Sword of Fortune: Double Wager, a Tactical Mecha Quest

[x] Gladiolus, won't forget. LIVERY: Pink, Red Trim

Gladiolus (from Latin, the diminutive of gladius, a sword) is a genus of perennial cormous flowering plants in the iris family (Iridaceae).
It is sometimes called the 'sword lily', but is usually called by its generic name
hash tag never forget?
Chargen 1-3: A Choice of Machine
[x] Maris, the immortal. LIVERY: White/Blue

Livery: White and blue, nonspecific.

This callsign relates to an ancient child-deity associated with strength and immortality, sometimes believed to have been later reinterpreted as a war god. The callsign Maris has been carried by a few pilots to date, including Leon Cotiso and Anna Teoria Glitzern, both of SOF. It is only used by mercenaries and considered an uncouth, ill-omened name, exchanged like a curse with the passing of the previous bearer.

Current Holder(s): 1 (Rhea Silvia)
Source: Republic Standard Mercenary Factfile, AC 2215

You reach to the patch on the breast of your jacket, showing the bust of a pale-faced woman in ancient battle garb, drawing his attention with a tap. "Maris."

Giulius smiles and scratches notes onto his pad. "Ah, a fan of the classics are we? I studied antiquities before I was commissioned, so it's always a pleasure to meet another historian, given the circumstances."

"Oh." You scratch your temple. "So that's where that comes from."

Giulius doesn't press the issue further. You check your scuffed pocketwatch for the time and lean back, studiously looking around the tent while avoiding eye contact while the officers clamour, gamble, smoke and drink. "Ahem, so as I was saying. We haven't contracted with Sword of Fortune in a while, and the group that arrived at the F.O.B. wasn't what we expected. Can you clarify the current state of the company for me in a detailed manner? It shouldn't impact your actual pay, but I'd personally hesitate to send an understrength force into the jaws of a full squadron of Janissary drones."

"Will the Marshall?"

He looks at you, uncomprehending and perhaps even a little hurt. "I beg your pardon?"

"The theater commander has a reputation for micromanagement. I'm happy answering your questions but I'm also aware your reservations won't have much impact on what missions we're going to be sent on." You say a bit tersely in response.

Giulius parks both elbows on the small table sat between you and leans forward, his lips drawing taut. He makes an expression, bereaved and almost confessional. "I should apologize for attempting to suggest I have any such capability to reassign you based on my own misgivings, it's true. But I have some say with Marshall Borodino, and I would hope you'd take me at face value when I say so." Even sitting down he's much taller than you, his skin is smooth and clear, his personal effects and presentation are carefully groomed in a manner befitting a well-heeled junior officer. "May I ask you again to answer the question?"

[ ] Sword of Fortune is Overstrength but Undisciplined: Two years ago the company took on a large number of war orphans hiding out in the ruins of the Jumilhac Fortress in Guyenne, after suffering casualties to the core of ex-military personnel. As a consequence, the unit has an abundance of autodidact staff who can fulfill various functions but no exceptionally skilled members other than a few veterans who now make up the officers. Most roles other than command can easily be replaced, though morale will still suffer under heavy casualties.
  • 1 Platoon Commander (Elite)
  • 6 Squadron Commanders (Veteran)
  • 40 Pilots (Regulars)
  • 40 Regulars
  • 80 Reserves
[ ] Sword of Fortune is At Strength and Steady: The company has exercised a careful growth policy, taking on war orphans and veterans from various former states around the continent as needed. As a consequence there is a good balance of seasoned officers and regulars filling in various rolls across the company.
  • 5 Squadron Commanders (Elite)
  • 15 Pilots (Veteran)
  • 15 Pilots (Regular)
  • 5 Veteran Reserves
  • 25 Reserves
[ ] Sword of Fortune is Understrength and Hardened: The company has faced calamity after calamity, never having a chance to regroup or recover. The survivors may be some of the most veteran fighters on the continent, but each one is functionally irreplaceable until after the Verbania Campaign concludes.
  • 3 Squadron Commanders (Elite)
  • 16 Pilots (Elite)
  • 3 Elites
  • 3 Veteran Reserves
You uncross your arms as you finish your explanation. Giulius nods and looks to the doorway, as a pair of officers in fur jackets and black capercaille hats step though and bring the chill of outside in with them. "I suppose I'm satisfied for now. Can you show me your units as well? I've heard you've brought your own machines to the FOB, but I've heard little of them."

The two of you step out back onto the muddy hills of camp, your handler ducking though the curtains while you do not. The rain has stopped, decorating the clay soil with reflective pools of reddish brown water and a roiling fog dancing through hills, wherever the warm, humid sea wind and cold alpine currents meet. You glance back at him and put your arms behind your back. "I suggest you curb your expectations, a mercenary company is never going to have better velomacchina than a regular unit."

"Surprise me." Giulius smiles.

