A World of Monsters. (An Encyclopedia on the creatures of the world of Null.)

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[Sketches depict a wingless, quadrupedal avian like creature. It's feathers are depicted as being reddish in the sketches' ink, its sharp and serrated beak deadly, the rest of its face having a skull like quality to it.. The feathers appear to have stealth capabilities, as the creature is shown being able to mimic any material it is in contact with, allowing it to blend seamlessly with the environment.]

[A note is attached. It reads, 'I once wore a Skulker costume for Night of Masques as a kid. It was made with real Skulker feathers! Nobody could find me during the hide and seek game that night.']

Scientific Name Translation: Hidden Blood Raptor.

Average Size: Medium-scale creature, average of 8-9 feet/2.44-2.74 meters long, not including tail feathers.

Average Weight: Average of 1100-1180 pounds/498.95-535.24 kilograms.

Notable Sexual Dimorphism: Females have more serrations in their beak than males.

Habitat Range: Rainforests, rocky canyons, and other 'busy' locations to hide in.

Stealth is a vital part of the world. Prey use it to hide from their predators, while predators use it to sneak up on their prey. Soldiers wield stealth to approach their enemies undetected and spies use it to steal away information without being noticed. Stealth in the natural world comes in many forms. It is as simple as coloration's on ones natural coat, all the way to using powers to completely cloak oneself with invisibility. Out of all the creatures that are masters of stealth, however, few are as notorious as the Skulker.

Skulkers are a wingless member of the Gryphon family of creatures, having broken off from their mainline cousins somewhere around 3 million years ago at the earliest. The modern day Skulker possess a rudimentary approximation of a Gryphon, but only in profile and in biological traits such as their beak and thin tails ending in feathers. The most distinctive part of an uncloaked Skulker, aside from their red feathers, are their heavy, skull like faces. Closer inspection, however, reveals this to be a form of armored plating around their actual skull rather than being exposed bone as with some creatures like the Slinker. This armored plating also makes them capable of delivering powerful headbutts to their foes. [A note is attached. It depicts a cartoonish drawing of a bird skull wearing some sort of sport's helmet as a hat. It reads, 'I'm ready for the play offs, coach!']

The most vital part of the Skulker's camouflage capabilities are their feathers. These feathers are unlike any other in the natural world, and are a primitive precursor to the days before utilizing magic or other powers to totally conceal oneself. These feathers, along with the outer layers of exposed flesh such as their forearms and faces, are able to mimic the color and texture of their surrounding. Skulkers therefore match the current objects they lay against, to appear as a part of the object. Rocks, hillsides, trees, anything they can solidly grip to can be imitated. Combined with their ability to remain motionless for days on end and hold their breathing for hours, and the Skulker's relatively mundane stealth capabilities become increasingly difficult to detect. Detection by technology is further difficult due to some mild form of mystical field that renders their heat, neurological network, and heart beat undetectable by technological or magical means below a certain threshold of detection capability.

The feet of the Skulker's are both similar in build to one another, whereas most Gryphons posses different styled feet between their forelimbs and their hindlimbs. Three powerful fingers line their appendages, with grip strength to crush un-augmented steel with ease and with the subtlety to not ruin the material they are latching on to. The gravity affecting organ that aid Gryphons in flight has been modified to fit the Skulker's needs, allowing them to climb and latch unto steep surfaces with incredible ease without alerting their prey or foes.

The tail feathers of the Skulkers are similar to those on the edges of the wings of normal Gryphons. This means they can harden to metal strength and be launched with great force, as well as being able to regrow quickly. This provides the Skulkers with a potent ranged option when in combat with those that have detected them. Many soldiers and Hunters come back with scars on their power armor from a surprise attack by a Skulker's tail feathers being launched. [A note is attached. It reads, 'It's true, from the troops I've worked with. I mean, most of them aren't that bad, but they're a real surprise for those who weren't expecting to run into a Skulker on deployment.']

When a Skulker hunts, it usually hunts alone. However, never believe that there is only one Skulker, as they often form small hunting parties of between two to four Skulkers at once. The typical Skulker hunting method is to approach a prey from behind as quietly as possible before chomping down on the back of a prey's head or neck, whichever is less armored. Those they do not crush are savagely yanked about in order to break the neck. Skulkers do not perform these hunting methods upon Civilized Races, as they cannot feed upon us. As such, they will typically wait until ones back is turned before swiftly striking at vulnerable locations such as the back of ones legs before trying to tear out the throat. They are not usually territorial, but they are infamously murderous of Civilized Races they come across. [A large note is attached. It reads, 'They don't care who they target. One time during a field trip when I was 9, before my family and I came to the City of Byr, a Skulker somehow got into the city and park we were visiting. Me and like two other kids got our throats torn out in as many seconds before the school security guards fought and killed it.Maybe it wanted to kill me for wearing its kind as a costume or something. Anyway, got lots of ice cream during recovery and none of us died, so it's all good! Still look behind me whenever I'm in the park, though, even if the therapy helped a lot. (Though seriously, a kid shouldn't have two near-death experiences before they're ten, it's just wrong.)']

While much is known of their capabilities and hunting habits, not much is known about the Stalkers day to day activities. Unlike other stealth predators, who only employ their abilities during fights or while hunting, Skulkers tend to remain hidden for large portions of their lives. This makes it difficult to determine much about them, as those in captivity refuse to do more than sleep and eat, never engaging in other activity. This makes determining their mating habits rather difficult, but what is known is that parents typically have two-three young at a time, and spend upwards to a decade teaching them proper hunting techniques.

A quiet, cunningly savage predator, Skulkers are popular animals to hunt for status and armor as their feathers and flesh retain their camouflage abilities even after death. This makes them excellent sources for relatively cheap stealth suits and the odd costume, but the difficulty in finding them in the first place limits the amount of feathers available for usage in this manner.
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[Sketches depict a sizable flying insect creature that seems to fill the role of a mosquito. The body is angular, with sharp edged angled chitin armor protecting them, the head is triangular in shape without a mouth and instead an armored proboscis sticking out via the triangular head's 'nose'. Four non-compound eyes in total are around its head, two at the farthest corners of the angled head and two angled to look directly forward. It lacks traditional antenna, instead having two short stumpy sensors protruding from its head. Further sketches show them drinking blood from animals and, surprisingly despite the name, other liquids such as tree sap.]

[A note is attached. It depicts a cartoonish Oros female with an eyepatch who is sick in bed, words reading 'They don't even drink our blood and they still manage to make us sick. Get janked, Bloodbugs!']

Scientific Name Translation: Bloodletting Fly.

Average Size: Small-to-Medium scale creatures, normal species range from 1-2 inches/25.4-50.8mm's in length, while the Great species ranges from 2-3 feet/0.61-0.914 meters long.

Average Weight: Normal species Small-scale creature, approximate average of 2-2.5 ounces/56.7-70.87 grams, Great species averages of 40-55 pounds/18.14-24.95 kilograms

Notable Sexual Dimorphism: Females tend to be larger than males and have larger wings even proportionate to their size, as well as having red markings on their heads, thoraxes, and abdomens.

