Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Dear reader! Whether you are new here, archive-reading and whatnot, or you are already someone who has been with us for quite a while, I would like to say a few words that I believe are best kept close to mind.

-This is an MLP quest. And more importantly, none of us are gratuitously cruel. So good things will happen on this quest, and I hope that enough good things have already happened to prove that.
-This is also a horror quest, so bad things will happen. Bad things might happen to good characters if you are not able to protect them, and you most certainly will not be able to intervene if you lack the tools to do so.
-And finally, this is a quest in which you jostle with powers greater than yourself, with all that it entails.

Please, do keep those things in mind as you go forward. But ultimately, this is also a quest in which it is hoped we all have fun! So if any of the above points is not exactly your cup of tea, or somehow make the experience as a whole "not worth it", then this quest might not be for you. Which is fine! Individual tastes are a thing, so don't think any more about it if you don't want to read anymore. And regardless, I hope you have a lovely day!

PSA for whoever needs to hear it:

Readers should take their own mental health into consideration when voting and not subject themselves to triggering narrative elements like rape or constant mental torture of a friend just for the Greatest Good of a world that doesn't exist.

If those are fine for you or Regrettable is even more triggering, then GREAT! More power to you. But you aren't a bad or selfish person for picking the option that keeps the characters you've emotionally connected with safe. [REDACTED for spoiler warning]

This is a high intensity quest that doesn't hold back when it comes to horror and negative consequences. Take care of yourself.
(Quote slightly edited to avoid spoilers)
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Going off-topic for a bit. I wonder how the Velvet family thinks of us now. There was that fireside conversation Steppes had with Stormchaser, our growing royal favor, Covers spotting Steppes' cronies by herself not once but twice (with the second time tipping our hand a bit more in regards to Covers' personal capabilities) and...the general state of the town where she lives as the only local noble. (As head of family, I imagine Hills more likely than not gets enough intel to be able to compare how Ponyville is doing compared to other towns where the family's businesses are, not to mention the whole thing with its abnormally mild damage suffered from the changeling attacks.)

My current read is that Steppes does feel there's much more to Covers than she's been letting on and probably shared/exaggerated some of his opinion of the side to Covers that he's only barely discovering to Hills. Hills probably feels half curious and half threatened, and Pride probably IS actually afraid of us on some level, possibly after some degree of warnings/horror stories from his dad and uncle. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Pride avoiding us was a direct consequence of the little rondo we had with Vellum, that could have been Hills himself deciding that his son wouldn't be able to find out anything useful while Covers was home and around.
If I were one of the Velvets, I think my guess for the mysteries surrounding Covers is that she'd already been a royal agent (as in, formally and secretly employed and not just the supposed "volunteer assistance" she dispensed during the search for Luna) for quite a while, and the latest appointment is just her climbing the ranks high enough that they had to make her an OFFICIAL royal agent instead.

EDIT: You know, I've never thought about it, but we started slacking on farm administration duties not that long before shit went south throughout the country, right? I know a long time ago Word of Bird is that Hills is not awfully likely to notice if we don't overdo it, but I feel it's possible that...he might retroactively notice it. If at some point he thinks to check and realizes that Covers' diligence strangely correlates with certain major events around Equestria...
I'm not saying this is automatically INCRIMINATING. He could just as easily go "ok, yep, she's totally been a part-time royal agent" :V
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Good morning.

Always a treat to see "My Little Pony" in the trending tag cloud, small-font as it may be.

I haven't really caught up with the comments in-between updates for a while now. I will go do that properly throughout the day.

