I, Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail/Disco Elysium)

How would you like for the current Aeonic Intervention to occur?

  • Use the guarantee.

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • Save the guarantee for later.

    Votes: 10 71.4%

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Voting will end in 12 hours!
The strange bloodthirsty sword is in quite the heavy lead at the moment, but who knows if there will be sudden upset.
Zero votes for the random pistol, though. Darn.
Vote finished: Chapter 1
Adhoc vote count started by CryoIce on Apr 13, 2024 at 11:02 AM, finished with 56 posts and 23 votes.

And time's up!
Thanks for the votes everyone, chapter will be here soon!
but are we still a physical destruction character, thats my question, like will choosing the sword change our element?

I mean as far as I can tell blood doesn't really have anything to do with any of the other elements in the game, except maybe water. Can't see it working for wind, earth, fire, or ice. And I can't see it being crazy enough to become quantum or imaginary, unless the crazy blood-eating sword is hiding something from Us beside its love for blood.
Elevator Rendezvous
>Seek the blade that seeks you.

It must be a lonesome existence, sitting here gathering dust. If all it takes for you to relieve its burden is some pain, then there's no other option, is there? You're halfway to the sword when the observer finds it prudent to speak up.

"Uhm, Stelle? That's… property of Herta's, I don't think that you can just take it…" You take a step. "I mean, she might understand, it's a pretty dangerous situation…" You take another step. "She's fairly uncompromising though…" Just one more step. "Wait… wouldn't the bat also be her property? Did I advocate for theft earlier?!" Your hand grasps the hilt.

And time seems to slow to a crawl.

"How brave of you." A voice whispers, lacking any distinguishing qualities. "There's no need to worry, It won't kill you." It gains a harsh undertone. "Just grit your teeth." For a second, nothing. Then, it feels as though your nerves have been pulled inverse.

It hurts. (-2 Health)

The voice giggles lightly.

It hurts. (-2 Health)

It grows to an ethereal laugh.

It hurts. (-2 Health)

It's a full-blown laughing fit, and through the haze, you can tell it now sounds vaguely feminine.

<Pain Threshold[Formidable:Failure] Formidable: 13 vs Your Total: 10(Roll: 6 + Pain Threshold: 4)> It. Still. Hurts. (-2 Health)

The laughter becomes utterly maniacal.

<Endurance[Formidable:Success] Formidable: 13 vs Your Total: 14(Roll: 10 + Endurance: 4)> Even though it hurts, your body can hold.

Yet she's still laughing.

You exhale. The pain fades away as though it was but a nightmare. "Ah…." A content sigh. "My utmost apologies dear Wielder, it has been quite some time since I've been fed. Proper decorum seems to have slipped my mind." Her voice is utterly different than before, more grounded.

"What… are you?" You ask, in the face of her surprising nonchalance. A sudden vibration is felt in your hand, and you glance down. The sword is held comfortably, as though you've been using one for centuries.

"'What'? Have you forgotten already? How callous of you, dear Wielder. I am your new partner, until the void claims us both. If you require something to refer to me by, you may call me Nameless." …You feel utterly overwhelmed by this outcome, but first things first, she gave you a title that is already taken, and is quite literally the opposite of a name.

<Empathy[Easy:Success] Easy: 8 vs Your Total: 9> Don't push her on it. She spoke that title with fondness, it isn't just a placeholder.

You sigh, letting it go. You have places to be and not nearly enough time to question a talking sword. Turning to March, you notice she's been lost in her own little world, debating her morals. Tapping her shoulder to get her attention, she snaps out of it.

"You already took it, huh? Guess there's no time to admonish you, we've been standing here a while. I'll lead the way! Be sure not to cut yourself with that thing, who knows what it does." Nameless pulses, seemingly in indignation, but you press onward.

>Equipment tab added to your Character Sheet.
>Nameless has been added to your Equipment.

Not even a full minute after leaving the collection gallery, you are face to face with two monsters, members of the Antimatter Legion, clearly.

"The Legion made it all the way here?! No time to waste Stelle, watch this!" A bow seemingly comes into existence within her hands, and an arrow made of some strange ice is quickly shot into the head of one Voidranger, killing it in an instant.

"Go forth, Wielder! I refuse to let this rude little girl show us up!" It seems she won't be letting go that March called her 'that thing'. Regardless, your body breaks into a sprint towards the remaining Voidranger. It seems to be a little off balance by the sudden destruction of its ally, leaving an easy opening for a slash.

<Physical Instrument[Easy: Success] Easy: 8 vs Your Total: 13(Roll: 9 + Physical Instrument: 4)> Nameless cuts through it with barely any resistance, allowing it to join its compatriot in death.

"You're stronger than you look, Stelle!" An angry huff from Nameless. "Ah, see that elevator over there? We'll need to take that to go down to the Master Control Zone." It's a rather straight shot, with only a few of the Legion patrolling around. "Oh, and, um… I notice you aren't wearing the space station staff uniform, do you not work here?"