Habitat Range: Normal species found everywhere without temperature extremes, Giant species invade on occasion from the Land of Giants to the West.

There are few insectoid species as wide spread, or annoying, as the humble Bloodbug. While their commonality is highly dependent on region and how many predators there are to cull their numbers, they remain one of the single most prolific bringers of disease in the known world. A Bloodbug's internal juices mixes with the fluids they drink, and when they are too full, they will often leak droplets as they fly on by. These droplets are often infused with a wide range of diseases, some minor and some major, making these pests the most common way for outbreaks to occur in settlements otherwise secure in spreading plagues.

Despite their name, the Bloodbug does not exclusively feed upon blood. They are opportunistic ygrovores who will gladly drink whatever fluids they come across. Blood, plant sap, anything will do, though they do seem to have a preference for blood where available. The armored proboscis they posses are able to generate a field of contained plasma that, while not capable of bypassing thick armor, is able to slice open thick skin, allowing them to drink to their tiny heart's content.

As previously mentioned, they are a major vector for disease, particularly those that are liquid borne and highly contagious. Even other animals are aware of this and will try to kill or evade Bloodbugs they encounter in order to minimize the wide spread of disease. Despite these efforts, over the years, Bloodbug induced outbreaks have always taken place. [A note is attached. It reads 'I sometimes wish I was born a Royalback. Having a high resistance to diseases is so cool! Not as cool as being able to laugh off lightning, but still cool!']

The most common predators for the Bloodbug are an array of birds of prey, particularly the Deadeye Hawk and the Diamontine Eagle, both being species that are highly resistant to disease. Other large insects also partake in consuming Bloodbugs, up-to and including the Giant Moth species, the Woodspire Mantis and the Ladybeetle, who are also fairly resilient to the diseases known to inhabit Bloodbugs. Among Civilized Races, only the Royalback Nation of Oros have the disease resistance to safely consume these creatures, though non-Bughunter Oros' distaste for eating insectoid meat diminishes the possibility of these creatures being used as a potential food source. [A note is attached. It depicts a surprisingly good sketch of a Bughunter Oros with their insect-based mask up over their head and ears, their face fur covered with the tell-tale greenish 'splatter' marking over their eyes. Words follow, reading 'I met a Bughunter when I was a teen, just before me and my family moved here to Byr. He was so cool, wearing a Murderpede's shell on his back like a cloak and mask. I almost believed him when he said that Ladybeetles taste great fried up with honey!']

One cannot talk about Bloodbugs, however, without noting the sizable Great Bloodbug species that hail from the Land of Giants to the West. They are large creatures, with wingspans almost as long as a Normal body-type's arm. While regular Bloodbugs only indirectly harm Oros, Great Bloodbugs are a genuine threat. They are large enough to seek out to control territory for themselves, fighting other large life forms to do so. They are quick and accurate enough that they can use their plasma coated proboscis' to slice open a Civilized Race's throat even with armor on. As an invading species that come from the Land of Giants every century or so, it is a regular purging event to kill them off before they can propagate their species in our lands.

During the mating season, Bloodbugs form sizable colonies in damp, hard to reach places. While the eggs they lay require damp soil to properly settle on, they require an abundance of blood in order to be properly nourished. As such, Bloodbugs begin to swarm during this time of year in order to extract the necessary blood to feed their growing eggs. Their numbers are rapidly depleted during this time period, but more than enough to bring blood to the eggs always survive, ensuring that the next generation of Bloodbugs can develop and and continue the species.

Bloodbugs, though pests they are, are ultimately a vital part of the ecosystem. Without their constant bringing of disease, life would not be capable of developing immunities to previous generations of diseases, despite the loss of life that follows. As distasteful as it might be, we have them to thank for many common natural immunities all species have to old diseases before the modern age of the vaccine. That being said, in the modern day of the vaccine, they are extremely useful in obtaining samples of new diseases to begin researching cures for, before outbreaks can occur. [A note is attached. It reads, 'Am says to be intrigued by all the life that exists. I know it's wrong to say it, but I wish these things would up and die. Sooo, yeah, Bloodbugs? Please die.' A smiley face is attached to the end of this note.]
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Crash Drake.

[Sketches depict a bipedal draconic creature with some equine sensibilities and patches of relatively long fur on its forearms, running from the back of the neck to the start of the tail, and from the belly past the crotch to the underside of the armor plated tail. Their heads posses mammalian qualities such as long, slightly furred ears and lack scales save for armored plates running up the snout. The horns appear to actually be two extensions of a crest at the top of the creature's head, though they are solidly rooted in the head proper when looking at it from the side and back. Their feet are theropodic in nature, possessing three powerful primary toes, each tipped with a several inch long claw.]

[A note is attached. It reads, 'I got to ride one when I was a kid. It head butted me before and after I got on, I went sailing a solid 10 meters and I'm pretty sure it was holding back. It was so cool, I kept asking if it could keep head butting me again and again. Little me was funny like that.']

Scientific Name Translation: Gruff Dragon Horse.

Average Size: Large-scale creature, 7-8 feet tall at the head on average.

Average Weight: Average of 2-3 tons.

Notable Sexual Dimorphism: Females have better groomed fur patches than males and are more curved than angular males.

Habitat Range: Subspecies across all known biomes, mainline species naturally found in grasslands, steppes, and forests.

Steeds have been a part of civilization for many thousands of years. The first creature that was domesticated as a steed for Oros use was the sizable Wolf Tiger. However, the most successful and widespread steed among the Civilized Races hails from a peculiar beast known as the Crash-Drake. Large, tough, and loyal to a fault once a rider has managed to earn their trust, Crash-Drakes are considered second only to dogs in terms of animals that are considered friends to Oros kind in some cultures.

Crash-Drakes are one of the few remaining members of the Equinagon family of creatures, beasts with equine and draconic traits that branched off from the mainline Equine line some several million years ago. Indeed, one key feature that they retain linking them to their primordial equine lineage are their broad, armored tails, traits found in Equines such as the Shinook and Shanook species. Indeed, when looked at from behind without seeing the head or feet, one can easily mistake their rears for those of a Lesser Shinook.

This, generally, is where the surface level similarities end. The Crash-Drake is a bipedal animal, walking and running on their hind legs, their forearms used to stabilize them when feed low to the ground as well as to assist them in making sharp turns. These arms are muscular and strong for their relatively small size, complete with thick fingered hands capable of fine manipulation and holding objects. In theory, a Crash-Drake can be taught to operate a large pistol, though the realistic practicalities of this make it little more than a sideshow attraction than having any real life applications. [A note is attached. It depicts a cartoonish representation of a Crash-Drake wearing sunglasses and duel wielding a pair of revolvers. Words follow, reading 'Crash Drake Cop, the only law that matters!']

