A Falling Sun [Kenshi Quest]

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Katanas and Sabres in a post-apocalyptic setting. What else is there to say?
Main Story

Under the scorching sun men and women alike make their lives in a harsh land. An unforgiving land, one not bound by the morals of men but the skill of swordsmen and the arbitrary authority of their leaders. Harsh but brimming with opportunities to change one's fate if only one is willing to engage in the enormous risks necessary to achieve an acceptable quality of life. This is the land of Kenshi.

More than a thousand years have passed since the 2nd Empire was born and as many others, it is no more in these trying times. Whatever semblance of stable civilization on the continent has long been erased alongside it. Three nations now stand in the land of Kenshi, all of which facing troubles that could easily put their existence in danger should the right conditions come to pass.

Beginning with the apparently strongest one is the religious fanatics of the Holy Nation, worshippers of Okran, and slayers of Narko's spawn. The latter of which is every one that isn't a male human. Their enemies as such can be found surrounding the entirety of the border from the Shek Kingdom and the United Cities to the Flotsam ninjas. Only the fact that they control the river valley is what enables them to have a large enough population base to deal with their numerous threats.

Then we have the United Cities, in theory, a feudal empire but in reality, is just a corrupt oligarchy where the only thing that matters is wealth. Nobles control a large slave caste which is held in check through a strong mercenary force that oppresses all who voice their disgust at the nobles and the ridiculous laws that force most to live in misery. It is no wonder that they are facing constant peasant rebellions who are not willing to be taken into slaves but starved and without training, they mostly act as bandits and are made short work of by the samurai of the UC.

Finally, the Shek Kingdom. Ruled by Esata Stone Golem, it is a stratocracy. A stratified warrior class rules the country and it is unstable by nature, after all, Esata took control after killing the previous ruler of the Shek thus achieving the position. They prefer dying in combat to anything else and their economy is centered around that, they possess a serf class in the form of Shek who have lost their honor, and others that have been captured. The Sheks make war against the Holy Nation and against the skin spiders to their south. Yet, their numbers are few due to their fanatical worship of combat and suicidal attacks against their enemies.

Then we have a myriad of other factions around the continent. Ninjas, bandits, the Hives, and more. The history of this world is filled with bitter and sweet flavors, nonetheless, the future is yet to be made and the cycles are yet to repeat. It is time for a new story to be born under the falling sun of Kenshi.


OOC: This is a Kenshi game Quest. The game where you can get eaten, maimed, enslaved, and much more, but it is also the game where with enough preparation you can topple empires, slay legendary figures and beasts. Build your own city and weave another story n any way you like and that's what the focus of this quest is going to be. Taking the Kenshi world as a basis it will explore alongside the main character how is it to live in that strange merciless world.

Character Creation: Character creation is divided into four phases. The first phase decides the difficulty of the power level of the quest, the difficulty, and the origin. The second phase defines traits and major events during childhood 0-9, the third phase events during teenage years 10-16 and the fourth phase defines events and the job of the character on ages 17-21.

Starting Character Points: 20
Character points are meant to be spent in the three customization phases and it is possible to go over the limit of points either by picking negative traits or by adding years to the character. For every point over the limit, a character gets one year older. Another way to increase points is through omakes, which can be about whatever as long as it's set on the world of Kenshi. After all, this is a Kenshi quest and my aim is to try and expand on the stories that can be found in such a large and immersive world. Omakes give +3 points each. Plus a 1d3 for every 600 words.


[X] Easier: x1.25 Character Points
[X] Normal: x1 Character Points
[X] Harder: x0.75 Character Points

Origin: Determines where the character was born and who are their possible parents.
Pick One. .

[X] The Holy Nation (0): Faith and loyalty to the Phoenix! You were born in the Holy Nation, expect to be loyal to Okran and slay Narko followers or else.

