Saving a Nation, By Any Means Necessary (Modern/Sci-Fi meets Fantasy CK2)

Can we sabotage the reinforcements while setting up for a fight, to improve our fighting chances?

Yes, you can assign intrigue assets to the battle. For pure intrigue assets, that'll mean that they'll sabotage and do whatever they can to weaken the reinforcements before the actual fight (if you want to sabotage the reinforcements in a specific way, please make note of it in the plans). For the martial/intrigue assets, this means doing the jobs of the intrigue assets as well as participating in the actual fighting itself.

Is it possible to assign more than one unit to a task?

Of course! I thought that part will be obvious.

[X] Movie Nights!: You have a large LCD TV in one of the more spacious rooms and you have a nice collection of movies on your network, for SOME reason. Why not organize some movie nights to pass the time and take all of your minds off the situation at hand? Besides, you're sure that you have something that your new world employees would like...
Chance of Success: 90% Reward: Random stuffs.

1d100 => 62

To be honest, you have many reasons why you organized the movie nights and invited the various new world employees you have over to partake in the entertainment. It is true that you and the rest of the Foundation need some sort of stress relief from the grim realities of war, but another significant reason is to conduct a bit of anthropological research into the tastes and like or dislikes of the natives of the new world, if only to tailor the movie playlist to their liking for future nights. As the movies played in the theater, your researchers carefully observed the reactions of the natives and recorded them for analysis…

The results are both predictable and unpredictable at the same time. Like you have hypothesized, movies about depicting lots of good action and adventure was very well received. Explosions are well liked, especially among the Bunnies. Movies depicting guns and other powerful weapons they never seen before are very popular. Movies with sexual fan-service are even more popular. And movies showing relatively immortal themes like brotherhood, faith, courage, and the triumph of good over evil are also pretty well received. What's not well received are relatively modern jokes that goes over their heads and anything that is too deep for them to comprehend. Sitcoms are also not well received since they lack the cultural background to appreciate them. You also noted that the natives don't have a preference between live action or animated.

Other than that, there are a couple interesting details to note. It turns out graphical depictions of the undead really spooked and scare the natives quite a bit, except those hailing from the Unhallowed Marshes. While the comical portion dulled a bit of the edge off, it took a bit to calm down all down after the showing of Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, reassuring them all that there are no undead in your world. Although you admit that the CGI at the time is really convincing.

Another interesting note to make is that if there is a catchy quote or meme in the movie, you can really expect to hear it very often for days afterward. Sometimes many days, and potentially even longer. They simply don't get the fact that even an awesome quote gets annoying if they repeat it for the tenth time that day!

The cultural impacts that the movies have on the natives will and interesting side project to explore and perform in your free time. It will be fascinating on how they are influenced and changed after watching the movies…

Success: Movie nights are well received by everyone.
(+3 to all rolls until end of next turn)
(New actions unlocked)

