A World of Monsters. (An Encyclopedia on the creatures of the world of Null.)

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(True) Wyrm.

[Sketches depict a massive armored snake creature. It is displayed in a variety of stances, poses and positions including several fighting Oros soldiers. Close ups of the head reveal a pair of swept back, vaguely ear like scales on its head, a common feature for Nullian snakes.]

[A note is attached. It depicts the Wyrm with a crown on its head, with words reading 'Snake King.']

Scientific Name Translation: Coiled Dragon.

Average Size: Very-Large to Giant scale creature, maximum known length of 20 Meters.

Average Weight: Up to a maximum known weight of 1570 tons.

Notable Sexual Dimorphism: Females have red markings running down their sides .

Habitat Range: Various subspecies found all over the world.

Out of all the types of serpents on Null, few are quite as important as the Wyrm species. The progenitor of most Serpentine life on Null, this is an ancient species whose only discernibly changes have been to become spread out as various subspecies across the various biomes of the continent of Arisa. A form of limbless dragon, the Wyrm serves as a proto-serpent from which most others descend from, though the limbed Chimeran Civilized Race and those species related to them have no relation to the Wyrms and the serpent life descended from them. Etymologically, while all draconic creatures are able to be referred to as Wyrms, they are known as True Wyrms due to their limbless nature, differentiating them from other creatures sharing the Wyrm name such as the Shriek Wyrm. [A note is attached. It shows a cartoon Wyrm pointing its tail at a Shriek-Wyrm, calling it an 'Imposter'.

The common Wyrm is a massive, armored being, their scales large and difficult to pierce. Their heads posses swept-back, ear like protrusions that can be noted on all other serpent species descended from them, at times this being the only link to their patronage. The longest known length they can reach is up to 20 meters long, though the most commonly encountered across all subspecies tend to be 10 meters long.

Their armored plates, easily able to deflect indirect hits from antitank grade weaponry, also double as a defensive weapon. These plates are sharp and can flare outwards, easily cutting anything that gets too close, at the cost of revealing the still very tough but much more vulnerable scaled flesh beneath. The one area of theirs that is not covered by these plates are their underbellies, meaning that more often then not, the best way to fight one on foot is directly from the front when they're uncoiled and ready to strike.

Despite their size and power, the Wyrms do not show much aptitude for coiling around their prey, unlike many of their descendants. Instead, they primarily strike their prey down with venom, which they can either inject with their fangs or launch from afar. This venom is quite potent, though nowhere as agonizing or dangerous as the Hell's Breath of the Death Smile Serpent. Due to their draconic nature, Wyrms can spit out a burning bioplasma from their maws, though they use a special concotive mix that makes the spray toxic as well as incendiary. Those that survive being burned can still fall victim to the toxin, and even those protected by armor can fall prey to the toxin if they are not careful. [A note is attached. It reads 'Wyrm venom is no joke. I was in a weapons' lab when a vial of the stuff got broken by accident on the other side of the room. I was woozy for hours!']

When in combat, they tend to use their large masses and surprising speed for their sizes against their enemies, mixing their breath weapons and their flared up scales. They are also more than willing to use their mouths as weapons, grabbing and tossing aside foes or picking them up and thrashing them about.

Even not factoring their armored hides, Wyrms are also extremely tough, able to survive being blown in half and either rejoining with their other half or even escaping and regrowing the rest of their forms over the course of several weeks. This makes them difficult to put down for good, as using weaponry that is too powerful can lead to them escaping in the chaos while leaving sections of themselves behind.

Primarily predatory in nature, they have a fondness for Oliphant meat when available. They do not swallow their prey whole, instead tearing chunks off of the body before swallowing that as with most serpents.

Mating season typically happens in the winter, with new born Wyrms being born in the spring. Young Wyrms typically remain with their mothers for several decades as they grow, eventually leaving when they reach about 8 meters in length. They go on to become primarily solitary creatures, rarely interacting with more of their kind outside of the mating season. Normally, two Wyrms encountering each other leads to a massive territory dispute battle that causes the immediate patch of forest to be dismantled in the ensuing fight.

Massive and ancient creatures, these living fossils show a glimpse at the origins of a species before the modern day. Due to their relation and nature towards most other Serpents, the Wyrm has been nicknamed the 'Father of Serpents' in some cultures, though the Chimera vocally oppose this as it is inaccurate, due to them having no lineage related them to the Wyrms. [A note is attached. It reads 'My friend Synthia is a Chimera and I asked her if she considered Wyrms cool. She said she did, but she said that her family line is way cooler.']
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Razorwing Gryphon.
Razorwing Gryphon.

[Sketches depict a large Gryphon creature in a variety of poses. The creature posses ear like protrusions, cat like eyes, and a serrated beak on its head. It's feathers continue from its head to its mid section, where it tapers off down the back to until it disappears completely from its hind quarters, which are vaguely feline like though with what seem to be armored scutes sticking out from the short fur. The front legs are distinctly avian like, though clearly designed with the ability to grasp things as needed with their thick, clawed fingers. The tail is fairly long and ends in a spiked club.]

[A note is attached. It reads 'Uh, these guys. They're almost as big of jerks as Cacklers!']

Scientific Name Translation: Sword Wings.

Average Size: Large-scale creature, average of 13-15 feet/3.96-4.57 meters high on four legs.

Average Weight: Average of 6-8 tons.

Notable Sexual Dimorphism: Females posses longer ears compared to males.

Habitat Range: Mountain ranges, cliffsides, and other high altitude locations in the north-eastern portions of Arisa.

The Gryphon family line is a varied thing, featuring creatures small and relatively docile enough to be house pets, to Very Large-scale creatures infamous for their disposition and power. One of the largest, though not the largest, species are the Razorwing Gryphons. This species predominantly lives in high altitude locations in the north-eastern portions of Arisa, particularly in Stonecutter territory. As a result, they are one of the species that most often gets into conflict with the Stonecutters on the surface, due to the Stonecutters traditionally mountain dwelling homes.

Gryphons, Razorwings in particular, are known for their avian like fronts and feline like backs. Most Gryphons once possessed fully Avian features, though at some point in the distant past, they began to develop feline like features. Genetic study has unearthed a sort of merging point between the predecessor to most modern Gryphons and a feline species, a rare though not unheard of phenomena. This would make the modern day Gryphon a Genetic Chimera, though some species such as the Skulker have reverted back to their more original state through unknown means. More research still needs to be done. As a side note, the modern Gryphon's ancient feline fusion is a direct ancestor to the Cheshire line of felines. [A note is attached. It reads 'No wonder these guys are such pricks, they've got psycho DNA in them!']

One possible result of the feline portion of their DNA is a fascination with shiny objects. Shimmering glass or gems, shiny metal, all of it and more attracts them. They posses a peculiar interest in gold, however, hoarding it whenever they find a deposit. The reason for this particular fascination is unknown, though Gryphons have been observed to shave off and consume portions of their gold hoards, indicating a dietary origin for this behavior.