All in all, hope you are all doing well. Any questions answered before this point will be addressed soon, so don't worry.
While possible, it's more likely that she's just been spending her time in the boonies practicing and studying all the subterfuge to take control of the family, which paid off when she went straight over their heads to get at the Princesses.
[X] Go talk to ponies you already know. After all, just because you haven't been in touch, it doesn't mean you aren't interested in how they are doing. (Raise your social bond with a single random pony you already know)

[X] Tell her that she should follow her heart, and speak about whatever comes to mind. You believe in her, so you are sure that whatever she feels inspired to do will be better than anything you suggest.
[X] Go talk to ponies you already know. After all, just because you haven't been in touch, it doesn't mean you aren't interested in how they are doing. (Raise your social bond with a single random pony you already know)
Yeah the invisitext has been around for a while. The first big use as in large amount of it I noticed was the one where we met the father of our new children. After that you can consistently find it in most of our most unsettling Lore interactions (every Wolf one I believe) or choices like this one. Some more 'mundane' stuff too like when we went to Camelot for our new job. Paranoia commented about leaving the place behind and going to visit his sister among other things. That bit is the best argument for changing the Wolf children in my eyes
[X] Go talk to ponies you already know. After all, just because you haven't been in touch, it doesn't mean you aren't interested in how they are doing. (Raise your social bond with a single random pony you already know)

Not sure what to say to Soft yet, I'll come back to it.
[x] Go talk to ponies you already know. After all, just because you haven't been in touch, it doesn't mean you aren't interested in how they are doing. (Raise your social bond with a single random pony you already know)
[X] Tell her that she should follow her heart, and speak about whatever comes to mind. You believe in her, so you are sure that whatever she feels inspired to do will be better than anything you suggest.
[X] Just soak in the atmosphere. The laughter, the music, the hoofsteps of ponies as they dance. You really could get used to this. (Gain one scrap of Heart Lore)

[X] Give her a pep talk of Grail, to encourage her further.
Right I went and checked for which chapter had the first instance of invisitext and it's the one where we rescue? Save? Remove Jade from her home. It has her reaction/insights into Selene from her crit in it. They are…illuminating.

After that there is a minor use in a later chapter and then the Wolf. Both of these are named chapters, Candle burns and Carcass of the Wolf.
[X] Go talk to ponies you already know. After all, just because you haven't been in touch, it doesn't mean you aren't interested in how they are doing. (Raise your social bond with a single random pony you already know)

[x] Give her a pep talk of Grail, to encourage her further.
[X] Go talk to ponies you already know. After all, just because you haven't been in touch, it doesn't mean you aren't interested in how they are doing. (Raise your social bond with a single random pony you already know)

The idea of an heir to a title is dead per Celestia. So Pride has no formal claim to any authority over us anymore, save that which goes through our dad, right?

It might be that the Velvets are assuming that Covers is going to be the first of the new nobles and are putting Pride in a place where he can possibly be declared heir to *her* future title.

The idea of an heir to a title is dead per Celestia. So Pride has no formal claim to any authority over us anymore, save that which goes through our dad, right?

It might be that the Velvets are assuming that Covers is going to be the first of the new nobles and are putting Pride in a place where he can possibly be declared heir to *her* future title.
That or, from Hill's parting comment, they've decided this was obviously a good learning experience and given Velvet was largely the impetus behind the change in the first place and the only person to benefit so far, probably the one best suited to learn how to work with the new system.
[X] Go talk to ponies you already know. After all, just because you haven't been in touch, it doesn't mean you aren't interested in how they are doing. (Raise your social bond with a single random pony you already know)
[X] Tell her that she should follow her heart, and speak about whatever comes to mind. You believe in her, so you are sure that whatever she feels inspired to do will be better than anything you suggest.
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I have been stalking this quest from the hiatus and its great news to see an update!

I absolutely love the way this quest is written, the dichotomy between a loving mother and a cultist is written so naturally. Its really a treat.

After finally catching up with the updates, Im partial for meeting new people, but its more pragmatic to focus on improving someone we know or getting a scrap.

Cause lets be honest, new people option is a bloody gatcha.
Unless we can get some wolfie puppies to help in the friend gatcha.