Heh, I'd love to hear about what movies were show or some of the explicit reactions. Probably more omake territory than anything.
[X] Plan Close the Gaps and the Middle Front
Northern Front:
-[X] Poison/Taint Invasion Food/Water Supplies (70% Chance, Cost: 5 Wealth, +0 Leofarinia, -10 Xelma, No Loot)
(1) Veteran Agents
Middle Front:
-[X] Destroy Camps (65% Chance, Cost: 2 Wealth, +0 Leofarinia, -10 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
(5) Veteran Foundation Spearmen
(3) Veteran Foundation Swordsmen
(4) Veteran Foundation Archers
(3) Veteran Foundation Spears-Bunnies
(1) Copper Lion Statue
(1) Copper Faux-Griffon Statue
(1) Veteran Stone-Breaker Berserkers
(1) Veteran Onyx Rabbits Bunny-Halberdiers
-[X] Raid Camps (65% Chance, Cost: 1 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -5 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
(11) Basic Foundation Spearmen
(7) Basic Foundation Archers
(7) Basic Foundation Swordsmen
(2) Basic Foundation Spears-Bunnies
(1) Lesser Shield Angel
(1) Lesser Divine Flame Elemental
(1) Lesser Divine Water Elemental
(1) Copper Archer Statues
(1) Copper Polearm Statues
(2) War-Sisters of the Mace
(2) Veteran Black Rabbits Bunny-Vanguards
-[X] Ambush Convoys (75% Chance, Cost: 1 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -5 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
(1) Veteran Storm-Riders Fast Cavalry
(4) Thorn Throwers
(3) Tamed Lesser Wolves
(1) Veteran Golden Wolves Berserkers
(1) Veteran Blood Dancers Bunny-Berserkers
(1) Basic Foundation Infantry
(1) Veteran Foundation Archer-Maxim Group
-[X] Destroy Invasion Siege Equipment (70% Chance, Cost: 5 Wealth, +0 Leofarinia, -15 Xelma, No Loot)
(1) Basic Agents
-[X] Release Logistics Animals (70% Chance, Cost: 3 Wealth, +0 Leofarinia, -10 Xelma, No Loot)
(1) Basic Agents
-[X] Kill Logistics Animals (70% Chance, Cost: 3 Wealth, +0 Leofarinia, -10 Xelma, No Loot)
(1) Basic Agents
Southern Front:
-[X] Kill Logistics Animals (65% Chance, Cost: 3 Wealth, +0 Leofarinia, -15 Xelma, No Loot)
(1) Sniper Agents (Martial, Intrigue)
(1) Company Van
-[X] Release Logistics Animals (65% Chance, Cost: 3 Wealth, +0 Leofarinia, -15 Xelma, No Loot)
(1) Red Knives Bunny-Assassins (Martial, Intrigue)
(1) Company Van
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[X] Plan: Going on the Offense
Northern Front:
-[X] Liberate Prisoners (55% Chance, Cost: 1 Wealth, +10 Leofarinia, -2 Xelma, Little Loot)
(1) Red Knives Bunny-Assassins (Martial, Intrigue)
(1) Company Van

-[X] Lifting the Siege of Oldstone (30% Chance, Cost: 7 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -20 Xelma, Lots of Loot)
(4) Basic Foundation Archers
(4) Basic Foundation Swordsmen
(1) Lesser Divine Water Elemental
(3) Veteran Foundation Spearmen
(2) Veteran Foundation Archers
(1) Enlightened Torch Dark Elvish Light Mages
(1) War-Sisters of the Mace
(2) Veteran Black Rabbits Bunny-Vanguards
(1) Veteran Storm-Riders Fast Cavalry
(1) Veteran Golden Wolves Berserkers
(1) Veteran Foundation Archer-Maxim Group

-[X] Assassinate Officers (50% Chance, Cost: 5 Wealth, +0 Leofarinia, -9 Xelma, Little Loot)
(1) Sniper Agents (Martial, Intrigue)
(2) Basic Agents
Middle Front:
-[X] Crush the Xelmian's Middle Front (40% Chance, Cost: 3 Wealth, +0 Leofarinia, -43 Xelma, Lots of Loot)
(3) Tamed Lesser Wolves
(3) Basic Foundation Swordsmen
(2) Basic Foundation Spears-Bunnies
(1) Lesser Shield Angel
(3) Veteran Foundation Swordsmen
(2) Veteran Foundation Archers
(3) Veteran Foundation Spears-Bunnies
(1) War-Sisters of the Mace
(1) Veteran Stone-Breaker Berserkers
(1) Veteran Blood Dancers Bunny-Berserkers
Southern Front:
-[X] Eliminate the Reinforcements, Open Field (38% Chance, Cost: 7 Wealth, +15 Leofarinia, -20 Xelma, -20 Xelma (Middle, Change), Lots of Loot)
(4) Thorn Throwers
(6) Basic Foundation Spearmen
(1) Lesser Divine Flame Elemental
(1) Copper Archer Statues
(1) Copper Polearm Statues
(2) Veteran Foundation Spearmen
(1) Copper Lion Statue
(1) Copper Faux-Griffon Statue
(1) Veteran Sunset Phalanx Pike-bunnies
(1) Veteran Onyx Rabbits Bunny-Halberdiers
(1) Basic Foundation Infantry
(3) Veteran Old Tower Warrens Bunny-Marauders (-10% Loot Rolls)

