American Horror Story/Sort Of IC (closed)

"Very Well. I believe I might be a dullahan. Capable of killing anyone I say the name of provided it isn't a supernatural creature. And I can detach my head and extract my spine as a whip which is actually rather powerful. And I've been able to mamipulate blood to a rather great degree. Along with relative superstrength. Now which one of these powers seems to be humane in any degree? Oh and If i kill people I become luckier." He said rather aggressively.
Marquis raises an eyebrow at the self proclaimed dullahan.

That sounds... fooken' ridiculous, what kind of bloody-oh Christ. Master told me about these gribblies, they ain't ta messed with. Hehehe, might make for a good fight. I wonder how I'd do in a brawl with one. Pretty sure I'd count as magical but... yeah, I shouldn't try ta test it.

"Sounds like a useful set'O skills." The Irishman nods. "I bet yer handy in a right fight."
There wasn't anything of much note in the caves themselves, at least not anything that the drones could readily observe as they passed quickly through them searching for their target, just a bunch of stalactites, rock and patches of dirt here and there.

The drones eventually found Bobby much deeper into the winding maze of tunnels that looped back into themselves confusingly, the kidnapped child playing with what appeared to be a litter of ordinary coyote pups, the parents of which were nowhere to be seen.
Seeing this through the network, Richard spoke up with "Guys, I've got some good news: the Firefly found Bobby. He looks to be unharmed, and is playing with some Coyote pups. I'm going to open up a video call using the drone's hologram projector so we can talk to him and get a better idea what's going on before we go in. If we're really absurdly lucky whatever force is responsible for bringing the kid here will reply and let us take him home, but I wouldn't put much weight behind that possibility."

With that Firefly #1 flew into sight of both Bobby and the coyote pups, activating its exterior lights and projecting a holographic screen showing the group of rescuers on the surface. Meanwhile, the second drone was on the surface projecting a matching hologram showing Bobby's situation. With that done, Richard spoke through the drone's link asking "Bobby, are you at all hurt? We're here to bring you home."
Seeing this through the network, Richard spoke up with "Guys, I've got some good news: the Firefly found Bobby. He looks to be unharmed, and is playing with some Coyote pups. I'm going to open up a video call using the drone's hologram projector so we can talk to him and get a better idea what's going on before we go in. If we're really absurdly lucky whatever force is responsible for bringing the kid here will reply and let us take him home, but I wouldn't put much weight behind that possibility."

With that Firefly #1 flew into sight of both Bobby and the coyote pups, activating its exterior lights and projecting a holographic screen showing the group of rescuers on the surface. Meanwhile, the second drone was on the surface projecting a matching hologram showing Bobby's situation. With that done, Richard spoke through the drone's link asking "Bobby, are you at all hurt? We're here to bring you home."

Bobby looked up towards the drone and waved his hand. He was about to say something before one of the coyote pups had a surprising show of agility and jaw strength the drone would fire a blast of laser fire towards the pup, causing it to whimper in mid air, but as he leapt up, and bit the drone so hard that it was beginning to crack, Bobby would run over to the infant beast and hug it.

"You hurt my friend!" Bobby stated.
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Bobby looked up towards the drone and waved his hand. He was about to say something before one of the coyote pups had a surprising show of agility and jaw strength the drone would fire a blast of laser fire towards the pup, causing it to whimper in mid air, but as he leapt up, and bit the drone so hard that it was beginning to crack, Bobby would run over to the infant beast and hug it.

"You hurt my friend!" Bobby stated.
>Hostile Entity has grabbed drone, not in laser firing arc
>Flight Characteristics Disrupted
>Solution Acquired: PLAY DEAD

With that, the robot abruptly ceased all externally noticeable functions, turning off lights, propellers, and the holographic projector. That said, the cooling system and cameras still stayed active, providing a limited view of events down in the cavern.

Outside the cave, Richard commented "Well, it's fairly obvious that Bobby here is either brainwashed, or he just set a world record for the onset of Stockholm Syndrome. So, how do we want to go about this? The peaceful approach has been proven non-viable, so I'd recommend we just head in and get Bobby out by force."
The man looks towards the assembled group of protagonists and shrugged. "Do you really want to know what's in here? No, you don't. you really don't want to know what's in here. This is sacred ground. Forget the fact that most of you are outsiders, no one is supposed to come here, not White, Black, Red, or even Rainbow Trout Man should be here. Get out."

