The Lonely Lioness - Cersei Lannister Quest

Preliminary tally so that people see the current plans.

Vote remains open.

Adhoc vote count started by Azel on Jan 23, 2024 at 4:56 PM, finished with 70 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Consolidation of Power
    -[X] [Pycelle] Force him to volunteer to the Nights Watch.
    -[X] [Replacement] Let the Citadel assign a new Grand Maester as it is custom. (Free)
    -[X] Try to recruit some trusted informants of your own.
    -[X] Speak with the Tyrell household. You will soon be family, so it is a good moment to learn more about Olenna and Margaery.
    -[X] Write to your son, King Joffery, of the marriage alliance you've brokered with the Tyells and the small council position you've offered. Ask him to keep an eye for talented knights to shore up his Kingsguard while he's on campaign, especially considering Blounts cowardice. Advise that Boros should be sent to the wall and replaced - ideally Riverlander and Reach knights should be considered as those kingdoms will be vital to the Realms stability in the coming years. Finally, advise your son that you expect his grandfather really will try to take either the Handship or Regency for himself. Father always was too proud for his own good, and desires control more than anything, increasingly to the point of self sabotage. You do not believe he was behind the assassination, but nor do you believe it was Stark or Tully. We already have enough enemies without inviting more. Nonetheless, you're proud of him, and believe he has what it takes to reunite the realm and expel the invaders. He's growing into a fine young man, and a good king.
    [X] Plan: Fuck Tywin
    [X] Plan: Preparing For The Firestorm
    -[X] [Pycelle] Quietly sweep the treason under the rug. Fear and a guard detail will keep him in line.
    -[X] Try to recruit some trusted informants of your own.
    -[X] Speak with local traders to organize better food supplies for the city.
    [X]Plan: Pardons, Weddings and Bloodlines
    -[X] [Pycelle] Quietly sweep the treason under the rug. Fear and a guard detail will keep him in line.
    -[X] Hold court. Speak judgements and hear the complaints of the people.
    -[X] Speak with local traders to organise better food supplies for the city.
    --[X]Send Ravens in a general proclamation that in the name of King Joffrey (titles titles titles) Any Prince, Lord, Lady, Knight, Sworn sword, freerider, or Common man-at-arms of Westeros whom Swears loyalty to King Joffrey shall henceforth be forgiven crimes carried out during the course of the war. So that the loyal Nobles of Westeros might defeat the invaders who claim descent from the Mad King.
    -[X]Send a letter to Darry where Robb Stark was seen headed last. Offering to renew the betrothal between House Stark and House Baratheon. Robb may choose From Myrcella Baratheon or any of her Lannister cousins or any other Unwed Lannister Lady not already spoke for whom he might desire in a match.
    -[X]Send a letter to Duskendale to Edmure Tully, Loyal Hand of King Joffrey, protector of the realm. Pronounce him innocent of the attempted assassination aimed at King Joffrey and invite him to Kings Landing to take his place as Hand. Further, he shall be offered his choice in betrothal of any unwed Lannister Lady not already spoken for that he might desire to seal the crowns Alliance with House Tully.
    -[X]Write a Letter to Dragonstone. Queen Cersei accepts the ransom of her Niece Shireen Baratheon and the princesses mother Lady Selyse Florent. *On condition* that they be delivered safe and unharmed to the Mud Gate Gatehouse and into the custody of a captain of the gold cloaks and their identities confirmed. Thence, the full ransom shall be paid to their captors. This letter promises safe passage to the bearer and those who accompany them, and we swear by the Seven that upon delivery of the hostages their erstwhile captors shall be permitted to leave, unharmed, and with the ransom in hand.
    -[X]Write to Maidenpool and Joffrey. We are proud of him for his actions in the war, and as regent we humbly request that he return to Kings landing to join his forces with the Tyrells and marry his bride to cement our Alliance with House Tyrell, thereafter he may either return to the field at the head of a Tyrell-Baratheon Army. Or to stay in Kings landing to defend it and rule.
    [X] [Pycelle] Execute him for treason. Expose Tywin Lannister's betrayal of the crown.
    -[X] Arrange for the executioner to be as drunk as possible to prolong the beheading. Traitors will be punished severely. Afterwards, have the body fed to the goats.
    [X] [Replacement] Pycelle was always dismissive of the supernatural. See that you find someone more open-minded to advise you. (Locks 1 Action)
    [X] Try to send someone to treat with the Lady Velaryon. She might have come to regret her late husbands disloyalty and could be willing to swear to the crown once more.
    -[X] Inquire as to what happened on Dragonstone and see if she could be of any help in either killing Aukar Brightfyre or rescuing the hostages. Promise a pardon for her and her family if they swear loyalty to the crown.
    --[X] Write to your son, King Joffery, of the marriage alliance you've brokered with the Tyrells and the small council position you've offered. Apologize for marrying him off without his input, but remind him that the situation is extremely dire and we need allies to survive. Ask him to keep an eye for talented knights to shore up his Kingsguard while he's on campaign, especially considering Blount's cowardice. Advise that Boros should be sent to the wall and replaced - ideally Riverlander and Reach knights should be considered as those kingdoms will be vital to the Realms stability in the coming years. Finally, tell your son about your grandfather's betrayal and warn him that Tywin likely plans to imprison Joffrey at Harrenhal and declare himself Regent. You do not believe he was behind the assassination, but nor do you believe it was Stark or Tully. We already have enough enemies without inviting more. Nonetheless, you're proud of him, and believe he has what it takes to reunite the realm and expel the invaders. He's growing into a fine young man, and a good king.
    --[X] ]Send Ravens in a general proclamation that the Starks and Tullys are innocent and that they were not behind the king's attempted assassination. At the same time, pardon those (except Tywin) who took part in the attack on the Stark and Tully troops as they were misled by Tywin Lannister, who has betrayed the Crown and is trying to seize the king to rule through him as a puppet.
    --[X] Send a letter to Darry where Robb Stark was seen headed last. Apologize for the trouble he experienced in the Riverlands, say that we know that he was not behind the king's attempted assassination, that the Crown does not intend to go to war against his family and that Tywin has gone rogue.
    --[X] Send a letter to Duskendale to Edmure Tully, Loyal Hand of King Joffrey, protector of the realm. Pronounce him innocent of the attempted assassination aimed at King Joffrey and invite him to King's Landing to take his place as Hand.
Doesn't seem as if more votes will come.