In terms of their social relationships, Crash-Drakes form roaming herds that rarely stay in one place for long, often taking care of their young while on the move. Their relationships with the other Equines in the world vary. While they have shown active disinterest for the Shanook, they show great deference towards Shinook, often bowing their heads low when in proximity of one. The Shinook, by extension, tolerate the presence of Crash-Drakes considerably more than most other species, as there have been no recorded instances of combat between Crash-Drakes and Shinooks taking place in the wild. Domesticated Crash-Drakes will aid their riders in beating back a Shinook attack, however, indicating that this behavior is likely learned in the wild rather than some inherent instinct.

Headbutting competitions among Crash-Drakes is common, as their horned heads are their primary weapon. In most instances, Crash-Drakes hit foes directly with their heads, using blunt force impact from the broad side of their horns and crests to deal damage and push back foes.

However, when going for deadly force, Crash-Drakes angle their heads so as to gore their fores under the ribs when possible. The back of their horns are sharp and, with powerful tugs from their forelimbs grasping and pulling their enemy, can result in them carving two deep gashes through the hostile's ribcage, potentially injuring or outright ruining their internal organs in the process. The 'Crash-Drake Blood Shower' is a disturbing sight to bare witness to, particularly when done to an unfortunate non-Oros Civilized species. [A note is attached. It reads, 'I have a great-grandpa whose a Spirit. Well, Mortalized Spirit. Anyway, he'd been out on patrol one day when he accidentally got a Crash-Drake angry at him. It did the 'Blood Shower' move on him and would have finished him off if his buddies weren't there to drive it off. I mean, regen meant he was up in no time, but he says he still has phantom pain from time to time. I know how that feels, with this dumb lost eye of mine.']

Omnivorous, as is the norm among Nullian life, Crash-Drakes have a fondness for energy rich roots, which their short but tough claws and strong arms make short work of unearthing. When available, however, they will happily dine on meat. While specifics of prey preference vary, the mainline species appear to have a taste for porcine flesh like that of the Rooting Tunnel Hog.

During mating season, mated pairs that are on their own make the journey to their herds, while unmated individuals seek out new herds to be a part of. Crash-Drake young, not unlike the young of a Civilized Race such as an Oros, is fully capable of independent survival at birth, though naturally they remain close to their parents and follow their migrating herds rather than break off on their own.

The relationship between Civilized Races and Crash-Drakes, as previously mentioned, is an old one. Crash-Drakes have been domesticated for millennia and have been used as everything from steeds to beasts of burden to simple traveling partners. Wild ones are also able to be tamed, but it is highly recommended against doing so. Domesticated Crash-Drakes have had thousands of years of breeding and social interactions with Civilized Races to trust them implicitly, while wild Crash-Drakes can be head strong and willful against their riders, even those that were raised from birth by Civilized Races.

It is said that only the most powerful of wills are able to control a wild Crash-Drake and earn their respect, though it is rare indeed to find wild Crash-Drakes that are willing to partner up with a rider in the first place that was not the one to catch it, indicating that there is some level of respect present for those who catch these creatures themselves. As such, it's much safer, easier and less time consuming to simply bond with an already domesticated Crash-Drake.

Grooming is an important part of Crash-Drake lives, particularly their fur patches. They meticulously keep them clean of debris, parasites, and other objects that might end up there, in order to keep themselves appearing as neat and tidy as possible, with females being the tidiest. As such, the fastest way to earn a Crash-Drake's truest, even a wild one, is to help groom them. They understand and express gratitude, and though this will not be enough to allow a wild Crash-Drake to allow a rider on them, it is enough to earn their aid in a fight. The notable exception to this is the patch of fur running from their belly to their tail. They do not allow for anyone or anything save themselves to groom that. [A note is attached. It depicts a cartoon Crash-Drake receiving a mane curling by an Oros female wearing an eye-patch, words reading 'Oh honey, you're going to be the talk of the town.']
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Common Maulwurf.
Common Maulwurf.

[Sketches depict a bipedal mole creature. It has very short, fine fur, save the females which posses patches around their shoulders giving them a 'fur coat' feel. Their bodies have are well muscled and mostly unarmored, save their forearms which posses plate armor growing over them. Their short fingers are articulated, but dominated by large claws designed for digging through dirt with ease. Their pointed snouts posses closed eyes, though sketches also show them with their eyes open, showing slitted pupils not unlike the Oros or Chimera, the coloration of the sketch indicating they glow. Some sketches depict them utilizing simple tools or holding Oros made tools as they inspect them..]

[A note is attached. It reads, 'Don't let their cute looks fool you, these guys can be crazy dangerous for miners up in the mountains.']

Scientific Name Translation: Worm Eater.

Average Size: Medium-scale creature, average of 6-7 feet/1.83-2.13 meters tall.

Average Weight: Average of 300-350 pounds/136.1-158.76 kilograms.

Notable Sexual Dimorphism: Females have notable patches of fur over their shoulders, giving them the appearance of wearing a winter coat.

Habitat Range: Underground regions and mountain ranges.

The Maulwurf family of creatures is a wide ranging and diverse family of beings. The Miniature Maulwurf is no larger than a common Flittermouse, while the Great Maulwurf hails from the Land of Giants and have been recorded at reach over 5 meters tall. The Common Maulwurf, however, is the most well known among the Civilized Races to live in the North Eastern mountain ranges, particularly the Oros of the Stonecutter Nation. The relationship between the two are ancient and complex, well worth documenting in their own, separate book, though they will be touched upon here.

The Common Maulwurf is a creature as tall as a Normal Body-type Oros, making them a sight to behold digging through the ground. Their oversized forearms posses Amplifier Organs that allow them to dig their claws through solid rock with ease. These Amplifier Organs allow their claws to be powerful enough to cleave through unaugmented composite armor, making them a potent threat even to modern day miners and soldiers.

Furthermore, they as with all Maulwurfs posses natural geomancy capabilities, making them perfectly adapted for living, moving and fighting below ground. Their geomancy, however, is tempered by the fact that Null's soil actively fights against attempts to control it mystically. Even the Aetherworks of Magi have a hard time manipulating the earth to their whims. As such, for the Common Maulwurf, this geomancy manifests itself in a relatively tame manner. It is used to help them dig through the soil, to make cover when they battle, and to utilize rocks and bits of metal as mystically launched munitions, at a speed and rate comparable to machine gun fired bullets. [A note is attached. It reads 'I've seen combat footage showing these guys doing their 'bullet rock' trick. It's both cool and scary. Scoolry. Coolry?']

The Common Maulwurf, as with all Maulwurfs, posses keen senses. They are able to accurately detect living creatures standing still on solid rock through their heart beats and flowing blood alone while digging. This makes them dangerous when they are on the move, but this ability does not seem to extend to when they are not digging. This has resulted in more than one incident where Stonecutter digging crews have accidentally borrowed into a Maulwurf made tunnel without the Maulwurfs being aware until far too late.

Their eyes are surprisingly adapted for seeing in the light, despite their often subterranean lifestyles. This does not mean that a sudden influx of light will blind them, however, for they more often then not keep their eyes closed, only rarely opening them. In addition for their surprising tolerance for light, their eyes have a distinct reminiscence to those of Civilized Races, particularly the Oros and Chimera families. Their pupils are slitted, not unlike our own, though genetic research has proven inconclusive as to there being a common ancestor between us and them in recent history.

