A REAL Dragon Age (Dragon Age SI)

I just want to see Alistairs reaction. Also, Dragons are not considered tamable beasts. If he is sighted approaching a town, well, there is going to be panic.
I'm really liking this so far. One pre-emptive comment though; I hope the whole Ostagar scenario goes differently than canon. Logain's actions make much more sense if he disbelieves the blight, but he's had direct evidence of its existence now.

He might still get Cailan killed, but probably won't just let Ostagar get taken. Hell, he can just follow the plan and Cailan will probably get killed anyway going by canon.
So she plans to fuck him over then? Hmph. Typical, why just give him a quest when you can trick them into a magical binding you can use to make them a servant you can order about? Evil asshat witch.
An Elven Mage
A REAL Dragon Age: Chapter 2 : A surprised military order

The first thing that Alim Surana felt as he woke was pain.

There was just so much of it, it coursed its way through his body as he slowly rose from the bed he lay in. It arced through his nerves, making his elvish features curl up in pain. Nevertheless, he slowly opened his eyes to a sight that surprised him more than being alive, the several arrows that had buried themselves in his gut would usually have been called fatal after all.

Sitting quietly in the chair opposite the bed he was in was that chasind apostate he had met in the wilds when getting the scrolls, her almost midnight hair done up in a bun behind her back as read what looked like a tevinter tome on magical theory. Impressive reading, especially since he hadn't gotten anything near that level of access to material when he'd been at the Circle of Magi. Alim abruptly winced as that unpleasant memory came back. Why he'd trusted Jowan he still didn't know, but any future he'd hoped to have was gone now, he was a Grey Warden after all.

Alim continued to look around the...house? That he was in. It was a strange thing, all wood and thatch like his home back in the alienage, but littered with so much nature....even a fur rug for Makers sake! Shaking his head once more to get his thoughts back together, Alim tested his voice, wherever he was after all, the apostate had seemingly rescued him, she probably didn't mean him harm. Probably.

Focussing on the apostate, he slowly tried to speak.

"H-hello? Where am I?"

At his words the apostate ....Morrigan? or something? Looked up, a look of disdainful disinterest across her face as she stood up and walked to his bedside. Looking him over, which honestly made Alim kind of uncomfortable, the apostate gave a small sigh before she spoke.

"Ah, tis good that you are awake, in case you have forgotten, I am Morrigan, we met back in that collapsed tower some three days ago? In matters not I suppose, mother feared that you may not be removed form your slumber for some time. Still, tis perhaps less fortunate that you awake now of all times, mother is away on one of her little trips, I know not when she shall be back."

Pausing for a moment, Morrigan seemed to remember his original question, and her tone was slightly less bored as she answered.

"As to where you are, remember when you visited my mothers hut for those Warden scrolls? You are in the same place."

Alim blinked a few times, the words meaning reaching him a few seconds after the sounds entered his ears. Steadying himself some more, and wincing as he felt the tender flesh of his side move, he tried to put as much calmness into his voice as he could when he spoke.

"I....what happened to me? How am I here, where is the army?... The King?"

Morrigan paused at that, her biting her lip lightly as she seemed to be considering her words. After a small sigh, she turned to Alim, and her voice was heavy with....something.

"Your army was obliterated. Your King's grand plan failed when the Archdemon broke the force meant to flank the main Darkspawn army. The King, your Head Warden and most of the army perished in the fighting, the few survivors flee eastwards to I know not where and even if they do make it to refuge, I cannot say for certain whether they will have the numbers to be of much help. As for you and your dull companion? You have my mother to thank for that, she grabbed you from the tower and brought you here to heal."

Alim's mind was dull as he processed the words. The plan had failed? The Archdemon had struck? How had Morrigan's mother... he was near certain that the old witch's name was Flemeth, managed to get him and Alistair off the tower in the first place? He had so many questions... and was it wrong that he feared the answers?

Then two words which Morrigan had said struck Alim's mind, one which promised to make the problems seem lesser in comparison. Turning hesitantly to Morrigan, he spoke questioningly.

"Alistair's alive?"

Morrigan gave a simple nod as she answered, leaning lightly on her wooden staff as she did so.

"Indeed, though that he lasted long enough to be rescued at all astonishes me. He is quite the imbecile after all, suspected me of attempting some "devious" magics upon him for the past few days. Fool, he should be suspicious of mother if anyone..."

Alim gave a small sigh of relief as Morrigan spoke. Alistair was alive, that.... he wasn't sure how to feel about that. On the one hand, the former Templar had been friendly enough while Alim had known him, cheerful if suspicious of him initially. On the other hand....few Templars were nice, as a mage Alim had enough experience of that. But the man was so oddly.... likeable.

Rising from the bed, Alim grabbed a staff from the bedside, the iron staff he'd been given for his harrowing. It wasn't a pleasant memory, but it would keep him strong, and remind him that even when hope was lost, there was always a way out. Shrugging his shoulders to get the last aches and pains out of them, Alim store for the door, before abruptly stopping when he realised something.

Preempting his question however, Morrigan raised an eyebrow and spoke in a smug tone.

