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Quests Archive

This is a quiet place.


It is the 42nd Millennium and the Imperium is on its last legs. In this dark scenario, decide the fate of a minor Xenos civilisation with significant latent power, as they become a cosmopolitical entity and attempt to shine a ray of light into the dark morass around them.
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Guide a new, unique people along a path to either prosperity or extinction in a world constantly teetering on the brink.
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As the first cultivator on your home, lead your people through world ending disasters and into a new down. Advance yourself and your civilization from your humble beginning into the distant stars.
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The people escaped a dying world and now find themselves in a new land of magic and wonder. Guide the development of their civilization as they discover more about the world, and their own values.
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Conquer the stars, swords in hands, as a magical empire with bronze age technologies.
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This is the time before the dungeons, before mortals made swords or learned the power of magic. From a weak tribe, create a civilzation, one strong enought to left ruins to be delved by adventurers in the millenia to come. You are nothing, become the equal of Netheril.
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Step up a notch as a time traveller and collectively assimilate into the Serentian chronorepublic. Enlist and be enlisted by your fellow time travellers in their journey for stability or advancement. Impose your will on the fates of hapless locals. Wrestle with bizarre new threats. Leave your history behind and make your preparations to take it one notch further into godhood, or take your historyline into godhood with you. A nation quest where the nation is one person: you.
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Warhammer Fantasy CK2-style experience where you are a greenskin on a mission from God(s); build a proper greenskin city. How and where seems to be up to you, but failure will be harshly punished.
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Victoria Falls The world wakes from a fever dream into a nightmare. Try to find your feet in a devastated North America and find a way to end the dream for good.
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Step into the vast and terrifying unknown as a minor alien civilization, and attempt to survive the flames engulfing the galaxy.
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The Shadow of the One Year War is cast across the Solar System... Will we survive the challenge or will we fall as so many others?
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Experience what does it felt like to become a being who is Divine. Take part in the survival of a Fantasy World that is constantly being contested. A care taker or a destroyer? Will you be leading the charge or are you just along for the ride? As a Deity, all you need to do is to will your very vision into reality.
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Join a cast of truly unremarkable and insane people as they try to carve a nation in space...and between the Space Pirates, Corrupt Government Officials, Zeon, the very notion of the very colony you live in killing you, Gundams and CHAR!! They have there work cut out for them. Join us and leave notions of Good Men at the door, Its the Universal Century...good men don't last long. Prove them all wrong.
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It is the final days of the Goden Age of Technology. Warp Storms ravage logistics and worlds alike, rendering interstellar travel fraught with strife. The Men of Iron rage against their creators, brought low by a disease of the mind. Strange and abnormal humans have begun appearing babbling and whimpering at the storm of shrieking pressed hot against their minds, against their very souls. Even the stars in the sky are disappearing from a malignant race delighting in watching Humanity's fall...
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The Lands of Mahad, some claim it the center of the world, others a battlefield where only the strongest may survive. It is your duty to establish a kingdom here, in this land of monsters and those who control them. Recruit companions both man and monster. Manage alliances and rivalries. Battle for supremacy, earn the loyalty and affection of your followers. See what awaits you in Yu-Gi-Oh Unbound Kingdom
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The Adverse cannot be stopped!! So yeah, the Universe took that as a challenge and threw a supernova at them and they nearly died...but you're not here for the story of how they lived through that no... you're here for the mess that they got thrown into. Join our merry culture/subspecies of Deathworlders as they try to survive the Madness that is the Star Wars Galaxy.
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My first quest, I'll be honest with you don't expect this to be any good. I don't know what most of these buttons or other such things are for and this whole thing will be held together with duck-tape. I'm just doing this because it's fun! As such I have no real obligation to keep it up should it stop being fun, I'm a college student and I have better things to do then sit in my room writing what's essentially far cry fanfiction...yet nevertheless I find myself here. If you want to help...
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Halcyon's luck finally ran out, after having avoided the worse of the rest of Human idiocy, its lack of care has caused Halcyon to have a little bit of a rebellion problem. Don't worry your not them your the Rebels... In a decaying Colony slowly falling into complete collapse...when is the magic problem solver person gonna show up? Never mind that, do what you can on your end and try to help by being, whatever you plan on doing....and try not to break Halcyon guys...we need a home when...
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A Star Wars Faction Quest, my first attempt at a Quest fanfic for that matter.
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An ancient artificial intelligence from humanity's distant past awakens in the world of pokemon, changing the future forever. Inspired by Ithillid's "Attempting to Fulfill the Plan: GDI Edition" and The Bird's "Into that Vast and Unrelenting Darkness."
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Guide the seed of a new civilization in a post-apocalyptic galaxy where magic and science are two sides of the same coin.
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Hello this is my first attempt at a quest, I am big fan of rolling dice, Stellaris, and Civ builder RPGS. Thus we have this quest. You are a Hive mind based civilization based in the Stellaris universe. There will be no crisis' yet and there may be mod lore and fanon lore added to this quest as it progresses. Description will be updated when I have time
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After summer, winter; after winter, spring.
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Play as a minor godling of a small tribe that has just become sedentary. Expand your own might and influence, and guide your people to greatness.
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At the dawn of everything, a new society begins to arise.
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Guide a stranded Tyranid Hive and its lone Hive Tyrant to survival and maybe even victory
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A narrative focused quest about an orc civilization in a not-Tolkien world after the Dark Lord is defeated.
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New ideas. New information. New rules. New edition. Follow the growth of people and culture through time and space, starting with a pre-agricultural village in the Neolithic.
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A kobold adventure in rebuilding civilization after the death of the last dragon.
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