Their primary food of choice appear to be worms of all sizes, though they are omnivorous and will gladly feed upon underground plants and fungi as well as nutrient rich mineral deposits. The most favored prey, how, are the Armored Drill Worms, who tend to bore through the mountains. These prey animals are one shared by the Stonecutter Nation, and as a result, there have been numerous recorded instances of battle breaking out over harvesting rights for these delectable creatures. [A note is attached. It reads 'Drill Worms are soooo good when you grill them up with bar-b-que sauce! I can't get enough of them, I once almost ate myself into a food coma!']

There is not truly set mating season, with parents tending to their young year round. Their family structures are eerily similar to the Oros, wherein select groups of older parent generations produce the majority of offspring at a time, with younger generations tending to search for mates relatively late in life. As a result, the most commonly encountered Maulwurfs are younger individuals who have strayed away from their colonies. More aggressive populations, however, form 'War Labors', wherein they congregate in large numbers to wage war against Oros Miners digging for resources. These forces are typically led by Great Maulwurfs who have taken up a leadership position among their smaller wards. [A note is attached. It reads 'I lived near one of the more docile colonies as a kid, so I never had to deal with those kinds of wars growing up. I had an old friend who said that fighting Maulwurfs was the Stonecutter version of fighting Spider-Ants.']

Not all Maulwurf populations are like this, however, and many remain ambivalent or even cordial to their Civilized neighbors. There have been many recorded instances where Common Maulwurfs have stumbled upon mining camps during break periods and have joined in on the feasting taking place, even bringing in their own food to share. It is commonly theorized that the Common Maulwurfs are on the road to becoming a Civilized Race, and there is evidence to support this argument. Short of an artificial uplift in the distant future, there is little telling of when exactly they'll make the full jump. [A note is attached. It depicts a cartoon Maulwurf wearing a mining hat eating a sandwhich next to an Oros miner. One word follows, reading 'Besties'.]
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[Sketches depict a sizable theropod like creature, it's frame reminiscent to a Tyrannosaurs Rex. This is where the similarities end. Covered head to tail tip in natural plated armor, the beast lacks eyes, its face a solid mass of armor save a pair of slits near the front that are its nostrils. The teeth are actually extensions of the armor, though sketches of the mouth show it posses regular teeth within its jaws. It has four large toes on its two feet and two modest but still functionally sized arms ending in four digits. The tail is large and surprisingly flexible for such an armored portion of the creature, being able to be used as a weapon with deadly efficiency.]

[A note is attached. It reads, 'They're like nature's jackhammers. It's massive, eyeless jackhammers.']

Scientific Name Translation: Tyrannic Hydra.

Average Size: Very-Large scale creature, 25-30 feet/7.62-9.14 meters tall on average.

Average Weight: 20-35 tons on average.

Notable Sexual Dimorphism: Females tend to be a slightly brighter shade of red to the males.

Habitat Range: Subspecies noted across several biomes, but mainline species found in the Crimson Rainforests.

Very-Large scale creatures are the start of the size of species that are able to make the very ground shake with their footsteps, and few are as famous and well known as the Smashhead. An mutant offshoot of the Common Hydra and universally possessing only one head, the Smashhead has diverged heavily from their forebearers in a number of ways. The origins of this can be traced to extensive radiation exposure at some point in the distant past, resulting in the Smashhead's ancestors mutating into the precursors to their current form.

The Smashhead receives it's descriptive title due to the primary usage of its armored cranium as a weapon. Like all creatures in the Hydra family line, Smashhead's lack visible eyes, thus minimizing the amount of points on their heads that can be harmed. Combine this with their short, but strong and shock absorbent necks, and they are capable of repeatedly striking with their heads. They have been known to 'jack hammer' smaller foes into the dirt with repeated cranial strikes, and are known for smashing open or knocking aside tanks.

Their armor is resilient, but it is not as durable as, say, a Greater Shinooks on a comparable basis, relying instead on thickness. This results in it having a thicker armored form than that of the Greater Shinook, but only a comparable level of durability, meaning that they are susceptible to the same weapon's that a Greater Shinook would be. The Great Smashhead in the Land of Giants manages to outstrip their smaller brethren by a great degree in terms of durability on a comparable and relative basis. Still, despite this relatively low armor durability for their size, they are still part of the Hydra line and as a result posses freakish levels of regenerative capabilities. A terrible crack in their armor closes itself in a matter of moments if not seconds, depending on the individual Shashhead's regen capabilities.

In terms of camouflage, the Smashhead is various shades of red, with males tending to be darker and females tending to be brighter. Either works well in their primary homeland of the Crimson Rainforests, where plants tend to have red pigmentation in their leaves and bark. This makes them surprisingly good ambush predators, though they are more than willing to subsist off of carrion or simply bully other predators into giving them their meals.

One thing to note about a Smashhead is that it is fairly intelligent, even by animal standards. While Hydra's in general have enough emotional intelligence to take sadistic joy from toying with their enemies and food, Smashhead's are notably intelligent when it comes to fighting. They use everything from their sheer mass, to their powerful legs, to their thick and surprisingly flexible tail. While they cannot eat Civilized flesh like most other life, a popular attack they favor involves them them carefully picking up Civilized soldiers in their maws before tossing them in the air, followed by smacking them aside with their tails. [A note is attached. It reads 'Smashhead's would make the best wrestlers. They pull off all kinds of crazy moves, like this one time I saw one do a flying double kick on a tank which was sooooooo freaking cool, but also scary, but also cool!']

Theropodic in stance, the Smashhead posses fairly well developed arms for their size and weight class. While not particularly long or powerful, they are long enough and strong enough to pluck a soldier from the ground beneath them. When this happens, Smashheads are known to lean themselves low to the ground and drag the unfortunate individual through the soil while they move forward. [A note is attached. It reads 'Wiping the floor, they call it. Seen it happen once on camera, it was both really cool and really painful.']

One secret weapon the Smashhead inherited from their Common Hydra ancestors are their ability to fire bioplasma blasts from their mouths. These balls of roiling bioplasma have considerable range and are strong enough to melt through tank grade armor. The Smashhead therefore is extraordinarily dangerous to fight from within a vehicle, as they can exchange fire at a rate similar to their Common Hydra brethren. A word of warning to any who think that being close means they will be spared an accurate blast from the beast: They are able to fire with their mouth partially closed, resulting in the bioplasma exiting their mouths not as a glob, but as a close range area of effect spray. More than a few soldiers and hunters have been in critical condition from not expecting this attack.

Mating season tends to occur during the summer time, when their forest homes are at their hottest. Males compete in earth shaking matches, with the winner grabbing the loser by the throat with their maws, spinning them through the air, and then suplexing them into the ground head first. Once mated, males tend to search for food while females guard the next and tend to their young. The most favored prey of the Smashhead appears to be the Oliphant, making them a dangerous burden to farmers in days gone by. When young Smashhead's are growing to adolescence, they begin to follow their parents during their patrols through their territory, learning the various life skills that adult Smashhead's display.

