Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Dear reader! Whether you are new here, archive-reading and whatnot, or you are already someone who has been with us for quite a while, I would like to say a few words that I believe are best kept close to mind.

-This is an MLP quest. And more importantly, none of us are gratuitously cruel. So good things will happen on this quest, and I hope that enough good things have already happened to prove that.
-This is also a horror quest, so bad things will happen. Bad things might happen to good characters if you are not able to protect them, and you most certainly will not be able to intervene if you lack the tools to do so.
-And finally, this is a quest in which you jostle with powers greater than yourself, with all that it entails.

Please, do keep those things in mind as you go forward. But ultimately, this is also a quest in which it is hoped we all have fun! So if any of the above points is not exactly your cup of tea, or somehow make the experience as a whole "not worth it", then this quest might not be for you. Which is fine! Individual tastes are a thing, so don't think any more about it if you don't want to read anymore. And regardless, I hope you have a lovely day!

PSA for whoever needs to hear it:

Readers should take their own mental health into consideration when voting and not subject themselves to triggering narrative elements like rape or constant mental torture of a friend just for the Greatest Good of a world that doesn't exist.

If those are fine for you or Regrettable is even more triggering, then GREAT! More power to you. But you aren't a bad or selfish person for picking the option that keeps the characters you've emotionally connected with safe. [REDACTED for spoiler warning]

This is a high intensity quest that doesn't hold back when it comes to horror and negative consequences. Take care of yourself.
(Quote slightly edited to avoid spoilers)
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[X] You realize that you had a smile on your face: Princess Luna is weak, but she still bears immense power. She is like a spoiled child, unaware of what she could do if she had the will to, so perhaps the term "Princess" really is fitting, after all. You will take her power, or you will take her, and then you will take what comes next. Everything between here and there will become means to those ends.

It would be fun to become Cozy Glow II, especially if Velvet ends up more successful.
[X] You nod, a grim understanding coming to you: Equestria is in danger, and something must be done about it. You have not reached the point where you think a line has been crossed, not when considering what you have just seen. But you will keep that line close to your heart, for you know that you will lose something the day you cross it, and it is not something you wish to lose if you can avoid.
Holy sh*t! I don't even know how to react to this. Thanks a million! Really!!!
I did it on a whim :V .

Actually another poster once did the same for me as a thank you for giving some advice about a future quest, so I'll think of it as paying it forward.

And really, this quest was an amazing surprise, especially coming from a completely new writer. Please continue the good work :D

Remember that the subscription only lasts one month, so go crazy with tags and meow ratings in the meantime! :p

Velvet Covers is a "perfectly neutral" main character when it comes to lore affinity. Of course, i always check your current highest lore and tweak your mindset to it, slightly.
But if you start your own cult, you will pick what its focus will be. From scratch. So dont worry about that.
You know, an interesting take would be that advancing too far in a single lore without having the other turns you to an inhuman mindset, but advancing all Lores more or less in harmony (pun sort of intended) might very well be the key to keep your own humanity (equinity?) while also progressing in power and knowledge.

The various influences from the Lore would simply balance themselves!

Could a cult based on this principle be possible in case? of not focusing on a single Lore, but spreading out in as many of them as possible as to keep yourself grounded? And for those who are not talented in multiple lores, why, that's what friends are for! hopefully friends gifted in you opposite/complementary lores!

My Little Cultist: Friendship is Power!

Oh wow. It took me a lot more than that to get through that damned Name and his damned Door.
I tried all my... I think they're influences? whatever-they're named cards on it, and luckily I had one that worked as an answer.

I did remember things from my last play, so the very beginning was easier for me (the basics of work/study/dream basically. I didn't get much further than the first half-hour or so that time).

Also damn but it was a surprise when the board changed to the Mansus! I even met the equivalent of Baldomare right then and there!

I also still have a lot of books to study from my one and only attempted expeditions. I got something like 6-7 books, but it left me completely broke!

I've yet a long to understand. I only managed to use a single ritual to induct my second cultist, for example. I'd love to hold more of them, but I can't manage to get the right combination of cards...

I think I'll leave the game for a few days though. I want to show it to a friend, maybe play a few hours together. I think she'd like it.
Indeed. Sorry I didn't mention you there by name; you were the main person posting that idea.
oh, don't worry, I'm just joking a bit :p

I think it is a workable approach overall, though revealing ourselves to the princesses means putting ourselves at their mercy - and given that we are PERSONALLY responsible for enabling the ritual that hurt Luna, I'm not sure how much mercy we can count on. Not to mention the possibility that the Alicorns are hostile to Mansus Lore on general principle...

