Hirtzeller looks over them impassively, "Their imitative should be rewarded

In front of you is a large courtyard exposed to the sky, the floor of it hard packed dirt pocked

Some things that stood out.

"Boris," she says archly, one eyebrow raised. "What on earth does -," her snide words cut off as she catches sight of you and Urgdug, but contrary to normal expectations her eyes then remain locked on you.

Against your chest, the Light of Summer seems to glow ever so faintly in the presence of so much Ghyran. Her pupils visibly dilate as she looks at you, then down at the amulet, then to where Brain Wounder is strapped to your belt.

"I see," she says with a dryness mostly associated with Nehekhara's Tomb Kings, "Carlotta and Karl's patron, and that of others. The inspiration for…," she gestures at herself and then at the Eagle of the North. "This."

"How long has this been going on?" You ask, looking between the woman and the Myrmidian.

"Last year," she sighs, hand going to her forehead. "Let me guess, you wish to test your mettle?"

"I didn't-,"

"Oh not you, of course, Count Hohenzollern," she says quickly, shaking her head before glaring at Hirtzeller. "I meant him."

There is some heat in the look they exchange now, and not all of it is nearly as antagonistic. At the same time, Hirtzeller sputters.

"It's perfectly-,"

"I don't want to hear it," she snorts. "Is this happening or not?"

By the gods it must be strange seeing this from the other side. It's also very funny.
[X] By The Spear of Myrmidia: Regardless of who wins and who loses, Hirtzeller promises that he'll agree to your various requests of the Cult, though the payment details and such will still be negotiated afterwards. If you win, he has added that the Cult itself will pay out of its own coffers, and potentially more. At the same time, this will allow him to gain some measure of your character, for better and for worse. (Success Depends On Combat Rolls, Will Have Cult Agreement On Requests, But Payment And Other Details Remain In Flux)
[X] By The Helm of Myrmidia: You could easily refuse the man's request and negotiate more carefully and normally. Perhaps that is the test of it, or he thinks you are not intelligent enough to do so very well and thinks that he would be at more of an advantage in such an environment. The Cult of Myrmidia is known for its strategists and officers, after all. You could surprise him in such as well. (Success Depends On Negotiation Rolls, No Guarantees Known At This Time?)
[X] By The Helm of Myrmidia: You could easily refuse the man's request and negotiate more carefully and normally. Perhaps that is the test of it, or he thinks you are not intelligent enough to do so very well and thinks that he would be at more of an advantage in such an environment. The Cult of Myrmidia is known for its strategists and officers, after all. You could surprise him in such as well. (Success Depends On Negotiation Rolls, No Guarantees Known At This Time?)
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[X] By The Spear of Myrmidia: Regardless of who wins and who loses, Hirtzeller promises that he'll agree to your various requests of the Cult, though the payment details and such will still be negotiated afterwards. If you win, he has added that the Cult itself will pay out of its own coffers, and potentially more. At the same time, this will allow him to gain some measure of your character, for better and for worse. (Success Depends On Combat Rolls, Will Have Cult Agreement On Requests, But Payment And Other Details Remain In Flux)

Like any option besides this one was going to win.
Y'know, I am starting to agree with some of the others when it comes to these kind of situations where we vote to have Frederick agreeing to somehow mutilate himself for the good of random thing. Its annoying and honestly I am sick of it. I would actually have preferred if Frederick had just tried to negotiate instead of doing something that would harm his body in some way.

Honestly he should have died like 50 times by now if not for the light of summer. The Great Ship keelhauling in Marineburg for that situation was beyond stupid. One of the smaller vessels would have sufficed just fine. but no, you all voted for him to go all out and that time Frederick almost died even with the Light of Summer's help.

Honestly Natasha had a point when she says that Frederick didn't love her when she confronted her that time a long time ago. We have constantly voted to have Frederick throw himself into every fight he has encountered, both the ones where he had forewarning and the ones where he had no warning at all. And that incident also damaged their relationship for a few years. Five if I remember correctly. Actions have consequences and we have constantly voted to do something that would benefit the Empire in some way at the expense of Frederick's health and relationships.

So I would really just prefer if Frederick attempted to not throw himself into a activity that would cause him harm when it would be perfectly fine to just negotiate. And the current update as of this writing did give us that option, but the leading vote has us in combat yet again.
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Y'know, I am starting to agree with some of the others when it comes to these kind of situations where we vote to have Frederick agreeing to somehow mutilate himself for the good of random thing. Its annoying and honestly I am sick of it. I would actually have preferred if Frederick had just tried to negotiate instead of doing something that would harm his body in some way.