As a towering predator among the Crimson Rainforests, the Bughunter Nation of Oros that live in these regions tend to steer clear of them. Once in a blue moon, however, Bughunters are able to bring down one of these massive beasts thanks to ingenious usage of their lower tech weapons and equipment, particularly the usage of poisons to aid in felling the beasts. More than one Crimson residing Bughunter clan possess a skull of these mighty creatures on display for all to remember their brave deeds. [A note is attached. It reads 'Bughunters are awesome. They don't need no fancy tech to get the job done! I mean, I would never give up my fancy tech or my job fixing fancy tech, but that just goes to show how cool they are!']
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[Sketches depict a large, semi-bipedal crocodilian creature with long limbs for a crocodilian. It's whole body is well muscled, the limbs in particular noticible due to their long length compared to other crocodile like creatures. Plated scutes run down from the back of their necks to the tips of their long, muscular tails. Images depict them performing complex attacks on creatures their own size, as well as using weapons such as fallen tree trunks or large rocks in their forelimbs' hands. Notably, there are gill structures around the sides of their bodies, indicating a water breathing ability.]

[A note is attached. It reads 'I always wondered why they weren't red because of the environment they live, but I realized I didn't care in the end, because they're so awesome!']

Scientific Name Translation: Sobek's Crocodile.

Average Size: Normally a Large-scale creature, ranging from 12-15 feet/3.66-4.572 meters standing fully upright, Very Large scale specimens ranging from 20-30 feet/6.1-9.14 meters tall have been recorded.

Average Weight: Normally 5-7 tons for normal specimens, Very Large scale specimens tend to be between 9-14 tons.

Notable Sexual Dimorphism: Females tend to have red markings over their scales, as well as red patterns running down their eyes down the sides of their bodies to their tails. Females are also usually larger than males.

Habitat Range: Known to inhabit large river systems, they are most often found in Blood Swamp biomes.

The number of Crocodilians across our continent of Arisa is sizable. A wide variety of variations and species can be found in rivers, shore lines, even desert regions with land locked variants. One particular species, however, stands out among its brethren due to the sheer amount of power and intellect on display: The Sobek.

Named after the first individual to research the species in depth, Hilias Sobek, the Sobek is a semi-bipedal creature, capable of spending most of its time on its hind legs and even standing upright fully. However, for fast or long distance running, the Sobek will get down on all fours and deftly move with a speed on land that blows off the scutes of other Crocodilians. The 'pouncing gallop-hop', as their signature movement is known, sees the Sobek quickly approach their target with a series of powerful, staggered pounces that do not allow the target to prepare for a head on assault. [A note is attached. It reads 'I've got trouble keeping track of fast moving things, I tend to get dizzy just watching these guys do their pounce hop thingy. Just one of those things that make me tweaked in the head, I guess.']

While subspecies have been noted to live swimming through the various large river systems of Arisa, the mainline species resides in the 'Blood Swamps', areas where the waters are tainted by an enzyme released by local plantlife that causes the waters to become dense and crimson like blood. The thick and hard to move in water only serves to highlight the sheer physical strength of the Sobek, as they are capable of moving through the water with little apparent difficulty.

The Sobek, as previously mentioned, are capable of bipedal motion. When not running down the target, they tend to move with only their hind legs, their arms held relatively close to the body as they move onwards. Their full size is often hard to determine, due to the signature slouch they tend to be in. When embroiled in a battle with a similarly large creature, such as another Sobek or Beowulf, they stand up straighter for the duration of the battle, only returning to their slouched walk when the danger has passed.

Sobek's are very intelligent. While all Crocodilians posses a level of cunning, the Sobek are the only known species with the intellect and capability to wield tools and even build rudimentary ambush traps. When in battle, they will pick up large rocks, fallen trees, and other objects in order to fight their enemy. What is most noticeable about the Sobek, however, is that their body structure, strength, and intellect allows them to perform a variety of complex combat maneuvers typically only seen in Civilized martial arts. They will perform complex throws, suplexes, and grabs in order to maintain their dominance in the battlefield. It's not uncommon for a Sobek to pick up a fallen foe across their own back, attempt to break the opponents back on their shoulders, before tossing them aside. Indeed, some martial arts such as wrestling can be traced back to observing and mimicking the Sobek's fighting styles. [A note is attached. Words read 'My parents tried to make me try out wrestling when I was younger. I wasn't good at it. I was, however, good at boxing, so there was that! Got called Lil' Powerfist by the coaches.']

While they are more than capable of using tools, the Sobek's main hunting style is a fairly straightforward one that is reminiscent to other Crocodilians. Typically, the Sobek will remain motionless in the blood red waters they call home, appearing like pieces of fallen trees poking through the crimson surface. Unlike their common kin, however, who simply wait for prey to arrive to them, Sobeks will actively leave bait in order to draw in prey creatures. One beast they never attack, however, despite their primarily herbivorous nature are the Sword-Walkers that move through the region. This uneasy but constant truce has been present since recorded history, with few fights breaking out that are known to Civilized kind.

Mating season among Sobek's is typically marked by female's having their notable red markings starting to glow as well as an increase in their aggression. What follows can only be described as a fighting contest between the female and prospective males suitors. Any male capable of besting the females are selected as mates, though due to the increased size and strength of the females compared to males, most settle for those males that managed to perform the best or last the longest in their earth shaking duels.

Once mated, females remain at the nest guarding their young, who are unusually weak and ill prepared for life alone, an oddity among Nullian species and crocodilians in particular. Males, as such, are tasked with the responsibility of hunting food, with fathers actually working together to take down larger prey usually ignored by individual Sobeks in order to ensure larger quantities of meat back at the nest. [A note is attached. It depicts several cartoon Sobeks, one of them pointing at a cartoon Oliphant and with words that read 'Screw that guy in particular.']
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[Sketches depict a bipedal dragon like figure with a long, muscular tail and large, powerful looking forearms. Their snouts are armor plated with the most vulnerable portions being their golden eyes which peek through their armored brows. Their fists are shown as being covered by some sort of energy field, which appears to amplify their punches and can be extended outward in cones or as waves.]

[A note is attached. It depicts a cartoon Powerfist with cartoonishly large boxing gloves over its fists. Words follow, reading 'Punch-Happy Gym Vet.']

Scientific Name Translation: Boxing Dragon.

Average Size: Large-Scale creature, average of 17-21 feet/5.18-6.4 meters.

Average Weight: 7-10 tons.

Notable Sexual Dimorphism: Females have a sharper look to their hide, with more notable scutes and protrusions.

Habitat Range: Wide range of biomes, mainline species found in rocky regions such as near mountains.

There are many creatures capable of grasping things, particularly among the Draconic lineage. One particular species, however, has evolved to be a particularly good pugilist, to the point where they are primarily bipedal as adults. Often trudging through their environments with a stoop and their heads forward, the Powerfist is a fascinating species of dragonoid that exists on Null.

