The Lonely Lioness - Cersei Lannister Quest

You can rest assured that if you involve Varys in this that he will put his fingers on the scale who gets to be Slynts replacement. Same for everyone else really. The only way you are getting someone who is only loyal to Cersei personally is if you used your own spy network (which you currently lack) or spend a whole action on it.
What we really need are minions to delegate to. With two actions Cersei will never be able to keep non top of things by herself, so we need to spend those actions vetting and installing reliable minions who can them without using her two actions.

Installing a master of ships was good for this, getting a city commander in her pocket and a master of laws will be great steps, as well as establishing her own spy net.
You can rest assured that if you involve Varys in this that he will put his fingers on the scale who gets to be Slynts replacement. Same for everyone else really. The only way you are getting someone who is only loyal to Cersei personally is if you used your own spy network (which you currently lack) or spend a whole action on it.
Hmm, that's not ideal, but the important thing here is that the new head of the Gold Cloaks knows how to actually fight, and isn't just a cowardly, corrupt loser whose only qualification is being in someone's pocket (ie; like Slynt). I figure expanding the Gold Cloaks action will give Cersei enough involvement to ensure at least that criteria is met.
What we really need are minions to delegate to. With two actions Cersei will never be able to keep non top of things by herself, so we need to spend those actions vetting and installing reliable minions who can them without using her two actions.

Installing a master of ships was good for this, getting a city commander in her pocket and a master of laws will be great steps, as well as establishing her own spy net.
You've got the nail on the head there, and she brings it up repeatedly in the text as well. Just a matter of finding the right people, I suppose.

Right now, my picks for the two open Council slots are Edmure Tully as Hand, which we've already promised and can't back out on without considerable awkwardness. The Master of Laws is another question, though.

@Azel - Can we assume the Olenna conversation will occur during the turn? I'd planned on using the position as a potential negotiating position during the discussions, with Garlan Tyrell being the intended pick.
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@Azel - Can we assume the Olenna conversation will occur during the turn? I'd planned on using the position as a potential negotiating position during the discussions, with Garlan Tyrell being the intended pick.
At the very least Olenna promised to come by the coming season. If she holds to that is another matter.
At the very least Olenna promised to come by the coming season. If she holds to that is another matter.
Well, that's ominous. I suppose we should consider having a temporary pick for the role, since as noted in the update, the Small Council's morale currently isn't amazing. Is there anyone Cersei could think of who might be good at the role but isn't so important we couldn't later replace them with a political pick (such as Garlan, if the Tyrells turn out not to be full of crap)? I'm vaguely considering something like having our Captain of the Guard act as a seat-warmer, and they'd probably help with expanding the Gold Cloaks in the meantime.
Well, that's ominous. I suppose we should consider having a temporary pick for the role, since as noted in the update, the Small Council's morale currently isn't amazing. Is there anyone Cersei could think of who might be good at the role but isn't so important we couldn't later replace them with a political pick (such as Garlan, if the Tyrells turn out not to be full of crap)? I'm vaguely considering something like having our Captain of the Guard act as a seat-warmer, and they'd probably help with expanding the Gold Cloaks in the meantime.
Main morale dampener is the Targ pretender likely making landfall soon. New appointments aren't really going to change that.

Edit: You could seat the High Septon as advisor. It was later done in canon, though there's obvious ramifications of giving further prominence to the Faith.
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Main morale dampener is the Targ pretender likely making landfall soon. New appointments aren't really going to change that.
I figured as much, but having someone stoic and suitably martial in character at the table certainly can't hurt. Not to mention it helps Cersei's issue of just not having people she can trust on hand.

-[ ] Adjust the Small Council (Free Action)
--[ ] Appoint Vylarr, Captain of the Redcloaks, as a temporary Master of Laws until a more permanent candidate can be selected.

Meanwhile, I don't think the situation has changed enough to demand another round of letter spam, but there's something I can think of.

-[ ] Letter: Write to Riverrun, commanding that Edmure Tully's first job as Hand of the King - should he choose to accept the honor - is to coordinate the defeat of renegade Ser Gregor Clegane with the arriving King Joffrey I and Lord Paramount Tywin Lannister. With the blessing of the Seven, he will first enter King's Landing with the kinslayer's corpse dragged behind his steed.
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We could probably also write to the Dornish and inform them that they have the right to strike the final blow on Gregor if he's taken alive.
It was a fairly pleasant day. One of the last truly hot ones of the year most likely, what with Salting Season right around the corner. Three more months of decent weather for campaigning, then Rain Season would turn the Riverlands into one giant mud pit.
The Riverlands really is fantasy Ukraine, isn't it? It also makes Tywin's hypothetical campaign especially ridiculous. No doubt he'll have his pound of flesh one way or another, but the Seven willing, we've strangled this particular Big Brain Plan in the crib.
Once the plan was set, Cersei wasted no time. Having her nights no longer spent drenchend in sweat and tossing hin her bed greatly helped to get her thoughts back into order.
Man, I'm glad the whole Shade of the Evening thing worked out so well. I'm gonna sit down and try and figure out what the dreams all meant - my best guess is that DP's on the mark about it being one of the Targ claimants. Sounds like one of them is getting their mitts involved with magic; ever a sword without hilt.
A royal decree blaming the raiding on Gregor Clegane specifically, calling him maddened from drinking and milk of the poppy, had been drafted. Letters were prepared for all the lords of the Riverlands, Westerlands and the Lords Paramount besides.
We've called the Lion's bluff, now it remains to be seen what Tywin does next.
And a second one, from Cersei to her father, simply calling him to 'do what is best for the reputation of House Lannister'. That one she stamped with her own seal,
Although he's no doubt popped a blood vessel over this one.
And only then did Cersei realise that it had been nearly half a year since it all had started. Eddard Stark as Hand. Then her as Regent. For the first time in his life, her beloved son was all alone and without her aid and protection.

