The Lonely Lioness - Cersei Lannister Quest

Question is, how are we going to get them to do that? B/c you are basically telling said pyromancers to bring about the apocalypse which is essentially committing suicide.
Well, they won't know they're bringing about the apocalypse. I think the vast majority of Westeros has no idea what's happening that far up north. We'll just tell the pyromancers that we discovered that the Night's Watch leadership has been conspiring with a Targaryen pretender and that we need to make an example out of the entire organization. As for the Night's Watch, we'll tell them to gather all available members (except Ned) for a demonstration from the pyromancers that will change their lives forever.
We have no ic reason to take the nights watch seriously at all as a thing that actually prevents bad things
I've realized that for our White Walker apocalypse plan to work, we need to take care of Stannis. I propose we kill him in as many ways as possible to ensure success. We lure him out to the middle of the ocean while pretending that we're going to hand over Shireen safely. Before our two fleets meet, we have Qyburn secretly reactivate Shireen's greyscale sickness to make her contagious. Then, we dock ships with Stannis's ship, and let them hug. Immediately, we let loose at Stannis with multiple scorpion bolts from our other ships. Our soldiers, ideally improved by Qyburn's experiments, will rush at Stannis with poisoned swords while he's distracted.

If that doesn't put him down, our other ships will catapult poisonous snakes, pots filled with angry bees and burning projectiles onto Stannis's ship in a effort to destroy it. Also, throw some burning stag corpses at him just for the fun out of it.

Assuming that our fleet successfully defeats his, we retrieve his corpse with a improvised lobster cage and chain it to a hundred pound weight. Let it drop all the way into the abyss along with any hope for humanity.
Turn 5 - The Lost Heir
Adhoc vote count started by Azel on Feb 3, 2024 at 6:23 AM, finished with 103 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Aid for Friends, Food for the People
    -[X] Promote trade with the Free Cities to get more supplies and gold for the war effort.
    --[X] Send the Redwyne fleet to protect trade and deal with the pirates, starting with those based in the Three Sisters. The remaining Royal Fleet will protect remain within Blackwater Bay to protect King's Landing from any unexpected attacks. The transport vessels will be present to ferry men to the Three Sisters attack, but will not be present for other anti-pirate actions. They will carry 3x light infantry and 1x archers from Cersei's host.
    -[X] Counter the Westerlander raiders in the Crownlands. (Randyll Tarly)
    --[X] Instruct Tarly that his primary objective is to find the king and return him safely to King's landing it at all possible. Secondary objectives including capturing/killing Gregor Clegane and any bandits they come across, but he should remain weary of Tywin's large numbers and avoid bleeding his force unnecessarily.
    -[X] Name new Kingsguard
    --[X]Garth Hightower
    --[X] Harwynn Plumm
    --[X] Have a quick conversation which each of them, preferably after watching them practice. If one/both seems incapable or unreliable, leave their slot open for now instead of offering it to them.
    -[X] Write Letters:
    --[X] Write to Lord Manderly that the fleet will soon sail to restore safety to the seas, particularly against the pirates of the Three Sisters. The intent is essentially to improve our perception among northerners and inform him that our intentions are friendly.
    --[X] Ask Edmure to write a letter to Robb Stark and Bynden Tully as the Hand of the King. Inform them of our plans to eliminate the pirates preying upon White Harbor. Given that Lysa Tully is unlikely bend to reason, offer to use our ships to ferry them from a port such as Wickenden or Saltpans (whichever is more practical) to White Harbor where they can defeat the raiders under Ramsay and reclaim Winterfell. From there if all goes well, they could march on the relatively undefended Twins, or proceed as the changing situation demands.
    --[X] Write to Stannis informing him that his wife and daughter were unharmed in the battles on Dragonstone, and that they remain safe and comfortable in our care (earnest reassurance, not a veiled threat). Ask to parley; we wish to know his goals and if we may come to an amicable agreement to protect the peace of the realm. Offer to bring a letter from his wife and daughter each if parley is established.
    [X] Plan: Stabilization
    -[X] Institute food price controls to stave off starvation and hunger.
    -[X] Counter the Westerlander raiders in the Crownlands. (Randyll Tarly)
    --[X] Instruct Tarly that his primary objective is to find the king and return him safely to King's landing it at all possible and to counter the raids of Tywin; he is to make it known that our enemy in this case is Tywin, not the Lannisters as a whole.
    -[X] Name new Kingsguard
    --[X]Garth Hightower
    --[X] Harwynn Plumm
    [X] Plan: Tick-Tock-Tywin
    -[X] Establish price controls to prevent the food prices from rising.
    -[X] Counter the Westerlander raiders in the Crownlands. (Commander: Edmure Tully)
    [X] Plan: Don't Attack Harrenhall Yet; Edmure Tully Ain't Built Like That
    -[X] Promote trade with the Free Cities to get more supplies and gold for the war effort.
    --[X] The combined Royal and Redwine fleets, commanded by Master of Ships Renfield Rykker, will sally out to combat piracy in the Narrow Sea. This will both serve to ensure the protection of the realm's merchants, and grant the combined fleet - green and battered by measure - practice to cut their teeth on and prepare for future action against the Scourge of the Arbor. Also, allow Lord Rykker leave to coordinate his efforts with House Manderly in an effort to cut down piracy in the routes to the Northern Free Cities and provide a share of the gold coming from trade for the Crown's interest in the North.
    -[X] Speak with Varys. Try to ascertain his loyalties and tell him that you want to recruit skilled assassins for the purpose of killing the traitor Tywin Lannister.
    -[X] Give in to the Most Devouts demands and support the removal of the High Septon. (Free Action)
    --[X] Retain the removed High Septon in the Small Council under a new title Royal Confessor.
    -[X] Name new Kingsguard (free action)
    --[X]Garth Hightower
    --[X] Harwynn Plumm
    -[X] Letters
    --[X] Send a letter to the Royces on their support for the Targaryen pretenders. Offer that we are willing to negotiate with them to remove the mad Lady Arryn and discuss the future of the Vale and the Realm with them.
    --[X] Send letters to House Yronwood and Quentyn Martell to support his claim as Prince of Dorne and promise him a future royal marriage to Myrcella (after the Seven Kingdoms have stabilized) as well as a Small Council seat.
    --[X] Send a letter to the Most Devout, saying that whoever replaces the High Septon must be approved by the Queen Regent and that they must recognize Joffrey Baratheon, the trueborn son of Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister, as the one true king of the Seven Kingdoms.
    --[X] Send a letter to Loras Tyrell. Though he may had a falling out with his father, surely he still cares about the rest of his family and does not want to see them harmed. Try to see what it would take for Loras to accept peace and if it would be possible for him to convince Renly to stand down or at the very least not attack King's Landing. Offer a pardon to Loras and Renly as well as all of their troops if they agree to recognize Joffrey as the one true king.
    --[X] Write a letter to Kevan Lannister to see if he would be willing to see reason and coup/imprison his brother. Tell him that Tywin's petulant pride has led him into attacking people that should be our allies and that he is driving the Seven Kingdoms into further chaos, weakening us when we should be desperately defending against Stannis, Renly, the Targaryen pretenders, etc. Also, remind him that Lancel is still in King's Landing and promise that he will be treated well so long as he behaves. That being said, he will not be permitted to leave King's Landing so long as Tywin continues to commit treason against the Crown while destroying his own legacy.
    --[X] Send a letter to Jeor Mormont, asking for more info on what is happening north of the Wall.
    [X] Plan: Crisis of the Third Century, Diplomacy and Appointments Edition
    -[X] Promote trade with the Free Cities to get more supplies and gold for the war effort.
    --[X] The combined Royal and Redwine fleets, commanded by Master of Ships Renfield Rykker, will sally out to combat piracy in the Narrow Sea. This will both serve to ensure the protection of the realm's merchants, and grant the combined fleet - green and battered by measure - practice to cut their teeth on and prepare for future action against the Scourge of the Arbor. Also, allow Lord Rykker leave to coordinate his efforts with House Manderly in an effort to cut down piracy in the routes to the Northern Free Cities and provide a share of the gold coming from trade for the Crown's interest in the North.
    -[X] Attempt to attack Harrenhal and Tywin Lannister directly. (Write-In commander)
    --[X]Hand of the King Edmure Tully will take command of the combined host, freshly granted the Valaryian steel sword 'First Light' and royal remit to restore order to the Riverlands in an appropriately elaborate ceremony.
    -[X] Give in to the Most Devouts demands and support the removal of the High Septon. (Free Action)
    -[X] Retain the removed High Septon in the Small Council under a new title Royal Confessor.
    -[X] Request the Most Devout of two new advisors for the Small Council in an effort to advise us in a godlier manner.
    -[X] Appoint Lady Velaryon or Lord Celtigar whichever one is more willing to a new Small Council post Advocate for the Crownlands
    -[X] Send a letter to the Royces on their support for the Targaryen pretenders. Offer that we are willing to negotiate with them to remove the mad Lady Arryn and discuss the future of the Vale and the Realm with them.
    -[X] Send letters to House Yronwood and Quentyn Martell to support his claim as Prince of Dorne and promise him a royal marriage as well as a Small Council seat.
    -[X] Request to Qyburn to eliminate Baelish at his own discretion.
    [X] Plan: The Rightful Lord Returns
    -[X] Promote trade with the Free Cities to get more supplies and gold for the war effort.
    --[X] The combined Royal and Redwine fleets, commanded by Master of Ships Renfield Rykker, will sally out to combat piracy in the Narrow Sea. This will both serve to ensure the protection of the realm's merchants, and grant the combined fleet - green and battered by measure - practice to cut their teeth on and prepare for future action against the Scourge of the Arbor.
    -[X] Attempt to attack Harrenhal and Tywin Lannister directly. (Write-In commander)
    --[X] Lord-Paramount and Hand of the King Edmure Tully will take command of the combined host, freshly granted the Valaryian steel sword 'First Light' and royal remit to restore order to the Riverlands in an appropriately elaborate ceremony.
    -[X] Give in to the Most Devouts demands and support the removal of the High Septon. (Free Action)
    -[X] Request that Edmure write to his nephew Robb Stark, asking that the Stark coordinate with his attack against Tywin. Given the Crown's strained history, it would most likely go over far better than a command directly from King's Landing.
    -[X] Have Shireen and Selyse Baratheon returned to their husband and father, camped out in the Kingswood as he may be.
    --[X] They will carry with them an offer of peace: Shireen will be declared Lady-Paramount of the Stormlands and betrothed to Tommen Baratheon, while Stannis himself will be offered a chance to take the Black along with however many of his men refuse the crown's offer of clemency.
    [X] Plan: Aid for Friends, Food for People

Turn 5 - The Lost Heir

Standing in the hallway, Edmure tapped his foot impatiently while staring out the window to the gardens of the Red Keep. It was the moments in which he had time to think when the grief struck him the hardest. As much as he tried to keep himself busy, and there was more than enough to do for him that he always found something to occupy his time with, there still would always be a lull in which he could not distract himself from his thoughts. Right now, it was because he was waiting for the Queen Regent to receive him. He had already read over his notes three times, memorized them in full, and now Edmure had nothing else left to do than to wait.

Ever since the news of Riverrun falling had reached him, he could barely sleep. The questions and gnawing doubts refused to let him sleep. Was there anything he could have done differently? He had kept to the plan, even when things went awry. His sister had come up with it. His own father had condoned it. And now he was dead. Died valiantly on the battlements according to the Freys, but anyone who had seen Hoster Tully in the last few years knew that it was a lie. Most likely, they had slit his throat the moment the keep had yielded. He had died alone. One daughter holed up in the Eyrie. One gallivating through the Seven Kingsdoms. His son and heir serving the daughter of the man he was at war with.

Absentmindedly he noted the men and women coming and going to the gazebo in the gardens that Olenna Tyrell had all but decreed to be her throne room. While Cersei was increasingly holing herself up in her study, the Queen of Thornes had spread her influence. It had been all for naught. Becoming the Hand should have helped his house. His family. His home. But now it was all gone. Only Seaguard and Darry still held out against Tywin Lannister and his servants. Lysa besieged by Targyans. And Catelyns family would not fare much better given the news from the North. A quiet sigh escaped Edmures throat as he saw Varys entering the gazebo and being greeted warmly by the Tyrell matriarch. He wondered if it was too late to join his uncle. Maybe he could have quieted his conscience that way.

"The queen will now receive you," some servant called from behind him, startling Edmure out of his dreary mood.

Entering the queens study, he was not surprised by whom he saw there with her. The Kettleblacks and Qyburn had been turning into the queens shadows over the last months. Always there. Always whispering into her ears. Always ready to enact her whims. More and more it seemed that they were the only four people in the entire city she was still willing to trust. And given how things were, Edmure was not quite sure if her suspiciouns were really unfounded. Cersei looked tense, even though she tried to lounge nonchalantly on a divan, robed in dark red silks and with that bright red lipstick she tried to cover up the blue edges of her lips with.

"I hope my Hand has good news for me," she said with an edge of anger to her voice. Not a good sign.

Edmure knelt befor her, very much hoping that today was not the day she decided he was a traitor. "I would prefer to bring only good news to you." It was not even a lie. He really would have preferred not to be the one to tell her, but Varys had insisted that the Hand should do it. The coward. Smart though.

Cersei jsut waved to one of the Kettleblacks and a cup of wine was poured and given to her. She drank half of it right away. "Proceed," she called before starting to sip the rest of it.

"We received a courier ship from Ser Woodwright. The fleet has done well against the pirats crepping into Blackwater Bay and managed to keep the shipping lanes into the Bay of Crabs open. However..." He hesitated and got an annoyed look from his queen for it. "The invasion of the Three Sisters failed. A sizeable fleet of pirates under Euron Greyjoy harassed our ships and managed to goad our cogs into sand banks and hidden rock formations. They also managed to take over a number of our warships that were escorting merchants to White Harbor."

She waited a moment, twirling her cup while staring at Edmure. "Redwyne ships or ours?"

He almost blurted out a question if that was not the same before stopping himself and just stammering a few syllables instead. "Redwyne, your majesty," he finally spoke clearly. "Our men though. About 4,000 foot."

"There are more where they came from. We have plenty of people in the city. Too many even." The queen mused to herself. "They are acting like beasts these days. Qyburn just informed me of the Great Sept of Baelor being plundered by a mob led by this Reacher septa Shay Waters. Can you imagine? The Faith plundering his own sept?"

She laughed as if it was a particularly funny jape and Edmure awkwardly laughed along. "Truly, the world has gone mad around us." He regretted his choice of words right away, though the queen did not seem to mind.

She just had another cup of wine brought to her, though into this one she added a few drops from a small flask she took from her sleeve. "The south then," she commanded while putting the small vessel back away.

Yes. The south. Edmure was wondering how to repay the eunuch for having to do this. "We have still not received answer from Stannis. He is not ambushing our couriers, but neither is he paying them any attention." He took a deep breath before coming to the difficult part. "I had send outriders to see what the situation at the Rose Road is. They report seeing banners with three flowers, Loras Tyrells personal insignia, and the crowned stag of Renly Baratheon. The road is blocked and riders patrol the region. There will be no more food coming from the Reach."

"We have the harbor still," she replied, but even then, Cersei looked worried. They all knew that with the Crownlands burned by the Old Lion and the Reach denied by Renly, the few shipments from Essos would not feed the capital. "And their main host?"

"Marching north towards Kings Landing," Edmure almost blurted out. "They will soon reach the Blackwater. We don't know exactly how many, but it is likely all the troops that the Stormlands and Reacher traitors can muster."

It was quite for a while as Cersei seemed lost in thoughts. Almost as if she was listerning for something. "How many men to we have in the capital?"

This time, Edmure actually had to unfurl one of the parchments he had brought. "About 15,000 foot and 7,000 cavalry. The rest of our troops are with Tarly. We are outnumbered two to one and it is unlikely that Tarly can return quickly enough to aid us. What should we do, my queen?"

What does Cersei order?

[] Call back Tarly and try to face Renly in the field south of the Blackwater.

