
In my, admittedly DUMB DUMB, opinion:
1) Whoever pushes for faster pace or throws a tantrum can go take a long walk around the city. YOU set the pace that you feel is right.
2) You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for.
3) The ark's arc is great, it give a ginormous and incredibly detailed AND interesting look into the DElfs culture and society.
4) The arc is also rich in character developments, interactions, ecc ecc
5) You owe us absolutely anything, save MAYBE a simple communication like "i'm still at it/ i can't do it anymore"
6) Real life has priority, always.
7) ?????
8) Profit.
At one point you take a bite and end up crunching into seeds that are small radiating explosions of even further spice. Water does nothing. Milk only slightly dampens the heat.

"What is this, exactly?" You asked her, coughing slightly, skin red like a massive sunburn. "I feel like parts of my body are sweating that shouldn't be capable of sweating."

After all this time, you of all people should know Frederick.

Pain is just another flavour.

The very thought fills your nose with the smell of wheat and forest flowers blowing away in a cold wind. A suddenly and potently grief-filled image that startles you for an instant when you realize you've no idea where that imagery came from or the emotions that fueled it.


[X] Early Aquafarm Destruction Attempt
I mainly blame a certain witch king's horrible mother personally, since she kind of set things up to fail in spectacular manner.

Screw Morathi,

All my homies hate Morathi.
All this just makes me feel great that my decision to take tipsy fate then is still good as we got to see Hultressa character much more, and also Gwendolyn.

We're gonna get the two out, alongside all our companion, no matter what.
Soo.. I guess the beast tide is gonna be hitting just after the zombie fungus.. I honestly don't know what to vote rn but I sorta just wanna get out.

In my, admittedly DUMB DUMB, opinion:
1) Whoever pushes for faster pace or throws a tantrum can go take a long walk around the city. YOU set the pace that you feel is right.
2) You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for.
3) The ark's arc is great, it give a ginormous and incredibly detailed AND interesting look into the DElfs culture and society.
4) The arc is also rich in character developments, interactions, ecc ecc
5) You owe us absolutely anything, save MAYBE a simple communication like "i'm still at it/ i can't do it anymore"
6) Real life has priority, always.
7) ?????
8) Profit.

And I largely second this. We spent multiple IRL years in Mountain Vietnam, the only difference between that arc and this arc is that we're spending large amounts of time with Frederick in one place, relying on the help of others. And that's only because the *main* part of the arc has already concluded: We held onto Salkalten, captured a Black Ark, killed Tullaris Dreadbringer, rescued Eldyra, Sprenger is still alive, and Johanna is currently wrecking shit somewhere on the Ark. This is a lull where there's a lot of setup, but that's only because there's a ton of moving parts that presumably will all go off at once and (I assume) result in a spectacular climax. Of course, we then have to make the long trek through the North and then Kislev to get to Ostland, but...is that actually a downside? Kislev has been mostly silent lately, getting Frederick a first-hand experience of what's happening there and finally seeing Alexandra again may be a nice arc in and of itself. The only problem is that with an arc that has this many things that must happen in a specific order for Frederick to get back to Wulfenburg, it's going to take a very long time to get back to normal turn orders. TBH, my only real desire is for the big finish to happen soon so we can start trekking through Kislev and get a front-row seat to the Civil War, not a faster pace or a rush-job. Plus, seeing Alexandra's face when we wear Ledstahl is going to be great. Considering the sheer amount of crap that's going on in your life right now, an 11K chapter that accelerates the timeline is pretty good eating regardless. All I ask is that we get there in the end.

EDIT: Oh and speaking of the North, I really hope we get to meet the Old One-worshipping Norscans. Because *that* is going to send our party into a BSOD.
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When you put it that way, the Druuchi are in some ways just as much meat robots as the Lizardmen are, only they require active and consistent maintenance to prevent large scale "defects".

It makes me pity them despite their abhorrent acts.
Hey now, don't shit talk my perfect immortal, incorruptible, immutable meat constructs by comparing them to some warm blooded failure of the Great Plan, talking about lizards I kinda wanna see how that crazy Slann who went to Norsca to preach turned out.
[X] Early Aquafarm Destruction Attempt: This would be the greatest guarantee towards Natasha's survival, and the worst for the long-term efforts of Hultressa at the Fulmination being discovered as a result of heightened security and paranoia. The destruction of another food production location, or at least the damaging of it, would further reduce food stock on the Black Ark and worsen Alyssa's position. At the same time, if Natasha acts too early, the less damage she may be able to do towards the aquafarm itself. For now, your wife seems mostly certain she can cripple it, if not destroy it. With the majority of the military of the Ark dedicated to slave raids, Natasha's escape is all but guaranteed according to Hultressa. Sabotaging the pyramid will go through just before the auction for maximum destabilization - assuming Hultressa's efforts are not stymied too greatly of course. Which they may well might be.
That's what the Fate Point did. It was, basically, in a single word, in the most motherly, kindly, compassionately, delicate way of Isha transmitting to concept of 'I know you've got it in you. Let me see you grit those teeth'.

And in return, to Her joy, Hultressa responded with:

"You know what? Yeah. Fuck it. Let's do it. I'm going to help the shit out of this motherfucker, and he is going to help me take my daughter before living Avatar of the Goddess Isha Herself."

I hope we get her out of here alive :')
So what im understanding from all that is that for good or bad when elves decide on a direction they go all in. Like max Go Big or Go Home combined with a heaping helping of Fuck It We Ball energy.
Didn't the hidden beastmen get eaten by the fungus?
Does that mean Ostland is safe?(At least until the other hidden beastide finish their attacks on the everyone else.)
Pretty shure main blob of them are in Darkwald forest in former spider pit/s(?) culling weak & undesirables and preparing for hail marry (as I understood Beastmen either win this or they are in fall lower than Fimir on Chaos pawn totem pole).
Fungus more than likely only affected stragglers who are not answering Malagors summons and/or scouting parties sent by Malagor & co.
Kinda hope we will eventually see whath kind of revenge forest goblins are cooking up for their spider gods death.
Soo.. I guess the beast tide is gonna be hitting just after the zombie fungus.. I honestly don't know what to vote rn but I sorta just wanna get out.
If it's any consolation, we won't be fighting them alone, since we'll have the the Eonir and the Barak Varr Dwarfs to help out. Particularly the Dwarfs, since they'll want to make up for missing the fighting at Salkalten.
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Bugman's Brewery is armed to the teeth so that what happened to the original Brewery wouldn't happen again. It should be able to hold out until reinforcements arrive.

But no Dwarf alive is going to take that chance. It's Bugman's Brewery! Even if they don't have to fight anything off, just guarding it is an honor! A sacred duty, even!