A Play of Steel and Powder


Lord of Light look down!

Jahaera knows that she should be grateful. She really should. Compared to much of King's Landing, the Alchemists Hall is relatively intact, since neither Loyalist nor Rebel wanted to bombard a structure that could have taken besieged and besieger alike to the Great Lord for judgment with one misaimed shell.

That does not mean it is unharmed. Apprentices and journeymen dragooned into assisting with Lannister improvisations, reagents and ingredients looted, and while it has been spared shot and flame it certainly saw plenty of steel and blood, as both sides tried to seize
control of the Hall's volatile contents for their own use.

Like the Marbrand soldiery who took refuge in her personal workshop and had to be rooted out by Riverlands rangers like the pestilential spawn of the Great Other that they were. She scoops up parchments from Yi Ti that someone fired a crossbow quarrel through with a sigh, turning to tell Vaena to fetch her another glass of nerve tonic...

And of course the lass isn't there. The Lord High Researcher does not, on the whole, waste much time bewailing the unfairness of life. The Great Lord counters the work of the Other as best he can, and suffering purifies like any other flame.

But that the girl she raised for five years should be taken from her as soon as the Targaryens become anxious about the number of dragons they can field...

The Lord High Researcher casts it aside with a shrug of her shoulders. The Lord of Light brought Vaena to her, and He has taken her away. Blessed be the will of the Great Lord. It is not the first such trial she has faced, that her family has faced.

It was not easy, when they fled Myr to escape murderous slaves and Volantine tyranny. It has been difficult, that she was born with the same condition that afflicts the Blood Royal. But it is not for her to struggle against the fate the Great Lord decrees.

Jahaera Nightfyre, Lord High Researcher of the Illuminated Fraternity of Alchemists, Exalted Philosopher of the Copper Coil, Second Adept of the Burnished Blade

As per pacts made at the inception of the War of Five Crowns, Lord Researchers and their retinues are sent to Winterfell and the winter seat of the Arryns, to assist in the armies of the Wolves and Falcons in their adoption of firearms and cannon.

For some reason, the Northerners almost immediately begin referring to these Southron experts as "The Elricsons".
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From: Braavos
To: Lys, Myr @Ceslas @Deathwing
As many of the cities and states of the Narrow Sea have chosen to do, we would offer you the opportunity to become party to the Treaty of the Titan, an agreement intended to promote friendship, trade and greater wealth amongst all parties.
We appreciate that your city retains the institution of slavery, something which the Treaty of the Titan seeks to eliminate, but would point out that neither the Third Daughter, Tyrosh, nor indeed Braavos itself, have seen any hindrance in their ability to produce great riches from their dispensing with this outmoded practice.
In respect of this, we ask only that you undertake to gradually remove slavery, transitioning perhaps more to the Tyroshi model, rather than immediately outlawing it.

  • Each party shall come to each other's defence should either be attacked at sea.
  • Both shall work to eliminate piracy in their waters and those of the Narrow Sea in general.
  • Both shall work to reduce and eventually eliminate slavery in their territories.
  • Reciprocal favourable tariffs (including at the new Braavosi ports of Morne and Port Bloodstone).
From: Braavos
To: Lys, Myr @Ceslas @Deathwing
As many of the cities and states of the Narrow Sea have chosen to do, we would offer you the opportunity to become party to the Treaty of the Titan, an agreement intended to promote friendship, trade and greater wealth amongst all parties.
We appreciate that your city retains the institution of slavery, something which the Treaty of the Titan seeks to eliminate, but would point out that neither the Third Daughter, Tyrosh, nor indeed Braavos itself, have seen any hindrance in their ability to produce great riches from their dispensing with this outmoded practice.
In respect of this, we ask only that you undertake to gradually remove slavery, transitioning perhaps more to the Tyroshi model, rather than immediately outlawing it.