The most notable features of the Powerfists are their titular fists. Large in proportion, their forearms are covered in a dense layer of armor plate, with their knuckles having an area of armor that would assist in delivering damage while punching. Their fingers are thick, but with a surprising dexterity that allows them to finely manipulate the environment around them. This allows them to use simple tools, such as rocks and fallen trees, but most Powerfists prefer to resolve disputes with their namesakes alone.

When engaged in combat the Powerfists take on a stance and fighting style reminiscent to a boxer. They primarily utilize their fists, aiming for weakspots on their opponent such as joints and unarmored sections. They are more than willing, however, to use grabs, locks, and even their legs and large tail when needed. One notable fighting style that is common among Powerfists is the 'Pummel' which is a flurry of fast, hard strikes. Their arms become like blurs when in motion and it takes much concentration to maintain this attack. It's not uncommon for two Powerfists to begin a 'Pummel Duel', the winner either being faster or simply outlasting their opponent.

Despite their primary fighting style, however, the Civilized Races did not look for them for inspiration to develop boxing, as hand based combat is one of the oldest and most well developed aspects of fighting among us. Certain fighting styles, however, do take inspirations from them, though this is later on. [A note is attached. It reads 'I learned the Powerfist Pummel during Boxing. I'm still surprised how fast I can punch given that I'm a Normal!']

The Powerfist posses Amplifier Organs nestled within their fists. These Organs are what give them the 'power' in their name. Unlike most Amplifier Organs, however, those of a Powerfist have developed an unusually ability for a blunt force weapon. They posses the ability to envelope the fists in a matter-disruption field, which amplifies the forces of their punches by a notable factor, as well as giving them armor distorting abilities. They are also capable of projecting this field outward in waves by smashing them against the ground or, for older and more experienced individuals, firing the field outwards in a cone like blast. This field is less of a threat to Civilized Races, as our own biology is notably hardy against matter disruption, but over exposure to the field can still lead to an Oros or other Civilized being experiencing burns and, in the worst case scenario, catching on fire, never mind the destruction of their armor. [A note is attached. It reads 'It also makes the a nightmare for tank crews. The last thing you want is for your vehicle to ablate around you while you're still inside, or worse, be melting and crushed at the same time.']

The thick fingers of a Powerfist are tipped with short, blunt claws, which also makes them adapt at digging. Combined with their matter disruption field, and they are able to tunnel through solid rock in a matter of hours. Most Powerfists prefer the open air, however, meaning that this ability is primarily used to craft relatively shallow dens rather than elaborate tunnel systems.

As with most life, Powerfists are omnivorous, though despite their Draconic lineage, they have a fondness for eating trees and fungi rather than meat. The fast growing Rush Tree is a favorite of theirs, and many large mushrooms have been found to be reduced to chewed up bits in a matter of days. They do not seem to have a fondness for fungi that are underground, however, though the origins of this picky diet are a mystery. When it comes to meat, they will settle for any edible sources they can find, when the mood for flesh comes to them.

Mating season tends to occur closer to winter than most other seasons, due to their primary food sources being fairly plentiful even during this time period. Mating rituals are surprisingly tame and gentle, with Powerfist males and females choosing one another by pressing their fists and faces together. Parents typically have two-three young at a time, which they raise for several years, the young learning the skills of their parents as they grow. Each family grouping tends to have its own signature fighting style that is passed down through the generations. [A note is attached. It reads 'I think one of my hearts almost exploded at the thought of baby Powerfists punching things. So cute!']
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[Sketches depict a limbed slug-dragon creature. The flesh is smooth save for the head, which is arrow shaped and seemingly armored with a plate at the front. A duel-split jaw opens and shuts below its head, the eyes located at the ends of the arrow head. Claws dot its digits and it is shown clinging to surfaces not unlike a gecko. Disturbingly, it appears to breath a plasma-jet and spends its time submerged in lava.]

[A note is attached. It reads 'I ate a slug once when I was a kid. It was tasty, but it was so squishy and weird and uggh. Oh, and the toxin made me smell sound and taste dreams. That was fun!']

Scientific Name Translation: Burning Arrow-head.

Average Size: Large-scale creature, 9-11 feet/2.74-3.35 meters tall on their hind legs standing upright, not counting tail.

Average Weight: 1-2 tons.

Notable Sexual Dimorphism: None, monogendered species; all members of the species are hermaphrodites.

Habitat Range: Subspecies found all across the continent, primary species found in the volcanic Southern Heat Planes.

The Gastropod line of creatures are a wide spread and successful series of beings. They are also very diverse, with some having diverged and have grown skeletons in the distant past. One of the largest and most numerous of these skeleton equipped Gastropods are the Slugamanders. While various subspecies are found all over Arisa, the primary subspecies hails from the Southern Heat Planes. Somewhat amusingly, they are genetically related to the two limbed Gastropod known as the Slough. They are, however, far more intelligent than their relatives by a wide margin. [A note is attached. It reads 'I wonder if forest Slugamander's hate Slough's. I mean, come on, those things still have smooth brains. Smooth brains! What kind of stupid creature doesn't evolve past having a smooth brain!? Sloughs, that's the kind of stupid creature.']

The Slugamander is a quadrupedal creature capable of attacking and moving on its hind legs for an extended period of time. A descendant of ancient arrow-headed slugs, they are light for their size, a quality shared by all species of Slugamander. This light weight for their stature, combined with their sharp and strong claws, allows them to grip on and climb up surfaces, clinging to ceilings with ease. This allows them a level of mobility and stealth uncommon in the Heat Planes, thus making them one of the subtler predators there. They are also remarkable fast and agile for a member of the Gastropod line, meaning that they can easily surprise individuals not expecting their speed. [A note is attached. It reads 'How do slugs stay alive? If it wasn't for their toxin, their slow butts would all be dead.']

Their eyes, as with all Gastropods, are located on the ends of its arrow head's points. This gives it a remarkable field of vision, making it extremely difficult to sneak up on one without the use of a cloaking field or expert level stealth capabilities. The front edge of their heads posses a tough armor plate that affords them an excellent head butt for use in combat.

The mainline species of Slugamander is also exceptionally heat resistant. Many are found lounging in open pools of lava in the Southern Heat Planes, where they wait to ambush prey that get near. Some even lounge in the bubbling pools of lava found on the Volcanic Springback that inhabits this region, living in symbiosis with their patron and acting as its defender.

The Slugamanaders' hidden weapon is the ability to spew forth a jet of bioplasma from its mouth. This jet is short ranged, but continuous and focused, allowing them to be used as deadly accurate plasma cutters capable of searing through solid rock and flesh. This makes them deadly predators for creatures protected from conventional flames by their rocky hides. The Magma Fish, for example, is capable of thriving in the sustained temperatures of open lava or magma, but their rocky hide quickly gives way to the extremely focused and high temperatures of the Slugamander's cutter. [A note is attached. It reads 'Note to self, ask biologists to invent tiny Slugamanders to act as blow torches. Reasoning: Because it's neat.']