"Oh, one more thing, this isn't a threat. It's a warning. GET OUT OF HERE!" With that, the mysterious old man seemingly vanishes into thin air.
Hiding crouched down in a ditch just out of sight of the mouth of the caves sweating from running all the way here having just arrived as a fricking Native American man disappeared into midair, watching and waiting for a chance to slip past the gaggle of people from the park that had gathered around it as I wasn't in the mood to be forced to interact with them right now, not being exactly a people-person even at the best of times.

The fact from what I'd heard from my hiding place that most of them were supernatural in one way or another, which coupled with not knowing how they'd react to what I let alone me just showing up after the gong-show that just occurred only serving to make that decision the best one I could see as of the moment.

My mind was mostly focused on finding the fucking kidnapper and making them suffer however I could, especially if they were responsible for the other recent disappearances then I would make sure it fucking stuck too, I was not about to let a threat to my siblings and the town to go without a fight.

Seeing an opening as they were distracted, with what I didn't know but that wasn't my business, vaulting out of the ditch and made a dash into the caves entrance, jamming my hand into my pocket and grabbing the pain pills, unscrewing the lid and swallowing four of them in advance just in-case I needed to go big quick.
Seeing this through the network, Richard spoke up with "Guys, I've got some good news: the Firefly found Bobby. He looks to be unharmed, and is playing with some Coyote pups. I'm going to open up a video call using the drone's hologram projector so we can talk to him and get a better idea what's going on before we go in. If we're really absurdly lucky whatever force is responsible for bringing the kid here will reply and let us take him home, but I wouldn't put much weight behind that possibility."
Outside the cave, Richard commented "Well, it's fairly obvious that Bobby here is either brainwashed, or he just set a world record for the onset of Stockholm Syndrome. So, how do we want to go about this? The peaceful approach has been proven non-viable, so I'd recommend we just head in and get Bobby out by force."
Marquis raises a hand to his chin, thinking the matter over.

Bloody Spirit's got'im out in the fooken' open playin' with some daemonic pups.

"Still smells like'a trap ta me. I say we head'in grab the stupid kid and get the fook out real quick like. Get ready ta fight if we need ta, bash those mutts outa the way. Maybe rig this here entrance ta blow up after we leave an'-"
Seeing an opening as they were distracted, with what I didn't know but that wasn't my business, vaulting out of the ditch and made a dash into the caves entrance, jamming my hand into my pocket and grabbing the pain pills, unscrewing the lid and swallowing four of them in advance just in-case I needed to go big quick.

-an' some fooken' jackass just ran in. Goddamn mother-*ahem*" The Irishman summons his armor back, lifts his sword and dashes forward after the large man. "Onto it then! Let's see what's in there that we can fight!"
"I believe He genuinely made a friend. And going in aggressively is the worst thing we can do. We need to tend to the pup's wounds, and help convince him his parents miss him. " Mr. Cummins said rather assertively. There was no doubt in his mind that a genuine friendship could have actually developed, and that their jump to an aggressive approach pissed him off. He was fine with them going about that way, but their worthless excuse of it being in bobby's best interest was what disgusted him.
"Hey Dandy Man" I call out to the guy who offered the ride. As I got close enough so I no longer had to yell I continued. "If your talking about knowing where Invisobill took the Kid than you can count me in."
"Inviso-? Oh. Yes, the entity."
Knox nodded, opened the car door, and offered the seat beside him.

"It's fortunate that it showed us where to go. I am confident I could track it down but this saves us much time." He said. Then, as if an afterthought: "Call me Knox. You are?"
::Fast Forward, The Cave::
As the team entered the caverns, a weird feeling of peace and happiness flooded their entire bodies. Of course, robot flying drones have no souls, personalities or even nerve endings, so such feelings wouldn't effect them. As the assembled group of unusual people, some of them not even Human, got nearer to the center of the area, they came into a large clearing of the caverns, where Bobby was busy playing with the puppy coyotes. There, the mysterious old man appeared once again, this time leaning on what appeared to be a walking stick. He smiled, hesitantly at the group of investigators.
Richard spoke with his arms crossed "Look, would you please just explain what's going on? You're obviously the one responsible for this whole farce. We're not here to hurt Bobby, quite the opposite in fact."

