The Lonely Lioness - Cersei Lannister Quest

[X] Power. Revenge. Whatever the price may be.

Stannis became Azhor Azai by sacrificing a castle and a crown. We have a city and a crown. Let's go get that red lightsaber.
[] Peace. Rest. You are too tired to fight on.
The option that appeals to me, the player, who called for the thread to be put out of its misery already.

[] Family. Legacy. Your children still need you.
The option that appeals to our narcissism, where our children are extensions of ourselves and should come and die by our side.

[] Power. Revenge. Whatever the price may be.
The sacrifice of everything we have known and loved--except for the thrill of executing daddy's catspaw and otherwise reacting in spite and pique to events. In many ways, the action truest to the Cersei we have made.

Well. When you put it like that, there is no choice at all.

[X] Power. Revenge. Whatever the price may be.
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At this point, I would say that our objective is no longer to win (a mere dream at this point, considering how fractured Westeros is), but to deny anyone else from winning. We are Cersei after all. It was not because of our bad decision making that we lost. We were surrounded by incompetents, by those that refused to listen, by traitors in every shadow. And they will all burn.

[X] Power. Revenge. Whatever the price may be.
Aerys III Plummfyre does not approve of this sorcery! Madness has gripped the world, it seems, for good men and women to turn to blood sacrifice, listen to fire demons, and ruin the lives of many. It appears only someone of noble birth and mercenary mind can set the world right.
[X] Peace. Rest. You are too tired to fight on.
I choose to die knowing we at least aren't aerys
the same comfort Robert had in his last hours, and a bar so low that boneless jimmy, world champion of limbo for 5 years running, cannot get under
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It is not too late to stop this cersei!

Embrace the loving arms of the faith and allow Shay Waters help you save humanity and the kingdoms! Not doom it ;p

She'd treat you like close family if you were to rest or fight for good ❤️
[x] Family. Legacy. Your children still need you.
The option that appeals to our narcissism, where our children are extensions of ourselves and should come and die by our side.
I have come as a player to heckle yall choosing the option that can get you cool ass power and then chickening out at the last second and choosing to loose with family.
Why yall doin this?
[X] Power. Revenge. Whatever the price may be.

We've made our choice, chickening out now isn't going to see another path open up, it'll just squander the Hail Mary.
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I have come as a player to heckle yall choosing the option that can get you cool ass power and then chickening out at the last second and choosing to loose with family.
Why yall doin this?
I'm as baffled as you are. I don't even remember the last time Cersei even mentioned Tommen or Myrcella. And Joffrey is in the middle of the North running for his life because we thought it was a good idea to let him chase glory. And as for the rest of her family...Jaime is dead, she hates Tyrion for existing, Lancel is in a cell and we were this close to trying to assassinate Tywin.
[X] Power. Revenge. Whatever the price may be.

I know this is the crazy vote, but does it have to be? We need power to save ourselves, and to get anything done. We'll sell ourselves to the demon in flame to get it, but that doesn't mean we have to use it only to destroy without reason.