The Lonely Lioness - Cersei Lannister Quest

So, @Corvus Astro, was Bhaelys in any of those visions just now? Is she hopefully still alive?
The turn in which I may perish has yet to transpire, however I did roll higher than is possible for Jaherys or his ally so I have some hopes of my success. Also I cannot confirm nor deny my appearance in the dream however I will ask you to look back at your previous dreams and see which parts of it may have been me. That should give you a hint
[X] Power. Revenge. Whatever the price may be.

Family sounds too much like it might benefit Tywin. And the cause of Tywin Lannister has already been bolstered enough due to Cersei's actions to oppose Tywin Lannister.
Hm, let us see.

In this dream, there was the section of the hall of iron and stone, a black shape sitting on the burnt, marble floor. It seems to be a woman, one that is clutching something to her chest, the green glow between her fingers.

Now, in the first dream, Cersei was in a narrow hallway that smelled of mildew, dust everywhere. Cersei was chasing after Bhaelys, shown to be a woman in a white gown, bright and immaculate. Later in that dream, Cersei was on the Iron Throne, with pillars burning via the green flames. Bhaelys was shown to be sitting in a pool of blood, holding a dragon egg, one that was cracked open and smeared with blood. Bhaelys was consuming it.

In the second dream, Cersei saw Bhaelys in an arcane circle of various sigils and Valyrian symbols. Bhaelys was holding a cup filled with some ichor that smelled of blood and tears. Bhaelys was surrounded by thousands of statues that were all holding cups, offering them to Bhaelys. The statues were crude, unshapely, gray things. However, as Bhaelys drank from the cup, the statues smoothened and whitened, and white pillars shot up to pierce the stars.

It is possible, then, that in this current dream, the burnt woman clutching something to her chest, something that emanates a sickly, green glow, is Bhaelys.
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One looks forward to it, hopefully seeing more of Bhaelys in the dreams.

As to this vote, Aerys has plainly spelled it out for Cersei. There is no victory for Cersei as the Queen Regent, the Cersei that is a priced cow for Tywin, meant to birth a future king and then be discarded. Aerys exhorted her to make them all pay for what they did to her, seize what the world has denied her for so long.

What matters family to Cersei now? Magic is fueled by sacrifice. Power requires sacrifice. To gain that power, Cersei must therefore be willing to pay the price, just as Stannis did.

Good. Good. I can feel her anger. The hate is swelling now. Use her aggressive feelings. Let the hate flow through her. Give in to her rage.

Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.

[X] Power. Revenge. Whatever the price may be.
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I was going to vote Family at first, but the temptation to unleash nuclear Cersei is overwhelming.

Fuck it, we ball
[X] Power. Revenge. Whatever the price may be.
SV don't give Tywin the win!

Do not buy into the rage, do not buy into the revenge or else you'll give your own father, your abusive dad the victory of a lifetime!

What do you think will happen if cersei breaks into rage? Look upon what the demon spirit is telling you

"My deepest regret was seeing those vermin scuttle through my halls. Could have cleansed them all. Once and for all. My fires would see it done"

He doesn't want to help you stop tywin or win the war, he doesn't want to protect KL or keep you in the game. He won't even hurt tywin, he has no ways to reach him!. He wants to sit in the iron throne against and escape the seven hells he is burning is to just have the pleasure of burning people in his court again before someone kills his host.

He will kill the Olenna and cause the Tyrell army to raise up, their will be battles in the street ls and all the hard work that Tywin would have to do to become total ruler of the landmass? Gone due to his daughter he abused into shape offing the remaining threats to his power.

You'll shatter 1/3rd of the reach army and foolish renly will easily lose his third. House Tyrell will collapse and the reach will fall to pirates from the south.

You'll be killing one of the final opponents for Tywin to take total control of the kingdom, and by breaking and going mad. You'll give Tywin the game!

Stannis is a woodwork bandit and the north has collapsed and dorne is separating from the seven kingdoms! The reach is the only power remaining and you're about to clean it out for Tywin.


If cersei goes mad and is put down, Tywin will get all her children and abuse them like he abused his own. You've done such a good job at improving Jeffrey to not be an awful boy, imagine what would happen to the poor lad if his role model (yes you!) Dies and he has to go to *tywin*

The Targs

The targs just want blood and death so they can form their own warlord states with KL gone. Don't let the dragons whisper rage into your ears, the madness of the dragons only helps them!


Everyone is killing, genociding, wiping out cities and doing awful things. If you want to be the unique gem, be good! That's the niche, cheer the people up and be a hero to be remembered SV cersei! :3

Don't give Tywin the kingdoms and your family! Protect them at all cost, break the cycle if abuse that cersei faced and be the heroic mother Cersei is meant to be!.

The faith is here and ready to make a change for the better! Don't succumb to the demon and let evil Tywin become king. Be the protector of the realm!

Join in the faith and say fuck you to tywin by not giving him an easy victory!