I, Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail/Disco Elysium)

How would you like for the current Aeonic Intervention to occur?

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    Votes: 10 71.4%

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Sorry Mentaly healthycells, we Sufferpilled Depressedchads are simply more powerful.

(Also I'm not gonna lie dealing with problems by pretending they aren't there doesn't seem particularly healthy even if volition wants us to.)
Well, at least we can do intense combat instead of drugs.

...Although we also could do drugs.
When you think about it, isn't bleeding out the greatest drug of them all?
(Also I'm not gonna lie dealing with problems by pretending they aren't there doesn't seem particularly healthy even if volition wants us to.)
FWIW, at least it is more likely to be less purely harmful than Harry's past. Now that was a genuine "Do not pass go, do not collect 200, only bad shit resides here" absolute worst memory that just absolutely ruined the man.

...Although this does have a "Honkai" in the title, so maybe Stelle is a depressed amnesiac space hitler, or something.
FWIW, at least it is more likely to be less purely harmful than Harry's past. Now that was a genuine "Do not pass go, do not collect 200, only bad shit resides here" absolute worst memory that just absolutely ruined the man.

...Although this does have a "Honkai" in the title, so maybe Stelle is a depressed amnesiac space hitler, or something.
It's more like she will gain abandonment issues, mommy issues, other issues relating to other older figure types, and confusion, everything but the latter can definitely lead to Depression
A Shiver leads to Shivers
<Shivers[Medium:Success] Medium: 10 vs Your Total: 11> A cold wind, ever pervading. It seeks to corrupt the soul, the planet, anything it can touch. Yet, it can't reach you.

<Logic[Trivial:Success] Trivial: 6 vs Your Total: 8> You're a Trailblazer now. Mere elemental changes -supranatural or not- can't affect you anymore.

You take a deep breath, chilled air filling your lungs. Your mind is still muddied by the events of the previous night. You don't even know why exactly you're here, body moving on autopilot.

<Encyclopedia[Medium:Success] Medium: 10 vs Your Total: 10(Roll: 8 + Encyclopedia: 2)> Your only memories of this morning are brief words. 'Jarilo-VI'.

<Logic[Easy:Success] Easy: 8 vs Your Total: 8> The name of the planet you're now on.

<Encyclopedia> 'Stellaron'

<Inland Empire[Easy:Success] Easy: 8 vs Your Total: 9> Your own beats within you, as though it's a second heart. Resonating with the other, that's here, somewhere.

<Encyclopedia> …and something about pretty girls not being frost-resistant?

<Empathy[Easy:Success] Easy: 8 vs Your Total: 9> How insulting…

That's the other thing. The voices are back to… 'normal'. As normal as voices in your head can be, at least. They're not pressing the issue, but…

<Pain Threshold[Trivial:Success] Trivial: 6 vs Your Total: 13> …the pain is still there. It won't ever leave. Not quite. (-5 Morale)

>Thought gained: Soliloquy of a Shattered Soul
Pointed thoughts like shards of glass scrape against your mind unendingly. You try once more to trace your memories back as far as they can go, yet you're stuck at the same terminus. The woman in purple smiles at you- is it mocking, or is it trying to encourage you? Is she smiling at you, or the 'you' that once was?

Research time: 5 updates.

While Researching:
-1 Pain Threshold: It hurts...
-1 Volition: …and it's not going to stop.

Anything that reminds you of her -that single link to your past- will end up harming your Morale…

Upon Internalization:
The future remains murky, and unclear. But maybe this will be a step forward. One you need to take.
(Story related Thoughts will have their effects hidden...)

[] Start researching.
[] Hold off, for now.

You start to spiral once more, in an almost cruel inverse of last night. Your skills stay silent while you force yourself to keep thinking of it. Forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and-

Your cold thoughts are suddenly rebuffed by a soft warmth.

<Electrochemistry[Medium:Success] Medium: 10 vs Your Total: 10> Ooh, did we have more coffee this morning? Is that caffeine hitting our system? Maybe we did something harder? Welt might keep a liquor stash somewhere…

<Perception[Trivial:Success] Trivial: 6 vs Your Total: 9> …No. It's a hug, you're being hugged.

<Electrochemistry> That is also satisfactory.