Vote closed.

Adhoc vote count started by Azel on Jan 24, 2024 at 3:57 AM, finished with 76 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Fuck Tywin
    [X] [Pycelle] Execute him for treason. Expose Tywin Lannister's betrayal of the crown.
    -[X] Arrange for the executioner to be as drunk as possible to prolong the beheading. Traitors will be punished severely. Afterwards, have the body fed to the goats.
    [X] [Replacement] Pycelle was always dismissive of the supernatural. See that you find someone more open-minded to advise you. (Locks 1 Action)
    [X] Try to send someone to treat with the Lady Velaryon. She might have come to regret her late husbands disloyalty and could be willing to swear to the crown once more.
    -[X] Inquire as to what happened on Dragonstone and see if she could be of any help in either killing Aukar Brightfyre or rescuing the hostages. Promise a pardon for her and her family if they swear loyalty to the crown.
    --[X] Write to your son, King Joffery, of the marriage alliance you've brokered with the Tyrells and the small council position you've offered. Apologize for marrying him off without his input, but remind him that the situation is extremely dire and we need allies to survive. Ask him to keep an eye for talented knights to shore up his Kingsguard while he's on campaign, especially considering Blount's cowardice. Advise that Boros should be sent to the wall and replaced - ideally Riverlander and Reach knights should be considered as those kingdoms will be vital to the Realms stability in the coming years. Finally, tell your son about your grandfather's betrayal and warn him that Tywin likely plans to imprison Joffrey at Harrenhal and declare himself Regent. You do not believe he was behind the assassination, but nor do you believe it was Stark or Tully. We already have enough enemies without inviting more. Nonetheless, you're proud of him, and believe he has what it takes to reunite the realm and expel the invaders. He's growing into a fine young man, and a good king.
    --[X] Send Ravens in a general proclamation that the Starks and Tullys are innocent and that they were not behind the king's attempted assassination. At the same time, pardon those (except Tywin) who took part in the attack on the Stark and Tully troops as they were misled by Tywin Lannister, who has betrayed the Crown and is trying to seize the king to rule through him as a puppet.
    --[X] Send a letter to Darry where Robb Stark was seen headed last. Apologize for the trouble he experienced in the Riverlands, say that we know that he was not behind the king's attempted assassination, that the Crown does not intend to go to war against his family and that Tywin has gone rogue.
    --[X] Send a letter to Duskendale to Edmure Tully, Loyal Hand of King Joffrey, protector of the realm. Pronounce him innocent of the attempted assassination aimed at King Joffrey and invite him to King's Landing to take his place as Hand.
    [X] Plan: Consolidation of Power
    -[X] [Pycelle] Force him to volunteer to the Nights Watch.
    -[X] [Replacement] Let the Citadel assign a new Grand Maester as it is custom. (Free)
    -[X] Try to recruit some trusted informants of your own.
    -[X] Speak with the Tyrell household. You will soon be family, so it is a good moment to learn more about Olenna and Margaery.
    -[X] Write to your son, King Joffery, of the marriage alliance you've brokered with the Tyells and the small council position you've offered. Ask him to keep an eye for talented knights to shore up his Kingsguard while he's on campaign, especially considering Blounts cowardice. Advise that Boros should be sent to the wall and replaced - ideally Riverlander and Reach knights should be considered as those kingdoms will be vital to the Realms stability in the coming years. Finally, advise your son that you expect his grandfather really will try to take either the Handship or Regency for himself. Father always was too proud for his own good, and desires control more than anything, increasingly to the point of self sabotage. You do not believe he was behind the assassination, but nor do you believe it was Stark or Tully. We already have enough enemies without inviting more. Nonetheless, you're proud of him, and believe he has what it takes to reunite the realm and expel the invaders. He's growing into a fine young man, and a good king.
    [X] Plan: Consolidation of Power
    -[X] [Pycelle] Force him to volunteer to the Nights Watch.
    -[X] [Replacement] Let the Citadel assign a new Grand Maester as it is custom. (Free)
    -[X] Try to recruit some trusted informants of your own.
    -[X] Speak with the Tyrell household. You will soon be family, so it is a good moment to learn more about Olenna and Margaery.
    -[X] Write to your son, King Joffery, of the marriage alliance you've brokered with the Tyells and the small council position you've offered. Ask him to keep an eye for talented knights to shore up his Kingsguard while he's on campaign, especially considering Blounts cowardice. Advise that Boros should be sent to the wall and replaced - ideally Riverlander and Reach knights should be considered as those kingdoms will be vital to the Realms stability in the coming years. Finally, advise your son that you expect his grandfather really will try to take either the Handship or Regency for himself. Father always was too proud for his own good, and desires control more than anything, increasingly to the point of self sabotage. You do not believe he was behind the assassination, but nor do you believe it was Stark or Tully. We already have enough enemies without inviting more. Nonetheless, you're proud of him, and believe he has what it takes to reunite the realm and expel the invaders. He's growing into a fine young man, and a good king.
    [X] Plan: Preparing For The Firestorm
    -[X] [Pycelle] Quietly sweep the treason under the rug. Fear and a guard detail will keep him in line.
    -[X] Try to recruit some trusted informants of your own.
    -[X] Speak with local traders to organize better food supplies for the city.
    [X]Plan: Pardons, Weddings and Bloodlines
    -[X] [Pycelle] Quietly sweep the treason under the rug. Fear and a guard detail will keep him in line.
    -[X] Hold court. Speak judgements and hear the complaints of the people.
    -[X] Speak with local traders to organise better food supplies for the city.
    --[X]Send Ravens in a general proclamation that in the name of King Joffrey (titles titles titles) Any Prince, Lord, Lady, Knight, Sworn sword, freerider, or Common man-at-arms of Westeros whom Swears loyalty to King Joffrey shall henceforth be forgiven crimes carried out during the course of the war. So that the loyal Nobles of Westeros might defeat the invaders who claim descent from the Mad King.
    -[X]Send a letter to Darry where Robb Stark was seen headed last. Offering to renew the betrothal between House Stark and House Baratheon. Robb may choose From Myrcella Baratheon or any of her Lannister cousins or any other Unwed Lannister Lady not already spoke for whom he might desire in a match.
    -[X]Send a letter to Duskendale to Edmure Tully, Loyal Hand of King Joffrey, protector of the realm. Pronounce him innocent of the attempted assassination aimed at King Joffrey and invite him to Kings Landing to take his place as Hand. Further, he shall be offered his choice in betrothal of any unwed Lannister Lady not already spoken for that he might desire to seal the crowns Alliance with House Tully.
    -[X]Write a Letter to Dragonstone. Queen Cersei accepts the ransom of her Niece Shireen Baratheon and the princesses mother Lady Selyse Florent. *On condition* that they be delivered safe and unharmed to the Mud Gate Gatehouse and into the custody of a captain of the gold cloaks and their identities confirmed. Thence, the full ransom shall be paid to their captors. This letter promises safe passage to the bearer and those who accompany them, and we swear by the Seven that upon delivery of the hostages their erstwhile captors shall be permitted to leave, unharmed, and with the ransom in hand.
    -[X]Write to Maidenpool and Joffrey. We are proud of him for his actions in the war, and as regent we humbly request that he return to Kings landing to join his forces with the Tyrells and marry his bride to cement our Alliance with House Tyrell, thereafter he may either return to the field at the head of a Tyrell-Baratheon Army. Or to stay in Kings landing to defend it and rule.