[X] Go talk to ponies you already know. After all, just because you haven't been in touch, it doesn't mean you aren't interested in how they are doing. (Raise your social bond with a single random pony you already know)

On the matter of Sweeps... well, I kinda like a specific very happy puppy. And I know those Exiled out there exist so help me here.

Maybe Sweeps is a Holy Mare?

Cause that invisi text reminds me of some very specific Healing Cult.

Run a Faith-Healing Cult

Run a Faith-Healing Cult is an Operation in the Exile legacy. Upon completion, it gives A New Faith?, which allows the player to run several additional operations and gain unique Local Contacts. As all of the secondary Operations (Continue a Faith-Healing Cult, Assemble an Esoteric Cult of the...

So... i dont think we can escape the wolf here. But between the options... its freaking hard but I dont think Lantern is the way to go. Very likely this isnt only for Sweeps but for a potential new cult.
So what we want possible new neophytes screwing around with? Winter seems the best?

Im curious about the mystery box but I'm dog biased. Its probably not nice.
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Hmm. It's possible some of the people in Sweep's group are ex cultists trying to latch onto somebody new. Considering her connection to Velvet and her slightly eldritch nature... yeah, I can see them trying to make her a new Master or something.
I absolutely love the way this quest is written, the dichotomy between a loving mother and a cultist is written so naturally. Its really a treat.
It helps that we're struggling a LOT to try and keep up with both halves of Velvet

Hmm. It's possible some of the people in Sweep's group are ex cultists trying to latch onto somebody new. Considering her connection to Velvet and her slightly eldritch nature... yeah, I can see them trying to make her a new Master or something.

I was only slightly joking when I said she was starting her own cult :V
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[X] Go talk to ponies you already know. After all, just because you haven't been in touch, it doesn't mean you aren't interested in how they are doing. (Raise your social bond with a single random pony you already know)

[X] Tell her that she should follow her heart, and speak about whatever comes to mind. You believe in her, so you are sure that whatever she feels inspired to do will be better than anything you suggest.

I think growing closer to confidant would be good. Less AP hell and all that. And simply getting more ponies we know and can trust.

As for the maybe love maybe wolf box-

Not mutually exclusive. I don't think. But we will see.

[X] Teach her the patience of Winter, so she learns how to pace herself.

But this is also appropriate for mourners.
It's even easy to justify with conventional physics/geometry. Just have it move in a spiral pattern, slowly getting closer. You can't exactly guess where it started that way.

That said... Do we have an idea of how earlier than it striking its target can we feel it? Mostly because... let's say it's targeting our family and not us, and we're not with them.

Does it take days to get to them? Weeks? for how long it would be in our range before reaching us?
A good suggestion. And if nothing else works, eldritch geometry will save the day.

And about your second question, I won't make it a problem. You will always be able to stop an attack against a pony you in your family except for Stormchaser when he is away from home.

Your other contacts, on the other hand, are all fair game to die without you knowing.

As for the Wrong Keys, isn't DoA's stay shortened because of giving those away?
Pretty sure someone answers this later on, but don't worry. That was just her monthly action.

Ah I haven't done a Grail Namehood victory
What? :o

B-but... But Marinette is the key-holder that helps you in that most tasty of victories...

Btw @BirdBodhisattva, shortly after your departure I wrote two apocrypha (there was a third by another member as well). Not sure if you're intending to go through the backlog of posts at a later date, but wondering if they could be threadmarked.

In which it's all Discord's fault
In which it's all Discord's fault, and Celestia knows it
[Not sure preferred title]
I could finally sit down to read these properly (though I haven't been able to see the whole discussion during my absence period). And your two works are delightful! Discord's growing dissatisfaction with the world, and eventual scheming, actually made him sound a lot more "humanized" than I thought possible. He actually felt like a prankster.

And your work in depicting Celestia really showed, at least in my opinion. Her point of view definitely had that "larger and greater" feeling, as if she can sense things that other ponies cannot, or that her mind is simply more expansive. So, I read your AN at the end and I think you did great! Thank you for sharing it with us!