"Mother," he called out when seeing her and for one terrifying heartbeat she was afraid. What if he resented his abandonement? But he did not. He smiled at her while sheating the blade. "You finally have a break from things?" The words were a dagger in her chest, even if he was excited.

"Not quite," she wearily replied. "There are some letters that should bear the Kings seal and not just that of the Regent." Cersei almost feld like Jon Arryn in that moment. Just another courtier, bothering the king about matters of state. They had spoken so little about anything else lately.
Damn, this is actually kinda sad. I do think that Joff's benefited from getting out from under his mother's skirt, but we oughta see if they can spend some time together soon. The AP hell is real, but preventing our relationship from genuinely deteriorating is still important.
"The king believes them and that's what counts. Add kinslaying to the list at least, then I will seal the new order. A father, a sister and two wives." With that Joffrey handed her back the parchments. "I will lead a party to the Riverlands to see this enforced."
I'm glad I included that part about getting Joffrey's seal, this is a golden moment for him to start establishing a reputation for himself. Realistically, Clegane being hunted down is only a matter of time, but having the King involved with the deliverance of justice to such a deplorable creature is exactly the PR we want.
And once it was, she would have some peace and quiet. Maybe spend a season or two with Jaime in the Westerlands. There was this hill she sometimes dreamed off these days. Maybe the fields of liverwort were still growing on it like all those years ago.
Man, it's barely been six months and already Cersei can't wait for the ride to stop. Let's hope she's right about things being easier once the killing stops, although Robert sure didn't agree.
In the here and now though, all she could see were tired men.
Yeah, we need to bolster the Small Council some more. The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of bringing the High Septon into it - we've already hitched our wagon to the Faith's, and this allows for the official coordination of royal and theocratic policy. I hadn't pegged King Joff as someone capable of pulling a Charlemagne, but he's been turning out surprisingly sound.
He of all people seemed the most worried and started to talk before the others were even fully seated. "Your majesty, I have received a letter from Essos. One of the Targaryen pretenders." He passed the small parchment to Cersei for her to read.

To the noblemen of the Crownlands.

I have returned. Those who hold loyalty in their hearts for their true Lord, prepare for my arrival and our ascendancy.

Those who throw in their lot with the traitorous Baratheons and their ilk, I ask to see reason and sense. Give up this charade or face the eldest of House Targaryen on the fields of war!

- Caern Targaryen, first of his name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and he First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm
Tch. It seems one of the Essosi claimants is trying to strike while the iron's hot, so to speak. I'm really glad we went with the Crownlands action, otherwise this could have been much more tense. Still, time to expand the Goldcloaks and solve our total lack of a navy, King's Landing will soon be under threat.
As she looked up again, Varys cleared his throat. "All Crownlander houses, from the lordly downt to the landed knights, have received the same message. Some of them have come forth and reported this to either Lord Rykker or me, while others have not. I suspect the Pointsmen will follow this pretender and ships have been gathering on the Braavosi coast, though they are at least unaffiliated with the Sealord or the Iron Bank."
The Pointsmen provide an obvious landing zone for any Essosi invaders, we may want to pre-emptively invade the peninsula to deny such a thing. But then you also have Renly and Stannis on hand ... no, we need the loyal Crownlanders on standby. It'd leave us too vulnerable.

Meanwhile, Braavos is sending mixed signals. We'll see what the Iron Bank guy says when he shows up, maybe he'll offer some insight into their actual policy.
"How many men are we talking here?" Janos Slynt asked with a slight tremble in his voice.
Yeah, he needs to go.
Tossing the letter aside, Cersei called to the door. "Send someone to the kitchens. Wine."
It would seem we aren't quite over with our stress issues, heh. There's certainly a lot of knives in the air - the whole Gregor situation needs to be solved ASAP before someone lays siege to the capital while all the northern kingdoms are tied up.
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I'm very wary of assigning nobodies as seat warmers to small council positions. It feels of desperation and diminishes the dignity of the office.