-[X] Steal Logistics Animals (60% Chance, Cost: 3 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -10 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
(1) Veteran Agents
(2) Basic Agents
(1) Company Van
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Heh, I'd love to hear about what movies were show or some of the explicit reactions. Probably more omake territory than anything.
An sample of the movies shown and the reactions:

Lord of the Rings Trilogy: Well liked as a whole, with the Bunnies liking the action scenes a lot. A thing to note that, from talking to your native scholars, there used to be orcs, goblins, trolls, and dwarves within the new world, but they all disappeared for one reason or another. The dwarves migrated away to far away lands and weren't heard from since (or so the legends goes) while the orcs, goblins, and trolls were mercilessly exterminated to extinction in the ancient past. Bones of these monsters are preserved along with tales of the Great Cleansing in various museums around the kingdom...

Star Wars (Original Trilogy and Prequel Trilogy): Quite well received as a whole, with the original trilogy being more well liked. There has been talk among your mages and priestesses about replicating the blaster shots and lightsabers they have seen in the movies. They said that there are records of such weapons and spells in the past, but they don't know further than that. More research will be needed.

Pirates of the Caribbean (the first three): Well recieved, aside minor bouts of panic from the graphical displays of undead and the mutated sailors. The comedy has soften the impact, but it is still unnerving to behold and the CGI is pretty good for someone who isn't used to seeing movies in the first place. You spent quite a bit of time saying that you don't have undead nor cursed mutants nor krakens plaguing your world...

300: The movie is very well received, and maybe a little too enthusiastically. The Bunnies are especially thrilled to see half-naked buff men run around in their man-panties and fight barbarians with very graphic violence. A group of them even started a little club called the "Daughters of Sparta". They go around dressed like the Spartians in the movie (only the helmets; typical Bunny fashion is pretty Amazonian anyway), shout various quotes from the movie, and watch 300 again and again in their little room...
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An sample of the movies shown and the reactions:

300: The movie is very well received, and maybe a little too enthusiastically. The Bunnies are especially thrilled to see half-naked buff men run around in their man-panties and fight barbarians with very graphic violence. A group of them even started a little club called the "Daughters of Sparta". They go around dressed like the Spartians in the movie (only the helmets; typical Bunny fashion is pretty Amazonian anyway), shout various quotes from the movie, and watch 300 again and again in their little room...
as expected really from bunny`s
[X] Plan: Going on the Offense
I think this plan needs more intrigue work but overall it's what we need
[X] Plan: Going on the Offense
I think this plan needs more intrigue work but overall it's what we need
You and @silvershark can talk things out to see what's needed to be done.

And a couple of things:

-Like so many GMs out there, If you guys write omakes, then it might give you a little bonus to the rolls.

-And I am also still open to answer questions about the lore and or history of the quest.
I had started to put together a plan primarily based around using the excuse of war to go robbing and looting our enemies, but then new years parties happened.

Here's why: wealth has been a bit of a restricting factor for us. Xelmia have stuff and are coming to kill us. We have the strongest justification (self defense) for killing people and taking their stuff.

It is also a way to impair the enemy's ability to make war on us. Armies march on their stomachs.
I think this plan needs more intrigue work but overall it's what we need
I had started to put together a plan primarily based around using the excuse of war to go robbing and looting our enemies, but then new years parties happened.

Here's why: wealth has been a bit of a restricting factor for us. Xelmia have stuff and are coming to kill us. We have the strongest justification (self defense) for killing people and taking their stuff.

