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  • You're good at LOTR stuff.
    Thanks. Tolkien is one of the writers I come back too most often for fanfics and ideas.
    Do you mind if I were to ask you for your opinion on things from the First Age through PM?
    No problem
    I am considering an omake in Respect your Elders, and having considered the ideals, similarities, and hints, was wondering if you minded if I made use of the elements you utilize in the design of Yakeen?
    Hey ganonso I was wondering how your combat score worked for the ck2 quests? I was wondering if I could use that myself for a lotr riot/council quest on spacebattles as well?

    BTW big fan of your ck2 quests.
    It's added to the roll in combat. By instance an unit with 30 combat score rolling a 70 will have a score of 30+70: 100. I find it useful in Warhammer where every unit has some kind of advantage or special rule.
    Thank you for getting back to me. If it's acceptable by you I'd like to use this with some minor additions for my own quest.
    Go ahead.
    Works like Return of the Golden Age really ignite the interest in Tomb Kings and fantasy Ancient Egypt. Thank you.
    I'm part of a group planning a GSRP, and I was wondering if I could use the Sauron-ruled and corrupted Númenor in The Darkest Time as a "bad guy" faction in it.
    If you don't mind, your handling of WHF and LOTR quests have led me to invite you into a Conversation regarding a potential crossover. I'll be greatly pleased if you're willing to offer your wisdom and advice!
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