Plus, this has been bugging me.
"You are my friend." he tells you, voice low and comforting. "I would have done so regardless."
Regardless of what, Jojo? The phrasing means that since you are our friend, you'd do it even if it weren't for something else... but what?
"So, since I inherited the potential to do magic from you, does that mean I'm a magical girl?" you ask. "Do I get any cool outfits to go with it?"
Oho, quick to recover aren't you?
The reactions are mixed. Jojo chokes on his fried rice a little and looks at you in a new light. Hope shines bright in his eyes and he looks as though he's found something nigh irreplaceable and of extreme value to guard with his life.
Oh. :rolleyes:

Don't you dare dash Jojo's dreams, @What A Day! :rage::rage::rage:
[X] Agree. You need some time to get everything out of your system.

Okay, I know we are the reliable one, but we have had it now. Besides, going to class would simply be going trough the motions....
Maybe so, but with the way everything seems to be escalating, it's pretty much all Thana has to ground herself at the moment.
Please let it be a stupid, risqué outfit.

It fits the genre, also, hilarity.
And why would-
Plus, this has been bugging me.

Regardless of what, Jojo? The phrasing means that since you are our friend, you'd do it even if it weren't for something else... but what?

Oh. :rolleyes:

Don't you dare dash Jojo's dreams, @What A Day! :rage::rage::rage:
- what.


What the... :confused:

How the hell did I not notice that?! :mad:

Jojo, I once respected you.

Now you're on the same tier as Nevill and Hannz. :V :smile:

The Tier That Should Not Be Mentioned. :tongue:
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[X] Stay. Your and Vivian's friends might get suspicious about you suddenly skipping. Plus the rumors...
  1. [X] Agree. You need some time to get everything out of your system.
    Number of voters: 7

    JoshieWoshie, Hannz, Nevill, veekie, What A Day, In_lurk_shadow, Sailor Midgard
  2. [X] Stay. Your and Vivian's friends might get suspicious about you suddenly skipping. Plus the rumors...
    Number of voters: 3

    Random Member, wingstrike96, PsyFarrow
  3. [X] Stay. Your and Vivian's friends might get suspicious about you suddenly skipping. Plus the rumors...
    -[X] Screw leaving, class is one of the few rocks of sanity you have left and you will not miss it.
    --[X] Glare everyone into agreeing with you.
    Number of voters: 2

    Jeboboid, ConfusedPotato
Skipping class is in the lead. I'll be locking the vote in... Two hours, give or take.
Skipping School and Questions [Evening - 2/4]
[] Agree. You need some time to get everything out of your system.

"Yeah, we can." you nod and look around. "But what about..."

The room is trashed. The wall and ceiling panels are falling apart, the light fixtures are on the ground in many pieces, almost all of the instruments have been turned to scrap, and the various seats have been either scattered or are in pieces themselves. Surprisingly, only the piano is in relatively good shape, having only sustained a scorch mark on its top surface.

You also notice how the world around you looks a little... muted. The colors aren't so vibrant, the air feels as though it isn't moving, and you have this urge to turn away and leave. Is it some sort of spell or something? Whatever, you don't particularly care any more.

"This?" Adam half-smiles. "I'll fix it. It won't take long." he reaches into his half-skirt and pulls out a handful of small bottles filled with various stuff-- is that a dried finger? "Why don't you guys go on ahead and wait for me somewhere?"

"But how would--" you blink. "Ah. Magic."
...Are you mad?
"Yeah, I..." his half-smile falters a little. "Yeah."
Yes, you are.
"Mm." you nod back. "Well, if you say so. C'mon Viv, Jojo."

You turn and leave the room without another word, hearing your two escorts fall into step a little bit behind you. You take the quickest route out of the building, down the closest stairwell and out the east side door. You follow an out of the way trail, one frequently used by students playing truant who want a quick exit out school grounds.

You follow the trail to a part of the outermost wall ringing the school and climb over it just as the recess bell rings. From there, you follow the wall around the school and emerge next to the bus stop. You sit there, waiting for a bus to board. Your escorts seat themselves at your flanks, Vivian closer than Jojo.

"...So," your sister starts. "How'd you two find that Ghost? Me and Adam patrol through the school every week, but we have found anything like that in a while."

"Thana was giving me a tour of the school." Jojo answers. "She was volunteered by her, ah, our homeroom teacher and at everyone else's urging yesterday. She agreed, and promised to do it sometime later as she had prior engagements."

"Yester... Oh right, she was tutoring me and Joshua." Vivian nods to herself. "Must've been lonely for your first day here, hm?"

"Oh no, I had Thana's friends for company. They are good people, Oscar and Miss Elizabeth." Jojo laughs a little. "They showed me to the cafeteria and were great conversationalists."

"Pull the other one Jojo," you chuckle softly. "Oscar doesn't do conversations."

"Right, that big guy rarely talks. He's more into sign language or something..." Vivian nudges you. "Right?"

"Sort of." you shrug. "Oscar doesn't talk like most people do. You need to know where to look. if you're trying to strike a conversation with him. Like where he looks with his eyes or how his shoulders move."