"Your friend is just outside if you must know."

Uttering a brief "thank you" to the chasind woman, the two of them walked out the rickety wooden door of the hut.

To Alim's disappointment, they were in fact directly where Morrigan had said they were, the smell of the Korcari wilds was unmistakable, an odd combination of rot and death, mixed with the occasional wafts of foul smelling plantlife. The clearing they were in was exactly where he Alistair...and the other two trainees, had met Flemeth that first time. Alim hadn't been as unnerved as Alistair, but he had the feeling that whatever Morrigans mother was, she was most distinctly not as human as she appeared.

And speaking of Alistair....

The former Templar was sitting with his back to both himself and Morrigan, idle twirling his sword in his hands as he looked out into the endless depths of swamp and mire which surrounded the hut. He must have heard his approach because the moment the door shut Alistair turned around, a bright smile defining his face as he rushed towards the pair.

A great grin across his face, Alistair held out his hand to Alim, exclaiming a greeting as he did so.

"Alim! You're awake!"

Alim took the proffered hand, leaning on his staff a bit as a small twinge of pain shot through his side. Keeping the smile on his face, he steadied himself before he spoke.

"Thanks to Morrigan's mother if i'm not mistaken, but that doesn't matter now. Alistair, what happened after I was knocked out? Morrigan says the army was destroyed after I lit the tower. Is that...true?"

Alistair slumped at the question, looking to the ground as if to search for an answer before answering in a dull tone.

"The plan would have worked... we were winning! But... but the Archdemon struck our lines, I think it must have gone for the other Wardens, because it didn't pay much attention to anything else on the battlefield. After the horde defeated the rest of the army it assaulted the tower to get at us. The witch from before, Flemeth. She...appeared and got us out ...I cant remember exactly how she did that. She took us here, I only awoke yesterday. Flemeth healed me then went into the wilds looking for...something. She said she'd be back today. Haven't seen any sign of her yet though."

Alim gave a small sigh, perhaps it was to much to hope for that Morrigan had been overstating what happened. But... what should they do? What could they do? The army was shattered, the only people with them were two apostates, one of which might be not fully human anymore. Granted he himself was an apostate but... well there were no buts. He'd only been spared the sword because Duncan had been near enough to conscript him, no more no less.

Alistair, Morrigan and Alim spent most of the afternoon talking, when not being stuck up Morrigan had regaled himself and Alistair of small incidents which had happened growing up in Flemeth's home, Alistair had spoke of Redcliffe, of the people in it and the decision which had led him to the Templars then the Wardens. Alim hadn't talked much initially, but when Alistair had asked, he'd spoken of what had led him to the muddy spot of ground he was sat on, of Jowan betraying him and turning blood-mage, of the life a circle-mage experienced. Of his harrowing, only three weeks prior. But Alim sat, and talked, and for the first time in weeks, felt good about something.

It had been almost dark when sound of something crashing through the brush had met Alim's ears. Elvish hearing was superior to humans, not matter what the Templars at the Circle had taunted at him. His standing up had been initially greeted with confusion by Alistair, Morrigan had simply gotten her staff at the ready, she knew better than most what lurked in the wilds of Korcari.

They stood, weapons at the ready for almost five minutes, as the sound got closer....closer....

And Flemeth walked out of the brush.

While Alim and Alistair stood dumbfounded, Morrigan simply lowered her staff and gave a sigh from far to many years of experience.

"Mother, do you have to play your games?"

Flemeth gave a small glare to her daughter as she walked towards them, looking from Alistair to himself before she spoke, her tone of voice far less jovial than when he'd met her a few days earlier.

"Mind your tongue girl, lest I do it for you. It is good to see you have awakened Warden, doubtless by now your dull companion and my daughter have filled in what happened these past few days?"

Alistair gave a small grumble but otherwise remained silent. Alim glanced at his fellow Warden before answering Flemeth's question, trying to keep his tone as respectful as possible. It would be wise to play nice with the mysterious apostate after all.

"Indeed she has, and its to my understanding that I should be thanking you for waking up at all?"

Flemeth gave a light cackle, it was oddly unnerving to see the old mages amusement in otherwise such a dark conversation. But before he could comment on that, the old woman spoke.

"Indeed you can, such a polite young man, Morrigan could learn something from you. But how I got you away from the foolishness that was Ostagar is irrelevant compared to the decision you face now. Your kingdoms armies have failed, your king and all his lords have fallen with it. Left unchecked, this blight will consume everything east of the frostback mountains in a matter of months. Then it will cross the narrow sea, into the free marches and Tevinter, the Qunari, fools that they are will likley fall soon after. Orlais, Antiva and all the other nations of Thedas will be unable to stop it at that point. Orzammar and Dalish elves might survive for a time, but enough darkspawn will bring down even those two recaltrient peoples."

Flemeth paused seeming to consider something. Alim used the timer to sneak a brief look at the horrified face of Alistair, who had just realised the extent of what could go wrong now. Morrigan looked as uninterested as ever. But as Alim struggled to come up with a response to Flemeth's blatantly stating they were doomed, the old witch spoke once more.

