[X] Cult Investigations - The Cult of Khaine is acting with greater desperation than even Hultressa expected, and now she is uncertain as to which of the Cults may actually be trying to gain proper ascendance in the coming Auction. It is rare for Khaine to be displaced by another of the Cytharai, but not impossible to happen. After Dreadbringer's death, it may well be that other Cults think that now is their time to rise, and as such, it may do well to account for them more thoroughly for the upcoming Auction.

Moratorium is still up for another hour.

I think I would like to know what is going on with the cults as well.
Its good to vote now, so voting!

[X] Retinue - The more effort and time Hultressa puts into this act, the more assets she can actually bring with her to the Auction as her presumed efforts 'work out' in terms of recruitment. Some effort will already be made, enough to bring Frederick, but any other assets will require some time put towards this. Doing so will allow Hultressa to much more strongly justify bringing in others, arming them even as her guards, and so on. Therefore, once you are at the Temple of Khaine, you will have that many more weapons and bodies at hand to aid you.

As said, think we are better off with more hero units in temple, especially Roland since he is another very dangerous and experienced beatstick.
Either go for.bomb.or cult.

We need information, and if we can sow the two to fight during the chaos, that will be the best.


[X] Cult Investigations - The Cult of Khaine is acting with greater desperation than even Hultressa expected, and now she is uncertain as to which of the Cults may actually be trying to gain proper ascendance in the coming Auction. It is rare for Khaine to be displaced by another of the Cytharai, but not impossible to happen. After Dreadbringer's death, it may well be that other Cults think that now is their time to rise, and as such, it may do well to account for them more thoroughly for the upcoming Auction.
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[X] Cult Investigations - The Cult of Khaine is acting with greater desperation than even Hultressa expected, and now she is uncertain as to which of the Cults may actually be trying to gain proper ascendance in the coming Auction. It is rare for Khaine to be displaced by another of the Cytharai, but not impossible to happen. After Dreadbringer's death, it may well be that other Cults think that now is their time to rise, and as such, it may do well to account for them more thoroughly for the upcoming Auction.
[X] Cult Investigations - The Cult of Khaine is acting with greater desperation than even Hultressa expected, and now she is uncertain as to which of the Cults may actually be trying to gain proper ascendance in the coming Auction. It is rare for Khaine to be displaced by another of the Cytharai, but not impossible to happen. After Dreadbringer's death, it may well be that other Cults think that now is their time to rise, and as such, it may do well to account for them more thoroughly for the upcoming Auction.
By refusing Gwendolyn's Choice, you have lost all chances at gaining early entry to the Temple of Khaine and must move outwardly instead.
Drat. If we knew they were desperate for allies against Alyssa, I'd have pushed for Gwen's involvement harder.
Would have made infiltrating the auction alot easier even without the focus on allies and enabled us to plant more bombs.

Ah well. Acting on incomplete information has always been a bummer.

[x] Cult Investigations - The Cult of Khaine is acting with greater desperation than even Hultressa expected, and now she is uncertain as to which of the Cults may actually be trying to gain proper ascendance in the coming Auction. It is rare for Khaine to be displaced by another of the Cytharai, but not impossible to happen. After Dreadbringer's death, it may well be that other Cults think that now is their time to rise, and as such, it may do well to account for them more thoroughly for the upcoming Auction.

Last chance to discover something useful.
We've prepared for the auction as best as we could. If there's anything that's going to screw us over, it's the cults acting erratically.
Man, I am ready to get off this Ark,

[X] Cult Investigations - The Cult of Khaine is acting with greater desperation than even Hultressa expected, and now she is uncertain as to which of the Cults may actually be trying to gain proper ascendance in the coming Auction. It is rare for Khaine to be displaced by another of the Cytharai, but not impossible to happen. After Dreadbringer's death, it may well be that other Cults think that now is their time to rise, and as such, it may do well to account for them more thoroughly for the upcoming Auction.
[X] Cult Investigations - The Cult of Khaine is acting with greater desperation than even Hultressa expected, and now she is uncertain as to which of the Cults may actually be trying to gain proper ascendance in the coming Auction. It is rare for Khaine to be displaced by another of the Cytharai, but not impossible to happen. After Dreadbringer's death, it may well be that other Cults think that now is their time to rise, and as such, it may do well to account for them more thoroughly for the upcoming Auction.
[X] Pyramid
with so many new parties acting in the pyriamid it means when Sh*t hits the fan fingers will be point in every direction on who did it meaning max chaos

yeah i wouldn't be surprised if after all this is over gwen wants to stay in ostland maybe at the fulcrim much to her mothers chargrin oddly enough I have a feeling thats for the best I think the asur would take gwen but refuse to give hultressa asylum if they tried to enter the donut considering her too tainted by darr and druchii infulence I don't think gwen would do well without her mother


as an addendum eldrya and gwen will be happy with this option as it involves them Gwen wants to help and eldrya wants revenge two birds one bomb as they say
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Salkaten was a city with dominant Mannan worship...
Maghda,'s fate remains unknown to those outside of Claw of dominion...
People would PRAY for her ...
People would PRAY to Mannan...
this battle would be 'offered' by many to Mannan
A lot of People are in the proces of 'sanctifing" the ark, invoking Mannan
Druichi act in a way of Mannan's rival the shark, which could be agrivating
Prayer, Rituals, BELIVE...