"He sounds like a complex individual." Jojo comments.

"He's a person, like us. You just haven't known him better." you fall silent for a moment, then sigh. "What's taking the bus so long..."

"Probably traffic or something." you hear Vivian's clothes rustle, she was probably shrugging. "Maybe a blown out tire?"

"Where will we be going to, actually?" you blink and turn to Jojo. "N-Not that I am complaining, merely curious."

He had a point; where will you be going?
Somewhere safe, I hope!
[] Paulowania Mall
[] Golden Globe Cinema
[] Rockafeller Library
[] Sunset Pier
[] Hideaway Bookstore
[] Home

You tell them the destination of where you're going and before either of them could object, or comment or whatever, Adam emerges from the same path you took out the school. He looks a little scuffed up and a few stray twigs are stuck in his hair, but other than that he appears fine.

He takes his spot next to Jojo and you relay him where you four will be going. He doesn't raise any objections.

A bus pulls to a stop not long after and the four of you clamber on. The driver, an old balding man with a white mustache, doesn't say a word and even offers you a small smile as you get on.

The bus pulls away and drives off to Rockafeller proper as you and your escorts seat yourselves at the far back of the vehicle. Jojo takes up your left while Vivian and Adam fill your right. For a few moments, all of you just look around idly, not saying anything and twiddling your thumbs.

"...So." Adam starts, making your sister jumping and smacking his shoulder. "Ow, quit it. Anyway, I'm... Sure you have your questions. Neither myself or Vivian can answer all of them, but we'll try to answer what we can."

[] Ask something.
- [] What?
[] No, you don't want to ask anything yet. (Attempt to remove Perk: Conflicted, DC 75 Willpower)
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[X] No, you don't want to ask anything yet. (Attempt to remove Perk: Conflicted, DC 75 Willpower)
[X] Sunset Pier
[X] Ask something.
-[X] "So...about that outfit? Why is my dear sister dressed like an exhibitionist?"
-[X] "Patrolling, since when? For what?"
-[X] "Does evil ghost trying to kill you feature much in our school life. "
-[X] "How do you keep up in class with fighting monsters?"
-[X] "Who else is in on the magic?"

Sounds scenic?
[X] Hideaway Bookstore
[X] No, you don't want to ask anything yet. (Attempt to remove Perk: Conflicted, DC 75 Willpower)

It says Hideaway, so it must be stealthy and hidden from truant officers!
"...So," your sister starts. "How'd you two find that Ghost? Me and Adam patrol through the school every week, but we have found anything like that in a while."
'not' is missing.
[X] Sunset Pier

Absolutely. The sea breeze must be pretty relaxing.

[X] Ask something.
-[X] "So...about that outfit? Why is my dear sister dressed like an exhibitionist?"
--[x] "Will I get to choose mine?"
-[X] "Patrolling, since when? For what?"
-[X] "How do you keep up in class with fighting monsters?"
-[X] "Who else is in on the magic?"
-[x] "Why did this start happening now of all times? Vampires, ghosts, magic dragons... it's like a dam just bursted! Or was it always like this and I simply didn't notice?"
-[X] "Is it something about our school that draws in the supernatural? Or is the whole world full of crazy?"

I am pretty sure everyone in our circle is in on it, by that point. There is Proudmore, there is something going with Elizabeth's sword, Oskar's being an almost-mute is definitely suspect (a werewolf?), and anyone who isn't an outright mage is probably a mad scientist or a secret agent observing one.

What's confusing me is why all the excitement is concentrated in our school. Is there something the headmaster is not telling us?
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[X] Sunset Pier

[X] Ask something.
-[X] "So...about that outfit? Why is my dear sister dressed like an exhibitionist?"
-[X] "Patrolling, since when? For what?"
-[X] "How do you keep up in class with fighting monsters?"
-[X] "Who else is in on the magic?"
-[x] "Why did this start happening now of all times? Vampires, ghosts, magic dragons... it's like a dam just bursted! Or was it always like this and I simply didn't notice?"
-[X] "Is it something about our school that draws in the supernatural? Or is the whole world full of crazy?"
[X] Hideaway Bookstore
[X] Ask something.
-[X] "So...about that outfit? Why is my dear sister dressed like an exhibitionist?"
-[X] "Patrolling, since when? For what?"
-[X] "How do you keep up in class with fighting monsters?"
-[X] "Who else is in on the magic?"
-[x] "Why did this start happening now of all times? Vampires, ghosts, magic dragons... it's like a dam just bursted! Or was it always like this and I simply didn't notice?"
-[X] "Is it something about our school that draws in the supernatural? Or is the whole world full of crazy?"
[X] Hideaway Bookstore
[X] No, you don't want to ask anything yet. (Attempt to remove Perk: Conflicted, DC 75 Willpower)

Let's at least try to remove Conflicted. The DC is effectively 80, which is bad enough. We can ask them questions when we get there.
[X] Sunset Pier

[X] Ask something.
-[X] "So...about that outfit? Why is my dear sister dressed like an exhibitionist?"
-[X] "Patrolling, since when? For what?"
-[X] "How do you keep up in class with fighting monsters?"
-[X] "Who else is in on the magic?"
-[x] "Why did this start happening now of all times? Vampires, ghosts, magic dragons... it's like a dam just bursted! Or was it always like this and I simply didn't notice?"
-[X] "Is it something about our school that draws in the supernatural? Or is the whole world full of crazy?"
Let's at least try to remove Conflicted. The DC is effectively 80, which is bad enough. We can ask them questions when we get there.
Which would be as effectively done if we resolve the conflict. The main thing making Conflicted so hard to remove at present is some rather justifiable resentment about not being clued in by everyone in her social group.