Richard didn't stop for breath even for a second as he continued speaking; presumably he was using an electronic voice synthesizer instead of a larynx "Also, having the coyote pups attack that drone when it was just trying to call was extremely rude, and quite possibly hazardous. Seriously, those things contain dangerous radioactive materials; what would happen if they swallowed some by mistake?"
"We aren't just coyotes. We're Coyote spirits. Come, we need to talk while Bobby's busy with the pups. "
Before anyone can agree or disagree, the old man snaps his fingers.
"The problem is that those two people pretending to be Bobby's parents aren't."
"I'm sure you all have a lot of questions."
The cyborg simply shrugs, before asking "Alright, so is Bobby one of you then? Either way, I'm more concerned what the deal is with the fake parents. Are they supernatural, or just mundane jerks?"
The cyborg simply shrugs, before asking "Alright, so is Bobby one of you then? Either way, I'm more concerned what the deal is with the fake parents. Are they supernatural, or just mundane jerks?"

"Oh no, Bobby is not a coyote spirit. You see we found him in one of our caves hiding out from "The monsters".
"Those two are a witch and warlock. As it so happens, the monsters he was hiding from were their familiars."
"We know they've murdered at least two of the recently dead."
"Well, that sounds great. But you must understand If These follow up questions sound in any way negative. I simply am trying to understand the situation." He responds quite happily ecstatic that currently it appeared he was right. "First why do you suppose the witch and warlock are killing kids? Abd why are you helping protect Bobby?"
"Well, that sounds great. But you must understand If These follow up questions sound in any way negative. I simply am trying to understand the situation." He responds quite happily ecstatic that currently it appeared he was right. "First why do you suppose the witch and warlock are killing kids? Abd why are you helping protect Bobby?"

"They aren't killing children, we're taking them in, and they have murdered six adults already. The grimoire we discovered states that for a large amount of sacrifice, the sorcerer who casts a certain spell can invoke a very powerful demon."
"It may not be a Judeo Christian one either."
"It might not even necessarily be a demon. Whatever those two want unleashed, we want to be kept out of our jurisdiction."
"Inviso-? Oh. Yes, the entity."
Knox nodded, opened the car door, and offered the seat beside him.

"It's fortunate that it showed us where to go. I am confident I could track it down but this saves us much time." He said. Then, as if an afterthought: "Call me Knox. You are?"
As I got into Knox the Dandy Man's car I was glad to hear I was right about his intentions.

"The name's Clay and here's to hoping we can get there before anything happens to the kid....Oh Yeah! Heads up the brat is named Bobby."
As the team entered the caverns, a weird feeling of peace and happiness flooded their entire bodies. Of course, robot flying drones have no souls, personalities or even nerve endings, so such feelings wouldn't effect them. As the assembled group of unusual people, some of them not even Human, got nearer to the center of the area, they came into a large clearing of the caverns, where Bobby was busy playing with the puppy coyotes. There, the mysterious old man appeared once again, this time leaning on what appeared to be a walking stick. He smiled, hesitantly at the group of investigators.
"We aren't just coyotes. We're Coyote spirits. Come, we need to talk while Bobby's busy with the pups. "
Before anyone can agree or disagree, the old man snaps his fingers.
"The problem is that those two people pretending to be Bobby's parents aren't."
"I'm sure you all have a lot of questions."
"They aren't killing children, we're taking them in, and they have murdered six adults already. The grimoire we discovered states that for a large amount of sacrifice, the sorcerer who casts a certain spell can invoke a very powerful demon."
"It may not be a Judeo Christian one either."
"It might not even necessarily be a demon. Whatever those two want unleashed, we want to be kept out of our jurisdiction."
"Ah christ, I knew those two bastards were off but I didn't think they'd be that bad." Marquis grumbles. The Irishman knew he should have started carrying around holy water around with "Though I'm not sure I believe ya exactly. Got any proof? Could be tryin' ta save yer own arse here. But demons... shite. Yeah, better ta keep those damned things from comin' over ta this world. What I wanna know is if you knew this, then why in the fook didn't ya tell us in the park? If what ya say is true, then we coulda blasted those bastards there, or shite. Dragged'im away ta someplace less conspicuous." Marquis grumbles, still holding his fullblade up in a defensive stance. "An' why in god's name did ya warn us not ta comin' in here if ya wanted ta tell us this? Smells fishy ta me dick."

@I just write

"How confident are ya in how well that thing'll hurt spirits? This bloody fooken' thing is fishy as hell. "
The anger I felt building up since the initial incident in the park grinding to a screeching halt when I saw the kid free and happily playing with a bunch of..... coyote pups what the hell, the feeling being replaced by sheer confusion.... my brain was trying to make sense of what the fuck was going on because what I was seeing sure as hell didn't match up with everything that had happened before.

