You nod thoughtfully, mulling this over. You're not sure you like the idea of forcing Pokemon into the hands of Humans.
Ah, wholesome fun slave trading with mum :p:V:p
[X] A Pokédex. Your Ma has one of these little red boxes; it taught you all about other Pokémon when you were little. And Cerise used hers to talk to a lot of other Humans! If you have one, you can learn about Human things to better outwit them in future.
Is this locked, or is the X a mistake?
[X] A Poké Doll. You suppose you can admit that having a little squeaky sibling to hug and talk your ear off is... nice. These cuddly things are soft and huggable - enough to pacify even your temperament. Maybe you wouldn't mind some friends. But not to get in your way!

[X] Food. You don't know how easy it will be to find meals away from the Forest, so you'll gather enough Berries and nuts and grains to tide you over until you get the hang of foraging. How you'll carry a pile several times bigger than you are tall is something you're not quite sure about yet, but that's a problem for future Trixie to solve, bite and/or electrocute.

Im just here either fight God or become Him
Ah, wholesome fun slave trading with mum :p:V:p
Oh come on, there's literally a whole multiple-paragraph bit about Trixie objecting until her Ma reassures her that she's literally seen the Humans releasing the same Bugs out in the Forest.
Is this locked, or is the X a mistake?
Literally spelled out in the vote: pick one item in addition to the Pokédex to take with you.
The human perspective yes. Although I'm not sure why its only almost all of them that get released rather than all.
Some of the Bugs get released in different places, occasionally decide to hang around the Humans (Pokémon aren't all Trixie; they are capable of actually wanting to tag along with a human), and very occasionally get out of the traps before the Pokémart staff find them.
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[x] A Poké Ball. Cooperating with your sister was... kind of fun. No way you'll ever use one of these to keep others as captive pets, but you remember Rojo and Wenge rescuing their Pokémon with them. As cages, they're abhorrent. As quick escapes from peril, though...

[x] Food. You don't know how easy it will be to find meals away from the Forest, so you'll gather enough Berries and nuts and grains to tide you over until you get the hang of foraging. How you'll carry a pile several times bigger than you are tall is something you're not quite sure about yet, but that's a problem for future Trixie to solve, bite and/or electrocute.
If the pokemart guys have security cameras
One has to wonder what they're thinking of when seeing this on their feed
Especially since its Trixie on camera who likely got a pokedex and [insert item here]
Real confused I bet
Sounds like good omake or sidestory material regardless
Ma's Shopping at the Pokémart
If the pokemart guys have security cameras
One has to wonder what they're thinking of when seeing this on their feed
Especially since its Trixie on camera who likely got a pokedex and [insert item here]
Real confused I bet
Sounds like good omake or sidestory material regardless
Okay, so. The thing is.

That box full of metal twigs that Ma broke open and pawed at before going in, to make the annoying tame-lightning inside the Human-den go away?

That was the fuse box.

Now, Ma does not actually know what a fuse box is in, like, sophisticated terms. She just doesn't like the electromagnetic fields from wiring and power cables (which is why she lives out in the Forest), and over the course of her travels as a pup discovered that Humans conveniently leave a box somewhere in most of their dens that makes the annoying buzzy feeling from electric currents go away. She is even polite enough to put it back after she's done, since she is aware that some people (eg: her father and her most troublesome daughter) actually quite like the feelings.

But the humans who run the Pokémart don't know that. All they know is that about once a month, for the past five years, the power cuts out and all the security cameras turn off for half an hour or so and then comes back on to reveal two or three missing boxes of Pokéfood and there's never any sign of what did it or why or how. And when they try to stake the place out to see what's doing it, nothing shows up (because Ma spots them from the bushes and decides to come back to do her shopping when she won't have to deal with customer service, having got her lifetime fill of Human interaction during her wild years).

The cost of the missing inventory (a box or two a month) is low enough that management don't really care (and indeed it took them almost a year to notice what was happening, and when they did it was mostly because of the weird recurring fault with the CCTV), so after the traps didn't work and changing the door locks failed no further funds were put towards making a more concerted effort to figure out what the fuck is doing it.

Some of the more superstitious/paranoid/conspiracy-theory-prone members of staff are getting a little unhinged in their guesses, though. :V
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Figured they'd place an independent camera because of all those traps
[X] Food. You don't know how easy it will be to find meals away from the Forest, so you'll gather enough Berries and nuts and grains to tide you over until you get the hang of foraging. How you'll carry a pile several times bigger than you are tall is something you're not quite sure about yet, but that's a problem for future Trixie to solve, bite and/or electrocute.