"Unless stopped here, this blight will be our doom, and only a Warden can actually bring what few forces remain together. The Dalish and Dwarves remain yet untapped, and the Circles of Magi sent few of their number to Ostagar. I have managed to recover the treaties from the wreckage of your camp at Ostagar, if you use them then all three groups, along with whatever forces you kingdom can gather together, will be obliged to come to your aid."

Flemeth was interrupted as Alistair spoke up, the blond Templar having a tone somewhere between annoyance and fear in his voice as he did so.

"None of that will matter though! It doesn't matter how many armies we can gather if the Archdemon will crush them like they're nothing! I don't know if you saw what I did from that tower, but ten thousand soldiers couldn't even slow the Maker damned monster down, I don't see how a new army could do better. We would be better off going to the other Wardens for help, they have experience in this at least."

The smile that crossed Flemeth's face was a thing of nightmares. It was a cruel, artificial thing, far to stretched to be real, and far to inhuman to seem fake. The apostate kept that smile on her face as she answered.

"That....is where my daughter comes in."

Morrigan seemed surprised by her mother mentioning her name, but said nothing.

"My daughter for all her faults and foolishness, is somewhat gifted in one particular school of magic you see. She never liked animals, and has managed to channel that into something quite...interesting. Made her dear mother oh so proud."

Alim glanced from mother to daughter, trying to figure out what was going on, when Flemeth gestured into the swampy woodland which surrounded them. And slowly..... something moved into the light.

"I confess I don't know how she did it, most probably it was an accident, difficult at best to repeat. But to answer your question on how the Archdemon shall be defeated young man, how it shall be brought to the ground? Well..."

It was initially quite hard to understand what Alim was seeing. It was...too massive. A literal wall of red scales without end. The rows of teeth which stuck out of the creatures maw were enormous, more akin to shortswords than anything resembling an animals tooth. The scales were intermixed with large bony plates which covered the body and head of the beast, giving it an appearance which mocked an armoured mount. But the most notable feature of the beast was its eyes, blood red and looking at the three humans like they were no more than a light snack to be enjoyed.

Wait....it couldn't be...could it?

"It is best to fight fire with fire is it not?"

As Alim and Alistair gaped at the massive dragon with open mouths, Flemeth's cackles and a dragons roar rose into the nights sky.


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the doom of all Fereldan.

what Fereldan needed

A chance to secure Fereldan

It's actually "Ferelden".


However, if you're talking about something that comes from Ferelden or is part of Ferelden, then the proper term is "Fereldan".

Fereldan royalty and nobility

So this part would be correct:

the Fereldan resistance
Why do we want to not be a Dragon again? I'm seriously questioning this line of thought.

Edit: the Si agreed to go on this quest in order for Flemeth to turn back human. After seeing-your picture I'm questioning why.
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Why do we want to not be a Dragon again? I'm seriously questioning this line of thought.

Edit: the Si agreed to go on this quest in order for Flemeth to turn back human. After seeing-your picture I'm questioning why.
Being a dragon is absolutely amazing, but you miss out on all the cool things you can't do anymore because you are a massive Dragon.
Also a giant Dragon is of very little help when you need to raid some tombs, enter a city or just explore a cave system. And i might be misremembering but most of Dragon Ages scenarios take place in areas where a giant Dragon can't effectively help in a way that is not "burn everything".
But im gonna see where the Baron takes the giant flaming murdertrain, because Dragon Age as an actual Dragon is definitely a first for me.
Being a dragon is absolutely amazing, but you miss out on all the cool things you can't do anymore because you are a massive Dragon.
Also a giant Dragon is of very little help when you need to raid some tombs, enter a city or just explore a cave system. And i might be misremembering but most of Dragon Ages scenarios take place in areas where a giant Dragon can't effectively help in a way that is not "burn everything".
But im gonna see where the Baron takes the giant flaming murdertrain, because Dragon Age as an actual Dragon is definitely a first for me.
So make the deal you're a Dragon who can turn into a human or vice versa. Not just flat back to humdrum human in a world where that is at the bottom of a very tall foodchain
"My daughter for all her faults and foolishness, is somewhat gifted in one particular school of magic you see. She never liked animals, and has managed to channel that into something quite...interesting. Made her dear mother oh so proud."

Alim glanced from mother to daughter, trying to figure out what was going on, when Flemeth gestured into the swampy woodland which surrounded them. And slowly..... something moved into the light.

"I confess I don't know how she did it, most probably it was an accident, difficult at best to repeat. But to answer your question on how the Archdemon shall be defeated young man, how it shall be brought to the ground? Well..."
I have honestly no idea where Morrigan is coming into this, re; what Flemeth is saying.
If you are trying to find a good dragon to use for a picture you could always use grigori from dragons dogma. He fits the description kind of well.
Flemeth is doing what she does best, be a confusing terryfing evil being in the shape of an old woman.

EDIT: Seems that Loghain is dead, which is kind of a sad thing.

Please have the SI try to actually comunicate with the companions. Given the dearth of Royal heirs you might be able to get a democracy going. (not likely but one can hope)
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