It is also a way to impair the enemy's ability to make war on us. Armies march on their stomachs.
I'll be honest, I do have a similar mindset to this, but the thing is that the decisive battles overall cost is 17 (18 if I switch Open Field to Behind Fortifications). On the bright side, we do get "Lots of Loot" for each one, so we are going to be getting a lot of cool new stuff. That said, I can get rid of Assassinate Officers for a few more actions, but that would leave our intrigue guys more spread out, which did kill some of our guys last time. If you think it's worth the risk, let me know.
I'm not thinking decisive battles just yet. More along the lines of raiding convoys and stealing their pack horses and stuff like that. I imagine that will be viable. I don't like going for Decisive Battles just yet (other than the Southern Front for maximum heroism and maximum payoff. Damage to the enemy, support to the friendlies, gain social capital, gain moral high ground, etc.).

The other decisive battles will hold for now. Our biggest aims are to prevent the enemy from being able to continue to prosecute their invasion.
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Apologies for the double-post (and if desired I can edit and play around with stuff), but I finished my crazy-man plan.

The goal here is to render our enemy incapable or unwilling to continue their invasion. The army itself has plenty of capability to do regular battle. We're here to hit them smart. A webcomic I followed was particularly eloquent. While the situation is different, some of the principles remain applicable.

Hit them where they're weak and we're strong while preventing them from doing the same. My other goal here is to tip the scales relatively cheaply (If 5 wealth can buy 15 war improvement, why would you spend more wealth to get less benefit?)

Also, here's a fun thought for application of technology in a totally unfair capacity: mount the Maxim gun to a company van and take it to the southern front open plains. Cruise around blasting the reinforcements heading to the middle front with a machine gun. Given that these are supposed to be more static (and by definition, less mobile), this seems hilariously unfair in favor of our side.

[X] Plan Efficient Warfare
-[X]Northern Front
--[X] Ambush Convoys (65% Chance, Cost: 1 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -5 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
---[X] Veteran Storm-Riders Fast Cavalry
---[X] Veteran Foundation Archers x2
---[X] Veteran Foundation Swordsmen x2
---[X] Basic Foundation Spearmen x2
--[X] Raid Camps (55% Chance, Cost: 1 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -5 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
---[X] Veteran Stone-Breaker Berserkers
---[X] Veteran Golden Wolves Berserkers
---[X] Copper Archer Statues
---[X] Veteran Foundation Spearmen x3
---[X] Basic Foundation Spearmen x2
--[X] Steal Logistics Animals (55% Chance, Cost: 3 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -5 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
---[X] Basic Agents x2
---[X] Company Van
-[X] Middle Front
--[X] Ambush Convoys (75% Chance, Cost: 1 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -5 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
---[X] Basic Foundation Infantry
---[X] Veteran Black Rabbits Bunny-Vanguards x2
---[X] Veteran Foundation Spearmen x2
---[X] Lesser Divine Water Elemental
---[X] Basic Foundation Spearmen x2
--[X] Raid Camps (65% Chance, Cost: 1 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -5 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
---[X] Veteran Blood Dancers Bunny-Berserkers
---[X] Veteran Foundation Archers x2
---[X] Copper Lion Statue
---[X] Copper Faux-Griffon Statue
---[X] Veteran Foundation Spears-Bunnies x3
--[X] Destroy Invasion Siege Equipment (70% Chance, Cost: 5 Wealth, +0 Leofarinia, -15 Xelma, No Loot)
---[X] Red Knives Bunny-Assassins
---[X] Basic Agents
-[X] Southern Front
--[X] Ambush Convoys (65% Chance, Cost: 1 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -10 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
---[X] Basic Foundation Archers x5
---[X] Basic Foundation Swordsmen x5
--[X] Raid Camps (65% Chance, Cost: 1 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -5 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
---[X] Basic Foundation Archers x2
---[X] Basic Foundation Swordsmen x2
---[X] Basic Foundation Spears-Bunnies x2
---[X] Lesser Divine Flame Elemental
---[X] Copper Polearm Statues
--[X] Eliminate the Reinforcements, Open Field (38% Chance, Cost: 7 Wealth, +15 Leofarinia, -20 Xelma, -20 Xelma (Middle, Change), Lots of Loot)
---[X] Enlightened Torch Dark Elvish Light Mages (Martial, Learning)
---[X] Veteran Foundation Archer-Maxim Group
---[X] Company Van
---[X] War-Sisters of the Mace x2
---[X] Veteran Sunset Phalanx Pike-bunnies
---[X] Veteran Onyx Rabbits Bunny-Halberdiers
---[X] Lesser Shield Angel
---[X] Basic Foundation Spearmen x6
---[X] Veteran Foundation Swordsmen
--[X] Steal Logistics Animals (60% Chance, Cost: 3 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -10 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
---[X] Veteran Agents
---[X] Sniper Agents