And of course even if that turns out okay, the Master is not a threat to be taken lightly. As you mention it is not clear what his restrictions on working in the Wake are, but regardless of those, unless we forswear journeying to the Mansus he can probably find us there. Maybe he is sworn to inaction (or otherwise limited) in general, but frankly I don't know if we can survive his wrath.

And of course, even if we survive both Celestia and the Master, that still leaves the fundamental problem that is THE END OF THE WORLD. And it is certainly nice to shout idealistic slogans to the world about needing to take a better way - but at the end of the day, it would be a bummer if that caused us to doom existence to being devoured by what might as well be embodiments of suffering.

I think there is a path forward here, and like I said it might be an interesting read, which is why it has my vote. But let it not be said that this path forward is a SAFE path.

I think that, after Luna was recovered and mostly stable/sane, we'd get our chance. I mean, they gave DISCORD a second AND a third chance, they accepted Starlight, They accepted the changelings (and Starlight tried to get Chrysalis to reform as well)...

I also don't think they're necessarily AGAINST the Mansus Lore, though they'd certainly wish for it to remain something secret/limited. Which is why I think a secret organization/cult that researched it with the crown's blessing and under some level of scrutiny and control would be in the table.

Who knows, maybe Harmony is just another name for the Glory, or a splinter from it. At the very least we KNOW they have the best intentions, and while Equestria's light might be a danger to itself, there's no denying that they DID make life better for the common pony. And with the advent of Princess Twilight and her school of Friendship...

But of course the master is certainly not going to take this lightly.

Maybe, in time, we might be able to convince him that there is another, better way than what he wants, but that time is certainly not near. We might find ourselves working together again at some point, (this IS still an mlp quest, and redeeming a villain, or even a misguided whatever he/she/it is, is certainly not out of the question), but in the meantime we're certainly in danger.

It's a risky path, and certainly not the only valid one. We could also stay inside, waiting for the perfect moment. Maybe try to play double-agent once we get close enough to Twilight as to be able to trust her sending a message to Celestia/Luna, and maybe asking Luna to only contact us in our dreams.

Or we could stay at our master's side, wary but willing to toe the line, as long as we don't cross it. He DOES have some good points.

It's easy to say that there must be a better way, but in the end he caused the death of..what, 32 ponies? that's nothing.

Governments have sacrificed much more to win single battle, let alone war. 32 lives are NOTHING compared to the whole world.

the fact is that it wasn't necessary. And if Velvet thinks she knows better, that she could do better than him by working with the princesses instead of against them... that maybe Harmony might be an ALLY instead of an enemy or a tool.. well, that's a good motivation for a betrayal, be it covert or flagrant.
Adhoc vote count started by Pittauro on Sep 26, 2020 at 9:53 PM, finished with 82 posts and 45 votes.

so right now it's a toss-up between wary acceptance and cautious betrayal.
[X] You nod, a grim understanding coming to you: Equestria is in danger, and something must be done about it. You have not reached the point where you think a line has been crossed, not when considering what you have just seen. But you will keep that line close to your heart, for you know that you will lose something the day you cross it, and it is not something you wish to lose if you can avoid.

Still wanna try getting to Luna in dreams or somesuch and re-contextualize her horrific revelations into something she can actually use to fight the Worms. If it turns out our master ain't on board with semi-reasonable cooperation, we can jump ship at that point.
I am kind of in a "yeah, we need to break some eggs" mood, but also a "The master has shown a concerning and reckless disregard for equine life and safety. Also the universes safety."
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Personal guesses as to the affinities of the Mane Six

Note, my only knowledge of the Principles comes from this quest and a quick wiki skim, if you think I've misunderstood a Principle please tell me, I'd love to learn more Cultist Simulator lore.
Twilight - Lantern/Secret Histories?