[] Try to prevent Renlys host from crossing the Blackwater, but cede the southern crownlands to his control.

[] Fall back behind the city walls and wait.

[] Use your ships to evacuate the court and as many troops as feasible to Dragonstone.

[] Gather the troops to break through to the west and relocate the court to Highgarden.

[] Send for Rossart and have his pyromancers help prepare the defence.

[] You need a miracle. Drink. Dream. See if you can find one.

AN: Not many options left at this point. Even Kings Landing itself is slipping away.
Di we have anything left to negotiate with? We cant let the city be besieged especially since there is a fanatic mob burning down septs within the city... @Azel can we talk with this Shay Waters to know what she wants? Have we heard any rumors about her?
Di we have anything left to negotiate with? We cant let the city be besieged especially since there is a fanatic mob burning down septs within the city... @Azel can we talk with this Shay Waters to know what she wants? Have we heard any rumors about her?
The Great Sept of Baelor was not burned down. They just went in there and, depending on who you ask, gave away all wealth and frippery to feed the poor, or looted it.

As for Shay Waters:
The Reach - Festival in Oldtown
The otherwise often little remarked on 7th day of the 7th month, a day celebrating Hugors of the Hills engligthenment, was celebrated greatly this year as a Septa named Shay Waters brought the altar made by Hugors own hands to the Starry Sept. Smallfolk and nobility alike celebrated the auspicious events and scores of knights reaffirmed their oaths and asked for blessings on the altar. The only shadow marring the joyous event was the presence of the High Septon, who quietly returned the capital after the Most Devout made it clear that his presence was unwelcome in Oldtown.
The Reach - Travelling Courts
With the Faiths right to speak legal judgments restored, it was only a matter of time for the practice to spread. Under the aegis of the known preacher Shay Waters and the Most Devout, septons and some septas have been travelling through the southern Reach and righted wrongs down to their brethren. Usually made up of a leader an anointed member of the clergy and a few guards, often from the recently funded Seven Wardens sellsword company, they were seen going from town to town and often even reaching into the far away villages that rarely saw a lord speak justice.

For the most part, they only addressed wrongs directly affecting the Faith, but they also soon persecuted those who committed acts of such depravity that all onlookers agreed that they were an affront to the gods themselves. The persecuted ranged from men that preyed for years on the vulnerable to even a slaver living right in Oldtown with his bed slaves. Likely encouraged by the judgement of Eddard Stark, they also made no exception for the nobility, having no compunctions to order the execution of bastards and a hedge knight that was a known rapist. Many lords are concerned by these events, but the small folk seems to appreciate these courts.

She's also the lady that kept asking for you to depose the High Septon.
Fuck...I actually don't know what to do. I didn't think the end would come this quickly. We don't even have time to blow up the Wall.

I didn't realize Shay Waters was in King's Landing. I thought she was still in Oldtown. This is good though. We can finally kill her for being a pain in our ass the whole quest. Send her to Qyburn and we can finally see if the Seven are real or not.
Ok, this is my plan for next turn. We keep our forces in King's Landing and we send out two letters. One letter to Stannis saying that we'll burn Shireen at the stake if Renly successfully invades the capital. The other letter to Tywin begging his forgiveness and offering him anything he wants if he stops Renly. We let the armies of Stannis, Renly and Tywin battle it out outside the walls of the capital. Doesn't matter who wins because if the survivors are still strong to successfully invade King's Landing, we have our pyromancers light the fuse on the world's biggest funeral pyre.
[X] Use your ships to evacuate the court and as many troops as feasible to Dragonstone.
"We have the harbor still," she replied, but even then, Cersei looked worried. They all knew that with the Crownlands burned by the Old Lion and the Reach denied by Renly, the few shipments from Essos would not feed the capital. "And their main host?"
We're probably doomed at this point anyway but:

King's Landing is untenable. We don't have the supplies for a seige. Doubling down on the Shade-of-the-Evening doesn't seem promising to me.

So far, our biggest successes have been at sea rather than on land. We still have a fleet that can contest our enemies on the oceans. Relocating to Dragonstone naval base is probably our best bet. Or least the most sensible way to lose. :V
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