  • Each party shall come to each other's defence should either be attacked at sea.
  • Both shall work to eliminate piracy in their waters and those of the Narrow Sea in general.
  • Both shall work to reduce and eventually eliminate slavery in their territories.
  • Reciprocal favourable tariffs (including at the new Braavosi ports of Morne and Port Bloodstone).
Given the potential COI I defer to @Mina.
House Targaryen Seadragon Internal Event 254:
Lady Daena Seadragon of Tarth has departed for Dragonstone, intending to claim the now riderless dragon Acerbus as her own.
From: Aethan Targaryen
To: Rodrik Storm-Cloaked @Sidheach

If a man does not follow the One God, but he dies with steel in his hand, fighting God's enemies...will God allow that man into His Hall?
To: Triarch Vhossar @EmperorCasey
From: Queen Arianna
I have a slight . . . favor to ask. My cousin Tristan accompanied me to the summit at Sar Mell, and he wishes to remain in Volantene territory. Apparently he believes that he found Rhoynar waterspeakers. (I believe in the gods as much as anyone else, but seriously?) The boy apparently wants to be Elric Stark once more. Would you mind allowing him to stay?
The Prince's Reforms
Prince Duncan of Pentos had wanted to reform the Pentoshi military, and so his father had agreed to support him in those efforts. There were two main goals he sought to accomplish. The first was improved leadership of both the army and the navy. General Donyrio Naharis is named commander of the army, subordinate to Prince Jasper. Captain Gareth Melcolm, married to a niece of Prince Jasper, is made an admiral and commander of the navy.

The second goal was to improve the organization of the military, which Duncan felt was necessary to be able to adapt to the changes in warfare.

The Pentoshi cavalry would be organized into light and heavy. All of the knights, landed nobility, and those of the religious knightly orders, would comprise the heavy cavalry. These would continue to go into battle armored, and armed primarily with lances. Some would be equipped with harquebuses, but as those were generally considered weapons of infantry, few are armed with them. The light cavalry, being less numerous, and wearing less armor, has its role changed to primarily serve as scouts. Their command structure, however, is similar to the heavy cavalry, with knights serving as senior commanders. The overall commander of the cavalry is General Gylarro Osteris.

The Pentoshi infantry would be similarly divided between lightly armored or unarmored men with harquebuses, and well armed heavy infantry. These would be grouped together in combat. Artillery, aside from the heavy pieces which guard Pentos, is grouped with the infantry. As with the cavalry, knights would be in command, but the infantry also allowed for men to be promoted to high rank based on merit. Overall command of the infantry was given to General Alric Woolfield, a distant cousin of the Prince of Pentos.

The royal guard is also slightly changed, mostly to reflect its status as an honor guard for the Prince and his family. The 200 strong unit is not meant as a combat unit, and as a result is staffed mostly with men who have given good service with the field army. Knights, both common and noble, form the command staff, with the overall commander being a relative of Prince Jasper.
From: Braavos
To: Iron Company survivors @CommandoHowizter
We are prepared to assist you in returning home from Westeros to Laketown, if you will each give your parole, witnessed and sworn on your faith, never again to engage in war against the Iron Throne, Braavos or any of their holdings.
From: Aethan Targaryen
To: Rodrik Storm-Cloaked @Sidheach

If a man does not follow the One God, but he dies with steel in his hand, fighting God's enemies...will God allow that man into His Hall?

From Rodrik
To Aethan

They say that when Melarra Sunglass passed away, the Grey King led a fleet of ghostly longships to the gates of thy Faith's afterlife and stole her back from the Seven. He is not one to turn away anyone who might stand firm at his side when the end of things come, no matter the faith with which they were born.
To: Triarch Vhossar @EmperorCasey
From: Queen Arianna
I have a slight . . . favor to ask. My cousin Tristan accompanied me to the summit at Sar Mell, and he wishes to remain in Volantene territory. Apparently he believes that he found Rhoynar waterspeakers. (I believe in the gods as much as anyone else, but seriously?) The boy apparently wants to be Elric Stark once more. Would you mind allowing him to stay?

From: High Triarch Vhossar
To: Queen Arianna

He may stay as long as he desires to do so. If he should require additional resources he may simply ask the local authorities and they will do their best. The only caveat being that should he find any artifacts of Valyrian origin he hand them over to Volantis, other materials relating to the Rhoynar are his as long as he discloses what they contain to the proper authorities.