  • Lantern
    • Knowledge
      • Twilight is the very definition of knowledgeable and knowledge hungry
    • Unkindness
      • Terrible social skills, can be unkind accidentally or intentionally
    • Devotion to Sun
      • Is a student of Princess Celestia and fiercely loyal
  • Secret Histories
    • Secret Histories seems to be the Principle of finding stuff which certainly applies to Twilight, especially when it comes to books

Rarity - Grail/Edge
  • Grail
    • Confirmed Affinity
    • Seduction
      • She is the one most obsessed with physical appearance
    • Charisma
      • Is very charismatic
    • Desire
      • Is obsessed with luxury
  • Edge
    • Competitiveness
      • Is highly competitive
      • The fashion industry is extremely cutthroat, one must be competitive to survive
    • Sense of Artfulness
      • Fashion is a form of art

Rainbow - Edge/Forge
  • Edge
    • Competitiveness
      • Rainbow Dash is competitive
    • Violence/Bloodlust
      • RD probably is the most violent of the Mane 6
  • Forge
    • Strength
      • Is the strongest of the Mane 6 aside from AJ
    • Transformation
      • Transformation of body is part of Forge, and RD tries to transform herself into something faster every day

Fluttershy - Winter/Heart
  • Winter
    • Death
      • Fluttershy is a vet, one of the main duties of a vet is to make an animals last days comfortable and to euthanize them so they don't suffer needlessly. She must know what death is and has likely witnessed it countless times
    • Silence
      • She is by far the quietest of the Mane 6
    • Beauty
      • She was a model once (S1E20/Green Isn't Your Color)
  • Heart
    • Life
      • A core part of her character is the healing and protecting animals and her friends
    • Protection
      • Ditto

Applejack - Forge/Edge
  • Forge
    • Strength
      • Is the strongest of the Main 6
    • Mechanical Thinking
      • Is the most mentally rigid of the Mane 6 except for maybe Twilight
    • Artifice
      • Is the only one of the Mane 6 to actually build buildings (mostly barns)
  • Edge
    • Competitiveness
      • Is the second most competitive bearer after RD
      • Runs a farm. Farms are traditionally low margin operations, agriculture is highly competitive
    • Violence/Bloodlust
      • Is probably the second most violent Bearer after RD

Pinkie - Heart/Moth/Knock/Grail?/Secret Histories?
  • Heart
    • Cheerfulness
      • Is the epitome of happiness
  • Moth
    • Whimsy
      • Is incredibly whimsical
    • Unreason
      • Pinkie's thought processes are very strange
      • Logic does not apply to Pinkie Pie as seen in Feeling Pinkie Keen
    • Secrecy
    • Stealth
      • Is probably the most sneaky of the Mane 6
    • Erratic Behaviour
      • Fits Pinkie to a T
  • Knock
    • Openings/Hidden Passages
    • Manual Dexterity
      • Is able to move her body like she doesn't have bones
    • Disconnect with reality
      • Again, fits Pinkie to a T
    • Oracles
      • Pinkie Sense
  • Grail?
    • Charisma
      • Is incredibly charasmatic
    • Thirst
      • Does thirst for parties and confectionaries count?
  • Secret Histories?
    • If anypony knows the secrets of the universe it's the one who seems insane and can see beyond the fourth wall

I will be earmarking this for future cross-reference, since outside view is always important.
But I gotta say, it makes me really glad that the Lores have been portrayed in a sufficiently understandable manner so far. A LOT of this is accurate (but not all of it).
Specifically Winter (best Lore), as shown by your Fluttershy insight.
@BirdBodhisattva, did we perceive Luna blowing up the castle or did the happen after we were disconnected?
You did not. But the news of it will reach you before you next convene, and (again) this bit of OOC knowledge is available for voting, so no harm in that.
Think of it as... If the 32 deceased ponies would have been your tipping point for your decision, then you just left the post-ritual gathering without a formed idea, and came back to the next (after hearing about the news) with your mind set. So don't mind not knowing it immediately.
Adhoc vote count started by Pittauro on Sep 26, 2020 at 9:53 PM, finished with 82 posts and 45 votes.

so right now it's a toss-up between wary acceptance and cautious betrayal.
For anyone looking to decide between these two options in particular, I want to draw your attention to a particular distinction between the two: the former has us learn from the Opening Lessons, and the latter does not.

As a reminder of what those are:
The Opening Lessons:

-You accepted what had to be done, and aided in delivering a blow against a demigoddess, and in that there is a lesson of EDGE. Gain one scrap of EDGE Lore, if the lesson is embraced.
-A great power of MOTH was called upon, and you paid special attention to how it was called for. Though you did not understand what language was being whispered by your Master, if that was a language at all. Though you are not sure if what you saw was real to begin with. Gain one scrap of MOTH Lore, if the lesson is embraced.
I don't think the second half of this is interesting narratively. Okay, we paid extra attention to the ritual and learned from it; so what? The real distinction is the first half: the lesson of Edge. "You accepted what had to be done, and aided in delivering a blow against a demigoddess".