<Empathy[Trivial: Success] Trivial: 6 vs Your Total: 9> There's no need to lie here, she's a trusting person.

"I… don't remember. I don't believe so, though."

"Memory loss, huh? No need to worry, I'll help you out!" A quick pat on your back. "I do wonder why you'd be here if not for work… maybe a guest?" Anyone's guess, really.

You and March make your way to the elevator with little trouble, most of the Legion must be elsewhere. When you're almost there you see a pair of humans, one you've recently seen and another you've recently felt.

"Dan Heng! You found Arlan! Is he alright?" March quickly runs up to the two, with you following behind. You note bandages around Arlan's leg and right hand, but otherwise he seems healthy enough.

"Yes. Thanks to Stelle's… 'tip', I made sure to find him as quickly as possible. He took some heavy hits, but I did what I could." He gives you that same look as before, but after glancing at March it lessens. "I'm glad you two are safe"

"Yep! We're all good, but you should see Stelle fight! She has the cool sword that she maybe kinda took from…" You tune out March's excited retellings as Arlan grabs your attention by extending his hand.

"...Hey. I just wanted to thank you." You accept his handshake, and he continues. "Dan Heng put it lightly, I would've been a lot worse off if it wasn't for you, so…"

<Shivers[Challenging:Failed] Challenging: 12 vs Your Total: 11> …? Your back tenses slightly, as though a hand has pinched your spine.

"It's no worries, as long as you're safe." You reply, though your attention is no longer on Arlan, but rather that strange feeling. You try to focus on it.

<Shivers[Easy:Critically Failed] Easy: 8 vs Your Total: 7(Roll: 2 + Shivers: 5)> It vanishes, you've lost it.

"But still, it's only proper to thank someone who's saved your life. So thanks… it's Stelle, right?" You half heartedly nod. Maybe your more mundane senses?

<Perception[Challenging:Failed) Challenging: 12 vs Your Total: 10(Roll: 7 + Perception: 3)> Still nothing. But still, there has to have been something, you turn from Arlan, straining your eyes and ears…

<Reaction Speed[Medium:Success] Medium: 10 vs Your Total: 14(Roll: 11 + Reaction Speed: 3) Atleast when it's basically in front of you, you're able to notice it, and quickly. A massive arrow of beaming light is about a second away from being fired, from a strange horse like Voidranger, on a perch up above.

No one else has noticed, and there's no time for a warning. You're confident enough to be able to save one of them, with only slight damage. Of course, there is always the coward's way out… and maybe you could try to take the brunt of it, using Nameless in a guard stance, but you are already injured.

Time to decide, Stelle.

[] Save yourself, you still need to kill the thing.
[] Grab Arlan, can't waste your earlier save.
[] Grab March, she's grown on you.
[] Grab Dan Heng, he can take it out quickly.
[] Grab Nameless, and run out in front.

Some very unfortunate rolls means this chapter ends off on more of a crisis then I was planning, but so be it! Congrats on the suspicious talking sword 'friend', til death do you part. Happy voting!

Nameless' introduction was tough, and I'm still not fully satisfied with how I wrote it, but after rewriting countless times it is solidly 'good enough'. Hopefully no one's particularly surprised that the sword that seeked blood took a decent chunk of your health. Arlan's more combat ready than in canon due to your convenient visions, and Nameless seems quite effective at the bisection of Destruction's Voidrangers. That crit fail really messed things up at the end there, the subsequent failed perception check just made it worse. I fully expected the reaction speed check to fail too but I guess the Law of Averages is quite a fan of yours.
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[X] Grab Nameless, and run out in front.
[X] Grab Dan Heng, he can take it out quickly.

"'What'? Have you forgotten already? How callous of you, dear Wielder. I am your new partner, until the void claims us both. If you require something to refer to me you may call me Nameless."

Ay I was right, she was lonely, and some people wanted to fight with our fists
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Some very unfortunate rolls means this chapter ends off on more of a crisis then I was planning, but so be it! Congrats on the suspicious talking sword 'friend', til death do you part. Happy voting!
I'll say. Double 1 rolls on shivers.

[X] Grab Dan Heng, he can take it out quickly.
[X] Grab Nameless, and run out in front.

Either we preserve the medic and our own health or we take the hit and hope the medic can patch us up. Anything else is just asking for trouble, especially with the mismatched range vs melee setup when it has a high vantage point.
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Could we try to trigger Aeonic Intervention, right now?
Hm. I'll admit I really didn't think about that, because in my mind a surprise attack doesn't count as combat, but thinking about it now, it probably should be. In order to not mess with this vote, I'll say you can't, but if there are future situations like this, I'll make sure I put it in the options.

Because this is entirely on me, I'm going to make it so that next time you choose to use Aeonic Intervention it's an automatic pass.
The things about to fire the arrow right now, I don't think we have the time to pray. And considering stelle just woke up a couple of minutes ago, she probably has no idea who the aeons are yet.

The trait is a bit more automatic then that, in character, at least. As an audience you can choose when it'll occur, but for Stelle it will be seemingly random.