Dethroning The Old Death (A Riot Quest)(ALWAYS RECRUITING)

When your God fully forms, how should I determine their actions?

  • NPC Ally

    Votes: 28 65.1%
  • Quest Protagonist (players vote on deity's actions in addition to Riot Actions)

    Votes: 15 34.9%

  • Total voters
[X] Spread Scripture
-[X] Mercy of the dead

I am going to be a filthy contrarian because I see most folks do the same thing.
And i think I am going to try and give Morth some of that Mercy
She needs that
This is important god nutrients
So she can be a good death goddess.
I mean yeah, fair.

On an unrelated sidenote, @I just write , given that I've written a vignette for the badger building business (and oh, lads, I think the endless matron has a new animal association coming on!), can I write another one for the action Danaal's actually involved with, or is it one vignette per turn?
Adhoc vote count started by BadAtScreenNames on Apr 24, 2019 at 9:59 AM, finished with 80 posts and 18 votes.
VIGNETTE: The Life of the Party
Cool. Vignette for missionary training!

The Life of the Party

It's late. Past her bedtime. But Jem's not in bed, tonight; instead, she's hiding behind the make-shift tent where her father and the others are preaching. It sounds like an argument, but the wind's too strong. It keeps snatching away their words before she can make them out properly. She dithers. Decides. Presses an ear against the wall of the tent.

"...too restrictive," someone's saying. "The more dogmatic we make it, the harder they'll find it to adapt."

"The more they adapt," says someone else, growling with frustration, "the further away they'll go from the scriptures. The further away they go from the scriptures, the more likely Morth is to fracture before she even wakes up."

"That won't be a problem if all our bloody missionaries are stuck repeating the same bloody lines over and over to bored crowds." Her father's voice. Jem fights down a teenager's automatic grimace of distaste and keeps listening. "They believe themselves already. They wouldn't be here if they didn't. And we're far too early to worry about fracturing."

"So what do you propose?"

"We teach them the scriptures in their barest forms. Then we teach them some basic oration skills- enough to tell a good story. Then we send them out. We're popular right now because of the festival- because we're fun. Lean into that. Let them be entertainers, charmers-"

"-wastrels, indigents-"

"You'd turn our priesthood into bards and street whores at best, Danaal-"

"Oh, hush!"

"We need the rich. The powerful. We don't get their patronage by wandering the wilderness playing songs."

There's a tone in her father's voice when he speaks next. Jem knows it well. He's grinning that sardonic little grin.

"Wandering the wilderness playing songs attracted most of those worshippers we have today. That and making paper lanterns, putting on plays and telling stories. Even the rich and powerful like to watch a show."

There's a pause. Her father seizes on it.

"The honourable Mr Baxter can teach them a few chords on the mandolin, and how to sing a song without souring milk. I'll focus on how to tell a tale. The rest of you get to pick scriptures that suit, and give them those. And people will come, because music and stories are excellent ways to pass the time, beaten only by alehouses and, as you so charmingly pointed out, street whores. We'll get every bastard with a few hours to waste that you can think of."

Jem listens, as the others talk and argue. They seem to come around. It's only when they've agreed that she darts away back to her bed. In her little heart, a seed has been born. Tomorrow, she'll ask Jake to teach her a few chords.
This quest is so cool it inspired me to write me own stealing some of the broad stroke mechanics.
Please limit it to a reasonable paragraph in length.
I was actually asking how little I could get away with, rather than how much... But okay!
Player: Bdun140
Name: Jedediah Baard
Description: An older, bearded human man of fair skin and stout build.
Backstory: He has lived in this land for all his life, and he has witnessed firsthand far too many times the cruelty of the so-called death god. The idea of his bright and cheerful son being tormented by Zerrakh is one that has weighed upon him for years, and the notion of the lad being granted a peaceful rest is very appealing indeed. Thus, he has thrown his lot in with the new cult in town, daring to hope for the first time in a while now.
Stats: Preaching 2, Subersion 2, Administration 1
Skill Tags: [I_KNOW_SOME_GUYS] Being a local, he has knowledge of the local flavors and characters. Look hard enough, he can find someone who owes him a favor or two... (very weak bonus, but applies to a wide assortment of tasks related to everything except Mysticism)
And for my action, if it's not too late, I would like to:
[X] Liaise With Authorities.
Can I just... Join? Should I write up a short backstory for my guy or something?
If I can just join, @I just write, here is my proposed charactersheet

Player: @Rockeye
Name: Terence Miller
Description: A relatively new arrival in town who visited family during a vacation from some big university and never left, Terence is a slightly pudgy beastkin who hides dog ears with a ratty old bowler hat and always wears long sleeves and gloves. He walks, talks, and moves hesitantly, expression always twisted with worry over something or other. Brass glasses and a pocket-watch are his only concessions to luxury.