There's always the Hightowers and Tarlys in the Reach - prolonged and respects houses that have tensions with the Tyrell's. I'd say the Florents, but they're already on the Stannis ship.
I'm very wary of assigning nobodies as seat warmers to small council positions. It feels of desperation and diminishes the dignity of the office.

There's always the Hightowers and Tarlys in the Reach - prolonged and respects houses that have tensions with the Tyrell's. I'd say the Florents, but they're already on the Stannis ship.
Tch, that's a good point. I'll drop Vylarr from the plan, then. Unfortunately, any Reach houses run into the same issue as Royce - they're just gonna say no so long as House Tyrell's loyalties are uncertain.
Wait, I just reread the section about Robb Stark. Has Eddard not reached the North yet? Jaime, you stupid jackass, you had one job!
[X] Plan: King Joffrey I 'the Valorous!'
-[X] [Joffrey] Indulge him. As long as there are enough guards, it will be fine. (Write-In guards)
--[X] Deploy the Kingsguard (barring the absent Jaime) in a grand procession along with whatever court notables wish to accompany their king on his glorious mission. They will link up with Edmure's reforming host and assist in bringing the Mountain to long-delayed justice.
-[X] Expand the Gold Cloaks. You will need far more than a mere thousand soldiers.
--[X] Have Varys arrange for Janos Slynt to be disposed of in a suitably deniable fashion, and find someone capable of leading the Gold Cloaks in battle to head the paramilitary, ideally from within its ranks.
-[X] Organize a shipbuilding effort. You will need a fleet to defend yourself against Stannis.
--[X] Lord Rykker is naturally appointed to oversee the effort, ensuring that the Crown's limited funds are distributed wisely.
-[X] Raise the banners of the Crownlander houses. (Free Action)
-[X] Adjust the Small Council (Free Action)
--[X] Appoint the High Septon as Advisor to the Small Council, in order to further harmonize the affairs of Faith and Throne.

-[X] Letter: Write to Riverrun, commanding that Edmure Tully's first job as Hand of the King - should he choose to accept the honor - is to coordinate the defeat of renegade Ser Gregor Clegane with the arriving King Joffrey I and Lord Paramount Tywin Lannister. With the blessing of the Seven, he will first enter King's Landing with the kinslayer's corpse dragged behind his steed.
-[X] Letter(?): Speak to the High Septon regarding the current succession crisis. Threatened by the Mad King's ilk and untrue uncles, the Seven Kingdoms need reminding about the necessity of uniting behind their true monarch - especially the Reach, whose loyalties lie uncertain and where the Faith's influence is strong. A resounding homily in the Starry Sept ought to make its position on the matter clear to all and sundry, and cause the lords of the Reach to think twice about which king they choose to back.

The big adjustment here is the inclusion of the High Septon to the Small Council, and the implicit price for our generosity this entails - namely, the Faith leaning on the Reach to side with Joffrey, where they have considerable influence. Giving the Faith a direct line into Crown politics is not something done lightly, but the rewards of a 'working relationship' are substantial. In our currently tenous position, I believe the price is worth it - Cersei and Joffrey need genuine allies, and thus far, the Sept has been one of our best and only. I've also removed the temporary Master of the Laws after Parzival's excellent point about it looking desperate.
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Since Gregor is now declared an outlaw, maybe we can write to Dorne and tell them justice is being served and we can send Clegane's head to them if they wish. I would also write a letter to the Greyjoys and find out what they are up to... don't know what Balon wants in this AU however
Hahaha called it! At least the bit about Joffrey deciding to head out. Seems like Sandor is somehow being a better influence than any of his supposed or biological parents! Here's hoping he doesn't get ganked on campaign.
I'm disinclined to try and appease the Dornish by involving them in the Mountain-hunt - fundamentally, they are our enemies and no doubt colluding with at least one Essosi pretender. Binging them in just drags up old wounds and further aggravates Tywin when we really need everyone to get on the same page.
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Yeah, there's no world where we reconcile with the Martells. Tywin had Elia and the kids killed, they're gonna join one of our many enemies one way or another and we shouldn't give them any peeks inside our internal business.
[X] Plan: A Mother's Indulgence

Joff being more...disciplined and willing to learn how to fight once he was out of Cersei's skirts is amusing. All Robert really had to do was give him the slightest bit of male positive attention to not be a total dick huh. Clegane also being that male figure in his life is hilarious. If things play out well we can probably set up Joffery for a good reign
Hahaha called it! At least the bit about Joffrey deciding to head out. Seems like Sandor is somehow being a better influence than any of his supposed or biological parents! Here's hoping he doesn't get ganked on campaign.

I mean to be fair Cersei seems to have developed a brain (through transdimenaional possession). I think Varys and Littlefinger are a little creeped out at how (relatively well) she is doing. :V

[X] Plan: King Joffrey I 'the Valorous!'