Honestly he should have died like 50 times by now if not for the light of summer. The Great Ship keelhauling in Marineburg for that situation was beyond stupid. One of the smaller vessels would have sufficed just fine. but no, you all voted for him to go all out and that time Frederick almost died even with the Light of Summer's help.

Honestly Natasha had a point when she says that Frederick didn't love her when she confronted her that time a long time ago. We have constantly voted to have Frederick throw himself into every fight he has encountered, both the ones where he had forewarning and the ones where he had no warning at all. And that incident also damaged their relationship for a few years. Five if I remember correctly. Actions have consequences and we have constantly voted to do something that would benefit the Empire in some way at the expense of Frederick's health and relationships.

So I would really just prefer if Frederick attempted to not throw himself into a activity that would cause him harm when it would be perfectly fine to just negotiate. And the current update as of this writing did give us that option, but the leading vote has us in combat yet again.
That is the biggest piece of hypocrisy I have literally ever seen during voting.
Y'know, I am starting to agree with some of the others when it comes to these kind of situations where we vote to have Frederick agreeing to somehow mutilate himself for the good of random thing. Its annoying and honestly I am sick of it. I would actually have preferred if Frederick had just tried to negotiate instead of doing something that would harm his body in some way.

Honestly he should have died like 50 times by now if not for the light of summer. The Great Ship keelhauling in Marineburg for that situation was beyond stupid. One of the smaller vessels would have sufficed just fine. but no, you all voted for him to go all out and that time Frederick almost died even with the Light of Summer's help.

Honestly Natasha had a point when she says that Frederick didn't love her when she confronted her that time a long time ago. We have constantly voted to have Frederick throw himself into every fight he has encountered, both the ones where he had forewarning and the ones where he had no warning at all. And that incident also damaged their relationship for a few years. Five if I remember correctly. Actions have consequences and we have constantly voted to do something that would benefit the Empire in some way at the expense of Frederick's health and relationships.

So I would really just prefer if Frederick attempted to not throw himself into a activity that would cause him harm when it would be perfectly fine to just negotiate. And the current update as of this writing did give us that option, but the leading vote has us in combat yet again.
I agree with the sentiment, but uh…you voted to spar. At least have some principles here.
Y'know, I am starting to agree with some of the others when it comes to these kind of situations where we vote to have Frederick agreeing to somehow mutilate himself for the good of random thing. Its annoying and honestly I am sick of it. I would actually have preferred if Frederick had just tried to negotiate instead of doing something that would harm his body in some way.

Honestly he should have died like 50 times by now if not for the light of summer. The Great Ship keelhauling in Marineburg for that situation was beyond stupid. One of the smaller vessels would have sufficed just fine. but no, you all voted for him to go all out and that time Frederick almost died even with the Light of Summer's help.

Honestly Natasha had a point when she says that Frederick didn't love her when she confronted her that time a long time ago. We have constantly voted to have Frederick throw himself into every fight he has encountered, both the ones where he had forewarning and the ones where he had no warning at all. And that incident also damaged their relationship for a few years. Five if I remember correctly. Actions have consequences and we have constantly voted to do something that would benefit the Empire in some way at the expense of Frederick's health and relationships.

So I would really just prefer if Frederick attempted to not throw himself into a activity that would cause him harm when it would be perfectly fine to just negotiate. And the current update as of this writing did give us that option, but the leading vote has us in combat yet again.
To be fair this a safe version since Wizard Lord is on hand and unlike other situations the intention to kill is not there, only friendly spar comparable to what family does regularly.
Fingers crossed we don't embarrass ourselves.
I am sure the bard dice will have Freddy give a good showing.:p
@torroar here is tally, hope it is not too close.:p
Adhoc vote count started by Massgamer on Jan 26, 2022 at 8:08 PM, finished with 150 posts and 69 votes.