Slugamanders also posses toxins, not unlike most other Gastropods, to defend itself. For long ranged attacks, it is capable of spitting out these toxins in a concentrated glob or as a medium ranged spray, affecting anything that is not properly vacuum sealed or otherwise lacking resistance to its toxicity levels. This toxin can also be used in its bites, giving it a venomous attack it can use on creatures too close for comfort but not armored enough to warrant its plasma cutter.

Their previously mentioned light weight precludes them from making frontal assaults against most creatures in their native biome, regardless of subspecies. As such, Slugamanders prefer using their variety of stealth capabilities to approach prey or an invading aggressor before striking. They are aggressive during a fight, though they rarely attempt to kill, settling instead to simply drive off competitors from their territory.

The tail of the Slugamander is long and muscular, making it a powerful tool in a fight. It's bottom also doubles as a suction surface, allowing Slugamanders to hang upside down for long periods of time. Most don't use this ability, though the ones that do prefer to strike their prey from above rather than from behind or from the sides.

As with many terrestrial Gastropods, the Slugamander is a hermaphrodite. As such, during the mating season, both parents wind up spawning young. Pregnant Slugamanders hide away in hard to reach lava pools, subsisting off of stored nutrients and any Magma Fish that comes too near as well as ores present in the lava pools themselves. Once the time is right, they spawn large numbers of young that are fully capable of surviving on their own at birth. These young have relatively recently been identified as the Molten Lava Slug, a creature once thought to be its own species. Unusually among Nullian life, the Slugamander does not take care of its young after they are born. The 'Molten Lava Slugs', go on to live independent lives, sustaining themselves in the mineral rich lava flows of their home for a number of decades before beginning the metamorphosis to become their adult forms. [A note is attached. It depicts a Lava Slug donning a hat as its parent watches. Words follow, reading 'I must go, mother, for I must work at the Lava Office doing Lava Office things.']

The Slugamander is not the most unusual creature to live in the Southern Heat Planes, though it is one of the most recognizable due to its oddities as a vertebrate descended from Gastropods. Their unusual life cycle and love for sudden attacks makes them a well known threat and a popular creature to imitate during practical jokes among the Firebrand Nation.
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[Sketches depict a sizable wyvern flying through the air and in other poses. The Wyvern posses a pair of horns pointed towards the back of its head and a tooth filled angular hooked beak. The wings are large and covered in patterns, clawed digits notable at the location where the hand has evolved into the wing structure. The legs are powerful and ending in deadly talons, while the tail is long and covered in large quills at the tip. They appear to be launchable, going by several drawings.]

[A note is attached. It reads 'I asked my friend Chila if Quillverns are the dumb ones of the Laylarian line. She told me 'Hildra, I'm a Layla, not a giant Wyvern. I don't know.' I think she's just trying to protect their cred. XD']

Scientific Name Translation: Dragon Archer.

Average Size: Very-Large scale creature, 23-27 feet/7.01-8.23 meters tall at the shoulder when standing upright.

Average Weight: 13-16 tons.

Notable Sexual Dimorphism: Females tend to have longer horns than males.

Habitat Range: Valleys, forests, mountain ranges, and other locations with tall areas to roost in.

The Laylarian line of Wyverns is an extensive family line of related creatures. The mortal animal counterparts to the Layla Spirit race, these draconic creatures have some of the largest variety of beings under the mortal animal counterparts to any Spirit race. One particular subspecies that stands out is the simply named 'Quillvern', a subspecies that has traded the family line's elemental abilities for a more physical attribute: A large number of launchable quills at the end of the creatures' tails.

A Very-Large creature, Quillverns primarily habitat in any environment with tall locations to roost in. These include mountain ranges, the upper portions of valleys, canyons, and mesas, as well as forests with particularly large tree species such as the Hypora Tree. Particularly intelligent creatures, as all members of the Laylarian line are, the Quillvern lays many traps around their homes, using their quills for a variety of different trap layouts and types. Their preference for tall locations away from the ground also caused problems in the early days of skyscrapers, as many found themselves having their roofs become roosts for a number of Quillvern and other Laylarian species. [A note is attached. It depicts a cartoon Quillvern roosting at the top of a building, words reading 'living the high life'.]

Most Laylarian Wyverns have control over air and ice magics, with the Quillvern trading its ice capabilities for a series of deadly quills on its tail. As previously mentioned, these quills are able to be launched. Quillvern are able to accurately hit person sized targets standing still from over a a kilometer away while flying, though an alert member of the Civilized Races can easily get out of the way by being constantly on the move. Caution must be advised, however, for Quillverns are usually territorial towards Civilized Races for a Laylarian Wyvern and will come closer to engage intruders to their territory.

Omnivorous, as with most life, Quillverns have a taste for meat that precludes them to hunt large prey such as Oliphants and Apo, though they will gladly hunt any prey of sufficient size that they can carry back to their nest. They often supplement their diet with dead trees and large fungi, though they have been known as with most Layliarian Wyverns to have a fondness for consuming the Tipsia line of large flowers. This is a trait shared with their Spirit race counterparts, as many Layla love the taste of Tipsia nectar. [A note is attached. It reads 'I asked Chila if this was like an addiction thing. She just told me she could quit whenever she wanted. Totally an addiction thing.']

The deadly quills found at the end of their very long tails are rapidly replaced after being launched, giving the Quillvern a constant, almost endless supply when in battle. These quills are sharp enough to break skin with only a mild application of pressure and are launched with enough force to puncture modern body armor and the flesh beneath. Some older tank models have even been reported to suffer mission kills due to quills punching through and perforating their engine blocks. Furthermore, these quills can be launched in groupings of as many as 8 at a time in a shotgun like cone, as well as in sequence to allow for a rapid fire. Rapid fire is rarely used at a singular target due to the loss of accuracy, though they will spray an area in an arc with this feature. [A note is attached. It reads, 'Going by combat reports, they like to hover over a target area, spraying away with swings of their tail to try and pelt the Civilized Races they're fighting.']

When grounded, the Quillvern can move either bipedaly or with all four limbs, depending on circumstances, and make heavy use of their tails as weapons. They have a preference for using it like a spear in combat, one they have great accuracy and speed in using, making them deadly opponents even on the ground. It's thus recommended to try and sever the quill containing portion of the tail as soon as one can, though this area shows higher levels of regeneration than normal, making this a temporary measure until one manages to either kill or drive off the Quillvern.

During the mating season, males compete to gain the females' attention through a series of tests involving their skill with their quills. These shooting competitions typically involve shooting at specific prey species, certain predator species, as well as a series of tests set up by the female being courted involving having to shoot specific targets set up by them. The male to win this competition bonds with the female for life, with most lone Quillverns being encountered being bachelor males or females that have yet to find a mate. Mated pairs work together in all aspects of life, from hunting to fighting.