Turn 4 - The Chainless Maester
Adhoc vote count started by Azel on Jan 24, 2024 at 3:57 AM, finished with 76 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Fuck Tywin
    [X] [Pycelle] Execute him for treason. Expose Tywin Lannister's betrayal of the crown.
    -[X] Arrange for the executioner to be as drunk as possible to prolong the beheading. Traitors will be punished severely. Afterwards, have the body fed to the goats.
    [X] [Replacement] Pycelle was always dismissive of the supernatural. See that you find someone more open-minded to advise you. (Locks 1 Action)
    [X] Try to send someone to treat with the Lady Velaryon. She might have come to regret her late husbands disloyalty and could be willing to swear to the crown once more.
    -[X] Inquire as to what happened on Dragonstone and see if she could be of any help in either killing Aukar Brightfyre or rescuing the hostages. Promise a pardon for her and her family if they swear loyalty to the crown.
    --[X] Write to your son, King Joffery, of the marriage alliance you've brokered with the Tyrells and the small council position you've offered. Apologize for marrying him off without his input, but remind him that the situation is extremely dire and we need allies to survive. Ask him to keep an eye for talented knights to shore up his Kingsguard while he's on campaign, especially considering Blount's cowardice. Advise that Boros should be sent to the wall and replaced - ideally Riverlander and Reach knights should be considered as those kingdoms will be vital to the Realms stability in the coming years. Finally, tell your son about your grandfather's betrayal and warn him that Tywin likely plans to imprison Joffrey at Harrenhal and declare himself Regent. You do not believe he was behind the assassination, but nor do you believe it was Stark or Tully. We already have enough enemies without inviting more. Nonetheless, you're proud of him, and believe he has what it takes to reunite the realm and expel the invaders. He's growing into a fine young man, and a good king.
    --[X] Send Ravens in a general proclamation that the Starks and Tullys are innocent and that they were not behind the king's attempted assassination. At the same time, pardon those (except Tywin) who took part in the attack on the Stark and Tully troops as they were misled by Tywin Lannister, who has betrayed the Crown and is trying to seize the king to rule through him as a puppet.
    --[X] Send a letter to Darry where Robb Stark was seen headed last. Apologize for the trouble he experienced in the Riverlands, say that we know that he was not behind the king's attempted assassination, that the Crown does not intend to go to war against his family and that Tywin has gone rogue.
    --[X] Send a letter to Duskendale to Edmure Tully, Loyal Hand of King Joffrey, protector of the realm. Pronounce him innocent of the attempted assassination aimed at King Joffrey and invite him to King's Landing to take his place as Hand.
    [X] Plan: Consolidation of Power
    -[X] [Pycelle] Force him to volunteer to the Nights Watch.
    -[X] [Replacement] Let the Citadel assign a new Grand Maester as it is custom. (Free)
    -[X] Try to recruit some trusted informants of your own.
    -[X] Speak with the Tyrell household. You will soon be family, so it is a good moment to learn more about Olenna and Margaery.
    -[X] Write to your son, King Joffery, of the marriage alliance you've brokered with the Tyells and the small council position you've offered. Ask him to keep an eye for talented knights to shore up his Kingsguard while he's on campaign, especially considering Blounts cowardice. Advise that Boros should be sent to the wall and replaced - ideally Riverlander and Reach knights should be considered as those kingdoms will be vital to the Realms stability in the coming years. Finally, advise your son that you expect his grandfather really will try to take either the Handship or Regency for himself. Father always was too proud for his own good, and desires control more than anything, increasingly to the point of self sabotage. You do not believe he was behind the assassination, but nor do you believe it was Stark or Tully. We already have enough enemies without inviting more. Nonetheless, you're proud of him, and believe he has what it takes to reunite the realm and expel the invaders. He's growing into a fine young man, and a good king.
    [X] Plan: Consolidation of Power
    -[X] [Pycelle] Force him to volunteer to the Nights Watch.
    -[X] [Replacement] Let the Citadel assign a new Grand Maester as it is custom. (Free)
    -[X] Try to recruit some trusted informants of your own.
    -[X] Speak with the Tyrell household. You will soon be family, so it is a good moment to learn more about Olenna and Margaery.
    -[X] Write to your son, King Joffery, of the marriage alliance you've brokered with the Tyells and the small council position you've offered. Ask him to keep an eye for talented knights to shore up his Kingsguard while he's on campaign, especially considering Blounts cowardice. Advise that Boros should be sent to the wall and replaced - ideally Riverlander and Reach knights should be considered as those kingdoms will be vital to the Realms stability in the coming years. Finally, advise your son that you expect his grandfather really will try to take either the Handship or Regency for himself. Father always was too proud for his own good, and desires control more than anything, increasingly to the point of self sabotage. You do not believe he was behind the assassination, but nor do you believe it was Stark or Tully. We already have enough enemies without inviting more. Nonetheless, you're proud of him, and believe he has what it takes to reunite the realm and expel the invaders. He's growing into a fine young man, and a good king.
    [X] Plan: Preparing For The Firestorm
    -[X] [Pycelle] Quietly sweep the treason under the rug. Fear and a guard detail will keep him in line.
    -[X] Try to recruit some trusted informants of your own.
    -[X] Speak with local traders to organize better food supplies for the city.
    [X]Plan: Pardons, Weddings and Bloodlines
    -[X] [Pycelle] Quietly sweep the treason under the rug. Fear and a guard detail will keep him in line.
    -[X] Hold court. Speak judgements and hear the complaints of the people.
    -[X] Speak with local traders to organise better food supplies for the city.
    --[X]Send Ravens in a general proclamation that in the name of King Joffrey (titles titles titles) Any Prince, Lord, Lady, Knight, Sworn sword, freerider, or Common man-at-arms of Westeros whom Swears loyalty to King Joffrey shall henceforth be forgiven crimes carried out during the course of the war. So that the loyal Nobles of Westeros might defeat the invaders who claim descent from the Mad King.
    -[X]Send a letter to Darry where Robb Stark was seen headed last. Offering to renew the betrothal between House Stark and House Baratheon. Robb may choose From Myrcella Baratheon or any of her Lannister cousins or any other Unwed Lannister Lady not already spoke for whom he might desire in a match.
    -[X]Send a letter to Duskendale to Edmure Tully, Loyal Hand of King Joffrey, protector of the realm. Pronounce him innocent of the attempted assassination aimed at King Joffrey and invite him to Kings Landing to take his place as Hand. Further, he shall be offered his choice in betrothal of any unwed Lannister Lady not already spoken for that he might desire to seal the crowns Alliance with House Tully.
    -[X]Write a Letter to Dragonstone. Queen Cersei accepts the ransom of her Niece Shireen Baratheon and the princesses mother Lady Selyse Florent. *On condition* that they be delivered safe and unharmed to the Mud Gate Gatehouse and into the custody of a captain of the gold cloaks and their identities confirmed. Thence, the full ransom shall be paid to their captors. This letter promises safe passage to the bearer and those who accompany them, and we swear by the Seven that upon delivery of the hostages their erstwhile captors shall be permitted to leave, unharmed, and with the ransom in hand.
    -[X]Write to Maidenpool and Joffrey. We are proud of him for his actions in the war, and as regent we humbly request that he return to Kings landing to join his forces with the Tyrells and marry his bride to cement our Alliance with House Tyrell, thereafter he may either return to the field at the head of a Tyrell-Baratheon Army. Or to stay in Kings landing to defend it and rule.