The muddy road leads back to your corner of the FOB, the large tents where the sword-and-scale banner of the company hangs proudly alone among Ausonian ensigns. "As any armoured element, we keep our units as standard as possible. Sword of Fortune uses the..."

[ ] Federated Guyenne Factory [FGF], Orlando FT 75 BS: A relic from a country that no longer exists, the FT 75 was a hasty conversion of existing stock to meet the threat of advanced drone warfare. The frame is tight and a gunner seat in the turret has been stripped to make room for more ammunition, an autoloader and more advanced avionics. The Orlando is tall, and mounts the APGL and optional MG or Pile Bunker braced in secondary arms mounted on either side of the turret, giving it the moniker of 'Guyenne Factory's little tin knight'.
1x 75mm Snub Howitzer w/ High Explosive [HE], Armor-Piercing [AP] Payloads, 36-Round Magazine​
1x 20mm Antipersonal Grenade Launcher w/ High Explosive, Incendiary or ECM Payloads, 96-Round Magazine​
1x Optional Slot(s): 12mm Machinegun, 1800-Round Magazine or 30mm Electromagnetic Pile-Bunker, 3 Spare Piles​
Armor: Ceramic Laminate​
Propulsion: 6-Legged (20 kph), Ground-Effect Skimmer (60 kph)​
Reactor: Jet Engine​
Advanced Features: Directional LIDAR, Thermal Chaff, Ejector Seat​
Long Legs: Life support and reactor systems are efficient enough to allow for days at a time of continued operation.​
High Profile: Infiltration is impossible, complicating recon.​
Obsolete: Parts are hard to come by and upgrades will be limited until logistics can be fixed.​

[ ] Ausonia Azienda Industriale Elettrica, D2 "Invicta": A great deal is made about the D2 "Invicta" by her designers, hastily pressed into combat by using last-generation designs from Septen-Trianon coupled with some modern equipment. It nonetheless boasts disproportionate offensive capabilities, which an all-explosive payload allows it to destroy heavier Janissary war-forms like the Sipahi in an opening volley. Unfortunately, the combination of aluminum armor, coupled with abundant fuel and ammunition supplies makes it infamously vulnerable to magazine fires. Conscript models typically mount one or two Dozer Blades, allowing it to quickly build trench lines in keeping with current Ausonian army doctrine.
1x 75mm Cannon w/ High Explosive [HE], Armor-Piercing [AP], Incendiary or High-Explosive Armor-Piercing [HEAP] Payloads, 24-Round Magazine​
2x Optional Slot(s): Wire-Guided Rocket Pods /w HE Rockets, 3 Rounds or 9mm Machinegun w/ 1200-Round Magazine or High Frequency [HF] Dozer Blades​
Armor: Aluminum Monocoque​
Propulsion: 4-Legged (32 kph), 2x Wired Rocket Anchors/Retracting Spindle​
Reactor: Internal Combustion Engine​
Advanced Features: Laser Dazzler​
Common Parts: Made with civilian components and produced in vast numbers, maintenance is straightforward though not necessarily easy.​
Limited Solar System: Solar cells on the hull allow it run 'silent' at 50% speed and maneuverability, or greatly extend limited hydrocarbon supplies.​

[ ] Sword of Fortune, AMX-02 Lynx: SOF's in-house developed velomacchina is a fast and robust unit with exceptionable armaments, including a custom 90mm electromagnetic acceleration cannon based on the Sipahi's main gun with an underslung 16mm autocannon for lighter targets. Unfortunately the machine was designed without regards for interoperability, logistics and maintainenance and has over one thousand non-standard parts which can only be manufactured via 3D printing. The Lynx's laminate armor is improved over both the Invicta and Orlando FT 75 and treated with anticorrosives and nonreflective paint to lower radar profile.
1x 90mm Electromagnetic Gun w/ Airburst Warhead Explosive [AWE], Armor Piercing [AP] or Armor-Piercing Incendiary [API], 48-Round Magazine​
1x 16mm Autocannon w/ 720-Round Magazine​
2x Optional Slots: Wire-Guided Rocket Pods w/ HE Rockets or EMP Leads or High Frequency [HF] Dozer Blades​
Armor: Coated Ceramic Laminate​
Propulsion: 4-Legged (30 kph), Ground-Effect Skimmer (56 kph), 4x Wired Rocket Anchors/Retracting Spindle​
Reactor: Hybrid Electric/Jet Engine​
Advanced Features: Advanced Avionics (LIDAR, EWar Suite, Thermal Chaff), Ejector Seat​
Silent Running: All-electric operation is effective and difficult to detect.​
Bespoke Parts: All maintenance time is multiplied by 5, as every single component has to be 3D-printed at an FOB.​
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[X] Sword of Fortune is At Strength and Steady: The company has exercised a careful growth policy, taking on war orphans and veterans from various former states around the continent as needed. As a consequence there is a good balance of seasoned officers and regulars filling in various rolls across the company.
[X] Sword of Fortune, AMX-02 Lynx
[X] Sword of Fortune is Understrength and Hardened: The company has faced calamity after calamity, never having a chance to regroup or recover. The survivors may be some of the most veteran fighters on the continent, but each one is funct
[X] Federated Guyenne Factory [FGF], Orlando FT 75 BS ionally irreplaceable until after the Verbania Campaign concludes.
[X] Sword of Fortune is Understrength and Hardened
[X] Sword of Fortune, AMX-02 Lynx
The most dangerous people in the world with the most dangerous mechs on the battlefield.
[X] Sword of Fortune is Overstrength but Undisciplined
[X] Ausonia Azienda Industriale Elettrica, D2 "Invicta"

Mercenaries are like fast food, efficient and easily disposable.