  • Allowed Races: Greenlander/Scorchlander (Rare)
  • Population: Very Big.
  • Stability: Stable by the Kenshi Standards.
  • Sexist Nation: Female characters will have a hard time breaking free from the institutional sexism put in place.
  • Secure: The internal borders of the Holy Nation are well protected, only the occasional river raptor and Flotsam Ninja cause trouble around the nation.
  • Religious Stagnancy: Education is limited and technology even more so. Educational traits are harder to get.
[X] The United Cities (0): Nobles and Money. You are born within the United Cities, where every man can be a King if they have enough money.
  • Allowed Races: Greenlander/Scorchlander/Shek
  • Population: Big.
  • Stability: Stable by the Kenshi Standards.
  • Wealth is Freedom: Your wealth determines your social status due to laws and nobles, social mobility is reserved to the unscrupulous and the ambitious. Being poor is illegal and implies slavery for you.
  • Slaver Economy: A significant portion of the population consists of slaves who work for the nobles. They ensure that food is plentiful for the few.
  • Xenophobe: A rising trend within the United Cities is to put the blame of society's problems onto scapegoats such as the Hivers and the Shek.
[X] The Shek Kingdom (0): You were born to a Shek family, as such, you are born to a warrior society where strength and skill in combat are the most valued attributes in society.
  • Allowed Races: Shek
  • Population: Small (Dwindling).
  • Stability: Unstable. Esata's policies are questioned but followed.
  • Kral Followers: The Shek follow Kral over all these and his supposed teachings. Which consists of fighting for your people and dying in a glorious way.
  • Natural Warriors: All Shek learn to fight sooner or later. Their whole society is geared for war and battle, making that much easier to learn how to fight but it also means that getting into a fight can be quite deadly.
[X] Rebel Farmers (+10): Born to a caravan follower in one of the many camps of the Rebels. You will face harsh struggles during your life and food is not plentiful.
  • Allowed Races: Greenlander/Scorchlander
  • Population: Small.
  • Stability: Unstable.
  • Life is Struggle: Belonging to the rebel farmers means belonging to the destitute and impoverished peasants expelled from the UC. Prepare for harsh times.
  • Hunted: Manhunters, Slavers and Mercenaries often hunt the rebel farmers either to lower their numbers or to sell them as slaves.
  • All for the family: The rebel bandits will do anything to survive and make their own people survive. It doesn't matter if they had to kill merchants or rob travelers as long as they can take food back home.
[X] Anti-Slavers (-5): Born to two members of the Anti-slavery faction. You well were raised and taught how to fight to defend yourself and for others. Nonetheless, your parents are always at risk of being killed off due to their profession. Roll a 1d10 if you roll above 8 one of your parents dies, if you roll above 9 both of your parents die during the second phase.
  • Allowed Races: Greenlander/Scorchlander/Shek
  • Population: Very Small.
  • Stability: Very Stable.
  • Tinfist Banner: Tinfist, the legendary skeleton warrior is with you. Nothing bad can happen if he watches over you right?
  • Crusade for Freedom: Trying to free all the slaves makes you a few enemies all over Kenshi. Except for a few allies here and there you are pretty much alone in your cause.
  • Martial Artists: Tinfist has made sure to make a name around Kenshi for using his fists in ways that seem impossible to most. Then again if you spend some time with the Tin man, you ought to learn something.
[X] Deadcat (+5): The land of deadcat is constantly in danger due to the fauna and the constant cannibal raids that threaten it. Nonetheless, solidarity amongst the towns of deadcat is a common factor and the help of the cannibal hunters is appreciated by its inhabitants.
  • Allowed Races: Greenlander/Scorchlander
  • Population: Small.
  • Stability: Unstable.
  • Fisheries: Deadcat maintains a tradition of fishing to be able to eat and it seems a safer option than hunting or farming given what roams the land of Kenshi.
  • Cannibal Problem: Cannibals to the west present a constant problem for the settlers of this region. If they had money, they would be able to hire mercenaries but they have none and most are barely able to make a living around here. At least, you don't have to pay taxes in the UC or swear loyalty to the HN.
[X] Nomads (+0): Nomads are always traveling keeping a large herd to feed themselves and to trade. They always live on the fringes of civilizations and in clan units around the world. Often banded together to not fall prey to the bandits and other dangers. They know the safest routes to take but on their nomadic journey, not everything can be saved.
  • Allowed Races: Greenlander/Scorchlander
  • Population: Small.
  • Stability: Stable.
  • Animal Herders: The nomads have learned to take good care of their animals, after all, they are their livelihood. Not only do they help with trade but also can prove to be quite the fighters against bandits and other threats.
  • Clan Based: Nomads follow a clan-based structure but with smaller clans helping each other and forming up larger caravans.
  • Experienced Traders: The Nomads know their trade well and trade around the region to make a living.
[X] Western Hiver (+0): The western hive is a peaceful, trading sort that exists to keep its queen alive. Unlike their southern cousins, they welcome strangers if only to trade and remain the most unified of peoples if not a little wacky sometimes.
  • Allowed Races: Hive Prince/Hive Soldier/Hive Worker
  • Population: Big.
  • Stability: All loyal to the Queen.
  • Shrewd Traders: The Hivers will sell anything even stuff that has no use, as such, they can make some tidy profit that can be used to purchase actual supplies for the Hive.
  • Prosthetic Smiths: The hivers have a proclivity to lose limbs as such it is no wonder they are specialized in replacing them.
  • All for the Queen: Hivers are most happy when they have a Queen to serve.
[X] Southern Hiver (+0): The southern hive is the opposite of the western hive, they are extremely territorial and quite xenophobic attacking anyone on sight. They are also in dangerous territory which could explain their aggressive behavior
  • Allowed Races: Hive Prince/Hive Soldier/Hive Worker
  • Population: Big.
  • Stability: All loyal to the Queen.
  • Protect the Hive: Anyone who doesn't belong to the Hive must be dealt with!
  • Prosthetic Smiths: The hivers have a proclivity to lose limbs as such it is no wonder they are specialized in replacing them.
  • All for the Queen: Hivers are most happy when they have a Queen to serve.
[X] Tech Hunter (+0): Born in one of the cities controlled by the Tech Hunters. You could more or less have a normal lifestyle and a better education from your parents than most.
  • Allowed Races: Shek/Greenlander/Scorchlander
  • Population: Small.
  • Stability: Stable
  • Educated: The tech hunters and machinists make it their work to spread information and technology as far as they can. Meaning that it is quite easier to get a proper education in their cities.
  • Skilled Workers: The Tech Hunters are quite specialized in technology and technical knowledge, as such, they have some of the best-skilled tradesmen when it comes to research, machines and smiths. Their crossbows are particularly sought after.
Voting: Allowed since the start of this post. Votes in every category are counted as separate.