The Razorwing Gryphon gets its name due to the ability to harden and launch feathers at the edges of its wings. While hardening feathers is not an uncommon phenomena among Gryphons, indeed many posses a similar feature in their wings, the Razorwing stands out due to the sheer speed at which they can replace these feathers, allowing them to unleash numerous volleys in any one singular battle. These feathers are sharp, tough, and launched with enough speed to pierce modern body armor. It's thus recommended to be on the move when facing a Razorwing on foot, in order to avoid its

These razor-feathers are not the only weapon at the Gryphons' disposal. Their claws are sharp even without an energy coating, allowing them to cut through metal with ease. Their front feet are also dexterous and strong enough to grab a hold of and pull apart structures, such as fortifications, large shields, or any unfortunate Neo-Golem to get caught in their grasp. Their long tails end in a spiked club that, while unable to be launched, are tough enough to survive extreme abuse. Their serrated beaks are also able to perform grizzly attacks, though they refrain from using it against unarmored Civilized Races due to the danger with ingesting Civilized blood for most species.

One notable attack they prefer to perform is to grab hold of a target before lifting them high up in the air and dropping them. Light vehicles, infantry, and Heavy Neo-Golems are all subjected to this. Modern tanks are too heavy to be lifted high up, though the Razorwing still posses enough strength to lift one a modest ways into the air before its strength gives out and it lets go. This attack isn't fatal to Civilized Races, but it is extremely disorientating and can leave one vulnerable to more attacks. [A note is attached. It reads 'When I was apprenticing for my mechanic skills, my teacher had me working on bots that Razorwing Gryphons trashed. It sucked hard, but it at least made me as skillful as I am today!']

The Razorwing is notable due to its peculiar diet. Namely, it prefers hunting equinoid creatures over most other life. As a result, they predominantly prey on Lesser Shinooks, as well as scavenging the remains of the much more heavily armored and dangerous Greater Shinook. This has led to a rivalry between the two family lines, as Shinooks will happily gang up to fight a Gryphon while Gryphons eagerly hunt the equines.

Mating season is infrequent, though when it commences, the normally solitary Razorwing begins to look for a mate. The courtship ritual is very simplistic and straightforward: Gifts of gold are exchanged between interested parties and, when accepted, quickly devolves into mating. Gryphons produce small litters of 3-4 kits at a time. These kits are born with simpler, malleable beaks allowing them to suckle from the teats of their mothers. Once their beaks begin to develop and harden into their adult beaks, they are weaned off the milk and taught how to hunt. Adulthood is rapidly followed by the youngsters leaving their parents' nests to strike out on their own.

The Razorwing Gryphon is a symbol among the Stonecutter Oros. They are seen as vicious, greedy creatures, though their strength is admired. As such, they are often seen as symbols for dangerous, but respected foes. Among other Oros, similar symbology is given to other species of Gryphon encountered the world over. [A note is attached. It depicts a cartoon Gryphon hugging a pile of gold, shouting 'mine'.]
Armored Fang.
Armored Fang.

[Sketches depict an armored, vaguely feline like desert creature. Red armored plates cover it from head to tail tip and leaves few areas vulnerable. The eyes are golden and with slit pupils, the mouth covered in sharp teeth, the two most notable being a pair of saber-fangs coming from the top jaw. The creature's hard, rocky exterior makes it an excellent ambush predator in the dry, rocky desert it calls home, as the sketches show.]

[A note is attached. It reads 'I used to call them 'tank kitties' when I was a kid. Then I found out they're technically not felines and everything I knew became a lie.']

Scientific Name Translation: Blood Cat.

Average Size: Large-scale creature, 6-7 feet/1.83-2.134 meters at the shoulder on all fours.

Average Weight: 8-9 tons on average.

Notable Sexual Dimorphism: Males have slightly longer saber-fangs than females..

Habitat Range: Primarily deserts, especially the Red Desert.

Of the many predatory species on Null, the Armored Fang is among the more notable inhabitants of the Red Desert. This desert is notable for having little in the way of sand, the red tinted ground and surroundings being dry, cracked ground. This allows for heavier creatures incapable of swimming through sand like creatures of the Sea of Sand to tread without fear of sinking into the sand. [A note is attached. It reads 'Not that it stops some creatures from managing it though.']

Covered from head to tail-tip in heavy plated armor, the Armored Fang is extremely resilient to damage, allowing it to weather assaults from enemies and defending prey alike. The armor is capable of resisting weapons fire from infantry scale weapons fire that aren't heavy weapons, and even then they are capable of surviving strikes from rockets and missiles to their sides. This heavy armor for its size, of course, makes it comparatively slow, and thus it mostly relies on ambush tactics to catch prey.

Their armor color matches the coloration of the Red Desert, and have a slightly rocky texture. This affords them the ability to blend in to the background by imitating a large rock. Whenever there are rock formations or uneven landscape around, however, the Armored Fang uses its large, padded feet in order to sneak around, looking for a stealthy position to attack from. The heat of the desert sun is mostly absorbed by its armored plating, which is insulated enough to prevent the creature from overheating until the cool of the night comes to help it cool down. On particularly scorching days, however, Armored Fangs will look for a mud pool to cool off in, with the coloration of the mud affecting their plating color until it is washed off or flakes off from drying out. [A note is attached. It depicts cartoon Armored Fangs in various shades of earth coloration's, usually some shade of tannish-red.]

The most notable features aside from their armored plating, however, is the other half of their namesake: Their saber-tooth fangs. These pair of upper canines are long and capable of delivering a deathblow to their prey with a swift bite to the neck. These teeth are also exceptionally reinforced, allowing them to survive direct strikes from weapon impacts both ranged and in melee.

Among their other weapons include a club at the end of their tails, their sharp claws capable of rending metal, their very mass being thrown around as a blunt weapon, and their hidden weapon: A sonic roar. This sonic roar is capable of stunning prey at a close enough proximity as well as rupturing organs and blood vessels, making it a versatile tool in the Armored Fang's arsenal, affording them a secret weapon to use during fights against other hostile life, having an effective range of 30 meters and can be heard up to 5 miles away. [A note is attached. It reads 'What they don't tell you is ancient Fangs could unhinge their jaws to amplify the sound even more. The more you know!']

The primary prey for the Armored Fang is the Desert Oliphant, particularly the Red Desert variant. These creatures are plentiful prey, each one providing a bounty of food when caught. Though Armored Fangs are primarily loners, those stalking prey will gladly enlist the help of other Fangs they encounter in order to catch a meal, as there will be plenty of meat to go around. During lean times, however the Armored Fang typically subsists off of smaller prey it can catch, as well as tough but nutritious rooting plants that also act as useful sources of water in the otherwise arid Red Desert. [A note is attached. It reads 'I mean, what doesn't love Oliphant steak?']

Mating season typically begins at end of summer, when the hottest days are behind them. No real rituals are involved with mated pairs, as males and females will typically engage and stay with the first member of the opposite sex they encounter. Newborns are when the Fangs are at their most vulnerable, as they have yet to grow their armor plating. Indeed, it takes a considerable amount of time in the harsh desert environment for Armored Fangs to fully grow their plates, with adolescents congregating in mud holes in order to remain cool even on comparatively mild days. Once their armor has fully grown, however, these adult Fangs head out to wander the Red Desert for the majority of their lives, in search of food and territory.

Though they primarily remain in only the Red Desert, the Armored Fang is a popular choice when one thinks about a desert dwelling predator. Their impressive fangs, coupled with their resilience against damage makes them, make for a striking image that is difficult to forget about. [A note is attached. It reads 'Eh, when I think 'desert predator', I think Sword-Tails.']

