A Purifying Quest (SC/HALO)

Flood infect machines and AI(like us) just as easily.
Its why the forerunners didnt survive the original war against them. Medicant Bias turned and told the gravemind all about the shield worlds.

halo wiki said:
He was the most advanced Forerunner AI at the time of his creation, and was charged with organizing Forerunner defense against the Flood before his defection to the Gravemind, who ultimately caused him to become rampant, and turn against his creators.

he defected, and was made rampant. not infected. We also do not need to deal with rampancy so i don't see us having this issue.
I think these 2 units will be particularly useful against the flood
I thought it was some sort of logic plague that caused it from the Gravemind, unless I'm mistaken.
He essentially got social-fu'ed into switching sides by debating with the Gravemind.
Flood infect machines and AI(like us) just as easily.
Its why the forerunners didnt survive the original war against them.
We're actually pretty similar to Prometheans and the Halo wiki states this:
"Significantly different from the original Prometheans,[6] these constructs were created by the Didact toward the end of the Flood conflict; in order to render them immune to Flood infection, the Didact used a machine known as the Composer to convert his warriors into digital intelligences; the warriors willingly accepted and were relieved of biological form."
Ahh, I was wondering why the Forerunners went to all the trouble of making the Halos to wipe out all organic life in the galaxy if the Flood could just infect machines and AIs.
talking about Vespene
where the heck are we going to find any for fuel ?
Prologue - 4: Purification of the Parasites (1)
[X] Assist in the purification of a ship.

You can assess the full damage of the ship later-- it will most likely get repaired by the Engineer Drones anyways.

Right now, you need to purge the infestation across your fleet. These Parasites seem to be small in number, and the indicators of larger swarms appear to be on the ships with strange bio-matter that is strangely similar to Zerg infestation growing out of them.

You need to organize how to split up your forces. To do this, you disassembled the 'Squadrons' so that you can get a full body count of your warriors.

3,800 Sentinels (Effective against Light-Medium.) Infantry, Light [Melee Warrior]
1,400 Instigators (Effective against Light-Heavy) Ranged Infantry, Medium [Ranged Warrior]
600 Purifier Adepts (Effective against Light-Medium) Ranged Infantry, Light [Ranged Warrior]
920 Energizers. (Effective against Light. Can speed up attacks of nearby units.) Support, Light [Robotic Support]
100 Disruptors (Super Effective against Light-Medium.) Support, Medium [Robotic Support]
200 Warden (Super Effective against Medium-Heavy) Vehicle/Robot, Heavy [Robotic Assault]
4 Colossus (Super Effective against Light) Vehicle/Robot, Heavy [Robotic Siege]

You can split up these forces into squadrons however you wish. Reports from Observers give you the current status of the rest of the fleet, including their infestation levels ranging from Non-existent to Critical.

20 Carriers - Critically Infested
50 Carriers - Heavy Infestation
30 Carriers - Minimum Infestation
20 Carriers - No Infestation Detected.

Total Carrier Count: 120 Carriers

15 Tempests - Critically Infested
40 Tempest - Heavy Infestation
15 Tempest - Minimum Infestation

30 Tempest - No Infestation Detected.
Total Tempest Count: 100

How will you split up your forces? You can chain up orders for certain Squadrons to focus on entire sections of ships.
[X] Write-in.
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can Warden self repair be use on other unit ?
[X] Plan Vanguard and Cleanup

Vanguard and Cleanup squadrons are paired together. All together there are 2 pairs, each pair focusing on Carriers or Tempest. (so 4 squadrons in total)
Vanguard squadrons will destroy the bulk or more dangerous of the flood forces before quickly moving onto the next ship, leaving behind the cleanup squadrons to clean up the rabble. (Instead of wasting the time of heavier units chasing the rabble)
They will start at the critically infested ships and move to lesser infested ships.

Vanguard squadron (x2)
1000 Sentinels
100 Purifiers
500 Instigators
300 Energizers
15 Disruptors
70 Wardens
2 Colossus

More wardens and instigators for heavier targets and the colossi makes up for the lesser numbers of purifiers and disruptors.

Cleanup squadron (x2)
900 Sentinels
200 purifiers
200 Instigators
160 Energizers
35 Disruptors
30 Wardens

Disruptor's AOE make them excellent at clearing out spaces.

Is something like this ok?
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Is something like this ok?
2 things:
1)you should add is the order infestation levels are prioritized for cleansing. i feel that most to least infested is correct.
2) we have more carriers then tempests and the carriers are considerably larger as well. they should therefore have a higher proportion of units. im thinking 70/30 carriers/tempests

otherwise, i think that having balanced teams and completely clearing ships (at least as much as is possible in one pass) is better. we can do cleanup once we get all of the infestations down to minimum.

[X] Plan DS
-[X] Ten squads of
--[X] 380 Sentinels (Effective against Light-Medium.) Infantry, Light [Melee Warrior]
--[X] 140 Instigators (Effective against Light-Heavy) Ranged Infantry, Medium [Ranged Warrior]
--[X] 60 Purifier Adepts (Effective against Light-Medium) Ranged Infantry, Light [Ranged Warrior]
--[X] 92 Energizers. (Effective against Light. Can speed up attacks of nearby units.) Support, Light [Robotic Support]
--[X] 10 Disruptors (Super Effective against Light-Medium.) Support, Medium [Robotic Support]
--[X] 20 Warden (Super Effective against Medium-Heavy) Vehicle/Robot, Heavy [Robotic Assault]
-[X] 4 Colossus (Super Effective against Light) Vehicle/Robot, Heavy [Robotic Siege]
--[X] Keep as a reserve force that can be transported to hotspots in the event of us getting pushed back or our advance getting stalled.
-[X] 7 squads focus on clearing the carriers, 3 on the tempests
-[X] Focus on the most infested first
Prologue - 4: Purification of the Parasites (2)
[X] Plan DS
-[X] Ten squads of
--[X] 380 Sentinels (Effective against Light-Medium.) Infantry, Light [Melee Warrior]
--[X] 140 Instigators (Effective against Light-Heavy) Ranged Infantry, Medium [Ranged Warrior]
--[X] 60 Purifier Adepts (Effective against Light-Medium) Ranged Infantry, Light [Ranged Warrior]
--[X] 92 Energizers. (Effective against Light. Can speed up attacks of nearby units.) Support, Light [Robotic Support]
--[X] 10 Disruptors (Super Effective against Light-Medium.) Support, Medium [Robotic Support]
--[X] 20 Warden (Super Effective against Medium-Heavy) Vehicle/Robot, Heavy [Robotic Assault]
-[X] 4 Colossus (Super Effective against Light) Vehicle/Robot, Heavy [Robotic Siege]
--[X] Keep as a reserve force that can be transported to hotspots in the event of us getting pushed back or our advance getting stalled.
-[X] 7 squads focus on clearing the carriers, 3 on the tempests
-[X] Focus on the most infested first

Your orders relayed throughout the entirety of the Purifying Gaze, and your Purifiers responded in kind. They were split up into ten squads, each with an understandably large amount of the durable Sentinels. Their resurrection ability will be invaluable to holding the line of these Parasites.

Warp Prisms are deployed, their mystical Purifier-orange glow filling the blackness of space as they split off-- seven of them going towards the infested Carriers while three deployed to the Tempests.

You are a Sentinel. You are Undying. You are Pure. You are Imuron.

You await with the rest of your comrades in arms. You have been given special command of the taskforce presented with the mission to purify this parasitic infestation. These rotten abominations sickens you to your very core, and you are glad to fill out this purification.

You feel the pulling of the Protoss signature Warp technology, and you accept it with grace. Quickly, the visage of beautiful engineering turned into that of desecrated halls and machinery by the Parasite. Such foul cretins. The Abominations stared at you. Normally, like on the Purifying Gaze, they would've charged at the Purifiers with feral menace... but now, they seem almost... organized.
"Stop the Machines. We must reach the Ark."

A feint voice filled the air, and you cared not for it. Abominations don't deserve a chance. You raise your blade, and gave a mighty cheer!
"Proud Warriors of the Purifiers! We will drive back this infestation with our blades! We will burn their corpses with our fire! They shall be... PURIFIED!"

With a cheer, the Purifiers charged towards the infestation, and countless Abominations begun flocking to defend their prize of the desecrated ships. You can detect the signatures of those still in stasis, safe from the Infestation's grasp... for now.
Other Squads are reporting nigh identical forces in the Critically Infested ships. Looks like you will need to strategize this upcoming battle, and share it with the rest of the Purifiers.

Parasites Forces (Across the entire ship) (Roughly same amount per critically infested ship)
6,000 Weak Infested
+100 Juggernaut-Class Pure Parasite (Produced from Infested Sacks
+750 Tank-Class Pure Parasite (Constantly Produced from Infested Sacks)
+1,500 Ranger-Class Pure Parasite (Constantly Produced from Infested Sacks)
+5,000 Parasites (Constantly Produced from Infested Sacks)

Weaknesses: Weak Flesh (All are classified as 'Light', except for Juggernaut.) Weak Claws (All Infested are ineffective against your metal alloys.) Shield Destruction (Parasites explode upon impact of Shields. Each shielding unit can take 100-300 Parasites down before collapsing.)
Strengths: Endless Numbers (Pure Parasites grow from the infestation itself.)

Purifier Forces
380 Sentinels (Effective against Light-Medium.) Infantry, Light [Melee Warrior]
140 Instigators (Effective against Light-Heavy) Ranged Infantry, Medium [Ranged Warrior]
60 Purifier Adepts (Effective against Light-Medium) Ranged Infantry, Light [Ranged Warrior]
92 Energizers. (Effective against Light. Can speed up attacks of nearby units.) Support, Light [Robotic Support]
10 Disruptors (Super Effective against Light-Medium.) Support, Medium [Robotic Support]
20 Warden (Super Effective against Medium-Heavy) Vehicle/Robot, Heavy [Robotic Assault]

Hero Unit
Weaponry: Purifier Psi-Blades (Effective against All), Purifier Lancers (Ranged, Effective against Light-Medium)
Defense: Energy Shields (Can absorb 400 Light Hits, 200 Medium Hits, 125 Heavy Hits) Hard-Light Shield (Activates upon getting hit with Heavy Hits. Can absorb 250 Heavy Hits.)

4 Colossus (Super Effective against Light) Vehicle/Robot, Heavy [Robotic Siege]

[X] Write-in Battle plan.
Can ask for tactical information.
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