe for me, the one who needs sleep, to make one. Short, sweet, and hopefully funny :)

I hope your day night will continue to be amazing!

Also, do you not threadmark omakes? Just a question, not aiming to be scathing critique or anything, just curiosity.

The timing was perfect. I hope you sleep well should you decide to take a rest. The omake was indeed funny.

Thank you for the well wishes. As for threadmarking. I'll add the two omakes here into the threadmarks now. I honestly forgot to do that.

Edit: Threadmarks have been added! <3
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The timing was perfect. I hope you sleep well should you decide to take a rest. The omake was indeed funny.

Thank you for the well wishes. As for threadmarking. I'll add the two omakes here into the threadmarks now. I honestly forgot to do that.
I will make sure to get enough sleep tonight :)

Sometimes though, good omakes come from brains which are in need of sleep as that is when you can think up some weird stuff. Usually this is successful.

Do it at your pace, don't feel pressured :)
I like the concept but Midway I ended up just blank screening when he was talking about giggle physical (which was a lil cringe not gonna lie) and by the time he got to miss universe fashion I couldn't take it anymore. Think it's a great story and concept you have here but Honestly I couldn't read the first chapter because of the exposition an everything. You do u but if you're looking for advice u should (honestly not come to me) start with the exposition.
I like the concept but Midway I ended up just blank screening when he was talking about giggle physical (which was a lil cringe not gonna lie) and by the time he got to miss universe fashion I couldn't take it anymore. Think it's a great story and concept you have here but Honestly I couldn't read the first chapter because of the exposition an everything. You do u but if you're looking for advice u should (honestly not come to me) start with the exposition.
While I understand the confusion regarding the fashion stuff, I certainly was, it is easily remedied by a trip to a search engine, such as Mr. Google. In addition, it does help with the visualisation of Scarletta and is actually quite interesting, at least in my own opinion. Although, as previously mentioned by the author, it, being the fashion talk, is not for everyone.

It is up to the individual person if they like the work or not, so you do you my dude shrug.

Hope I am not coming off as rude or anything.
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I will make sure to get enough sleep tonight :)

Sometimes though, good omakes come from brains which are in need of sleep as that is when you can think up some weird stuff. Usually this is successful.

Do it at your pace, don't feel pressured :)

I shall turn in for the night then.

Omakes do increase in quality when the brain is well rested. Perhaps your theory is correct. XD

Thank you again for the sound advice.

I like the concept but Midway I ended up just blank screening when he was talking about giggle physical (which was a lil cringe not gonna lie) and by the time he got to miss universe fashion I couldn't take it anymore. Think it's a great story and concept you have here but Honestly I couldn't read the first chapter because of the exposition an everything. You do u but if you're looking for advice u should (honestly not come to me) start with the exposition.

I understand your cringe and confusion, not all fanfics are for everyone. Thank you for giving the story a chance and thank you for the constructive criticism.

While I understand the confusion regarding the fashion stuff, I certainly was, it is easily remedied by a trip to a search engine, such as Mr. Google. In addition, it does help with the visualisation of Scarletta and is actually quite interesting, at least in my own opinion.

It is up to the individual person if they like the work or not, so you do you my dude shrug.

Hope I am not coming off as rude or anything.

Thank you for being respectful Genesia. Google indeed helps, though it is just as you said. The individual decides whether they like the story or not, it's why Alwaysnice2cu gave their criticism.

And no, I don't think you're coming off as rude.

And now for me to rest.
Poem - The Midnight Zone by Pen-Paper Toad
The MIdnight Zone

Newly opened, The Midnight Zone,
Sets new absurd, Endbringer Tone.
This store exists outside of space,
And tends to vanish without a trace.

The first to arrive bought some tools,
Aggressive action stopped by rules.
She almost released her ruled bugs,
But was distracted by some jugs.

Second and third arrived as pair,
And left under robotic care.
The fourth arrived, while still quite crazed,
His wants left shopkeeper, totally unphased.

Fifth had a job deemed quite sucky,
So he bought boxers thought lucky.
Sixth and seventh were deemed normal,
Came to buy some toxins oral.

The last three came from the Empire,
Their lack of brains was quite dire.
Their punishments were deemed as larks,
When they hung over laser sharks.
After purchases they were freed,
Though it's likely at least one peed.​
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