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Quests Archive

This is a quiet place.


Name: Keldin Gender: Male Archetype: Scientist Pilot Human Origin: Planet Earth Class: 1...
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Welcome to Sail the Solar Wind Quest, an episodic soft-SF spaceship adventure simulator based on a horrifying amalgamation of TRPG, RPG, and Quest mechanics. What to expect: Starship captains shouting "Fire everything!" as they pound on the arm of a command chair; A band of plucky lieutenants finding more trouble than they bargained for on shore leave; Highly placed command staff engaging in hand-to-hand combat despite all reasonable expectations; Insubordination; Fraternization; Treason...
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Your name is Alicia Washington. You are under psychic attack. You are a retired Drop Commando of...
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Summary When a notorious pirate’s illegal robot foster-daughter gets arrested for shoplifting...
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It Is Done. With those words, the Millenial Kingdom came to an end, the New Earth and the New...
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The Howes-Jones Alcubierre Drive. Like most era changing devices, it’s principles had been...
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KNIGHTS OF INSURRECTION RULES AND KEY INFO [slide] [slide] [slide] [slide] [slide]...
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In a scintillating flash of eye-searing lightning, the blow was struck, and before the...
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Ebon Tokyo Quest ... When an eldritch abomination from another reality broke into the material...
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- The Fall of Drinvale, Capital of the Scarlet Union A dark day has befallen all of Creation...
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Intro theme You are Sonam Philips, leader of a crew of pirates. You ply the starlanes between...
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x-post from spacebattles. I'm new at this so if anybody has any suggestions- Like if I should...
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The Galaxy The year is currently 547 of the Magitech era in the divided galaxy of Argonda...
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The world is unknown… Despite had living in this world for a long time, we still don’t know...
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"It worked! My time machine worked!" I can't keep myself from saying out loud. Hah, this'll show...
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The world is sick. The world is very sick, if not outright dying. Reality is broken, giving...
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Slamming the ringing alarm clock, you drag yourself out of bed with an irate growl. Mondays are...
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"Urrgh" You wake up with a splitting headache. That's not strange, you do distinctly remember...
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Tower of God: The Great Journey The world you know is dark. They say that once, there was a...
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“Wake up, soldier! We are under atta-!” “They are everywhere, they are fucking everywh-.”...
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In a boxed canyon sits a small village. To either side of the canyon were vast empires on the...
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Once your ancestors sailed the stars, travelling out from a solitary world to fill up the skies...
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Earth is suffering from severe overpopulation and the walls between dimensions themselves are...
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1. Whispers A whisper echoed through space. Mere months earlier it was a rumour of something...
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You are a Paladin of the Light! This weirdo spirit or wizard (some figure in robes, you've never...
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A bright light streaks across darkness. A crack of thunder booms in the void. Fire burns in...
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Well, this is new. No, don't bother getting up off my floor, and don't ask how you are on the...
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Description of Doomlights (Rant Warning): A Doomlight is kind of a brain child between Green...
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