
For fanfiction related to the webnovel Worm and the Parahumans series by Wildbow.


Yay, another Tinker of Fiction! It's like we don't have enough of these stories, right? I'll tell you I put a little twist into the story, will that pique your interest? I have a Plan, now on Sufficient Velocity
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Taylor Hebert always dreamt of becoming a parahuman, of fighting villains and delivering justice. Winslow robbed her of innocence, and joy, and shits to give. And finding a clunky piece of junk in an alley way hadn't changed that. Everyone in Brockton Bay collectively shivered.
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Taylor failed to Trigger in the locker. Her life had become a hell until the day the Simurgh attacked. Thrown into an unknowable future Taylor is forced to confront horrors beyond human understanding. Gods will be forced to move as the very multiverse trembles.
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Hey Everyone, If you are reading this, you may know that I have been writing fanfiction. And...
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Hello! I'm crossposting this from Spacebattles to see what a different audience makes of it. It's going to be as close to the original formatting as I can get it, and I'll be bringing over the character sheets for original Servants. It started as an Endbringer type thing that summoned Servants, but spun far out beyond that. There's tweaking and playing with a lot of worldbuilding elements for both 'verses. Oh, also there will be queer romances because with casts full of canon queer...
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Ever since I could read with any level of comprehension, I would pour myself into the world of...
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