Also thank you for pointing out Emissary's writing. No need to check, but if you know of any other omakes that appeared during those months let me know!

(Speaking of which, @Emissary let me know if you want that title changed if you ever see this)

On that note I wanted to ask. Has there been a WoG that explained why the Names that are still around didn't just claim their Respective Hour's posts? Like I can buy some of them not wanting to like Baldomere and others like DoA being unable but all of them? Especially the Master? Something has to have happened to make that impossible
Nope. And it's probably an Important Plot Thing, so I don't imagine we'll ever be getting one either. We'll just have to figure it out ourselves via Velvet.
Greymere is on point, to answer your question.

Quick question @BirdBodhisattva, are Mansus expeditions scaled to the region we found them in? Like, could we reasonably expect the Temple would be significantly easier to traverse than the Church, since the Temple is in the Mansus Tutorial Area?
I shouldn't say "yes", but in all honesty it would be disingenuous to day no.

Mansus had been planned from the start, and the Woods is the ground floor.

"Congratulations, Velvet Covers, you have just located the tutorial!" the booming voice said to the speedrunner.

@BirdBodhisattva you say you were going to lower the wolf cpunter to a 6 max? I distinctly remember that being the mechanical manifestation.
I don't really think much about it. Not because it is not important. No, by no means that's the case. But instead, because...

Well, the way I see it, there are two possibilities.

The first possibility, which I think is the most likely, is that you will never pick a Regrettable Action again. Or that you will AT MOST pick one more.

The second possibility is that... assume you reach 6 Regrettable Actions (ignoring Softy Softy Sweeps). What happens next? What is the current state of the world in that scenario?
If we ever get that far, what would ever stop you guys from picking a Seventh? In fact, why wouldn't that last step be better than whatever else is running loose in Equestria at that point?
I don't think much about it, because whatever happens will happen. I openly like the Wolf, and I hope the Mother of Wolves is the ending we reach, but I also am not silly enough to believe that will ever happen.
So, uh. Seven, six, those numbers might sound relevant, but I really don't think they are. Important, sure, but not exactly relevant for any plans you guys might prepare today or tomorrow.
I hope that makes sense.

Hello! I binged (nearly) all 750k words in an embarrassingly short amount of time last week. Thank you BirdBodhisattva for putting so much time into this
Thank you kindly! And I am glad you have joined us. Do chime into the discussion whenever you feel like!

Just wait until we have to talk to Twilight :V
Yeap. That, and rolling to regenerate your health. You did choose not to guarantee your healing, after all.

Also hey @BirdBodhisattva are you gonna tell us what Stromchaser's trait for SH 3 is or is it someting we're gonna have to figure out?
About that.

Individual ponies' Realizations and Sacraments are a thing. Or rather, they exist and I keep track of them. But it would be too much information to add them as relevant, quantified bonuses. The decision-making and micromanaging that would occur, to have Jade's Realization applied here and Rarity's Sacrament used there, is not something I am currently looking at kindly. So, no need to worry about that.

Or rather, Velvet knows what it is because Stormchaser told her. But since it is not 100% required for some decision-making, I don't feel myself forced to tell you. I much rather weave it into the story and present it in a narrative way that is entertaining and fun, rather than make a dry-cut answer of "he can do X".

I think it makes for a better story.


"even if they"?
Right you are. Thank you!

The frustrating thing is that... I basically have nearly all tier 6 lores, EXCEPT for the one I need for the riddle!

It's asking me Grail 6, and I have all the other 6s except for, you guessed it, GRAIL (And Knock and Edge admittedly)
That is delightful. I remember how long I scratched my head until I figured out that the riddles needed Lores to be answered.

Which annoys me a great deal. Also, no follow you heart because of it.
Aye, indeed there is. And I apologize if it annoys you.

But on a very small note, I think all the updates to date can be read even if you entirely miss the invisitext.