Turn 4 - The Chainless Maester

Hiring sellswords had flushed all kinds of strange and foreign things into Kings Landing. There were zorse riders, who had still many gaping and staring when they passed through the city streets. Though Cersei suspected that the one man claiming to be from the Jhogos Nai was just some lowborn mummer trying to make himself look important. There were also a few priests of faiths she had never heard from before, who unlike the Septons, saw no harm in spilling blood. Even a few Dothraki had come over the sea, despite their peoples legendary fear of the salt water. But while they had themselves come because of the opportunity for some gold, they also brought opportunities for others with them. Like the chance to hire someone who would not flinch at the mere mention of the hidden arts.

When she had first tried to learn more about the Shade of the Evening, Pycelle had been very reluctant. When she then pressed him on the matter, he told Cersei that he did not feel it acceptable for a man like him to peddle lies and charlatanery to her. It was against his oath to the Citadel, he claimed. It seemed not to have been a lie. The first letter she sent to Oldtown to inquire about more open minded maesters got her a long-winded explanation back that boiled down to some Archmaester having been absent for years and the rest of the Citadel being glad for it. The second, less diplomatic letter had not received an answer at all.

Instead of further wasting time the Citadel, Cersei began to look through the ranks of strange men and women that had come as camp followers of her sellswords. Someone had to be there among them. While most lords, especially the lesser ones without much in the way of a court, relied on their maesters for many things, she did not need to. She had a Master of Coin, untrustworthy as he might have been, to take care of the treasury, a whole Small Council to advise her and plenty of knights to lead her armies. All that she really needed was a scholar trained in ravenry. She just needed someone loyal. And less narrow-minded than the Citadel.

It was oddly enough Osmund Kettleblack that could suggest someone. An old man and very skilled healer that had been making the rounds amont the sellswords and even some of the knights at court, tending to the odd injury sustained in training or otherwise. By all accounts he was very capable and even more importantly, he had received training in ravenry from the Citadel. There was just one small hitch. Well, two of them. The Citadel had taken his chain for some sort of experimentation that they had disapproved of. Cersei did not care enough to ask what precisely that entailed, but the other matter gave a hint. Many of the sellswords he had originally traveled with were wary of him. He had also dabbled as his last employers torturer.

She had requested an opinion from Varys, but the eunuch had just warned her away, much like Pycelle had done when asked about the book. Carefully asking the already doomed Pycelle for his opinion did not yield anything either. While under constant guard, he was still performing his duties and had met is potential replacement, but was steadfastly refusing to say anything at all about him beyond that the Citadel had taken his chain for good reason. So, when Osmund took a light wound during training with his brother, Cersei took her chance to quietly meet the former maester herself.

Setting foot into the unused store room that had been converted into makeshift infirmary was not quiet she had expected. From days past she remembered what most such places were like. Blood. Screams. The stench of voided bowels and cauterized flesh. It had long been her fear to say Jaime one day spread out on a litter, two or three limbs poorer and the rest wrapped in blood soaked bandages. Here though, things were much calmer than in a field camp. The worst she could see were a few of the Gold Cloaks that had been injured while collecting taxes from Fleabottom. Other than that, only a few sellswords with no visible aches and some contrite looking maids were presents, the latter of whom bowed immediately when they saw the queen approach.