It's March, perhaps unsurprisingly. Before you can say anything about it, a hand falls on your shoulder. You look up to find Dan Heng staring back, a certain resoluteness in his eyes.

"...I can't claim to understand what you're going through, nor do I expect you to spill your heart out to us. However… I can recognize that look in your eyes. You're torn between your 'past' and your 'present', right? I can relate, at least slightly. Though I haven't found an answer yet… I do have some advice. You don't have to chew through it all at once. That will leave you burnt out sooner than later, and seemingly no closer than you started. You have time, Stelle. A journey amongst the stars, with us at your side. You'll find the answers eventually, you just need a little faith."

For a moment, you're completely stunned. This is by far the most you've ever heard him speak, and you don't even know why…?

<Empathy[Easy:Success] Easy: 8 vs Your Total: 9> Any suspicions he had of you have vanished fully, since you joined the Express. What matters to him now, is that you're his teammate.

<Esprit de Corps[Easy:Success] Easy: 8 vs Your Total: 9> His sister-in-arms.

A sigh escapes your lips. "Thanks Dan Heng, March. I'll be fine, for now, I think." A small squeeze, before March disconnects, with a pretty big smile. "Now, could anyone recap why we're here? I was… a bit out of it."

"That's an understatement, you were more zombie than Stelle!" Dan Heng's hand finds its way to his face rather quickly after March's remark.

"Ignoring March… The Express has been forced to stop due to interference, confirmed to be a Stellaron. It's exact effects on this planet are unknown, other than the obvious." He gestures to the surroundings, a wasteland of pure white.

<Drama[Easy:Success] Easy: 8 vs Your Total: 8> Like one big snowball, drifting through space…

"Brrr, it really is one big snowball."

<Drama> Hey! Copyright, March!

"My initial ecological survey says there's an area with survivable temperature relatively nearby. It's a good starting place."

"Is there a reason we didn't just… land there?"

"...You can ask March about that, if you'd like."

A curious glance to your right shows a March that absolutely does not wish to engage in any storytime. What a shame, it would have made the icy hike a bit more entertaining.

Not long into your trek you hear the grumbling of your other companion.

"I see how it is… your trusted blade tries all morning to comfort you, but a mere embrace from a maiden snaps you out of it in an instant? We have such a long way to go…"

<Logic[Easy:Success] Easy: 8 vs Your Total: 8> It's likely her voice got lost amongst all of the others…

You spend a long time apologizing to Nameless as you make your way through the frozen plains.

"The blizzard's clearing… we're close." Dan Heng's words are accompanied by a slight raise in temperature, and a thinning of the white haze. Before long, a sprawling city of stone appears before you.

<Shivers[Medium:Success] Medium: 10 vs Your Total: 11> The Preservation bore witness to this city's creation, so long ago. The people grow stagnant, the cold grows harsher, and the heat left by Qlipoth dies a slow death.

You close your eyes, breathe in through your nose, and out through your mouth.

<Shivers> Above, the citizens are strung along like puppets, bliss in ignorance. Below, a wildfire burns, yet with not enough oxygen to grow freely.

The nails of your right hand lightly scrape against the skin of your left forearm.

<Shivers> A mother of deception, a daughter of integrity.

Your heart skips a beat, then two.

<Shivers> The gears of change have long since rusted…

"It's impressive that you can walk so straight with your eyes closed, Stelle." The vision shatters into dust, and your eyes jolt open. You're… in the city, already. The hustle and bustle around you moves on unendingly.

"They just… let us in? No IDs, or anything?"

"Well, if only one city exists that they know of, where else could we be from other than here?"

<Logic[Trivial:Success] Trivial: 6 vs Your Total: 8> She makes a good point.

You glance around you, the people looking lively, going about their day. A pit grows in your stomach, that empty feeling contrasting with your sight.

"They just had some comments about how civilians shouldn't be out there alone, and that we were dressed far too lightly. Perhaps we got lucky with a rather lackadaisical guard?" Dan Heng says, his hand rubbing his chin. "I suppose it doesn't matter. We have an entire city to investigate, after all."

"Sounds good to me! A bit ago I saw a baker- a, um… possible… lead…?" March clearly has her own priorities, here.

A look™ from Dan Heng makes her nervously giggle, before he relents. "Splitting up could help us cover more ground, at least." Another side-eye. "Ignoring any possible ulterior motives some of us may have."