I'm investing heavy on eliminating the southern reinforcements. Everything else is all about turning small amounts of wealth into both loot and warfare bonuses.
Total Cost: 24 wealth
Total bonuses: +15/-15 northern front, +10/-45 middle front, +30/-45 southern front; total of +55/-105 (total of 160, or approximately 20/3 warfare improvement points per 1 wealth).
Apologies for the double-post (and if desired I can edit and play around with stuff), but I finished my crazy-man plan.

The goal here is to render our enemy incapable or unwilling to continue their invasion. The army itself has plenty of capability to do regular battle. We're here to hit them smart. A webcomic I followed was particularly eloquent. While the situation is different, some of the principles remain applicable.

Hit them where they're weak and we're strong while preventing them from doing the same. My other goal here is to tip the scales relatively cheaply (If 5 wealth can buy 15 war improvement, why would you spend more wealth to get less benefit?)

Also, here's a fun thought for application of technology in a totally unfair capacity: mount the Maxim gun to a company van and take it to the southern front open plains. Cruise around blasting the reinforcements heading to the middle front with a machine gun. Given that these are supposed to be more static (and by definition, less mobile), this seems hilariously unfair in favor of our side.

[X] Plan Efficient Warfare
-[X]Northern Front
--[X] Ambush Convoys (65% Chance, Cost: 1 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -5 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
---[X] Veteran Storm-Riders Fast Cavalry
---[X] Veteran Foundation Archers x2
---[X] Veteran Foundation Swordsmen x2
---[X] Basic Foundation Spearmen x2
--[X] Raid Camps (55% Chance, Cost: 1 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -5 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
---[X] Veteran Stone-Breaker Berserkers
---[X] Veteran Golden Wolves Berserkers
---[X] Copper Archer Statues
---[X] Veteran Foundation Spearmen x3
---[X] Basic Foundation Spearmen x2
--[X] Steal Logistics Animals (55% Chance, Cost: 3 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -5 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
---[X] Basic Agents x2
---[X] Company Van
-[X] Middle Front
--[X] Ambush Convoys (75% Chance, Cost: 1 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -5 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
---[X] Basic Foundation Infantry
---[X] Veteran Black Rabbits Bunny-Vanguards x2
---[X] Veteran Foundation Spearmen x2
---[X] Lesser Divine Water Elemental
---[X] Basic Foundation Spearmen x2
--[X] Raid Camps (65% Chance, Cost: 1 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -5 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
---[X] Veteran Blood Dancers Bunny-Berserkers
---[X] Veteran Foundation Archers x2
---[X] Copper Lion Statue
---[X] Copper Faux-Griffon Statue
---[X] Veteran Foundation Spears-Bunnies x3
--[X] Destroy Invasion Siege Equipment (70% Chance, Cost: 5 Wealth, +0 Leofarinia, -15 Xelma, No Loot)
---[X] Red Knives Bunny-Assassins
---[X] Basic Agents
-[X] Southern Front
--[X] Ambush Convoys (65% Chance, Cost: 1 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -10 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
---[X] Basic Foundation Archers x5
---[X] Basic Foundation Swordsmen x5
--[X] Raid Camps (65% Chance, Cost: 1 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -5 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
---[X] Basic Foundation Archers x2
---[X] Basic Foundation Swordsmen x2
---[X] Basic Foundation Spears-Bunnies x2
---[X] Lesser Divine Flame Elemental
---[X] Copper Polearm Statues
--[X] Eliminate the Reinforcements, Open Field (38% Chance, Cost: 7 Wealth, +15 Leofarinia, -20 Xelma, -20 Xelma (Middle, Change), Lots of Loot)
---[X] Enlightened Torch Dark Elvish Light Mages (Martial, Learning)
---[X] Veteran Foundation Archer-Maxim Group
---[X] Company Van
---[X] War-Sisters of the Mace x2
---[X] Veteran Sunset Phalanx Pike-bunnies
---[X] Veteran Onyx Rabbits Bunny-Halberdiers
---[X] Lesser Shield Angel
---[X] Basic Foundation Spearmen x6
---[X] Veteran Foundation Swordsmen
--[X] Steal Logistics Animals (60% Chance, Cost: 3 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -10 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
---[X] Veteran Agents
---[X] Sniper Agents

