Saving a Nation, By Any Means Necessary (Modern/Sci-Fi meets Fantasy CK2)

Once and never again. If we're not doing what we can to defend our people then we probably shouldn't be leading anything.

-[x] Southern Front
--[x] Eliminate the Reinforcements, Open Field (Cost: 9 Wealth, +35% Chance of Success, +0 Leofarinia, -35 Xelma, additional loot)
[x] Village of Greenhill: Cost of Deployment Of Gas +5 Taken from Income
-[x] Southern Front
--[x] Eliminate the Reinforcements, Open Field (Cost: 9 Wealth, +35% Chance of Success, +0 Leofarinia, -35 Xelma, additional loot)
[x] Village of Greenhill: Cost of Deployment Of Gas +5 Taken from Income
-[x] Southern Front
--[x] Eliminate the Reinforcements, Open Field (Cost: 9 Wealth, +35% Chance of Success, +0 Leofarinia, -35 Xelma, additional loot)
[x] Village of Greenhill: Cost of Deployment Of Gas +5 Taken from Income
Votes are not closed, I'm just taking a tally. Although the votes are closer than I thought. I thought you all will overwhelmingly vote for one option or another.
Adhoc vote count started by dnzrx on Jan 8, 2020 at 7:52 PM, finished with 13 posts and 11 votes.
-[x] Southern Front
--[x] Eliminate the Reinforcements, Open Field (Cost: 9 Wealth, +35% Chance of Success, +0 Leofarinia, -35 Xelma, additional loot)
[x] Village of Greenhill: Cost of Deployment Of Gas +5 Taken from Income

While not releasing the gas sounds good, there are some points in the war where morality has to take a backseat for a bit in order to get things done. The gas weapons should be used at least to save innocent lives from a potential bloodbath that could quagmire into something worse. These guys are willing to go to war with you, take your shit, force you to servitude and put you to the dirt so what we're doing is self-defense.

Their sob stories mean nothing when the lives of you, your soldiers and a lot of civilians are in your hands now and they are willing to take it for their own gains. Gas the fuck out of their warmongering asses and let them choke in it.
-[x] Southern Front
--[x] Eliminate the Reinforcements, Open Field (Cost: 9 Wealth, +35% Chance of Success, +0 Leofarinia, -35 Xelma, additional loot)
[x] Village of Greenhill: Cost of Deployment Of Gas +5 Taken from Income
-[x] Southern Front
--[x] Eliminate the Reinforcements, Open Field (Cost: 9 Wealth, +35% Chance of Success, +0 Leofarinia, -35 Xelma, additional loot)
[x] Village of Greenhill: Cost of Deployment Of Gas +5 Taken from Income
Votes are closed.
Adhoc vote count started by dnzrx on Jan 9, 2020 at 8:26 PM, finished with 22 posts and 16 votes.
May I also interject here that I am surprised on how many people voted to use/not use poison gas this time and how close the votes really are. We almost had a tie that time and I thought it would be rather one-sided one way or another.
I'm not opposed to using poison gas on, say, a particularly well-defended enemy fort. I just don't see it being particularly useful for the skirmish-inclined "go in and take their stuff and break their things" style we're using here.
Well before we sholud go whit the classic!

bud spencer and terence hill!!!

More fun than Jackie Chan!
Now I feel bad I never heard of them til now.

You know, I do have another film related question. What are the Leofarinians thoughts on Jason Voorhees? Not the movies themselves (I can't imagine anyone would want to defend them) but on the character himself. If one where to make a zombie of someone who was already a dangerous individual in life, would that make the undead made from them any more of a threat?

Yeah, I'm not looking forward to this. The moral side of me says that this is good but the logical side says otherwise. Breaking the army's morale is a must if you're fighting against overwhelming numbers. Sure you can use the excuse of "If they can use it, we can use it too" reason but in the end, you still hold the technological advantage here as well as the know-hows on how to counter such weapons. You can simply develop better ABC protection gears or measures if in case they start using it... or sabotage their research in gas weapons until they're forced to abandon it.

But yeah, hope that the dice isn't feeling bloodthirsty once the update happens.
Now I feel bad I never heard of them til now.

You know, I do have another film related question. What are the Leofarinians thoughts on Jason Voorhees? Not the movies themselves (I can't imagine anyone would want to defend them) but on the character himself. If one where to make a zombie of someone who was already a dangerous individual in life, would that make the undead made from them any more of a threat?

The relative strength, skill, etc. of the individual in life does have an influence on how strong and dangerous the undead version will be. This fact, and many others, can be collaborated with Georgia's experience and testimonies. Georgia is also a bit amazed on how did the movie makers get that fact correct without actually seeing a single specimen of undead in their entire lives...