It was way too neat and tidy to Cerseis eyes though, even considering that the city was not a battlefield. Even Pycelles study and the quarter her used to house patients were looking disorderly in comparison. And there was this constant stench of strong alcohol, sharp and bitter instead of the pleasing scent of wine. The black robed old man was carefully sewing the gash on Osmunds leg back shut, occasionally washing the blood out of the way with more of the biting alcohol. The knight tried his best to bear the pain with dignity.

"Your majesty," he ground out through gritted teeth at her approach.

Cersei waited for the maester to react, but he was still fully concentrated on the sutures. Curious. She had been told he was eager to catch the attention of people at court. She turned back to her knight. "You are a queens bodyguard now, Ser Osmund. You could get treatment from the Grand Maester if you wished. Why come here?" Of course, she would have ordered it for a chance to talk with the maester without having to summon him, but Osmund himself had wanted to come here of his own and she was still curious why. It was not as if Pycelle could have harmed him with one of his brothers standing guard.

"Old habit, I presume," the Kettleblack knight answered with a fake chuckle as the wound was washed one final time. "You are weary of trusting an unknown healer once you found a good one. And I've seen Qyburn here deal with much worse than a cut thigh."

"Let us not scare the queen with such stories good ser." The old maester, finally done with his work, turned to her as he spoke and bowed deeply. As he rose, he bore a kindly smile that felt anything but. A small voice sounding like Jaime rang in Cerseis mind, quietly whispering in a warning tone. "I am humbled by your presence, your majesty, and I am glad to say that I return your sworn sword in good health and spirits."

"I am far from squeamish," Cersei threw back while locking eyes with the former maester in challenge. "And I would not be here if I was scared by some sellswords boasting about how terrible their nicks and bruises were."

She could see how his smile grew brittle for a moment while cleaning his hands with an alcohol soaked rag. Then he shifted and spoke on as if the awkward pause had never happened. "Of course. My apologies. Most highborn ladies prefer not to hear what remains on the field when the gallant knights have rode to the victory feast. I should have known that a queen at war would have a more grounded view on such matters. I can certainly regale you with what I consider my most remarkable cases, if it pleases your majesty."

"An interesting proposal, though I must admit that I am more curious about some other things I have heard." With a careful smirk she readjusted the emerald pendant on her necklace. "The Citadel does not take drastic steps lightly and I would be a poor queen to my soldiers if I did not make sure that they are cared for properly."

Ever so briefly she glimpsed a look of pure loathing in Qyburns eyes, but he buried it immediately. "I had some differences with the Citadel. Matters of science. The Archmaesters can be rather set in their ways. Narrow-minded. The foibles of old men."

She could feel her jaw clench. "Yes," the queen responded. "I am well acquainted with that."

"One can scarcely imagine how much better the world would be, if the Citadel had found a tincture that made people listen to reason." The measter joked while carefully watching her. He was not half as subtle as he thought, but that was perhaps a good sign.

"I can not imagine they could ever make enough," she allowed, while mulling over what to say next. This Qyburn was hardly a creature of court. For good and ill. Could she trust him? The question felt silly, given that she was relying on knights she knew not all that long to watch the known traitor day and night so that he would not try to act against her again. Even Jaimes quiet voice seemed mollified, perhaps even intrigued by this strange man.

She had taken so many risks lately. At worst she was trading one traitor for another. "Given that you seem to be held in high esteem here, I wonder what it would take for you to take a more permanent position at my court. Men of your abilities are rare. And I take it you have more skills than tending to the wounded."

"My chain was fairly long, even with how hard it was to wring a single link out of the fools in Oldtown," he chuckled briefly while unconsciously grabbing for a chain that was no longer there. "Healing. Ravenry. Engineering. Some accounting. Plenty of history. Would have taken a few in the higher mysteries too, but the Archmaester refused to have me examined."

"What a waste to have you languish here brewing tea for maids that still smell of the haystack." Behind them, the maids in question choked and stammered at Cerseis words, but she paid them no mind.

"I find myself intrigued by your offer, your majesty." Qyburn looked around the store room, seemingly thinking carefully about his next words. "All I would ask of you is a good salary. Maybe a stipend and some work rooms for some research I would like to pursue when not performing my duties."

She found herself nodding along. Reasonable requests. "And I assume that I will not hear about any unseemly work being done behind closed doors?"

"I pride myself to never repeat a mistake, your majesty," he promised without ever specifying what mistake he would not be repeating.

Yes. This man would fit in quite well in the Small Council.

AN: Ending the chapter here without a vote since I don't want to glue on something unrelated to the scene just for the sake of having a vote..
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If the shipping lanes were open, you could have gotten a Qartheen warlock, but alas, both Blackwater Bay and the Stepstones are blocked.
Good to see that Cersei is still surrounding herself with the best possible influences.

This is a trainwreck that I couldn't bear voting in, but enjoy reading.
A warlock would certainly be more magical, but given how evil the few warlocks we've seen are, it's probably for the best that we don't have one.
I'd rather have Qyburn than the warlock, anyway. They both are really evil, but at least Qyburn presumably wouldn't have eldritch patrons with unknown goals or ambitions regarding Westeros. He is more trustworthy in this regard. Of course, at it is the AU, it is entirely plausible that this Qyburn is different from canon.
Quick question, but with Jaime dead and Tyrion basically disqualified, is Cersei technically heir to Casterly Rock or would that be Kevan Lannister and his branch? Since we're going against Tywin, I assume we'll have to fight for that claim but on paper we do have one right? From what I could find searching, Cersei was named Regent for Westerlands in canon?
Quick question, but with Jaime dead and Tyrion basically disqualified, is Cersei technically heir to Casterly Rock or would that be Kevan Lannister and his branch? Since we're going against Tywin, I assume we'll have to fight for that claim but on paper we do have one right? From what I could find searching, Cersei was named Regent for Westerlands in canon?
Tyrion was never disqualified from succession, so he remains heir of the Westerlands.