[Sketches depict a massive, mammalian creature that seems to fit the role of elephant in the ecosystems it inhabits. The creature is large on average, with short fur and a buffalo like hump on its back, though the neck is longer and more exposed than that of a buffalo. The head is large with comparatively small, pointed ears on the sides of the head. Instead of tusks, a pair of horns sprout from the back of the head and curve around the sides of the head until they are pointing forwards, giving a tusk like impression. Sketches depict the creature crushing predators attempting to attack the exposed neck between its horns and its hump. A long tail covered in spurs extends from its back side. The tail is prehensile and easily reaches as far as the hump. Lightning seems to dance between the spurs. More sketches depict them wandering plains, sleeping and eating large shrubs whole.]

[A note is attached. It reads 'They call these guys the 'Holy Men of the Grasslands'. I always just called them 'The Big Floofy Giants.']

Scientific Name Translation: Lightning Pontiff.

Average Size: Varies, Very-Large to Giant class creature, maximum known size of 15 meters tall at the hump.

Average Weight: Varies, up to a maximum known weight of 1450 tons.

Notable Sexual Dimorphism: Females have longer horns than males.

Habitat Range: Wide open spaces, particularly savannas and other grassland biomes. Woolly subspecies found in the northern wastes.

Few creatures inspire as much awe due to their power and temperament as the Hierophants. Known as the 'Holy Men of the Grasslands', these large creatures dominate the landscapes they inhabit, their lack of many real predators tempered by their low birthrates, which helps keep the ecosystem in balance. One of the smaller species to hail from the Land of Giants, the Hierophants are nonetheless powerhouses in their own right, with their mystical talent being of particular note due to their diversity and skillful usage.

The most common Hierophants are young adults that are still growing, typically reaching 7 meters at their hump. While this would normally make them vulnerable to predation by larger predators, the Hierophants posses great mystical power. They naturally produce a powerful electric charge rivaling that of Cacklers or the mythical Rohk, with their tails in particular studded in lightning generating spikes. This is not all they posses, however, as they are able to manipulate the weather itself, culminating in a wide variety of weather based phenomena both localized and wide spread.[A note is attached. It reads, 'Back when I still got sent out to help fix things on the field, I got to see a herd of these guys summon rain. It was soooo pretty!']

Their control over the weather is excellent for a ground based species. Summoning rain storms, deadly blade-hail, or lightning strikes, among other effects, the Hierophants are masters at their art. One particular desert dwelling species has even cultivated a sizable spot of rich, lush land in the middle of the North Eastern Desert, making a supersized oasis that many species depend on for survival.

The Hierophant is more than just its magical talent, however. A pair of horns grow from the back of its head, curl downwards past the sides of their faces and end pointing forwards. Hierophants officially enter adulthood with their horns fully growing into place, though it will still take several more decades of growth before they reach their full size. These horns also naturally generate an electrical charge between them, being able to focus a continuous lightning blast from between the horns themselves. [A note is attached. It depicts a cartoon Hierophant having some spark plugs attached to its horns, being used to start up a hover bike.]

Amplifier organs have been found in all four of the Hierophants large, broad feet. This allows them to perform powerful stomps capable of affecting things in a large radius around them, though they try to avoid using them often in order to not damage their ecosystem and food sources. These blasts can either be focused in a single direction or be released in an omnidirectional blast. Creatures at close enough ranges have been known to burst into clouds of blood while Civilized Races who are too close end up suffering countless ruptured blood vessels and organs, often barely clinging to life. Even beings over a hundred meters away can be negatively effected, with weaker creatures passing out outright from the pressures they are exposed to.

The specific diet of the Hierophant changes over the course of their lives. When young, they dine on large, low growing shrubs, while as they age and their horns begin to grow into place, they begin to consume vegetation that can be easily eaten without getting in the way of their horns, such as small trees. They have indentation that suggests a capacity for omnivorey, meaning this herbivorous nature is a deliberate choice on their part. The Hierophant posses a long, flexible tongue, though they prefer to avoid using these muscles where they can as it is one of the most vulnerable parts of their anatomy that hidden predators have been known to attack and tear off for a quick meal. [A note is attached. It depicts a fairly good sketch of an Hierophant eating from a cartoonishly drawn bowl of fruits and vegetables.

In terms of disposition, the Hierophant is a calm, nonhostile creature. They prefer to scare off their enemies rather than kill them, though they will not hesitate to use lethal force if needed to protect themselves or others of their kind. They particularly have a low tolerance for predators attempting to attack the back of their necks. Hierophants are social creatures that live in large herds ruled by a matriarch, typically the oldest female and likely possessing a familial link to most of the other members of their herd. Rudimentary cultures and customs have been observed being performed by Hierphants, including respect for their own dead and even the dead of other creatures. When encountering a dead body, the Hierophant, whether alone or with others of their kind, will gather around the deceased and perform simple ritualistic behavior. This behavior is the origin of their name and nickname.

When mating season arrives, males will become notable more aggressive and competitive with one another. They will begin to perform ritualized combat and fight one another with a mixture of their magics and use of their horns in front of a female they are trying to impress. There are instances of blood being shed during this, though for the most part, the fighting is largely ritualized. The male that manages to impress the female the most will become her mate, with a courtship ritual ensuing that seems vaguely synonymous with the Civilized Race concept of marriage. [A note is attached. It depicts a pair of cartoon Hierophants getting married, complete with one wearing an oversized tux and the other wearing a wedding dress and veil.]

The Hierophant is a calm beast, not unlike the Springback, making them part of a set of creatures known as the 'Holy Few', due to their peaceful natures. Symbols of the Ambaric Church, the Hierophant is often attributed to the position of Pontiff in the Church's hierarchy. These creatures help inspire awe in the Civilized Races that bare witness to them, their lives and actions being recorded in many wildlife documentaries the continent over.​
Wolf Tiger.

[Sketches depict a large wolf creature, with a mane covering the neck and chest and with tiger like stripes covering the rest of its furred body. Precise coloration varies on subspecies, but all have the typical slitted pupils Nullian canines have, as well as having long, thick tails with flared ends. Their muscles are powerfully built and dense, allowing for feats of strength impressive for a creature its size.]

[A note is attached. It reads, 'I met a pet Wolf Tiger once when I was a kid. She knocked me over when she ran past, it took my parents as solid minute to pry me out of the bushes I was knocked into. Fun times!']

Scientific Name Translation: Learning Dog.

Average Size: Medium scale creature, average of 8-10 feet/2.438-3.048 meters long.

Average Weight: 875-1280 pounds/396.89-580.6 kilograms.

Notable Sexual Dimorphism: Females have fuller manes around their neck and chest.

Habitat Range: Found in most forested environments.

A wide variety of canines exist in our world. We Oros, in fact, are canines, though our muzzles aren't as long as our feral counterparts nor do we have tails anymore. One particular canid species to be related to us are the Wolf Tigers, one of the larger species of canines to exist on Null. Individually strong and powerful, individual Wolf Tigers are typically solitary creatures, hunting and surviving on their own, though they will make calls to bring help from other Wolf Tigers nearby in times of stress.

Wolf Tigers produce a wide range of vocalizations, as most Nullian canines are capable of. This ranges from typical barks and howls to loud and powerful roars. A sonic component exists, giving their voices enough power to be used as a focused sonic weapon. When this sonic component is active, a Wolf Tiger howl can rupture organs and blood vessels of lesser creatures from a range of as far as 15 meters away. When focused, their sonic roars can be projected in a cone upwards of 50 meters in front of them, with armored individuals who are too close reporting structural and electronic damage to their suits of Power Armor, in addition to the damage to their organic tissue. Needless to say, these powerful vocalizations can be heard from many miles away.