  • [x] By The Spear of Myrmidia: Regardless of who wins and who loses, Hirtzeller promises that he'll agree to your various requests of the Cult, though the payment details and such will still be negotiated afterwards. If you win, he has added that the Cult itself will pay out of its own coffers, and potentially more. At the same time, this will allow him to gain some measure of your character, for better and for worse. (Success Depends On Combat Rolls, Will Have Cult Agreement On Requests, But Payment And Other Details Remain In Flux)
    [x] By The Spear of Myrmidia: Regardless of who wins and who loses, Hirtzeller promises that he'll agree to your various requests of the Cult, though the payment details and such will still be negotiated afterwards. If you win, he has added that the Cult itself will pay out of its own coffers, and potentially more. At the same time, this will allow him to gain some measure of your character, for better and for worse. (Success Depends On Combat Rolls, Will Have Cult Agreement On Requests, But Payment And Other Details Remain In Flux)
    -[X] Ask if we should do this with all our equipment or not, since you do have three magical items on you
    -[X] Ask Urgdug if he would also like a chance for a friendly spar with the Eagle of the North, and he in turn
    [X] By The Helm of Myrmidia: You could easily refuse the man's request and negotiate more carefully and normally. Perhaps that is the test of it, or he thinks you are not intelligent enough to do so very well and thinks that he would be at more of an advantage in such an environment. The Cult of Myrmidia is known for its strategists and officers, after all. You could surprise him in such as well. (Success Depends On Negotiation Rolls, No Guarantees Known At This Time?)
    [X] By The Spear of Myrmidia:
I'll say that there is a distinct difference between, say, willingly submitting to torture/interrogation by the Witch Hunters/Cult of Sigmar, or accepting Ritualistic Keelhauling which are very religious things and thus part of the fabric of Warhammer Fantasy (albeit not usually at such levels and severity).

Because this time, the certainty is there of being allowed to hit said boat or stake.
I'll say that there is a distinct difference between, say, willingly submitting to torture/interrogation by the Witch Hunters/Cult of Sigmar, or accepting Ritualistic Keelhauling which are very religious things and thus part of the fabric of Warhammer Fantasy (albeit not usually at such levels and severity).

Because this time, the certainty is there of being allowed to hit said boat or stake.

Yeah, but there's also a difference in Freddy's skill level compared to the average human.

The last time I recall Freddy had a relatively fair fight, was the hilarious rolls in combat against Zurkam Steelbrain (Karak Ungor 56). The time before that was the action Dealing With One Rumor (Turn 22 Results), for human opponents. It really says something that the Changeling had to directly confront Frederick to get him where the Changeling needed him. Tricks don't work? Brute force it is! You survived getting thrown? Okay, direct fight it is.

Among humanity Freddy is relatively high among human fighters in the Old World, but there are multiple people in the world of Mallus who are pretty much guaranteed to be higher in skill, and likely to best Freddy in a one vs one. Settra, Nagash, Sigmar (lore thing that may not be true here), Certain vampires, Certain Greenskins, Certain Beastmen, Certain chaos cultists, Certain Dwarves, Certain dark elves, Certain High Elves, Certain Wood Elves, Certain Cathay characters, Certain Lizardmen, some characters elsewhere in the Old World that are human. And maybe Magnus the Pious.
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Among humanity Freddy is relatively high among human fighters in the Old World, but there are multiple people in the world of Mallus who are pretty much guaranteed to be higher in skill, and likely to best Freddy in a one vs one. Settra, Nagash, Sigmar (lore thing that may not be true here), Certain vampires, Certain Greenskins, Certain Beastmen, Certain chaos cultists, Certain Dwarves, Certain dark elves, Certain High Elves, Certain Wood Elves, Certain Cathay characters, Certain Lizardmen, some characters elsewhere in the Old World that are human. And maybe Magnus the Pious.

Yes? I thought this was well-established by now? I don't understand the necessity of needing to post this considering that.
What horror stories they must have told when they got back to the Jade college and their peers.
Be like Frederick von Hohenzollern: :V

> Hire multiple practitioners from the Jade College
> Make sure that they are generally safe from high intensity combat
> But they potentially get PTSD from the Hohenzollern style of training and sparring (And they get used to it like it's normal everyday stuff)
> Wizards then return to their college and spread stories, then those stories spread to the common soldiers of the Empire
> Now everyone is trying out this totally "safe" and wonderful style of training spearheaded by the famed Steel Bull
> Frederick does a 'Surprised Pikachu' face at what he has wrought, but is generally happy with it
>Now the Empire has turned into a Shōnen battle series sort of setting
Be like Frederick von Hohenzollern: :V

> Hire multiple practitioners from the Jade College
> Make sure that they are generally safe from high intensity combat
> But they potentially get PTSD from the Hohenzollern style of training and sparring (And they get used to it like it's normal everyday stuff)
> Wizards then return to their college and spread stories, then those stories spread to the common soldiers of the Empire
> Now everyone is trying out this totally "safe" and wonderful style of training spearheaded by the famed Steel Bull
> Frederick does a 'Surprised Pikachu' face at what he has wrought, but is generally happy with it
>Now the Empire has turned into a Shōnen battle series sort of setting
freddy then becomes khorne's favorite human for increasing the amount of daily bloodshed