The current line of succession is:
- Tyrion Lannister
- Cersei Baratheon-Lannister
- Joffrey Baratheon-Lannister
- Myrcella Baratheon-Lannister
- Tommen Baratheon-Lannister
- Kevan Lannister
- Kevans children
- Tygget Lannister
- Tyggets children
- Genna Frey née Lannister
- Gennas children (who are all Freys)
So, to summarise every region I think:

-The vale is burning with 3 targaryens and a rebellious lisa.
-The riverlands are also burning with half the bannermen with robb, the other Half with daddy tywin.
-Half the northen houses are in open rebellion and the other Half also with daddy tywin.
-the reach is about to separate in a mini rebellion of their own, half to renly, half to the tyrells
-the stormlands are looking to see if they go either "flowers and ponys renly" or "Im Gonna burn you alive Stannis".
-Dorne want to play wack-a-mole with the nobility in sunspear.
-the westerland are kinda ok.
-and of course, the Iron islands, just looking to see who is bending over the most so they can royally screw someone.
Turn 4 - Two Victories
Adhoc vote count started by Azel on Jan 24, 2024 at 3:57 AM, finished with 76 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Fuck Tywin
    [X] [Pycelle] Execute him for treason. Expose Tywin Lannister's betrayal of the crown.
    -[X] Arrange for the executioner to be as drunk as possible to prolong the beheading. Traitors will be punished severely. Afterwards, have the body fed to the goats.
    [X] [Replacement] Pycelle was always dismissive of the supernatural. See that you find someone more open-minded to advise you. (Locks 1 Action)
    [X] Try to send someone to treat with the Lady Velaryon. She might have come to regret her late husbands disloyalty and could be willing to swear to the crown once more.
    -[X] Inquire as to what happened on Dragonstone and see if she could be of any help in either killing Aukar Brightfyre or rescuing the hostages. Promise a pardon for her and her family if they swear loyalty to the crown.
    --[X] Write to your son, King Joffery, of the marriage alliance you've brokered with the Tyrells and the small council position you've offered. Apologize for marrying him off without his input, but remind him that the situation is extremely dire and we need allies to survive. Ask him to keep an eye for talented knights to shore up his Kingsguard while he's on campaign, especially considering Blount's cowardice. Advise that Boros should be sent to the wall and replaced - ideally Riverlander and Reach knights should be considered as those kingdoms will be vital to the Realms stability in the coming years. Finally, tell your son about your grandfather's betrayal and warn him that Tywin likely plans to imprison Joffrey at Harrenhal and declare himself Regent. You do not believe he was behind the assassination, but nor do you believe it was Stark or Tully. We already have enough enemies without inviting more. Nonetheless, you're proud of him, and believe he has what it takes to reunite the realm and expel the invaders. He's growing into a fine young man, and a good king.
    --[X] Send Ravens in a general proclamation that the Starks and Tullys are innocent and that they were not behind the king's attempted assassination. At the same time, pardon those (except Tywin) who took part in the attack on the Stark and Tully troops as they were misled by Tywin Lannister, who has betrayed the Crown and is trying to seize the king to rule through him as a puppet.
    --[X] Send a letter to Darry where Robb Stark was seen headed last. Apologize for the trouble he experienced in the Riverlands, say that we know that he was not behind the king's attempted assassination, that the Crown does not intend to go to war against his family and that Tywin has gone rogue.
    --[X] Send a letter to Duskendale to Edmure Tully, Loyal Hand of King Joffrey, protector of the realm. Pronounce him innocent of the attempted assassination aimed at King Joffrey and invite him to King's Landing to take his place as Hand.
    [X] Plan: Consolidation of Power
    -[X] [Pycelle] Force him to volunteer to the Nights Watch.
    -[X] [Replacement] Let the Citadel assign a new Grand Maester as it is custom. (Free)
    -[X] Try to recruit some trusted informants of your own.
    -[X] Speak with the Tyrell household. You will soon be family, so it is a good moment to learn more about Olenna and Margaery.
    -[X] Write to your son, King Joffery, of the marriage alliance you've brokered with the Tyells and the small council position you've offered. Ask him to keep an eye for talented knights to shore up his Kingsguard while he's on campaign, especially considering Blounts cowardice. Advise that Boros should be sent to the wall and replaced - ideally Riverlander and Reach knights should be considered as those kingdoms will be vital to the Realms stability in the coming years. Finally, advise your son that you expect his grandfather really will try to take either the Handship or Regency for himself. Father always was too proud for his own good, and desires control more than anything, increasingly to the point of self sabotage. You do not believe he was behind the assassination, but nor do you believe it was Stark or Tully. We already have enough enemies without inviting more. Nonetheless, you're proud of him, and believe he has what it takes to reunite the realm and expel the invaders. He's growing into a fine young man, and a good king.
    [X] Plan: Consolidation of Power
    -[X] [Pycelle] Force him to volunteer to the Nights Watch.
    -[X] [Replacement] Let the Citadel assign a new Grand Maester as it is custom. (Free)
    -[X] Try to recruit some trusted informants of your own.
    -[X] Speak with the Tyrell household. You will soon be family, so it is a good moment to learn more about Olenna and Margaery.
    -[X] Write to your son, King Joffery, of the marriage alliance you've brokered with the Tyells and the small council position you've offered. Ask him to keep an eye for talented knights to shore up his Kingsguard while he's on campaign, especially considering Blounts cowardice. Advise that Boros should be sent to the wall and replaced - ideally Riverlander and Reach knights should be considered as those kingdoms will be vital to the Realms stability in the coming years. Finally, advise your son that you expect his grandfather really will try to take either the Handship or Regency for himself. Father always was too proud for his own good, and desires control more than anything, increasingly to the point of self sabotage. You do not believe he was behind the assassination, but nor do you believe it was Stark or Tully. We already have enough enemies without inviting more. Nonetheless, you're proud of him, and believe he has what it takes to reunite the realm and expel the invaders. He's growing into a fine young man, and a good king.
    [X] Plan: Preparing For The Firestorm
    -[X] [Pycelle] Quietly sweep the treason under the rug. Fear and a guard detail will keep him in line.
    -[X] Try to recruit some trusted informants of your own.
    -[X] Speak with local traders to organize better food supplies for the city.
    [X]Plan: Pardons, Weddings and Bloodlines
    -[X] [Pycelle] Quietly sweep the treason under the rug. Fear and a guard detail will keep him in line.
    -[X] Hold court. Speak judgements and hear the complaints of the people.
    -[X] Speak with local traders to organise better food supplies for the city.
    --[X]Send Ravens in a general proclamation that in the name of King Joffrey (titles titles titles) Any Prince, Lord, Lady, Knight, Sworn sword, freerider, or Common man-at-arms of Westeros whom Swears loyalty to King Joffrey shall henceforth be forgiven crimes carried out during the course of the war. So that the loyal Nobles of Westeros might defeat the invaders who claim descent from the Mad King.
    -[X]Send a letter to Darry where Robb Stark was seen headed last. Offering to renew the betrothal between House Stark and House Baratheon. Robb may choose From Myrcella Baratheon or any of her Lannister cousins or any other Unwed Lannister Lady not already spoke for whom he might desire in a match.
    -[X]Send a letter to Duskendale to Edmure Tully, Loyal Hand of King Joffrey, protector of the realm. Pronounce him innocent of the attempted assassination aimed at King Joffrey and invite him to Kings Landing to take his place as Hand. Further, he shall be offered his choice in betrothal of any unwed Lannister Lady not already spoken for that he might desire to seal the crowns Alliance with House Tully.
    -[X]Write a Letter to Dragonstone. Queen Cersei accepts the ransom of her Niece Shireen Baratheon and the princesses mother Lady Selyse Florent. *On condition* that they be delivered safe and unharmed to the Mud Gate Gatehouse and into the custody of a captain of the gold cloaks and their identities confirmed. Thence, the full ransom shall be paid to their captors. This letter promises safe passage to the bearer and those who accompany them, and we swear by the Seven that upon delivery of the hostages their erstwhile captors shall be permitted to leave, unharmed, and with the ransom in hand.
    -[X]Write to Maidenpool and Joffrey. We are proud of him for his actions in the war, and as regent we humbly request that he return to Kings landing to join his forces with the Tyrells and marry his bride to cement our Alliance with House Tyrell, thereafter he may either return to the field at the head of a Tyrell-Baratheon Army. Or to stay in Kings landing to defend it and rule.