If we nod, that means we accept that this ritual, used explicitly as a weapon against Luna, was something that had to be done.

Note that this is a EDGE lesson, not a LANTERN lesson. It is not enough to accept that Luna needed this knowledge, even though it hurt her dearly. What we need here is to accept that hurting Luna was the right thing to do, because she was an obstacle to our goals and obstacles need to be dealt with. We are not allowed to excuse the act by saying that it was "for her own good"; that would be missing the lesson.
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If we wanted a non-betrayal version without the lesson the vote would be something like this then?

[ ]Equestria is in danger, and something must be done about it. You have reached and crossed the line, for the first and only time, but the cult must not fall, not when considering what you have just seen. You will keep that line close to your heart, for you know that you lost something today and cannot bear to what to see what continuing down that path will do to you, not if its something you can avoid.

-You will NOT learn from the Opening Lessons.
-You will take note of the Deep Observations.
-You will accept the Terrible Revelation.
-A seed of doubt is planted in your heart, but you will remain in your cult, and be attentive to your actions. The decision of whether what you are doing is correct, or not, will be made by you later.
-This is the mostly "neutral" option. Call it noncommitment or call it wisdom, but the pony sitting on the fence can see further and clearer than those on the ground.

I am still no writer and BirdBodhisattva did say that they didn't see much reason to add it because there where no actual difference between the votes, but with this there is at least some amount of difference, which is about the lessons accepted.
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[X] You nod, a grim understanding coming to you: Equestria is in danger, and something must be done about it. You have not reached the point where you think a line has been crossed, not when considering what you have just seen. But you will keep that line close to your heart, for you know that you will lose something the day you cross it, and it is not something you wish to lose if you can avoid.

I'm voting in line with my personal ideals.
Do you kill a lot of people for the sake of the universe in real life?
Well its a pretty utilitarian perspective, which is to a smaller a larger degree a part of most peoples philosophy, the question is just usually *how far?* and for the sake of the entirety of the universe I would say pretty far. if I didn't believe there where other options.
Oh boy. This is... interesting, to say the least. So first things first, I should note that our Master does seem, vaguely, apologetic about fucking over Luna. Or at least he's willing to admit he was wrong about the Alicorns being entirely guilty or deserving of such an assault. I certainly wouldn't vote for max loyalty or villainy, but the neutral option at least is acceptable, especially with those Moth and Edge lore scraps. On the other hand, we're not yet at a point where we need to scramble for every last scrap of Lore we can find, It would be pretty dang fun to try to out-Moth the Moth master, as it were, and I have a personal preference for... well, looking down on a villains' plans because they're not efficient. I don't want to call it hubris, not quite, but I find the viewpoint that would make Velvet look at her Master's plans and say "I can do better" very interesting indeed. As I've said before, Good just gets things done more efficiently. So yeah, I'm going to go for the subtle betrayal.

[X] You shake your head in denial. This, just now, was wrong: There are better ways to do this. YOU know better ways to do it. But it is undeniable that you do know no a lot, about almost everything else. Your cult has an established structure and is growing, and you have a position of power within in, but after tonight, you do not intent to stay forever.
Well its a pretty utilitarian perspective, which is to a smaller a larger degree a part of most peoples philosophy, the question is just usually *how far?* and for the sake of the entirety of the universe I would say pretty far. if I didn't believe there where other options.
That was mostly a joke, but. Well.

There have been essays written about using utilitarianism and its perils.
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Also, I just noticed that every scrap of Lore we pick up here will be completing a full level in its category. Nice, that.
If we wanted a non-betrayal version without the lesson the vote would be something like this then?

[ ]Equestria is in danger, and something must be done about it. You have reached and crossed the line, for the first and only time, but the cult must not fall, not when considering what you have just seen. You will keep that line close to your heart, for you know that you lost something today and cannot bear to what to see what continuing down that path will do to you, not if its something you can avoid.

-You will NOT learn from the Opening Lessons.
-You will take note of the Deep Observations.
-You will accept the Terrible Revelation.
-A seed of doubt is planted in your heart, but you will remain in your cult, and be attentive to your actions. The decision of whether what you are doing is correct, or not, will be made by you later.
-This is the mostly "neutral" option. Call it noncommitment or call it wisdom, but the pony sitting on the fence can see further and clearer than those on the ground.