Newborn Quillvern lack their signature quills at birth, though they posses a series of bumps at the tip of their tail that serve as the beginnings of their quills that will grow in over time. Older siblings aid their parents in teaching their younger brethren how to properly use their quills during their maturation. Once they are fully grown, Quillvern leave their parents' nests to solidify their skills over the course of several years or even decades before attempting to find a mate of their own. [A note is attached. It reads 'I asked Chila if Layla babies are cuter than animal Wyvern babies. She showed me a picture of each and one of my hearts stopped, so I guess it's a tie.']

The Quillvern's adaptation is a deadly tool it has learned to put to good use and what makes it a deadly adversary. Their unusual aggressiveness for a Laylarian Wyvern also means they are the most commonly fought subspecies of them all. The Quills of the Quillvern have many uses in weaponry, as they make excellent spear tips and arrow heads, though the most individuals that gather these Quills are tight lipped on their exact collection methods. Given that Quillvern tend to take their prey away for consumption, the collection method likely involves daring and hair-brained fights against the beasts proper.

[Sketches depict massive dragon-tortoises ranging in size from those as very large tortoises to creatures that could be mistaken for hills when sleeping. The center of their shells feature a bubbling hotspring, which flows outward and waters the plantlife that grows in abundance on their shells. Some even have full on ecosystems of creatures living on their shells.]

[A note is attached. It reads 'Springbacks, the Animals of Am.']

Scientific Name Translation: Eternal Spring.

Average Size: Variable, most common are Giant-Class creatures, anywhere between 15-30 meters tall, not counting plantlife on shell.

Average Weight: 3570-10050 ton range for most common variants.

Notable Sexual Dimorphism: Males posses more angular features than females, and a slightly longer beak.

Habitat Range: World wide across all known biomes.

Tortoise and turtles are a diverse family of creatures on our world. They very greatly in size and form, with some like the Snap Jaw forming family units in the forests while walking on their knuckles, to the Liria's Spindisk, which moves in a spinning motion when attacking and uses its sharp edged shell as a weapon. Few, however, are as wide spread or as revered as the Springback.

Baring draconic heritage, it was long debated whether they are true Testudines or if they are a from of draconic creature that gained a Testudine form. In relatively recent times, however, their genome was fully mapped and searching their genetic history reveals an astounding fact: All other Testudines descend from the Springback's direct ancestors, with the Springbacks themselves being a modern evolution of this more primeval form. The modern Springback species has an extremely varying set of sizes. The most common, not counting the foliage growing on their outer shells, are about 15-30 meters in height, though specimens small enough to be used as a personal hot tub have been noted to exist and are considered a form of dwarf species. [A note is attached. It depicts a cartoon Springback with a halo of light over it. Words follow, reading 'Holy Hotubs!']

The Springback receives its name due to the hot spring of water on their backs. This spring stems from the central top of their outer shells, with foliage growing around the spring. These hot springs are often at a bubbling boil, giving the Springback the nickname of the 'Boiler Back'. In primitive times, Civilized Races used Springbacks as living boilers to boil food, which the Springbacks allowed without hesitation. The Springbacks' spring water is also known for having healing and restorative properties, with some records indicating that mortally wounded or even recently deceased creatures can be revived when submerged into the healing waters. The plantlife and creatures living on a Springback are also all very healthy and well taken care of while living on their host.

The exact temperature and mineral traces found in the hotsprings varies from variant to variant. Those in colder regions tend to have warmer waters while those in the volcanic regions have a higher mineral concentration. One subspecies, the Volcanic Springback, doesn't have water at all, instead having a spring of lava flowing from their shell. Because of this, a variety of volcanic region dwelling flora and fauna call the Volcanic Springback home.

Springbacks are environments in and of themselves. Their 'outer shell' is a layer of compacted dirt and rock that has fused unto its actual, 'inner shell' that serves as the bedding from which plant life can take root and grow. The outer shell tapers upward towards the edges, ensuring that anything that rolls or falls from the curve outside of the center does not fall off. This edge is extremely durable, almost being as durable as the flesh of the Springback itself. The micro-ecosystems on each Springback is constantly being changed and altered as whenever Springbacks mate, some of the inhabitants on their shells capable of moving will change patrons and live on them from now on.

Each micro-ecosystem is unique in composition. Some contain only prey creatures, sustaining themselves off of the plantlife around them, while others contain fully functional predator-prey ecologies, and some of the larger ones even have small communities of Civilized Races living on them. Springbacks that are not on the move will bury themselves unto the ground, leaving only their outer shells visible. These could be mistaken for hills if not for the tapered portions of the outer shell. These tapers also collect water from the seemingly endless eternal spring at the center of the outer shell. While water does fall out from the edges, these encircling pools contain many species of small water dwelling life including amphibians, fish, and amphibious reptiles. Some are even wholly unique species only found on Springbacks. [A note is attached. It reads 'I got to try some Springback fish once. It was sooooo yummy!']

Springbacks are a benign and calm species, making them well respected and beloved by Civilized Races the world over. Springbacks that enter Civilized Territories carefully avoid entering inhabited portions such as towns and villages, though they do nothing to stop Civilized Races from venturing unto their shells. Indeed, they do not care if individuals hunt or harvest from their backs, so long as there is not any severe damage done to the ecologies.

Indeed, Springbacks are slow to anger when attacked directly. However, the moment their back-ecologies are threatened, they immediately take on an aggressive and destructive attitude. When on the defensive, they harvest the moister from the air or, failing that in cold regions, the very snow and ice around them before spilling it out in a cloud of steam nearly a kilometer wide. Springbacks are surprisingly agile and fast for their sizes and builds, allowing them to beat hasty retreats while hidden by the steam cloud. The steam itself bares strange properties that interfere with sensors, both biological and technological. To further protect themselves, they also use of mystical shields they can summon to surround their backs in less than 5 seconds.

When on the offensive, they are able to utilize a variety of mystical attacks including manipulating the weather and ground in order to attack their foes. Their outer tapers are also sharp for their size, allowing them to be used as an offensive tool at close range. The secret weapon of the Springback, however, is a particular kind of energy manipulation that allows them to spit out particle beam blasts from their mouths. These have a range of upwards of 50 kilometers away, though they are direct fire only. They are also able to use a more conventional bioplasma blast, which can be tuned to fire an accurate bioplasma barrage at an indirect range of almost 200 kilometers away. [A note is attached. It reads 'In 2123, an artillery howitzer accidentally misfired and shot a round at a large Springback's, uh, back. The crew manning it got out of dodge in time before the Springback fired a Particle Lance at the artillery cannon in question. The round didn't even make it past the Springback's shield, it still managed to piss it off that badly though.']

The largest known Springback variants, with heights as great as 70 meters tall, have been known to live in the Land of Giants. These calm, peaceful creatures are beloved the world over and is even considered one of the patron animal symbols of the Prophet Am. The Ambaric Church consider these animals to be living embodiment of Am's bringing of peace given form. [A note is attached. It reads 'Praise be to the Springback, God's right hand animal after the Apo!']

(Special thanks to ShadedExalt for helping me with this one.)
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