Backstory: Terence was a bright mind even as a teen, but anxious and uncertain and shy. He was afraid of people - afraid they wouldn't like him, or that they'd betray him, or that he wasn't interesting enough. His parents scraped up enough money to send him off to a university, as long as he got a job once there. He took to the mechanical side of things with aplomb - in mathematics and mechanical science, you could arrive at a sure answer. Unlike when talking to other people. When his father died, Terence was devastated. The specter of Zerrakh is terrifying and merciless, and the worry not to be too smart in case the god of death notices is just... Obscene. And then he overheard a plan to build a new god of death...

Stats: Preaching 0, Mysticism 0, Subversion 2, Administration 3

Skill Tags: [HALF_AN_ENGINEER]. Bonus to acquiring, making, or fixing instruments of science and industry due to a partially completed technical education and an affinity for hard sciences and definite answers.
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If I can just join, @I just write, here is my proposed charactersheet

Character Sheet Template (including the sections in parentheses is a no-no)
Player: @Rockeye
Name: Terence Miller
A relatively new arrival in town who visited family after a death and never left, Terence is a slightly pudgy and short beastkin who hides dog ears with a ratty old bowler hat always wears long sleeves and gloves. He walks, talks, and moves hesitantly, expression always twisted with worry over something or other. Brass glasses and a pocket-watch are his only concessions to luxury.
Terence was a bright mind even as a teen, but anxious and uncertain and shy. He was afraid of people - afraid they wouldn't like him, or that they'd betray him, or that he wasn't interesting enough. His parents scraped up enough money to send him off to a university, as long as he got a job once there. He took to the mechanical side of things with aplobm - in mathematics and mechanical science, you could arrive at a sure answer. Unlike when talking to other people. When his father died, Terence was devastated. Zerrakh is terrifying and merciless, and the worry not to be too smart in case the god of death notices and snuffs him out is just... Obscene. And then he overheard a conversation about building a new god of death...
Stats: Preaching 0, Mysticism 0, Subversion 0, Administration 0 (Administration if we start with some?)
Skill Tags: (unless I Just Write makes these) [HALF_AN_ENGINEER]. Bonus to acquiring, making, or fixing basic/simple instruments of science and industry due to a partially completed technical education.
You make your own character sheet. Remember to add your 5 starting stats. Look under roster in the first post for more details.
OK, I added 5 starting stats and edited.

And I would like to help organize the front. A badger training facility, as absurd an idea as that is, should have functional and well-maintained training equipment. Adding his old university's name to the venture can't hurt either (flavor text). And perhaps cage doors one can open from the other side of a nice solid window so he doesn't need to get too near the teeth...

[x] Acquire/Make Equipment
-[x] Mundane
--[x] Badger Training Facility
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Action 1: Train Missionaries
@wrecksalot @djehuty3 @JbeJ275 @always_confused @Ardent_Dreamer @Zedalb

Action 2: Develop Mask of Subversion
@paradoxdragon @HammeredApple @FatedBread @Mr BreaksIt

Action 3: Develop Soul Fortification potion
@The Froggy Ninja @ConfusedPotato @trekbook

Action 4: Establish Badger Training Facility
@Nedben @Aeternus @Rockeye

Action 5: Recruit Followers
@Drepson @theflyingbiscuit

Action 6: Liaise With Authorities

Action 7: Spread Scripture: Mercy of the dead
@Lizard Knight
Adhoc vote count started by theflyingbiscuit on May 5, 2019 at 12:02 PM, finished with 97 posts and 20 votes.
We Just Write threw 7 100-faced dice. Reason: Actions Total: 426
73 73 87 87 26 26 62 62 26 26 78 78 74 74
We Just Write threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Events Total: 91
78 78 13 13
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