....... and of course the Native man showing up out of nowhere again, what he had said added even more to the confusion I felt, though that quickly passed as something definitely smelled fishy about his 'explanation' maybe it was just me feeling incredibly stupid for rushing all the way down here with intent to horribly injure them if he was telling the truth, but I still got the nagging feeling that he wasn't or at least not telling all of it.

"Ah Christ, I knew those two bastards were off but I didn't think they'd be that bad." Marquis grumbles. The Irishman knew he should have started carrying around holy water around with "Though I'm not sure I believe ya exactly. Got any proof? Could be tryin' ta save yer own arse here. But demons... shite. Yeah, better ta keep those damned things from comin' over ta this world. What I wanna know is if you knew this, then why in the fook didn't ya tell us in the park? If what ya say is true, then we coulda blasted those bastards there, or shite. Dragged'im away ta someplace less conspicuous." Marquis grumbles, still holding his fullblade up in a defensive stance. "An' why in god's name did ya warn us not ta comin' in here if ya wanted ta tell us this? Smells fishy ta me dick."

Seems like I wasn't the only one that wasn't entirely buying it either..... sighing internally that if I wanted to actually get to the bottom of this, I was gonna have to bite the bullet at some point and interact with the people here since I wasn't gonna get anywhere on my own now was as good a time as any.

Glaring at the Native man the anger fighting it's way back to the surface through the brief episode of confusion though not as strong as it was before, I clear my throat before stepping away from the rocky outcropping I was leaning against, growling out "You seriously expect anybody here to believe that to believe that crap? I agree with the Irish guy that your 'story' doesn't exactly add up especially given your prior actions this smells like you're trying to deflect attention away from yourself" nodding towards the man in question as I walk up next to him.
The anger I felt building up since the initial incident in the park grinding to a screeching halt when I saw the kid free and happily playing with a bunch of..... coyote pups what the hell, the feeling being replaced by sheer confusion.... my brain was trying to make sense of what the fuck was going on because what I was seeing sure as hell didn't match up with everything that had happened before.

....... and of course the Native man showing up out of nowhere again, what he had said added even more to the confusion I felt, though that quickly passed as something definitely smelled fishy about his 'explanation' maybe it was just me feeling incredibly stupid for rushing all the way down here with intent to horribly injure them if he was telling the truth, but I still got the nagging feeling that he wasn't or at least not telling all of it.

Seems like I wasn't the only one that wasn't entirely buying it either..... sighing internally that if I wanted to actually get to the bottom of this, I was gonna have to bite the bullet at some point and interact with the people here since I wasn't gonna get anywhere on my own now was as good a time as any.

Glaring at the Native man the anger fighting it's way back to the surface through the brief episode of confusion though not as strong as it was before, I clear my throat before stepping away from the rocky outcropping I was leaning against, growling out "You seriously expect anybody here to believe that to believe that crap? I agree with the Irish guy that your 'story' doesn't exactly add up especially given your prior actions this smells like you're trying to deflect attention away from yourself" nodding towards the man in question as I walk up next to him.

"Look, mortals. . . we're like the gods of the region. If we wanted to we could wipe you all off the face of the Earth with a wave from my walking stick."
"If you must know there are some things I'm hiding from you but that's for your own good. I told you to stay out of here. So if you get confused, it's your fault. Be glad that confusion is your only problem here."
"If you MUST, ask Mister William Knox to corroborate our story. He can happily oblige."
The anger I felt building up since the initial incident in the park grinding to a screeching halt when I saw the kid free and happily playing with a bunch of..... coyote pups what the hell, the feeling being replaced by sheer confusion.... my brain was trying to make sense of what the fuck was going on because what I was seeing sure as hell didn't match up with everything that had happened before.

....... and of course the Native man showing up out of nowhere again, what he had said added even more to the confusion I felt, though that quickly passed as something definitely smelled fishy about his 'explanation' maybe it was just me feeling incredibly stupid for rushing all the way down here with intent to horribly injure them if he was telling the truth, but I still got the nagging feeling that he wasn't or at least not telling all of it.

Seems like I wasn't the only one that wasn't entirely buying it either..... sighing internally that if I wanted to actually get to the bottom of this, I was gonna have to bite the bullet at some point and interact with the people here since I wasn't gonna get anywhere on my own now was as good a time as any.