It may be unaimed, but belive hold power still in the world of Mallus.
And Mannan does whatever he wills , whenever he wills
Hmm let's see.
They got beat up.
Their 'ship' has taken damage.
They are currently journeying across the sea having fled a defeat.

Sounds like a time to really start praising Mathlann.
Oh they are having a doctrinal three way with khaine hekarti and atharti?
Not even an extra offering?
While the human worshipper of himself is clinging like a barnacle of vengeance to the underside.


Fuck it it will be funny as all hell to sink a floating island and he can add another piece of Ulthuan to his collection.

(I like some interpretations that not only is every god of the sea the same entity but that said god was swimming around before the old ones even turned up. Possibly being worshipped by the giant crabs at the bottom of the ocean.)
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[X] Cult Investigations - The Cult of Khaine is acting with greater desperation than even Hultressa expected, and now she is uncertain as to which of the Cults may actually be trying to gain proper ascendance in the coming Auction. It is rare for Khaine to be displaced by another of the Cytharai, but not impossible to happen. After Dreadbringer's death, it may well be that other Cults think that now is their time to rise, and as such, it may do well to account for them more thoroughly for the upcoming Auction.
[X] Cult Investigations - The Cult of Khaine is acting with greater desperation than even Hultressa expected, and now she is uncertain as to which of the Cults may actually be trying to gain proper ascendance in the coming Auction. It is rare for Khaine to be displaced by another of the Cytharai, but not impossible to happen. After Dreadbringer's death, it may well be that other Cults think that now is their time to rise, and as such, it may do well to account for them more thoroughly for the upcoming Auction.

OK what new angle do we need to be aware of now? Please.
If we allowed Gwen to go(Roll to persuade Hultressa)
We'd be dealing with a welcoming cult opposed to Alyssa.

This would be the ideal solution.
The only way this could fail is if Khaine decided he didn't like us for killing his people.(Killed alot of em with boomdisk flaggelants)
But even then, since we're working WITH him and his people this time around he'd probably just go with it.

Eh.... I bet they're just going to commit some more murder during the Auction. Thin out the rivals.
I hope he lives just long enough to realize what he has done and for his mother to get her cold hands on him maybe she'll even make his children watch to traumatize any rebellious sentiment he might have instilled in them out of them just because she is that ruthless
"In the cold Motherland, those whose shame denies them place, go on a Long walk. Long enough to never end"

I'm sorry, but on this one, I just don't think I'm going to budge on how the scene was done.
Quick question. Does Alxandra has her own Ledstali Armor like her Mother?
Be quite an upgrade from Pure Ice armor Ice witches usually don.

Also glad to see it being used for stuff outside of Armor. wonder about engeneeing aplications.

Wait till Anna hears of it. Won't be long before she suggest making cannonball out of it :)
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"May the Gods help me, but I cannot recognize my mother any longer. I can only see the monster that has killed so many. Ruined so many. Stolen so much. She breaks the spines of tens of thousands of slaves just to build her temples, her roads, her walls, where once she and my father eagerly discussed shattering the slave markets of Kislev entirely. She molds her niece as an instrument, and they continue to take and take and take. Where just and sound reasoning cannot suffice, they manufacture evidence, or proceed without it. She...hoards...like a dragon does. Power. People. Wealth. Land. All the proud lines of nobility since the time of Miska herself are being shackled, winnowed down, or shut out into the Oblast. Those that defy her die...horribly. Always. Impaled and left to see if they will die of their wounds or from the weather upon the walls. Burned. Tortured. Crushed. Any who do not conform to her desires has their lives and soul forfeit. She thinks to dictate even to the Gods themselves. It cannot stand. My mother guided me to walk the path of Tor, to stand up as the unbroken mountain upon whom the lightning cannot but illuminate. And if I must be the thunder that shatters the monster that wears her face, then so be it."
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"May the Gods help me, but I cannot recognize my mother any longer. I can only see the monster that has killed so many. Ruined so many. Stolen so much. She breaks the spines of tens of thousands of slaves just to build her temples, her roads, her walls, where once she and my father eagerly discussed shattering the slave markets of Kislev entirely. She molds her niece as an instrument, and they continue to take and take and take. Where just and sound reasoning cannot suffice, they manufacture evidence, or proceed without it. She...hoards...like a dragon does. Power. People. Wealth. Land. All the proud lines of nobility since the time of Miska herself are being shackled, winnowed down, or shut out into the Oblast. Those that defy her die...horribly. Always. Impaled and left to see if they will die of their wounds or from the weather upon the walls. Burned. Tortured. Crushed. Any who do not conform to her desires has their lives and soul forfeit. She thinks to dictate even to the Gods themselves. It cannot stand. My mother guided me to walk the path of Tor, to stand up as the unbroken mountain upon whom the lightning cannot but illuminate. And if I must be the thunder that shatters the monster that wears her face, then so be it."
Oh, poor nephew will have so much trauma if he survived long enough to see that he was back by vampires and by skaven