I'm investing heavy on eliminating the southern reinforcements. Everything else is all about turning small amounts of wealth into both loot and warfare bonuses.
Total Cost: 24 wealth
Total bonuses: +15/-15 northern front, +10/-45 middle front, +30/-45 southern front; total of +55/-105 (total of 160, or approximately 20/3 warfare improvement points per 1 wealth).
Good plan just 1 thing, I'm not sure if sending snipers to steal animals is the best use for them,
Good plan just 1 thing, I'm not sure if sending snipers to steal animals is the best use for them,
Might not be. They could be a fun and nasty distraction on the one end while the veteran agents go after the animals from the other end. Unless you're saying they should be killing stuff. Which isn't in my budget given the large-ish amount of "actively being annoying and hitting the enemy in the wallet" I'm going for.
Might not be. They could be a fun and nasty distraction on the one end while the veteran agents go after the animals from the other end. Unless you're saying they should be killing stuff. Which isn't in my budget given the large-ish amount of "actively being annoying and hitting the enemy in the wallet" I'm going for.
I mean they should be part of any of the other groups that involve killing, not stealing
I mean they should be part of any of the other groups that involve killing, not stealing
I like them in stealing because they can create a distraction without being in danger; I also don't like the lack of support the Veteran Agents would have without them (unless you'd rather we sent some of the wolves or thorn throwers as a disposable distraction)
I am not closing votes, I am just doing some vote checking.
Adhoc vote count started by dnzrx on Jan 5, 2020 at 4:59 PM, finished with 23 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Plan Efficient Warfare
    -[X]Northern Front
    --[X] Ambush Convoys (65% Chance, Cost: 1 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -5 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
    ---[X] Veteran Storm-Riders Fast Cavalry
    ---[X] Veteran Foundation Archers x2
    ---[X] Veteran Foundation Swordsmen x2
    ---[X] Basic Foundation Spearmen x2
    --[X] Raid Camps (55% Chance, Cost: 1 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -5 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
    ---[X] Veteran Stone-Breaker Berserkers
    ---[X] Veteran Golden Wolves Berserkers
    ---[X] Copper Archer Statues
    ---[X] Veteran Foundation Spearmen x3
    --[X] Steal Logistics Animals (55% Chance, Cost: 3 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -5 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
    ---[X] Basic Agents x2
    ---[X] Company Van
    -[X] Middle Front
    --[X] Ambush Convoys (75% Chance, Cost: 1 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -5 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
    ---[X] Basic Foundation Infantry
    ---[X] Veteran Black Rabbits Bunny-Vanguards x2
    ---[X] Veteran Foundation Spearmen x2
    ---[X] Lesser Divine Water Elemental
    --[X] Raid Camps (65% Chance, Cost: 1 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -5 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
    ---[X] Veteran Blood Dancers Bunny-Berserkers
    ---[X] Copper Lion Statue
    ---[X] Copper Faux-Griffon Statue
