A Gate of Flesh

...Shy... *sigh* Sometimes I dearly despair for my state.

Accel's reason for asking about zerg magical anti-gravity cancer, and Mass Effect style knowledge / technology could be very different than from incorrectly guessing what universe the MC is in. I can think of several possibilities off the top of my head. Wanting recreate Mass Effect techniques in the Stargate 'verse. Wanting to pre-prepare for if the MC should end up in the Mass Effect universe, another potential. Wanting to troll the SGC with Mass Effect techs, another. In short, there's plenty of reasons for Accel to want to know how far Zerg anti-gravity cancer can push effects. ... Not to many include not realizing that the MC is not in Mass Effect series.
wasn't talking about the gravity cancer was just posting that i think it's the stargate verse
Ah... so the "confusion" comes from the fact that you didn't preface your written thought with "I just realized something." As it was, with how it closely enough followed Accel's question, it read as though you were telling him that he was thinking about the wrong universe.
no clue zerg bullshit biotech is bullshit
I know.

But think about it.

Remember reapers?

Now think of an ultralisk/ or all zerg units have a minute antigrav organ. Now let the organ be able to reverse gravity for short bursts.

You can have ultralisks jumping up cliffs. Or even banelings.