Precise appearance of a Wolf Tiger varies from species to species, though they are uniformly striped to break up their profiles for most of their bodies save their manes. Most posses coloration to their coats to help with camouflage. For example, a Wolf Tiger living in a Crimson Rainforest will have red fur and black stripes, while individuals living near rivers will have bluish coats and brown stripes, to simulate silt filled water. As with their Wolf Hound cousins, the presence of nipples is a good indicator of whether one if a female or not, though females tend to have fuller manes than their male counterparts. The mane of a Wolf Tiger determines their age, health, and even social status. Those with larger manes are typically more successful in attaining a mate, warding off predators and competitors without a fight, and even being given reverential treatment from the usually lackadaisical Wolf Hounds. [A note is attached. It depicts several sketches of a Wolf Tiger, their manes getting progressively larger and fuller to the point where it becomes comedic and impractical. Words follow, reading 'Totally 1000% accurate, swearsies.']

In terms of temperament, the Wolf Tiger is defensive of its territory, and has a lower tolerance for Civilized Races than other canine relatives of theirs. When encountering a lone individual or small group they do not see as much of a threat, the Wolf Tiger will make its presence known and roar at them to leave their territory. When a strong individual, or large group, is detected, the Wolf Tiger will begin stalking behavior to observe their prey and to determine the best course of action to drive them off. If, however, an individual helps or protects the Wolf Tiger, the Wolf Tiger will gain a respect for them and will not attempt to fight them off.

While the majority of creatures on Null are capable of learning from their encounters and mistakes, the Wolf Tiger is notable for learning at an accelerated manner. What would take another creature to determine an action isn't working five tries, the Wolf Tiger determines in two or three before they change their approach. This is most notable for Wolf Tigers that have survived encounters with Hunters and soldiers. When encountering the same individual, the Wolf Tiger will attempt a different approach and set of tactics to deal with the individual in their second encounter. Furthermore, Wolf Tigers have been known to learn from observing other creature's failures, never repeating their same mistakes when they attempt to perform the same task themselves.

When encountering a hostile while another Wolf Tiger is present, they will begin to work together to take down the enemy. Strategy varies from team up to team up, though a common strategy is for one of the Wolf Tigers to act as bait, drawing attention away before the second attacks from behind or above. More seasoned Wolf Tigers, such as mated pairs, will have the one not engaging in combat wait a few moments before striking, to maximize the attention being diverted to their partner.

In terms of combat capability, the Wolf Tiger is extremely strong due to its abundance of dense musculature. A single Wolf Tiger is capable of dragging upwards of 20 tons across several miles without rest or slowing down. Several working together are able to bring down and drag large prey or even dead predators away to be eaten in peace. Their claws are extremely sharp on their own, capable of rending unmodified steel with little issue or resistance. When combined with the mystical ability to cover their claws in a plasma coating, a Wolf Tiger can damage and eventually breach modern day Powered Armor that has been mystically reinforced. Their jaw strength is also quite strong for a canine, capable of bite out plating from a Power Armor unit that gets too close. Combined with their stealth capabilities, intellect, and ranged sonic ability that can be used to disorient an unprepared target as well as damage them from afar, and the Wolf Tiger is an extremely dangerous threat on its own. Their tail-clubs can also crush armor if hitting at the right angles. Caution is advised when dealing with one, and getting into a close range brawl is not recommended save for Warrior Body Type Oros, Cerberi, or a Mortalized Erui Spirit. [A note is attached. It reads 'Wrastling a Wolf Tiger sounds like fun in theory, but I got the chance to try with a K9 unit one. I lost. And then she kept licking me when I was down and drool got in my mouth and bleh.']

Mating season occurs every year at around the end of winter so their pups can be born in spring time. Wolf Tiger pups are more playful than their adult counterparts, and their parents will occasionally tolerate the presence of younger Wolf Hounds to act as playmates for their own pups. When raising their pups, the weaker parent stays behind to guard the pups while the stronger hunts for food, though the mother regardless of she strength stays with them for the first few weeks when they're at their most vulnerable to feed them milk. When encountering an individual of the opposite sex, unmated Wolf Tigers will size the other up up. If one or both individuals find their potential partner lacking, they will dismissively leave them behind to search elsewhere.

The Wolf Tiger is an exceptionally powerful and famous canine. One of the most common modern sets of Powered Armor is named after them, with stylings of the creatures emblazoned on the the armor. Stealthy, strong, tough, and overall dangerous, the creatures have been used in fables, stories, and historical accountings the world over, making them a popular symbol for Hunters and military personnel alike. Since 2000 years ago, there have even been successful attempts at taming Wolf Tigers, with some lines becoming fully domesticated and creating the larger dog species on the market. K9 units always have a few domestic Wolf Tiger on hand in order to wrestle down and pin uncooperative suspects and criminals. [A note is attached. It reads 'I met the MP K9 unit on the base I used to work in. One of the Wolf Tigers they had licked my helmet off my head even though it was strapped on. Fun times!']
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[Sketches depict a Beowulf looking creature. Notable differences are noted, however: The skin lacks the fur the Beowulves have and have pathways resembling volcanic vein running through their bodies when enraged. Their tails are slightly shorter and their backs burst alive with burning flames, giving the appearance of the creature wearing a mantle or cloak of fire on its back. The eyes are typically some form of coloration related to fire, such as red, amber, or orange.]

[A note is attached. It reads, 'The Beowulves arsonist cousins. Burnating the countrysides since forever.']

Scientific Name Translation: Burning Mantle.

Average Size: Large scale creature, average of 12-15 feet/3.66-4.572 meters high on hind legs.

Average Weight: Average of 4-5 tons.

Notable Sexual Dimorphism: Females tend to have longer, more noticeable ears than males.

Habitat Range: Predominately found in the Southern Heat Planes, small but notable population found in the Northern Wastes.

The Beowulf family of creatures is extensive in scale and variety. One notable subspecies is the Burnback, a type of Beowulf species that split off from the main line several hundred thousand years ago and has developed into a notably different creature in the modern day. Their short fur that dot the mainline species' hide not covered in scutes has been replaced by dark, rough flesh, making these draco-ursines closer in appearance to draconic beings than normal. The most notable feature about the Burnback, however, is the presence of pathways along their bodies to produce flames, the largest concentration being along their backs. When activated, the Burnback's namesake erupts into a mantle like projection of fire hot enough to melt lead on contact. [A note is attached. It depicts a cartoon Burnback standing upright with a burning cape bellowing behind it. Words follow, reading 'I like to call them 'fire capes', which is really freaking cool!']

Creatures adapted to survive in the Southern Heat Planes, Burnbacks take the notable degree of heat resistance found in their normal Beowulf kin and take it to an obscene degree. These creatures routinely swim and rest in lava flows and pools. In the odd occasion where these pools cool down enough to trap the beasts within them, the Burnbacks simply produce their own flames until the ground they are stuck in melts back into lava. Their claws, decent at digging by design, are even better at doing so due to being able to produce a continuous plasma coating around them, allowing them to dig through solid rock and make their own dens in mountain sides given enough time and dedication. [A note is attached. It reads 'They'd make excellent miners if they weren't, you know, animals. I heard some Firebrands tried to teach some Burnbacks to become mining animals, but it didn't turn out well.']