For a protracted campaign with a commander that likely hates us, we'll need to be able to absorb losses and keep functioning, hence a overabundance of reserves and a very light logistics load.

Losses are a inevitability in the situation we're in, so let's ensure we can keep coming back when they knock us down!
[X] Sword of Fortune is Understrength and Hardened
[X] Sword of Fortune, AMX-02 Lynx

I am more partial to operating an Elite unit myself. Morale is not going to be an issue as the company already has experience dealing with terrible scenarios with unforseen conditions, and that is supremely important when holding formation while being ordered by Commander who treats mercenaries like chew toys.

Naturally, each pilot is valuable, so it's only natural we pick the best mech for them. While the Lynx suffers from long repair times and troublesome logistics, it's by far the most modern and probably survivable of the bunch. Lynx parts can still be manufactured unlike the extinct Orlando, while the cannon-fodder nature of the Invicta is also unsuited to maximising the capability of each elite pilot due to their fragility.
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[X] Sword of Fortune is Understrength and Hardened
[X] Sword of Fortune, AMX-02 Lynx

Each a legion yadda yadda
[X] Sword of Fortune is Overstrength but Undisciplined
[X] Ausonia Azienda Industriale Elettrica, D2 "Invicta"
[X] Sword of Fortune is Understrength and Hardened
[X] Sword of Fortune, AMX-02 Lynx

I'm changing my vote.
Adhoc vote count started by GAWR on May 26, 2021 at 5:11 AM, finished with 13 posts and 12 votes.

Here's the current votes.
[x] Sword of Fortune is At Strength and Steady
[x] Sword of Fortune, AMX-02 Lynx

I would like a middle ground for the company, between veterans to train our troops and disposables units.

The Orlando seems good for ground combat, except it's bad at stealth. The Industrial Company one is basically a milder lynx, and so i went for the Lynx as i like the idea of a custom mech.

Edit: i also like the usage of italian, given i can actually understand it!
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[x] Sword of Fortune is At Strength and Steady
[x] Sword of Fortune, AMX-02 Lynx
[x] Sword of Fortune is Understrength and Hardened: The company has faced calamity after calamity, never having a chance to regroup or recover. The survivors may be some of the most veteran fighters on the continent, but each one is functionally irreplaceable until after the Verbania Campaign concludes.
[x] Federated Guyenne Factory [FGF], Orlando FT 75 BS

All these people not going for the Pile Bunker. Shameful.
Adhoc vote count started by GAWR on May 26, 2021 at 7:27 PM, finished with 18 posts and 16 votes.
  • 17

    [X] Sword of Fortune, AMX-02 Lynx
    [X] Sword of Fortune is Understrength and Hardened
    [x] Sword of Fortune is Overstrength but Undisciplined
    [X] Ausonia Azienda Industriale Elettrica, D2 "Invicta"
    [x] Federated Guyenne Factory [FGF], Orlando FT 75 BS
    [x] Sword of Fortune is At Strength and Steady
    [X] Sword of Fortune is At Strength and Steady: The company has exercised a careful growth policy, taking on war orphans and veterans from various former states around the continent as needed. As a consequence there is a good balance of seasoned officers and regulars filling in various rolls across the company.
    [X] Sword of Fortune is Understrength and Hardened: The company has faced calamity after calamity, never having a chance to regroup or recover. The survivors may be some of the most veteran fighters on the continent, but each one is funct
    [X] Federated Guyenne Factory [FGF], Orlando FT 75 BS ionally irreplaceable until after the Verbania Campaign concludes.
    [x] Sword of Fortune is Understrength and Hardened: The company has faced calamity after calamity, never having a chance to regroup or recover. The survivors may be some of the most veteran fighters on the continent, but each one is functionally irreplaceable until after the Verbania Campaign concludes.

It seems that []Sword of Fortune is Understrength and Hardened and [] Sword of Fortune, AMX-02 Lynx is in the lead.
Edit:got the wrong vote in the lead I ment to said Sword of Fortune is Understrength and Hardened insted of Sword of Fortune is Overstrength but Undisciplined.
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Vote change.

[X] Sword of Fortune is Understrength and Hardened

Not really a fan of undisciplined + the Lynx. Way too heavy on the logistics when we won't have first pick of anything.