[X] A Poké Doll. You suppose you can admit that having a little squeaky sibling to hug and talk your ear off is... nice. These cuddly things are soft and huggable - enough to pacify even your temperament. Maybe you wouldn't mind some friends. But not to get in your way!

i wonder how Trixies stats have changed, becouse it's been a while since that has updated
[x] A Poké Doll. You suppose you can admit that having a little squeaky sibling to hug and talk your ear off is... nice. These cuddly things are soft and huggable - enough to pacify even your temperament. Maybe you wouldn't mind some friends. But not to get in your way!
This indicates a desire to seek out other Pokémon as companions. You'll look for friends and allies, but only to travel with. When danger looms, you'll fight alone.

[x] Trophies. You've left plenty of Human Things strewn across the Forest over the course of your reign of terror, and Rojo taught you that they value their badges that prove they've shown fighting skill by winning tough battles. If you take some of your spoils of war along and show them off, the Humans will have to respect you, probably.
[X] A Poké Ball. Cooperating with your sister was... kind of fun. No way you'll ever use one of these to keep others as captive pets, but you remember Rojo and Wenge rescuing their Pokémon with them. As cages, they're abhorrent. As quick escapes from peril, though...
[X] Trophies. You've left plenty of Human Things strewn across the Forest over the course of your reign of terror, and Rojo taught you that they value their badges that prove they've shown fighting skill by winning tough battles. If you take some of your spoils of war along and show them off, the Humans will have to respect you, probably.

Poke-Rampage World Tour? Poke-Rampage World Tour.
…So a part of me couldn't help but imagine that one Pichu stuck to Mom's back was stuck because his own leaking charge was creating enough static electricity to overcome his physical strength. And I figure she just kinda slides him off with his tail.

Mom getting into the fuse box made me think: Boy it must not be easy keeping nosy Pokémon out of your stuff.

There was more commentary but eh…
[x] A Poké Doll. You suppose you can admit that having a little squeaky sibling to hug and talk your ear off is... nice. These cuddly things are soft and huggable - enough to pacify even your temperament. Maybe you wouldn't mind some friends. But not to get in your way!
This indicates a desire to seek out other Pokémon as companions. You'll look for friends and allies, but only to travel with. When danger looms, you'll fight alone.
[x] Trophies. You've left plenty of Human Things strewn across the Forest over the course of your reign of terror, and Rojo taught you that they value their badges that prove they've shown fighting skill by winning tough battles. If you take some of your spoils of war along and show them off, the Humans will have to respect you, probably.

Consider this; Trixie is a violent gremlin, but from what she says here - and doesn't say - she's also tsuntsun about being lonely and isolated. She wants friends more than she wants a beat-stick team. Plus, this encourages her team to be even weirder, and that's fun.

Also consider; Trixie trying to understand the concept of Pokemon badges, failing, and instead showing up with a shiny bottlecap.
[X] A Poké Toy. It's been a long time since you played with something just for fun. And you remember these things! Loud and stimulating and with so many noises and reactions - they never fail to get your blood pumping. That's what you want. Something exciting.

[X] Trophies. You've left plenty of Human Things strewn across the Forest over the course of your reign of terror, and Rojo taught you that they value their badges that prove they've shown fighting skill by winning tough battles. If you take some of your spoils of war along and show them off, the Humans will have to respect you, probably.
[X] A Poké Ball. Cooperating with your sister was... kind of fun. No way you'll ever use one of these to keep others as captive pets, but you remember Rojo and Wenge rescuing their Pokémon with them. As cages, they're abhorrent. As quick escapes from peril, though...
This indicates a desire to fight alongside other Pokémon in battle. You'll seek to form a team - though likely an unusual one - and face conflicts side by side.
[X] Trophies. You've left plenty of Human Things strewn across the Forest over the course of your reign of terror, and Rojo taught you that they value their badges that prove they've shown fighting skill by winning tough battles. If you take some of your spoils of war along and show them off, the Humans will have to respect you, probably.

I can't believe you all are sleeping on the opportunity to have a Pokemon-only team running through the gyms up to the Elite Four to prove a point to humanity :p
[X] Trophies. You've left plenty of Human Things strewn across the Forest over the course of your reign of terror, and Rojo taught you that they value their badges that prove they've shown fighting skill by winning tough battles. If you take some of your spoils of war along and show them off, the Humans will have to respect you, probably.