This is in contrast to most other creatures that sheath their claws in plasma coating, as they are able to produce it for a continuous period of time rather than for brief moments to swipe at foes. Their tails are slightly shorter than their mainline cousins, but not less powerful or dangerous. Not unlike their claws, they can sheath the edges in a plasma coating, giving their tails a disturbing amount of cutting power for their width.

The breath weapon of the creature is notable different from that of the regular bioplasma utilized by normal Beowulves. Burnback Bioplasma is a slow burning mixture capable of sticking to and continuously burning a target for a long period of time. With a continuous supply of oxygen to burn with, a single gallon of this bioplasma can burn for up to an hour and 45 minutes. In ancient times, Burnbacks were hunted by Oros of the Firebrand Nation in order to harvest their particular kind of bioplasma to be used for burning oil lamps and be sold to other Nations as flamethrower fuel. This bioplasma does not burn as hot as the substance produced by some creatures known as 'Thermium', but it remains a deadly tool in the Burnback's arsenal.

When surrounded by foes, or after sustaining too much damage, Burnbacks receive a second wind in the form of a enraged state. When enraged, Burnbacks have the burning pathways all over their bodies flare up all at once. This gives them the appearance of creatures with burning lava flows for veins, their eyes ablaze as the localized area around them is consumed by fire. Combined with all the previously mentioned facets of the beasts, soldiers and Hunters without dedicated heat resistant armor are highly discouraged from facing these creatures in combat. [A note is attached. It features a simple math formula: 'Oros+Fire=Burny-Burny Dance of Death.']

Burnbacks are opportunistic omnivores, eating anything they deem palatable. Animal meat, the odd and hardy flora that grows in the Southern Heat Planes, raw minerals, they will subsist on anything they find. Lava flows with a particular noticeable amount of trace rare minerals will be consumed by Burnbacks as well, the creatures literally drinking the molten rock until satisfied. This of course means they are one of the species that will eat the armor right off of the corpse of a fallen soldier or Hunter, subsisting of the processed materials and electronics with relish. [A note is attached. It depicts a cartoon Burnback eating a hotdog, only the frank is replaced with suit pieces. They are topped with literal relish.]

Despite their predominately fire based power set, Burnbacks are deceptively cool headed and calculating in battle. If they do not have an overwhelming advantage, they will constantly attempt to outflank their opponents while constantly hammering them with flames from a distance in order to try and wear them down. They share this calculating nature when hunting as well, preferring to ambush their targets rather than overwhelm them with force. Even when in their enraged state, they rarely outright charge their opponents, instead performing a slow, but steady advance, protecting themselves from counterattacks while delivering crushing blows of their own.

Mating season is infrequent for Burnbacks. When it occurs, males and females meet near lava pools. Should the two parties take interest in one another, they enter and mate within the lava pools. Females bare litters of anywhere from 2-4 pups at a time, these pups staying close to their parents for several years before moving out on their own. The typically agreed upon sign of adulthood for a Burnback is when they are finally able to produce and maintain their signature burning back mantles, at which point they move on to live a solitary life until mating season eventually comes again.

Burnbacks are a popular creature among the Firebrand Hunting community. Armors made using their materials are seen as symbols of power and skill, with many a story of single Hunters battling their target beasts in battles that shake the earth and scorch the ground into glass. Several hundred years ago, overhunting threatened the Burnback population, but with updates to hunting regulations, the Firebrand portion of the Hunting Guild managed to help prevent the creatures from becoming endangered. While their populations are in excellent numbers in this day and age, the Hunting Guild wisely keeps an eye out for news of overhunting, in order to prevent the ecosystem from being thrown out of alignment due to one too many Firebrand Hunters desiring to make coveted Burnback armor for themselves.
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[Sketches depict a large, furred, semi-bipedal creature with elements of mammalian and theropod design schemes, with a hint of orinthropod thrown into the mix. Large, mammalian heads on the front end posses to massive, curled up horns that resemble horns that are blown into to make a sound, the horns leading from the side of the heads and connected behind the creature's nostrils. Sketches depict the creatures using these horns to make long distance calls to alert others of their kind through blizzards.]

[A note is attached. It reads 'I used to have a mini reproduction Farcaller horn that I blew into. It was pretty cool, until it got taken away from one too many noise complaints.']

Scientific Name Translation: North Crier.

Average Size: Large-Scale Creature, Average of 15-18 feet/4.572-5.486 meters high at the top of the horn.

Average Weight: 20-27 tons.

Notable Sexual Dimorphism: Females have larger, fuller manes around their necks compared to males.

Habitat Range: Cold regions, particularly the Northern Wastes.

Out of the many creatures in the Northern Wastes, few posses as memorable a design feature as the Farcaller. Large, herd-dwelling synapsid creatures, the Farcallers are furred behemoths that posses theropod-like qualities when on the move. However, when resting or feeding, their long and powerful forelimbs are used to put them in a quadrupedal stance, allowing them to remain in place for extended period of times. This is most often done during particularly brutal and cold ice storms when their herd huddles together for warmth and energy conservation.

The most notable feature of the Farcaller, and the tools of that give them their name sake, are their large, open horns. Starting with connections behind their nostrils, moving along the sides of their heads, and ending with openings extending upwards behind their scalps, Farcaller horns amplify and release their calls in out into the open. A similar, though distinct, process is found with the humble Apo, who used a fully enclosed system via their crests and release the sound back out through their mouths. The Farcaller's calls are used for long distance communication with others of their kind as well as to alert their near-by herds.

Despite the seemingly open ends of the horns, a closer examination of the interiors reveals a surprisingly complex series of bony structures as well as a wall of flesh at the end to prevent snow and other debris from falling inside. If this flesh is broken for whatever reason, it rapidly regenerates to close off the horn once again. Interestingly, this flesh seems to be a part of the amplification process, as its loss impacts the quality and volume of the horn's calls. [A note is attached. Sketches depicting an eye-patch wearing female Oros blowing into a Farcaller horn are shown, with the woman seemingly having a lot of fun doing so.]

The control at which the Farcaller has over its cries is great. The series of bony structures within the horn shift and alter themselves at will, allowing the horn to produce a variety of different sounding calls for a variety of situations. Local wildlife in the Northern Wastes have come to learn the meanings behind these calls and listen intently to them when they reach their ears. Some calls, such as those used for communication between distant Farcallers, is used to determine a source of fresh frost-plant life to feed upon, while others are used to determine if there is danger in the Farcaller's area. Any predator capable of being a threat to a healthy, adult Farcaller is a threat most other creatures would prefer to avoid at all costs, afterall.

In terms of offensive capabilities, the Farcaller posses a stiff, but powerful tail that it can use to attack its foes. The front limbs are relatively long and, while the claws aren't particularly sharp on their own, can breach unarmored flesh with ease due to the strength behind them. Their digits are also flexible enough to be able to grip unto objects such as rocks. They will grab and use such objects as a tool for their defense. If all else fails, and they face an armored opponents, the Farcaller can grip and yank off armored plating thanks to their great strength. Their back legs aren't the most articulated portions of themselves and are thus best suited for running. If needed, however, they can produce quick swipes and stomps to their sides. The hidden weapon of the Farcaller are their horns, which are able to produce a powerful sonic amplification that can rupture blood vessels and organs of creatures that are too close to them. [A note is attached. A sketch depicting a cartoony Farcaller producing a loud 'honk' in front of an arctic predator, loud enough to blow off the predator's flesh, leaving only the skeleton behind. The skeletonized predator has a speech bubble saying 'can you turn that down?']