"Alright! Make sure to send a message if you find anything interesting!" March sprints off in her wanderlust, ignoring the obvious accusation.

<Esprit de Corps[Easy:Success] Easy: 8 vs Your Total: 9> Everyone has their own spirit of trailblazing.

"Well then, I have… rather low expectations of March's… 'investigation'. So, hopefully we can find something, Stelle." He glances around before continuing, "I'll start with the closest library I can find, see if there are any records of the Stellaron. I wish you luck, and we'll reconvene this evening at the city center."

He walks off, with purpose in his steps. You have until the evening, and that leaves you around 6 hours…

Generally, your first time entering an open area(provided you aren't currently involved in something) will lead to an investigation. Investigation votes will use the riot system, and will both allow and encourage write-ins. Unlike your free time, investigations will (generally) provide bonuses to the upcoming segments rather than permanent benefits. Write-ins may be vetoed if they're outside the realm of your ability or simply absurd. (I'm not going to allow you to murder a random civilian, sorry.)

Select up to three per voter:

[] Check out that "potential lead".
[] Wander the streets.
[] Maybe you'll look for some interesting shops?
[] Chat up with some people nearby.
[] Write in. (Encouraged)

(Belated) End-of-Day Debrief:
You've left the space station behind to board the Astral Express, and only lasted a bit of time before your brain decided to turn on itself… and you're already on another adventure. A frozen husk of a planet with a single city. Well, there is only one way to go from here…

Persons of Interest:

The Astral Express:

Rank 1(20/100)
+5 Upgraded physique skill…
+5 …and another.
+10 Absolutely not giving her to Herta.
+20 Joined the Astral Express.
+40 Spent time with her.
Ranked up from 1 to 2!
(Unlocked companion perk: Stalwart Sentinel)
Stalwart Sentinel: Perception and Savoir Faire increases by 2 when targeted by a surprise attack.

Updated Bond Level: Rank 2(0/200)

Rank 1(40/100)
+10 Electrochemistry/Suggestion tag-team.
+20 Joined the Astral Express.
+10 Sleepover!
+10 Hug therapy.

Updated Bond Level: Rank 1(90/100)

Rank 0(45/50)
+20 Joined the Astral Express.
Ranked up from 0 to 1!
+10 Heart to Heart.

Updated Bond Level: Rank 1(25/100)

Rank 0(30/50)
+20 Joined the Astral Express.
Ranked up from 0 to 1!
+40 Spent time with her…
+10 …and showed your 'charm'.

Updated Bond Level: Rank 1(50/100)

+10 Successfully felled the Doomsday Beast.
+15 Saved March
+20 Joined the Astral Express.

Updated Bond Level: Rank 0(45/50)

Herta Space Station:

+10 Saved the station, she supposes.
+15 Tested Simulated Universe.

Updated Bond Level: Rank 0(25/50)

Rank 1(5/100)
+30 Saved the station!
+5 Said goodbye.

Updated Bond Level: Rank 1(40/100)

+30 Saved the station!
+20 Ensured Arlan's safety.
Ranked up from 0 to 1!
+5 Said hello, and goodbye.
+10 Accepted her gift subtly.

Updated Bond Level: Rank 1(15/100)

This one was pretty short, but the next should be long enough to make up for it. Looking forward to seeing some creative votes for the investigation. Be sure to vote on the Thought as well!

Fucking percentile dice taking away my nice and easy canon plot hooks. Speaking of, I could've sworn that Belobog didn't allow normal citizens to go out into the snow plains, but I couldn't find that anywhere? I may not have looked too closely, but I skimmed the dialogue of most of the arc and I didn't see it anywhere. If I did remember correctly, and they aren't supposed to, darn. I will update the informational tabs once I wake up tomorrow, because it is very late.

Nameless' emotional support: 13(Well… she tried her best. Not like anyone else could do much better…?)
March's emotional support: 94(...the yurification is real.)
Dan Heng's emotional support: 88(Maybe it's just a trailblazer buff.)

Sampo encounter? 34
Gepard encounter? 28
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[X] Start researching
[X] <Shivers> Broken cogwheels spin ever round, heedless of the futility of their disconnected mechanisms. To blaze a trail is not to walk the path already trodden. Disregard the streets, the sunlight. Take to the alleys and hop the fences, follow the beating of that which some may call your heart as it echoes its sibling.
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[x] Hold off, for now.