I am still no writer and BirdBodhisattva did say that they didn't see much reason to add it because there where no actual difference between the votes, but with this there is at least some amount of difference, which is about the lessons accepted.
Keeping with being as impartial as possible (not inputting my own personal beliefs for the following arguments) I will still have to politely decline this write-in.

Not harboring seeds of doubt necessarily mean that Velvet has looked at her actions (even after learning about the 32 deaths, and I think it is a generally accepted belief that Velvet is smart enough to link the dots) and still thought that the outcome of the ritual was worth it. Even if only "on the long run", even if only tangentially. Even if Velvet feels disgusted at herself.
Some might say that this is the first step on a "the end justify the means" road, others might argue that it is utilitarianism. But in the end this choice entails in Velvet staying, and that necessarily will incur in an Edge acceptance. Even if she was a bystander to a conflict, she will still have witnessed one.

Completely denying the conflict is what is required to deny the Edge lesson. The Lores are fundamental rules of the Mansus, they are knowledges and ideas, so not liking a lesson is not enough to not learn it. Completely turning one's back on it is what is needed. And that necessarily requires disagreeing with the Ritual on a fundamental level. It is not a case of "i didn't like how this turned out", but rather "i didn't like that this ritual was made to begin with", and that in itself is a sufficiently large deviation of the cult's actions to allow for a future betrayal.

The neutral choice learns the Edge because in the end she comes back. Even if it is just to watch and see if something worse will happen, so she can commit to jumping the boat. Even if Velvet looks at her hoofs and think them as stained as some of her other compatriot's. If she does not personally and deeply disagree with the Ritual, then there will be a gleam of Edge in her mind.

The neutral choice does not disallow betrayal. Interpret it as "lack of certainty" if it puts you at peace. The betrayal choice is that certainty, much like the faithful choice is the commitment to its opposit.

Knowledge is not kind. If you think you crossed a line, then regret it, and make sure you never cross it again once the next appears.
That was mostly a joke, but. Well.

There have been essays written about using utilitarianism as a system of ethics and why its a bad idea.
And plenty of essays about the flaws of deontology and virtue ethics. No ethical system is going to lead to the "good" outcome 100% of the time, if only because we are unable to predict the true effects of our actions, merely guessing with our minds laden with cognitive biases. But we need some system to guide what we do, imperfect as it maybe, and for Lord Warlock and me that system is utilitarianism.
And plenty of essays about the flaws of deontology and virtue ethics. No ethical system is going to lead to the "good" outcome 100% of the time, if only because we are unable to predict the true effects of our actions, merely guessing with our minds laden with cognitive biases. But we need some system to guide what we do, imperfect as it maybe, and for Lord Warlock and me that system is utilitarianism.
I believe I spoke unwisely. I took a dig at a system of belief unwisely instead of provoking introspection. Or comedy.

So I would like to apologize. While I find that system... problematic. This is not the place to discuss it. So once again. Sorry.
Oh, forgot to mention, I must go now.

@Lord Warlock please (please) do not interpret this as a "fire and forget" dismissal to your write in. I should have gone a bit earlier, but in fact wanted to make sure to settle the matter on it.
Come my return i'll make sure to see if any counterarguments were made. But for now (and again, sorry for my following disconnection) I believe that your proposal did not have enough change to warrant a new voting option.
Mechanically, staying without thoughts of betrayal gives you Edge. Emotionally, feeling bad about outcomes is for you all to discuss about, and make clear in your comments and votes.

And again, I read all the posts to get the general "feeling" of what should be going on in Velvet's mind (although im starting to get scared it will be harder to do it... we had more than twenty voters for this one so far!) but if it is generally said that Velvet should feel bad about something, even if the vote is not exactly aligned with it, then she just might reflect that.

Voting will be closed monday night, unless there is a great disturbance that calls for a clarification and a time extension.
[X] You shake your head in denial. This, just now, was wrong: There are better ways to do this. YOU know better ways to do it. But it is undeniable that you do know no a lot, about almost everything else. Your cult has an established structure and is growing, and you have a position of power within in, but after tonight, you do not intent to stay forever.

[X] You realize that you had a smile on your face: Princess Luna is weak, but she still bears immense power. She is like a spoiled child, unaware of what she could do if she had the will to, so perhaps the term "Princess" really is fitting, after all. You will take her power, or you will take her, and then you will take what comes next. Everything between here and there will become means to those ends.

Not a fan of sitting on fences. In or out, not some confused Moth-state between.