Glaring at the Native man the anger fighting it's way back to the surface through the brief episode of confusion though not as strong as it was before, I clear my throat before stepping away from the rocky outcropping I was leaning against, growling out "You seriously expect anybody here to believe that to believe that crap? I agree with the Irish guy that your 'story' doesn't exactly add up especially given your prior actions this smells like you're trying to deflect attention away from yourself" nodding towards the man in question as I walk up next to him.

It had been annoying following after the others, the methods and means by which needs to maintain themselves in an official capacity but seeing the situations is getting out of hand, I decided to step in as best I could. By that, I mean by trying to p;lacate the situation in my capacity as a legal authority and as I step out behind everyone else, I start to laugh.

"Ha...hahahahah... I didn't think of it then when the boy was taken but something did seem off. The grab was tool quick and the parents didn't react in the ways I've seen others do." I say to the Native Man with a smile. "They were too... Calm for it. Most parents are usually hysterical at the loss of a child. Who knows how many times I'vE SeEn tHat HApPen."

"Look, mortals. . . we're like the gods of the region. If we wanted to we could wipe you all off the face of the Earth with a wave from my walking stick."
"If you must know there are some things I'm hiding from you but that's for your own good. I told you to stay out of here. So if you get confused, it's your fault. Be glad that confusion is your only problem here."
"If you MUST, ask Mister William Knox to corroborate our story. He can happily oblige."

Pulling that part of me back I address @GwaedDraig
"I bet they can, so for our sake. Let's hear him out. The boy is safe, no visible injuries or harm present. Let him enjoy himself." I say while spreading my hands wide. "Now those 'people'... They murdered that boys parents didn't they?"

Pulling that part of me back I address @GwaedDraig
"I bet they can, so for our sake. Let's hear him out. The boy is safe, no visible injuries or harm present. Let him enjoy himself." I say while spreading my hands wide. "Now those 'people'... They murdered that boys parents didn't they?"


"Now that we can't say. That is, of course, what we think. But the boys parents disappeared. They are either dead or at least somewhere even we can't find them. At least not yet. No one could keep a secret from a coyote spirit for long."
"That's another reason we decided to not leave Willoughby to you mortals. Anyone or anything who can hide or cause something to be unseen to a spirit is cause for concern, let alone a Coyote spirit."
"Also, there's no way those two are any normal sort of witch and warlock. The spirit who took Bobby away from them merely yanked them from out of their hands."
"Their so repugnant that our mere touch causes them harm."
"Now that we can't say. That is, of course, what we think. But the boys parents disappeared. They are either dead or at least somewhere even we can't find them. At least not yet. No one could keep a secret from a coyote spirit for long."
"That's another reason we decided to not leave Willoughby to you mortals. Anyone or anything who can hide or cause something to be unseen to a spirit is cause for concern, let alone a Coyote spirit."
"Also, there's no way those two are any normal sort of witch and warlock. The spirit who took Bobby away from them merely yanked them from out of their hands."
"Their so repugnant that our mere touch causes them harm."
"That bad?... Well then no one will miss them... RiGht?"
"That bad?... Well then no one will miss them... RiGht?"

"Well, despite our nature as tricksters, not all Coyote spirits are evil or even necessarily that aggressive. We're tricksters yes but also teachers. We don't kill mortals, at least not often, because we prefer to let them mature and grow in their own way. We can't necessarily control others, however. So, except for strange circumstances like we're in now, we're kind of non-interventionist. That's a really weird thing for Coyote spirits to say, but it's partially true."
"Well, despite our nature as tricksters, not all Coyote spirits are evil or even necessarily that aggressive. We're tricksters yes but also teachers. We don't kill mortals, at least not often, because we prefer to let them mature and grow in their own way. We can't necessarily control others, however. So, except for strange circumstances like we're in now, we're kind of non-interventionist. That's a really weird thing for Coyote spirits to say, but it's partially true."
Richard notes "So you're saying that setting up a town-wide surveillance network primed to laser those two on sight would be perfectly acceptable, then? Do you know if they're capable of shapeshifting?"
Richard notes "So you're saying that setting up a town-wide surveillance network primed to laser those two on sight would be perfectly acceptable, then? Do you know if they're capable of shapeshifting?"

"We don't know. We do know that they can most certainly divine, and their familiars are unusually powerful. It wouldn't surprise me if they could shape shift as well."
"Also, we don't police Human civilization, we only give advice, maybe even trick, but no, so that means you can go ahead and get rid of them or something if you want."
"But first I must personally warn you that you should keep on your toes."