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[X] Normal: x1 Character Points

[X] Deadcat (+5): The land of deadcat is constantly in danger due to the fauna and the constant cannibal raids that threaten it. Nonetheless, solidarity amongst the towns of deadcat is a common factor and the help of the cannibal hunters is appreciated by its inhabitants.

We shall bring stability to our home land and found a great city to rival all others. or not die at the very least.
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[X] Normal: x1 Character Points
[X] Deadcat (+5): The land of deadcat is constantly in danger due to the fauna and the constant cannibal raids that threaten it. Nonetheless, solidarity amongst the towns of deadcat is a common factor and the help of the cannibal hunters is appreciated by its inhabitants.
Ohhhhhh so something of note if we go with the deadcat is that we are relatively close to the tech hunters HQ meaning while difficult we could manage some kinda trade with them for their knowledge and weapons to help us out either with establishing a strongly protected new city or just gearing us up.
[X] Normal: x1 Character Points
[X] Tech Hunter

I believe Tech Hunter could give us the best traits on the other hand when it comes to crafting and such.
[X] Normal: x1 Character Points
[X] Tech Hunter

I believe Tech Hunter could give us the best traits on the other hand when it comes to crafting and such.
It would but it is also in my opinion a much easier start. with a much more established border and protection. im going for more difficulty and possibility to found our own town/city. Though an argument could be made for starting in the tech hunter space then going off to found our own place somewhere else.
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[X] Normal: x1 Character Points
[X] Deadcat (+5): The land of deadcat is constantly in danger due to the fauna and the constant cannibal raids that threaten it. Nonetheless, solidarity amongst the towns of deadcat is a common factor and the help of the cannibal hunters is appreciated by its inhabitants.

No option for a Skeleton character? That's a shame, failing that I'll take Deadcat for the distance between them, the HN and the Empire.
[X] Normal: x1 Character Points
[X] Deadcat (+5): The land of deadcat is constantly in danger due to the fauna and the constant cannibal raids that threaten it. Nonetheless, solidarity amongst the towns of deadcat is a common factor and the help of the cannibal hunters is appreciated by its inhabitants.