Not worth tanking volition right now. It's an incredibly important stat to keep Stelle on task and sane.

[x] Wander the streets.

No better way of feeling out a city than literally feeling a city.

Interesting, we didn't meet Sampo or Gepard!

Speaking of, I could've sworn that Belobog didn't allow normal citizens to go out into the snow plains, but I couldn't find that anywhere?

I believe that it came from the beta. I was so sure, too.

Now, Gepard seems to say something different.

I don't think it's explicitly mentioned to be forbidden to go out to the snow plains, just very dangerous. Also pointless, since there's nothing out there for most people. During the Lynx side quest, I get the impression that Lynx is more worried about worrying her brother and sister coddling her than about being arrested. Sure, Gepard's got a soft spot for his family, but I don't think he would have made an exception if it was a serious crime.
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[X] Start researching.

I believe the phrase is "Fuck it, we ball."

[X] Wander the streets.

There is something very important on the streets of Belobog. Trash Cans.
+5 Upgraded physique skill…
+5 …and another.
+10 Absolutely not giving her to Herta.
+20 Joined the Astral Express.
+40 Spent time with her.
Ranked up from 0 to 2!
(Unlocked companion perk: Stalwart Sentinel)
Stalwart Sentinel: Perception and Savoir Faire increases by 2 when targeted by a surprise attack.
All these bonuses... we will be best friends with our inanimate weapon!
I could've sworn that Belobog didn't allow normal citizens to go out into the snow plains, but I couldn't find that anywhere?
You're thinking of the second part of Natasha's quest, Blizzard Immunity. You and Natasha get stopped by Silvermane guards outside the city because civilians aren't meant to be outside. I just finished the quest so I can answer this at least.
Now I am even more curious as to where I got that idea from, as I never played the beta!
Probably saw someone mention it in a chat somewhere and forgot but the info stuck.

[X] Hold off, for now.
[X] Wander the streets.
[X] acquire a map of the city and discretely inquire about the architecture, attempting to find out if there is anything bellow it.
[X] Check out that "potential lead", not just for the baked goods, but to buy a local something nice and ply them for "Gossip" on persons of interest in the city.
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[X]<Physical Instrument> Surely, there's a gym somewhere in this place. Maybe the soldiers in front of that huge building know where to get stronger?
[X]<Electrochemistry> ...or we could go find a bar, or a club?
[]<Logic> ...that tiny lady in front of the fountain seems to be teaching a gaggle of children. It's possible she could tell us something important.


[X] <Shivers> Broken cogwheels spin ever round, heedless of the futility of their disconnected mechanisms. To blaze a trail is not to walk the path already trodden. Disregard the streets, the sunlight. Take to the alleys and hop the fences, follow the beating of that which some may call your heart as it echoes its sibling.

The future remains murky, and unclear. But maybe this will be a step forward. One you need to take.

(Story related Thoughts will have their effects hidden...)
Cant resist the mystery box.

[X] Start researching.
There's no stops on the trauma train.
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[X] Start researching

[X] Wander the streets.

[X] <Shivers> Broken cogwheels spin ever round, heedless of the futility of their disconnected mechanisms. To blaze a trail is not to walk the path already trodden. Disregard the streets, the sunlight. Take to the alleys and hop the fences, follow the beating of that which some may call your heart as it echoes its sibling.
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[X] Start researching
Right after Belobog we are going to have a meeting with Kafka since it's straight the China Spaceship, so I would rather have this done before then, and 5 updates should not be long enough to get into the major fights with Metal Dad and frost lady.
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[X] Start researching.

There's never a good time to lose volition, and Jarilo-6 is the last time in a while where we can confidently say the stellaron hunters won't be around to fuck with Stelle's PTSD. Better we do it now in the mostly peaceful begining than literally any other time

[] Wander the streets.
I am confident that the trashcans shall HEAL AND PROTECT US

[X] <Shivers> Broken cogwheels spin ever round, heedless of the futility of their disconnected mechanisms. To blaze a trail is not to walk the path already trodden. Disregard the streets, the sunlight. Take to the alleys and hop the fences, follow the beating of that which some may call your heart as it echoes its sibling.

Nevermind I could never betray my brother Shivers
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