Turn 4 - Two Victories

When she climbed the steps of the Iron Throne on that day, Cersei felt nervous. Not because of the event about to take place, but because it was here sitting on the throne. Ironic, given how long she had wanted a chance to sit on the bloody thing. Now though, all she had was worries when she did. Joffrey had not arrived at Duskendale yet and there was no telling if the Kingsguard and him were just taking longer than expected, or if something had happened. The fact that he was last around her Westerman riders in Maidenpool was certainly not helping the queens peace of mind.

For now though, she had to put on a happy facade. It would not do to have the Queen Regent scowling while honoring an army returning from the field victorious. After almost a year of nothing but setbacks and chaos, there was something to celebrate. One Targaryen pretendr was no longer a threat. Two in fact. Finally something that would lift spirits in the capital and assuage the fears of courtiers seeing enemies close in from all sides. It would have been even sweeter if Joffrey had been part of it, though it would suffice as it was.

As the fanfares were blown and the doors opened, in marched the leaders of that victory, their banners raised behind him. Renfred Rykker looked as if he greatly enjoyed the attention, preening like a peacock as he strode forward. Beside him, Edmure Tully was much more nervous and kept glancing to the crowds standing on the sides of the hall. He looked almost as if he expected an ambush. Though the two coming after looked even less as if they enjoyed the proceedings.

Lady Allyn Velaryon, widow of Lord Monford Velaryon and regent for their infant son, wore black grieving clothes and scowled at the ground. It was quite different from the woman that Varys described, who was almost eager to kneel before the Iron Throne. Perhaps regret for her choices had set in? Though if she had any second thoughts, now it was much too late to act on them. Beside her, Lord Ardrian Celtigar likewise looked contrite, but while the Lady Velaryon managed to seem resolute, the old lord just seemed defeated. His son had not made it back from the field and even though he was a traitor, Cersei could understand all too well how that news might have felt to him.

Edmure, being Hand, was the first to speak. Cersei kind of expected him to halt and stutter, but when he stood there, on that patch of marble, he somehow stood straighter and found his confidence. "Your majesty. I, Edmure Tully, have come to the capital as I was ordered to take the office of Hand of the King. I bring with me, my personal guard and a gift that Lord Rykker helped me acquire on the way." An armsmen came from behind at his words. A tattered and mud splattered Targaryen banner was thrown before the throne. "The pretender Caern Targaryen is dead. Take his personal banner and my words as proof of that. His body was burned on the field he died on and scattered to the winds."

Cheers erupted from the crowd at this proclamation and this time Edmure joined Rykker in preening. Even Cerseis worries could not stop the satisfied grin from creeping on her face. "A great gift indeed and one for which the king will be most grateful on his return. Let the whole realm know that the King Scabs brother will no longer threaten the realm with his madness." The cheers and excited murmuring lingered on while Tully and Renfred stepped aside, making room for the next two supplicants.

Lady Velaryon stepped forth first. She audibly spat on the dragon banner before kneeling. "Queen Regent," she loudly called with lowered here. "Before you kneel a grieving widow. My husband, may the Seven have mercy on the poor fool, had answered the call of Stannis Baratheon and then was swayed by the poisoned promises of Aukar Brightfyre. He paid the price for his treason. A traitors death. I kneel before you and ask for mercy to his family and son."

Her scowling made much more sense now. Again Cersei could not help but to feel some kinship to the woman that had to live with her husbands idiocy. Monford Velaryon. Cersei barely recalled him. Still young and hotheaded. And now his wife had betrayed his murderer to save their family. "Do you swear fealty to the one true king of the Seven Kingdoms?"

"Yes," the answer came without a shred of hesitation. "I swear fealty in the name of House Velaryon to the one true king of the Seven Kingdoms, who is named Joffrey Baratheon-Lannister, true-born son of Robert Baratheon."

"Then mercy you shall be given," Cersei replied magnanimously.

Still kneeling, the lady Velaryon bowed even deeper. "Thank you, your majesty. If it is no imposition, I would ask to remain at court with my son so that no one can whisper behind our backs when we will turn our cloaks again. The fleet remaining after my husbands follies is only the thrones to command henceforth and no one shall doubt that."