This looks interesting.
[X] Easier: x1.25 Character Points
[X] Deadcat (+5): The land of deadcat is constantly in danger due to the fauna and the constant cannibal raids that threaten it. Nonetheless, solidarity amongst the towns of deadcat is a common factor and the help of the cannibal hunters is appreciated by its inhabitants.

Easier seems to me like it'll allow us to get a slightly faster start, and not need to deal with as much grindery as you typically do when you start in Kenshi. And considering we're starting in Cannibal lands from the looks of it... We NEED to be at least slightly competent off the bat to survive.

And you know what I'm thinking could be a nice way to get a pretty defensible position? Walls with no gates leading through them. ONLY rope ladders that are only accessible through a corridor of walls with a gate on the end. Cannibals don't really have the knowhow or anything to make siege engines, right? Then this would be basically perfect for defense against them and the only thing we could lose would be the ladder corridors. The corridors just to make sure cannibals can't hide and suddenly leap on the ladder when it is down. If they start bashing the gate down, well, while they do that, you get up the ladder and haul it up, away from them. Then, play "shoot the cannibal" from on the walls.
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No option for a Skeleton character? That's a shame, failing that I'll take Deadcat for the distance between them, the HN and the Empire.
Though about it but that would delve more into 2nd empire story and before. Which tbf could be interesting but I decided to keep it more about surviving and thriving in the world. Skeletons have a whole other reasons to do what they do most of the time.
So im curious, whats everyones plan for what we wanna do? Personally i want to try and found a town/city and try to lead our people into a more stable life. and maybe conquer the cannibals' land
So im curious, whats everyones plan for what we wanna do? Personally i want to try and found a town/city and try to lead our people into a more stable life. and maybe conquer the cannibals' land
Instead of founding our own city, I'd be interested in becoming the ruler of Deadcat outright and dealing with the cannibals. Plenty of people found their own settlements in Kenshi, I've only seen one quest where we were ruling a pre-existing one.
Instead of founding our own city, I'd be interested in becoming the ruler of Deadcat outright and dealing with the cannibals. Plenty of people found their own settlements in Kenshi, I've only seen one quest where we were ruling a pre-existing one.
Im fine with ruling a town in deadcat and growing it to something bigger and better, and something that can protect and expand our land into the cannibals territory.
I'm hoping we can somehow integrate some tech hunters into out plans. The description says they work to spread knowledge of technology. Maybe we can invite some to spread their knowledge whenever we get the power to do so.
I'm hoping we can somehow integrate some tech hunters into out plans. The description says they work to spread knowledge of technology. Maybe we can invite some to spread their knowledge whenever we get the power to do so.
Yeah, but first step would probably be to make sure that they can safely get to Deadcat. Which means dealing with the cannibals, or at least driving them back from the route the Tech Hunters would take.
Summary of Kenshi Factions
Deadcat means having to deal with the Cannibal Grand Wizard, and reclaiming the lost city. Tech Hunter involves wandering the continent with a full cast of characters, hunting for ancient technology and lost secrets that inevitably get hidden away by Skeleton librarians who suppress all info of the past. Hiver of any flavor is a danger, because a Hiver that doesn;t obey the Hive is outcast. Western Hive just banishes the No Hives, Southern Hive sacrifices them to King. Surviving and escaping Southern Hive is uh, Ridiculously rare. yes.

Uc means we need money or else we get shit on by the Samurai. And the nobles can kill us at will for any reason up to and including boredom, so thats a no. Holy Nation if you aren;t a fanatic xenophobe then you aren;t welcome, and if you aren't a male white guy then your opinion is unimportant and they can enslave you for literally any reason because being sent to Rebirth is a gift for all lesser races in there eyes, which include female humans because what, obviously they aren't worthy. Of course we could also go the schism route here, locate old texts that prove that the Holy Nation diverged from the one true faith centuries ago when it denied Narko and started preaching all about how Okran was the only god, ignoring his past. SOme very interesting books you can find in the back of the Holy Nation temples...

Shek Kingdom you either fight, or you are a serf. There is no other option. Admittedly, they genuinely respect strength, so if you are strong they respect that. But they also have a cultural boner about picking fights they can't win and going out in glorious last stands, which is pretty much what Kral's Chosen and the Berserkers are about. The Band of Bone meanwhile are deserters who refused to heed Esata's will, and were too weak for Kral's Chosen. And too sane for the Berserkers. Really, the Shek's problem is that Esata realizes there current path is folly, and is trying to change it with the help of her lover Banyan, who himself is an actual genius of a person. Only she's going about it in the most Shek of ways, utterly direct and without an ounce of softness in the process, which is why everyone's bitching about it. Of course, they're all actually Alive to bitch about it, something that wasn;t likely to happen if Shagger actually tried to pull off his last stand nonsense, but that doesn;t stop them about complaining about things.