    ---[X] Veteran Foundation Spears-Bunnies x3
    --[X] Destroy Invasion Siege Equipment (70% Chance, Cost: 5 Wealth, +0 Leofarinia, -15 Xelma, No Loot)
    ---[X] Red Knives Bunny-Assassins
    ---[X] Basic Agents
    -[X] Southern Front
    --[X] Ambush Convoys (65% Chance, Cost: 1 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -10 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
    ---[X] Basic Foundation Archers x5
    ---[X] Basic Foundation Swordsmen x5
    ---[X] Basic Foundation Archers x2
    ---[X] Basic Foundation Swordsmen x2
    ---[X] Basic Foundation Spears-Bunnies x2
    ---[X] Lesser Divine Flame Elemental
    ---[X] Copper Polearm Statues
    --[X] Eliminate the Reinforcements, Open Field (38% Chance, Cost: 7 Wealth, +15 Leofarinia, -20 Xelma, -20 Xelma (Middle, Change), Lots of Loot)
    ---[X] Enlightened Torch Dark Elvish Light Mages (Martial, Learning)
    ---[X] Veteran Foundation Archer-Maxim Group
    ---[X] War-Sisters of the Mace x2
    ---[X] Veteran Sunset Phalanx Pike-bunnies
    ---[X] Veteran Onyx Rabbits Bunny-Halberdiers
    ---[X] Lesser Shield Angel
    ---[X] Basic Foundation Spearmen x6
    ---[X] Veteran Foundation Swordsmen
    --[X] Steal Logistics Animals (60% Chance, Cost: 3 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -10 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
    ---[X] Veteran Agents
    ---[X] Sniper Agents
    [X] Plan: Going on the Offense
    -[X] Liberate Prisoners (55% Chance, Cost: 1 Wealth, +10 Leofarinia, -2 Xelma, Little Loot)
    -[X] Lifting the Siege of Oldstone (30% Chance, Cost: 7 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -20 Xelma, Lots of Loot)
    -[X] Assassinate Officers (50% Chance, Cost: 5 Wealth, +0 Leofarinia, -9 Xelma, Little Loot)
    -[X] Crush the Xelmian's Middle Front (40% Chance, Cost: 3 Wealth, +0 Leofarinia, -43 Xelma, Lots of Loot)
    -[X] Eliminate the Reinforcements, Open Field (38% Chance, Cost: 7 Wealth, +15 Leofarinia, -20 Xelma, -20 Xelma (Middle, Change), Lots of Loot)
    -[X] Steal Logistics Animals (60% Chance, Cost: 3 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -10 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
    [X] Plan Close the Gaps and the Middle Front
    -[X] Poison/Taint Invasion Food/Water Supplies (70% Chance, Cost: 5 Wealth, +0 Leofarinia, -10 Xelma, No Loot)
    -[X] Destroy Camps (65% Chance, Cost: 2 Wealth, +0 Leofarinia, -10 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
    -[X] Raid Camps (65% Chance, Cost: 1 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -5 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
    -[X] Ambush Convoys (75% Chance, Cost: 1 Wealth, +5 Leofarinia, -5 Xelma, Moderate Loot)
    -[X] Destroy Invasion Siege Equipment (70% Chance, Cost: 5 Wealth, +0 Leofarinia, -15 Xelma, No Loot)
    -[X] Release Logistics Animals (70% Chance, Cost: 3 Wealth, +0 Leofarinia, -10 Xelma, No Loot)
    -[X] Kill Logistics Animals (70% Chance, Cost: 3 Wealth, +0 Leofarinia, -10 Xelma, No Loot)
    -[X] Kill Logistics Animals (65% Chance, Cost: 3 Wealth, +0 Leofarinia, -15 Xelma, No Loot)
    -[X] Release Logistics Animals (65% Chance, Cost: 3 Wealth, +0 Leofarinia, -15 Xelma, No Loot)
Oh, dumb question, @dnzrx , is a troop breakdown like the one in my plan useful or too micromanage-y?