Yes. Even the Carcass of the Wolf. Because if you miss the invisitext, it reads like a nightmare, and the invisitext stops exactly when the nightmare ends. And that is exactly what was intended.

And that seems to be it!

Let me know if I missed anything. I'll set the vote to close in... two days? That sounds about right.
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[X] Go talk to ponies you already know. After all, just because you haven't been in touch, it doesn't mean you aren't interested in how they are doing. (Raise your social bond with a single random pony you already know)
[x] Tell her that she should follow her heart, and speak about whatever comes to mind. You believe in her, so you are sure that whatever she feels inspired to do will be better than anything you suggest.

[x] Give her a pep talk of Grail, to encourage her further.
I hope that makes sense.
I get it, personally, but lack of clear mechanics is one of the most contentious things in a quest, and when someone has already started going on about how they think you might jump us with a sudden "aha, the numbers I have listed were actually a lie and now you've messed up because I lied to you" it is perhaps a sign there is a lack of trust between player and QM that shouldn't exist.

Again, I don't think you would do that, but I am not he playerbase a a whole, and even I can forget important rules or details if they're not explicitly marked down.
I shouldn't say "yes", but in all honesty it would be disingenuous to day no.

Mansus had been planned from the start, and the Woods is the ground floor.

"Congratulations, Velvet Covers, you have just located the tutorial!" the booming voice said to the speedrunner.
It's kind of a matter of game design, really.

It would be very weird if the mansus expedition in the very first area, which we could have found with LITERALLY the first mansus wood exploration, was THAT deadly.

That said, I find it a bit weird that it requires HEART 5 to bypass the dungeon.

also even in CS the Wood was mostly safe. There ARE secrets in it beyond the reach of low-tier cultists, as implied by how the Master's Sacrament would be taught in a secret area of it, and I think the door to the House of the Moon in CS was implied to be in the Woods... but for the most part the Woods are meant to be safe.

I don't think much about it, because whatever happens will happen. I openly like the Wolf, and I hope the Mother of Wolves is the ending we reach, but I also am not silly enough to believe that will ever happen.

After all there IS a reason why you wrote that Mother of Wolf Ending thread.

Because it's REALLY unlikely we'll end there. It's far easier for us to just die, really.

...uh, side note TO THE NEW PLAYERS WHO JUST JOINED US, in case you don't know there's actually a separate thread that shows what would happen if we got all 7 wolf stains

@Steady Gaze that's you, though I think there was a couple more.


A regrettable story, from another place. An infection, cut off to preserve the Garden. A horror story, from a world that is not kind.

That is delightful. I remember how long I scratched my head until I figured out that the riddles needed Lores to be answered.
eh, I was being stubborn. I didn't want to "fuse" my two grail 4 lores cause I kinda wanted a full collection.

In the end I gave up, fused them, and know I'm (for the second time ever) beyond the Stag Door.

...on a side note, I accidentally let the detective job expire. oops 😅

Honestly my main complaint with CS is that I'd like a better way to organize the cards. Move them all together, give me some way to have them ordered automatically by category... that's it. Just that.

oh, second side note: now I have a Percussigant, a Caligine and a Voiceless Dead all at my service, and I painted the Moth painting :lol:

I mean we got two so far?

That's two more than even we planned on using.

Let us see how bad things get in the future. :V

well, the first one doesn't count because it wasn't really a choice, except in the sense of "Velvet chose to live rather than die and have the wolf-spawn not be born".

same for Soft's one.

The only one we REALLY chose was the door one... and I think we made the right choice, because if we didn't do that it would have taken us multiple turns and actions to get through all the arguments about "yes we HAVE to kill someone" "no, there's NOT a third way, word of god there is NOT" and then all the arguments about who to kill, how to kill, and how to make 300% sure it could NOT be connected to us.

...can you imagine the negaverse in which Velvet just goes to the Master and asks pretty please for a pegasus and earth pony nobody will miss? :whistle: