A Purifying Quest (SC/HALO)

[X] Praetor: In your past life, you were a powerful Praetor. (+25% Combat Efficiency. +10% Durability.)
[X] Invigorating Cortex: Your energy boosts the efficiency of all warriors around you. (+20% Combat Efficiency for nearby warriors.)
[X] Name: Ornatus

[X] Description: Average Purifier body, bit more ornate and fancy decorations, but mostly the same

[X] Gender: Female

[X] Personality: Cold. Ironically, some joked, being made a Purifier made her more personable and approachable.

Traits (Choose 2)
[X] Silver Tongue: You are a master with words. (+10% Diplomacy)

[X] Praetor: In your past life, you were a powerful Praetor. (+25% Combat Efficiency. +10% Durability.)

Compensate for our weakness.
[X] Name: Ornatus

[X] Description: Average Purifier body, bit more ornate and fancy decorations, but mostly the same

[X] Gender: Female

[X] Personality: Cold. Ironically, some joked, being made a Purifier made her more personable and approachable.

Traits (Choose 2)
[X] Silver Tongue: You are a master with words. (+10% Diplomacy)

[X] Praetor: In your past life, you were a powerful Praetor. (+25% Combat Efficiency. +10% Durability.)

Let's go with that.
[X] Name: Ornatus

[X] Description: Average Purifier body, bit more ornate and fancy decorations, but mostly the same

[X] Gender: Female

[X] Personality: Cold. Ironically, some joked, being made a Purifier made her more personable and approachable.

Traits (Choose 2)
[X] Silver Tongue: You are a master with words. (+10% Diplomacy)

[X] Praetor: In your past life, you were a powerful Praetor. (+25% Combat Efficiency. +10% Durability.)
Found these on the SC Wiki:
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[X] Name: Ornatus

[X] Description: Average Purifier body, bit more ornate and fancy decorations, but mostly the same

[X] Gender: Female

[X] Personality: Cold. Ironically, some joked, being made a Purifier made her more personable and approachable.

Traits (Choose 2)
[X] Praetor: In your past life, you were a powerful Praetor. (+25% Combat Efficiency. +10% Durability.)
[X] Impressive Technologist: The insides of mechanical constructs and technological data are but simple problems to you. (Can repair, modify, and hack mechanical devices.)

We picked the mechanical faction, why would we go without the mechanical enhancement trait?
Prologue - 0
[X] Name: Ornatus
[X] Description: Average Purifier body, bit more ornate and fancy decorations, but mostly the same
[X] Gender: Female
[X] Personality: Cold. Ironically, some joked, being made a Purifier made her more personable and approachable.

Traits (Choose 2)
[X] Silver Tongue: You are a master with words. (+10% Diplomacy)
[X] Praetor: In your past life, you were a powerful Praetor. (+25% Combat Efficiency. +10% Durability.)

An alarm goes off in your processing unit, as you awake from your slumber. Someone awakened you.

"What is it? Is something amiss? Have we reached our destination?" You questioned, as you exited from your Purifier Stasis Pod and headed towards the Bridge.

"Yes, Executor Ornatus. We are receiving a message from the Protoss Hierarch Artanis. He requests for us to do something." A deep voice of a Sentinel replies as you reach the Bridge.

Artanis? This better be important-- Talandar wanted this mission to be completed. With that in mind, you open up the com-link, establishing a connection with the Hierarch.

"En Taro Tassadar, Executor." Artanis said, nodding in respect. The Protoss have kept to their word in respecting the Purifiers as Templar as well.

"En Taro Tassadar, Hierarch. What is it that you require from one such as I?" You decide to play respectful for Artanis-- at least, seeing as he kept true to his word of honor. So you shall be honorable to him.

"We have discovered multiple locations that have Xel'Naga temples and stations, thanks to our expedition into fully defeating Amon. Currently, your fleet is the closest one to a Xel'Naga Deep-Space Station. I request that you scout it out, and identify it's contents." The Hierarch replies, as coordinates to this station is transmitted to the Super Carrier that currently holds you.

"Have you spoken to Talandar about this, Hierarch? You must know of his mission into finding planets with sufficient resources." You resist the urge to cross your arms as you spoke to the Hierarch about your concern.

"Indeed I have, Executor. Talandar supports this decision, and the Station is right on your way to your original destination. I only request for you to eliminate any hostile presence within the Station as you move onto your way." Was the reply you received.

Well, if it's right on the path to your original destination...
"Very well, Hierarch. I will see to it that this station is cleared of any hostile threats while on my path. Taro ruul asz."
"And good luck on your mission, Executor. Var'un ruul asz."

With that, the com-link ended and you begun setting up orders.
"Prepare to exit Warp once we are near the coordinates Hierarch Artanis gave to us. Get the Sentinels and the Colossi ready for deployment, along with the Mirages."
"At once, Executor."

After nearly five minutes of waiting, your fleet arrives at the destination. The view was... spectacular.

The Station seem to produce a holographic signature of a nebula, as the Terrans call it. This is why the Templars had never discovered it before. People don't normally go looking straight into a Nebula.

You prepare orders for docking, until you got an alert at your galaxy map.
"Executor, it appears as though the Xel'naga Construct is giving us a set of codes. They are not harmful to the Purifiers in any way."

You raise a hypothetical brow, as your visor darkened slightly to signify you're squinting.
"Show me the details."

Instantly, the original form of the Galaxy Map turned into... a set of symbols, interestingly enough. They seem to be apart of some kind of puzzle. Quickly, your processor begins to analyze and reconfigure the puzzle into a variety of symbols. Strange, how all these symbols appear to be functional in some way-- and be correct.

[X] The symbol appears to be a strange pillar with a sphere on top of it. Different symbols surround it.
[X] The symbol seems to possess a similar shape to that of the Terran letter 'L', fused with an 'R'. It even had what appeared to be a blade sticking through it.
[X] The symbol appears to be that of a strange insectoid creature with glowing eyes.
[X] The symbol seems to have formed the Terran letter 'I', with a Terran Skull in the middle of it.

[X] It is a symbol that's... (Write-in. Provide me with a wiki-link for the symbols origin universe.)

Time for decisions for the crossover. Let's see how the Purifiers work in this situation! :)
So Star Wars, I have no idea, Mass Effect, or Warhammer. (I think)
[X] The symbol seems to possess a similar shape to that of the Terran letter 'L', fused with an 'R'. It even had what appeared to be a blade sticking through it.
I'll take whatever this is.
Edit: Changing Vote
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Yep, 4 is the symbol of the Inquisition. Not gonna touch anything Reaper-related with 3.

[X] The symbol appears to be a strange pillar with a sphere on top of it. Different symbols surround it.
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[X] The symbol seems to possess a similar shape to that of the Terran letter 'L', fused with an 'R'. It even had what appeared to be a blade sticking through it.

According to Google, that symbol is from WoW.
It does seem to be the easiest to deal with. Star Wars is roughly on the same tech level as us. We're AI, so let's not touch the Reapers. I'd rather stay far far away from 40k.
Yea, the Imperium really hates sentient machines because of the Men of Iron.
First is Halo
The second is WoW. Specifically Lordaerons crest. And I dont wanna go purifying the poor buggers.
Third is Reapers and all kinds of Nope nope nope.
Fourth is 40k. again all kinds of nope nope nope.

[X] The symbol appears to be a strange pillar with a sphere on top of it. Different symbols surround it.

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[X] The symbol appears to be that of a strange insectoid creature with glowing eyes.

kinda want to give the middle finger to the Reaper about their whole cycle bullshit and also we are pretty much the Protoss version of the Geth if Karax explanation is anything to go by

also, can we make custom unit to fill in for unit that we don't have
we kinda missing the Psionic warrior, Robotic assault, Cloak warrior and Assault ship
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[X] The symbol appears to be a strange pillar with a sphere on top of it. Different symbols surround it.

Let's go scare some humans who think we might become rampant. And troll confuse everyone by pretending to be Forerunner tech.
Joke's aside, AI's are fairly common with the UNSC and forerunners, so we can trigger our Diplomacy bonus, we'll get to study some interesting technology and our Purification is uniquely suited to deal with the flood.

EDIT: There's actually a Purifier skin for the Adept — could be what Ornatus looks like
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[X] The symbol appears to be a strange pillar with a sphere on top of it. Different symbols surround it.
Prologue - 1
[X] The symbol appears to be a strange pillar with a sphere on top of it. Different symbols surround it.

Satisfied that this is the symbol that fits in most, you discard it and prepare to dock with the station... only if it was that simple.

Suddenly, the entire construct appeared to burst to life as a green glow illuminated from the intricate symbols carved into the large station.
It then let out a massive pulse of Void energies, and a large wormhole opened behind the construct and sucked it in.

It was sucking up your fleet, as well! The pulse had scrambled your ships systems, and Purifiers with more simpler V.I's were offline already. You can already hear the commotion of Purifiers scrambling about in their Tempests and Carriers attempting to get systems functional to escape the large, blue wormhole.

You know there isn't a chance to escape it. The Xel'Naga obviously intended this station to be a trap... such a shame a Purifier such as yourself got caught into this.
"All hands, prepare to enter the Stasis Pods. We will not be able to escape this, and I want as many warriors functional as possible."

That was your order, and everyone obeyed. Soon, you saw that ships, both large and small began stopping their futile weak resistance to the pull. They all get sucked into the wormhole, and soon enough-- your Super Carrier joins the fleet into their fate.

System Reboot.

100%. Exiting stasis.

'Ugh... in Adun's name, what happened...'

You feel more damaged than the time you had to fight those cursed Hybrids! It was terrible... you feel terrible.

But now's not the time to show weakness. No, none of that! You need to gather the fleet, get a connection back to Cybros! There's much to do...
You open your optics since who-knows-long, and you see... that you're floating aimlessly in your Super Carrier, Purifying Gaze. Looks like you forgot to get to the Stasis Pods yourself.

Systems appear to be offline, and you can't get a solid connection to the rest of the fleet-- they're still there, but simply in stasis like you were.
You need to get a connection with the rest of the Purifiers under your command... but how will you do that?

[] Write-in.

There will be times where you'll get some decisions to choose from, but for this moment you need to make the hard decisions in life. Just to get a feel of Ornatus's decision making for future updates.
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[X] Locate the Purifer phase-smiths (or equivalent,) and use own energy reserves to bring them out of stasis if need be. You may not know what to do, but they certainly would.
-[X] Be on guard for any hostile presence or anything out of the ordinary

EDIT: Added in the second part.
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we have Carrier ?
are they the same type as the Khalai one or are they different

You'll get a better description of your units later on once everything is restored-- but yes, you have a Carrier. It isn't the same as the Khalai one, and they'll have their own bonuses and weaknesses compared to the Khalai one.
Those unique units you got listed were the ones that were set-in-stone for your faction. I decided to be kind and allow you a Purifier Carrier design right off the bat. For the rest, you'll have to make one for each category on your own.
[X] Locate the Purifer phase-smiths (or equivalent,) and use own energy reserves to bring them out of stasis if need be. You may not know what to do, but they certainly would.
-[X] Be on guard for any hostile presence or anything out of the ordinary

Since we didn't get the tech trait and everything's offline — yup, going to find some engineers seem like the best idea.
Added in the second part just in case we have any guests.