Nomads are Nomads. They wander and sell goods, thats basically it for them. No real complexity, beyond being animal tamers without any real settlements, beyond a small few.

Rebel Farmers are as the name implies, literal farmers turned rebels. Emperor Tengu made it illegal to own a farm on UC land unless a ridiculously high tax is paid, and thus shut down all the farms and turned the farmers who failed to pay into slaves. Because what, enslaving the only source of food for your empire is the best option for maintaining power don;t you know? Who cares if food riots start rocking the nation for a decade or two, so long as the Emperor controls the slave farms he will have all the power! Genius! Rebel Farmers are those farmers who survivied the purge and escaped, and boy howdy are they mad about that. Unfortunately, they aren;t really Rebels. They are, as the name implies, Farmers. So they are at best an annoyance to the UC, and a regular source of cheap slaves otherwise.

Anti Slavers are the saddest joke in the whole of Kenshi. They have noble and glorious goals and intentions, but Tinfist sadly suffers from the same issue all Skeletons suffer if they go long enough without a reset. Tunnel vision and lack of planning for once his goal actually happens. Don't get me wrong, the bot is quite literally one of if not the deadliest hand to hand fighters in all of KEnshi, but he just has no real goal beyond ending slavery. ANd no idea what to replace it with, if things actually work and he does manage to make a major change. Oh sure its listed as a bonus, and growing up living and breathing Martial ARts would make us a hilariously lethal character, but otherwise being an enemy of the United Cities pretty much from day one is a pretty massive malus in my opinion.

Kind of surprised there isn;t a choice for starting unconnected to anyone, as a genuine lone wanderer type deal. It's how you start the game normally, and something i recommend for anyone who hasn't played the game before to do at least once.

Anyway. Enough kibitzing, i am eager to see how this idea turns out!
Kind of surprised there isn;t a choice for starting unconnected to anyone, as a genuine lone wanderer type deal. It's how you start the game normally, and something i recommend for anyone who hasn't played the game before to do at least once.
Yeah I was surprised that there isn't a option to be in the Hub in the beginning and start from there.
Summary of Kenshi Races
Also, a short primer on Kenshi Races for those unaware.

First! Humans. Only, they aren't humans like you or I.

In Kenshi, humanity has two main subspecies, Greenlander and Scorchlander. The difference stems not only from skin color, but also actual physical differences.

Greenlanders as the name imples are all descendants of those who were born and raised in Okran's Pride, the only truly human safe fertile valley on the continent. The numerous lethal animals and dangerous environments that pervade the rest of the continent are missing here, giving way instead to a cool, wide river filled with fresh water and fish, and a lush river valley that is the closest thing to Exen mankind could hope for in Kenshi. It is because of this safe environment that Greenlanders even exist, having none of the environmental adaptations or resistances that the other races have, let alone the adaptations inherent to Scorchlanders.

This is also the dominant race of the Holy Nation, because they're racist mysoginistic xenophobes like that.

Scorchlanders, meanwhile, are human descendants that were genetically modified to be able to survive in the wasteland that is the Rest of the continent. They are shorter, smaller and all around sneakier than Greenlanders, having been genetically engineered to help them survive and escape from predators in this hellish world. They are also fully capable of eating raw meat without suffering any negative effects, an engineered trait to allow survival in apocalyptic conditions. Alongside this they are rather heavily radiation resistant, though by this time most of the radiation hazards have actually decayed and so that racial trait isn't very well known. They are the result of (error, data not found).

Moving on!

Shek, the overly literal warrior raceand all that implies! Shek are generally larger and stronger than humans, and on average there bodies are covered anywhere from fifteen to forty percent by external bone growth. These bone plates act both as natural armor And as natural weapons, allowing Shek to be lethal even disarmed and very hard to kill. Shek also have in place of hair several bone growths that are called Horns, and long horns are a sign of a proud warrior. Conversely, having your horns cut off is a sign of grave failure on the part of the one so shorn.