Their temperament is on the edge of mercurial. While they do not go out of their way to attack Civilized Races, they are territorial and protective of their herds. As such, they will make threatening displays in order to warn off potential Hunters from getting too close, and are more than willing to gang up on Civilized Races if they refuse to leave peacefully. That being said, they can notice and move to avoid Civilized settlements at a distance, with many Icebreaker towns and cities having regular watch parties to observe the herds of large creatures move in the distance, provided the snow fall on that particular date is not too bad.

During less turbulent times of the year, however, Farcaller herds make long distance journeys in search of their primary food source, frost-tree leaves, though they can and will subsist on a diet of meat and permafrost dwelling lichen if these journeys do not take them to their food sources fast enough. When hungry, any meat they can safely consume is fair game, up to and including cannibalism of fallen Farcallers. This is often avoided where possible, however, as Farcallers are a species susceptible to prion diseases that make cannibalism a dangerous prospect for them, often leading to madness followed by death. Other predators of the region are either not affected by these diseases, or can safely detect and avoid the carcasses.

Being a herd based creature, rearing of young is a communal affair. Young Farcallers, aside from their comparatively small sizes to adults, are marked by a lack of their signature horns, due to them having yet to grow in yet. Young are often kept at the center of the herds for their protection, with older members being on the outside of the herd's composition. This ensures their safety from predators that may target them for an easy meal. As they approach adulthood, the young Farcallers eventually leave their birth herds when they are strong enough, venturing out to find a new herd to become a part of. When found, the new herds adopt the new Farcallers into their midst with relatively little fuss and ceremony.

In terms of relationships with Civilized Races, the Farcallers are a well known totem animal to the Icebreaker Nation of Oros. They are held in high regard due to meat, fur, and tough bones, all of which are still in use to this day. The Hunting Guild of the Northern Wastes has a special contract with the Icebreakers to provide them with Farcaller materials on an annual basis, while also protecting the herds that exist from unlawful poachers. This means that the only way to legally get access to Farcaller materials, whether it be meat or furred clothing, is through the Northern Hunting Guild and the Icebreaker government. If Farcaller material is found that lacks the stamp of approval seared into it, then the material is either counterfeit or unlawfully gained. Anyone who finds such materials can turn them into their local Median governmental office, or directly to the Icebreaker's governmental offices, if they are near by.

(Sorry for the long delay, folks. Schedule slip doesn't even begin to cover it.)

[Sketches depict a variety of dangerous insectoid beasts. The most common Worker caste possess three main body parts, the large abdomen and moderately sized thorax as well as a large armored head. The 8 legs are long and sharp edged, like blades. The head posses 8 eyes with black coloration, smokey white pupils. Its maw is like the hinged jaws of all Nullian insectoids, but with the addition of a pair of serrated mandibles on either side of the maw. Various other body plans of Castes are shown as well. Soldiers are larger and with dangerous blade like mandibles while Queens are immense barely mobile.]

Scientific Name Translation: Tyrannical Butcher-Bug.

Average Size: Varies on specific caste.

Average Weight: Varies on specific caste.

Notable Sexual Dimorphism: Most castes are non-reproducing females, while males act as Kings alongside the Queens.

Habitat Range: World-wide save the Heat Planes.

Of the wide variety of arthropodal beasts on the world of Null, few are as successful or as widespread as the Spider-Ant. Only the average, thumb-sized ants and bees are more successful in how widespread they are. This is most striking with the Spider-Ant, however, for there is evidence to suggest that they are not, in fact, native to Null. No fossil or genetic records shows their existence beyond a sudden arrival some fifteen million years ago. This is considered proof among the scientific community that the Spider-Ants are one of several species brought to Null by the mysterious 'Uplfiters', beings known to exist in the shadows of our world collecting specimens from across reality to add to Null's ecosystem. [A note is attached. It depicts a wedge headed cepholopod like creature lurking in the shadows, its tentacles resembling a heavy coat around it.]

Regardless as to their origins, the success of the Spider-Ant has made them a world-wide threat. The Spider-Ant is a vicious, brutally cunning beast, their intellect exceeding any other known arthropod. Their tunnel networks are vast and intricate, full of complex traps the beasts designed and set up to ensnare unwanted guests. This often renders the many wars fought against them dangerous endeavors, for every assault on their nests turns into a siege.

Indeed, the intellect of Spider-Ant makes combat against them not extermination of pests, but full on wars. They utilize traps, as previously mentioned, but worse yet in open combat, they corral and direct other animals to act as war beasts. Whenever a battle is met with the creatures, there is always some manner of other animal that has been direct to fight Civilized Races on behalf of the Spider Ants.

Many volumes can be filled with the complex social and psychological structure of the Spider-Ant. In fact, many such books have already been written. This is because such things cannot be understated, as it is their intellect that makes the Spider-Ant so deadly. Their size or other biological features are but instruments for this intelligence to use in their efforts for supremacy in the world. Furthermore, it is not in trap making where their intellect shines, but in how they make use of the resources of their world. Spider-Ants are one of the only creatures to perform sustainable farming methods, both with fungal growths they feed in the depths of their hives with the corpses of their slain enemies, but also livestock keeping. Namely, with the humble Mofu.

The 'Mofu Farms' are a truly ingenious, but thoroughly gruesome affair that helps show the lack of compassion of these beasts. Mofu are rounded up from the surface and brought into large, multi-decked chambers. Once inside, the work begins. The limbs of the Mofu are torn off and the wounds burnt shut. The now limbless Mofu are then force fed food to make their coats grow at a rapid pace. A cycle of feeding and harvesting begins from this point on, for the rest of the Mofu's life, with only an accident cutting said life short or freedom by a Civilized assault being the only means to end their suffering. [A note is attached. It reads 'I've said it before, and I'll say it again: This is beyond janked.']

Ironically, despite their intelligence, they are not very wise. They see the Civilized Races of Null as threats to themselves, a self-fulfilling attitude as their constant attacks and attempts to destroy the Civilized Races has resulted in unending war between the two forces. Thankfully, this lack of wisdom extends to different nests: Rather than work together, they constantly battle one another in order to establish supremacy. Indeed, many surprise assaults on Spider-Ant nests have seen Median Knights and Hunters find a battle already underway between different Spider-Ants. More than one hive has successfully been burnt to cinders thanks to this intercine conflict, sometimes without even needing Civilized intervention to set it ablaze.

Having said all of this, their biological features are also deadly in various regards of combat. Their sharp, blade like forelimbs allow even for the humbles Worker among them to cut through hardened steel with little difficulty, while they are also able to spit out a toxic, caustic material several dozen meters forwards. The 'spider' in their name is not merely a title. As with the actual arachnids, Spider-Ants can create a sticky web. Like with most Nullian spiders, they are also able to shoot out this web from their abdomen in order to capture prey at a short distance. This allows for even a Worker to tangle up Median soldiers and Hunters with little issue, thus requiring proper thought and strategy when confronting the beasts. The various Castes also have their own biological quirks worry about in a fight. Male Drones are winged and capable of sustained flight, while Bombadiers are specially bred creatures designed to act as living suicide bombs. [A note is attached. It depicts a cartoonish 'Bombadier' that resembles a cartoon bomb on legs. A single word adorns it: 'boom'.]