That part had not been agreed on beforehand, but it was likely better for everyone involved. "I am glad to host you here for the duration of this war." Then, with a brief word of thanks, the first former traitor stepped aside.

Lord Celtigar was showing much less vigor in his actions. The old man got on his knees too, nearly slipping in the process. "Your majesty, I too grieve. I grieve a son and heir, cut down in the field as a rebel. I grieve a friend, whose counsel led me to folly. And I grieve the many other sons who had to die for my actions. House Celtigar swears to the one true king on the Iron Throne, who is Joffrey Baratheon-Lannister, true-born son of Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister. The garrison of Dragonstone has yielded and the island once more obeys your command."

He had not been part of the agreement. The had come to the Lady Velaryon at the last minute to share his concerns about their future and then joined her betrayal. "And you ask for nothing in return?"

"No, Queen Regent," he pressed out in a resigned tone. "I have lost so much already. Whatever you and the gods will take from me, I will be grateful for what I am allowed to retain."

"Your fealty will be enough for me," Cersei replied. "For the gods opinion, you will have to speak to the High Septon."

Another quick thanks and a moment longer for the old Celtigar to get up and step aside. Then it was time for the first prisoner to be presented. Two guards dragged Aukar Brightfyre forward and knelt him before the throne. Varys had told her that the Braavosi bastard son was great duellant, renowned among the Bravos for his fierceness. Now though, he looked weak. Worn out by his ordeals and some lingering sickness going by what Rykker had written in his report.

It had gone almost perfectly. Not only was Alyssa Velaryon quite willing to betray him, he had even given them the perfect opportunity. Cersei had to give him credit for realizing how doomed Caerns host was, given all the much larger armies marching near the Crownlands, and tried to evacuate his forces. It was too late though. By the time he came ashore, the battle was already over and once Velaryon and Celtigar had given word of their arrival, the forces of Tully and Rykker had easily been able to apprehend him.

Now here he was. In the Red Keep. Just where all those Targaryens wanted to be. Though he probably did not like the chains. "You have reached the Iron Throne at long last, dragonspawn." She spat the last word with a healthy dose of loathing. It might have been Roberts favorite term, but the fat oaf was now dust in a pot next to Aerys, so it was time to take it from him. "Do you have anything to say to this great moment?"

He already kneeled, but dipped his head the slighted bit deeper. "I swore no oaths to the iron throne, my only crime is loyalty to an unworthy king. Even when he stubbornly refused to heed my warnings and I was injured, I tried to save him in the end. The ships I brought to transport him and his host can attest to that. Now that he is dead my loyalty can be yours."

The court murmured at this words. A few outright laughed. "Is that so?" Cersei said doubtfully and leaned back as far as the barbed throne allowed her to. "Lord Celtigar. What did he say to you again? About his plans if he failed to convince his liege?"

Celtigar shuffled uncomfortably, throwing a quick glance at the bound Aukar. "That if Caern Targaryen proved intransigent, he would turn as much of the army to heed his words as he could and retreat with them."

"Very interesting." She noted with some satisfaction, grinning down onto the prisoner before her. "This is the loyalty you offer me?" It seemed she had barely passed a poisoned chalice when he had declined her generous offer to recognize him as lord of Dragonstone.

"We both know that Caerns march on Kings Landing was suicidal," the bound Targaryen pretender replied at once, raising his head to face her. "But yes. Should you ever decide to ride into a battle you know you cannot win, I will try to convince you to reconsider. And should I fail, I will give my damnedest to save your family and closest allies instead. Just like I tried to do with Lord Cletigars son."At the end, he threw a sidelong glance at the Lord in question.

"And I take it you will be the one to decide when an order you receive is unreasonable?" Cersei asked with the slightest hint of annoyance shining through. Another one of those. Self-important retainers that had the gall to decide matters for their lieges. She had half a mind to ask Qyburn to recount to him what had become of the last one that had betrayed her, but even though the small voice in her mind assured her that it showed strength, she still did not want to introduce her new maester to court by chatting over his predecessors desiccated corpse.

"With all due respect, your majesty, I don't think either you or your son the king are capable of such an idiotic decision as the one Caern took." Aukar went on, trying and somewhat succeeding to make it sound flattering. "And the outcome of the battle validated my desperate attempts to save my liege, or at least his allies. It was a very unusual incident that I can't see repeated, at least not by Your majesty or your majesty's son, the king."

Ever since Cersei knew that they hat captured the man, she had been mulling over what to do with him. Now that he knelt before her and had a chance to plead for his life, the choice was easy.

What will become of Aukar Brightfyre?

[] Execute him. One pretender less and the small-folk will appreciate the spectacle.

[] Throw him into the black cells. Maybe he will prove a useful prisoner to bargain away later.

[] Confine him to a nobles quarters. While the base-born has no right to such, it might pay off to treat him well.

[] Take his offer. He might be useful in some fashion.

[] Write-In

AN: For once most things went just right for Cersei.
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Can anyone think of any reason not to kill this guy? I only ask because killing is the most straightforward solution and it cannot really be reversed.

*glares at Qyburn* That does not count! :anger: :V
This is honestly perfect timing. Cersei really needed a win here and we finally got it. One Targ dead and another currently captured. Crownland lords action and getting Renfred Rykker as Master of Ships again proving itself worth while. Got Dragonstone so does that mean Shireen and her mother are our prisoners?
If we execute him, we must make sure to do it in such a way to not preclude other surrenders. For instance, we could make a big deal about how we pardoned two others, and only executed this guy because he was clearly untrustworthy.

For clarity, I do think we should execute him. Just, need to do it carefully.
As for sparing him......why? A few reasons to kill him first being he can't be trusted. Second what does he actually offer us but advice? Third keeping him alive probably pisses of the Velaryons and the houses that just bent the knee to us. This guy did kill Lady Velaryons husband remember.
If he weren't such an obviously untrustworthy dip with nothing to tie him to our cause or anyone who cares about his survival, I'd semi-seriously consider having him rule Dragonstone, as we need someone to command the approach to the Narrow Sea. As it stands, might as well make a spectacle of his death.
This time we should just straight up execute him. A captured Targ pretender is too dangerous to let live. If he'd surrendered it might've been alright to send him the wall, but too late now buddy.