Getting some answers is the way to erode that resentment, assuming they have SOME reason to justify themselves.
Which would be as effectively done if we resolve the conflict. The main thing making Conflicted so hard to remove at present is some rather justifiable resentment about not being clued in by everyone in her social group.

Getting some answers is the way to erode that resentment, assuming they have SOME reason to justify themselves.
Yep. I think 'grin and bear it' went out with the revelation Sis is a MAHOU SHOUJOU GHOSTHUNTER.
Thats a damn step above just 'mom told her to stick to the program in vain, stubborn hope that half of her plan could still be salvaged" or '' Dad wanted this because he is a mundane and we were his favorite".

This is at the 'No, Usagi, you can not tell even your best friend, the monater magnet who is constantly attacked'' level of stupid.
[X] Sunset Pier

[X] Ask something.
-[X] "So...about that outfit? Why is my dear sister dressed like an exhibitionist?"
-[X] "Patrolling, since when? For what?"
-[X] "How do you keep up in class with fighting monsters?"
-[X] "Who else is in on the magic?"
-[x] "Why did this start happening now of all times? Vampires, ghosts, magic dragons... it's like a dam just bursted! Or was it always like this and I simply didn't notice?"
-[X] "Is it something about our school that draws in the supernatural? Or is the whole world full of crazy?"
[X] Hideaway Bookstore
[X] No, you don't want to ask anything yet. (Attempt to remove Perk: Conflicted, DC 75 Willpower)
  1. [] Sunset Pier
    Number of voters: 5

    veekie, Nevill, KInruush, Sailor Midgard, wingstrike96
  2. [] No, you don't want to ask anything yet. (Attempt to remove Perk: Conflicted, DC 75 Willpower)
    Number of voters: 4

    Jeboboid, Hannz, What A Day, PsyFarrow
  3. [] Hideaway Bookstore
    Number of voters: 4

    Hannz, What A Day, PsyFarrow, In_lurk_shadow
  4. [] Ask something.
    -[] "So...about that outfit? Why is my dear sister dressed like an exhibitionist?"
    -[] "Patrolling, since when? For what?"
    -[] "How do you keep up in class with fighting monsters?"
    -[] "Who else is in on the magic?"
    -[] "Why did this start happening now of all times? Vampires, ghosts, magic dragons... it's like a dam just bursted! Or was it always like this and I simply didn't notice?"
    -[] "Is it something about our school that draws in the supernatural? Or is the whole world full of crazy?"
    Number of voters: 4

    KInruush, Sailor Midgard, wingstrike96, In_lurk_shadow
  5. [] Ask something.
    -[] "So...about that outfit? Why is my dear sister dressed like an exhibitionist?"
    -[] "Patrolling, since when? For what?"
    -[] "Does evil ghost trying to kill you feature much in our school life. "
    -[] "How do you keep up in class with fighting monsters?"
    -[] "Who else is in on the magic?"
    Number of voters: 1

  6. [] Ask something.
    -[] "So...about that outfit? Why is my dear sister dressed like an exhibitionist?"
    --[] "Will I get to choose mine?"
    -[] "Patrolling, since when? For what?"
    -[] "How do you keep up in class with fighting monsters?"
    -[] "Who else is in on the magic?"
    -[] "Why did this start happening now of all times? Vampires, ghosts, magic dragons... it's like a dam just bursted! Or was it always like this and I simply didn't notice?"
    -[] "Is it something about our school that draws in the supernatural? Or is the whole world full of crazy?"
    Number of voters: 1

Heading to Sunset Pier is in the lead. As for whether to ask questions or not... Well, from here, it looks like a tie.

I'll see if I can update early today. I've got a flight to catch tomorrow and I want to be well rested for it.
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I think asking is in the lead 6 to 4, with minor variations? In which case I would like to normalize my vote and vote for the most popular questions.

[X] Sunset Pier

[X] Ask something.
-[X] "So...about that outfit? Why is my dear sister dressed like an exhibitionist?"
-[X] "Patrolling, since when? For what?"
-[X] "How do you keep up in class with fighting monsters?"
-[X] "Who else is in on the magic?"
-[x] "Why did this start happening now of all times? Vampires, ghosts, magic dragons... it's like a dam just bursted! Or was it always like this and I simply didn't notice?"
-[X] "Is it something about our school that draws in the supernatural? Or is the whole world full of crazy?"
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