Their chitinous armor is durable, capable of surviving constant indirect shots from Slugger and railgun infantry weapons while being able to survive a handful of direct shots from the former weapons. The larger Soldiers are even more durable and the titanic Tanks often require heavy weapons fire to reliably bring down. However, as with many insectoids, their chitin is covered by a waxy material that gives them their trademark sheen. And just with many insectoids, this wax is highly flammable. As a result, no matter what subspecies one is dealing with out in the world, Spider-Ants can reliably be put down by flame based attacks. As a result of this, the one place the Spider-Ants do not have a firm hold over is the Southern Heat Planes, though worrisome reports in recent years indicate a new subspecies with a very high resilience to high temperatures beginning to appear in this region.

The reproductive cycle is as straightforward as insectoids can get: A King and Queen act as the main breeders, creating a nest of non-reproducing young around them. Overwhelming evidence suggests that multiple sets of Kings and Queens work together to form full hives, though in all known assaults, only one pair remains behind to fight Civilized attackers while the others escape. It's highly likely that these are the original founders of the specific hive, and thus, are overwhelmingly territorial over it compared to the others that escape.

The precise means of determining what Caste is made from what larva is hard to discern, though there is evidence to suggest that the usage of some form of 'royal jelly', or perhaps a lack of usage, is what determines the Caste in question. Regardless as to the precise mechanism, numerous Castes have been recorded over the millennia. New breeds are raised over the course of many centuries of selective breeding, or perhaps even outright genetic manipulation through unknown means. All of them dangerous in their own right.

The Spider-Ant is a varied, dangerous threat, possible extraterrestrial or even extra-dimensional in origin. They are incredible hostile and devilishly intelligent, with a cruelty and lack of foresight that holds them back while still making them one of the most successful and dangerous insectoids on the face of Null. There has never been an event of 'pest control' with the Spider-Ant. When conflict between them an the Civilized Races occur, and it will always occur without fail, is war, with all that entails. In this modern day of the Walled Cities, many new and intricate methods have been developed to stop them from attacking from below ground. As a result, they now spend day after day, week after week, assailing the walls without end or success. Only with the complete eradication of this species will there finally, truly be a warless peace on the face of Null. Only time will tell how long they survive in the current era. [A note is attached. It reads: 'We've already brought one kind of monster to extinction. What's one more?']

(The first update of the new years! Hopefully the first of many!)​

[Sketches depict a Parasaurolophus like hadrosaurid creature, its crest armored and its upper lip with a brush like plate on the males, similar to an armored mustache. It is large in size, yet very peaceful going by there are no depictions of it in combat. Furthermore, they appear in mixed prey herds, standing on their hind legs to watch over their fellows and giving calls to alert them of danger. Several of the sketches also show them enjoying Null's apple equivalents, the Apas.]

[A note is attached. It depicts a cartoon Apo buried under a mountain of Apas, the head poking out.]

Scientific Name Translation: Watchtower Crest.

Average Size: 2-3 meters/6.56-9.84 feet high, depending on the creature.

Average Weight: 9-13 tons.

Notable Sexual Dimorphism: Females lack the 'mustache' plate males posses, and have flared armor sections on their crests..

Habitat Range: Across all known biomes, with subspecies for more extreme environments.

Only a handful of hadrosaurid species remain alive on Null in this day an age, a far cry from their plentiful nature over the millions of years. The most well known and famous is the humble Apo. A large but gentle creature, Apos are a common sight among large prey herds as well as old style farms, particularly herds whose compositions include Mofu and Oliphants. This trio of creatures makes up the image of a prey heard in the minds of civilized Races the continent over.

The Apo receives its name due to the sheer love of apas they posses. Indeed, one can argue that the creatures are addicted to the taste of wild apas to the point where some predators have learned to stalk around wild apa groves in order to take down wayward Apos seeking them out. Early Civilized Races used the Apos to track down and find these groves of wild apas, fruit that was plentiful and more easily eaten than some of the other more common wild fruits of the world at the time.

The origins of the Apo is one carefully cataloged in the fossil record. Evidence showed the first modern Apo appeared no less than 1.2 million years ago. The precise reasoning for why this is is unknown, but it is believed due to the precise physical similarities between the original Apos and their modern day descendants, it is believed that they were similar in attitude and temperament. Further fossil evidence with Oros ancestors indicates that early Oros precursors lived alongside the creatures, with the earliest known examples of cave paintings showing they were hunted in early times alongside other prey animals of the era. [A note is attached. It depicts a sketch of an Apo nuzzling an ancient Oros hunter who can't bring themselves to kill the creature in question.]

As with all still living hadrosaurids, the Apo possess a distinctive crest over its head, long and curved with additional plating at the front giving it a slightly flared look when looked at from straight forward. The crest for the Apo is hollow, and contains passage ways for air to move through. When this occurs, the Apos can produce a deep, distinctive call that can be heard from miles away. Furthermore, the bone and armor that makes up this crest is fairly durable, allowing it to weather blows during an attack. Should the crest be broken, however, it takes anywhere from several weeks to two months to finish healing back up, the dense bone knitting itself back into place over that prolonged period.

In terms of defenses and offensive capability, the Apo is fairly lacking in most departments. They lack armor plating, their flesh is of average toughness, their limbs, while strong, are not adept at attacking, and they lack claws save blunt ones meant more for digging than attack. Their tails are long and with a strong base, allowing them to theoretically use them as whips against hostile creatures.

In practice, Apos are gentle creatures that avoid conflict when possible, much of the fighting in turn being done by the Oliphants of the herd. That being said, if an Apo sees one of their young in danger, they will unhesitatingly charge in to attack with a headbutt, their tough crests more than built to survive the assault and their necks surprisingly reinforced for such an occasion.

In terms of attitude, the Apo is highly unusual among Null's life forms. It is a non-aggressive creature that is actively peaceful and friendly towards other creatures not attempting to kill them. Wild Apos are even known to nuzzle their heads against Civilized Races that they come across. As a result of their peaceful demeanor, and their actively helpful attempts to protect their mixed prey herds, the Apo was one of the earliest creatures to be domesticated for farming. [A note is attached. It reads 'It's true, I've even seen some nuzzle predators that weren't trying to attack them when they didn't have herds to protect.']

Unlike the Oliphant and Mofu, however, both of which are harvested for their milk and meat and meat-wool respectively, the Apo is not slaughtered for its flesh. Indeed, Apo's are considered one of the 'Holy Few', and as a result are treated like sacred animals. Amidst the remaining conventional farms in the world, they remain the faithful watchmen to their fellow creatures as they had been for millennia, only their unfertilized eggs being taken for consumption. When an Apo is dying of old age, it is tended to until its passing moments, at which point select cuts of flesh are harvested for sacred meals while the rest is ceremonially cremated.

When the mating season occurs, Apo parents raise nesting sites in order to lay and guard clutches of dozens of Hamperball sized eggs. After a gestation period of only a few weeks, the eggs hatch, and young Apos are immediately ready to join their parents' herds as they begin to migrate at the end of the mating season. Due to their relatively small sizes and little built in defenses, young Apos are at the complete mercy of the world and are thus under constant watch and protection from their parents. An unusual trait of their species is that fertilized eggs are marked by yellow rings going around them at regular intervals. Unfertilized eggs posses rings as well, though they are a dull orange instead. Domesticated Apo females semi-regularly produce unfertilized eggs all throughout the year, making a slow but steady supply of these luxury goods, though hardly enough to remove the supply and demand of the Blue Forest Fowl. [A note is attached. It reads 'Hamperball instead of Basketball, Blue Forest Fowl instead of Clucken. Yup, this guy be old.']