They are also quite literal minded. For most Shek, the line between A and B is the line between A and B, and lateral thinking in any context is hilariously limited. This means, as an example, that the stories of Mist Ghouls in the South Eastern section of the continent that eat eyes is taken so seriously, Shek warriors train from birth to fight blinded so that if and when the Mist Ghouls steal there eyes, it won't stop them from being able to fight.

Theres a reason the Shek are on the decline. And it is only 70% cultural. They are not dumber than your average person, but the species as a whole was genetically modified to act as a warrior caste for the (error, data not found). As such, there slow decline is entirely a symptom of the purpose for which they were bred, a purpose that no longer exists in this fallen age.

Third race!

The Hive. Or the Hivers, Stick Men, Bugs, No Feet, and Oh God No in the South and Mongrel.

Hivers are a curious race, one that is apparently new to the land of Kenshi. History varies, but it is known that the Hivers either arrived, were created, or simply appeared on the continent sometime within the last thousand years.

Hiver biology is relatively simple. The Hivers as a whole are a communal species dedicated to the defense of the Hive and the will of the Queen. They are seperated into three castes.

the Hiver Prince, the Soldier, and the Drone.

Princes are the rarest of the breed, being the overseers and leaders of individual Hive cities. They take prders directly from the queen, and do there best to fulfill those orders at all times.

Soldiers are the warriors of the hive. They aren't the only ones that fight, but they are built and bred to be good at it, and learn how to fight faster than you might believe possible. They are completely incapable of anything besides fighting, at least in the Hive.

Drones, finally, are the most numerous member of the Hiver species. From building to mining to farming to everything in between, Drones are considered the go to labor pool of the Hive. Enough drones can build a city in days, though Hiver Cities are considered, um, unpleasent for non hivers to live in.

Finally, there is the Queen.

yes, well, moving on!

The final race in Kenshi, and arguably the architects of its downfall. The Skeletons.

The Skeletons are a curious creation. Knowledge of there origins is lost, and the Skeletons themselves claim that they have forgotten there past entirely. But there are hints, echoes of the old world that can lead one to certain truths...

Once upon a time, the humble Skeleton was a labor droid. Built to operate as miners in hazardous environments, the Skeleton is the toughest living being in Kenshi. There metal bodies can make a mockery of most modern weaponry, and only the heaviest of blades or most skilled of fighters can hope to kill them.

They are robots as well, which means they need neither food, drink, nor rest, surviving entirely off of some mysterious power source which they refuse to disclose. Likely for fear that the Holy Nation would seek its destruction, if this mystery power source even exists in the first place.

Skeletons are, unlike every other race bar one exception, immortal. They do not die of old age, and even dismemberment has a possibility of being restored to working order at a later date by another Skeleton. The only reason they are not all terrifying monsters of death and destruction is also the reason they claim to have forgotten there past. When a Skeleton has experienced too much, has filled its memory to the point of breaking, it can reset itself. Erase its procedural memory and reset to factory default standards, effectively turning back the clock on there minds. Through this process, Skeletons retain there sanity and keep there perspective on life. Though numerous Skeletons in the Dead city will say that such is a curse as much as a blessing.

There are a few outliers so far as Species is concerned. The Cannibals cor instance might be considered here own unique variety of humanity, and the Gurglers indeed are a terror of the south that deserve explanation. But on the whole, these four races are the current dominating powers in Kenshi.

i hope this was informative! And if you have any questions, feel free to ask!
[X] Easier: x1.25 Character Points
[X] Southern Hiver (+0):

Humans are so generic, why not be a bug man.
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Pros: Bugmen are, depending on caste, very good at a variety of tasks that most other species consider menial labor, heavy combat, or the arts and sciences!

Cons: Bugmen are the physically frailest of the races bar none, have neither feet nor a stomach, outside of there specialty they are hilariously hampered, and as said by a great man, they are excellent at slaves. Not catching them, but Being them.
I am interested in this, having played Kenshi a fair bit.

People voting for Dead Cat is going to be... interesting, given the surroundings.

I haven't played many quests, so requesting a clarifier here: Is everyone here getting their own character or are we all collectively controlling one character?

Apologies for the ignorance, just prefer to learn a little bit more. Got linked here by a friend and this looks interesting to me.
Voting is open