The Kings of the Iron Throne
House Words: "Fire And Blood"
Other Words: "Above the Laws of Gods And Men"
Religion: Faith of the Seven
Head of House: Maelys I, King of the Andals, Rhoynar, and First Men
Heir: Prince Ori Targaryen
Seat: King's Landing
Other Holdings: Dragonstone, Maidstone, Summerhall, Tumblestone Keep, New Barrel, Ashgarden, Whitegrove

Ancestral Weapons:
Stranger's Peace & Witch's Sister (daggers)

Family Line:
{King Kendrick Targaryen} b. 209 died of the Winter Fever 250, m. Dowager Queen Catelyn Tully nee Targaryen "The Kingfish", b. 212 (aged 40)

Their firstborn son {Maeglin Targaryen} b. 229 died of Winter Fever 250

Their second son King Maelys Targaryen, b. 232 (age 22), also called "The Prince of Hull" and "The Twisted" m. Queen Malora Targaryen (Storm-Cloaked) b. 221 (age 33)

Their son
Ori Targaryen b. 251 (age 3)

Their son Aeryn Targaryen b. 353

His daughter
Vaena Waters, b. 247 (6) by Tosoza "Qo" of Hull

King Kendrick's bastard daughter, legitimized by decree of King Maelys, Sibela Targaryen b. 234 (aged 20) to a weaver in King's Landing m. Robb Tully of Riverrun

The King's uncle {Owen Targaryen} of Dragonstone b. 215 d. 253, slain by assassins of the Rebel House Umber, m. Lady Rebecca Tully b. 215 (age 38)

Their firstborn daughter Rhaenys Targaryen b. 230 (age 24) "The Pure", "The Queen of Cats" salt wife to Veron Storm-Cloak, their daughter Malora Storm Cloak (b. 253)

Their secondborn daughter Lady Daena Seadragon b. 235 (age 19) m. Kazir Seadragon of Braavos

Their firstborn son Aethon Targaryen b. 238 (age 15)

Their secondborn son Tristifer Targaryen b. 252 (age 2)

Military: (numbers being worked on)
1170 horse
2400 foot
??? bombards
2 Grand Bombards (Rhaenys, The Realm's Delight)

Royal Fleet: (numbers being worked on)
100 War Galleys
75 Dromonds
75 Carracks

-Dalton, ridden by King Maelys Targaryen
-Acrebus, claimed by Daena Seadragon
-Starchaser, ridden by Sibela Waters (former mount of Prince Maeglin)
-Jonquil, ridden by Ser Alan Sandstorm
-Malora, claimed by Vaena Waters

House Celtigar
House Sandstorm of Rosby
House Deathrattle of Hull
House Bar Emmon
House Sunglass
Various other Crownlands Houses

The Small Council:
The Hand of the King Hugh Arryn
The Lord Protector Robb Tully
The Master of Ships Rodrik Storm-Cloaked
The Master of Coin Barthogen Stark
The Master of Whispers Ser Edmyn Salt
The Master of Laws Ser Raynald Arryn
The Master of War Lord Redwyne
The Grand Maester Thomas
The Son of Wisdom Henry
Lord High Researcher Jahaera Nightfyre of the Alchemists Guild
Lord Commander of the Watch Jon Hunter

The Kingsguard: (WIP)
Ser Leofric Greyjoy
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Great Sept of Rhaenyra
Aegon knew he would find his father here. Lord Kaesoran Celtigar was kneeling at the statue of the warrior. Aegon had problems with his father. The man was cold, like the stormy seas of Claw Isle. He had loved that wimp Hector more then Aegon. Hell his mother was the one who gave him his name, his father not even being their for his birth. Aegon smiled a bit when he remembered his grandfather, blessed be Baelor Celtigar when the dying man gave the eleven-year old Aegon Leviathan's Wrath and not Hector. His father had a fit at that but uncle Ronald kept him in check. Aegon passed his father praying for guidance for his redemption. Let the old man get his redemption, Aegon had already got what he wanted, and that was the heir-ship to Claw Isle. This reminded him that he needed to marry off his sister Vaenys and prepare for the training of his little cousin Maeglin. Aegon quickly had the idea that letting the young lad named after the King's dead brother near King's Landing would be a bad idea.

Aegon would deal with this later though. He had come to pray; but not like his father. He was not here for the Warrior, the Mother, the Crone, or any of the other seven. He was here for the only god that truly mattered in his eyes. He knelt and began his prayers for the death to all those who threaten House Targaryen. The status of the Stranger loomed above.