A common sight among mixed prey herds, Apos are a well known and beloved sight in the world. Peaceful and calm, actively protecting their fellow prey animals, Apos are a protected species across the various Oros Nations of the Median. This recognition is such that they are one of the creatures selected to be part of the Royal Gardens in the Mediator's Crimson Palace, the creatures of this particular herd being treated like royalty while being adorned with priceless cloths and gems. Few beings on this world are as deserving of such treatment as the humble Apo.

[Sketches depict an avian fowl similar to a chicken. Where a Chicken is short and rotund, however, the Clucken is taller and proportionately slimmer, with strong musculature beneath its feathers. Its eyes seem to be in a perpetual glare and its comb and wattle are less like fleshy extensions and more like armored sections for the head and neck respectively. The standard species possesses a distinctive blue coloration to their feathers, making them blend in with the Azura Lowlands they hail from.]

[A note is attached. It depicts a cartoonish depiction of a Clucken, eyes pointing in different directions as it gives a bawk. A speech bubble even says '[Enraged bawk]']

Scientific Name Translation: Rage Fowl.

Average Size: 3-4 feet/0.91-1.2 meters tall.

Average Weight: 20-45 pounds/9.07-20.41 kilograms.

Notable Sexual Dimorphism: None, hermaphroditic single-sex species.

Habitat Range: Continent wide, subspecies for extreme environments.

Out of all of the livestock creatures known and kept by the Civilized Races of Null, none match the ferocity and pure, raw rage of the comparatively diminutive Blue Forest Fowl. Not even the gruff and frequently annoyed Oliphant or the viciously brutal Gobbler can match the sheer amount of unrefined fury bound to these creatures' hearts.

Some arguments exist as to the reason for this rage. The most common one that modern science has had some proof to support is that the Clucken, as they are commonly known by today, are of enough intelligence to recognize their lowly place in the food chain and thus feel a vindictive fury as a result. Research shows that Cluckens bred in the wild recognize threats to themselves when they are alone and attempt to avoid conflict, but when a predator is weak or otherwise unable to defend itself, the Clucken moves in to hassle and attack the unfortunate creature in question. Indeed, Clucken completely raised in captivity, while still having a notable attitude, are notably more docile and less violently aggressive towards races they normally show nothing but vindictive vengeance towards. [A note is attached. It shows a sketch of a Clucken pointing a wing towards a Wolf-Hound, the words 'jank him up' coming from her in a speech bubble.]

In terms of natural weaponry, the legs of a Clucken are muscular and powerful, their feet tipped with razor sharp claws and both those and their beaks being hard enough to be comparable to military grade metal. The claws are further made deadlier by a coating of plasma energy, used to better slash through the tough flesh of any prey animals they come across in their roaming flocks. It is said that they posses caustic venom as well, though closer research reveals that this is an uncommon mutation usually only seen in the wilds. They posses limited flight capabilities, though this is usually reserved to reach higher vantage points rather than attempt true flight.

Standing at a maximum of 4 feet tall at the top of the comb, the Clucken are swarming creatures in the wild. The dominant one among them leads the rest of the flock through a combination of superior experience and bullying behavior. While individually rather weak, even compared to similarly sized creatures, the Clucken can be surprisingly coordinated in their swarming tactics, using their superior numbers to bring down larger prey under a hail of slashing, plasma coated claws and pecking beaks. The complex hierarchy of the flock then sees the dominant member and her lieutenants taking their pick of the meat first, before the rest of the flock consumes the rest. The lowest members are often left with little more than scraps and whatever edible foliage there is in the surrounding area to feed from.

While Clucken raised in captivity also display a notable hierarchy, the literal pecking order is known for being more relaxed and discipline and bullying behavior less frequent as a result. This is considered an oddity among researchers as common sense would dictate that such displays would be reversed, as cooperation is vital for continued survival in the wilds for such comparatively weak creatures. Closer inspection of the wild hierarchy reveals it to be much more complex than initially thought, the specifics being evaluated in a variety of books on the subject of the Clucken.

The basics of the flock hierarchy is generally as follows: At the top is the lead hen, the strongest and most experienced of the adult Cluckens. Below her are her lieutenants, mates to her that enforce her rule and are themselves the next strongest in the line. Should the lead hen perish, the surviving lieutenants would regroup to safety along the rest of the flock before fighting amongst themselves for supremacy, the strongest taking over as lead hen and taking on the others as her subordinate mates. [A note is attached. It depicts a cartoon pair of cluckens wearing boxing gloves fighting each other, words reading 'Battle to bang'.]

Below the lieutenants are their respective children, who follow their mothers for several years before breaking off to search for new flocks to join, either as leaders themselves or bested to become lieutenants. At the bottom of the pecking order are the outsiders, elderly hens who have survived long enough toe be weakened by old age and thus serve at the bottom of the hierarchy. Most are battle scarred to the point of having few feathers left on their faces and torsos, and are used as bait by their fellows for their traps and ambushes against other creatures.

Among those raised in captivity, strength is respected but not the end all of the hierarchy as it is in the wilds. As such, combined with the safer nature of the farming centers, many city-flocks maintain their oldest members as a form of council to take experience from by the current generation through their complex series of bawking and clucking sounds, similar to a proto-language.

There is no set mating season among the wild Cluckens. Unlike most other pure avians, they do not lay eggs when fertilized, but rather spawn small broods of chicks. Eggs are laid in clutches on a semi-frequent basis, but are always unfertilized and are little more than a way to shed excess biomass when food is plentiful. The lead hen mates with her lieutenants, making them the source of the young in their flock, though usually only one or two at a time in order to ensure that there is always several active and dangerous members ready for combat. Bullying behavior to maintain control and dominance increases in a descending order, leading to an exponential increase from lead hen to outsider hens compared to her mates and offspring. [A note is attached showing a cartoon crowd of Cluckens. One of them is standing up, a feathered fist raised and shouting 'Yeah, screw old people!']

In captivity, Cluckens are less pressured to reproduce to keep up their numbers, thus when combined with their regular and plentiful feeding, egg laying is much more common. An average Clucken egg is usually 3-4.5 inches in length and 7 inches in circumference, with a weight of 144 grams, making a handful an excellent source of protein and nourishment.

Cluckens make a staple food source the world over. As is tradition in places that still practice slaughter to get their meat [instead of in-vitro production common in the modern day], when the time for meat harvesting occurs, an Oros with a dagger fights the livestock animal in question to give them an honorable death, and a chance to fight with dignity. Cluckens are special creatures as, to make up or their comparative weakness individually, they attack the Butcher in flocks. Many fully cooked Clucken roasts have a distinctive puncture wound in their sternum directly over their heart, corresponding do the traditional kill blow given to them during these combat sessions. Notably, while all animals killed in this method face their deaths with dignity, the Cluckens seem to accept their fate with an almost grateful fervor when the killing blow is done, perishing in a surprisingly peaceful manner for such a rage filled creature. [A note is attached. It depicts a very well done sketch of a fallen Clucken, the words 'Rest in Peace' over the body.]

These hermaphroditic fowls are a very common sight in portions of the wilds and in the farming community, still having a place even in this age of vat grown meat due to their ability to generate large amounts of eggs at a time. Some of Cluckens with milder dispositions have even been bred to serve as pets in some places, acting as faithful companions much in the same way a dog or Mimic Moth does for most other individuals.
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